I'll go back to your lecture and you talked about compassion of recognition compassion of understanding compassion of Truth find it in ourselves first so I'm going to ask a very difficult one yeah we're approaching October 7th what what what what we are approaching October 7th yeah when the horrible Massacre happened in Israel yeah where young children were murdered burnt babies in ovens there that didn't happen there were no babies in ovens oh yes there no there weren't that's been refuted even by the Israelis there were no there weren't there were there were no babies in
ovens well but but but let's agree hold on let's agree on what we do agree on okay a horrible Massacre happened people were killed in their homes civilian hold on second raped stay with look let's agree that was bad enough without adding stuff to it okay now I'm telling you there's been no evidence of mass deliberate rapes no such evidence gosh I'm sorry there's no such evidence oh yes of course there was no there isn't there there woman in the United Nation came to Israel and did the research and brought those evidence to the nation
I'll let you I'll let you finish your question my question is how do I find compassion for these people which people the animals that did that the animals that did that I get your point of view okay in your point of view everything you read actually happened the way you've read it hold on a second I'm telling you what I understand your point of view to is there was mass rapes children beheaded put into ovens so on okay now objectively I'm telling you I looked at all the evidence I could there were horrible massacres let's
agree on that okay there were hostages including young children and elderly people civilians that should never have been captured that were taken into captivity let's agree on that okay on the specific issues of babies in ovens and mass rapes you and I are not going to agree cuz I looked at evidence that you haven't looked at but hold on a second let's just so let's just agree on what we do agree on okay and then let's take your question how do we have compassion for these animals well I'm not getting into a big political rant
here but I'll tell you what I think very quickly okay if I saw the world from the perspective that you see the world from I would 100% agree with you but that's not how I see the world that's not how I see the world number [Applause] one number two I've been to Palestine two and a half years ago I went there to work with Palestinian women who have been tortured in Israeli jails which has been documented by Israeli Physicians for human rights by bet salum the the Israeli human rights organization by United Nations and others
nobody ever talks about the thousands of Palestinians did you know that two Palestinian doctors were tortured to death recently by Israel doctors tortured to death now my question to you is and and I'm not going to go into the history this is not the place for it but I have a different view of the history I used to see it the way you do I don't anymore I'm not going to I'm not going to go into I do see the history cuz this is not the just just let me finish honest to God I'll let
I'll let I'll give you the last word I promise you I do promise to get there okay history did not begin on October the 7th and and here's what I know most of my fellow Jews now in Canada you know I mention the residential schools in Canada four years ago there was a poll a national poll now thousands of children died in those schools people were tortured raped all kinds of stuff not even controversial there was a poll in Canada 70% of Canadians four years ago said they knew nothing or little about their residential schools
70% of Canadians knew nothing or little about their residential schools but what happened to indigenous people if you do a poll in the United States based on all the Hollywood movies that people have seen until very few years ago and even now and most people will know nothing about what happened to the indigenous people here nothing the genocide the torture the rape the starvation they know nothing about it and in some states in United States it's illegal to even to teach it in the schools now do you think the aish Jew knows anything about the
indigenous people of Palestine now no just a second just a second so these animals that you talk about you know the first massacre of Palestinians in Gaza didn't happen last year didn't even happen four or five years ago when they killed hundreds of children with their bombs it happened in 1956 just let me second it just a second in in 1956 they massacred 200 civilians do you know about it do you know about it you've never heard of it of course you haven't heard of it that's why you can call them animals otherwise you'd see
them like human beings like the rest of us anyway I'm done go ahead yeah so human beings can murder and rape and name and cut breasts of women that's okay no it's not okay well that's that's the message you're giving did I say it was okay that's the message you're giving that's the clocks I'm how many how many have you heard me say that it's okay to rape and kill people raise your hands you're I will finish with one thing by the way a Nova by the way how do how do you feel about how
do you feel about the the the rapes of Palestinian women by the Israeli Army in 1948 that's a false no it's not yes it is no it's not you know you know what you want to believe me read the Israeli historians well our opinions I Liv it no no I can give I live it I I can give you the Nam let me tell you one thing in United States we teach kids I'm sorry you will let me finish in United States we teach kids how to be in BM in in fire alarm okay I'm
done this is now this is what happens people is you and I don't live in the same world but let me tell you one thing this is not about you and I okay there was a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust called Edith Edgar have you ever heard of her okay she's a therapist here in California she was on the same train to aritz as my grandparents okay no no okay I'm talking I'm telling you something now okay I'm not debating with you anymore you and I don't live in the same world we don't you're a
good person good heart we don't live in the same world just let me finish Edith was in the same train to our shoes as my grandparents her parents were on the same train my grandparents didn't survive she didn't her parents didn't survive either she did and at some point in her book called The Choice which is worth reading she goes back to um burkhoff I think which is Hitler's lair in the Bavarian Alps and she goes back there to forgive Hitler okay and she says not because it's okay what Hitler did but because I didn't
want to keep him prisoned in my heart anymore so I'm not here to preach forgiveness but I'm telling you that place where we call other people animals if you want to live there that's your choice I don't want to live there I want to understand people I want to understand what happened to them I want to know why they behave the way they behave I'm not into justifying taking civilian hostages I said that was unjustifiable why you didn't hear me I don't know I said there were massacres that shouldn't have happen why you didn't hear
me I don't know you know why you didn't hear me because you live in a bubble that's why anyway all right other questions over here gabber anybody by the way wants to know about my visit to the occupied territories there's a film online you can watch called where the olive trees weep watch it gor over here gor I'm over here over on this side sorry where are you yeah I'm here hi Amy hi uh being a heer let me just say this is difficult this is really difficult it's difficult because this debate has been going
on in the jewi community for over 100 years now not that you know that but it has been going for 100 years it's going on especially right now and you can see how whether I'm right whether my friend here is right whether neither of us are right just how big the feelings are and it's even for people of good will like you and I and I know you respect me you wouldn't be here otherwise you know it's so difficult to communicate it's so difficult I need to say something I apologize to you okay you're asking
a question and I allowed myself to get triggered and get into an argument with you so I apologize to all of you it's an example um it's an issue I lived with all my life I used to believe as this lady does I don't anymore but I have tremendously strong feelings about it no excuse me let me just talk now okay no now all I'm saying is the proper response to your question would have been I understand where you're coming from but this is not the place for me to address that issue that's what I
should have said okay and uh nothing you said explains my own emotion reaction that's totally my own responsibility okay