I Made Millions with this Lead Generation Tool

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How to generate high-quality leads for free... Free account with ScoreApp - https://bit.ly/freequiz...
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so when I was 14 and 9 months which is in Australia the youngest you're allowed to get a job I got this job international corporation McDonald's so I get this job at McDonald's and I get $325 per hour and I start earning this money and I'm loving my job at McDonald's and I do all the wild things that you do when you're earning money I bought myself some Oakley sunglasses and uh a boogie board and those sorts of things and then this one I open up the newspaper and there's this ad in the paper for
a financial planner and this basically the ad says an introduction to financial planning I think to myself well making $325 an hour now so better get myself a financial planner it's about by the way it's it's about a pound 20 uh in in in in pounds so I go along to the financial planner and when I arrive there's this uh boardroom table so it's on a Wednesday evening there's a boardroom there's about 15 people sitting around the boardroom and this guy Darren he takes us all through this presentation and in the presentation he talks about
the statistics of retirement he talks about dollar cost averaging and building a portfolio and avoiding risk having insurances and he goes through these presentation he has a few jokes and he lightens the mood with a few jokes and I'm sort of like oh this is really interesting and it was my first experience of financial planning at the very end of the presentation he passes his diary around and there's these green highlighted slots in the diary and you can put your name in if you want to have a meeting with him or his financial planning team
and you can book in and I try to book in and he says look come back a little bit later uh our fees are going to be a lot of hours at McDonald's so you know you can come back later silly him right he should have he should have invested but I thought okay that's cool I've at least explored financial planning fast forward 2 or 3 years later I start running nightclub parties and I'm doing all these nightclub parties and I'm charging on the door we're getting thousand people a night coming along to the parties
I'm getting 10 bucks per person I start having Fists Full of cash all this money and 3 years later I'm back at Mom and Dad's place and I'm looking through the paper and there's the exact same ad in the newspaper exactly the same and sure enough I think to myself actually I remember that that was pretty good I'm going to go back so I go back and it's the same thing I go there and go in and there's 15 people around the boardroom and um he does the exact same presentation and he tells the exact
same jokes and he does the exact same diagrams on the board and he passes his diary around and it's like the little green slots in the diary and everyone fills in their thing and it's exactly the same it hasn't changed in 3 years and I'm like wow this is incredible so fast forward about 10 years later and I see that this guy Darren right along the way he's bought this massive commercial property he's bought one of the biggest houses on the Sunshine Coast he's not even 40 at the time and then he sells his company
for over $30 million and in the article uh where they ask him how did you do that he says I just figured out what worked each week and we just did perfect repeatable weeks we got into the rhythm of doing perfect repeatable weeks isn't that similar to what we're talking about today this rhythmic acquisition of customers right getting into this Rhythm perfect repeatable weeks perfect repeatable weeks right so it turns out that for about 10 years he had just done the exact same thing over and over and over and over and over again so this
made a huge impression on me and I was really fascinated by this and it was my first experience of something called laps and Laps stands for leads appointments presentations and sales and essentially that was his perfect repeatable week each week he would generate leads the leads would book into appointments the appointments would attend a presentation and then it would go into the sales uh uh sales section once they had um converted okay so fast forward I'll give you a little bit more background fast forward I'm 19 years old and I meet this guy John so
John is an entrepreneur who's experienced and he's starting a new company he's got a new startup and he hasn't got a name he hasn't got a bank account it's just him and his wife and he's asked three or four people to drop out of University and come and start this business with him so I think I'm not learning much at University I want to enjoy this experience of being part of a startup so I drop out of uni and I go and I work for John and we're sitting around the kitchen table and we're discussing
what are we going to call the company and how we going to do our F first marketing campaign now John had built multiple successful companies at this point so I was learning a lot and I was just always trying to pick his brains and learn as much as I could now what happened was we launched the business he had this database and we did an email a physical mail campaign to the database and then we did some ads in the paper and then we did some email marketing and we did all of this sort of
stuff and we got into this nice Rhythm every single week of of running events and fast forward over two years we built that business from a standing start to 6 million worth of Revenue we'd gone from four people around the kitchen table to about 50 60 people in an inner city Melbourne office with no debt no funding just completely bootstrapped and I learned so much in those two years and one of the biggest lessons that I learned from John is he said Dan everything is Downstream from lead generation he said when you learn how to
generate leads then everything will flow after that because if you're generating a lot of leads you'll be able to attract a good salesperson if you can attract a good salesperson you'll free up your time to improve the product once you improve the product more people are going to convert once you can generate more leads everything's going to go smoothly from there and he said if you're really really really good at what you do but you're not very good at generating leads you'll always be miserable you'll be depressed you'll be frustrated with your industry you'll watch
other people getting ahead while you feel resentment because you're good at what you do but you're not generating the leads he said but if you're really good at generating leads you can fix everything Downstream from that right so he he said that so what is a lead a lead is a signal of interest it's when somebody signals that they want to do business with you maybe they connect with you on social media maybe they respond to an email campaign maybe they fill in a form on your website but in some way they're signaling that they're
interested in working with you so he really trained me hard on how to generate those signals of Interest almost that entire two years was focused on this recurring theme my whole two years was focused on laps so every single week we came up with new ways to generate leads or we figured out how to generate leads and improve those ways oh um we booked our leads into appointments those appointments became presentation sales presentation then those presentations became sales so we did our laps every single week when I turned 21 I went to John and I
said John I've been working with you for two whole years like 10% of My Life um and I said can I get some shares in the business and John said Dan if you want shares in a business you need to go start your own business now that was actually his way of saying no but because I was 21 I thought oh cool John's given me his Blessing to go start my own business so I went off and started my own business and this is me at 21 and I'm holding up a newspaper and I'm running
my my first ad in the newspaper and in that ad I think I think it was about 7 or $8,000 I put the whole amount on my credit card and if that ad didn't perform I had no way of paying off my credit card I was in real trouble if that ad didn't perform all I had was that credit card limit so I put the ad in the in the newspaper and it was on a Sunday and on on the day only 12 people called I needed like 70 80 people to call and only 12
people called and my heart sank I thought oh my goodness I'm I'm over I'm done uh I have no way to make this work but fortunately Monday the phone started ringing Tuesday the phone started ringing Wednesday the phone started ringing we booked those people into appointments those uh those appointments sat through presentations those presentations become sales and we ended up doing about 30 to 35 Grand worth of sales in that first little cycle what did I do I repeated it again and again and again and again I did 43 perfect repeatable weeks that year so
I did 1.3 million of sales 400,000 of profit before I turned 23 years old and what was I doing leads appointments presentations and sales perfect repeatable week perfect repeatable week perfect repeatable week rhythmic acquisition of customers rhythmic acquisition of customers so then the business grew and grew by year three we did 10.7 million of sales we expanded globally I rebranded and renamed the business we spun out some intellectual property we ended up opening offices in eight cities around the world um and and building a you know fairly large Global business I went and did a
whole string of Acquisitions I bought up about seven or eight uh seven8 companies I actually bought one back yesterday um company that I sold a year ago came came back uh uh yesterday so fascin so seven or eight different businesses um and we learned lots and lots and lots with each one of the businesses we got into the rhythmic acquisition of customers by doing laps laps laps laap slap leads appointments presentations and sales and we got into every kind of way you could do this so if you can think of any particular way to do
marketing I think our teams have done it over the years we've tried absolutely everything from the real digital social media right through the very analog ways even something called fax broadcasting many years ago which was basically annoying people by sending them fax uh fax Pages which people hated um so we've tried all the different ways to generate laps and that's been the secret and that's how we've grown multiple businesses in multiple countries all over the world um in different Industries the whole lot but here's one thing I've noticed over the last 3 or four years
in particular lead generation's gotten a lot harder for most uh for most businesses and here's what I've noticed amongst the businesses that we've got the first thing is that as you grow you need exponentially more leads right so you actually become less successful at converting leads as you get bigger and bigger so when you first start out you might only need 10 to 100 leads to make a few sales so that's pretty cool but if you get to be a big business you need thousands of leads and tens of thousands of leads to cover your
overheads and you're kind of the conversions drop as well even if you look at a big business like the Apple retail store I think it's only a tiny percentage of people who actually buy anything for every hundred people who walk in and out of the retail store it's only one or two people who walk out having bought something so as you grow conversions typically drop from like 10% down to 2% people have got very short memories in the Tik Tok age so I don't know if you know this but the average Tik Tok user Scrolls
the height of the Eiffel Tower every single week with their thumb right no kidding so it's really driven a truck through people's brains um who has spent any time at all on Tik Tok right doesn't it make you absolutely mindless within like a couple hours it like does something to your brain so it's really affected people um people like it's very hard to build a brand these days because people are so distracted people expect to have a personal touch with your organization but they don't want do the Personal Touch until they've done all their research
online so it used to be that if you wanted to buy something youd talk to the business pretty early in the sales cycle now people talk really really late in the sales cycle so you think about someone who wants to buy guitar they're going to do all their research online and then go to the guitar shop once they know exactly what they want it used to be that you would go to the guitar shop first and talk to talk to someone about which guitar you should get so things have really changed for lead generation but
fortunately for us us we solved this problem in a really meaningful way back in 2015 2016 and we did that by launching something called an online assessment so the online assessment has become the backbone of all of the business growth that we've had the online assessment is our number one sales tool it's absolutely remarkable how effective these online assessments are you might call them quizzes or tests um or profiles any of those sorts of things but this is what we did so in 2015 we launched this it's called the key person of influence um uh
scorecard and it basically says discover your influence score and increase your ability to influence and um you click the button it asks you your details so it captures your uh contact details and then it asks you 40 questions yes or no so you go through really simple and these questions are really easy right can you clearly articulate your business's big Vision without people thinking that it's strange yes or no um have you written a blog or an article in the last month right yes or no um if somebody Googled your name would they find that
most of page one is positive links featuring you so people go through and they get in the habit of just going yes no yes no yes no there's 40 questions and then at the very end it Tellies it all up and it presents you with a report and that report gives you specific ways that you can improve your key person of influence score and it's customized and it's tailored to each person who um who takes this so we started learning a lot about how this strategy works and it works really really well so the first
thing that we discovered is that people just absolutely adore taking scorecards and I'm not talking about 17-year-old kids like I'm talking about CEOs and seet Executives and HR people and L&D people and entrepreneurs all sorts of people love taking these scorecards if there's a way that people can kind of learn something about themselves and get custom feedback they absolutely love to do it and not only do people love taking scorecards our sales team love following up on scorecards so when someone finishes a scorecard they get sent the link to book into the salesperson's diary and
up until having scorecards we needed to hire Jerry Maguire for all of our sales team right we needed to get people who are going to jump on that phone and really passionately evangelize what we did but after we got scorecards we didn't need that approach anymore because we had so much data so our sales team they get this little database this dashboard where they can see where people's strengths and weaknesses are and then they can start talking to people about the strengths and weaknesses they can just go through and say hey look looks like you've
got some room to improve with your pitching and you could publish some more stuff so they can start having a a conversation they can even drill in and see exactly how people answered every single question so it means that we can just get straight to the point so rather than asking the question tell me a bit about yourself or how are you today can can I find out a little bit about your business we typically start a call with with something like this hi Chris you took the key person of influence scorecard yesterday I noticed
that your high score was for partnership but your low score was for pitching I'm wondering would you like to improve your score on that everyone says yeah sure I'd be interested in that so then we send through some relevant information so it's straight away within 15 20 30 seconds we're having a real conversation uh about what matters to them so this gives us two benefits it's both automated and personalized most things that are automated are not very personal and most things that are very personal are not very easy to automate whereas this does both which
is really really nice so I want you to imagine that you've got one of these quizzes or one of these Assessments in your business and that people start filling it in people start taking your assessment the question I've got for you is this one how many leads would it take to change your life so I want you to have think about this number how many leads would it take for you to change your life and when I say change your life I mean literally if this number of leads was coming in every week you probably
get a nice new car or you might go on a nicer holiday your business would just feel a lot more stable and secure if you had this number of leads coming through so what would be the minimum number of leads that would kind of upgrade your business that would level you up have a have a think uh roughly speaking how many leads per week or per month would it be all righty so out of curiosity who said uh a th000 leads or less per week I'm almost everyone who's 100 leads or less per week fantastic
that's still almost everyone who's 10 to 50 leads per week and you'd actually have a radically different business amazing that's the vast majority of you so keep that in mind isn't that absolutely incredible you're about 10 to 50 leads a week away from having a completely upgraded business right so it's not an insurmountable number it's not like a difficult thing if someone could come into your business and figure out how to get 10 to 50 leads consistent L going through uh that would be that would be transformational so it was transformational for our business when
we launched our score CB within the following couple of uh years and it did change uh my life 90,000 leads came in and 15 million P worth of sales came through so it hardly we hardly had to change it it just kept ticking over um it always just continued to grow year on year so like it wasn't one of these campaigns that started and then died off it actually had like a long burn effect effect um it always continued to grow it's simp uh simple but hardly anyone's doing it like I've been doing this since
2015 hardly anyone does this like there's something like six million people have got a podcast and millions of people have got a YouTube channel and lots of people have written books and blogs and articles a lot of people put a lot of energy into their LinkedIn profile hardly anyone does these online assessments so it's still eludes me as to as to um as to that it used to take about 1 to two hours to set these up with the template I'll show you that it takes a lot less than that now and it's insanely cheap
uh to run so they're available 24/7 they're very high converting they collect buckets and buckets of relevant data they deliver a personal touch and they're perfect for warming people up or confidently converting um who's using these so I've noticed that the NHS now directs you to scorecard so if you've got something um that you're worried about with mental health they send you to the mental health scorecard as a way of triage prior to uh a meeting I notice a lot of wealth planners are using scorecards now um who's who's done the love language scorecard has
anyone here done the love language right that tells me you've been to therapy before you've been to couples therapy it's funny when you do the the love language scor card and you you discover that all the expensive gifts that you've been buy buying for your partner mean nothing to them um it's like oh words of affection that was so much cheaper why didn't I know that it tends to be that the men have words of affection and the ladies like gifts um so it's the data it's not me that's what it's um did anyone see
this presentation that happened a couple of weeks ago with a guy called Alex hosi and yeah you saw you loved it look at yeah were you on there live you you seem very excited by this right big fan so Alex hosi he had half a million people watching he launched this book called $100 million leads they sold huge amount it's biggest book launch in history basically uh it was a massive uh way of launching the book so he's really positioned himself as the world's leading expert on lead generation but here's what's interesting if you go
to the world's leading expert on lead generation and you go to his website what's the first thing that happens when you get to the website take the quiz right so he wants you to take a quiz that's the number one thing that he that he does um who's seen this one it's called 16 personalities you go on to the website you answer a series of questions and it tells you if you've got a personality or not um it turns out you do it's one of 16 but this is something that a lot of people are
interested in 886 million people have taken this scorecard this quiz so it's absolutely wild that 86 million people I've got a feeling this might be run by the CIA um so you would have seen Myers Briggs and Love Languages and wealth Dynamics and all of these different ones J shett he loves quizzes so J shett has this issue where he's got 15 to 20 million people following him on all his social media profiles but he doesn't own that data if for whatever reason if he got cancelled or if Instagram changed the algorithm or something like
that he may or may not be able to access all of those people so what he's been quietly doing over the last few years is he's been posting take the quiz take the scorecard and when he does that something like 4 to 5,000 people a minute start taking those quizzes because we see it on the back end right so people love taking uh those quizzes and scorecards and then as soon as he does that he then owns that data um Marie folio and Lou how are loving this Chris doe has anyone watch Chris Doe's podcast
right yes another fan there um so he's loving scorecards right so all of these leading thinkers in marketing and Entrepreneurship they're all using these so here's why they're doing it right let's get into why it works I want you to imagine that what we're going to do is we're going to zoom inside the head of every single person who's ever bought from you so every single person who's ever bought from your business buys from you for the exact same reasons there's only a few few things going on right but it's the same theme as to
why every single person buys this is really important by the way if you want to sell more stuff you really really want to get inside the head of your client you kind of want to understand buying psychology so here's why people buy people buy to resolve tension everything that's ever been bought has been bought to resolve tension that's how sales Works people buy to resolve tension so think about it like this people don't buy airline seats they buy access to a destination and the reason they're buying access to a destination is because of tension so
so what happens is that people are experiencing a current reality and that current reality is less than ideal it's not perfect there's something boring about it or dull about it or something's just not right about the current reality and people's imagination drifts to well what would my desired reality look like what would I want to see what do I want to have happen and they start to think about the gap between where they are and where they want to be and then they think to themselves oh there's all these things that have to be done
if I want to go there if I want to get there there's all this stuff that has to happen and this sets up the scene for tension to occur so I want you to imagine this by the way this diagram I'm about to show you this is how I start every product conversation every sales when we're doing sales scripts when we're doing marketing materials uh when I'm writing a book all of it starts with this diagram I always begin with this it's almost like I think of this as almost the DNA of value so this
little diagram says current reality desired reality and in the middle you've got obstacles and criteria so whenever I'm thinking about a customer I always think what is their current reality and what's less than perfect about that what is the desired reality that they want to move to and why do they want that and what are the obstacles or criteria that they face that's stopping them from just m waving a magic wand and getting what they want right so I want to understand that landscape and the reason I want to understand those three parameters is because
if I can shine a spotlight on those three things then I can heighten the tension that people experience every single time people become more clear about their current reality their desired reality and their obstacles and criteria they experience greater and greater amounts of tension so the reason that scorecards work so well is because every little question you ask people is like a tuning of those three things it's tuning people in current reality desired reality obstacles and criteria so has your company got an established uh tried and tested product or service offering if someone says no
to that question that creates a little bit of tension around my current reality isn't as good as I wish that it was do you have a set process for following up with leads and delivering on sales as they come through if someone says no oh that's a little bit more tension so we're creating little micro bits of tension we're moving those little parameters we're moving the current reality back a little bit the desired reality forward a bit the obstacles a little bit higher and that's creating that t for people and then when people see their
results it kind of summarizes all that tension and it gives them a kind of almost a game to play to improve their results so these assessments lay out a a gauntlet for people to to go through so the scorecard highlights tension and it helps people to get clear about why they want to buy and this is why we've seen in many cases a 10 times increas in conversion so we see many of our clients go from 2 to 4% sales conversions to to 20 to 40% sales conversions because they can clearly articulate that tension the
next thing that we've learned right we've got 4 and a half thousand people doing this and we've collecting 150,000 leads plus per month the next thing we've learned from that experience is this one people have dormant desires so when you're talking to your customers what we've discovered is that they give you some surface level reasons as to why they want to buy but deep down underneath those surface level reasons they've got the real reasons that they want to buy now this is especially true if you sell to corporate does anyone here sell to corporate that
your clients are typically corporate my goodness they keep this stuff buried deep below the surface right but they've got their real reasons that they will tell you and then they've got their um sorry the the reasons that I'll tell you and then the real reasons that sit below the surface now here's the craziest thing we've discovered that people will tell a robot almost anything like if if you were to ask some of these question some of the questions that we have in these scorecards you would never ask this stuff if you were sitting opposite someone
but people will just answer they especially they just get in the habit of click click click click click it's like oh yeah how big is the business and how many employees have you got and you know are you happy with the profit margins what colors your Knick is right boom boom boom just just super wild so it's a very very fast way to surface the underlying issues it would be extreme extremely hard for you to ask your customers 40 questions in 3 minutes like there's no way they would let you do that but they will
do it if they filling in an assessment the next thing we've discovered is that people just love to score and improve right there's this term called gamification gamification basically means you turn something into a game you give people a way of scoring so you create a scoreboard you create little ways for people to uh improve you allow people to know where they are now and where they could get to if they follow a plan right and this gamifies stuff and people love gamification gamification is actually pretty simple so for example we love to score and
improve things I've got three little kids five six and nine if we put the height chart up in their room that's called gamification right they will walk walk up to the height chart they they actually don't do it like that do they they do it like that wow look how tall right so they gamify um parents in the room you'll know that gamification works wonders like little little gold star things you know you get a gold star every time you put the plates in the dishwasher and you know it all adds up and amazing how
hard wide that is when I work with much bigger companies we just put a dashboard in place and we put bonuses attached to the dashboard it's literally the gold St chart for GR grown-ups um but it works so think about it like this your job is to create that tension but then what you want to do is show people a path of least resistance for going from their current reality to their desired reality and you want to tell people that there are little Milestones to go along the way so whatever it is people want to
achieve you want to say hey look there's an easy path of least resistance that's what we do and here's how you're going to be able to measure your success if you can do this these are the categories that will be able to um measure success for you and people just absolutely love doing this stuff it creates a game it almost transfixes people's attention when they have that game in front of them the next thing that I've learned over the years uh with making sales and I've run sales teams with hundreds of people this is a
big one and this one will give you a lot more uh sales you have to if you want to make lots of sales you have to get left brain and right brain to agree so there's a lot of people out there who falsely say that you should really only make sales by stirring up emotions and they say people buy with emotions people buy with logic and emotions it's actually that you need both um the reason that Rolex watches have become so so successful is because they get left and right brain agreement uh between logic and
emotion so the logic of buying a Rolex is that they hold their value and they actually really do hold their value you can buy Rolex for 10 grand and you can sell it for 10 grand in some cases with some models you can sell it for 11 or 12 Grand they actually go up in value because they have an 18-month waiting list or something like that and people will buy them for slightly more than ret ril price so at the very least they actually hold their value really really well so your logical brain can relax
it can go well it's not really I'm not splurging on myself I'm investing um you know it's a store of wealth and then the emotional brain now that the logical brain is Happy the emotional brain can say oh I like the rxs it's like status and it's cool and it makes me you know look important so it's like left brain right brain agreement Suddenly It's like this is something I'm going to go ahead and buy even though it's ridiculous ly silly expensive right so if you can think about how do we get the left brain
and the right brain to agree so I asked a friend of mine who's a doctor about this and they said oh we do this as doctors so when you come in we know that you're typically very emotional about your symptoms so we always ask the question on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad does it hurt and what that does is it moves you from being emotional to getting your left and right brain talking to each other and actually it kind of gets agreement between left and right brain so they said this is one
of the most really powerful questions that people have when they visit a doctor this is one of the most powerful questions doctors have so what's really nice is that when people answer emotional questions and then they get a logical score at the end you're actually getting left brain right brain agreement so you're getting the two parts of the brain to start moving in the right direction you're creating alignment between these two things so essentially what you're going to do is you're going to give people something to measure where are they now where where they could
be and then you're going to give them a score and all of that's going to combine to create alignment inside someone's mind um so these are really really powerful for that reason there's one final thing I want to talk about before we move on and I share with you how how to actually set these up and how they work and that is a really important distinction about the year 2023 versus the year 1923 so if you went back a 100 years the people who were the most successful in business were the people who manufactured Supply
right so we have this term called gross domestic produce because it's how much can you produce and the default assumption is if you can produce it you can sell it so essentially the whole wealth 100 years ago went to people who came up with Innovations like the assembly line and that was because it was very difficult to assemble things or make things if you could if you could set up a scissor Factory let's say you might need 50 people or 100 people and you're going to have this scissor Factory if you can produce those scissors
well you'll definitely sell them because there's lots of people who want a pair of scissors right and if you can make them fantastic you're going to sell them if you think about today the problem today is not the Assembly of the product right we we actually have way too many products we have way too much stuff if you go on Amazon and do a little search for scissors you've got giant novelty scissors you've got tiny little scissors for a handbag you've got medical scissors you've got um different color options you've got gardening scissors right just
hundreds and hundreds of pages and pages pages and pages of scissors and most of them can't sell their scissors right so the issue is not manufacturing things the issue today is manufacturing Demand right the people who are making the biggest fortunes are the ones who have figured out how to do a production line or an assembly line for building people's desire so in some circles they call these marketing funnels some people call them um product experience Journeys or buying Journeys but essentially it's a manufacturing process but your manufacturing demand what you're doing is you're starting
with a small amount of desire and you're heightening that desire through different contact points different digital assets and you're creating a nice little funnel where people go from having a small interest to a big interest by manufacturing the demand and you want to measure key steps along that process and the key steps you want to measure it's actually what we've been talking about for most of you it's not all of you but some of you and most of you would be leads appointments presentations and sales so if you want to get good at manufacturing demand
you want to put a big poster up on on the wall and you want to say how many leads do I generate per week how many appointments do I book in how many presentations do I deliver how many sales do I make and you want to track and measure that and see if you can get into a rhythmic acquisition of customers by just saying yep you know what it's pretty rhythmic it's just like every week we get leads appointments presentations and sales now you've got the theory now you've got the theory let's talk about how
to actually implement this I want to get Tactical for a minute and actually talk about tactically how do you set up one of these assessments so I want you to imagine you go to a four-person team you've got a a graphic designer you've got a um uh a project manager you've got a coder you can kind of tell which one's which can't you um and what you do is you and you got a copywriter so what you do is you say I'm going to give you a nice little blueprint and the blueprint is this I
want you to develop for me a beautiful landing page that tells people why they should take a quiz and then when they click the button to take the quiz I want you to have a data capture page and then once they have the data capture page I want you to take them to a series of quiz questions where they're going to do 30 questions and then I want to create a dynamic results page where depending on how they answer the questions it's going to present different options for them and different content for them right so
that's the that's the brief to your design team and then once you've done that I want you to create some Facebook posts LinkedIn posts Twitter posts X posts um and I want you to put that together so that I've got all the content all the copy so I want all the copy written I want all the design and code done um can you do that for me so the question I've got for you if you were to do that today how much would you spend on that like what would what would you expect to SP
spend who thinks it would be more than 500 pounds yeah okay fair enough um who thinks more than say a week yeah so you start on Monday and it's all finished by Friday right and it's about 500 do you think that's oh you think longer yeah so some of you even think it would be longer than a week and longer than more than £500 I I actually I'll tell you that first one that I showed you that was £8,000 built on WordPress it took about six weeks right so by the time we' done all of
it it was we were making it up as we went but it was about 6 weeks and £8,000 so let's go and build one it's only going to take a couple of minutes so what I do is I go into My Little Portal here let's see okay right I click my button create scorecard I've already got so many campaigns running I run lots of scorecard campaigns now I say use the AI Setup Wizard get started we want to generate leads we want to improve uh generate leads and we want to have a multiple score and
then it says describe your business so the AI wants to know what business you've got and I've said uh okay I'm an IT security consultant um and then the AI goes okay cool well how would you describe your audience and I have a look there and I say actually none of those I'm going to tell the AI who my a audience is I'm an IT security consultant for financial services firms okay okay great what do you want to help your clients to improve and it starts thinking about it like the AI is coming up with
answers for this so it comes up with like prevent data breaches and it says let's come up with a concept for the scorecard so it just starts coming up with concepts for your scorecard now you can obviously pick one you can just edit it a little bit so I'm just going to change it a little bit here make it fortify your financial services right so I'll do that click there now choose what you want to score people against it's going to come up with categories that you can score people against so I've just kind of
choose a few here because I'm going to do some training for these companies I'm going to do ones that relate to training and then the AI just comes up with all the questions that you would want to ask somebody now we used to spend weeks thinking about this stuff um we don't have to spend any weeks I get frustrated now when it takes 30 seconds um so then we go click click click these are the great questions so I've got some questions there I'll just do three it recommends doing a few more but we'll just
go through it quickly so it says incident response I'll just change that it's pretty easy and then I'll go through and I'll do some more questions boom boom right so it's writing all my questions and what's going to happen next is I'm going to it's going to give me a summary and when I click create the scorecard be careful to watch how fast this happens it just wrote 940 words 6 and 1/2 hours 7 hours worth of work so it did a th000 words and saving you 7 hours worth of development time then on top
of that it's already started building the landing page the data capture form the the questions so I go in there there's the landing page it went in and it found an image that it thinks is a suitable image but you can pretty easily change that um you can change the copy just by typing on it like it's a document so it's all very super simple um it's already figured out how many questions you've got so let's put that in there I can just change the image CU I'm not happy exactly with that image right right
so all the images are already in there so I just go boom have that image right so it's found all of those relevant images so you just choose one and okay so we're we're like a minute and a half in so far right and we've already got the landing page done now we go to the questions and it gives you all the questions but I want to add a couple of questions I want to add a what I call a Cinderella question um so Cinderella question is one that helps me identify my perfect customer so
are you interested in training your team on this stuff whatever this stuff is so I go yep I can just write in there put in uh yes ASAP I want to do it now right so that's pretty good if they click that and then I have maybe next year um you know so they're kind of like lukewarm they're not urgent but it'd be really nice to know if they're urgent or no if they're not interested so I just do my questions and then I go to my results page and I'll have a look in see
what it's written right CU it's written over thousand words worth of dynamic content so when I go in there it's written all of that content and it's creating multiple versions of that content as well so depending on how people score see that's a low score so it says your score indicates there's room for improvement um and if I go and have a look what did it right for medium well there's a little bit of room for improvement and what did it write for high well it wrote something completely different congratulations so it's written all of
the these Dynamic uh responses and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to create a special video and this video I only want this video to be seen by people who are perfect customers so I'm going to create a special little audience so that if someone answers a question that is specifically designed to call out a particular type of need then they will see that video but no one else will see that video so I'll say did they answer no to that question there it security train have you done I it security training
the last 12 months right and if they haven't then boom that video appears but if they click yes then it doesn't appear right I can do lots of those videos if I want to so okay I've got my results page let's go back to the homepage I'm going to publish my scorecard boom yay there we go I've got one live so we're about 3 minutes in we've already got all of that brief done um Twitter it's already created its first tweets so the ai's written the Twitter stuff okay so let's go and take the scorecard
so we've got a landing page boom so put in the D we got a data capture page right so that's all now working the ai's coded all that up for us right so I'll go in there and do test at test.com so there we go have all employees now that one I said no because that was the secret question there we go have you got a document do you regularly communicate do you do this do you do that yes no yes no so it goes through nice nice and quick so it's all nicely coded up
I can put my logo up there if I want to put my logo up there and then bang I've got my result I scored medium for all of them and uh there we go so it's written all of that content so we're now and there we go there's our special video for someone who only scored for that particular way so like in three or four minutes we've created a a complete scorecard campaign there's my lead there's test at test there's my database about them I can see how they answered every single question but have a
look at what we can do with AI these days this is super fun I click the AI button and I say I want a sales email and it's going to write an email based on exactly how the data says right so based on how they answered the questions it's going to write an email that is specific to how they wrote All Those Questions I want a call script so it's going to suggest what should I talk to this person about so it's going to create a little roleplay script right so how cool is that so
let's have a look at another one I've got a live scorecard here I've got lots here I'll pick this one kpi for Asia Pacific right so this one here it should have plenty it's got 200 people who are taking that scorecard um let's go and have a look at the answers so now because I've got 200 responses I've got aggregate data so this is telling me about my database it tells me what are the problems that each that my whole database have what are the issues this one here have people been trained on how to
pitch your business correctly I want to write a press article about that so I'm just going to click the button and it's going to write a press release someone's excited I feel this way when I talk to the developers and I'm like so we've got 29 ways to launch it I can link it up with my text stack right just pushing buttons and it all does it um I've got lots of nice data coming in I can see all of my leads coming through so there you go how's that we just in like six minutes
we just created a whole campaign and we launched it pretty cool so in the next 12 months you're going to discover that AI is going to do a lot of work for you right there's going to be a lot of AI coming along um and very very important that you understand how you're going to use AI in your business we jumped onto AI pretty quickly and we integrated AI into our platform really really fast we're doing that across all of our businesses and I really recommend you do that as well but here's a little insight
when you're using AI to do anything I want you to keep thinking about this idea that AI is like a sponge cake production machine and your job is to ice the cake in a unique way you've got to make it unique you've got to put your special pieces in there so for example when you create a scorecard create Cinderella questions your Cinderella questions are the ones that tell you who Cinderella is they tell you exactly who your perfect customer so you need three or four of those create your next steps make sure that you've got
um your calls to action you don't have to have any particular call to action you can just simply uh choose what you want each lead to see because based on how people score you can um give them different calls to action once you've done an AI scorecard use the beautiful templates because the templates have been designed by professional designers and you can just move across to a much nicer design and then you can add videos and you can get special images that you create with AI and you can really make something that just looks so
on brand and so perfect uh for your business and they really do perform uh once uh once they're going and then once you've got one of these super simple you want to promote it um now all of you have been given this book and in the book it tells you how to set up everything that I've talked about today and it also talks to you about how to promote it and promotion's pretty easy there's seven top promotions you can run you can add your scorecard to your existing content you can get some new content created
by AI you can do it on your social media update your website have emails all of that's created by AI you can have ads with trackable um uh UTM you can have QR codes right so all of it's super simple if you want to just create a QR code you push the QR code button and B you've got a QR code to your scorecard so really really simple there I love using these I was in Dubai and I was on radio and they said how can people keep in touch with you and I said oh
go to the key person of influence scorecard and about a 100 scorecards just came through people Googled it um and uh and took the kpi scorecard same thing with podcasts um I just always recommend that people go to the scorecard so they're pretty simple once you've got one there's lots of lots of different ways that you can go ahead and you can promote that once once it's already in place so there's checklists and all of that and you might surprise yourself so this client of ours totally surprised themselves um they had a Blog that was
getting thousands of views per month but they didn't know who those people were so they actually added a little popup it's a dating website they added a popup and the popup says are you Elite material find out how eligible you are in the next 5 minutes so you answer the questions I think that guy knows he's Elite material um just just by the pose uh anyway they started getting 50 to 80 leads per day right so every single day people just started filling that in um an accounting firm they started using this to pre-qualify people
so they weren't talking to people who were not right for their business they wanted to make sure that they were only talking to people who were likely to get an R&D tax credit so they pre-qualified people with the quiz and therefore they saved themselves 9 hours uh of accounting time for every sale that they um they make so lots of fun ways to do this um the the beauty is is that once you've got the data you can do so much with this uh this one was a fascinating one this is a a a company
that sells prefabricated cabins they call bunkeys and they used to promote their e-commerce store and people would go straight to the e-commerce store and either buy a bunkey or not buy a bunky they stopped that ad campaign and they started running uh a quiz Are you ready for the bunky life and they actually doubled their sales they went from 3 a half million a year to 7 million a year with the same ad spend um because people are much more likely to do a midst step rather than purchasing something they're happy to do a middle
step and then the middle step the quiz tells people if they're suitable for this or not so they doubled their conversions just by going to a quiz rather than going to their e-commerce so super simple if you want to get started on this very very simple the AI tools are going to do all the landing page the questionnaire the dynamic results the email campaigns the follow through so the first thing you do is once you create a free account you um use the AI Setup Wizard it takes you a few minutes and you set one
up and then you jump on a little workshop called setup and score and we'll take you through and actually show you how to improve it and make it really great we'll get you to um test it in the community um and then once that's going really well you can then upgrade to using some of the um the templates in the back end we've got lots of courses to make it super simple for you um and everything's like available and we've got courses on how to run laps campaigns as well so how much would it be
to do uh all of this well if you use things like lead Pages 29 a month type form 21 a month right all of that sort of stuff we've made this really super simple it's zero while you're getting all set up um and you can keep using that indefinitely at zero um or once you want to generate more and more and more leads it goes up to 244 9 and then 82 um so it's pretty affordable for most businesses bottom line cost you nothing to test it out um if it works you've got yourself a
powerful leads magnet to drive those laps campaigns lots of bonuses and support resources and you can just switch it off at any time if it stops working so super simple for today you've got a little QR code there if you want to use it that'll give you 50% when you upgrade 50% discount when you upgrade so it's actually off your first month you'll get a um significant discount so what you need to do with this is you just create a free account using that code and then that free account will automatically be upgraded uh whenever
you choose to upgrade even if even if it's in a year it will automatically apply a discount to you so make sure you do create a free account using that code um while you while you do um it's a readymade marketing funnel it's ready to go live in under an hour steady stream of qualified leads data rich insights right so it's giving you all of that final thought I want to I want to remind you this every lead is an asset I've actually sold a number of different businesses now and I can tell you one
of the first questions they ask when you're sitting around that negotiation table and they're trying to get a sense of the business is they always ask the question how many people are on the database right it's one of the first questions and if you say 10,000 that's pretty cool right that's gives the business some value if you say 50,000 or 100,000 that gives the business a lot more value they start to immediately calculate um what it's worth to them um so every lead becomes an asset when you sell that business it's a really powerful thing
if you are sitting at the negotiation table and they ask oh on the database how much do you know about people they say is it just name an email you go no no we know 40 things about every single person we've got the whole scorecard data on every single person that's a huge asset the other reason that I say it's an asset is that I've been in business now long enough to go through Global financial crisis and lockdowns and all this kind of random weird stuff every single time something bad has happened to the business
we just go back to the database we run campaigns we get everyone together we run little events we talk to people and we always get through whatever comes at us and I think the reason that uh I've had resilient businesses is really because we're good at uh collecting a lot of data and nurturing people on the database so we've always got that to fall back on the other thing I want to remind you of as we finish up is that leads really do change lives I have seen so many people who have fundamentally exactly the
same business but once they get the rhythmic acquisition of customers down their whole life actually changes and when I say their life changes it changes like as in you know bigger house better car bigger holidays all of that sort of stuff they live a very different life once that one thing has changed what's strange is that the business itself doesn't naturally have to change so I see a lot of people who've got the exact same business but they figure out the lead generation and then that's what is the lifechanging step so leads really do change
lives if you could double the leads all things being equal if you double the leads you'll double the business right and you'll you know put the demand side pressure on the business so leads really do change lives thank you so much for having me at the conference today it's been absolutely wonderful [Music]
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