how are you supposed to grow a YouTube channel and a business when finding time to make videos on a regular base feels impossible well I built a YouTube system that generate me millions of views and dollars it works for all of these channels you can see on screen too and it means you can eventually achieve massive results Faster by doing less so in this video I'm going to show you how to use it to make the next 12 months your best ever now to understand how this system works let me ask you a question how
do you burn a hole in some paper with a magnifying glass do you waft it all around no that would make the paper warm instead you keep it focused in one place so that it can ignite this YouTube growth system works in the same way you basically work out what tasks to intensely focus on to get the fastest results according to your own current situation and then ignore anything else which causes results that you can see on screen right now but what tasks would you focus on to get results like that well imagine there are
three levels to YouTube and each one has a specific task that would drastically speed up your results all you need to do is figure out what level you're in and then do the tasks in that level which will enable you to grow faster and make more money so now I'm going to break down each level so you know exactly what to focus on and what to ignore so level one is where most people see it and in order to get a result here you just need to be like JK Rowling so her mother passed away
she was newly divorced she was struggling as a single mom and she couldn't find a job life also just kept getting in the way of her pursuing her writing so one day she decided to stop trying to make money in a heap of different ways and just poured 100% of her focus into writing her manuscript and nothing else she wrote in Cafe whil her kidnapped and then she focused intensely on this one task and you know the end of the story 50 Shades of Gray went on to sell millions of copies dayk ring story is
the perfect example of what happens when you focus 100% on the key tasks in level one creating content in YouTube terms you have to forget trying to grow on Instagram and shorts and Linkedin and building a side hustle and tick tocking or making a product because every second of your focus you put into anything else will remove your ability to get results in the most important long-term Place Building your following on YouTube so if you are getting under 3,000 views per video you are a level one Creator and should be working on these five critical
growth skills for the fastest results to show you how powerful the first skill is I want you to answer this question how many videos in every 10 do you think the top Educators on YouTube make that then go on to grow their Channel noticeably faster well I wanted to know so I analyzed the last 12 months of 30 worldclass YouTube creators videos and discovered the only three in 10 of their videos broke out past their average views and grew their Channel noticeably faster now what that means is if they didn't have an existing fan base
seven times out of 10 they might have gotten zero views on a video but what I also noticed for Miss data was that the channels who made the most videos had the most videos break out to new viewers and noticeably grow their Channel faster what that means is if you really want to grow a following on YouTube and only three out of 10 videos are likely to grow your channel you you have to keep putting videos out on a regular basis because 7 out of 10 times it's unlikely you're going to grow your following that
much now this doesn't mean pump out an insane amount of content really it means make one quality video a week for the next 12 months which was the average of all of these channels and you can expect 16 of them to grow your channel faster and that means if you only make 12 you can only really expect four to do that in an entire year keep in mind this data is taken from worldclass creators too so the first skill you must develop is consistency because without it results seriously slow down but with it you can
pretty much guarantee you will have the best 12 months of growth ever the next skill to focus on is one that wrecks channels who don't take it seriously now you might not know this but Youtubers with millions of followers hire acting coaches and get singing lessons to help them improve their vocal control because they know how critical presenting is for their success I mean how do you feel right now watching me wooden or awkward presenting is really common among much smaller channels and it makes your viewers feel a bit icky so if you're not always
trying to level up here you could be living in Blissful ignorance to the main killer of your videos right now but how do you get good at presenting well I've made a resource to help you level up in every single area I'm going to show you today so you can get that in the link below but really if you make a video a week AKA practice this will level you up here the third skill for level one creators to focus on won't just grow your channel it's actually going to give you the skills to blow
up in level two as well well and that is where the big money is made the truth is if what's coming out of your mouth doesn't work for your viewers it doesn't matter how beautifully presented it is you won't get more views and that's why learning to write is critical for Success you need to become a master of hooks storytelling setups payoffs and understanding exactly what to include in your videos what to delete and how to edit them down and guess how you do that putting out a video a week then looking at your retention
graph and trying to work out why it stayed flat and then why it dipped when you do this over and over through consistency you get better at understanding what your viewers really care about the next often ignored skill annihilates small channels but when you nail this you will get results like shy here who went from 300 to 150,000 subscribers in 10 weeks and it works like this so what's wrong with this channel you can see on screen right now well I call this a platypus Channel because a platypus has a duck bill which they can
fire electric pulses out of it they have no teeth apart from when they're babies they have fur not feathers they glow in UV light their venom and they milk without nipples they're weird in fact when scientists discovered them they thought someone else had stitched loads of different animals together and decided it was a hoax this YouTube channel on screen right now causes that same level of confusion with its viewers because it's stitched together too many topics and niches which is a massive problem for level one creators what that means is if this video blows up
YouTube will test these other videos with the new viewers but they ain't going to click on them because that's not what they came to the channel for originally or what they're interested in so a platypus Channel like this fails because it stitches too many topics together confuses viewers and then they can never bring people back to other videos because of this so even if they blow up a video Once nothing can change and that means the skill you need to master is positioning you need to make every video relate to the big problem your viewers
have so that when people do discover you they're like oh wow this Channel's dedicated to that one thing I really care about so they binge every single video cuz they're like oh they're all so relevant and always return now the next level one skill to focus on is another massive Channel killer if you don't get this right and I think people need to take it 10 times more seriously and it's simply the art of this which of these are you clicking on if we distill YouTube down to its very simplest form it's just a game
of being the most interesting thing on the page so that people want to click your content more than anyone else that YouTube shows them and then it's just a game of keeping viewers watching and interested so they get to the end of a video and then it's just a game of getting them to hopefully watch another one that's kind of it so if you focus on becoming a master of creating curiosity you will make thumbnails and titles that get clicks but also bring people back to your channel over and over again and keep them watching
but how do you make people curious well I've left a group of thumbnails that do this amazingly well on the resource I've made you in a link below so that's the five power skills the thing is knowing that you need to focus on these things isn't where the big results are so let me explain so now you know what to focus on the next time someone says to you you should set up a free community you need to make a lead magnet you should post more to Instagram you should try a podcast just ask yourself
will this actually helped my long form videos get over 3,000 views in a week and if the answer is no you ignore it because it's a distraction that will turn you back to warming the paper rather than burning a hole learn to say no and you will grow it's one heck of a Cheesy slogan I love it do you love it of course you do you're a legend so that's level one but what happens when you start to hit 3,000 views per video well congratulations you are now in level two and this is where you
do less work earn big money and all of the level one Focus pays off massively so let me show you what level two is and how it's going to make you a ton of money so meet simy simy started as a level one Creator and put as much Focus as she could into making really good videos and as a result her content is excellent once she completed level one and hit the views Benchmark she decided to launch a low ticket product which then helped her to quit her job and go fulltime on YouTube she then
took 6 months off posting to build a bigger product that could generate more life-changing result results for people sold it out and then ran it and then she decided to go back to focusing on making videos to reignite her following and build her business the thing is W taking 6 months off posting to your channel mean that your viewers won't come back they'll have forgotten about you right well here's what happened just taking the time to focus on the business side and building that I could tell made my content better because my first two videos
back after going through the program went really well and I was like wow okay like I can see the big jump in quality of my content even though I hadn't made content for six months just because I had gotten to know my audience better by making stuff for them and then helping them like oneon-one when you build a product and work with your viewers you get to know them 10 times better well that means is when you switch back to focusing on YouTube growth your videos get better and better because viewers problems are just so
much clearer to you so this is why you can stop posting earn more money and then grow your channel if you stick to to this system so level two looks like this stop making content to focus 100% on building a product launch it then go back to making videos as your main focus to drive people towards it so can you see how much easier this is than trying to do everything at once switching Focus to one thing at a time stops you burning out and gets you better results with less work too but what skills
do you need to get good at in level two for the best results well the first big skill to focus on a master is what causes those people online to say things like I have a following of 100 people and last week I made a quart of a million dollars from him in fact this skill is so magical JK rling should have baited it into a story about the wizard boy in 50 shads and it works like this which of these two would you buy option one I'll help you get in shape or option two
lose £10 in 8 weeks whilst eating your favorite food and working out just 3 days a week or your money back the skill to get good at here is coming up with a product and then positioning it in a way where a buyer will see it and go that's exactly what I need and I have nothing to lose if I sign up and the value I will get from this is 10 times what I'm paying and when you have an offer like that this way you need one view to get one new client so knowing
this can you now understand how small influencers make so much is because they have positioned an offer to be irresistible but how did you come up with an amazing offer well remember in level one where you became a master of positioning your channel and your content if you've followed my system you've already built the skills to make doing this easier and to help you learn more about offers check out the resource below now the next thing you need to get good at is going to explode the sales of your offer and it requires you to
make no videos in fact it's 10 times easier and faster to make money from this than pumping out more and more videos so this is where the big efficiencies come in and you don't have to work as hard and all you need to do is get good at building an email list and then sending some weekly value to it but what do you write emails about well the easiest thing to do is to take the scripts you wrote In level one cut them back a ton or just use AI to tweak them and then send
them to your list when you have a great offer combined with a call to action every email you send should make you some money so long as what you write is quality so again you've potentially done the work to get good at this in level one which is what I love about this system but that brings us on to our next skill which is going to sell more of your offer make your sales page more appealing get more sales from your email and turn your community wall into an ATM machine so the good news is
if you've stuck to my system in level one once again you're already a master of this because it's just getting good at writing good writers simplify things make complex things feel easy know how to tell stories that inspire people can make a sentence 1,000 times more interesting and know what to cut so that they keep people hooked and that is all critical for making sales with sales copy too can you see what's happening in level one you don't just grow a channel you build the skills to grow a business without even realizing it in fact
the only reason this system wouldn't work for you is if you try to jump from level one to level two too soon when your skills are not developed enough to get results so just keep that in mind skipping ahead is a death sentence be patient Daniel Son now just like in level one when you've used your goal as a benchmark to make decisions by you now do the same in level two to ensure you stay focused on those critical tasks so if someone says can you come on my podcast you now say yes cuz it
will drive more people to your offer this is what I call the promised land because when you have an offer and you're good at content every time you make a video and post it you make money this income then enables you to Outsource to editors and thumbnail designers and it will help you run your business this means you can then intensely focus on only new 10x tasks that make you the most money or grow your channel fastest but what about level three well this is where it's a bit odd I actually think most of you
won't want to do this cuz it has a massive downside and you're actually better off just staying in level two level three is when you are amazing at content presenting have a fantastic offer and big email list so you throw all of the money that you make into creating 50 pieces of content a week post it absolutely everywhere and try to become a multiplatform influencer to drive more and more people back to your email and your offer this is what takes people from say 7even to eight figures IM man gadzi Cody Sanchez FC media hosi
these guys are amazing level three creators and they make a lot because of this but why is Mega Millions a downside that sounds good Ed well in level three you become a CEO who's running a recruitment company and a production company and maybe it's just me but I don't actually think that many people would enjoy this and it's why you see a lot of big channels attempt it but then cut back because it's kind of stressful expensive in level two you can get to Seven figures a year with an editor and an assistant and then
make a video a week and an email a week which is basically what I did we're going to do a deep dive soon on exactly how I did that so subscribe to get it but that's kind of the truth about level three I also have a bit of a distaste for this level mainly because of the damage it causes to level one and two creators when level three creators share what they do it's amazing advice but awful at the same time unless you are in kind of a similar situation to them and you have a
lot of time skill support systems and money to pull it off it's very inspiring but for the smaller and newer people it's often a big distraction so the skills to get good at if you want to take on level three a recruitment Building Systems managing vast amounts of content and also building and managing a team so what's your next move to make the next 12 months your best ever on YouTube well I'm going to show you how to make that decision right now so first pick your level remember this isn't a competition I'm a level
two YouTube Creator living in the promised land and it's amazing very happy being here then just write down every task you think you should be doing to hit your level goal don't worry about if this is right or wrong just empty your brain get all of the ideas that create fomo out of your head onto this bit of paper if you want to write a book or start a podcast just put it down now this is the critical part if you're level one creators delete any task that won't make you better at making long form
content if you're level two delete anything that won't get your product built and launch or if your product's ready delete anything that gets in the way of driving more people to your email list and making sales of it and if you're brave off for level three focus on becoming a recruiter to find worldclass team members and map out who it is you need to build this team and the systems that you need to create to manage it and now just spend the next 6 to 12 months 100% focused on only the task that's on that
list practice the S art of saying no so you can grow but that brings us on to a very interesting problem every single element of success in each level here is based on and that is in order for any of this to work you have to understand your audience and the big problems they have so that you can make content and products that only cat to that and if you get it wrong nothing else really works that well so watch this video next because I've broken down exactly how to figure all of that out so
you can get more views make more sales over the long time right I'm off to see what hermane gets up to in 50 Shades Darker not read that one yet exciting