Hi Hi What's up? How are you doing? Welcome to a new anatomical video on this channel easy anatomy by Juan José Sánchez.
Today I bring you a video about the anatomy of the diencephalon, of this famous region of the brain, in previous videos we talked about the generalities of the brain , we already developed the entire telencephalon, we talked about the sulci, the gyri, septum pellucidum, we talked about the cerebral trigone, we talk about the fornix, we talk about even the nuclei of the base, now we are going to dedicate a series of videos to talk about the diencephalon, but first we have to talk about the generalities of it and its divisions so that you will understand, You have already seen this image, I have demonstrated it in several of my videos but it is worth starting the video by talking about how the brain is divided, the brain that we are going to divide into three large portions, we are going to talk first about a forebrain called the forebrain , both words forebrain and forebrain are synonyms; then we will talk or talk about a midbrain called the mesencephalon and then we talk about a posterior brain called the rhombencephalon, then these words are synonyms, whether you talked about anterior, middle or posterior or if I talk about forebrain, mesencephalon and rhombencephalon, the good forebrain Broadly speaking, it is made up of two portions, one more voluminous, which is the telencephalon, and the other, which our queen, let's say today, is the diencephalon, which is this region that I color here in yellow. The mesencephalon, for its part, is the mesencephalon and is no longer It has divisions, in this green portion that you see here, you see that it is in close relationship with the diencephalon that we will talk about today and finally the rhombencephalon, like the forebrain, is divided into two portions, a more superior one called the metencephalon, which I put in detail. yellow and another in red called myelencephalon, notice that when making my video I have been descending with the realization of them as I told you, once finished with the telencephalon we are going to start a series of videos talking about the diencephalon, then with respect to the diencephalon in it we are going to delimit five large areas, we are going to see that these areas are all in relation to this large structure that we will call the thalamus of which I am going to make two videos thalamus 1 and thalamus 2 that you will find in the channel, then we find the region of the hypothalamus, in this region, well, there are also a series of videos of hypothalamus 1, hypothalamus 2 and a gland that is very closely related, in fact, it is in this hypothalamic region, which is the pituitary gland, to which we will also dedicate the pituitary videos 1 and pituitary 2, then we have the subthalamus in which we will find two formations of nervous tissue that are the red nucleus and the substantia nigra, to them and if not we will dedicate specific videos because they are really structures that are more histological than anything else, then we will talk of the epithalamus to which we will dedicate a video, this epithalamic region is important because here we find the pineal gland, the nuclei of the venule, the medullary striae and the posterior commissure, so there is a video talking about the epithalamus and finally, the The last region, which would be the metathalamus, consists of two geniculate bodies; one medial and one lateral, the medial has a lot to do with the auditory pathway and the lateral body has to do with the optic pathway, the vision pathway.
So this is a big diagram, we are going to see it now in images so that you can understand it, then we are going to talk about the generalities of this diencephalon and its divisions, but first do not go away from this very important video [Music] that is Subscribe to the channel down here in the lower right corner where you see that it says subscribe, click on it and you are automatically subscribed to the more than 220-230 anatomical videos that are there, if there is any video that you can't find, write it in I always read the comments on this video and took them into account when making them. So we talk about the generalities of the diencephalon, notice that it is an area that in volume in relation to the telencephalon is a really a little smaller area , now what does it matter in this diencephalon? well, the diencephalon is part of the forebrain, Remember, it is part of the forebrain and notice that here the telencephalon was marked in red and the diencephalon in green so that you can see the volume ratio between one and the other.
What is the dencephalon going to be composed of? Well, the brain is really a small region but it has many regions of nuclei that are agglomerations of, let's say, gray matter and this is the nucleus. Well, they fulfill many functions.
In some cases, they serve as relay stations, for example in the sensory pathways, such as the thalamus. ,but there are also other parts that have to do with the relay of information from the auditory cortex such as the medial corniculate body, another has to do with the optic pathway such as the lateral geniculate body, for example in the metathalamus we see, in the epithialamus forgiveness , we see the pineal gland that has to do with the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, in the region of the hypothalamus, imagine the very important endocrine function, first, what does the hypothalamus have? What does the pituitary gland have?
Why do they secrete hormones that are essential for life? And apart from that, the hypothalamus also has a certain number of nuclei that have, let's say, the function of regulating vital functions. The control of thirst, for example, is located in the hypothalamus, the center of satiety, the center of hunger, so imagine the importance.
of this specific region of the brain, ok' then let's see how topographically this diencephalon is the most central part of the brain, in fact the word brain means through or inside the brain and it is the most inferior part. can say about the forebrain and precisely here I will point it out again in green, the one that is connecting the midbrain, which is the midbrain, with the forebrain, that is, it is an area that also shows the number of functions it has, it is the union practically , this diencephalon was previously considered part of the famous brain stem, the famous brain stem. but nowadays almost all books do not name this diencephalon as part of the brainstem, but rather when they talk about the brainstem they begin to talk about the midbrain, pons, that is, down to the medulla oblongata, so it is important to know that in some books if You will find it as part of the brain stem.
Very well, in this section, which is a frontal section, we can see here in green the number of gray nuclei that are part of the diencephalon, here they practically mark the thalamus and the hypothalamus, notice that they are a pair of ovoid masses so that they are limited laterally for the internal capsule that we also have a video of the internal capsule, in fact it is the internal capsule that separates them from the nuclei of the base, it is specifically the internal capsule and we see that medially both ovoid regions that make up the diencephalon are separated by a space , a central hole that is the cavity of the third right ventricle, it is the third ventricle that separates that, let's say, the brain from the right side to the left side in a totally symmetrical way, that is important for you to know. Well, what parts then do we know of the diencephalon? the ones that I showed you in the diagram now here we are going to see a little more graphically, first well remember that I told you that almost everything is divided in relation to the thalamus which is this rounded structure that you see here, here we are looking specifically as if we were inside From the cavity of the third ventricle we are seeing the medial aspect of the thalamus, okay?
So this region in blue that is below the thalamus is what we call the hypothalamus, notice that in the hypothalamus they come off, well let's see right now that the pituitary gland comes off, we are going to continue talking about the regions a little bit below also the thalamus but posteriorly a little dorsal to the hypothalamus we find this region that this region is what we call the subthalamus, yes? It is a region where there are also very important nuclei, then we are going to see that a little posterior superior to the thalamus here in yellow I put the epithalamus and then in another image that we are going to see here we are going to see the metathalamus, only that the meta poplar is a posterolateral region so in this image as it is a medial vision we don't see it, right now I'm going to show it to you; So taking advantage of this image, I show you how the pituitary gland, one of the most important glands of the endocrine system, together with the hypothalamus, is in fact derived from the hypothalamic region of the hypothalamus itself , then we see the two nuclei, if the two nervous formations, let's say, are In relation to the subthalamus, we are not going to see it in the truly anatomical sections. We see much more in histological sections, which are the red nucleus and the gray matter.
In the epithalamus, we do find a series of structures such as the pineal gland, also called the cerebral epiphysis, we find the nuclei of the venule with the annular trigone and we find in relation to it the medullary striae, it is also worth noting that this epithalamus contains, that is, within its region the commissure, which is the one we are seeing here, This region then is the region of the epithalamus, then look at this section, don't be scared in a higher view to locate it, this is the pineal gland, this is the trigone of the venule, what you see over there is the stria medullaris, everything, this lump What you see here is the thalamus, okay? And notice how I told you that the metathalamus is seen posteriorly and laterally, that metathalamus formed by the famous medial geniculate bodies that have to do with the reception of stimuli from the auditory cortex and the lateral geniculate body that is part of the of the optic pathway, I have mentioned them on several occasions in the video, it is also worth noting that a structure that is also part of the diencephalon is the third ventricle, the cavity, although we are not going to study it as a nervous structure because it really is It is a hole, it is what we call an intracerebral cavity. There is a separate video where we will talk specifically about the cavities of the ventricles and even more specifically about this third ventricle, which is the one in relation to the diencephalon.
Remember what I explained to you when we talked about the brain that the first and second ventricles are in relation to the telencephalon, while the third ventricle is in relation to the diencephalon, that is the big difference between them.