The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes Trismegistus - EXPLAINED

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Agrippa's Diary
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is a profound artifact of wisdom, central to the Hermetic ...
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we have the truth still with us but it is not found in books to Any Given extent it has been passed along from lip to ear when it was written down at all its meaning was veiled in terms of alchemy and astrology so that only those possessing the key could read it or right the veiled Genesis of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes trism magistus remains an enigma cloaked in The Mists of antiquity diverse are the schools of thought on its Inception ranging from the scholarly postulations of its roots in the nent stages of Arabic Alchemy
to the more imaginative conjectures suggesting An Origin amidst the ancient splendors of Atlantis regrettably the original manuscript has been lost to time leaving us only only with translations through which its wisdom is conveyed of Paramount influence upon the Western intellectual tradition are the trio of Latin Renditions from the 12th century which over the past two centuries have been complemented by the discovery and subsequent English translations of several Arabic manuscripts of older provenance among these Arabic texts there are narratives attributing the Emerald Tablet to The Testament of an individual named Bal us this balinas it is
told ventured into a cavern where he beheld Hermes Tris magistus the Thrice great in Serene Repose clasping an Emerald Tablet inscribed upon this tablet in the script of ancient syak were profound aphorisms emerging from the cavern balinas endeavored to immortalize the inscriptions he witnessed upon the Hermetic tablet whether these accounts hold historical veracity or not they gift us with a rich mythological Tableau a metaphorical Odyssey into the depths of the soul in quest of Enlightenment the Emerald Tablet stands as a Cornerstone of Western alchemical tradition embodying the quintessence of hermetic philosophy Alchemy in its truest
Essence transcends the mundane pursuit of material gold representing instead the alchemical application of hermetic wisdom a plethora of translations of the emerald tablet have been made accessible each offering its own unique lens through which to interpret its Timeless teachings for the discourse at hand we shall delve into the 12th century Latin translation provided by Steel and singer as a means to unfurl the profound contents of this ancient tablet let us therefore Embark upon an exploratory journey into the essence encapsulated within the Emerald Tablet as a Prelude to a more detailed examination of its sacred text
welcome to agrippa's diary the Gathering Place for mystical Seekers true without falsehood certain most certain what is above is like what is below and what is below like that which is above to make the miracle of the one thing and as all things were made from contemplation of one so all things were born from one adaptation its father is the Son and its mother is the moon the wind carried it in its womb and the Earth breastfed it it is the father of all works of wonder in the world its power is complete if turned
towards Earth it will separate Earth from fire the subtle from the gross with great capacity wisdom it asend descends from Earth to Heaven again it descends to Earth and takes back the power of the above and the below thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world all obscurity will flee from you this is the whole most strong strength of all strength for it overcomes all subtle things and penetrates all solid things thus was the World created from this comes marvelous adaptations of which this is the procedure therefore I am called Hermes
Thrice Crown because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world and complete is what I had to say about the work of the sun now let's explain each verse in order to decipher the sacred teachings passed down by Hermes to the world true without falsehood certain most certain may be thus comprehended the venerable Emerald Tablet initiates its discourse by affirming the universal veracity of its teachings within its hallowed lines it Intimates the existence of manifold strata of Truth each echoing the unalterable Verity of the cosmos the tablet extends unto us a Celestial
key an instrument of wisdom whereby we may gauge our comprehension of its sacran pronouncement should our understanding falter at any juncture of our existential Journey thereby rendering the words of the tablet as discordant with our experiences it is a clear summons to expand our perception and embrace a broader Vista of understanding what is above is like what is below and what is below like that which is above to make the miracle of the one thing is elucidated as follows In this passage the emerald tablet unveils the concept of the infinite Continuum a realm where the
dichotomy of above and below merges into a singular unbounded expanse the above signifies not merely a Direction but a metaphysical plane from whence Ascension is Limitless while the below encapsulates the foundational depth from which descension knows no bounds this articulation of similarity between the celestial and the terrestrial realms establishes is an eternal Continuum within which the only fixed point is the center a Nexus from which the infinite extends in all directions encompassing all existences and non-existential becomes the fulcrum of all relations be it with the natural world the spiritual domain or the Myriad facets of
One's Own being in this Continuum Miracles as we perceive them are but manifestations of the natural order the Unseen Symphony of cosmic laws acting in harmony rather than exceptions to these laws this Center omnipresent in its Essence manifests within every entity moment and space embodying the entirety of existence without exception it is here within this Center that the concept of the one thing takes form a singularity encompassing all of creation visible and invisible this one akin to the self encompasses all that is and all that is not forming the most comprehensive and potent Continuum conceivable
such a Continuum unites us with the entirety of creation from the Simplicity of a bird perched upon a bow to the complexity of our innermost selves from the celestial dance of Archangels to the Earthly flow of a river every conceivable entity and concept Finds Its place within this infinite Continuum within this framework the notion of a miracle as an event outside the natural order dissolves from the perspective of hermetic wisdom what we perceive as miraculous merely reflects our limited understanding of the universal laws at Play not an exception to these laws hence the emerald tablet's
reference to the miracle of the one thing alludes to the realization that True wonderment Lies not in the aberration of nature's laws but in the harmonious expression of the infinite Continuum in its entirety every action we undertake every Discovery we make within this boundless expanse is but an exploration of the natural laws that govern the one thing thus in the the contemplation of the emerald tablet's profound statement we are invited to perceive the unity and interconnectivity of all existence recognizing that within the infinite Continuum the miraculous is not an anomaly but the natural state of
being a testament to the unfathomable depth of the one thing that is all and as all things were made from contemplation of one so all things were born from one by adaptation having established the infinite Continuum of self the text now turns to a discussion of the production of life within this Continuum Hermes Tris magistus reveals that the concept of the one is illuminated as the all encompassing mind from which the multitudinous aspects of existence spring forth conceived through the sacred Act of contemplation within this Majestic Continuum of self every entity emerges as a self-aware
reflection of the one the all mind each mirroring the Divine capability and adhering to the celestial methodologies of the one it is thus revealed that akin to the one which brings forth creation through contemplation these Myriad expressions of the self are tasked with manifesting their desires through an analogous process a harmonious adaptation of the original Divine contemplation its father is the Son and its mother is the Moon the wind carried it in its womb and the Earth breastfed it it is the father of all works of wonder in the world the Emerald Tablet unveils the
Mystique of creation's adapted mechanism employing the allegory of human procreation father mother womb breastfeeding simultaneously mirrored in the cosmological symbols of the Sun Moon wind air and Earth the father or son epitomizes the essence of force over form Luminosity against Darkness the element of fire contrasted with water and the realm of thought over tangible matter it stands as one polarity inherently suggesting the presence of its counterpart the mother or moon this force be it termed energy creative intent mind or yod incessantly aspires towards expression in form in the Hermetic tradition each unique vibrational frequency seeks
to manifest through the immediate lower vibrational levels thus every specific vibration is both a manifestation of the higher and a conduit for the lower vibrations the process of creation as described in this portion of the Emerald Tablet is an ethereal journey of force descending into form the paternal seed yearns for the maternal egg the sun's Cadence is Tethered to Earth by the moon's rhythm individuality manifests through personality the mental permeates the astral light only discerns Itself by traversing Darkness chokma merges into Bina the moon or mother symbolizes the act of giving form the Relentless flow
of energy cascading down the vibrational Spectrum manifesting increasingly tangible forms it captures and transforms the sun's Radiance then mirrors it towards Earth embracing the seed within its womb this entity is the inaugural hair of yod Bina redefined by chokma seed transitioning from a dark Barren mother to a luminous fertile One Creation at its core is the mother's Endeavor as further illustrated by the subsequent maternal archetypes in the Hermetic analysis of elements air emerges from the union of Fire and Water symbolizing their synthesis ser serving as a mediator air is born from their interplay their existence
is mutual for they manifest solely in unity if fire represents ascent and water descent air then embodies Stillness a balance between the two forces air devoid of its own valtion readily assumes any Force impressed upon it within the cryptic lore of the Emerald Tablet such force is directed downwards transforming air into wind a conduit of unseen power symbolizing both a force and its manifestation this Dynamic serves as a cosmic womb nurturing the gestation of creation until its emergence into form marking air as the vessel through which a celestial force descends to sculpt matter in the
esoteric language of the cabala this process is articulated through the interplay of tifereth emanating from the union of chokma and Bina cascading towards Malu it embodies the valve of the tetr grammaton seeking Earthly expression culminating in the her the finality this descent intertwines Cosmic influences with our terrestrial Journey Guided by the cycles of the Sun and Moon embodying the adept's Consciousness that manifests through the veneer of personality and the corporeal turning our gaze to Earth the fourth element we encounter a synthesis Fire Water and Air converge to form Earth not merely in Elemental Theory but
as an archetypal truth Earth stands apart a distinct element yet it is the culmination of an archetypal process it is the archetype of form itself where water's formative impulse becomes tangible in Earth the ultimate canvas for the expression of force Earth provides sustenance and solidity giving form it it Independence and substance this manifestation is seen as tith adorned in yesod realized in Malu the final expression of the tetragrammaton the hair final it is the personal self expressed within the confines of a physical existence the quintessence of creation embodied by these four elements plus the conscious
intent of the creator gives rise to autonomous life the Emerald Tablet encapsulates this alchemical journey presenting it as a fatherly principle a cyclical Odyssey of self-realization where the end is but the beginning a Perpetual cycle of renewal and Discovery the nent father is proclaimed to engender the Myriad Marvels within the cosmos here a Discerning separation is made between the Marvels and the miraculous suggesting that within the Continuum this progenitor adheres to the edicts of Nature's law for most in the schema of creation as depicted on the ancient tablets is the element of the Creator's deliberate
cognic this Essence The Fifth Element or the quintessence pervades all though its name remains unspoken the manifestation of the superior through the inferior is deemed a natural order of things however it is the infusion of conscious intent that culminates in the begetting of the universal progenitor of all worldly Marvels its power is complete if turned towards Earth it will separate Earth from fire the subtle from the gross the product of the emerald tablet's downward equation of creation is a father or in an elemental sense a fire this entity vibrant with activity yet enshrouded within layers
of vibration more opaque than those of the father or the son embodies the quintessence manifested in tangible form conscious awareness articulated through the vessel of humanity the tablet articulates that this faculty of conscious awareness reaches its Zenith of completeness its Integra when directed Versa furit towards the Earthly domain this articulation suggests that the human expression of awareness the father or fire rekindles a connection a symbiotic participation with the whole aligning with its archetypal form the father or son through inward Journey to the self enrobed in the densest of matter Earth such introspection marks the commencement
of a hward cycle Paving the way to a subsequent alchemical formula where force is birthed from form contrary to the initial equation which describes a descent by adding form to force this emergent father catalyzes a reversal cleaving force from form the essence of this inward Quest manifests duly a it delineates Earth from fire and B it distinguishes the subtle from the gross in the scenario of a the process delineates the corporeal Earth from its ethereal fire showcasing the quintessence is self-refinement initiating from its most condensed State and disentangling itself from its own Essence this is
a very apt description of the process of human introspection or of alchemical putri faction and fermentation within this Arcane allegory we observe the fire's deliberate engagement with the cosmos effecting a division distinguishing the Earth from its own fiery Essence a deliberate shedding of its material vestments as the fire emancipates itself from its Earthly confines our teachings Usher us towards the Vantage of be wherein lies an act of reaching downwards effecting a division between the subtle from the gross the process is represent Ed by a fire devoid of Earth and B gross devoid of subtle mirror
each other allbe it enacted on disperate planes and perceived from Divergent vantages a is discerned from the nater while B is envisioned from the Zenith throughout the fatherly fire enacts a consistent theme of Separation with a epitomizing an Ascension from the lower Realms towards the higher and B a Celestial hand extending downwards to elevate the lower towards the upper echelons this narrative delineates a dualistic process of Separation initially the Earth is cleaved from the fire symbolizing a rise in conscious awareness from the terrestrial to the fiery subsequently this fire scrutinizes itself once more extricating its
quintessence from the gross collectively this Saga unfolds as the father fires self-aware emancipation from form Mir mirroring an inversion of the primordial Act of Creation again it descends to Earth and takes back the power of the above and the below upon the wings of Consciousness emancipated from its material encasement the essence ascends through the vibratory scales of the Continuum Guided by Magno ingenio a term heralded from the depths of the Emerald Tablet this phrase embodying great natural ability or Talent often stands as a beacon of wisdom a delicate yet potent Force suggesting an innate capacity
a quintessential element of self-aware Enlightenment this journey originating from the terrestrial confines or the guise of form the below to the celestial expanses of no form the above embodies the emerald tablet's profound principle of force from form the Odyssey of force delving into form only to reemerge into a formless existence is a pilgrimage of self-conscious realization a realization that evolves through the Odyssey the force once merged with form emerges transformed enriched by its terrestrial sojourn emboldened with Newfound power and wisdom It prepares to venture once more into form this time bearing the expanded consciousness of
its Essence as a force in its red descent Force melds its Celestial attributes with its Earthly manifestations crafting a lucid portrayal of the continuums entirety of above and below United thus the uroboros transcends the simple Circle evolving into a spiral this metamorphosis births a force imbued with self-awareness deliberately enrobed in form forging a deliberate bridge between the above and the below thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world and all obscurity will flee from you upon the venerable Emerald Tablet is inscribed a tripartite Doctrine The Descent of force into form marks
the Inception of creation through a quadruple phase of transformation this Force now vested within form embarks upon a conscious Journey towards a formless Essence through a triadic progression in a singular Act of will the self-aware force once again merges with form intent on manifesting its Essence therein in this cyclic Odyssey the force attains a measure of self-awareness reestablishes communion with its Primal Essence and undergoes a metamorphosis into a renewed progenitor basking in the Splendor of the cosmos A new a force emerges now adorned with the attributes of light a symbolic resonance with the archetypal father
son representing a Transcendent iteration of the primordial architect of Marvels the father fire this reborn father light wields the gifts of insight and sagacity casting light upon all Shadows observe the evolution from a force of physical exertion to one of mental prowess this is the whole most strong strength of all strength for it overcomes all subtle things and penetrates all solid things here the Emerald Tablet describes this new father light the completely self-realized awareness this Revelation is segmented into a tripartite structure mirroring the universal triadic patterns that permeate existence the inaugural segment Heralds the father
light as the quintessence of power a power surpassing all others in its intensity and capacity this articulation replete with a Triad of superlatives resonates with the foundational assertion of Truth and certainty that inaugurates the discourse herein strength is not merely potential but a reservoir of dynamic Force omnipotent across the spectrum of existence and supreme amongst all other forms of active energy within the Continuum this facet of the father light reflects the initial stages of creation a forceful emanation from the celestial to the terrestrial a divine impulse cascading from the higher Realms to the lower in
its second aspect the father light exhibits an ascendant Dominion effortlessly transcending the Ethereal nuances of existence this aspect formulated as a triadic principle symbolizes the ascent of force from form a dynamic attributed to the father light's inherent capability to surpass all that seeks elevation the third facet delves into the capacity of the father light to infuse and animate the corporeal realm its Force permeating the densest forms of matter this represents the reintegration of force into form completing the triadic equation outlined by the tablet and signifying the conscious return of energy into material expression thus the
father light as delineated through this three-fold Paradigm mirrors the virtues of the one thing embodying the entire expanse of the infinite Continuum its creative potential albeit confined within the Continuum and resonating at a frequency an octave lower than the miraculous workings of the one thing suggests a parallel in creativity this Revelation hints at an eternal cycle of renewal wherein the father light assumes the role of creatrix perpetuating an endless lineage of Father light each iteration a testament to the infinite cyclical process of creation and Recreation within the vast Continuum thus was the World created this
pronouncement Harbors profound depths in the sacred texts of the Divine pimanda One discerns The Mystic cycle where Force descending into form awakens to self-awareness and embarks on creation a new initiating another descent into the realm of form the culmination of this process births the world a parallel wisdom is observed in the teachings of cabala where the cthc lights descent into Malu engenders creativity a new at each juncture of its Journey such inites reveal a fundamental truth about our Cosmos they proclaim the Vitality that permeates all things each entity be it human Beast Flora Stone a
mere droplet of water or even a mound of Earth thrums with life each a manifestation of the singular Essence within every manifestation regardless of its plane of existence resides the essence of the father light a truth unwavering Beyond doubt and of utmost certainty from this comes marvelous adaptations of which this is the procedure the this from which come marvelous adaptations is the world in the esoteric heart of alchemy as revealed by the Emerald Tablet it is affirmed that within every element of nature dwells the Luminous essence of the father rendering each entity a harbinger of
its own destiny within this realm of extraordinary Transformations we as mortal Architects engage with the material Cosmos our labors are conducted not Beyond but squarely within the Continuum reflecting the sublime faculty ities of the singular Essence enacting Transformations that though lacking the singular wonder of the original act are nonetheless remarkable to inhabit a corporeal vessel with conscious intent is to manifest the dynamism of the higher within the lower to bridge the Ethereal with the tangible thus lies our domain of alchemy wherein we direct our inner luminance our inherited spark to forge our Destinies a new
the discourse preceding this juncture in the Emerald Tablet delineates the organic processes that give rise to our Primal substance the foundation of all it is at this critical passage that the methodology for our profound alterations the Philosophers Stone is unveiled encapsulated within the tablets concluding aphorisms therefore I am called Hermes Thrice crowned because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world and complete is what I had to say about the work of the sun these lines break down into three sections in an echo of the overall three-fold nature of the tablet a
therefore I am called Hermes Thrice crowned therefore implies a sense of consequence and I am called implies a secondhand knowing this marks the inaugural convergence of force with form a journey of Enlightenment where the novice engages in study prayer and experimentation it is is akin to the father light in its own luminescence engaging in a cyclical self-reflection through its fiery Essence this process mirrors the one thing akin to a seed in its silent Decay within the Earth catalyzing the latent power destined to burst forth in Vitality the epithet Hermes Thrice great stands as a profound
and encompassing symbol one that transcends the bounds of simple explanation it embodies the Triune principle the synthesis of thesis and antithesis encapsulating the dualities of the Sun and Moon and all that dwells within their Cosmic interplay in this context it symbolizes the omnipotent influence of the center within the infinite Continuum capable of manifesting anywhere an autonomous force in service to the all being Thrice great underscores the activation of this power across the three planes of existence the physical astral and mental embodied by salt sulfur and Mercury section A reflects the foundational principle of the Emerald
Tablet The Descent of creative Force into form a process that naturally begets the father fire heralding the subsequent rise in section B there emerges A Narrative of intimate realization a declaration of I possess which speaks to a firsthand experiential wisdom The Possession of the three fathers suggests an internalized Divine illumination this captures the essence of the second Axiom of the Emerald Tablet the ascent of force from form indicating a journey to be undertaken triple across the mental astral and physical domains please note how this wisdom of the whole world is a slightly different expression of
the father of all works of wonder in the world as in part three of the equation the procedure of marvelous adaptations is made complete whole entire an echo of Integra by the conscious redes of force into form here this is symbolized by the phrase what I had to say which implies a past tense intentional expression of an idea Force Through words form the work of the sun is another broad symbol in short it points here to the fact that this is an active process within the Continuum the sareth connection points to this being a ystic
or creative process carried out by the individual self in a cabalistic sense this constitutes a metallic work specifically that of gold it is furthermore Mercurial in that it is predominantly fire mixed with air Helios The Sun Also implies a specific Rhythm symbolically uniting the four-fold elements and the three-fold principles in its Journey Through the 12-fold zodiac this three-fold procedure of marvelous adaptations is very similar to The Emerald Tablets archetypal equation yet has distinct differences occurring as it does on a lower octave within the Continuum and so the Emerald Tablet of Hermes ends Integra by virtue
of its having finished with the decent of its essential Force into the form of instructions for our enlightenment in the epilog the Emerald Tablet outlines an essential three-part equation one the creative Descent of force into form a four-step process two the ascent of force from form in a conscious Act of self-realization a three-step process three the redes of self-aware force into form a one-step process at the outset of this alchemical formula the father son emerges as the primary Catalyst within the one thing birthing the progenitor of all mystical Endeavors in the cosmos or what I
term the father fire this father fire then serves as the dynamic force in the formula's subsequent phase giving rise to the father light who in the sequence's culmination descends once again such a process unfolds in a triadic Rhythm throughout the discourse in the inaugural cycle the one thing begets the original father light the ensuing cycle Witnesses the father light in a self-reflective act engendering the cosmos while the final cycle is epitomized by the Endeavors of humanity those wondrous Transformations enacted upon the Prima Materia of our universe these Reflections merely skim the surface of the profundity
ensconced within the Emerald Tablet indeed it stands as one of Humanity's foundational manuscript scripts A Shard of primordial poetic symbolism offering each Seeker a unique Shard of Illumination upon every encounter as we stand at the Confluence of the ancient wisdom bestowed upon us by the Emerald Tablet of Hermes trismegistus we find ourselves enveloped in a profound tapestry of metaphysical insights and alchemical truths the journey through the tablets verses is not merely an academic Endeavor but a pilgrimage Into the Heart of esoteric philosophy inviting us to transcend the material and embrace the sublime Unity of all
existence through the tablet's teachings Hermes Tris magistus the thric Great Sage imparts a Timeless wisdom that transcends the ages embodying the quintessential quest for the one thing the primordial Essence from which all creation emanates and to which it inevitably returns this sacred text serves as a beacon Illuminating the path towards spiritual Alchemy where the transformation of the Soul mirrors the transmutation of Base elements into Noble gold the tablet's cryptic verses while rooted in the language of alchemy extend far beyond the confines of chemical processes unveiling a universal philosophy that har harmonizes the microcosm of the
individual with the macrocosm of the cosmos in this Grand Vision the cycles of creation transformation and Enlightenment unfold in a Perpetual dance echoing the Eternal rhythms of the universe itself as we delve into the mysteries of the Emerald Tablet we are reminded that true wisdom lies in the recognition of our inherent Unity with all of existence where the distinctions between the above and the below dissolve into a singular Continuum of divine Consciousness the tablet calls upon us to awaken to the latent power within urging us to embark on a transformative Journey that transcends the physical
and ascends into the Realms of the spirit in embracing the teachings of the Emerald Tablet we are invited to partake in the alchemical Opus a sacred Endeavor that seeks not only the transmutation of metals but the elevation of the human spirit this magnum opus symbolized by the harmonious interplay of the Sun and the Moon the father and the mother beckons us to realize our potential as co-creators in the unfolding drama of creation let the wisdom of Hermes Tris magistus encapsulated within the venerable Emerald Tablet Inspire us to pursue the path of Enlightenment with unwavering dedication
and humility for in the pursuit of the one thing we discover not only the secrets of the cosmos but the Luminous essence of our very Souls thus as we reflect upon the profound teachings of the Emerald Tablet Let Us carry forth its Timeless wisdom into our lives embodying its principles in our thoughts actions and aspirations May the light of Hermes guide us on our journey Illuminating the path toward Unity wisdom and the realization of our divine nature in in this sacred Quest we find that the greatest Alchemy is the transformation of the self a journey
that leads us back to the one the source of all wonder and the ultimate destination of our Soul's Voyage Through The Mysteries of existence if you want to delve deeper into the world of ancient wisdom and esotericism be sure to like share and subscribe to the channel for more insightful videos and if you want to support my mission to Earth and decipher the Forgotten teachings of the ancient Mysteries and the encrypted knowledge of Western esotericism consider becoming a patreon supporter until next time continue to seek out the light and to pan
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