Hi! When you think of uric acid, what comes to mind? I'm sure you remember 2 things: gout, which is that painful inflammation in the joints, and kidney stones.
And you are right. These are the 2 main complications of those who have high uric acid in their blood, but they are not the only ones. In this video I will talk all about uric acid.
Does that peeling on the soles of your feet, or on your fingers have to do with uric acid? I'm also going to talk about gout, and what causes increased uric acid in the blood. And in the end I will tell you the 10 foods that lower uric acid in the body and the 10 worst ones, the ones you should banish from your diet if you have gout or high uric acid, so watch until the end.
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And also spread this video to your friends and family. More than 10% of the Brazilian population has high uric acid, that is, more than 21 million Brazilians. That's why this video is so important!
Distribute forcefully. And tell me: do you have high uric acid? Have you ever had gout or kidney stones?
What part of Brazil or the world are you from? Write down there. Come on What is uric acid?
Where does he come from? Uric acid is the by-product of food digestion. The human body produces uric acid by breaking down purines found in certain foods and drinks.
This by-product goes to the kidneys and is eliminated from the body when you pee. Sometimes the body produces too much uric acid. Or the kidneys can't excrete properly — about 90% of the time it's due to the kidneys.
The problem arises when there is an excess of uric acid in our body. So where does all that extra uric acid go? It builds up and crystallizes in your joints which hurts a lot, this is what we call gout or kidney attack causing kidney stone.
But also high uric acid can lead to impotence. Because nitric oxide, which dilates arteries (all arteries) is inactivated by uric acid. They did a study to see this relationship in hypertensive patients and found that in those hypertensive patients who had high uric acid, more than half were impotent.
And, uric acid is a marker of endothelial dysfunction, which increases heart disease. What is gout? Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid is high in the blood, causing crystals to deposit in the joints.
Those who had gout don't forget. Since the pain is sudden and intense, with swelling, redness, and tenderness, most often in the big toe—the person wakes up in pain in the middle of the night with the feeling that their big toe is on fire. You can't even touch the sheet.
But, it can happen in one or more joints like in the knee, ankles, elbows. Gout pain is most intense in the first four to 12 hours, after which it will continue to some joint discomfort that can last up to a few weeks. And gout was once considered a status-giving disease, which only the rich had, it was called the disease of kings.
Precisely because it is associated with obesity, alcohol, excess of foods that have purines, such as meat and seafood. But uric acid crystals can also form kidney stones in some people. Renal colic is one of the strongest pains a person can have, many women find it worse than pain in childbirth.
In addition to being painful, stones can harm the kidneys: by obstructing the ureter, they can predispose to serious urinary tract infection and can lead to scarring of the kidneys because of the sharp edges of the stones, and can even progress to kidney failure and dialysis. Also, uric acid crystals can be deposited under the skin, forming tophi, bumps located on the fingers, elbows, knees, and even on the ears . Who is more likely to have high uric acid?
It is more common in men - 3x more. In the case of women, it is usually post- menopausal. Obesity or overweight Diabetes Heart failure Family history of gout People with high blood pressure, especially if taking diuretics People with kidney problems Who eat a lot of purines and animal proteins Who drink a lot of alcohol - any kind of alcohol, not just beer And who eat a lot of sweets Now, let's get to the food- What are the 10 foods that worsen gout, that cause an increase in uric acid?
Do you know them all? 1. Red meat Beef, mutton, pork, bacon all increase 2.
offal like liver, kidneys, heart and others, increases uric acid. So watch out! 3 Seafood Not all, but some seafood such as shrimp, crab, lobster, oysters, clams and scallops are rich in purine.
Some fish like anchovies, sardines, tuna, trout and cod, too. So be careful. But it made me hungry.
4. Turkey meat It is high in purines, especially if you buy turkey breast or other processed foods. 5.
Sugar This one maybe you didn't know. Any food or drink that is high in sugar can trigger gout. And we see, in patients who use SGLT2 inhibitor drugs for diabetes, which cause the kidneys to remove sugar from the body through the urine - such as forxiga, invokana, jardiance, that there is a significant drop in uric acid levels.
. If you take one of these drugs, check your exams, before and after. 6.
Corn syrup and fructose- same thing. Which is in soft drinks and boxed juices, which are cheaper than sugar. It increases uric acid as well.
And honey too. 7. Alcohol.
It bears repeating: all types of alcohol. I know that not all alcoholic beverages are rich in purines, but alcohol prevents the kidneys from eliminating uric acid, helping it to build up in the blood. Now, beer really is a case apart, because it has more purine than the rest.
A 2019 study measured purine content from different sources and found the highest levels in beer and offal. 8. Game meats: Goose, veal and venison — alcohol, and game meats are among the reasons gout was known in the Middle Ages as the “ rich man's disease”.
9. Oats Oats have a moderate amount of purine. While it's not as high as beers and meats, it's still high enough to increase your risk of gout if you overdo it.
So limit portions to 2 times a week. 10. Refined Carbs The faster a food raises blood sugar, the worse it is for uric acid levels.
White bread, cookies and cakes can increase blood sugar and uric acid levels. And what should you increase in your diet? 10 things: 1.
Water. People who drink plenty of water are less likely to experience gout symptoms. This makes sense, as your kidneys use water to excrete uric acid in your urine.
Drnk eight glasses a day, or double that if you're having a gout flare-up. 2 Dairy. Some research suggests that low -fat dairy can help reduce uric acid and gout flare-ups because it increases the excretion of uric acid in the urine and also reduces your body's inflammatory response to uric acid crystals in your joints.
Yogurt or even milk will do. 3- Coffee. Drnking coffee daily can lower your uric acid levels in several ways: It reduces the breakdown of purine into uric acid and speeds up excretion by the kidneys.
4l Citrus Fruits But didn't I just mention that fructose increases uric acid? It's the liquid fructose that's bad for you, not the fresh fruit. Fruits like Laraja, lemon, tangerine have high levels of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C can help lower uric acid levels. In addition, they prevent kidney stones because of citrate. 5.
Berries- Berries, in general, have anti-inflammatory properties mainly because of anthocyanin. This particular substance is also beneficial in reducing uric acid. It also prevents uric acid from crystallizing and depositing in the joints.
Cherry is perhaps the best of all. As there are studies that show benefits of cherries and cherry juice to control gout symptoms. 6.
Avocados Avocados are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants like vitamin E, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce gout flare-ups. 7. Pineapple - [ ] is also another interesting fruit Adding pineapple to your daily diet can help prevent gout flare-ups and reduce the intensity of gout symptoms.
Pineapple bromelain may reduce inflammation associated with gout. 8- Bananas Bananas are rich in vitamins B6, vitamin C, soluble fiber, magnesium, folic acid and potassium; which is very beneficial for gout sufferers. Bananas can help uric acid be better excreted in the urine, which can help prevent crystallization in the joints.
9. Beans Since many meats are off the menu, you can get your protein from vegetables like peas, beans and lentils. They are neutral in uric acid and can even help prevent gout attacks.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which helps to break down and eliminate uric acid in the blood. Important Making changes to your diet and lifestyle, such as losing weight, limiting alcohol, eating less purine-rich foods can help reduce uric acid production and increase its elimination.
However, that alone may not be enough for you to get rid of uric acid drugs like allopurinol. And I stress here that gout is highly associated with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Weight loss helps to reduce the risk of developing gout in addition to relieving the burden on your joints.
If you take diuretics - hydrochlorathiazide, indapamide, furosemide, talk to your doctor so he can evaluate the possibility of changing the medicine. If he succeeds, it will be very interesting for you. Oh, and that peeling foot?
Is it high uric acid? No, it has nothing to do with it. Elevated uric acid does not cause plantar scaling.
This can be dyshidrosis, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, ringworm or even dryness of the skin but it's not from uric acid. You have to take a blood test to see your levels. For women the index is up to 5.
7 and for men up to 7mg/dl. But there are laboratories where the value is a little more, or a little less. Did you like the video?
Share there! And what's the next video you're going to watch I'll leave 2 recommendations here= My kidney stone video AND my video on how to cleanse liver fat My name is André Wambier, cardiologist and this is Cardiodf. com.
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