How LONG Does It Take to MINE 1 BITCOIN?

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The Hobbyist Miner
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Video Transcript:
how long would it take to mine one Bitcoin what is going on Miners and welcome back to the hobbyist miner Channel well it's been 37 days since the 2024 Bitcoin having since then Bitcoin mining profitability has dropped dramatically and not just because of the Bitcoin having but mining profitability for all Bitcoin miners has dropped across the board so it's May of 2024 and let's take a look at two Bitcoin Miners and their daily profitability oh that's going to hurt and finally how long it would take to mine one Bitcoin with each of them before we go too much further in today's video I want to give a special shout out to the team over at jingle mining for sponsoring today's video I've had the pleasure of working with the team over at jingle mining for the last 3 years as I've grown as a content creator and a home crypto Miner starting with the x41 U then moving on to the X4 q and finally the new x16 Q these miners hands down are some of the best most sufficient most reliable and some of the quietest miners in the industry if you're in the market to purchase your next crypto Miner go over and check out jingle mining they now carry some of my favorite Asic miners like jazz Miner Gold shell bit M ice River and many more go check out jingl mining. com via the link in today's video description and use the special code down below to give you a discount at checkout a quick disclaimer Bitcoin and Mining profitability fluctuates dramatically today's video is a snapshot of what it looks like today May 26th of 2024 before you go buying a crypto Miner do your own research and this video is just for fun first up is the bitmain ant Miner s19 K Pro I bought this unit back on October 18th of 202 3 for $1,850 and when it was first released it was doing $120 Tash Bitcoin mining but since then bitmain has released a firmware update to push it upwards of 140 terahash let's see how profitable this unit is today and how long it would take to mine one Bitcoin with the bitmain an minor s19 K Pro so here we are over on today's video sponsors website jingle Mining and there's actually two models now of the s19 K Pro first up is the 120 Tash model that goes for $1,490 and the 115 terahash model goes for a few dollars less for $1,359 a decent way away from what I paid for this unit back on October 18th of 2023 as I talked about I do all my own testing and base all of my numbers and metrics off of at the wall an actual hash rate not basing anything off of the advertising that bit main advertises for the hash rate or the Watts so we'll be using the 137 terahash on the minor at 3,520 Watts at the wall give you an idea as to today's bitcoin price right now at the time of recording this Bitcoin is at $669,000 35 so close to reaching that 70,000 Mark once again so let's go over here to what to mind if you guys haven't visited this website before if you come up here to coins this is a great tool to use come down to bitcoin and here we're going to enter all of our own metrics this is what I highly recommend that you guys do so we're going to put in 137 terahash for the performance of this model with my testing for the power we're going to use 3,000 520 Watts yes that is what I got at the wall with my s19 K Pro out in my Asic mining shed we're going to base this off of 10 cent kilowatt hour because it's a little bit more realistic however I do know that some of you guys pay 15 20 30 cents and I feel for you honestly so let's hit calculate here now as of today May 26th we are going to be looking not necessarily straight up at the profitability which is NE $11. 15 but we are going to be looking actually at the estimated rewards per day to help us determine how many days it would take to mine one Bitcoin but please keep in mind electric as you start to shop for Bitcoin or any other crypto miners because that is a cost that is one of the most expensive items when buying a crypto Miner is your operating expenses for electric so be careful so as of today May 26th of 2024 if you have a bitmain ant Miner s19 K Pro or you've decided to go ahead and buy just one and run it at home let's say and we're just talking about estimated rewards in Bitcoin we're not talking about electric or anything like that but please keep that in mind and do your research this unit right now at as of today its estimated rewards per month are 0.
00 3168 Bitcoin per month so what does that mean well if we're going to take one Bitcoin which we're trying to earn here and see how long it would take and we divide that one Bitcoin by our amount that we would make per day with the s9k pro that would be 315 months it would take to earn earn one Bitcoin so let's put that in calculations of days so let's take that and let's times it by an average of 30 days in a month let's say it would take you 9,469 days to earn just that one Bitcoin what's up guys sorry to interrupt your video but want to keep you in the no so are you new at mining or you're just looking to get step into it you're not sure what Hardware you want to buy you're not sure what build you want to do need some help maybe you're building your first mining rig and you literally need help step by step installing hios maybe you're so far away from mining but you're looking at it and you just need somebody to bounce some ideas off of well I offer one-on-one calls with the community and I've done boatloads some really cool ones I've helped people set up Asic miners in the Dominican Republic I've helped someone troubl shoot their very first GPU mining rig I've chatted with a guy looking to open up a farm and just wanted a sounding board I've helped someone else build and set up and configure their brand new Caspa miners well I'm here to help and I'd love to work with you if you guys need one-on want to help I offer it and I love doing it so there's a link directly down below to the hobbiest miner. go over there and schedule some time with me all right back to the video next up is the bitmain amp m Miner S21 the best Bitcoin miner on the market as of today coming in at 2 terahash well back on January 12th of 2024 I bought my first one for $4,500 and then again a few months later in preparation for the Bitcoin having I bought four more s21s let's find out how well they do all right we're back over on today's video sponsors website jingle mining and there's three different s21s the first one is the 200 trash model and that's the model I ended up getting coming in at $3,920 as of today the second unit is15 terahash coming in at $33,700 and the final one is $188 trash at $3,520 now as we talked about previously I do all my testing and use all my metrics based off what I see at the wall and on the minor so in normal mode this unit does 197 terahash at 3535 Watts which is a lot but it still comes in at 17.
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