[Applause] hi hello how are you i'm awesome i'm so happy to be here oh we're happy you are what's your name my name's jane when i sing i go by night bird oh that's nice night bird that's right did you sing do you sing for a living um not not recently where you from i'm from zanesville ohio okay how old are you i'm 30. 30 years old and the dream is to be a singer what are you going to be singing for us tonight i'm singing an original song called it's okay it's okay yeah it
is it's okay it's okay what is it's okay about uh it's okay is the story of the last year of my life all right and who you here with i'm here by myself it's okay and what do you do for a living um i have not been working for quite a few years i've been dealing with cancer oh sorry no it's okay okay yeah i'm okay all right can i ask you a question how are you now uh last time i checked i had some cancer in my lungs my spine and my liver wow so
you're not okay well well not in every way no you got a beautiful smile and a beautiful glow and nobody would know thank you it's important that uh everyone knows them so much more than the bad things to me all right sing for us good luck night bird [Music] i moved to california in the summertime i changed my name thinking that it would change my mind [Music] i thought that all my problems they would stay behind [Music] i was a stick of dynamite and it just was a matter of time yeah all day oh my
now i can't hide i said i knew myself but i guess i lie it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay if you're lost we're all a little lost and it's all right it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay if you're lost we're all a little lost and it's all right it's all right it's all right it's all right i wrote a hundred pages but i burned them all yeah i burned them all i blow for yellow lights and don't look back at [Music] it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay if you're lost
we're all a little lost and it's all right it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay if you're lost we're all a little lost and it's all right [Music] wow you know it's funny because singers come on and i and i think about authenticity you know when you feel it when it moves you that felt like the most authentic thing i have heard this season that was surprisingly beautiful it was powerful it was heartfelt and i think you're amazing you gave me chills i mean your voice is so beautiful to listen to it was beautiful
all the way around your voice is stunning it is absolutely stunning and i i totally agree with what how we said you know about authenticity there was something about that song after the way you just almost casually told us what you're going through and you know you can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy [Music] um [Music] there are however there have been some great singers this year um and i'm not going to give you a yes i'm gonna give you something else [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything about
that is really special i have a 2 chance of survival but 2 is not 0 2 is something and i wish people knew how amazing it is you blew us all away you are the voice we all need to hear this year that was way more than okay that was beautiful that was beautiful god that really got to me it pushes all the heart string buttons right and yet she's still so strong [Music] again [Music] you