I want to find out the truth of this extraordinary state, together. Please, this is a very serious game we are playing, it's beyond chess, beyond football, beyond everything. It's a game, we are playing a game with delight, enjoying the game, and therefore a mind that is eager to find out, not saying, I must find out because I'd like to live next life, I am frightened of death, therefore please tell me if there is something more.
That's not playing the game. So we are together trying to find out the truth of this thing. Because death must be the most extraordinary experience, much greater than so-called love, much greater than any desire, any idea, any conclusion, because it may be the end of everything, the end of every form of relationship, every form of recollection, remembrance, accumulation.
It might be total annihilation. Complete ending of everything. And one must find out what is the truth of this matter.
To find out the truth, to come upon it, every form of identification must end, every form of fear, and the desire for comfort. It is that desire for comfort may create illusion, and therefore one is caught in that illusion and says, yes, there is a marvellous state after death. So we are learning the way of observation which is holistic, which means there is no fear, there is no desire for comfort, there is no illusion, and therefore the mind is completely free to look.
Are we doing this? Which means you have no attachment, which is enormously difficult, because I am attached to my wife, house, ideas, conclusions, and therefore I'm frightened to let go, I'm frightened to be completely alone. We explained that word 'alone' means all one.
So no attachment of any kind to anything: to ideas, to persons, to a future hope – please, if you are playing the game this is very serious – to your son, to your daughter, to your wife, to your husband, no attachment, which doesn't mean that you become callous. When there is attachment there is illusion, and when there is illusion there is no clarity, and when there is no clarity there is no freedom and therefore no order. So the mind must have no identification with the name, with the form, or with any person, idea, conclusion, is that possible?
As we said, that does not deny love, on the contrary, when you are attached to a person there is no love, there is dependence, there is the fear of loneliness, to be left alone in a world where everything is so terribly insecure, both psychologically as well as outwardly, therefore desire to be attached to something.