How To Unf*ck Your Life In 3-6 Months

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Dan Koe
When you become brutally aware of what you don't want it's easier to pursue what you want. ––– Kort...
Video Transcript:
you're in this situation because you got distracted you lost the battle you gave up your dreams and sought Security in someone else's you didn't pay attention to the path you were on you went to school got the job and now what the only thing that occupies your mind are the bills that need to be paid the work you don't care to do the student loans that got pushed under the rug and are stacking up how you don't have the time or energy to be healthy to start the business to give life your all those thoughts
split into a thousand more walking you in to a narrow-minded state of stress and Survival Life loses its zest days become robotic opportunities become scarce the first step out is to become disgusted with how far you've dug yourself in I want you to become brutally aware of two things one what you don't want and two where you will be if you keep taking the same actions all you need to do is observe the masses and see where mindless action leads because it's not pretty you can observe these people in your daily life when you're out
on a walk or when you're out at the grocery store or when you're on school campus or when you're at work there is plenty of opportunity to observe what you don't want in life so that you can move in the opposite direction now I want you to sit with your thoughts here because it's easier to know what you don't want from direct experience than it is to know what you want from your imagination so we're going to create an an antiv vision for your future sit with a notebook and get specific write out every single
thing that you don't want and why you should feel uncomfortable now use that potent negative energy to slingshot in the opposite direction commit that it will never happen again laser in on one meaningful goal and if your friends and family don't think you can achieve that goal even better now in that same notebook where you wrote out everything that you don't want out of life with this negative energy Brewing inside of you take out your pen and right now write out exactly what you are going to do to achieve the meaningful goal that you set
your eyes on write down what skills you need to learn write down why you want to achieve that goal in the first place write down your commitment to creating a better life for yourself filter all thoughts advice opinions and emotions through your vision channel the entirety of your life into it start completely new now the last thing you need to write down all of the potential distractions standing in the way of that goal success is less about being disciplined and more about removing the distractions that make discipline difficult next disappear not from life but from
distractions these can be people games apps it's easier to remove everything at once and deal with the pain than it is to tell everyone your plans and listen to their crab and a bucket opinions reset your days start from absolute scratch tomorrow when you wake up in the morning completely new everything that you've done before or doesn't matter you're not going to do it again you're going to be intentional about doing different things from the second that you wake up because your habits your choices your decisions are what got you into this place in the
first place and so if you continue doing those things where do you think your life is going to go of course not everything you're doing right now is bad I'm just giving you a way to completely reset you need to drop everything and see what sticks you need to do nothing and that alone will shine light on what your priorities are or what they need to be fill your time with learning building and experiencing as much as possible in other words break your addiction with feeling like usually due to giving time and energy to people
activities and things that don't care for your well-being you don't need to explain yourself to anybody as you're going through this process you're doing this for you and not for anybody else and the moment you find yourself having the desire to explain what you're doing is the moment that you should realize that you're not taking back control of your life for yourself you're doing it for someone else and that is an even bigger problem this process of realizing what you don't want launching in the opposite direction and prioritizing long-term success is a part of the
origin story of most successful people in other words if you don't know what you need to do rewatch this video and truly internalize it don't watch this for the sake of just getting a quick dopamine hit of ooh I get to learn something that may change my life but I'm never actually going to change it flip the switch inside you and build a foundation that will carry you to the life you want you'll turn out just fine now before you leave I have a cortex template below for you you can fill it out with your
antiv vision your vision your weekly review your tasks it's like a planner that you can duplicate every day inside of Cortex which is a note-taking and knowledge management app that is completely free to use for personal use yes this is an app that I made but I made it because the other ones on the market didn't fulfill my needs as a writer Creator and someone who values self-improvement knowledge and idea Generation Now cortex is of course not open to the public just yet but if you join the wait list you'll get access relatively soon and
you can still look at the template and just write things down on paper you don't need to duplicate it the second thing that I want to ask you is to share this video with a friend and I know that sounds cheesy to ask it's just a typical call to action at the end of a YouTube video but one it helps me and it helps the channel and two when I was younger I really wish that I had friends that shared more of this style of content with me cuz right now you probably share memes and
funny things with your friends and there's no problem with that at all but you can cultivate a much deeper relationship with friends family whoever it is by sharing your interest and sharing your desire to change so that you can do it together that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed it a bit shorter than usual but straight to the point impactful if you liked it let me know like subscribe do what you got to do thanks for watching
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