ladies and gentlemen listen up if you want your life to change you have to stop doing what you've always done this five habits I'm about to share with you change my life I'm not here to sugarcoat things if you want real change you need to wake up and get serious let's start with the first habit the one that made all the difference let's get this straight Comfort is the killer of growth if you think you can stay in your little bubble and still expect success you're lying to yourself you can't have big dreams and play
it safe at the same time it doesn't work Comfort is just a trap it keeps you stuck and it will destroy your future success is not something you pursue success is something you attract by the person you become if you're serious about changing your life stop being scared to fail stop looking for the easy way out get uncomfortable you want change then fight for it you think success just comes to those who sit around waiting hell no it comes to those who step up and take action even when they're scared even when it hurts here's
the hard truth if you keep doing the same thing nothing will change you'll keep getting the same results living the same boring life so get out of your comfort zone now take risks face the fear and make it happen stop being weak make yourself uncomfortable that's where the magic happens let me share with you the habits that changed my life and I hope will change yours on start with one habit begin with one new habit to build consistency let me ask you something folks how many times have you set out to change your life to
really make a difference but found yourself stuck right where you started you get excited you get inspired but then you go back to your old habits your same routines and it all fades away the days turn into weeks the weeks into months and before you know it nothing has changed do you want to know why that happens because most people are looking for a quick fix they think that success happiness and fulfillment come from one big moment a sudden breakthrough but that's not how real change Works real change isn't one massive Leap Forward it's a
series of small steps a series of daily choices one small habit at a time one small victory at a time if you want to break free from this cycle you need to understand this success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day in Failure it's nothing more than a few small errors in judgment repeat it every day over time those small choices add up they can either lift you up or drag you down let's look at your life right now if you keep doing what you've been doing where are you headed another
year of the same habits the same results if you're not careful you'll wake up one day wondering where all the years went wondering why you never reach the potential you know you have inside you so here's what I want you to do I want you to stop thinking that change has to be massive or overnight I want you to start small pick just one habit one single action that you're going to commit to it could be as simple as reading 10 pages of a good book each day waking up 15 minutes earlier or drinking a
glass of water first thing in the morning just one not five not three one and you commit to it do it for a week then do it for another week and watch what happens you see once you build that one habit once it's part of your life you'll feel a sense of Pride you'll start to see that you have control that's the real power here you'll begin to believe that change is possible because you'll have proof of it in your own life when that first habit feels natural add a [Music] second but only then don't
overwhelm yourself don't set yourself up for failure by piling on too much success real success is steady it's measured and it's built over time so let me leave you with this thought what will your future self thank you for will you look back with regret or with pride the answer is in the choices you make the small steps you take starting today the power is yours don't waste it two prioritize small consistent actions focus on small steps you can sustain daily we live in a world full of distractions everywhere you look there's something pulling at
your attention the phone the TV social media the endless emails it's all designed to take your focus away and what happens when you let those distractions control your life you get busy but you don't get results you waste your time and energy and before you know it a year has passed and you haven't made any real progress so what's the problem with this when you let distractions control you you lose control of your own life you're reacting to everything around you instead of being proactive and making decisions based on your goals you start living in
chaos not clarity and the truth is living in chaos is easy but it's not productive it's not fulfilling it doesn't get you where you want to go you are the average of The Five People You spend the most time with now think about that it's not just the people it's everything around you the distractions the negative influences all of that is shaping who you are and where you're headed so you have to to ask yourself are you focusing on the right things here's the cold hard truth you need to protect your time you have to
take control of your day if you don't someone else will if you don't set boundaries the world will set them for you and I'm telling you right now those boundaries won't be in your favor so here's what I want you to do start by identifying the distractions that are wasting your time is it scrolling through your phone for hours is it binge watching shows that add no value to your life is it people who constantly interrupt your focus whatever it is get rid of it set clear goals and guard your time like it's your most
valuable resource because it is cut out the things that don't serve your future and I'm not saying to never have fun but I am saying to prioritize your time every day protect that time like it's your last put your goals first put your growth first and when you start doing that you'll start seeing the results you've been waiting for remember this distractions don't build your dreams they destroy them so make a decision today right now to take control of your time stop letting distractions run your life focus on what matters and in the end you'll
be proud of the life you've built with the time you've protected three limit distractions reduce screen time and other distractions to stay focus focused this one's going to hit [Music] hard but you need to hear it if you're not taking care of your health you're making a huge mistake you think you're too busy to exercise or eat right that's exactly what will keep you stuck you're walking a dangerous line and let me tell you if you don't fix this you'll pay the price later you see when you ignore your health you're not just damaging your
body you're damaging your future how can you build wealth how can you pursue your dreams how can you work 12 to 14 hours a day if you don't have the energy how can you be successful when your health is falling apart so what happens if you don't take action your energy will drop your mind will Cloud over and you'll find yourself getting sick more often you'll be sluggish tired and less motivated you'll be dependent on things like caffeine or junp food just to get through the day and trust me this is not the path to
success you can't achieve greatness when your body is falling apart take care of your body it's the only place you have to live your body is your home if you don't take care of it you can't expect to live your best life you can't expect to have the energy the strength or the clarity to achieve anything the fact is your health should be your one priority you can't afford to be lazy about this you've got to move your body every single day no excuses you don't need a gym membership to start you just need a
decision you need to take control start with something simple walk for 30 minutes a day do push-ups sit-ups or yoga in your living room if you can't get up early to exercise do it at night before bed but whatever you do start moving your health is a non-negotiable it's not about being perfect you're not going to be an athlete tomorrow and that's okay but you have to start because if you don't you're just throwing away the most important resource you have so here's my challenge to you get up and do something today take 10 minutes
to stretch go for a walk eat a healthier meal take care of your body because you only get one don't let it deteriorate invest in your health now and it will pay you back for the rest of your life your health is your wealth if you don't have health you don't have anything so take action right now before it's too late four reflect and adjust regularly assess progress and adapt habits to suit your needs this one's going to be tough to hear but I'm going to say it anyway if you're not managing your time right
you're wasting your life you're wasting your future think about it every day you waste is a day you'll never get back every moment spent doing nothing or doing the wrong thing is a moment you'll regret later if you're not controlling your time your time will control you you'll find yourself running in circles always busy but never getting anywhere you'll be constantly complaining I don't have enough time but guess what the people who do have time they're not doing anything special they're just managing it better than you time waits for no one you can't afford to
waste it either you run the day or the day runs you what does that mean it means you've got a choice you can either be the one in charge of your time or you can let your day slip by controlled by distractions other people's demands and whatever else comes up most people just react to life they don't plan it and guess what happens they end up broke unhappy and stuck now here's the tough part you have to take control of your time stop wasting it on things that don't matter cut out the distractions turn off
your phone stop scrolling through social media no more binge watching Netflix you need a clear plan for your day you need to decide what your priorities are and put them first I don't care if you're tired I don't care if you think you deserve a break the world doesn't care your goals don't care if you're serious about your future you need to stop wasting time and start taking action time is the most valuable thing you you have and once it's gone you can't get it back start every single day with a plan get up early
know exactly what you need to do prioritize your work your health your relationships everything that matters and don't let the small stuff steal your time the distractions will always be there but you control whether you give in to them time is your most valuable resource and if you keep wasting it you'll have nothing to show for your life so stop blaming the world for your problems stop blaming your boss your parents your kids it's all on you manage your time or your time will manage you there's no other way so right now I want you
to look at your schedule and make one change find one area where you've been wasting time and eliminate it take back control of your day and take back control of your life this is your wakeup call time is running out stop waiting in it five celebrate small wins recognize even minor progress to keep yourself motivated let me tell you something that most people don't want to hear if you're not working on yourself you're getting worse not better no one stays the same you're either growing or you're dying you can't be comfortable and expect things to
improve the moment you stop learning stop growing stop getting better is the moment Your Life Starts going downhill you think you can just Coast you think you can just get by think again the world is changing every single day if you're not adapting if you're not pushing yourself to learn to grow to become more you're getting left behind it's that simple and don't fool yourself into thinking it's enough to just work hard working hard without Learning Without improving is just running in circles you'll keep hitting the same wall over and over again what you become
directly influenced is what you get let that sink in what you become determines your future if you're not becoming a better version of yourself how can you expect your life to improve you can't it's that simple now I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to do start working on yourself every single day stop wasting time stop wasting energy stop complaining about your circumstances nobody's going to come and fix your life for you it's up to you you need to invest in yourself if you're not reading learning new skills taking courses improving your mind
and body then you're losing simple as that I'm talking about real daily effort not just once a week not just when it's convenient every single day if you're not becoming better today than you were yesterday then you're moving backwards and trust me if you keep moving backwards you're going to end up with nothing so here's your action plan start now pick up a book listen to a podcast take a course something that helps you grow don't just wait for the perfect time there is no perfect time start with 10 minutes a day and build from
there learn something new every day don't leave your mind stagnant the more you learn the more you earn the more you grow the more your life will grow period and stop lying to yourself saying you don't have time everyone has time for something the question is what are you doing with that time if you want a better life you need to become a better person it's as simple as that start today make yourself better and your life will get better it's non-negotiable so don't just sit there thinking things are going to change on their own
you need to get to work you need to take control of your personal growth the moment you stop working on yourself that's the moment you begin to lose start now work on yourself every single day and watch how your life transforms now let me ask you again are you ready to change are you ready to stop living in that safe comfortable little world where nothing ever happens because if you want anything to change you've got to step out of that comfort zone I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you it's going to be hard but
you know what that's how growth happens that's how success happens so are you going to keep making excuses or are you going to take action the choice is yours you've got everything inside you to make the change but it starts with you taking that first step out of the comfort zone don't wait for the perfect moment don't wait for things to get easier if you want to change your life you've got to get uncomfortable now go out there take action and let's see what happens when you stop hiding and start living