PROOF The End Times Are Here

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we need to confront a harsh reality that many of us have been avoiding we've been lied to this world under the sway of the enemy has deceived us into believing that this Earthly life is all that matters from the day we are born we are bombarded with messages that emphasize the importance of worldly success and material gain we are told to go to school get a good job buy a house fall in love and accumulate wealth while these are not bad things the emphasis placed on them often blinds us to the deeper truths of our
existence the Bible warns us about the deceiver Satan who is described as the God of this world and the prince of the power of the air these titles are Not Mere words they reveal the extent of Satan's influence over this world he has a significant measure of control and he uses it to lie to the masses his greatest deception is convincing us that this life is all that matters that our primary focus should be on Earthly concerns and material success this lie has infiltrated even our churches many sermons today focus on how God can improve
our lives on this Earth how he can give us breakthroughs more money better cars bigger houses or a spouse while God does care about our Earthly needs the overemphasis on these concerns distracts us from what truly matters we spend 99% of our prayer time asking for things related to this life because we have been lied to but allow me to be blunt on your deathbed what will truly matter when you are faced with the end of your Earthly Journey you will not be praying for a new car a bigger house or more money in your
bank account you will not be concerned about your job or your social status instead your thoughts and prayers will turn to the state of your soul you will be asking am I saved am I right with God this is the unedited truth about this world Satan has lied to us making us prioritize the temporary over the Eternal the Prosperity Gospel has further propagated this lie making us believe that we can have all the world's riches and all of God at the same time but God is not Santa Claus he is not here to fulfill our
every material desire what matters most is our Salvation imagine yourself on your deathbed will you find comfort in the fact that you have a Ferrari in the driveway a Prada handbag a five-bedroom house or millions in the bank no in that moment the only thing that will matter is whether you are saved the accumulation of wealth and Status will pale in comparison to the Eternal Destiny of your soul you will be thinking God I just want to be right with you Satan has glamorized businessmen and worldly success to such an extent that even our young
people aspire to be like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos we need to reach a point of Christian maturity where our prayers are filled with gratitude for our Salvation where the most important thing to us is not the material blessings we receive but the fact that we are saved by the grace of God this world has lied to you convincing you to focus on the here and now but we must fix our eyes on eternity the truth is this life is fleeting James 4:4 reminds us that our life is a Mist that appears for a little
while and then vanishes we are here for a short time and then we Face eternity what will matter in that moment is not the possessions we have accumulated or the status we have achieved but our relationship with God Jesus himself warned us about this in Matthew 6: 19-21 do not store up for yourselves Treasures on Earth where moths and Vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where moths and Vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is
there your heart will be also our focus should be on storing up Treasures in Heaven not on accumulating wealth and possessions here on Earth this does not mean that we should neglect our responsibilities or that we cannot enjoy the blessings God gives us but it does mean that we should keep our priorities straight our primary concern should be our spiritual health and our relationship with God everything else should be secondary let's consider the amount of time the average American spends on social media this will help us understand the extent of the deception and how it
permeates our daily lives the statistics are staggering the average American spends over 2 hours a day on social media platforms this equates to more than 700 hours a year dedicated to scrolling liking commenting and sharing let's break this down further to see where this time is spent Facebook remains one of the most popular platforms with its vast array of features and endless stream of updates users spend about 30 minutes daily on the platform this adds up to approximately 182.5 hours a year per user this significant time investment often revolves around engaging with content that emphasizes
material Success personal achievements and worldly concerns Instagram with its visually appealing interface and the Allure of influencers commands an average of 29 minutes per day from its users this means that each year a person spends about 176 hours on Instagram absorbing images and videos that often glamorize a lifestyle focused on appearances and possessions WhatsApp although primarily a messaging app also plays a role in how we allocate our time the average user spends around 28 minutes a day on WhatsApp totaling 170 hours annually here too conversations often center around our immediate Earthly concerns and desires X
formerly known as Twitter with its rapid fire updates and realtime news captures about 31 minutes of an American's day leading to roughly 189 hours a year this platform while useful for staying informed also bombards us with information and opinions that keep our Focus firmly on the present world when we consider these figures it becomes clear how much of our lives are consumed by these platforms they are designed to keep us engaged to make us prioritize the Here and Now often at the expense of our spiritual well-being this is a testament to the power of the
LIE we have been sold that this life and the material aspects of it are what truly matter imagine redirecting even a fraction of this time towards our spiritual growth and relationship with God what a difference that would make brothers and sisters recognize the lie for what it is and reclaim your time focus on what truly matters your salvation and your relationship with God Satan has shaped the culture of this world to be nonstop the world is shaped AP for people like you and I to be busy busy busy the world is shaped for people like
you and I to be more and more distracted distracted distracted is this happening to you I hope not are you becoming too busy for God I hope not are you focused more on the here and the now and not for eternity are you distracted by the cares of this world I hope not has the devil shifted your mind on things on this Earth and not on Eternal things I hope not as Christians we cannot allow ourselves to be conformed to the culture of this world the culture of this world is all about today and this
life Satan is highly skilled in the art of distraction it's perhaps the most subtle and surprising weapon in his Arsenal designed to lure Christians away from their faith as we approach the end of days distractions are increasing ly pervasive in our society with an array of simple diversions and Relentless media content Satan adeptly redirects our attention from Jesus to the fleeting minor concerns of this world this strategy of diversion exploits our daily interactions and the media we consume encouraging a focus on materialism personal desires and contemporary issues that can dominate our thoughts and time these
distractions can be so engaging and persistent that they diminish our spiritual awareness and ruce our time for prayer reading the word of God and other practices that strengthen our relationship with Christ I firmly believe that you can be distracted into hell I know this is not easy for people to hear but who told you that you have time who told you that you have time on this Earth left answer the question who told you you have time please answer this one question who told you that you have time you have one life just one life
and if you only have One Life why would you want to waste it away your eternity is coming why are you not preparing for it it doesn't matter what car you drive what house you live in what clothes you wear or how many followers you have on Instagram 100 years from now someone else will be living in the house you spent your whole life acquiring in 100 years your car will be rusting somewhere and no one will be coming to visit your grave anymore Satan knows this and people think Satan will come with red horns
and pull people into hell Kicking and Screaming no he will distract you straight into hell distract you while life passes You by straight into hell as these distractions multiply they not only distance us from spiritual commitments but also subtly reshape our priorities and values making us more susceptible to further spiritual separation it's crucial for Christians to recognize this tactic and actively seek ways to maintain focus on spiritual growth and the Eternal truths of God's word by understanding the nature of these ractions and deliberately setting boundaries we can preserve our devotion and continue our journey on
the narrow path with undivided attention how much time do you find yourself endlessly scrolling becoming distracted without even realizing it we live in an era dominated by distractions teens aged 16 to 18 often spend a significant portion of their day on smartphones typically between 7 to 9 hours their activities predominantly include social media browsing video streaming texting and engaging in various games young adults ranging from 18 to 24 years old are heavily reliant on digital technology for both social interactions and professional purposes dedicating about 3 to 5 hours daily to smartphone use adults between the
ages of 25 and 44 which often include working professionals generally spend 3 to 4 hours each day on their smartphones middle-aged adults those aged 45 to 64 tend to use their smart smartphones for about 2 3 hours per day mainly for browsing the web reading news and engaging on social media platforms when is the last time you spent 30 minutes praying outside of church we are living in an age of distraction and might I say this I believe that people can be distracted straight into the Gates of Hell their lives are passing them by while
they are looking at a screen distracted distracted men and women are growing old being distracted by focusing on things that do not matter since the mid 2000s there has been a significant surge in the health and beauty Industries nowadays It seems impossible to go even a short distance without encountering some manifestation of this trend the health and fitness craze which promotes the pursuit of Eternal Youth and beauty is essentially an obsession with appearance this preoccupation with vanity diverts our attention from spiritual growth and developing a closer relationship with God the fixation on achieving perfect bodies
flawless skin and the incessant need to post images of ourselves on social media channels shifts our Focus From the substantial to The Superficial regardless of the effort invested in preserving or enhancing our physical appearance our bodies are temporal and will last only for a fleeting moment in time in contrast our souls are Eternal it's crucial to remember that while it's not inherently wrong to care for our physical well-being it should not come at the cost of neglecting our spirit spiritual health and well-being balancing our physical Pursuits with our spiritual needs is essential ensuring that our
deepest attention and efforts are aligned with what truly matters in the Everlasting perspective social media and mobile phones mobile phones are a good thing they are wonderful we can communicate with our loved ones even if they live in a different state or even a different continent that is wonderful I can talk to all my grandchildren because of the Wonder of Technology and that is wonderful however although mobile phones are good they can be a distraction I don't have social media but my children and grandchildren do and they tell me how much of everyday life it
is what is the last thing you do before you sleep what is the first thing you do when you wake up for most people for most people it's to check their phone or Scroll of social media could it be that these things have become distractions from you looking onto to Jesus this world is full of distractions and there are so many things that want to pull you away from the Lord imagine just imagine how different your relationship would be with the Lord if you spent 50% of the time you spend on social media praying unto
the Lord or reading the word of God at the feet of Jesus how different would your life be is your heart beating for Jesus Christ is your heart passionate for the Lord Jesus Christ are your eyes looking unto the Lord Jesus Christ because that is the Christian Life the Christian Life begins with looking unto Jesus and it ends with looking unto Jesus but in the middle of the start and the end of a Christian life there are thousands of distractions that attempt to steal our attention and love for Christ the average person spends 2 hours
of their day on social media and we still find time to watch TV or our favorite streaming platforms distractions are real I am not saying don't ever watch your TV show or never use your favorite social media platforms all I want to do is ask you one question have you lost your love for Christ because for some of us we need to come to the conclusion that we are not living lives that show that Jesus Christ is our first love we have to be honest this is a hard message to listen to but it is
for your own good in the last days the Bible told us that there will be something that takes away from our love for God in the last days 2 Timothy 3:4 says people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God pleasure is a distraction a bad distraction there is a pleasure in fornication there is a pleasure in adultery there is a pleasure in sexual immorality there is a pleasure in sewing Discord there is a pleasure in getting revenge there is a real pleasure in drugs there is a real pleasure in alcohol there is
a pleasure in the sins of this world but allow me to read you one verse 1 Timothy 5:6 but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth the pleasure of sin never lasts the pleasure of sin deceives because it never lasts pleasure is a distraction there are some people who make a decision to get serious with their relationship with God and the moment they do that a man or woman they are interested in walks into their life and distracts them when you place the desires of your physical body above the demands of the
spirit of God then you you have taken up the religion of pleasure meanwhile the Bible establishes the fact the demands of the spirit is contrary to the appetites of the flesh if we choose to obey and be in subjection to the spirit of God then we must put our bodies under subjection but we cannot fulfill the desires of the Flesh and please God at the same time when we give higher consideration to our flesh and its unrestrained desires we are practicing the religion of pleasure because the only language that our flesh understands and flows best
with is nothing but pleasure however 1 Timothy 5:6 says that she who lives in pleasure is dead while she is alive the word quote pleasure according to that passage is interpreted as excessive luxury to be voluptuous or to be wanting before Paul made mention to this to Timothy he was addressing how that true widows ought to live a life of total consecration to God thereafter he stated that any woman who gives herself to sexual pervasion is dead while she is alive this does not in any way exonerate men any man who also is given to
lust and the religion of pleasure is dead while he is alive pleasure is a distraction and in the last days more and more people will be distracted by sinful pleasure as a Believer we are to continually look unto Jesus and Stave away any distractions Stave away anything that attempts to pull our gaze away from the one we love prioritize God there are so many distractions in this life for some people their distraction is money for other their distraction is sports for others their distraction is how they look in the mirror we need to focus on
what matters don't waste your life away on things that do not matter there's one thing that matters and you should prioritize him Satan has shaped the culture of this world to be nonstop the world is shaped for people like you and I to be busy busy busy the world is shaped for people like you and I to be more and more distracted distracted distracted is this happening to you I hope not are you becoming too busy for God I hope not are you focused more on the here and the now and not for eternity are
you distracted by the cares of this world I hope not has the devil shifted your mind on things on this Earth and not on Eternal things I hope not as Christians we cannot allow ourselves to be conformed to the culture of this world the culture of this world is all about today and this [Music] life the belief that we are living in the end times is a perspective held by many Christians who View Bible prophecy as literal and unfolding in real time the urgency and the evidence are compelling and here are four significant reasons why
we might indeed be in the end times the fourth reason is the most significant one and most glaring one reason one the building of the Third Temple the construction of the Third Temple is a crucial element in end time prophecy the Third Temple refers to the prophesied rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem the first temple built by Solomon and the second temple reconstructed after the Babylonian exile were Central to Jewish worship until their destruction the anticipated Third Temple is believed to play a pivotal role in the end times as mentioned in several biblical passages
the significance of the Third Temple is underscored in prophecies found in Daniel 9: 27 Matthew 24:5 and 2 Thessalonians 2:4 which describe the Antichrist committing the abomination of desolation by exalting himself as God within the temple this act is a key event signaling the end times in recent years there has been a concerted effort towards the preparation for this Temple the temple Institute a Jewish organization dedicated to the Reconstruction of the temple has made significant progress they have created operational Blueprints and crafted necessary ritual objects including a manur made of 95 lbs of pure gold
and various copper gold and silver vessels additionally Priestly garments have been produced and there has been substantial effort to train priests kohanim for future Temple service this training involves performing Temple ceremonies using ritual vessels and constructing a portable altar that can be quickly assembled on the Temple Mount when the time is right the push for the third Temple's construction is gaining momentum and its completion would be a Monumental fulfillment of Endtime prophecy the very fact that these preparations are taking place indicates a significant alignment with Biblical predictions leading many to believe that we are indeed
approaching the end times the temple institute's activities are not just symbolic they are concrete steps towards fulfilling prophecies that have been awaited for Millennia this sense of urgency is palpable among those who closely follow these developments the anticipation is further fueled by the increasing interest and support from various Christian groups worldwide many Evangelical Christians view the Reconstruction of the temple as a crucial precursor to the second coming of Christ this belief has led to financial and political support for the efforts to rebuild the Temple the convergence of religious political and social factors makes the construction
of the Third Temple not just a distant dream but a looming reality reason two the stage is set for the Antichrist the technological and societal developments of our time are creating the perfect environment for the rise of the Antichrist as described in Revelation 13 this figure is prophesied to wield unparalleled power and control something that modern advancements make increasingly plausible our world has never been more interconnected a fact starkly highlighted by the recent Global it outage caused by crowd strike this incident demonstrated just how fragile and interconnected our systems are as disruptions cascaded across various
sectors worldwide this level of interconnectedness paves the way for a figure like the Antichrist to exert Global control almost instantaneously furthermore the push for digital ID and digital currencies in various countries is seen as a precursor to the kind of control the Antichrist will have in the United Kingdom for instance recent announcements in The King's Speech have highlighted the government's intent to introduce digital IDs these advancements suggest a move towards a system where an individual's identity and financial transactions can be monitored and controlled centrally in such a world the pervasive surveillance extends far beyond mere
identification and Financial tracking every aspect of daily life is under scrutiny from the moment one wakes up to the time they go to bed smart devices and homes record conversations and movements ensuring that no action goes unnoticed public spaces are equipped with Advanced facial recognition systems making anonymity virtually impossible the transportation network is designed to track every Journey whether by car train or even on foot using a network of cameras and sensors the development and integration of Technologies like artificial intelligence blockchain and biometric systems are accelerating at an unprecedented Pace these Technologies offer both convenience
and control making it easier for governments and corporations to track and influence individuals Behavior the global shift towards cashless societies and digital currencies is another critical factor with digital currencies every transaction can be monitored and regulated providing a perfect tool for the Antichrist to control the global economy the concept of a single unified Global government is no longer a far-fetched ideaa but a feasible reality given the current political climate International organizations such as the United Nations and the world economic Forum are advocating for greater Global cooperation and governance the idea of a global leader who
can solve worldwide crises and bring about peace and stability is increasingly appealing to many in a world fraught with turmoil and and uncertainty when the Antichrist arrives he will not need decades to establish his Dominion the infrastructure is already in place the digital age with its emphasis on surveillance and data control provides the perfect backdrop for the Fulfillment of these prophetic warnings this immediacy and Readiness of the global system is a clear indicator to many that we are living in the end times as the conditions described in the Bible for the rise of the Antichrist
are being met before our very eyes the recent pandemic has also shown how quickly Global governance can take shape the rapid implementation of lockdowns and travel restrictions has demonstrated how governments can exercise extensive control over their populations the willingness of people to comply with these measures often in the name of Safety and Security illustrates how a similar scenario could unfold under the rule of the Antichrist the infrastructure for Mass surveillance and control such as contact tracing apps and digital Health passports has been laid setting the stage for the antichrist's rise to power reason three evil
is now good and the issue of predictive programming the shift in societal values and the media's role in this transformation is another strong indicator of the end times traditionally what was considered evil is now often portrayed as good woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put Darkness for light and light for Darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter one Stark example is the Harry Potter series where the hero is a wizard historically Witchcraft and Wizardry were condemned as evil and shunned however the introduction of Harry Potter normalized these
practices for a generation of children who began casting spells and pretending to ride broomsticks similarly shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight depict vampires traditionally seen as evil as Heroes the TV series Lucifer takes this a step further by portraying the Devil Himself as a sympathetic character this reversal of moral values extends Beyond entertainment it is a pervasive Trend where traditional virtues are mocked and vices are glorified for example sex before marriage once viewed with disapproval is now commonplace contributing to Rising sexual immorality this shift is evident in the increasing divorce rates and the
prevalence of adultery exemplified by websites like Ashley Madison designed to facilitate infidelity we live in an age where sin is convenient and accessible with just a click or a swipe the media plays a significant role in this transformation shaping perceptions and attitudes towards what is considered right and wrong the normalization of behaviors and Lifestyles once deemed immoral is evident across various media platforms popular music movies and TV shows frequently glorify drug use promiscuity and violence presenting them as except acceptable or even desirable this shift is not merely a reflection of changing social norms but is
seen by many as a deliberate attempt to undermine traditional moral values and desensitize Society to sin predictive programming is another significant aspect of this shift this Theory posits that mass media is used to prepare the public for future events although controversial there are compelling examples that give this Theory Credence for instance the Netflix film Leave the World Behind produced by Barack and Michelle Obama portrays a scenario eerily similar to real world events the film features a mysterious blackout leading to societal collapse mirroring the chaos scene during the recent Global it outage caused by a software
update malfunction this has led many to question whether such media portrayals are merely entertainment or a subtle form of conditioning the public for future events predictive programming therefore serves as a tool for normalizing the extraordinary it makes the unthinkable will seem plausible and even inevitable by familiarizing the public with these scenarios it reduces resistance when these events occur in real life leading many to believe that we are being subtly prepared for the Fulfillment of Endtime prophecies moreover the rise of dystopian themes in popular culture such as those found in the Hunger Games Black Mirror and
Westworld often depict authoritarian regimes and societal collapse these narratives while fictional shape public perception and create a sense of inevitability regarding such scenarios this in turn can make people more accepting of increased government control and surveillance seeing them as necessary measures to prevent [Music] chaos reason number four the great falling away in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 the Apostle Paul writes let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of predition the phrase Falling Away translates from the
ancient Greek word apostasia which suggests a rebellion or a departure this term has sparked considerable debate among Bible scholars some interpret it as a large scale apostasy among those who once followed God While others see it as a general worldwide Rebellion against Divine Authority I personally believe that Paul may have had both perspectives in mind we are witnessing both in our world today we are witnessing an unprecedented decline in Christian adherence and Christian moral values statistics reveal a disturbing Trend Church attendance is plummeting especially among younger Generations a recent Gallop poll indicates that in the
United States church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time in eight decades according to Pew research only about 45% of adults in the US say they attend religious services a few times a year or more often while a striking 30% report that they never attend church this decline in religious observance is a clear sign of the great falling away that Paul foretold our society once rooted in judeo-christian values is increasingly secular look at our nation we used to pray in schools but that practice has been abandoned public displays of Faith are often met
with hostility or indifference this shift away from spiritual engagement is not merely a cultural change but a significant prophetic indicator our nation has rejected the Bible the very book that warns us of the Antichrist and the mark of the beast more and more people are dismissing the Bible as irrelevant or outdated leaving them uninformed and unprepared for the spiritual deception that is to come as the nation drifts further from Biblical truths it becomes increasingly susceptible to the lies of the Antichrist without the moral and spiritual guidance of the scriptures people are more likely to be
deceived by false teachings and the Allure of a charismatic leader who promises peace and prosperity the Bible provides clear warnings about the Antichrist tactics and the mark of the beast but these warnings are ignored or ridiculed by a society that no longer values or understands biblical prophecy this spiritual ignorance sets the stage for widespread deception when the Antichrist appears offering solutions to the world's problems many will be easily swayed because they lack the discernment that comes from knowing God's word the moral Decay and rejection of biblical principles in our nation create a fertile ground for
the Antichrist lies to take root as people seek answers and meaning in a chaotic World they will turn to anyone who offers hope even if it leads them further away from the truth the urgency of returning to biblical principles cannot be overstated as Believers we must stand firm in our faith spread the gospel and educate others about the prophetic warnings in the Bible only by grounding ourselves in God's word can we resist the deception of the Antichrist and remain steadfast in these end times the erosion of faith is not limited to the United States globally
countries with historically strong Christian Roots are experiencing similar declines in Europe Church attendance is at record lows with countries like Sweden France and the United Kingdom reporting that less than 10% of their populations regularly attend church the situation in other parts of the world reflects a broader Trend towards secularism and away from traditional religious practices the revelation of the man of sin the second half of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 focuses on a critical prophetic event and the man of sin is revealed the son of predition before the Great Tribulation can be identified with certainty a particular
person known as the man of sin or the Antichrist must be revealed this figure is Central to end time prophecy and represents the Pinnacle of human Rebellion against God the term man of sin underscores the antichrist's embodiment of evil and lawlessness he will oppose God and exalt himself above all that is worshiped although the Antichrist has not yet been revealed the Bible indicates that his appearance will Mark the beginning of the end over the years many have speculated about the identity of the Antichrist with figures such as Donald Trump Barack Obama and Elon Musk frequently
named other theorized candidates have included political leaders like Vladimir Putin religious figures like the pope and influential businessmen like Bill Gates despite these speculations the true identity of the Antichrist remains unknown he may already be on the world stage or he may yet emerge however when he is revealed his identity will be unmistakable the Bible provides clear signs of his coming he will perform signs and one ERS deceive many and establish a global reign of terror and oppression the urgency of this prophecy cannot be overstated the rise of the Antichrist will signal the imminent conclusion
of human history as we know it his revelation will usher in a period of unprecedented tribulation described in the Book of Revelation as a time of great distress and suffering those who are not prepared for this time will be caught off guard facing the full brunt of the Antichrist tyranny the modern world with with its technological advancements and increasing centralization of power provides the perfect environment for the antichrist's rise digital IDs surveillance systems and Global interconnectedness make it feasible for one individual to exert control over the entire planet the push for digital currencies and cashless
societies aligns with the biblical prophecy of a system where no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast governments worldwide implemented lockdowns travel restrictions and health mandates often with Little Resistance from the public this compliance sets a precedent for how quickly and effectively the Antichrist could establish his rule the infrastructure for Mass surveillance and control is already in place ready to be exploited by a figure of unprecedented evil the Bible warns us to be vigilant and Discerning in these times as Believers we must remain steadfast in our faith recognizing the signs of
the times and preparing for the challenges ahead the appearance of the anti Christ will be a defining moment in history separating those who are faithful to God from those who are deceived by the world
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