hello Facebook ad people I'm costados and today we're going to discuss about ad account structure in 2024 and also how to scale with this ad account structure in 2024 some Theory first on all of that and then I will take you to my PC to show you some other accounts and uh to prove to you that what I'm telling to you it's not so first of all at account structure if you are scaling and you are trying to scale again and again what you need to have is most probably uh even up to eight advaned plus campaigns right now we do have eight Advantage Plus campaigns limitation per country per ad account and this is something that maybe it's changing because I can see in some of my other accounts that I can do more than eight Advan plus but I don't know if this is if this is going to be the case with all the other accounts or if this is going to be something that is a change that is happening across that account slowly so we don't know yet but I would be really happy if we can do more Advantage Plus campaigns per ad account so a basic structure is that we have a lot of advanced plus campaigns and uh we don't care so much about retargeting at that point because we know that advanced plus campaign is stealing uh sales the account structure for each account has to be different uh based on what they're selling for example if you have um let's say you are selling a weight loss program and you have have initially a tobo funnel which is selling a book or giving it for free and then you have to actually retarget people in order to go inside the program this is a completely different case from having an e-commerce store with clothing that you go immediately and you do Advan plus campaigns trying to sell the clothing so as you can understand the changes of each uh funnel or each business is completely different and we have to adapt to that this is why we need to understand every single aspect and every single thing that we do within the as maner hi guys I would like to interrupt this video in order to talk to you about my new mentorship programs and uh I would love if you go to the website you're going to find the link in the description or you can find it in the menu of my website and over there you're going to be able to see the different mentorship programs that I have you can find the one that's going to fit better your needs and I will hope to see you there so if you are not one of these fun if you're not having one of these funnels that it is all about uh getting people then try to retarget them with something else and so on what you should do is you should do conversion ads not even traffic ads not brand awareness ads I consider them a waste of uh money and time and if you want to do something with $10 per day do it I guess if you want to feel better about it but I do think that these are not going to benefit you what you should do is you should do convention ads and try to build your pixel and if your pixel is trained then do a lot of advaned plus campaigns with different creatives in each each one of them don't Focus so much on retargeting you don't need a ratio of um 20% retargeting 80% uh cold traffic most of the times I just have a very small uh retargeting campaign and I do retargeting whenever I get a promotion uh or something like that that we need to push for example on Black Friday let's say that we spend in an another account 5K per day over there most probably have a lot of advanced plus campaigns and I'm going to talk in a little bit uh about CBO campaigns if you can do only advanage plus and it's working in your account then Focus only on advanage plus and just do a different advanage plus with different uh creatives on it or try to use the things that we discussed about the advanced plus crazy method see if it's working for you or do I'm having one video coming right now for advanced plus crazy method catalog which work really well in another account while I was trying Advanced plus campaigns with other creatives and they didn't work so it's about watching me others seeing what we are doing trying these things in your other account and try to expand but if you want to focus just on account structure do a lot of advanced plus campaigns with different creatives in my opinion and then jump to CBO uh if you don't have um the luxury of doing more than eight uh Advantage Plus uh campaigns about retargeting as I said there's a lot of people that they talk about 70% call 30% retargeting now with Advanced plus we know that advanced plus is stealing a lot of sales from retargeting so I'm not focusing so so much for example in another account that I mentioned earlier for 5K per day maybe I will have one retargeting for uh 200 $300 if I have all of my other spend on Advantage Plus on the other hand it's a very good way for you to actually Target people with a promotion or with a new collection that is coming with some retargeting ads and um when you have something a drop or a special promotion you just do the retargeting with creatives that are specifically made for that and then you're having also retargeting but then when the promo is over you just close this retargeting and you continue uh with the same structure that's it for the structure now let's discuss a little bit about uh CBO and uh which is going to be our second option if we don't have more than eight Advanced Plus in our ad account now if you're having a small ad account it doesn't mean necessarily that um you have to do also CBO maybe you will do only Advanced plus it's totally fine and you can actually have another account working like this but in bigger ad accounts and for you that you have bigger you have to do CBO campaigns if you want to keep scaling one of the biggest questions that I get is this I have an advaned plus working I have a CBO working how can I scale and that's the problem that most people are facing right now when they're scaling other accounts they are trying to scale out accounts by increasing budgets I consider this a very bad move and I have seen it and I have seen other people crying about it or crying okay it's not okay for people to lose money of course they're going to cry but you understand my point the thing is that the people all all the times people make these kind of mistakes and they don't realize that it's because they're just touching budgets that they should not touch if you have a campaign which is working and Advantage Plus a CBO campaign Advantage Plus campaigns actually are better in scaling because you can scale them by increasing the budget and they H they're behaving better but CBO campaigns are not be behaving well at all when you increase the budget you need to have many adets inside working very well in order for you to increase a CBO campaign to actually be able to absorb the budget and work well or be lucky and even if you do it once or twice or three times eventually you're going to fail and you're going to lose your CBO campaign and maybe you're not going to be able to recover it so the whole point here is to do more campaigns and more campaigns and a lot of people disagree with me it's totally fine everybody share their own experiences and they say that you should not do many campaigns you should just focus the budget in one campaign but guys I'm showing you results I'm showing you other accounts and um maybe they have their own uh results the problem here is that I don't it's not that I don't believe them I just think that this is the best way for me to optimize and scale out accounts and they have results to prove it I'm pretty sure that they might also have results to prove it but it doesn't uh say anything to me because this is my way how can I not be convinced Ved about it if I have seen very good results of it if I'm getting more clients if my clients are referring me to more clients if I'm getting paid more because of that my opinion is not going to change about it so we can debate all you want but I'm showing results over here that this structure actually works and whoever doesn't understand it it's up to them they can do whatever they want now you as a person who is watching the video you should try my opinion somebody else's opinion somebody else somebody else and try to see which thing is working better for you for your mentality for your way of thinking and try to use this one so that you can expand and uh scale your account so my basic idea over here is that I like to scale with campaigns I don't like to touch one campaign which is a CBO especially which is having a budget for example of 200 I'm going to create another $200 CBO campaign is it going to be a crazy method instead of using uh the same exact campaign is it going to be a campaign with other creatives is it going to be stockl Alex is it going to be something else if it's a CBO uh is it going to be another Advanced plus this is going to be the way that we discussed and I'm also preparing a video from another ad account that when you do Advanced plus campaigns you have just one ad which is taking all of the budget or two or three and then you can just duplicate the campaign because it doesn't mean duplicate the campaign and run it without the two or three working so that you can try to scale because it doesn't mean that the other ads that you have inside are not working they're not they're not just they are not they are not just as strong as uh the ads that they took uh all of the budget so there are several ways of uh scaling like this but with more campaigns instead of just increasing the budget in uh just one campaign and also we know that this is very important because creatives are very important especially in 2084 uh we even have an AI coming uh s AI uh which is is going to revolutionize the way of running Cuts people are going to have access to more creatives so creatives creatives creatives are going to come and we will have to do more campaigns with that this is the ideal account structure uh that I like to have for CBO and for Advan plus I do new campaigns I I don't just increase uh the budgets and uh to me there's no point of doing that when I can do another campaign optimiz it all over again without risking the campaign that is actually working right now and with that way I'm establishing a new base every time just doing more and more and more campaigns which are considered my base and then I'm just risking only on the new campaigns of course there's also the possibility of having uh Facebook stopping you when you're trying to scale or you as a person abusing what I'm saying and just taking everything and doing with the same creatives the same targeting five crazy methods for example and then everything is going to uh collapse so just try to take all of that don't abuse it I have done in other accounts three or four crazy methods with the same creatives and it was working but it it doesn't mean that you should do that and uh you should try you know not to be lazy do more creatives and all of that but for sure the structure of several campaigns which are having a lot of budget keeping them for a very long period letting them become post IDs and eventually scale more and more with more campaigns it's working 100% I have case studies of one year proving that because we have done the whole journey of one year doing that and scaling while we were maintaining the same Ras crazy if you think of it cuz we went from 30 40K to spend 540k in Black Friday and if you're not convinced with the Black Friday because you think that it's inflated go on the previous months we were spending 300K uh over there it's not like we did a bump of 60k to 500k in Black Friday we have done it gradually increasing the budget uh month by month some months we did worse some bus we did better but the average of the whole year was on 5. 5 okay I'm going to show you some other accounts uh just so that you can be convinced that this thing is working uh I'm going sadly I'm going to hide the names of its campaigns but I'm going to tell you uh what is it this is one account that um I cannot do more than eight Advan plus campaigns so I'm a little bit creative in what I'm doing the first campaign over here is the oldest one so in the last 30 days here uh we spent 150k and uh the maximum has to be Millions I guess excluding the deleted campaigns yeah 4. 6 but I'm pretty sure that we have deleting campaigns so if put I had delivery how much I know this had count since day one by the way it's going to take some time to load I guess if it's going to load everything because this is a another account that I'm running for four years no it's not going to load it anyway anyway the spend here is much more it doesn't matter but let's do that okay so this one is spending around 6K per day I believe something like that yeah now how am I doing ads over here so this is a catalog retargeting okay here we're talking about a fashion brand uh in United States so I'm doing Catal but this is only 100 per day okay and that's my only and last retargeting over here but I'm doing retargeting campaign from time to time when we have new drops new collections or we have any special promotion here we have one advantage plus and now I want to show you also this this is coming from September 2022 on the last seven days it has 1.
89 but in the maximum this is a beast campaign that has spent 410k 2. 44 and another thing that a lot of times people do and it's a huge mistake it's that they go and they just kill campaigns I have actually seen that from agencies that they might take one client they go and they close campaigns that the client had for years and this is devastating you know because this campaign is never going to be um they're never going to be able to produce this kind of results so here we're having campaigns which are beasts okay this is coming from September 9 May 19 2023 May 28 July 18 July 23 and don't get me wrong during that period I was doing more ads um but some of those campaigns they failed and stuff but you know if as long as this one it's still working I'm going to use it this one is a dynamic uh this is is an advaned plus campaign with a catalog okay and uh it's working pretty well and a lot of uh a lot of companies that they do sell a lot of products I really like to uh actually use it then we have an advanced PL which uh was published on April 2023 it's almost one year uh since we launched this one it's doing pretty well then we have here a campaign with beat cups they're they're a little bit volatile you can see that here we have some decent spend most of this spent happen during black Freddy here it's an basically because I'm controlling the budget on each one of those we're going to do a separate video about bit cups here we have a a a stack lookalikes campaign crazy method from July 18 this is when we had a new drop and this is some restocks that we had on July uh this is another drop uh which came on September uh 6 again stack lookalikes at that point you might be wondering why I didn't do more advanc plus campaigns I was skipping spots of advanced plus campaigns because I was getting close to Black Friday so I have only eight to use so I was I was skiing my spots for that and you can see here we have another campaign which is from October 19 November 1st November 7 these are my campaigns if you remember my Black Friday videos that I was telling to you that you need to actually have some campaigns that they're going to start as Evergreen campaigns during the Black Friday period and they're going to get boosted by results so that you can keep them keep them after that by the way these two are advaned plus campaigns okay and I told you I was keeping them because of that this one is actually normal creatives uh CBO uh stacked lookalikes and this one is with post IDs uh stacked lookalikes and uh this one is post IDs Advantage Plus um with different ads and this one is normal ads this one is also coming from that period uh this is just a normal CBO with um with crazy method and then we have December 5th January 243 and February 1st we have our last four advantas plus campaigns uh so two really old Advantage Plus campaigns two that they came out of the Black Friday period and uh just four new with uh the new things that we want to promote on this period so this is one account structure that I'm using over here what I want to point out is that as you can see here we have two campaigns that they came during the Black Friday period they got boosted by the results and we still keep them because they did really well and they took so much data that it helped them actually continue getting sales for us break event rose on this other account is 1. 8 we go for a growth over here and um uh we have actually scaled a lot uh in uh the last year and I hope that we're going to continue scaling of course we always have stock issues uh with this brand from time to time because even when we take an enormous amount they just sell out so uh this company actually since I came they changed the warehouse three times right going to a bigger one and bigger one but it's good you know because it's part anyway e-commerce is always in e-commerce we always have problems that we have to overcome as you can see this is a structure with many campaigns and a lot of campaigns that I'm keeping for a long period so it's nothing but keeping of course there were periods that these campaigns didn't do well for example in the last seven days we might see that this one has 1.
45 I'm not going to close it okay uh in the last 14 days it's having 1. 77 okay and again I'm telling you this one last 40 days it has no this is uh something that I opened yesterday so don't look at at it because it doesn't have any span um but um as you can see in the average I'm winning and this is what you need to understand when you are running ads and you want to scale you need to keep campaigns for a long period in order to become really powerful and uh behave as post IDs even if they're normal ads with all the comments that they're going to get don't close them just be a little bit more flexible from the period that they do bad because they're going to actually recover and operate in a way like this because the moment you touching this campaign the other campaign the other campaign over there because you want to improve the r then you are ruining everything and you're not able to scale because you are not having uh stability into your account also for whoever is talking about ad fatigue and all of that as long as it's producing sales and good drawers that's good now if you think that you have out fatigue because for seven days didn't do well let me tell you that there are campaigns that I have videos proving it that you uh touched the campaign you closed it you never recovered it uh because you just believe in a theory that's called that it's talking about at fatigue while you're not checking the data and you're not just focusing on the data so you can see the basic structure of this account and how I behave if we want to summarize some points over here keep campaigns that they're working for a long period and be more flexible with them without uh being afraid and all of that because you might lose them and you will never be able to recover them because they have so many so many comments and post uh as post posts that when you're going to launch them all over again they're not going to work uh secondly uh operate with many campaigns with different creatives different collections uh different drops uh different testing of ideas uh different you can use post IDs you can use cataloges you can use different creatives you can use different styles of creative videos or static in different campaigns and all of that you have the luxury of doing that and you can do it with many uh campaigns and then behave to that as a whole thing you know and just what's the average results some of those are going to do better one time some of those are going to do worse sometime we can go on different periods and see a little bit on um on the last seven days uh for example on the last seven days 2. 17 okay so let me track um this one oh no this one is new let me track this one okay so let's go from this to this let's go from this to this so remember 1.
76 1. 9 here uh let's go here somewhere around here two so it started dropping on the last period but this doesn't say anything because it's going to to improve then it was 1. 89 okay and let's go for example on this one okay 1.
79 okay in in such a big period okay most people were going to close this one but look without touching it it's actually recovering so some of those are going to do better in a period Then worse then better than worse but you need to treat treat this whole ad account as a whole thing and just what's the average results some of those are going to be your volume in a period some of those are going to be your uh good drawers and the opposite from time to time and not removing and being super strict with all of that because if you do that then you are never going to be able to scale also the last thing that I want to point out here before going into another account is that you are not scaling any of these budgets you're just doing new campaigns on top of that with your new ideas and everything because you don't want to disturb them and also we have very specific ways of how we optimize advanc campaigns how we optimize CBO campaigns as soon as you reach the point that you optimize them then you just leave them and you do another campaign another campaign and another campaign let's see another account this is another account in uh United States High ticket item and uh from uh January 1st to February 21 we have spent 600k alone okay this month alone I believe that I'm going to I'm going to spent uh around 450k uh something like that so in this account over here uh we have a little bit of uh different structure here it's one of the fortunate out accounts that I can do more advanced plus campaigns so I'm not using a lot of uh normal uh campaigns but here you can see also that I'm having ads that this one is coming from June 3rd of 2022 in the maximum uh this one over here you can see that it has uh I don't believe that this account has spend only that amount let me see if it's going to load okay strange I would believe that this account will spend more anyway so in the last seven days uh no not only the last 7 Days let's go on maximum uh and remove this one okay so over here you can see that this one uh which is a very old ad it has spent actually this enormous amount with very good drawers then the one above has spent also that uh as you can understand this is a this is a targeting campaign the nature of this company actually requires to do retargeting I'm not going to go into specifics but as we said at the start of the video if you're having a funel that you're selling something and then you want to retarget also people then it's uh very important to have a retargeting campaign this is why you see also that the frequency is high also here this also answers the question about frequency because a lot of times people are really crazy about frequency you know what are you going to say if the frequency is 32 and I'm having 7. 5 rows while my break even rows over here it's on three what are we going to discuss should we say okay let's close this campaign because it has 32 R should we say all these stupid things like You're spamming people and people are going to be angry because they're seeing all of your ads all over again no they're not because apparently they keep buying out of this okay so I don't get the point uh of uh discussing about frequency or even on this cold traffic ads over here as long as they are giving us the result that we want and you can see that here also I'm keeping campaigns from uh from the past they're doing pretty well this is a very old uh campaign this is um from 2022 it's actually uh with two adsets inside that I was testing something and it just kept working so I never closed it this is a retargeting uh this is uh this is actually spending how much is it spending this is spending 16k per day and I think it would spend a little bit more this is something you see it's not doing so well on the last period but it's fine you know because still on my average results I'm I'm fine I'm I'm where I want to be especially after scaling because this other account was spending between 200 and 300K and now they want to go to 400 so four row I guess it's going to be the four or 4. 5 row is the next thing that we're going to see uh given the fact that our break even r z three and of course they're growing now on this one for example we have uh another Advantage Plus this is an advantage plus this is an advantage plus advanced plus Advantage Plus stock lookalikes and Advantage Plus so no this is not stock look alikes this is targeting for an extra promotion that we have on that period that's it guys this is how this account is being structured as you can see again I'm keeping campaigns from the from the past they they are dinosaurs now these campaigns uh some of these campaigns are actually conversion ads and now that Facebook actually changed it to Sales uh I cannot even increase the budgets on them you see so if I go for example on this one inside this one you see it has 7600 okay it's an AO I would like to increase the budget on this one uh if I take it to 1,000 it's going to give me an error because it says that this campaign has uh one event that I cannot use anymore basically it's a campaign that's a conversion ad for purchases and now they change this to uh over here when we open that you can see that now we have sales and conversion so B basically it's com from the past event and I cannot touch it but I'm not going to close it Facebook has to close it I'm not going to close it because it's working really really really well that's what I'm saying that if something is working it's fine just leave it there it's going to keep producing results for you you can see the structure that we have here and how I do more campaigns uh again on top of that we can see the same thing happening here on this account this account for example it has again July uh 22 December 2223 of January February 23 so you can see that again I'm keeping old campaigns and I'm working with new ones this is a smaller spent uh ad account actually yesterday uh it spent 4.