Don't Ignore What They're Doing | We Are Living In Prophetic Times

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Grace For Purpose
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so recently this happened and also this happened so you can have your own personal R2-D2 C3PO um but fundamentally at scale the Optimus robot you should be able to buy an Optimus robot for I think probably $ 20 to $30,000 long to him so and and and what can it do it can it'll basically do anything you want so it can um be a teacher babysit your kids that can walk your dog mow your loan get the groceries just be your friend serve drinks allow me to present a notion to you and I want to
keep this in your mind as you listen what if the increase in knowledge and technology is making men think they do not need God what if humans are beginning to think that they can control their future their Destiny and the direction in which the world is heading you see we are living in a time where technology is taking giant leaps but these giant leaps one might ask are they in the direction where we are moving away from God's design and his natural order of creation or are these leaps simply to improve life here on Earth
Bible prophecy tells us that knowledge will increase in the last days and I believe that this knowledge exposure will make men think that they can live without God in an article titled SpaceX Christianity and a worldview big enough for the Stars here are a few interesting lines SpaceX stated its goal is to make off-world travel more affordable but musk has deeper more science fiction-like Ambitions including seeding the human species on other planets let's just stop here for a second to understand the goal of this technology seeding humans on other planets let me ask you do
you think this is God's design for humans to travel beyond Earth now the article further goes on to say that back in 2008 he Elon Musk wrote an Esquire an asteroid or a super volcano could certainly destroy Humanity but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw an engineered virus nuclear war inadvertent creation of a micro black hole or some as yet unknown technology could spell the end of us sooner or later we must expand life beyond our little blue mud ball or go extinct let me just say that the world will not go on
forever Bible prophecy tells us of serious apocalyptic judgments that will come on the earth during the tribulation period and no matter what we try and do we cannot hide defend or counter the judgments of God on a wicked world remember those who wanted to build the Tower of Babel the people who wanted to reach heaven these people aimed to reach the heavens independently challenging God's Authority but before they could actualize that project God confounded their languages so they could no longer continue with it they were trying to go against God's order of things but God
did not allow such pride and Disobedience to stand now back to the article which further States musk's movie likee Ambitions don't end there in addition to SpaceX and of course Tesla he founded a company called neurolink to develop ultra high bandwidth brain machine interfaces to connect humans and computers at the press conference announcing the launch of neuralink musk restated that in plain English he wants to help humans achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence creating technologies that would enable humans to merge with AI in other words the world's View at work behind most of musk's projects
is an atheistic transhumanism that seeks to control the evolutionary process toward the end of preserving and expanding human consciousness and capability end quote God's standard has not changed Jesus Remains the way of eternal life and every other way will lead to destruction placing your Hope on another planet won't save you pinning your trust in technology won't get you eternal life only Jesus can Richard Dawkins a British evolutionary biologist said this call myself a cultural Christian I'm not a Believer but there's a distin between being a believing Christian and being a cultural Christian and so you
know I I love hymns and Christmas carols and um I I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense uh it's truth that statistically the number of people who actually believe in Christianity is going down uh and I I'm happy with that a cultural Christian but not a Believer now more recently Elon Musk said this I'm actually a big believer in in in the principles of Christianity um I think they're very good so what sense then are you not [Music] religious well so Dawkins
just came out three weeks ago or thereabouts and announced that he was a cultural Christian right and so the question right I I would say I'm I'm I'm probably a cultural Christian I was I was brought up as a Anglican and I was baptized from a Biblical perspective being a cultural Christian is a dangerous thing a cultural Christian is one who thinks good deeds and good works will get them into heaven however a true Christian has answered the call of the Gospel a call to repent from their sinful ways and place Christ as their lord
and savior and trust that in him and him alone they will be saved a cultural Christian still walks on the broad Road they make Provisions to enjoy the world a true Christian walks on the narrow road they are in the world but not of the world a cultural Christian can have the appearance of godliness but they do not practice godliness in their lives and here is the terrifying reality that a cultural Christian will come to find Matthew 7: 21-23 says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he
who does the the will of my Father in Heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesized in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness I was recently watching a documentary about Hospital emergencies in New York City and this documentary takes you behind the scenes so that you could see how surgeons doctors and nurses respond to Medical emergencies and in one episode one of the
surgeons who had been operating on other people got into a skiing accident himself and needed the help of the people who he worked with now this got me to think this surgeon was always on the other side he was always on the other side of the emergency room he was always on the other side of the operating table because he was the one operating he was the expert telling the patient that everything will be okay he was always the one giving the news never the one waiting to receive the news and this got me to
think what happens when it's you and in a more spiritual sense what happens when we get to the other side of Eternity how much time have you thought about your Eternal Destiny 1 minute after you die Everything Will Change you may think that the Earth is bad but for many Earth will be as close to Heaven as they will ever get after just one single minute those in hell will feel the tremendous heat of Hell they'll be in pain and Agony they'll be full of regret yet also stubborn enough to not let go of their
sin they'll want to tell their family members of the horrific pain they're going through however there's no way out on earth when we want to leave a bad situation we can just walk out we can go from one room to another however in hell that will not be the case you'll be locked in hell for forever your crime is not submitting your life to Jesus and your sentence will be an eternity in hell with no chance of parole you'll realize that in the very first minute and there will be nothing you can do nothing but
rot for the the rest of Eternity and sit in agony the Bible speaks of a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day but there was a certain beggar named Lazarus full of sores who was laid at his gate Desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores so it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to AB Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and being in torments
in Hades he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham AAR off and Lazarus in his bosom then he cried and said Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said Son remember that in your life lifetime you received your good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and besides all this between us and you there is a great Gulf fixed so that those who
want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from there pass to us then he said I beg you therefore father that you would send him to to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of Torment Abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no Father Abraham but if one goes to them from the dead they will repent but he said to him if they do not hear Moses and the prophets
neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead now when we hear this particular Parable a lot of the messages are centered around how the rich man lived a good life but ignored God or how Lazarus had nothing except for God but today I want you to notice how when the rich man was denied water and told no one can cross over from hell to go to heaven his immediate request was to plead that someone would be sent to speak to his family when he realized it was too late for him he wanted
to reach his family now because he was a rich man I'm sure his family received all of his possessions they had money they had luxury items all of their physical needs were met but this man in Hell knew that his family needed to hear about Jesus Christ and take him seriously I imagine that if he knew the reality of Heaven and Hell before he died he would have done everything in his power to encourage his family to live for the Lord but now dear listener all of us have family members who are still alive right
now at this moment have you told them about Christ have you spoken to them about salvation and Eternity have you taken the time to read God's word with them while you still can tell your family tell your loved ones about Jesus Christ before we experience eternity we'll have to face judgment God will open his book to your name on it will be listed every sin you have ever committed you may think you're hiding your sin but God knows he's keeping receipts of everything you've ever done you will not be able to hide anything on that
day everyone will be judged when you have an evil thought such as looking at another person sexually or having deep hatred in your heart for another person you may be able to hide it from those around you you may even be able to take that secret to the Grave however you cannot hide it from God he knows all and sees all and he will hold you accountable for it all David in Psalm 141:4 says do not incline my heart to consent to or tolerate any evil thing or to practice Deeds of wickedness with men who
plan and do evil and let me not eat of their Delicacies be tempted by their gain I believe this is not only a great prayer but it's one that is relatable to all of us it's a really practical and realistic prayer because we've all been there we've all been in situations where we've slipped and been drawn to things we shouldn't have we've all opened doors to Temptation when we knew better the Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it you see our heart can so easily be drawn
to evil not pushed to evil not abruptly confronted and smothered by evil but softly gently pulled towards evil drawn to it now this is because evil can quietly and gradually tug us towards sin it's subtle and cunning and if we're not careful if we allow ourselves to take a small step then the evil entices you to take the next one and then what's one more going to hurt then a few more and suddenly we're right up close to sin that's got us in a cycle so let's recognize this evil can draw us in one tiny
small step at a time right up to the place where we take the final step and sin so I encourage you to pray the exact prayer David prayed let not my heart be drawn to what is evil God can answer prayers like that for us too anyone who's driven a car for any length of time has faced the issue of not being able to see another car driving just behind the doors on either side of the vehicle experienced drivers know this is what's called the blind spot if someone is driving in your blind spot when
you look in your mirror you simply cannot see them many accidents on Street streets highways and interstates occur because a driver moves from one lane to another without looking over their shoulder to see if someone is riding in their blind spot now there is no other way to recognize that someone is driving in your blind spot other than looking over your shoulder and peering directly at the other you have to intentionally look and search who or what is in your blind spot and it doesn't matter what car you have what make year or model there
is always a blind L we find a similar situation written in scripture about the nature of our spiritual life the Apostle Paul when speaking to the church at Corinth about unbelievers he said in 2 Corinthians 4:4 in their case the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God Paul was concerned about the blind spot that was keeping people from seeing the truth about Jesus Christ he understood that Satan's mission was to keep
the truth of the message hidden from the hearts and minds of people who have not already come to know Christ the best way he can do that is by keeping the message of Jesus out of the view of the people in their blind spot if the devil can just keep people from having the truth in plain sight he can keep them bound to his hopeless eternity the Bible is clear that the truth is what can set people free so the enemy will do whatever he can to keep the truth away from men and women on
this Earth as drivers so to speak we have to make sure that we are conscious not to drive in another person's blind spot we must make sure that we are visible and in plain sight so the other driver knows that we are there likewise as Believers we absolutely have to keep the message of Jesus Christ in full view of non-believers we ought to to display the love of Christ so that all who look can see that there is hope for them too we cannot allow the enemy to persuade us to believe that people do not
want to hear the message of Christ or salvation or repentance we can't just let it slide and live selfishly without bringing Jesus Christ to the attention of our unbelieving neighbor next door we cannot allow the devil to keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the blind spot of individuals that have not yet come to know the truth of Jesus if you're d driving in a car in order for you to recognize that someone is in your blind spot you have to look directly over your shoulder to see the other car but with the gospel message
of Christ we as Believers have the ability to make the message of Christ visible at all times our character should reflect Jesus Christ Our speech should reflect Jesus Christ our conduct our actions and deeds should all be on full display to reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unbeliever and make no mistake your life how you live your life how you walk talk and carry yourself speaks volumes about whether you're saved or not and I am a strong believer that in order for the unbeliever to become curious about Christ we all have a part
to play in terms of how we actually live our lives greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world and so that means I should be shouting about the truth of Jesus Christ The Only Hope for an unbeliever is that the light of the glory of Christ will shine directly on them and that should allow them to have a personal encounter with the savior of the world but in order for them to encounter Christ they first must be able to see him now the tricky thing about blind spots is that
the probability of someone riding in them increases when the traffic increases when there are multiple Lanes with many cars it seems that someone is always in the blind spot this same issue exists in the spiritual realm not only do we have the devil trying to keep us blinded to the message of Christ but we also have the world which produces more traffic the world produces more noise and pollution more mixed signals and all sorts of things all in an attempt to block slow down or stop the message of Christ spreading Jesus said in John 15:
18-19 if the world hates you know that it has hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love you as its own but because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you the world that we live in is at odds with the kingdom of God it's against the kingdom of the Lord where one stands for light the other stands for Darkness where one stands for truth Holiness and righteousness the other stands for lies selfish pleasures and deception our
Lord and savior is Jesus Christ but the prevailing spirit and ruler of this world is the Antichrist this world is in opposition to God's will and his way and the world is increasingly normalizing things that are against God in his word which produces more traffic and that in turn increases the probability that the gospel message remains in the blind spot when the world proclaims that sex outside of marriage is normal it produces a blind spot when the world proclaims sin has no real consequence because of God's grace that's a blind spot when the world presents
money Fame and power as all you need to really live in happiness that's a blind spot and when the world proclaims that it's okay to not believe that God exists or that it's okay to hate another person because of political or personal differences it produces a blind spot that can hinder anyone's Vision to the true gospel of Christ the enemy and the world desire to create an atmosphere that will keep the message of Jesus Christ totally hidden from everyone who has never known or believed the truth about Jesus Christ in Luke 22:31 the Bible says
Simon Simon behold Satan demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat you see here Satan desired to sift Simon Peter like wheat so that he would be disheartened and not fulfill his Destiny to preach the gospel message of Christ to the world as Believers we must live our lives in such a way that the message of Christ shines in us and through us so brightly that the enemy and the world cannot keep people blinded to the truth we need to make sure that we are always burning for God we need to always
be on fire for him never lukewarm never cold never one foot in and one foot out but we really need to pray that the Lord would keep the fire within our lives burning bright and intense so that anyone who is an unbeliever can see Jesus Christ through the way I live my life so I encourage you don't just coast and drive in this journey of life without looking over your shoulder to check your blind spot the more traffic there is the more you should be pushing the louder the pollution of this world gets the louder
your voice should be all about the Lord have a passion for Christ have an undeniable hunger for Jesus have a desperation about you to keep the fire of God alive and burning in your heart because that fire can be the very thing that an unbeliever needs in order for them to come to Jesus [Music] [Music]
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