How To ACTUALLY Start Dropshipping (FULL 2024 GUIDE)

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Sebastian Esqueda
Here is how to ACTUALLY start a Shopify Dropshipping business in 2024. With proof that it is still p...
Video Transcript:
I just started a brand new Drop Shipping Store and in 48 hours I took it from zero literally no sales to over $7,000 in Revenue profiting around 2500 bucks in Just 2 days and in this video I'm going to give you the exact blueprints that I'm following that you can essentially replicate all of the stuff I'm doing and in turn make your own store successful but first I want to show you the product the website and the revenue and profit results so you know I'm not just another YouTuber on here bullshitting you which happens far
too often so let's in my computer now the product this is the product it is these little boxers that are plaid and they're pretty viral right now so I sell a single piece for $19.95 and then buy one get to free for $30 which is the most popular and then we have a bundle set for 50 bucks and so that is the product and the website it is not too fancy at all and as you can see we were building the website for a few days kind of perfecting things and making sure it was tidy
and then the day after August 8th was our first day that we tested we ended up doing 20 $400 in sales and that was a a good sign that the product is viable and on the second day we hit over $7,600 in sales and profit was honestly really freaking good we did $2,500 in profit so Revenue again 7,600 we had an average order value of $28 we spent around $3,300 on ad spend and as you can see right there that was all Facebook ads and yeah profit was again $2,500 so $0 to $2,500 a day
in profit in Just 2 days now the cool thing is I didn't do anything too fancy there's a three-step formula number one is finding a product that is really really solid and also just starting to pick up traction and go a little bit viral the second is crafting an amazing website with good offers to make sure people buy your product a lot of the times drop shippers will start and try to sell something but they have really bogus offers and they're not that good and no one's excited to shop on their website and the number
three is just marketing dialing in marketing getting eyeballs onto your website I'll show you ENT my exact marketing scheme and how I do all of the stores I do how we scale them how we start and just overall how you can get eyeballs on your store and people that are going to then buy your product so if that's simple enough we're going to get started with the first step which is again making sure you have the right product to sell cuz I promise you if you try Drop Shipping and you don't have a good product
you're never going to make it so this step is extremely important please Focus pay attention to this one and take notes and yeah with that said I'm going to go over the product research strategy that I'm currently running with now the shorts I just showed you guys the reason they're selling really well is honestly pretty damn simple like there's a very simple strategic formula that I follow for the products I'm finding to make sure that they fit into like a winning product criteria and it's fairly fairly simple but if you don't follow it it's a
very easy way to get off track and test products that are never going to sell well so I'm going to break that down for you kind of what I look for with a winning product to just make sure I'm finding quality ones that are bound to make me money likely you know there's still that chance that a product doesn't work but if you follow this criteria and don't really Veer away from it I promise you you're going to save a ton of money on testing because you're just not going to test a lot of products
that are not good the first one that I put a lot of emphasis on is viral potential so is a product going viral or can it go viral the reason I'm saying that is because viral is just another term for Mass adoption if you sell a product that can't be Mass adopted or that can't be scaled it's going to be extremely difficult for you to just get your store off the ground simply because you're selling a product that not a lot of people are interested in the reason I really like viral products or products with
viral potential is simply because I understand that if a lot of people like the product they will probably also buy it I've apply this first step in my product criteria for basically every single product I find and it's how I'm able to consistently pick products that are going to make me $55,000 or $10,000 a month or even way past that as you can tell like these boxers are making me stupid amounts of money on just day two and so that is Step number one is just finding a product that has really good viral potential and
don't worry I'll show you like my exact software I use to do this and all that stuff um but yeah viral potential is one number two this is kind of a weird one but it's something I also stick by and it's the reason I'm able to profit on a lot of the products is because I sell products that I can sell in multiples so what does that mean well if you're selling an iPhone charger like this is a perfect example I have these long ass iPhone Chargers that my mom bought me for Christmas I think
she bought me and my girlfriend one and then she bought my brother's one so she probably bought like four or five of them honestly and they probably give out a good deal if you buy more now the reason that's a good thing is because if you sell a product let's say the shorts that I'm selling if you sell these and you sell them only in one color people can only buy essentially one pair of your shorts however if you sell a product in a red color green blue and you have them solo let's say for
$30 or you give them a fat discount for buy one get one free or buy one get one half off a lot of people are more incentivized to buy the bundle pack simply because they want to buy and get a good deal that is the second thing I look for mainly because I just want to make money I don't want it to be a uphill battle where I'm barely profiting I want to be able to get in sell a product sell the out of it have people buy tons of different variants of it and then
in turn I profit and so stick to that when you're finding products the last one is there has to be some sort of wow factor or some sort of problem solving feature in the product now these shorts while I don't think they solve a problem they're not really problem solving they do have a sort of wow factor because girls look very good in the shorts my girlfriend has shorts just like this and they look good I'm not going to lie and so a lot of girls see that and it's some sort of wow factor that
spikes a little bit of emotion in their brain which is a perfect thing for you as a business owner so when you are going around and looking for products you have to keep in mind that you need a product that you can sell that is very very viral you need something that you can sell in multiples and last but not least you need something that has some sort of wow factor or some sort of emotional spike in the product that will get customers excited to buy your product now if you just stop there and you
only do that you're not really going to get everything else I'm going to say in the video so definitely keep watching now that's the product criteria but how do you actually find these products well it's honestly not too difficult and I'm going to simplify it for you right now now before we find a winning product you first need to understand suppliers and this is why I'm mentioning autods in this video video autods has been my go-to supplier in the last few months working with drop shipping stores they've been getting me 7 to 8 day shipping
on basically all of my orders and fulfilling them fast and not only that but giving me really good deals on my products and just being helpful with the business since as we know Drop Shipping can only work if you have a good supplier which is why I've over the last you know 6 months or so built up a really good relationship with autods and they've allowed me to scale my businesses to Heights I never thought thought were possible what I like about autod DS too is if a product isn't on AliExpress or isn't somewhere else
they can Source it for you they can get you a really good price within a few hours or so and they can make sure you are then able to go ahead and drop ship basically whatever product you want to sell another thing for me which is a pain in the ass sometimes is autof fulfillment which is something autods offers so essentially that $7,000 day I just turned on autof fulfillment which means after a few hours of getting all of those sales basically all of them are already fulfilled and on the move which makes my life
a lot easier cuz then I only worry about marketing and keeping my customers happy while autods handles basically all of the Fulfillment and Logistics on autopilot now I don't really like promoting a lot of different services and offers but I'm going to be honest having a good supplier was one that I just wanted to make sure you guys had refined and dialed in because if you don't have one your entire business can basically go Kaboom if you don't have a good one which happened to to me in the beginning I probably have stories on my
Channel about that but autod DS dope supplier that is how you will get the products fulfilled and sent to your customers so with all that said I'm going to have a link below for autod DS and you can get a good discount and sign up with my link so that way you can get my current supplier for all of my drop shipping stores now with that said I'm going to show you two different ways to find products I'll show you a free method and I will pick a product live for you guys I'll go through
it a little bit and then after that I'll show you honestly a little bit of a sneaky way for how I currently find products it's not free there's going to be a software involved but again I'm not going to pitch anything or mention anything that I don't currently actively use and I'm going to be real the software I'm going to show you it's not my own I don't own it but I do use it every single day because it is very very Cutting Edge as of now to find up and cominging viral products without getting
into the ones that are way too competitive so with that said let's get onto my computer and I'm going to find a few products and show you two different ways to find winning products and they're both both really really easy to use first I want to share with you the way that you can find products even if you have 0 and you're a broky right now that is completely fine this is what a lot of YouTubers will show you it is the Tik Tok ads Library the top ads on Tik Tok so this is the
easiest way and the free way of finding products it's honestly still not bad but I just don't love it so you can go through here and find some cool products like this girl um I guess they're roasting her hair and then she has a curler you've got got something else a little scooper for cat that's pretty cool I got two big ass cats and I would love to buy that this is a very easy way to find products like you can scroll through it and see a lot of cool products here's the only issue my
friends I've sold a lot of these I've sold this one I've sold this product I've sold this product I've sold a similar product to that I haven't sold that but I've already sold most of these products and made a ton of money with them and so as a beginner it is very hard to find a product like you know let's just say this little skin body to sell this product because you will be competing with people that have already sold the product which means it's too viral it's too competitive and it is very difficult to
sell the product when there's so much competition and I know Finding products can be difficult so that's why I'm not only going to show you a free way to find products I'm also going to find one with you and then do a little more research to validate or unvalid If the product is a winner so let's say you see this product it's killing it on Tik Tok and then all you have to do if you want to be logical and think like I think is you analyze it you say okay this product is way too
viral on Tik Tok how can we make money from it you look on Facebook and you type in you know I type in hair trimmer and then you go on and see if people are running the same product on here I'm not seeing the exact one I'm seeing other hair products but not really the same one but you get confirmation that basically not a lot of people are selling it on Facebook so then all you would do is you would go on here you'd study the product you'd get the ads and then maybe you could
sell it on Facebook these are things you should be thinking about in the product research part of this business because you don't want to find a good product and then have it be too saturated to where you can't sell it you want to make sure you do the research prior that way you understand that the product still has potential so all I would do if I were you is just keep going through here look for some good products you know save them study them go on Facebook go on YouTube look at what sort of content
is out there and then decide on what product you want to sell again use the criteria that I gave you that is number one and this is the way that I personally don't do research anymore just cuz I don't want to look where everyone else is looking and everyone's looking here these are literally Tik tok's spotlighted ads which means they are the Pinnacle they are the top of the top of their ads they're already very competitive I don't want to go there cuz that's again this is where all the winners are living already once they've
already won where do you go to find products that have not yet been scaled with paid ads I personally use this website called Fast Moss it is something that is synced up with Tik Tok shop which is is lovely for me and essentially it pulls all of the data from Tik Tok shop and then it will show you what products are trending how much money they're making how many units they've bought and you can get a ton of data on all of these products very very easily and for fast Moss I'll have a link below
they should have a free trial for you guys that you can use for pretty damn cheap to at least log in and check it out and it'll probably be like a few dollars but fast Moss is the I'm not joking when I say this I am a drop shipper and this is what I live on right now every single day I'm on this platform looking for good products this is exactly how I found the little Boxers that the girls are wearing I found it on here and I will continue to find really good products because
and I'll hopefully explain this properly where you guys can understand it basically every single product that is only being ran on Tik Tok shop is living on Fast Moss or living on the Tik Tok shop and so a lot of people that are selling the product they get lazy and they get complacent and only focus on Tik Tok shop which creates a ton of opportunity for drop Shi ERS like us to study these products see which ones we can drop ship obviously we can't sell this product because it is a goalie ashwaganda vitamin D gummy
I'm not going to drop ship gummies from China that's just straight sketch I would never sell supplements from China this is a cool product so it's like we can't drop ship that but what we could potentially drop ship is the number five product holy this was yesterday they made a total of $61,000 in Revenue so then once you find a really good product like this sweater is freaking crushing it and it's perfect timing you know fall is coming very soon in America all you would do is scroll down to to videos right here and then
you can see all of the videos that are going viral and how much money these videos are generating the brand so you can see this one did $36,000 which is ridiculous hypothetically you could then use this as an ad you can download it and then run it on Facebook you have all these videos that are going stupid viral and I doubt every single person has bought the product but I do believe a lot of these people are seeing the video getting distracted forgetting about it and then maybe they go on Instagram or Facebook or YouTube
and that's an amazing opportunity for you because then you can grab the product grab the ads and start to build your own website and formulate a plan and so essentially what I would do here in this situation is I would then take the product I would build the Shopify store which I'll show you how to do after I finish talking about product research and then I would start to run ads on Facebook because again this product is going viral on Tik Tok we don't want to compete with Tik Tok shop we would rather go into
a blue ocean which is basically an ocean that doesn't have any competition that has a high high potential for growth and profit which is what I'm doing with Facebook so basically studying Tik Tok shop take the winners and then run them on Facebook and then we run ads there so in order to get there though we need to build a website which brings us to step number two building out your shop by store perfectly to make sure you not only have a good website but you have a good website that has the potential to sell
a ton of products and more importantly profit with with that said let's get into the store building part of this beginner's guide this is going to be a very crucial one because if you have a bad website and even if your product is good you won't make any sales so please take notes and with that said let's get into building out the Shopify store So based on that current research we can pick kind of whatever product we want but for this video let's just make it nice and simple and look into this sweater that I
found that is doing really really good over the last 28 days they've done half a million dollars in Revenue which is ridiculous that's a lot of money that someone can generate and So based on this data based on the fact that the product has some wow factor has a viral potential and has good margins and also can be sold in multiples I'm not going to guarantee that this product is a winner and I still don't test every single product and have it be a winner it's just not realistic however right now 70 to 90% of
our products that we test end up being winners because we take a lot more time to just make sure we're analyzing the data to ensure we're picking a product that has a high probability of success and if it doesn't we're probably not going to test it so make sure you you know go through the product criteria and make sure it checks those boxes and if it does that's a good sign to then again go ahead and start building a website which is what we're going to do right now and real quick I do want to
mention my community DS Elites which is a Drop Shipping Discord Community built around aspiring drop shippers and drop shippers who have already made hundreds of thousands maybe thousands of dollars maybe millions of dollars with Drop Shipping we all ESS essentially come together and have weekly calls going through struggles difficulties resources and strategies for how to start and scale your very own Drop Shipping business so if you're liking the video so far and want even more information you can check out the link in this video description it's going to be titled join the Drop Shipping Discord
DS Elites and you can subscribe to the Discord it's 100 bucks a month but we have weekly calls give you tons of different resources like winning products free calls free store audits help you pick your winning products and just tons of other stuff and we've introduced a new section inside the Discord to essentially motivate you to rank up in this overall Discord once you get to 1K a day you get a certain role and then you get put into rooms with other individuals who have hit that number all the way up to millions of dollars
in Revenue so once you hit those Milestones you get granted a certain role to then communicate with other people who are on your same level which in my opinion is the way to do it with Discord and just overall building a community that way you're incentivized to not just join but also to join and then make money to keep leveling up to grow and network with other individuals that are also on your same playing field so with that said again I will have a link below definitely join it I'm on those calls weekly and so
are my business partners dropping a ton of information on Drop Shipping so with that said let's get back into the video now to start a Shopify store which is where I currently host all of my Drop Shipping websites I'm going to have a link in the description now this is not a sales pitch or anything it is a a unique link that will get you a discount on Shopify to only get it for a dollar all you have to do is click the link and then you can claim your own Shopify store for literally just
one single dollar and so I'm going to start a store with this link so I can get access to the discount and if you would like to do the same again Link in the description but let's get this store started now once you have your Shopify store there are a few different ways you can build out your store you can go on the sales Channel and then just go to your online store and you can start editing your theme yourself but in my opinion it takes a little too long it would take me probably 2
to 4 hours to build out my store so I'm going to showcase the only way that I currently build my stores it is not free it does cost you like 30 bucks however um it takes a lot of time away from the equation and it allows me to test a lot of products right now we're testing around 5 to 10 per week and so I am just simply giving you my exact strategy if you don't want to use it that is completely fine and it is up to you however this is essentially How I build
out my stores and so if you don't want to use it you can use the sense theme and then build out your own website you know add the whole copy and the text and the photos and all that stuff manually however for myself I just really don't like doing that because it takes way too long so once you have this app drop shipped downloaded onto your store literally all you do is just take the AliExpress link copy it I will use this one for reference and then you can click get started there's some good reviews
down here and some other info on drop ship but I'll just click get started and then we can paste the link right here it is an AliExpress link so we'll click AliExpress if you want to use Amazon or Alibaba you can also do that but for AliExpress I'll just click continue and then I'll wait a few moments for this to finalize and then the store will basically be built I'm not going to lie to you though I wish I had this back in 2017 when I started Drop Shipping I probably would have been a whole
lot more successful because this just makes it so damn easy to test products like I don't have to waste hours building a store which I'm going to be real again like I said earlier like that was the one thing I despise doing I just really didn't like uh building stores at all and so yeah the store is basically done we'll select these photos make sure they're on the store click continue that's pretty much it the store is built there it is it's all done and it took what a minute 2 minutes um it was all
with AI too so it's pretty sweet we can change the pricing here I like editing stuff on the products though and so yeah we'll just go ahead and click continue and then we can add it to our store right here just click purchase and it will purchase the store store for $29 which again saved me probably around 2 to 3 hours of my time which is well worth $29 so I'll click purchase add this to my store and then I'll show you the few things I like to tweak on this store there are a few
apps I like to add and a few other things just to make it fully perfect and then the store will be done so let's click purchase get it on our store and we'll go from there once I click purchase it will then do this loading screen again basically just importing it onto my store so let's wait a second for this to finalize and then the store will be fully integrated onto your own Shopify account the cool thing too is this is a fully custom theme it's not a theme on Shopify and so it is something
that's pretty damn refined based on Drop Shipping stores that are already doing really really good so once it's been imported it'll give you this little popup right here and you can just click view your store you can join a community or connect it to a supplier this is through autods which you guys already should have so for this I'll just click view store and then as you can see right here it will take you to it and you will have this new theme drop shipped right here which will load and then once it's finished loading
all you do is Click publish and then it will add it to your store so as you can see right here it is now done we'll click publish and then this is it the store is now done let's customize it though and make sure everything is perfect all right so I basically just tweaked a few things I changed the text because it was picking up some Russian right here I think it was because of the AliExpress listing so I'm just going to change it for cozy sweater and make sure all of that is taken out
because we do not want that in our store setup just making sure that it's dialed in before we start setting up marketing so once I finish with this I'm going to show you how to run ads I just quickly want to make sure all of these are fixed before we go ahead and you know start running some ads so as you can see here is the store now it looks really freaking good and all of these variants are synced up with the colors which is solid they look really solid and then you have drop down
menus right here for all of the product info and then you have you know cozy nits that's the brand name you have a full product page right here with some copy as well as some testimonials and then you have fullon FAQ pages right here for a lot of the frequently asked questions from customers so that is almost it for the store the only other thing that I would add is a few different apps so one is going to be kaching and this is going to be a bundle app so essentially what this is it basically
shows different offers for a product for this instance instead of selling one for $50 what we could do is we could sell one for $50 and then if we want to sell two for maybe 69 or 59 and give a crazy deal we could do something like buy one get one free buy one get one half off or even buy two get one free or buy one get two free so that is what I personally do with kaching and if you don't want to spend money on apps that is no problem I just really think
long-term kaching is a really really good solution so I will say we don't add these off the bat we will add them after a day or of testing like for this store we didn't add it off the bat we tested just solo not really any sort of kaching bundles and then we added it day two and that's when we started to scale up in Revenue but on day one we didn't even really test with the bundles but this is a really good app that I would recommend to you guys I'm not affiliated um with the
app I just personally use their app a lot so if you want to add bundles onto your store to make it look literally just like that it is this app right here called kaching but other than that that is pretty much it your website is basically dialed in well designed enough to where you can start running ads immediately and it probably only took you like 5 minutes to build the page and perfect everything and get it all tidied up now once you buy the theme it's going to be on your Drop Shipping Store on Shopify
however there's no supplier synced up with the product the product's going to be there but no one is integrated yet so I'm going to show you how to sync it up with autods pretty easily I'll have a link below where you can access it but essentially you'll click the link I have below sign up and then pick one of these plans for this one I'm just going to go to the import 200 and then click continue and get started now it'll take you to Shopify and then you'll click approve once you approve it your whole
account will be synced up with your Shopify store after that it's taking me to the Shopify app all I'm going to do is just click access autods platform that way I can get the full platform because I need to sync the product that's already on my website with autods because most of the time you'll go on autods to import to your store however since we already have a product on our store we need to go about it a different way but it's really really simple and not complicated at all now once you select products all
you'll do is Click add products and then go to untracked products now for this instance I went to add products and click untracked products and it wasn't showing it now it is if you are dealing with this all you have to do is just click your Shopify account and then hit this little button and click renew token that's all you have to do I literally just did it and clicked for new and it loaded my autods platform again all I did I'm going to be honest is then I just waited for it to load click
products click add products and then now it's showing that there's one untracked product and it is this cozy sweater all we'll do is Click connect and then all we have to do now is copy the AliExpress link from the product that we synced up with drop shipped go to the autods account again you'll then paste the link right there it's going to basically just pull the product ID and then click add and that is literally it now your product is synced up with autod Ds now for this example I'll need to select variants and do
all this stuff now for the sake of this video I'm not going to go through every single variant and sync it up I'm going to just delete the ones that I don't want and then click connect it will essentially sync it up with a supplier that way when someone is buying the product we can now have them fulfill the orders and now it's going to show that the untracked list is empty and then we can go to products and as you can see here we are good to go now with autods it is currently being
fulfilled through AliExpress which you do not want so all you have to do is go to this little three Dot button right there and then click sourcing request now from here you're going to get a warning that you're going to be using a sourcing request credit you do want to use that because you do want to get custom sourcing from autods so from here you'll just click process sourcing request and then now it will essentially request sourcing from autods so that way they can get the product into their warehouse and fulfill the orders for you
directly so that is the overall way you Source a product and sync it up with a supplier it should be pretty simple and hopefully this tutorial for this section of the video video was very helpful at this point you've had a product that you've selected you have a really good supplier shout out to autod DS you have a Shopify store for a dollar thanks to the link in my description and you built your store out hopefully in like one or two minutes so this whole process shouldn't take you too long which is why I recommend
testing at least a few products per week but we're not done yet we still have to market the product if you guys don't know no one is ever going to just stumble across your website at least in the beginning maybe as you grow and you get people knowing your brand but when you first start out people are not just going to stumble across your website and buy a product the way you get people on your website is through paid ads or organic ads and in my opinion paid ads are the way to go and so
in this next and final section I'm going to give you the exact strategy and blueprint that I currently follow to start stores and scale them up and it's exactly how I took this store from again 0 to over $7,000 per day in Revenue in Just 2 days now this is going to be pretty juicy and pretty detailed so do have a notepad out so you can take notes on the overall campaign structure that I set up the overall way to sync up your pixel and run the ads and get the content and basically all of
that stuff but with all that said let's get into this final step which is again marketing this is where honestly if you have all the other steps mastered and then you dial in on marketing you could make a ton of money very fast and after you watch this video you could literally go put in all these steps into action and make a ton of money from literally just following this video to the te and just trying it out consistently till a product works so with that said I'm about to hand over my exact testing strategy
to start testing products and then if something works my scaling strategy now like I said if you're going to find a product that's killing it on Tik Tok you don't want to go compete with everyone else that would just honestly shoot yourself in the foot like it wouldn't be a good strategy because you'd be competing with everyone else so what I'm going to recommend in this marketing whole scheme or strategy is going on to Facebook ads and running some Facebook ads I have an ad account pulled up and I'm going to show you essentially how
to set up the testing campaign to test the product so let's say we're selling the sweater all I will do is copy this link right here and then get started so essentially you want to click create and go into sales and at this point my pixel is already synced up if you don't have your pixel synced go onto your Shopify account you'll go on to apps go on to Facebook and then you'll find Facebook and Instagram right here you'll install this app and then you essentially just sync it up with your Facebook ads account and
your pixel and then that's done once you do that then you will have Facebook pixel on your store then you'll go to your ads manager and click create and then you will go to sales you'll click continue now this is where a lot of people get sold improperly on Facebook a lot of people take Facebook suggestions and go with Advantage Plus shopping campaign please do not do that it is not the best campaign okay you want to do manual sales campaign it it is the one that is working the best for us and this is
not from BS data this is from stuff like this as you saw we spent three grand on day two for some ads understand that is with a lot of data backed we know our with Facebook so that's it for the type of campaign you want to set up for this we will just do the sweater CBO test one uh the reason I title it one is cuz I know that this is the very first one that I'm going to be running and then all we will do is turn on Advantage campaign budget and we will
set it to $50 if you're selling a cheaper product $50 is fine if you're going to be running ads on a product that is over $50 I would not recommend 50 I would bump it up to 100 bucks this is your daily budget and it will be roughly 50 sometimes if the performance is really really good they'll bump it up to $80 to $90 it kind of just depends but once you do that you want to click next and then this is where we start setting basically everything else up for this I'm going to select
website and then we will go down here and select pixel so once you're on this page it's going to be a new ad set we can just do ad set one there's only going to be one ad set in this whole entire campaign so not really too important and then all you want to do make sure it's set for just website and then you want to select the performance goal maximize number of conversions for Pixel select the pixel you guys just synced up onto your store and then for conversion event you always want to do
purchase um the goal is to get purchases so that's why you want to run ads for purchases and not something else and then all you'll do is schedule this ad for midnight on the next day which is midnight right there and then you don't really need anything else other than that that is it that's all you have to do for the ad set it's literally just um basically setting budget scheduling it for tomorrow at midnight and that's it you're going to need visuals on your ad you need to learn a little bit of creative and
making creatives and stuff like that a really easy way is just go on the fast Moss if you're using it if not that's fine you can go on Tik Tok top ads and then just see like what they're doing for their videos and so for my instance I will use the women's sweater because that's what we will be selling on this video and then I'll start playing some of these videos just to kind of see what the ads look like and what the videos look like why they're going viral get a good understanding of it
pretty much this girl is just reviewing it she's saying probably she loves it it's a you know it's perfect fit D all I will do then is literally just copy the URL go to SSS tick and download these videos just paste it click download without Watermark close so all I would do is just download five of these videos from whatever platform you're finding them on if you're finding them on Instagram you can download them from Instagram but for this instance I'm using fast Moss which is Tik Tok I would just download these and then what
you can do if you'd like you can edit them up on Tik Tok or on cap cut or inshot which are different editing tools that you can use and there are full tutorials on YouTube about that but I personally just use something like inshot and just edit them a little bit add a hook which is something like OMG I love this sweater and then towards the middle of the video it's buy 1 get one half off or buy 1 get one free to try and introduce the offer and then that's pretty much it like I'll
just do that and keep it very very simple for the first five videos I'm testing so you would download all of those download them and then after that all you do is come onto this ad uh right here and then we'll title this ad one we do want to track which ads we are using so we will do that and then for the ad itself I'm going to do a single image and I will do a manual upload make sure you uncheck multi- advertisers we will click add video right here there are tons of different
video ads but we'll just upload right there once the video is uploaded then you just go next next next and then click done and that's pretty much it for the video side of it then for the primary text comfy and stylish get the viral sweater today byy one now for the caption and all the text I kept it pretty simple comfy and stylish get the viral sweater today buy one get one free till midnight if you don't have a crazy sale all you really need to do is just say sale ends tonight and then have
some cute Emoji if you're selling to guys I probably wouldn't recommend using an emoji but that's pretty much it and then for headline same thing snuggle up in style cozy up in style like very very simple honestly this part is not too complex it is just about getting your point across making sure the copy is somewhat related reled to the product and very simple and then that's basically it after that call to action you want to go to shop now and then we will copy this URL make sure you also buy a domain I know
I'm using ay Shopify but it should be like a for example cozy for domains you can come onto your Shopify just go onto the settings and then click domains and you can buy a domain right here so please do buy a domain don't run ads on a my Shopify that will not be good after everything you just want to paste in your website URL right there to the product page not to the homepage please don't do that you need to send them direct to the product page and then after that you'll click publish and
that is essentially the structure now you only have one ad right now which is not good you need at least five in my opinion you can do three but I personally like five so from here you'll just either click right here or for myself I just check it off and then I click quick duplicate right there now we'll instantly duplicate another and then I do this more times so that way all of the copy is in sync and then every single uh one all you want to do is then rename this add two and then
go to the content and just pick a different ad so then you'll pick the second video that you downloaded and then on this one you'll pick the third and you'll rename this ad three and then this one you'll name it uh ad four and so on and so that is pretty much it for testing and then yeah just change the media click publish make sure you have a credit card on your account and then that is basically all you have to do for running ads now you'd think that would be it but that is just
the very beginning so here's an example of day one on a product that we are testing this was just a few days ago or maybe like a week ago and we tested a product and we spent $28 on ads we got 22 link clicks a CPC of $128 and then a CTR of almost 6% which is pretty damn good so based on this data all we would do is analyze it and kind of see what the hell we want to do so for reference if your CPC on day one is around this that's good that's
a sign you should keep running the ads however if you get no ad to carts like as you can see right here there are no ad to carts literally it's blank that's kind of not a good sign however Facebook I recommend you run your ads for 2 days minimum to let the ads overall optimize and let Facebook learn about what you're trying to sell so I don't really look at ads day one it takes me at least 2 days to analyze them which is why we could go from the 9th to the 10th and see
that we got a purchase right here so that's pretty good however this ad spent $43 in 2 days and generated us a $40 purchase so that's not that good but if we go on that day it was yeah still not the best um honestly like a really shitty Raz which is not that good we can then check out day three and see what happened here we got no purchases apparently and then we can check out day four we got a good purchase right there overall Ras was 1.84 so we tested this product for a few
days the overall cost per click was $124 for CTR was 9% it's good but we weren't getting crazy good metrics and so this is a sign that we would just probably turn the product off now I don't want you to run ads and analyze ads extremely quickly don't let them spend only $5 and then turn your campaign off for us again we always analyze after 24 to 48 hours just to let the ads warm up so that we can give them a fair chance to actually show if the product is a winner now if we're
seeing a really good cost per click and a good click-through rate which is basically the amount of people who view your ads compared to the amount of people who click then what we'll do is we will add a kaching bundle app we'll get the bundles dialed in to make sure people are incentivized to buy more inventory or buy more units and then after that we'll just kind of let the ads run now if the overall campaign is crushing it after a day or two all you want to do is edit the budgets so you want
to come in here and bump it up so it was at 50 all we would do is go to 100 and then click publish and then if it was crushing it the next day at $100 budget all you want to do is keep increasing it you'd go from 50 to 100 you could bump it from 100 to 250 and then from 250 to 500 and then from 500 to 1,000 and for us we've gotten a campaign up to 10K per day in ad spend and even past that we've gotten multiple campaigns at that level and
it is a very profitable and simple strategy for scaling ads and it's not hard anyone with a brain can honestly do it and once you see success it's pretty damn easy to know when to increase your ad spend or when to turn it off now some other things that you should do is if this product is killing it you also will want to get custom videos I showed you how to download the ads and do all that stuff but long term I'm not going to lie you guys should not be downloading these ads and using
them to scale up to like you know 50k 100K and all that stuff for us if we're starting to sell a product really really well I will have my girlfriend some of my friends girlfriends and some of our other content creators go out order the product they will then film fully custom ads for us that way we can go ahead and run ads with peace of mind knowing no one is is going to come and try and sue us or try to shut us down for using their own videos in our ads but my friends
other than that that is pretty much it that is like my exact freaking business right now for how I'm running drop shipping stores I can pull up the uh the Shopify results again show you that this is not and as you can see this is refreshing and there is the day so the profit is again 2500 that was the basic strategy for how we start and scale drop shipping stores from scratch this is literally the only beginner guide you should follow very very simple and easy to follow and this is the way that you can
go out and make a store successful even if you've never done this so if there's any other little pieces of wisdom I could drop for you guys please don't give up there are always people who are going to start this business try to sell one product and if it doesn't work they just give up I'm going to be honest uh you'll probably have to test like 10 to 20 products before one winner shows itself and starts profiting so just keep at it please like don't don't give up and that's kind of it other than that
um please subscribe like the video and I'll see you guys in the next Drop Shipping video [Music]
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