Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - "It's Nano Tech" | Movie Clip
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Marvel Universe Entertainment
This footage belongs to Marvel Studios care of Disney.
IronMan NanoTechSuit - Avengers Infinity War...
Video Transcript:
[Music] give me every choice you are about to die in the hands of the children of Thanos be thankful that your meaningless lives are now closed today you better pack it up and get out of here Stone Kiba does this chattering animals speak for you certainly not I speak my self in this city and on this planet where's your gun I don't know is everybody having a thing it's no time for a thing that's the thing right there let's go [Music] dude you're embarrassing me from the Wizards I can't stand down [Music] [Music] where'd that
come from it's nanotech you like it [Music] you [Music]