hey what's up guys so in the saw movies john kramer the main antagonist says on multiple occasions that he has never killed anyone and that his gruesome death traps leave it up to the players to decide if they want to live i've never murdered anyone in my life the decisions are up to them but sometimes that philosophy didn't really hold up in this video we'll look at some of the most unbeatable sawtraps by the way i'm not going to be counting any of the traps that were completely rigged where there was no chance to escape
or any of the traps that happened in a dream sequence like jill's death we're only going to be counting the ones that technically were escapable but were basically impossible if you were to follow the rules one of the most unbeatable traps which also left quite an impression on most people is the neato pit from saw two it will be like finding a needle in the trap five people are locked in a room trying to get an antidote to the poisonous gas they're breathing however the shot they need is behind a locked door and the key
is at the bottom of a pool filled with needles now in my video of how to beat this trap i mentioned that you can take a lot of the blankets in the room and wrap yourself in it in order to avoid getting pranked by the needles however the contacts of the trap might not really allow for that what happens is that none of the five players want to go into the trap obviously but then xavier the buff guy throws amanda inside and forces her to look for the key and won't let her out before so
if you're thrown in here by this dude he's probably not going to react too kindly if you start wasting time by asking for protective blankets and even though a blanket or something like that might protect you rolling around in sharp metal and broken glass will still probably result in a few small cuts and with that you'll get the 5 000 diseases on those needles but you know what at least in the needle pit you know what you're supposed to do because the original saw had one trap that too a lot of people didn't even make
any sense and that is the flammable jelly trap hello mark if you're so sick then why do i have so many photos of you up and about now i've watched this movie quite a few times with different people and nobody ever understands what the hell mark is even supposed to do he wakes up alone in this room covered in flammable jelly we see that there are also a bunch of numbers on the wall now mark has to try out every number combination on a safe to open it and escape but there are countless permutations of
how these numbers can be interpreted like is this a 5 or a 65 or 57 or is it a completely worthless number that's just written there to throw you off well the only way to find out is to walk barefoot across the floor which is covered in glass and you might forget what the combination was maybe you're on this side of the room and you try to remember a new set of six numbers in the right order while you're holding a candle which can't touch your skin or else you'll burn to death this one is
basically impossible but there are some traps in the franchise that while technically providing a very straightforward path to escaping what you have to do in order to escape is completely insane one of those traps is the ten pints of sacrifice room and saw five in this entry five people wake up trapped in a mysterious dungeon where they have to get through five rooms with different death traps however the traps become increasingly more violent and extreme the last one of these rooms is the 10 pints of sacrifice room in it jigsaw explains how the last two
people that are still alive must each drain 5 pints of blood out of their bodies by putting their hands on these saw blades in this box in this scene one of the characters realizes that if all five people would have survived each person would only have to drain two pints out of their bodies that still sounds awful just the act of putting your hand on a saw blade and then continuing to push it further is just crazy i'm not doing that luckily i had some ways to beat the trap but the way it was set
up shows that there were some unrealistic expectations from jigsaw how much blood would you give in order to survive the c not also one of the most intense conclusions as when they're finished the guy holds up his hand to reveal that his entire forearm has been sawed in half and it's slowly falling apart there's also one detail in the first movie that's almost like an ongoing mystery because it's quite weird and it has to do with adam's key in the first trap that we ever see in the franchise adam and lawrence wake up and hit
a crepit bathroom chained by their ankles you guys have heard this a thousand times by now throughout the movie they go through the trap solving the different puzzles trying to figure out what the hell is going on but towards the end it's revealed that there was a key to adam's chain in the bathtub that he woke up in however when he got up he pulled out the stopper and it went down the drain there's a whole debate over why jon would leave him the key as it could really change the entire dynamic of the movie
and in this trap lawrence is given a choice he either has to kill adam in six hours or something like that or he will never see his family again and die here but adam isn't really given the same option all he has to do is survive so there's nothing he can really do to determine his own future the choice is very much not his but it's decided by lawrence so most of what he can do is just sit here and hope for the best so you're going to watch yourself die today adam i do something
about it i don't get it but i think saw is most well known for these small and contained traps they're probably the scariest one of these is the extremely bulky venus flytrap in saw 2 which was quite a shocking sequel to the relatively tame first one michael wakes up in a dark room with a mask around his head as he panics the tv turns on and it's explained that the mask will snapshot and kill him in 60 seconds unless he can get the key to unlock it and it's located behind his eye on top of
that the only tool to retrieve it is a scalpel so again there is a way out but what you have to do is quite extreme i had some methods for how to beat it but this was one of those traps where there really was no safe way to escape even if you follow all the rules as john kramer would like you to to give up the one thing you rely on in order to go on living the device around your neck is a depth mask next is the knife chair from saw four even though the
fourth entry was a little bit slow and not quite as interesting as the other ones in my opinion this trap definitely stood out it happened in a flashback actually i think it happens in a flashback within a flashback where we follow a guy called seesaw it's revealed that he had a very negative impact on jon's and a lot of other people's lives so in turn jon put him into this trap this one really demonstrates how these smaller traps tend to be the ones that are much more difficult to beat cecil is restrained that almost every
move he makes can kill him he's sitting in a chair with blades under his arms which are tied to the armrest then a box full of knives is put in front of his face and the only way to get out is to push his head through the knives and hit a lever at the end which releases him the most surprising part and the reason this isn't higher on the list is that he actually does make it out alive but then he runs into a tub full of razor wire and dies okay so now we're down
to the really insane traps one of these is the second to last trap from saw 3d this one is also part of a larger test in saw 3d bobby dagon a person falsely claiming to have survived a saw trap has to go through a real game after the first few tests bobby lands in a room where he must open a door which requires a code it's four digits and on the wall in the room is a chart of the human mouth it's then explained to him that the numbers are on his teeth and the only
way to get the code is to rip them out oh and it's not any other smaller teeth in front no no it's his wisdom teeth way in the back watch bobby the only tool he's given is a set of pliers and if he doesn't rip them out his wife will die this was one of the few traps in the franchise where i had nothing on how to beat it my only solution was to remove only one tooth and then cycle through the last 100 combinations manually by quickly entering them but even if it's just one
tooth that's still extremely painful and the sound design was really visceral in this one you hear all the crackling and crunching it was pretty bad i think i might have watched this one after my wisdom teeth removal which was not done like this and i thought well i got off pretty easy it could have been worse anyway another trap that was surprisingly well designed was the bedroom trap in saw four this was one of the strangest moments in the saw series because it's one of the very few times where the main character in this case
rig puts someone into a trap instead of trying to help them out he forces ivan the fat guy into this really strange trap in this bed where his head is fixed by a vise and his limbs are on these mechanical arms what he has to do is in a very short time press two triggers to activate two spikes which will poke out his eyes making him blind or he can do nothing and wait until the time runs out which won't trigger the arms and rip all of his limbs off since you're completely chained up in
this strap there is basically nothing you can do it's one of the weirdest most elaborate but also well-designed traps in the series and ivan gets the worst possible ending he pokes out one of his eyes but before he can remove the other one the time runs out and his limbs are ripped off thankfully not all the violent traps in saw show a lot of blood for example in saw 3d there's a trap called the silent circle what bobby must do here is pull on a string oh and that string is connected to a hook which
is inside a woman's stomach so he has to rip out this hook which is going to tear off this woman's entire throat there wasn't that much to see here but what it did show was enough to make everyone want to look away but the most unbeatable trap that i have seen was the classroom trap from saw three it's the first thing we see in the movie in the trap a man is chained up in a school classroom on the table in front of him is a bump that will explode in a short amount of time
what he has to do to escape is rip out all of the rings attached to him some of them are simpler and are like connected to his arm skin but the last one is connected to his mouth now there is no way for him to remove this chain unless he were to rip out his entire jaw but this would most likely result in his death anyway and i had pretty much nothing on how to escape this one because there is absolutely no way out and this was still one of the traps that i believe was
set up by jon kramer whereas a lot of the other ones are done by hoffman and amanda now these were of course not all of the ones that were nearly impossible to beat but were some of my favorites as always i hope you liked it and that i get to see you guys in the next video bye guys you