Have you ever felt like you're doing everything right, but your reality just won't change? It feels like there is an invisible block between you and what you want. You try affirmations, visualizations, pray, do everything.
. . but the results don't appear.
The truth that no one tells you is that the problem is not what you want, but what you feel. Neville Goddard always said: it is not enough to think about your desire, you must feel that it is already yours. And here's the most powerful secret that few people understand: feeling is the only key to manifestation.
No matter how much you dream about something, if internally you still feel distant from it, your reality will remain the same. What I'm going to teach you today is something that can completely change the way you view the law of assumption. You'll discover how to use the power of feeling to transform any area of your life—whether it's money, love, health, or success.
This may seem counterintuitive, but manifestation does not respond to your desire, but rather to your identity. If you want wealth but feel poor, you will remain stuck in scarcity. If you want love but feel rejected, you will attract experiences that reinforce that rejection.
The universe doesn't respond to what you want, it responds to what you believe to be true about yourself. And when you understand how to change this internal state, everything around you starts to change too. Now, if you're expecting a magic formula or a quick trick, this isn't the video for you.
What I'm going to share here requires practice, requires commitment. But if you apply it the right way, it can change your life faster than you imagine. So, pay close attention, because this could be the last missing piece of the puzzle for you to finally manifest what you so desire.
. . Feeling is the Key to Manifestation.
If there is a secret to creating reality, it lives in feeling. Neville Goddard teaches that it is not enough to desire something; you need to feel that it is already yours. The law of assumption does not respond to loose words, but to genuine emotion.
Think of someone who desires wealth but feels poor every day—that person only reinforces the lack. On the other hand, those who feel and live internally as prosperous, without doubts or hesitation, begin to see changes in the external world. The game is internal, always has been.
But how can you feel something that hasn't happened yet? Simple: imagine. Close your eyes and see, in great detail, what you want.
Do you want a new car? See yourself driving, feeling the steering wheel, hearing the engine. Feel the thrill of achievement.
The brain does not differentiate real from imagined, and that is where the power lies. Manifestation happens when the feeling is dominant, not when the mind just "waits" for something to happen. Faith, in this case, is not a vague desire, but an unshakable certainty.
Many people fall into the trap of looking for external evidence before believing. But reality works the opposite. First you accept the sensation, then the world responds.
Have you ever noticed how someone in love seems to shine? Or how those who feel defeated attract more difficulties? This is no coincidence, it is consciousness shaping the physical world.
The law of assumption works exactly like this: you feel it first, and the universe obeys. Resistance arises when the mind insists on "but what if it doesn't happen? ".
This type of thinking sabotages any process. The ideal is to eliminate this doubt. As?
Practicing. Try, for a few days, waking up and acting as if you already have what you want. Observe your posture, your breathing, the way you speak.
Adjust everything to be in tune with the reality you want to create. The result may surprise you faster than you imagine. And the best time to strengthen this feeling?
Before sleeping. The drowsy state is a direct bridge to the subconscious, and that's where the real work happens. Neville Goddard always reinforced this: go to sleep feeling like you already have what you want.
Don't wait for signs. Just feel and let manifestation take care of the rest. .
. Free yourself from the Need for External Proof. The big trap that keeps many people stagnant is waiting for the external world to prove that something is possible before believing.
But the truth is that manifestation works backwards. First you believe, then you see. Neville Goddard was clear: reality reflects your consciousness, and not the other way around.
Anyone who waits for a sign to trust only reinforces the absence of what they want. The world is a mirror—and it only reflects what you feel is true. This explains why some people seem to have infinite luck, while others live in the cycle of frustration.
The lucky person doesn't need proof to believe; he just knows that things always work out for him. The frustrated person waits for something to change and, only then, believes. But consciousness doesn't work like that.
The law of assumption requires conviction. You don't ask if the sun will rise tomorrow, right? That's how you should feel about your manifestation.
A practical example: imagine two people who want a romantic relationship. The first believes that she is already loved and lives with that certainty. She takes care of herself, values herself, smiles when imagining happy moments.
The second doubts, feels alone, thinks that no one wants her. Who do you think will attract love? There is no magic—just an alignment between feeling and reality.
You become what you believe you are. And when reality still shows no change? Simple: ignore it.
It's not about pretending, but about not giving power to what doesn't match your desire. If you order a coffee in a restaurant, you don't doubt whether it will arrive. The universe works the same way.
You place the request (the feeling) and allow it to manifest. The mistake is to keep "checking" all the time and doubting the process. This just delays everything.
Patience is the true test of faith. Those who truly believe don't need to see to know. And that is the key to freeing yourself from the need for external proof.
When you master this feeling, you will realize that your imagination is the only thing that truly shapes your life… Imagination Shapes Reality. Everything that exists in your life today was first created in your mind, consciously or unconsciously. Your job, your friendships, your bank account—everything reflects your past assumptions.
Neville Goddard teaches that imagination is not just a daydream, but the most powerful tool you have. Those who understand this begin to shape their own reality intentionally, instead of just reacting to what happens. Your external world is just a reflection of what you believe to be true.
If in doubt, look around. Your home, your job, your lifestyle—all of it first passed through the filter of your imagination. The question is: have you used your imagination to your advantage or against yourself?
Those who live expecting problems, imagining difficulties and reinforcing limiting beliefs inevitably manifest them. Those who visualize abundance, happiness and achievements begin to see the world conspiring in their favor. What you feel to be true becomes real.
An example: imagine two people with the same talent, trying to open a business. The first sees itself as a success, imagines satisfied customers, feels the taste of victory. The second doubts, fears failure, imagines debts and problems.
Who do you think will be most likely to prosper? The universe does not reward the most capable, but the one whose conscience is aligned with success. You don't attract what you want—you attract what you believe is already yours.
Imagination works like a dress rehearsal for life. If you want to change your reality, start by changing what you see internally. Visualize yourself in the desired scenario, feel the emotion as if you were already there.
If it's wealth, imagine yourself buying without looking at prices, traveling wherever you want. If it is health, feel the vitality flowing through your body. The more intense the sensation, the faster the reflection in the physical world.
And the most incredible thing? You don't need anything other than your own mind to get started. No money, no contacts, no luck—just your conscience.
This is the true revolution that Neville Goddard brought to the world. But for it to work, you need to break a very common pattern. .
. Break the Cycle of Limiting Beliefs. The biggest trap that stops people from manifesting their desires is trying to change reality while still feeling trapped in scarcity, fear and doubt.
Neville Goddard teaches that the law of assumption responds not to what you want, but to what you feel to be true. If you desire wealth but internally see yourself as broken, what do you think the universe will reflect? Exactly that.
The feeling of lack only reinforces more lack. It's like trying to fill a leaky glass. There's no point repeating positive affirmations, visualizing or practicing gratitude if, deep down, you still see yourself as someone who doesn't have it.
The mistake most people make is trying to manifest from a state of despair. But manifestation is not begging, it is assuming. You don't "ask" to be rich, healthy , or loved—you become someone you already are.
When this happens, external reality adjusts. Do you want to break this cycle? Start by identifying your limiting beliefs.
Watch how you talk about money, love, success. Does it say things like "it's hard to make money", "true love doesn't exist", "it's impossible to get rich without luck"? These are all assumptions that you have accepted as truths and that, therefore, continue to shape your life.
The first step is to question these beliefs. Who said it has to be like this? Why can't it be different for you?
A simple but powerful exercise is to reverse the logic. If you've always said, "I can't save money," try saying internally, "Money comes to me easily. " If you have always believed that relationships are difficult, assume that they are light and pleasant.
It may seem strange at first, but remember: your current reality is just a reflection of what you've believed for years. Change the assumption and the world will begin to shape itself accordingly. And the best time to implement new beliefs is before bed.
The drowsy state is when the conscious mind relaxes and the subconscious absorbs everything without resistance. If you go to sleep missing it, you will wake up missing it even more. But if you learn to sleep while assuming your new identity, you will discover a secret that transforms lives… The Power of the State Before Sleep.
Few people know, but the most powerful moment to reprogram the mind and manifest desires is that moment when we are about to sleep. Neville Goddard teaches that, in this state of transition between wakefulness and sleep, the subconscious is more receptive, absorbing everything without question. If you go to sleep worrying about problems, you will wake up the next day reinforcing those same problems.
But if you go to sleep feeling like you've already achieved what you want, your subconscious begins to shape your reality to reflect that. Think about how most people sleep: remembering difficulties, reliving arguments, dreading the next day. This is like planting seeds of fear every night and expecting to reap abundance in the morning.
The mind doesn't judge, it just accepts and reproduces what you feed it. Therefore, the most transformative practice anyone can adopt is to replace these worries with feelings of gratitude and fulfillment before bed. Sleep becomes a portal to create the desired reality.
If you want to change your life, here is a simple exercise: lie down, relax and imagine that your wish has already come true. If you want more money, visualize yourself paying bills with ease, shopping without worry. If you are looking for a relationship, imagine yourself being loved, hearing words of affection.
It's not enough to just see—you have to feel it. The key is to fall asleep in this state, letting the subconscious absorb this new reality as fact. At first it may seem difficult because the mind is used to resisting.
But persist. Make this a habit and watch how your perception begins to change. What once seemed impossible begins to seem natural.
Small signs appear in everyday life, such as coincidences, unexpected opportunities and even internal changes that make you act differently. You're not just imagining it—you're reprogramming your consciousness. And the most incredible thing?
You don't need to do anything other than feel before bed. You don't need to repeat a thousand affirmations during the day or strive to "make it happen". Just surrender to sleep already feeling that what you want is yours.
When this becomes a constant practice, the world around you begins to mirror your new identity. And that's when everything changes. .
. The Outer World Reflects the Inner State. The great illusion that keeps many people trapped in a limited life is believing that the external world has power over them.
But Neville Goddard teaches exactly the opposite: what you see around you is just a reflection of your state. internal. Your relationships, your bank account, your health—all of this is a mirror of what you hold to be true within yourself.
Change your inner state and inevitably the reality around you will begin to transform. If you live reacting to circumstances, you will always be stuck with what already exists. But if you learn to anticipate, to feel internally what you want before the world shows any evidence, then you will have the true power of manifestation.
The common mistake is to think: "when I have money, I will be happy" or "when I find love, I will feel complete". But the law of assumption doesn't work like that. First you feel, then you receive.
Want proof? Observe successful people. They didn't wait to get rich to feel prosperous.
They took on this mindset before, and it was this belief that got them to the top. The same goes for any aspect of life. A person who feels safe and confident naturally attracts respect.
Those who feel rejected end up reinforcing this in their relationships. It all starts within. What you assume to be true is what the world will inevitably reflect.
But what if external reality seems contrary to what you want? The answer is simple: ignore it. It doesn't mean denying the facts, but rather not giving them power.
If your bank account is negative today, don't regret it—feel the prosperity within you. If you're single and want a relationship, don't focus on loneliness—experience love as something already present. The universe only replicates what you believe to be real.
And the only way to maintain this certainty, without being shaken by what you see, is to develop true faith. Not that fragile faith that depends on external signs, but an unshakable conviction that your new reality already exists. And that brings us to an essential principle that few truly understand… Faith is Feeling, Not Just Hoping.
Many people confuse faith with hope. Waiting for something to happen is like holding a lottery ticket hoping it will win. But Neville Goddard teaches that true faith is not wishing, nor begging—it is knowing.
Knowing that what you want is already yours, even before any external proof. Faith is not a bet on the future, but a conviction in the present. And it is this state of certainty that moves mountains.
Think of a child playing pretend . When she pretends to be an astronaut, a superhero or a doctor, she has no doubts. She simply assumes this role and lives this experience with total intensity.
This is the kind of faith that the law of assumption requires. You need to "wear" your new reality, feel like someone who already has what you want. When this feeling becomes natural, the universe responds.
Many say: "but what if I believe and nothing happens? " That's the problem. The simple fact of questioning already demonstrates a lack of faith.
True faith has no room for “what ifs. ” If you planted a seed, you don't need to dig in the ground every day to see if it's growing. You know that, at the right time, it will sprout.
With manifestation, it's the same thing: you feel like you already have it, and then you allow the material world to adjust to this new truth. A powerful exercise to strengthen this faith is to observe yourself throughout the day. How do you speak?
How do you react to situations? Someone who is sure of their manifestation behaves differently from someone who still doubts. Adjust your posture, your words, your energy.
If you want abundance, speak like someone who is prosperous. If you want a relationship, feel loved before the person even shows up. You don't need to "make it happen", just assume the right state.
What if, even so, reality still seems to challenge you? Then comes the next step: learning to disconnect from the physical world and keep your belief unshakable, regardless of what the eyes see. Because the truth is, if you only look at your current circumstances, you will never change anything… Detach yourself from the Physical World.
If you look at your current reality and are shaken by what you see, then you still don't understand how manifestation works. Neville Goddard teaches that consciousness precedes form—that is, physical reality is just a delayed reflection of your inner state. Most people's mistake is to react to the external world as if he were immutable, when in fact he is just a mirror.
And if you want to change the reflection, you need to change what you're projecting. Imagine someone who wants a new job, but looks at their current situation and thinks: "It's difficult, no one will hire me, the market is bad. " This person is imprisoning themselves in the old reality.
To create something new, she would need to act as if she had already won the position. This means waking up every day with the mindset of someone successful, feeling confident, being grateful for the job before you even have it. The universe does not respond to necessity, but to certainty.
A great example of this are actors. When they play a character, they incorporate emotions, gestures and thoughts that are not theirs, but that temporarily become their reality. If an actor can play a character with so much conviction, why can't you do the same with your new identity?
If you want wealth, act like a prosperous person. If you want health, move and feel like someone full of vitality. You're not pretending—you're embracing your new truth.
Now, an important detail: current reality may try to test you. You may feel like nothing is changing, that circumstances remain the same. But that's just an old reflex.
What you feel today is what will manifest in the future. The problem is that many give up before the change takes hold. They look at the outside world, see "evidence" that nothing happened and return to old patterns.
This is the cycle that keeps people stuck. But anyone who really understands the law of assumption knows that the only thing that matters is what happens internally. The physical world is slow to catch up with your consciousness, but when this change happens, it is definitive.
And the secret to speeding up this process? Live as if it were already real. Because when you act as if you have already achieved your desire, the universe has no choice but to respond… Act as if it were already done.
Manifesting isn't about waiting for something to happen—it's about assuming it has already happened. Neville Goddard teaches that the only way to create a new reality is to live in it before the external world reflects it. This means walking, talking and thinking like a person who already has what they want.
You can't wait to become prosperous to start feeling abundant, nor can you wait to find great love to feel loved. It all starts within. Think of an athlete who wants to win a gold medal.
He doesn't train like an amateur hoping to "become" a champion one day. He already sees himself as a winner even before the competition. Your body, your routine, your focus—everything reflects this certainty.
The same goes for any desire. If you want success, behave like someone successful. If you want a lighter life, live like someone who already has it.
The world responds to what you assume to be true. This doesn't mean spending money you don't already have or pretending something that isn't real. It means aligning your inner state with what you want to experience.
If you want prosperity, abandon the scarcity mentality. If you want love, stop acting needy and rejected. Notice how you feel on a daily basis.
Are your actions, thoughts and emotions reflecting the reality you want or reinforcing the reality you want to change? One powerful technique is "imagination in motion. " Throughout the day, act as if you are already living the life of your dreams.
If you want more confidence, walk like someone who is already confident. If you want a successful business, visualize yourself closing contracts, receiving satisfied customers. Your body and mind need to be in tune with this new version of you.
When this becomes natural, the world around you automatically adjusts. But there is one crucial detail: patience. Just as a seed does not become a tree overnight , your new reality needs time to consolidate.
The mistake most people make is wanting immediate results and, when they don't see instant changes, going back to old patterns. The secret is to trust the process and remain firm in your new identity. Because, just as a plant grows without you seeing its roots expanding, its manifestation is also on its way.
. . Trust the Process.
Patience is the hardest part of manifestation for many people. Neville Goddard teaches that everything has a maturation time, just like a seed that needs to grow before becoming a tree. The common mistake is to plant the desire, but constantly dig in the ground to see if it has already sprouted.
This only delays the process, because it demonstrates doubt. And doubt is the opposite of faith. Manifestation is not about “seeing is believing”, but about “believing is seeing”.
Imagine someone who has begun to see themselves as prosperous. In the first few days, he feels the energy of abundance, but after a week without visible changes, he begins to doubt. He looks at his bank account and gets frustrated.
This is the moment when most people give up. But the truth is that the universe was already adjusting everything behind the scenes. Anyone who understands the law of assumption knows that it is necessary to maintain the desired state regardless of what the external world shows.
Think about a pregnancy: a baby takes nine months to be born. The mother is not anxious, doubting whether he is really graduating. She knows that, even without seeing it, there is a process underway.
Manifestation works the same way. Your new reality is being created, and your only job is to persist. If you feel like you already have what you want and maintain that state, sooner or later it will manifest itself.
Timing is just a matter of alignment. A good way to avoid anxiety is to stop "checking" to see if something is happening. When you order food at a restaurant, you don't have to go to the kitchen to see if the dish is ready.
You know he will come. The same goes for manifestation. If you have already assumed the desired reality, there is nothing to do but trust.
Your only mission is to maintain yourself in the right state until the external world adjusts. And when you least expect it, everything will start to change. An unexpected meeting, a connection, an opportunity.
The puzzle pieces fit together naturally. But it all starts with a simple commitment: trusting that if you planted the right seed, the harvest will come. And what happens when you master this art?
You will never be the same again. . .
Now that you understand the true secret of manifestation, tell me: are you ready to put this knowledge into practice? Because knowing is not enough—what transforms your life is applying. Feeling is the missing key, but only you can use it.
So, what will you assume to be true from now on? Will you continue to see yourself as someone who struggles to achieve your desires or will you finally become the person who already has everything you want? Be honest with yourself: how many times have you doubted the process, got caught up in the external world and sabotaged your manifestation?
If you still look at reality waiting for a sign before believing, you already know that you are doing it backwards. Change needs to happen within you first. And now you have all the tools to do it.
So the final question is: are you going to act like it's already real or are you going to keep waiting? And one more thing: when your life starts to change, because it will, come back here and tell me in the comments. I want to know what the first signs were, the first manifestations that began to emerge.
But first, leave your like to strengthen this knowledge and help more people awaken to this incredible power. If you want to continue learning about the law of assumption and truly master the art of manifestation, subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications. Because in the next videos, we will delve even deeper into these teachings by Neville Goddard and uncover other secrets that could change your life forever.
So, tell me in the comments: what is the first thing you will manifest from now on?