let's talk about the absolute number one best remedy for unclogging or cleaning out your arteries now what is a clogged artery it's an artery that's filled with plaque plaque is a Band-Aid composed of partially fibrin which is a kind of a connective tissue protein and partially calcium a lot of times when you have plaque you also have stiffening of the artery you also have a lot of inflammation that attracted this plaque in the first place many times you also have Associated high blood pressure that's what a clogged artery is so the perfect remedy would include
this um reduction of cholesterol and I'm talking about the oxidative LDL which is a kind of a pathogenic type cholesterol and we also include something that would break up this fibrin this protein that causes this this clotting action but a perfect remedy wouldn't give you any additional side effects either right like for example the medication stud does the Statin have some side effects well it's fascinating how they promote Statin One Drug involving 2 000 healthy people over the age of 50 which by the way showed a 50 reduction in your risk of getting a heart
attack and this is non-fatal heart attacks okay reduction of 50 that sounds pretty attractive but if you actually study the study you're going to find out that wasn't a 50 reduction in heart attacks it was actually only a one percent decrease risk and heart attacks and just by manipulating the numbers and using something called relative risk reduction versus something called absolute risk reduction you can enhance these numbers to make them sound very effective and without getting too far into the woods absolute risk basically is talking about the actual chance of you getting a heart attack
it's comparable to like your chances of getting hit with lightning right but when we get into what's so-called relative risk okay let me just explain what that means well this particular five-year study that I just mentioned if we take the group that was given the placebo not statins there's a 98 chance of success of getting no heart attacks okay and then if we look at the group that was given the Statin the chance of not having a heart attack was 99 in the Statin group but if we look at these numbers a little bit different
and we go from two out of 100 let's say to 100 and divide those two numbers we get 50 because one is 50 of to not many people are going to be too motivated to take the struggle there's only like a one percent difference so they have to manipulate the numbers to motivate people to take this drug but on top of this one percent decreased risk of getting heart attack there is a five percent increase risk of some slight minor complications called side effects myopathy which is muscle problems and muscle disease you also have erectile
dysfunction you have low testosterone neuropathy dementia hemorrhagic stroke yes that's right stroke increases as you decrease the non-fatal heart attack and an increase in cancer and of course they don't mention the relative risk of that increase by five percent instead they just kind of focus on that 50 decrease so the perfect remedy would not have these serious side effects and this remedy has been used by the Japanese for over two thousand years and the remedy is called NATO kinase NATO kinase is an enzyme it's the most prevalent ingredient in NATO which is fermented soybeans which
is a really popular uh side dish that the Japanese consume and of course is fermented soybean made out is loaded with vitamin K2 now I don't know if NATO kinase has vitamin K2 but NATO definitely has vitamin K2 now let me just tell you a little bit about uh this NATO kinase because it's you would think it'd be in every newspaper around when you really study it and learn about what it could do but it's quite fascinating first of all it's a very potent fibroletic compound It's A protein that helps with the clotting process so
natokinase breaks up clots potently and one experiment they showed a decrease of thrombosis by 88 within six hours so it's a great dissolver of this protein in fact they're also using it to help dissolve nasal polyps that give people a lot of sinus issues it has a very direct effect on the LDL that's oxidized like oxidative LDL which is involved in this clotting it has very strong anti-inflammatory properties because you have to realize that the inflammation started this whole problem in the first place and the endothelial wall of that artery which is the inside layer
cell of that artery becomes damaged probably from either sugar or omega-6 fatty acids or smoking or whatever and then here comes the Band-Aid the plaque without the information chances are you're not going to accumulate the Band-Aid in the first place the other cool thing about NATO kinase is its ability to lower blood pressure middle kinase inhibits or suppresses with thickening of that artery wall it also increases the HDL and lowers the triglycerides it was also shown in a study in 2004 to decrease the risk of Strokes because what it could do for the brain mainly
people get plaque in the coronary arteries around the heart but you can also get them in the carotids through here too and once today they combined datokinase with ginseng and actually observed a shrinkage of plaque in the aorta now yes it was in animal studies and rabbits but if you have a pet rabbit that is developing plaquin in their aorta now you have a remedy but in addition to all those positive effects there was virtually no adverse effects so NATO kinase is something you definitely want to look into if you have placking or want to
start to reduce your quacking in your arteries now there's a bit more information on plaquin especially as it relates to vitamin K2 if you have not seen my video that got 10 million views related to the best meal to take to clean out your arteries you should definitely check that out I put it up right here