foreign [Music] blessings to you we're entering into day four welcome back as you know we're dealing with meditation and life's challenges in the human Incarnation there are challenges that we have on a regular basis and remember the challenges allow us to activate gifts within us that allow us to become more yet never last in our true self and sometimes the challenges are a reflection of blind spots within us that we actually need to work on to transmute and transcend so that more of us is being revealed what do I mean by more of us there
is an authentic being that is timeless and dimensionless shot from eternity it's pure awareness it's what you are and so this movement these days that we have together contemplating the truth contemplating reality is about becoming more aware that we are awareness itself and as we become more and more aware we increase our capacity to choose choice is a function of expanded awareness reaction is a function of limited awareness today we want to deal with loneliness loneliness oftentimes people want companionship they want to be around people to oftentimes cover up a feeling of lack a feeling
of insecurity imaginary whole within themselves and during these times where we have social media and we have individuals gaining a sense of self-worth or self-esteem based on likes based on people flooding themselves to their particular media post and we're living in you know we're living in a society as I like to say in which a wisdom transformational knowledge has been replaced by celebrity the sense of loneliness is becoming increasingly something to deal with for young people and older people alike now loneliness is is abated when we are able to like ourselves when we're by ourselves
the idea is if you can't like yourself when you're by yourself you're going to be trouble with when you're with other people you're going to use other people to build yourself up you're going to stalk people perhaps you're going to become addicted to people being around you all the time to cover up the feeling of inadequacy that's within you me I love being alone I love people I'm a public person I'm around people a lot but I love being alone now what happens is when you start to appreciate who you are while you're alone you
come out of what is called interactive thinking interactive thinking or all those thought forms in which you are perhaps beating yourself up perhaps comparing yourself to other people perhaps having a level of jealousy or Envy about what other people have things of that particular nature those are interactive thoughts when you begin to fall in love with yourself while you're by yourself interactive thoughts decrease and inspirational thoughts increase thoughts of coherence around the fundamental nature of reality and the fundamental nature of who and what you really are and so you want to become aware that when
you're craving company you're craving to be with someone you're craving to be in a crowd you have to go underneath that and see what's driving that if you expand your awareness and be still for a moment and look to see what that's all about you might see that you just don't want to sit by yourself because you have these interactive thoughts about how you're not worthy interactive thoughts about how you're not enough interactive thoughts about maybe you're not liked things of that particular nature now remember when we began this I defined meditation as paying undistractable
attention to reality and I said that reality is with a capital R it is not your perception of reality is that which is real now what's real about you what's real about you is that you're shot from eternity you're a Timeless being without any original sin any original flaw that there's something about you that has come to shine and to radiate something about you that you've come to give and share with the world that's what's real and if you sit with yourself long enough and go underneath the interactive thoughts of you're not good enough the
interactive thoughts of comparing yourself to others the interactive thoughts about what you don't have you will bump into you you'll bump into your authentic nature that needs nothing from anyone else to bolster yourself up nothing from winning anyone else to cover the imaginary whole you'll be okay with you now how does that play out in the world when you are okay with you when you go into the world of Fellowship when you go into the world of company you're not trying to get anything from anyone you're not trying to use someone else to make you
feel better you're walking in the world feeling all right about yourself you're aware that you have blind spots you are aware that there's areas that you have to grow yes but you're not seeking to cover that up by company loud noise things of that particular nature in other words there are two kinds of Sleepwalkers they're those who are sleepwalking and they don't know they're sleepwalking and so they they become very destructive in the world narcissistic a tremendous ego and then there are individuals that are sleepwalking but they know they're sleepwalking you're in this class you
know at some level you're sleepwalking so you're working upon yourself you're going into meditation you're going into contemplation you're going into introspection so that you can become aware of the blind spots but then open yourself up to the depth of your being expand your awareness so you can choose a different way of being in the world so loneliness is something that's really up right now in our world as I indicated already with the Advent of social media the Advent of people comparing themselves the Advent of people building up their esteem based on how many followers
they have and and such has really exacerbated that whole sense of of loneliness the idea we want to be all right with ourselves while we are by ourselves so what do you want to do you don't want to rush out into the world you want to learn to be still you want to learn to be quiet you want to learn to be by yourself for periods of time so that you can notice two things one you'll notice the thought forms of inadequacy the thought forms where you feel separate from your good the thought forms where
you feel not enough and as you are aware of those thought forms they begin to speed up based on your awareness they begin to be transmuted and then you can begin to discover that there is something about you that's real and authentic something about you that's all right and as you sit with your all rightness for a period of time and this all rightness is not based on on accomplishment the sense of all rightness is not based on you getting an award or being rewarded for something it's not building up that part of you your
sense of all rightness is coming from your intrinsic nature who you are what you are who you are is an emanation of the only life that there is a distinct individualized expression of pure awareness what you are is this life force itself it's the power of life itself if you sit with yourself long enough you'll come to that awareness and then you can have company you can be good company you can have companionship you won't be like individuals who are in a crowd but feeling alone because they're interactive thinking about not enoughness is covering up
their perception nor will you be the individual who's by themselves feeling lonely and needing company no you have the capacity to be by yourself and be all right and you'll have the capacity to be with others and be all right that's what you want it begins with the level of practice introspection until you have transfection you go beyond your perception of other into an awareness of your Oneness with life itself loneliness will dissolve have a rich day foreign as you remember there's theory in this practice the theory is everything that I just said about loneliness
and how to Abate it the practice is actually meditation remembering we're using introspective contemplative meditation for the challenges that we're facing the challenge today is loneliness and one of the things I said to you is that you have to like yourself when you're by yourself in order to be with the public when you like yourself when you're by yourself when you're with others that's called Fellowship that's called communion with high-minded people it's not just company for company's sake you could even be with other individuals in the silence you don't even have to talk because you're
comfortable with yourself it's turned within and begin remember as we've been doing for the last three days you're settling your feet are placed on the ground your back is straight it's a wreck but it's not rigid the closing the outer eye perhaps you're squeezing your shoulders up to your ears and just letting go let's do that two more times squeezing your shoulders up to your ear breath squeeze ah they go this one you're going to breathe a sigh of relief like you have arrived where you've always wanted to be breathe in squeeze tighten release ah
this is where we want to be we're not longing for the good old days in the past we're not running towards the future we're right here we're right now we're right where our body is and what is our body doing the body Temple is breathing in breath out breath you're sitting with it there's no future breath here there's no past breath here this breath is presently happening becoming a a gateway to the Timeless Eternal now the outer eye is closed and you're becoming more and more comfortable with being right here right now this exercise the
use of your imagination for a moment just imagine you're sitting in your house you're by yourself and notice the thought forms that start to emerge your thought forms you normally have are those thought forms thought forms of I want company I like to be around some people I don't feel comfortable being here by myself I'm lonely without judgment or censorship you just just notice what arises when you're by yourself and if in fact there are thoughts that begin to emerge of oh I wish somebody would come over and visit me I need to call somebody
on the phone I need to go out give yourself permission to notice what's underneath that is it a question for companionship because you don't want to be by yourself is it not feeling good about yourself in some area of your life is it using someone else to keep you from feeling the emotional whole that's absolutely imaginary within yourself the sense of not enoughness this is just an awareness exercise no judgment no shame no blame you're just noticing the thoughts that are underneath that as you're noticing these thoughts heretofore you may have wanted to act upon
them call someone on the phone run out and be with somebody in order to alleviate these thoughts but now that you are becoming more aware of them you're giving yourself permission to just sit and be aware of those thought forms they are not the truth of you they have emerged from experience in time but they have not emerged from the eternal timeless they are temporary and you are waking up and becoming aware that those are thought forms swimming in your consciousness but they're not you so this first moment just aware of what comes up when
you see yourself in a room by yourself what do you say to yourself not enough I wish I had more friends I need to call somebody just awareness just watch now be aware that those thought forms are in your awareness they are not you they're floating in the sea of your awareness you are awareness you are choosing to be aware of those thoughts and you're choosing to no longer identify with those thoughts as your identity they are temporary thought forms stage one be aware of the thought forms when you are alone now stage two give
yourself permission to bring into your awareness a moment in your life where you felt good about yourself you may have been in the bath of the forest looking at the beach looking into the eyes of someone that see you perhaps caught up in a revelry of poetry or just a moment of coherence just become aware of a moment where you felt all right about yourself the Genesis of this moment of you feeling all right about yourself it may have come from something good that happened something you perceived as good but right now I just want
you to be aware of how you feel about yourself the feeling of hmm I'm all right the feeling of hmm there's nothing really wrong with me the feeling of there's so much life here now allow the seeming external impetus of that feeling to dissolve but stay with the feeling it's a feeling tone of I'm all right think good about me I'm all right come with me right into that feeling tone right now and begin to notice in this awareness you don't need an external stimulus to feel good about you this feeling tone is an extension
of your real nature is an extension of Who You Are you're giving yourself permission to stabilize this awareness but I want you to do it this moment is to place your attention on the feeling tone of you're all right say inside of your own awareness I'm all right with me I'm all right with me something about me that's all right just sit with that for a few seconds as you like yourself when you're by yourself you'll like yourself when you're with others but you will not depend upon others to make you feel good about you
you're becoming empowered you're becoming the authority over your own awareness you're becoming free liberated the thought forms lack not enoughness that may have been exacerbated by comparison social media celebrity being important they're now fading you're placing your attention on the truth that you're all right I want you to tape her take a deep inhalation release another deep inhalation release another deep inhalation suspended at the Apex do not let the air out but catch the feeling tone that you're all right by yourself now release we're allowing our nervous system to catch up with our inner declaration
as you sustain that breath your nervous system is catching the thought form that you're all right whether you're by yourself or whether you're with others the sense of loneliness is dissolving into or one alone all one I'm one with life I'm one with my real essence this is a practice until you can be by yourself and you can be with others stay with it you're just another moment just another moment with me right here so here's a reminder of the practice you sit you imagine you're in a room by yourself you notice the thought forms
that are emerging thought forms of perhaps of loneliness not enoughness needing someone to fill in the imaginary whole of some original flaw you have awareness without judgment your awareness itself starts to disintegrate those thought forms and then you become aware of a moment in which you felt all right about you that moment may have had its Genesis in an external something but you go to the feeling of it regardless of where it came from and here we sit with this I'm all right with every breath it expands we become integrated with it we walk with
it until ultimately we can be by ourselves and like ourselves we can be with others and like ourselves we don't have to have likes to like ourselves we don't have to have other people's approval to like ourselves we're back at the beginning pure awareness we're all right slowly open your eyes feel that you're all right as you walk into the world just become aware that you are aware and come back to this practice frequently until you're integrated into the awareness that you are right why because you are have a bright day