The Power of Sex Transmutation - Think and Grow Rich Ch:11 | Napoleon Hill

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Sherman Rivers
Sex energy is life energy, the most powerful energy that exists. Enter the Master Mind The followi...
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chapter 11 the mystery of sex transmutation the tenth step towards riches the meaning of the word transmute is in simple language the changing or transferring of one element or form of energy into another the emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind because of ignorance on the subject this state of mind is generally associated with a physical and because of improper influences to which most people have been subjected in acquiring knowledge of sex things essentially physical have highly biased the mind the emotion of sex has back of it the possibility of three constructive potentialities they are one the perpetuation of mankind two the maintenance of Health as a therapeutic agency it has no equal three the transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation sex transmutation is simple and easily explained it means the switching of the Mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of some other nature sex desire is the most powerful of human desires when driven by this desire men develop keenness of imagination courage willpower persistence and creative ability unknown to them at other times so strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it when harnessed and redirected along other lines this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination courage Etc which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature art or any other profession or calling including of course the accumulation of riches the transmutation of Sexual Energy calls for the exercise of willpower to be sure but the reward is worth the effort the desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural the desire cannot and should not be submerged or eliminated but it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich The Body Mind and Spirit of man if not given this form of Outlet through transmutation it will seek Outlets through purely physical channels a river may be damned and it's water controlled for a time but eventually it will force an outlet the same is true of the emotion of sex it may be submerged and controlled for a time but its very nature causes it to be ever-seeking means of expression if it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy Outlet fortunate indeed is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort for he has by that Discovery lifted himself to the status of a genius scientific research has disclosed these significant facts one the men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex Natures men who have learned the art of sex transmutation 2. the men who have accumulated great fortunes and achieved outstanding recognition in literature art industry architecture and the professions were motivated by the influence of a woman the research from which these astounding discoveries were made went back through the pages of biography and history for more than two thousand years wherever there was evidence available in connection with the lives of men and of great achievement it indicated most convincingly that they possessed highly developed sex natures the emotion of sex is an irresistible Force against which there can be no such opposition as an immovable body when driven by this emotion men become gifted with a superpower for Action understand this truth and you will catch the significance of the statement that sex transmutation will lift one to the status of a genius the emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability destroy the sex glands whether in man or beast and you have removed the major source of action for proof of this observe what happens to any animal after it has been castrated a bull becomes as docile as a cow after it has been altered sexually sex alteration takes out of the male whether man or beast all the fight that was in him sex alteration of the female has the same effect the ten mind stimuli the human mind responds to stimuli through which it may be keyed up to high rates of vibration known as enthusiasm creative imagination intense desire Etc the stimuli to which the Mind responds most freely are one the desire for sex expression two love three a burning desire for fame power or financial gain money 4. music 5.
friendship between either of those of the same sex or those of the opposite sex 6. a mastermind Alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who Ally themselves for Spiritual or temporal advancement 7. Mutual suffering such as that experienced by people who are persecuted eight Auto suggestion nine fear ten narcotics and alcohol the desire for sex expression comes at the head of the list of stimuli which most effectively step up the vibrations of the mind and start the wheels of physical action eight of these stimuli are natural and constructive two are destructive the list is here presented for the purpose of enabling you to make a comparative study of the major sources of Mind stimulation from this study it will be readily seen that the emotion of Sex Is by great odds the most intense and Powerful of all mind stimuli this comparison is necessary as a foundation for proof of the statement that transmutation of sex Energy may lift one to the status of a genius let us find out what constitutes a genius some Wise Acre has said that a genius is a man who wears long hair eats queer food lives alone and serves as a target for the joke makers a better definition of a genius is a man who has discovered how to increase the vibrations of thought to the point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought the person who thinks will want to ask some questions concerning this definition of genius the first question will be how may one communicate with sources of knowledge which are not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought the next question will be are there known sources of knowledge which are available only to geniei and if so what are these sources and exactly how may they be reached we shall offer proof of the soundness of some of the more important statements made in this book or at least we shall offer evidence through which you may secure your own proof through experimentation and in doing so we shall answer both of these questions genius is developed through the Sixth Sense the reality of The Sixth Sense has been fairly well established this Sixth Sense is creative imagination The Faculty of creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during an entire lifetime and if used at all it usually happens by mere accident a relatively small number of people use with deliberation and purpose of forethought The Faculty of creative imagination those who use this faculty voluntarily and with understanding of its function are Genie The Faculty of creative imagination is the direct link between the finite mind of man and infinite intelligence all so-called Revelations referred to in the realm of religion and all discoveries of basic or new principles in the field of invention take place through the faculty of creative imagination when ideas or concepts flash into one's Mind through what is popularly called a hunch they come from one or more of the following sources one infinite intelligence two one subconscious mind wherein is stored every since impression and thought impulse switch ever reached the brain through any of the five senses three from the mind of some other person who has just released the thought or picture of the idea or concept through conscious thought or for from the other person's subconscious storehouse there are no other known sources from which inspired ideas or hunches may be received the creative imagination functions best when the mind is vibrating due to some form of Mind stimulation at an exceedingly High rate that is when the mind is functioning at a rate of vibration higher than that of ordinary normal thought when brain action has been stimulated through one or more of the ten mind stimulants it has the effect of lifting the individual far above the Horizon of ordinary thought and permits him to Envision distance scope and quality of thoughts not available on the lower plane such as that occupied while one is engaged in the solution of the problems of Business and Professional routine when lifted to this higher level of thought through any form of Mind stimulation an individual occupies relatively the same position as one who has ascended in an airplane to a height from which he may see over and Beyond the Horizon line which limits his vision while on the ground moreover while on this higher level of thought the individual is not hampered or Bound by any of the stimuli which circumscribe and limit his vision while wrestling with the problems of gaining the three basic necessities of food clothing and shelter he is in a world of thought in which the ordinary work a day thoughts have been as effectively removed as are the Hills and Valleys and other limitations of physical Vision when he rises in an airplane while on this exalted plane of thought the creative faculty of the mind is given freedom for action the way has been cleared for the sixth sense to function it becomes receptive to ideas which could not reach the individual under any other circumstances the Sixth Sense is the faculty which marks the difference between a genius and an ordinary individual the creative faculty becomes more alert and receptive to vibrations originating outside the individual's subconscious mind the more this faculty is used and the more the individual relies upon it and makes demands upon it For Thought impulses this faculty can be cultivated and developed only through use that which is known as one's conscious operates entirely through the faculty of The Sixth Sense the great artists writers musicians and Poets become great because they acquire the habit of relying upon the still Small Voice which speaks from within through the faculty of creative imagination it is a fact well known to people who have keen imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called hunches there is a great orator who does not attain to Greatness until he closes his eyes and begins to rely entirely upon the faculty of creative imagination when asked why he closed his eyes just before the climaxes of his oratory he replied I do it because then I speak through ideas which come to me from within one of America's most successful and best known financiers followed the habit of closing his eyes for two or three minutes before making a decision when asked why he did this he replied with my eyes closed I am able to draw upon a source of superior intelligence the late DrElmer R Gates of Chevy Chase Maryland created more than 200 useful patents many of them basic through the process of cultivating and using the creative faculty his method is both significant and interesting to one interested in attaining to the status of Genius in which category DrGates unquestionably belonged DrGates was one of the really great though less publicized scientists of the world in his laboratory he had what he called his personal communication room it was practically soundproof and so arranged that all light could be shut out it was equipped with a small table on which he kept a pad of writing paper in front of the table on the wall was an electric push button which controlled the lights when DrGates desired to drop on the forces available to him through his creative imagination he would go into this room seat himself at the table shut off the lights and concentrate upon the known factors of the invention on which he was working remaining in that position until ideas began to flash into his mind in connection with the unknown factors of the invention on one occasion ideas came through so fast that he was forced to write for almost three hours When the Thought stopped flowing and he examined his notes he found that they contained a minute description of principles which had not a parallel among the known data of the scientific world moreover the answer to his problem was intelligently presented in those notes in this manner DrGates completed over 200 patents which had been begun but not completed by half-baked brains evidence of the truth of this statement is in the United States patent office DrGates earned his living by sitting for ideas for individuals and corporations some of the largest corporations in America paid him substantial fees by the hour for sitting for ideas the reasoning faculty is often faulty because it is largely Guided by one's accumulated experience not all knowledge which one accumulates through experience is accurate ideas received through the creative faculty are much more reliable for the reason that they come from sources more reliable than any which are available to the reasoning faculty of the Mind the major difference between the genius and the ordinary crank inventor may be found in the fact that the genius Works through his faculty of creative imagination while the crank knows nothing of this faculty the scientific inventor such as MrEdison and DrGates makes use of both the synthetic and the creative faculties of imagination for example the scientific inventor or genius begins an invention by organizing and combining the known ideas or principles accumulated through experience through the synthetic faculty the reasoning faculty if he finds this accumulated knowledge to be insufficient for the completion of his invention he then draws upon the sources of knowledge available to him through his creative faculty the method by which he does this varies with the individual but this is the sum and substance of his procedure one he stimulates his mind so that it vibrates on a higher than average plane using one or more of the ten mind stimulants or some other stimulant of his choice two he concentrates upon the known factors the finished part of his invention and creates in his mind a perfect picture of unknown factors The Unfinished part of his invention he holds this picture in his mind until it has been taken over by the subconscious mind then relaxes by clearing his mind of all thought and waits for his answers to flash into his mind sometimes the results are both definite and immediate at other times the results are negative depending upon the state of development of The Sixth Sense or creative faculty MrEdison tried out more than ten thousand different combinations of ideas through the synthetic faculty of his imagination before he tuned in through the creative faculty and got the answer which perfected the incandescent light his experience was similar when he produced The Talking Machine there is plenty of reliable evidence that the faculty of creative imagination exists this evidence is available through accurate analysis of men who have become leaders in their respective callings without having had extensive educations Lincoln was a notable example of a great leader who achieved greatness through the discovery and use of his faculty of creative imagination he discovered and began to use this faculty as the result of the stimulation of Love which he experienced after he met Anne Rutledge a statement of the highest significance in connection with the study of the source of Genius the pages of History are filled with the records of great leaders whose achievements may be traced directly to the influence of women who arouse the creative faculties of their minds through the stimulation of sex desire Napoleon Bonaparte was one of these when inspired by his first wife Josephine he was irresistible and Invincible when his better judgment or reasoning faculty prompted him to put Josephine aside he began to decline his defeat in Saint Helena were not far distance if good taste would permit we might easily mention scores of men well known to the American people who climbed to Great Heights of achievement under the stimulating influence of their wives only to drop back to destruction after money and power went to their heads and they put aside the old wife for a new one Napoleon was not the only man to discover that sex influence from the right source is more powerful than any substitute of expediency which may be created by mere reason the human mind responds to stimulation among the greatest and most powerful of these stimuli is the urge of sex when harnessed and transmuted this driving force is capable of lifting men into that higher sphere of thought which enables them to master the sources of worry and Petty annoyance which beset their pathway on the lower plane unfortunately only the genie I have made the discovery others have accepted the experience of sex urge without discovering one of its major potentialities a fact which accounts for the great number of others as compared to the limited number of genii for the purpose of refreshing the memory in connection with the facts available from the biographies of certain men we here present the names of a few men of outstanding achievement each of whom was known to have been of a highly sexed nature the genius which was theirs undoubtedly found its source of power in transmuted sex energy George Washington Napoleon Bonaparte William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln Ralph Waldo Emerson Robert Burns Thomas Jefferson Albert Hubbard Albert H Gary Oscar Wilde Woodrow Wilson John H Patterson Andrew Jackson Enrico Caruso your own knowledge of biography will enable you to add to this list find if you can a single man in all history of civilization who achieved outstanding success in any calling who was not driven by a well-developed sex nature if you do not wish to rely upon biographies of men not now living take inventory of Those whom you know to be men of great achievement and see if you can find one among them who is not highly sexed sex energy is the Creative Energy of all geniei there never has been and never will be a great leader Builder or artist lacking in this driving force of sex surely no one will misunderstand these statements to mean that all who are highly sexed are genii man attains to the status of Genius only when and if he stimulates his mind so that it draws upon the forces available through the creative faculty of the imagination Chief among the stimuli with which this stepping up of the vibrations may be produced is sex energy the mere possession of this energy is not sufficient to produce a genius the energy must be transmuted from desire for physical contact into some other form of desire and action before it will lift one to the status of a genius far from becoming genii because of great sex desires the majority of men lower themselves through misunderstanding and misuse of this great force to the status of the lower animals why men seldom succeed before 40.
I discovered from the analysis of over 25 000 people that men who succeed in an outstanding way seldom do so before the age of 40 and more often they do not strike their real Pace until they are well beyond the age of 50. this fact was so astounding that it prompted me to go into the study of its cause most carefully carrying the investigation over a period of more than 12 years this study disclosed the fact that the major reason why the majority of men who succeeded do not begin to do so before the age of 40 to 50 is their tendency to dissipate their energies through overindulgence in physical expression of the emotion of sex the majority of men never learn that the urge of sex has other possibilities which far transcend in importance that of mere physical expression the majority of those who make this discovery do so after having wasted many years at a period when the sex energy is at its height prior to the age of 45 to 50. this usually is followed by noteworthy achievement the lives of many men up to and sometimes well past the age of 40 reflect a continued dissipation of energies which could have been more profitably turned into better channels they're finer and more powerful emotions are sown wildly in the Four Winds out of this habit of the male grew the term sowing his Wild Oats the desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of all human emotions and for this very reason this desire when harnessed and transmuted into action other than that of physical expression May raise one to the status of a genius one of America's most able businessmen frankly admitted that his attractive secretary was responsible for most of the plans he created he admitted that her presence lifted him to Heights of creative imagination such as he could experience under no other stimulus one of the most successful men in America owes most of his success to the influence of a very Charming young woman who has served as his source of inspiration for more than 12 years everyone knows the man to whom this reference is made but not everyone knows the real source of his achievements history is not lacking in examples of men who attained to the status of genii as the result of the use of artificial mind stimulants in the form of alcohol and narcotics Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Raven while under the influence of liquor Draming Drams that mortal never dared to dream before James Whitcomb Riley did his best writing while under the influence of alcohol perhaps it was thus he saw the ordered intermingling of the real and the dream the mill above the river and the Mist above the Stream Robert Burns wrote best when intoxicated for all delaying sign my dear will take a cup of kindness yet for aldling sign but let it be remembered that many such men have destroyed themselves in the end Nature has prepared her own potions with which men may safely stimulate their minds so they vibrate on a plane that enables them to tune in to fine and rare thoughts which come from no man knows where no satisfactory substitute for Nature's stimulants has ever been found it is a fact well known to psychologists that there is a very close relationship between sex desires and spiritual urges a fact which accounts for the peculiar behavior of people who participate in the orgies known as religious revivals common among the Primitive types the world is ruled in the destiny of civilization is established by the human emotions people are influenced in their actions not by reason so much as by feelings the creative faculty of the mind is set into action entirely by emotions and not by Cold reason the most powerful of all human emotions is that of sex there are other mind stimulants some of which have been listed but no one of them nor all of them combined can equal the driving power of sex a mind stimulant is any influence which will either temporarily or permanently increase the vibrations of thought the 10 major stimulants described are those most commonly resorted to through these sources one may commune with an infinite intelligence or enter at will the storehouse of the subconscious mind either one's own or that of another person a procedure which is all there is of Genius a teacher who is trained and directed The efforts of more than thirty thousand sales people made the astounding discovery that highly sect men are the most efficient salesmen the explanation is that the factor of Personality known as personal magnetism is nothing more or less than sex energy highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism through cultivation and understanding this vital force may be drawn upon and used to Great advantage in the relationships between people this Energy may be communicated to others through the following media one the handshake the touch of the hand indicates instantly the presence of magnetism or the lack of it 2.
the tone of voice magnetism or sex energy is the factor with which The Voice May Be colored or made Musical and Charming three posture and carriage of the body highly sexed people move briskly and with Grace and ease 4. the vibrations of thought highly sexed people mix the emotion of sex with their thoughts or may do so at will and in that way may influence those around them five body adornment people who are highly sexed are usually very careful about their personal appearance they usually select clothing of a style becoming to their personality physique complexion Etc when employing salesmen the more capable sales manager looks for the quality of personal magnetism as the first requirement of a Salesman people who lack sex energy will never become enthusiastic nor Inspire others with enthusiasm and enthusiasm is one of the most important requisites in salesmanship no matter what one is selling the public speaker orator preacher lawyer or salesman who is lacking in sex energy is a flop as far as being able to influence others is concerned couple with this the fact that most people can be influenced only through an appeal to their emotions and you will understand the importance of sex energy as a part of the salesman's native ability Master salesmen attain the status of Mastery and selling because they either consciously or unconsciously transmute the energy of sex into sales enthusiasm in this statement may be found a very practical suggestion as to the actual meaning of sex transmutation the salesman who knows how to take his mind off the subject of sex and direct it in sales effort with as much enthusiasm and determination as he would apply to its original purpose has acquired the art of sex transmutation whether he knows it or not the majority of salesmen who transmute their sex energy do so without being in the least aware of what they are doing or how they are doing it transmutation of sex energy calls for more willpower than the average person cares to use for this purpose those who find it difficult to summon willpower sufficient for transmutation May gradually acquire this ability though this requires willpower the reward for the practice is more than worth the effort the entire subject of sex is one with which the majority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant the urge of sex has been grossly misunderstood slandered and burlesqueed by the ignorant and evil-minded for so long that the very word sex is seldom used in polite Society men and women who are known to be blessed yes blessed with highly sexed Natures are usually looked upon as being people who will bear watching instead of being called blessed they are usually called cursed millions of people even in this Age of Enlightenment have inferiority complexes which they developed because of this false belief that a highly sexed nature is a curse these statements of the virtue of sex energy should not be construed as justification for The Libertine the emotion of sex is a virtue only when used intelligently and with discrimination it may be misused and often is to such an extent that it debases instead of enriches both body and mind the better use of this power is the burden of this chapter it seemed quite significant to the author when he made the discovery that practically every great leader whom he had the privilege of analyzing was a man whose achievements were largely inspired by a woman in many instances the woman in the case was a modest self-denying wife of whom the public had heard but little or nothing in a few instances the source of inspiration has been traced to The Other Woman perhaps such cases may not be entirely unknown to you in Temperance in sex habits is just as detrimental as intemperance in habits of drinking and eating in this age in which we live an age which began with the world war in Temperance inhabits of sex is common this orgy of indulgence May account for the shortage of great leaders no man can Avail himself of the forces of his creative imagination while dissipating them man is the only creature on earth which violates Nature's purpose in this connection every other animal indulges its sex nature in moderation and with purpose which harmonizes with the laws of nature every other animal responds to the call of sex only in season man's inclination is to declare Open Season every intelligent person knows that stimulation in excess through alcoholic drink and narcotics is a form of intemperance which destroys the vital organs of the body including the brain not every person knows however that over-indulgence in sex expression may become a habit as destructive and is detrimental to creative effort as narcotics or liquor a sex mad man is not essentially different than a dope mad man both have lost control over their faculties of reason and willpower sexual over-indulgence may not only destroy reason and willpower but it may also lead to either temporary or permanent insanity many cases of hypochondria imaginary illness grow out of habits developed in ignorance of the true function of sex from these brief references to the subject it may be readily seen that ignorance on the subject of sex transmutation forces stupendous penalties upon the ignorant on the one hand and withholds from them equally stupendous benefits on the other widespread ignorance on the subject of sex is due to the fact that the subject has been surrounded with mystery and be clouded by dark silence the conspiracy of mystery and Silence has had the same effect upon the minds of young people that the psychology of prohibition had the result has been increased curiosity and desire to acquire more knowledge on this fairbolton subject and to the shame of all lawmakers and most Physicians by training best qualified to educate youth on that subject information has not been easily available seldom does an individual enter upon highly creative effort in any field of endeavor before the age of 40. the average man reaches the period of his greatest capacity to create between 40 and 60.
these statements are based upon analysis of thousands of men and women who have been carefully observed they should be encouraging to those who fail to arrive before the age of 40 and to those who become frightened at the approach of old age around the 40-year mark the years between 40 and 50 are as a rule the most fruitful man should approach this age not with fear and trembling but with hope and eager anticipation if you want evidence that most men do not begin to do their best work before the age of 40. study the records of the most successful men known to the American people and you will find it Henry Ford had not hit his pace of achievement until he had passed the age of 40. Andrew Carnegie was well past 40 before he began to reap the reward of his efforts James J Hill was still running a telegraph key at the age of 40.
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