The Most Important Warning About How The Devil Comes After You (BEWARE!)

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now the devil lies the Bible tells us that Satan is the father of lies and in fact John 8:44 Paints the picture clearly when Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees he said you are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own own resources for he is a liar and the father of it hear that closely the devil was a
murderer from the beginning that's the first point he does not stand in truth because there's no truth in him that's the second point in fact that it's such a strong assertion that clarifies that the devil is nowhere near Truth the third Point goes on to point out that he is a liar not just a liar but the father of Lies it's one thing being called a liar but it's another thing being called the father of lies and I love the clarity of the Bible here it's like differentiating a thief and a mastermind there's a difference
between a professional and an expert what I'm trying to put across to you is that by virtue of Jesus Christ calling the devil the father of lies and not just a liar that means his degree of deception is unlike any other we have known as humans he is a master deceiver he twists the truth convincingly with one aim and that is to make us turn away from God now there are many lies that he tells people there are lies about our worth our value our identity he'll lie to a young man and tell him try
this you won't get addicted it's just fun before you know it that person is caught in a terrible addiction Satan will lie to a young girl and tell her it's okay for you to have sex before marriage he will prove that you'll love him and before she knows it she is caught in sexual immorality the devil will lie and tell you that it's okay to meet with that coworker after work without your husband knowing without your wife knowing it's okay to take down their number and as friends then before you know it you're breaking the
Commandment Thou shalt not commit adultery do you see how he can lead you on do you see how he can lie to you so that you can take one step then one more step edging you closer and closer to sin then by the time you realize it that one step has turned into a mile that dinner has turned into an Affair that fun moment has become a serious addiction but you see there is a lie that the devil tells us which I believe to be the biggest and the most dangerous lie that many people fall
for and the LIE he tells you is you've got time you have got time and here's how the LIE is dressed up you've got time to repent so keep sinning you can get right with God later you've got time to keep living however you want you don't have to worry about God and turning your life around just yet do it tomorrow you've got time this is a lie that is so easy to believe because it's comfortable it lures us into a false sense of security to think that we can have our cake and eat it
too it's a lie that many fall for because it doesn't require any action on our part it doesn't require us to change it doesn't require us to crucify the flesh but it does allow us to keep living life on our own terms without ever pausing to evaluate where we're headed it's a lie that tells us that we're free to chase money to chase power in relationships or anything we think will fulfill us but the reality is that at any given moment we are 1 second away from Heaven or Hell the parable of the rich fool
is a strong reminder of this in Luke 12:8 to20 the Bible says then he said this is what I'll do I will tear down my Barns and build bigger ones there I will store my Surplus grain and I'll say to myself you have plenty of grain laid up for many years take life easy eat drink and be merry then verse 20 says but God said to him you fool this very night your life will be demanded from you then who will get what you have prepared for yourself I believe this rich man believed the lie
that you've got time you've got time to build up wealth for yourself instead of building God's kingdom you've got time to build riches in this world before you build up Treasures in Heaven little did this rich man know that his clock was ticking his days were numbered and God called him for judgment you see our time on Earth has an expiration date it's not something to be said on the hush it's not a secret or something to be afraid of but we all have a date when the Lord will call us to stand before him
and we don't get to know when that is tomorrow is not promised nor guaranteed when the time comes there are only two destinations ations where we will spend all of eternity the choices we make now the way we live now what we do now and the status of our hearts now will determine the trajectory of our souls after death the lie you've got time is nothing more than a trap a trap from the enemy to try and get you to spend eternity in damnation the Bible says Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone
to devour so that means he wants you to waste time chasing Earthly Pleasures that won't last he wants you to die without ever thinking about where you're going to end up so today if you hear God's voice do not Harden your heart do not believe the lie Christ is knocking on your heart he is calling you to repent and accept the love he has to offer you so I'm encouraging you to turn away from your sin and turn toward God the Earthly pleasure that sin offers is nothing compared to the Eternal Joy found in Jesus
Christ the devil seeks to kill and destroy but Jesus comes to bring life to the fullest we only have one life to live and only so much time to live it will we spend it on our own selfish wants or will we follow the plan God has for us will we live life thinking we have time or will we live life for God as if today is our last day on Earth God is not out to trick us God did not leave us without a road map he made it clear in his word what his
purpose is for us he has offered offered us eternal life by the blood of his son Jesus Christ he has given us everything we need for satisfaction here on Earth as well as Eternal salvation it's not dependent on our good works or our church attendance it depends solely on his goodness and mercy all we have to do is accept the invitation but it won't last forever Our Lives are like a vapor here one moment and gone the next don't regret not spending more time living within God's purpose don't regret not spending more time in prayer
or reading the word of God so man of God woman of God answer the call of Christ Say Yes to God and resist the devil reject the lie and put your faith in Christ today there's no time to waste at times I'm troubled by the evil I see in this world this world and this generation can be hostile towards God in the world many can and often do freely reject the principles and commands of Jesus Christ and as children of God living in a Godless world I believe that we all need to have the following
prayer points we need to pray for God's protection against all manner of evil we need to pray for wisdom and truth so that we aren't deceived we need to pray for the spirit of discernment we need to pray and plead the blood of Jesus Christ to out anything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder your spirit your home or your family only through prayer through the word of God and through the covering of the Holy Spirit can we be delivered from the evil in this world as I was growing up my father always used to
say to me it's my job to protect you he would say that time and time again and it's only when I had my own family that I truly understood what what he meant as a father I will defend my family come what may and if I feel this way if I am a man and I feel so strongly about defending the ones I love imagine God imagine how much the lord loves us and in him loving us so much imagine just how strongly he would protect us God's protection meant that the three Hebrew Boys Wouldn't
Be burned bur even though they were in a fiery furnace God's protection meant that Elisha and his servant were surrounded by a Heavenly Army of angels God's protection meant that Goliath a skilled Giant Warrior was no match for a boy with a few Stones Saints God's protection meant that Gideon and his army of 300 men were greatly outnumbered but they had God's favor they had God's protection ction what I'm trying to put across to you is that the ultimate protector you have is Jesus Christ the ultimate protection you have is Jesus Christ we can do
all we can to physically protect ourselves But ultimately only God can save us only God can defend us we can do all we can to protect our health But ultimately it's in God's hands now I would like to read to you one of the greatest passages of scripture regarding our protection as children of God as I read this I want you to receive it as a child would receive a promise from a father the Bible reads in Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes
from the Lord the maker of heaven and Earth he will not let your foot slip He Who Watches Over you will not Slumber indeed He Who Watches Over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep the Lord Watches Over You the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun will not harm you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more ever since the fall of Man evil has been abundantly
present and visible in the world and in the lives of Man anger greed lust Envy these are the things that secretly dwell in every human heart these are some of the things at the root cause of all the suffering we see in the world and as you you see it's through evil Satan tries to shake our faith in God he tries to destabilize discourage and distract you but the good news is that we are children of God and our father has promised to protect us and guard us against all evil the Bible says Psalm 121
verse 7 to8 the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever more 2 Thessalonians 3:3 but the Lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one Psalm 23:4 even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me in this life it's easy to sometimes be discouraged by the darkness we see all
around us we may even undergo spiritual attacks of our own but we can rest in the knowledge that God will be with us through every battle he will not abandon us to be defeated he will not remove his faithful love from us and leave us to fend for our ourselves Satan is always looking for opportunities to lead people away from God and set them on a path to destruction his tactics can be fierce Temptation can be compelling at times we may be in a position where we have more questions than answers when it comes to
God but I want to remind you that we have a savior in Jesus yes we may be attacked by fear at some point but we have a savior in Jesus Christ 1 John 4 4 Little Children You are from God and have overcome them for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world the way we beat the devil is not by being stronger smarter or faster than him the way we beat the devil is by calling upon the name he cannot stand hand the name of Jesus Christ The Way
We Beat the Devil is by abiding in the shadows of the almighty Jesus is the light that drives out the Darkness at the name of Jesus Satan has to flee demons have to tremble and nature has to bow down Christ alone has ultimate authority over all creation and he has has promised to be with us in every struggle sometimes we can't avoid passing through the waters of life sometimes we may be surrounded by evil on all sides we may not be able to change our circumstances but if we can only walk by faith not by
sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he has already declared that no weapon formed against us shall stand and if he is for us who can be against us [Music]
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