Laziest Way To Make Money Online with AI For Beginners ($250/DAY)

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Journey With The Hintons
Let AI Build You A Free Store TODAY: Get your 3...
Video Transcript:
I have found the laziest most passive way that many people are making money online right now from anywhere in the world and with this method you don't have to have any experience you won't have to be an influencer you don't have to be on anybody's camera you won't have to design products or write books and you don't have to sit there all day long taking surveys to get paid and what's even better than that is you don't have to spend a ton of money to get started in fact we are going to be using an
AI tool that I just discovered and it is abs absolutely free and it will be doing all of the work for us in just under 10 minutes right from your phone or [Music] computer what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello aloh Shalom Alum Jambo Namaste so we are going to jump right into what I believe is the best lazy way to make money online using a free AI tool called build your store and
what this is going to do is build an entire Shopify store for you and it will allow you to utilize and sell other people's products without you having to have any kind of product yourself or having to do any work and when these other people's products sell you get paid but it's also going to be important that you use a high traffic source to help you get sales and and don't worry if this all sounds confusing I'm about to show you how we're going to get all of this done in less than 10 minutes so
the first thing you are going to want to do is take a trip down to my description and click on that link so that you can get your free AI built online store so what the hardest part of this entire process is going to be is just basically you deciding what your interests are for this store so what I suggest is going and open up a Google doc which that is absolutely free remember we are using free tools today and in that Google doc what you want to do is just list maybe 10 to 20
things that you find are interesting to you think about the things that you like doing on a daily basis what you feel like fun and again although AI will be doing most of the work you still want to make sure it's creating the things that you can relate to now once you have discovered your interest and created your list what we're going to do is then head back over to the AI website builder and on here we are going to select build my free store and then they'll have you to enter some information like your
name your email address and password after you do that all you have to do is Select next and this is where you will have to choose a niche and they give you five options here to choose from which is going to be fashion and apparel you have pets electronics and gadgets you have home and garden and also Sport and Fitness so looking at this Niche what you want to do is take that Google doc of your list of interest and you want to compare compare that to the niches that they have available and you want
to just try to pick a niche that is closest to your interest it don't have to be exact as long as it's in the bow part and if you're like you know what I don't even know what my interests are you can just choose that option that you are not sure and it's just going to pick a niche for you so for the sake of today's video I am going to just go with pets since I have two beautiful pups at home and that's something that I can relate to and after that I'll just hit
done and the next thing that is going to to ask us to do is to choose a banner they are going to show you six different banners that it designed for your hom page and you can pretty much just choose any of them that you like and this one right here is absolutely adorable look how cute it is and it kind of reminds me of my very own golden doodle so I'm going to pick this one and then you actually have to pick two so I'll just go with this one as well cuz it's cute
too and you know you want to play on people's heartstrings so from there we are going to have to choose access Shopify and this is where they are going to ask us to create an account through Shopify and this is going to allow us to connect that AI store Builder to our Shopify account and just the FYI by using this link that comes with the store Builder you will be able to get a 3-day free trial of Shopify and then you'll get your first month for only $1 but the AI website builder will still be
able to do everything for us for free so you'll just have to enter the email address that you use will build your store and then they'll ask some questions and you can actually skip all of that it's not even necessary but you will have to let them know where your store will be based out of and like I said you can do this from just about anywhere they will show you all of the different countries and they have many available I know sometimes some people in Africa say hey can you find us some things that
we can do out here in Africa there are many African countries on here as well as many many others so you'll be able to do this one of course I'm in the United States so I just went with that one and once you are finished signing up it will create the store at the end and it's going to give you this admin URL right here so make sure you go ahead and copy that because we will be needing that and after you do that we'll come back over to build your store and then we'll hit
this done and then once you connect that admin link over here is going to show you how you get that free trial and that $1 huge discount that's going on and in order to proceed you will have to utilize this $1 discount so when you select access Shopify it will already have the cheapest most basic plan selected and you'll just have to confirm the billing cycle you'll enter your address and a phone number one thing that I suggest you do is go to Google Voice and sign up for a free account so that you can
get a free phone number to use so you won't have to use your personal phone number because again remember we are building a store which means people are going to be shopping here and if they come into any kind of problems and they try to reach out to you you don't want your personal number listed so make sure you go and get your free Google number I'm trying to supply as much free goodies as we can get and once you enter that number you'll just pay the $1 and then we'll come back over to the
bill your store and select done and at this point we are almost done from here we have to continue to follow the steps they are literally listing out everything for us that we need to do and then we'll just select install here and it will basically bring us back over to the page just confirming that we installed the app and now it's time for us to make this store unique make it our own and so what we will be doing is clicking on that customize my store and at this point AI is basically creating the
store for us in less than a minute you don't see it yet but I'm going to show you what it looks like in a second but there is one more important thing that we're going to have to do which is allow it to add products to the store for us and in order to do that the next thing we will have to register for is autod DS and what autod DS is going to do is automatically select winning products these are products that have been proven to be successful and get sales and they will select
these products for you and add it to the store and it'll also add the price photos and everything else you need for this to be successful and a good thing about having autods connected to all of this is that once you get a sale they will actually ship these products to your customers for you making this completely passive income so all you'll need to do at this point is Select register to autods and once it takes you into autods you can either sign up with your Google account or you can enter your information manually and
just make sure you are using the same email address for all of these things that you have to sign up for to complete it so then you are going to select where you're selling your products and and of course we know we are going with Shopify and I do want to let you know that autods is offering a 30-day free trial so by signing up through this build your store link that they've provided you will have access to that 30-day free trial but to complete this sign up process you will have to choose a plan
now you are not paying for anything right now because again this is absolutely free and doing this period you get to try this out see if it works for you if it's something that you like but in order to add activate everything you still will have to select a payment method and you can either enter your credit card information or go with PayPal I wi with PayPal and once you finish completing that part then you can head back over to the bill your store Tab and you can press that done button and a final step
of creating this store here is going to be to publish your store so you'll select exess Shopify to publish it and when you do this part it's going to be very important that you uncheck the restrict access to visitors with password and once you do that you'll just hit this save button and you can come back over to build your store again and you'll hit done and at this point when we come back over to the build your store tab it is going to have this access my store section so now we get to see
all of the behind the scenes I know it look like a lot of click and dragging and selecting things going on but this was really building an entire store for you so we will hit that access my store and this is what it created for you a completely ready to sale store that has not only photos that we selected those cute pup photos but it also automatically added some welcome info to this store for you and again by adding those other apps to the mix there was some winning products that was added to your store
that are ready for purchase and looking at these things these are literally items that I will buy myself for my pets but checking out the rest of the things that they have added for us there's a entire frequently asked questions section and your customers will be able to come here in case they have questions and find the answers it also added a shipping policy for you you know a lot of people have questions about that and they can find all the info they need here there's a return policy they have some incentives that they've added
at the top of the page to encourage people to purchase these things now this this thing is literally ready to go and it was all created by AI so if you like what you see so far go ahead on and hit that like button down below now as nice as this store is because it is and as wonderful as those products may be no one will ever see this store all those products if you do not drive traffic to this store now the other part may have been simple but this is what's going to actually
take you some more but once you get it rolling it will definitely become easy now I often talk about many different ways that you can Market your products and you do not have to buy ass to do this especially doing this climate right now with social media right at your fingertips I suggest you creating organic content surrounding whatever topic it is that you are talking about in this case we built a pet store I have pets at home I'm often taking pictures recording I know that the world absolutely love dogs so why not utilize that
and you can up upload it to places like Facebook you can do Instagram I highly highly suggest that you upload it to Tik Tok and what you're able to do is link your store to these Pages you can talk about problems that people face often in these topics and provide the solution the solution can be found on your store you just have to get creative with this part if you are unsure of exactly how you can Market what type of things you need to say then you can use use stuff like chat GPT for free
again and that will help you to come up with good marketing plans just tell it I just created an online store and I am trying to figure out how to reach my target audience on Tik Tok can you suggest some ways to do that like you got to talk to this thing like it's really your assistant y'all and it's going to provide some really awesome ways for you to try to get these sales another thing you can do and another thing I talk about often as well is starting a blog specifically on your Shopify store
and in this case again I'm talking about pets so your blog can be about pet care tips you can share pet stories you can have product guides you just want to create again things that will help people you're trying to solve their problem so you figure out a problem you provide a solution and you put it in a block and by having a block on your store that's again going to be able to direct people to look at the products that you have as well and you can also share your articles on social media you
can even turn your articles into videos for free using canva and you can just have different pictures playing while you're talking about if you're doing pet stories something funny that happened and that's another way to engage people and to bring attention to your store another thing you can do is utilize Pinterest and with Pinter you're able to create what called boards and your boards can be about pet care products and tips again again and I keep saying pet care because that's the topic of today but whatever your topic is you will create boards around that
topic another big thing that a lot of people are successful at doing is by engaging in related forums again pet related for this particular topic you can check out Facebook groups you can go into Reddit communities and here you'll share helpful tips and you will occasionally plug in that link to your site when creating a Blog you can ask chat GP to give me a list of problems that people face with pets if you're talking about pets and then you can ask it to then write a blog about each of those problems if you see
people asking questions and you don't really have the answer to it you can plug those questions into chat GPT and ask for some solutions to that then you can provide those Solutions and again occasionally plug in a link there are many different ways that you can bring attention to your online store but I am going to tell you social media is going to be your greatest asset if you want a more detailed video on how to Market your store with some of the ways that I mentioned then make sure you comment down below and let
me know but other than that I cannot wait to see all of your results I believe this is truly a great passive income Source especially with AI helping and doing most of the work but make sure you like this video to help me out I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace
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