"Hack ANY Cell Phone" - Hacker Shows How Easy It Is To Hack Your Cell Phone

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Ryan Montgomery demonstrates various hacking tools disguised as ordinary items, like chargers and HD...
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what other tools do you have there that you want to share with us I got some I got something cool that you appreciate let me see it I want to see it hold on if you want to see something funny while I pull it out um check a email on there like one of your old Gils or something and you can type in Patrick at the storybuilder dcom Patrick atthe thee storybuilder docomo to be a little the site will be a little slower than it normally is cuz we got like 30 to until it comes
it we'll wait until it comes show me what you got in and we'll get to it have you checked the uh NPD breach too for your social is probably I would almost guarantee that it's in there so you should probably handle that before you post my interview okay yeah sounds good okay so this is what is this just out of curiosity this looks like something I would use to charge my phone with a charger yeah and you know that's so I have every every single charger you can imagine in here all of them right so
actually what this is the reason why I have this little orange thing here is because there is no way I'd ever know that this was a charger I'm sorry that this was not a charger without this orange tag because it is that that uh that perfect so the NSA selling these for $20,000 and I have a friend mg he goes by who is selling them for you know a couple hundred a piece and I have a bunch of them I can show you but this one I pre-loaded with something cool the'll appreciate um so this
this is a charger that will work I could hand this to you and say hey here's my charger man or replace yours right whatever you got plugged in I'm sure I have a replacement for that okay um uh you bring this home it could act like a charger forever or but as soon as this plugs in inside of this tiny little plastic right here this inside of this is a Wi-Fi chip a mini computer and this thing emulates a keyboard and can type at 860 characters per second so what I'll do is cuz I'm sure
you don't want me to plug this into your computer I don't so let me get my computer set up real quick did you say $20,000 for that well the yeah so the NSA has has a look up uh if if you get it oh it's still stuck on the scan but uh check yeah definitely check back at that but look up NSA um OMG cable and then yeah you should see that's the actual cable itself but if you scroll down to the bottom you'll probably see where the NSA is selling their own version of it
before my friend there it is I just found the $20,000 yep I just I'm going to text it to you wow yeah so mg was able to pull it off for a couple hundred doar which is unbelievable and it is it is so dangerous man it's just I have so many gadgets with me and we probably don't have enough time to go through I mean I have literally 50 plus gadgets with with me so I'll show you a couple of them but like don't want to don't want to go too crazy yeah that's a European
site that you can buy it from yeah right there say complete wireless pentesting payload platform invisibly embed inside a cable originally a clandestine NSA tool costing over $20,000 now available to everyone 200 bucks yeah there's a there's a name for it to I think it was I can't remember the exact name the NSA was calling it but you could see the actual government document with the cost for the for the exactly the same thing so now what does this do um so I'm going to show you what it does but it can it can monitor
your keystrokes so you can put this in line in between your key are you kidding me y you can put this in line in between your keyboard and your computer I could put this in straight into your phone I could put this I can type Keys like I said at 860 words per second um I can leave it there and come back later this thing has its own Wi-Fi network that I connect to inside of this and then if you were to like you can match this up to yours and see it's absolutely identical 100%
same thing yeah so if you didn't have that little orange thing on there you'd easily lose that wow is the one you have is this is that the new design or is that the I couldn't even tell you this is just a well I just meant like is it the woven one or is that this is the one that's the apple one this this is actual Apple okay so let me show you the apple one while my computer is booting I don't know why it's not booted up yet I have so many of them he
he gave me a ton yeah here look at this one that is not an Apple charger this is the same thing as the other one yeah yeah yeah and so so let's just say you give this to somebody you're spying on okay they put it to charge you're now seeing who I'm texting what I'm doing I'm playing everything I'm doing you're' seen all of it uh not texting cuz I can't but on on the computer yes yeah on the phone I'm able to inject keystrokes into the phone um like let's say I want to install
a virus on your Android or something I could do that with that device but I can't tell what you're typing on your on your computer I can tell what you're typing so these things these things are wild 200 bucks yeah per cable you know who buys them who who uses them so they're intended for penetration testers like myself to do the right thing um but you know thread actors can buy them as well all right so let's get this thing they're intended for penetration tests that you do for companies yes okay so make sure everything's
plugged in we're not on any yeah there's no internet here all right so what I'm going to do is and you can see here that without this like this orange thing I have on here just so I don't lose it with my actual charger um but I don't have to have that on here I just don't want to don't want to lose it so I'm going to plug this into USBC which you know you can pick whatever one you want so that's plugged into USBC this side I'm not going to connect to anything I could
charge my phone with it I could do whatever I want with it but what I'm going to do is on my phone I'm going to go to Wi-Fi I'm going to click OMG now just created a network from this cable that's plugged in that's not that's not we don't have an OMG Network here no no no okay no and this is not plugged into anything okay so this is creating a Wi-Fi network yep I'm going to go to it in my browser and then I have now I have a a an interface here that I
can connect with so I'm going to go in the file menu I'm going to load payload one there we go all right so ready now I'm going to hit build and run which I could be very far away from the computer this is just showing an example of it see how fast that's typing what's it doing it's typing pbd podcast and zero day was here get out of here so that could have been anything that could have been a malicious command that could have been a virus that it downloaded that could have been anything that
I wanted it to be and I have now remote control over this cable that if I plug right into my phone watch plug it into my phone charges charging you would have no idea that there this implant is in your house just because there's a Wi-Fi in here and and more there's more in there I'm just simplifying it so this is like a smaller computer yeah yeah and it and it weighs the same looks the same feels the same you would never know that that thing is extremely dangerous and you so this is used for
an ethical person to do a penetration test on a company what does an unethical hacker do with that tool right there an unethical hacker can use this tool to steal people's credentials to Monitor and you know to to spy on people to look through your webcam to uh to try to get access to your network to to your phone to what you know they they're going to do it for you know they got the criminals do bad things an ethical hacker is going to try to access your computer to access other computer compers to try
to take over your company so that you can show where the weaknesses are so you can make it better um so it's it's essentially the same Concepts though uh but one has a good goal in mind the other one has uh you know screwing someone over in mind $2,000 and say used to use it now 200 bucks yeah and that's just for one cable I have I mean I could show you all of them if you want to see them all but same exact type of a cable yeah they just look like a real cable
and I got a real funny one actually that's uh so the way that I would recommend protecting yourself from this would be with what's called a data blocker right so a data blocker is something like this I'll show you okay so here's here is there's two things here I want to show you so you can buy a data blocker for about $5 on Amazon you can plug any USB device into it and it's only going to limit it to charging so that even if it is a malicious cable it can't be abused this this is
this is funny so this was kind of a joke my friend he made this but it's a product he sells it's a data blocker called the Unblocker that blocks blocks these attacks but also has payloads in it to do the same thing so it's a it's a USB data blocker and looks just like one but also does what you just saw it allows you to inject wireless key strokes and monitor Keys Etc so that is for what that is for somebody to protect themselves against what somebody could in yeah and that's how much five bucks
no this this one's like 150 bucks that's 150 bucks yeah this is who needs that I mean I don't think you need it I think it's just it's safer to use a real data blocker pay $5 $10 on Amazon for one um this is this one's more of just a joke like here's a data blocker that I'll swap yours out with and then I can then I can inject payloads through your data blocker is that is that like an RFID or no that's different no that's different I'll show you that in a second actually and
this is the malicious cable detector which is his other thing and I'm I feel like I'm promoting the crap out of him right now and I'm I'm trying appreciating I'm sure he's he's getting a lot of business right now well I uh I I hope so but uh he's such a nice guy he was a help desk guy that ended up doing extremely cool things in the hacking world but uh this is a malicious cable detector that he also sells that if you want to be extra overboard you can buy plug it into this and
it'll tell you if it's a malicious cable or not got it got it so yeah let me put these back but I want to show you one more one I'm sorry one one more thing that you you know to worry about something you can check at home um that is uh kind of an interesting concept so you got a girlfriend uh yeah so with your girl I mean you probably know everything she's doing um so you'd be surprised um I a lot of people think that a lot of people think that haven't having a girlfriend
uh and having the ability to go through her stuff basically whenever I wanted to I'm going to take that you really could I mean you can find out everything she's doing I could but I I don't and I haven't done that you know almost I've done it maybe when I was younger a few times but as an adult I realized that no matter who you are you're going to find something you don't like no matter what whether it be a smile I'm not a jealous guy by any means but you're going to find a smiley
face here or there you're going to find a hard Emoji here or there it's like do I want to piss myself off for no reason so I just don't I don't look if they're going to cheat they're going to cheat on you regardless of what you tell them they're going to do or tell them what they what you want them to do who they can and who they can talk to like don't even try they're going to cheat on you or they're not going to cheat on you so that's just my mentality on it good
for you and so what is that do you get those Ritz cheese Krispies because that's like your this yeah we're going to promote Ritz on the like at this point just I'm sitting on with the greatest salesman of all time we got rich cheesec crackers here at the dbd podcast um but yeah I I don't know I just was hungry I brought these I got I thought you were going to do something with that I'm like so he brought he brought Ritz no I was just hungry my kids would be running here right now if
that was here they would be you'd become their best friend I love Ritz Bits but I my mouth is so dry those things will probably kill me right now but screen crab this thing this one's an interesting one so uh the cameras aren't set up in a way for me to demonstrate it but check this out so you can probably oh gosh it's in there okay so this device if you see on one side it has USBC yep which you could do USBC to usba which is just this little square USB and then HDMI HDM
I and then it also has a little antenna okay right you don't need the antenna it also has one other thing here for uh an SD card which you can fit right here with you know you can put two terabytes in this thing or a terabyte a lot a lot of storage um put your HDMI in put your power in every TV every monitor for the most part is going to have a USB port so get a small USB port a small HDMI put this in the back of a a computer screen or the back
of a computer desktop and you could even put a little po posted notes saying like HDMI enhancer or uh do not remove or it it only like something that you know would scare somebody from from unplugging it and this thing can wirelessly from quite quite some distance transmit with almost no delay with in in high quality what's going on on the screen um and if you if you're not within proximity let's say you go out of the proximity of this this antenna it stores all of that footage uh on the SD card which could be
it from what I was actually told by a friend years depending on the interval of uh of how often it's taking snapshots so check behind your screens check behind your computers look for a device like this which is like a a man-in-the-middle type of device that is capturing your screen and you know it there's so much more out there to be scared of but this is something that you could easily check if it's there unplug it and uh and throw it in the trash call the police do whatever you got to do so that's going
to that's going to record everything you're doing on your screen yes and high quality too and how much is that I don't know I don't know what's the most expensive tool he's got that he's selling does he have something these are all different people yeah these are all what's the most expensive tool out of all these tools that you know that you know most expensive one I have with me right now um is this one because it's just enterprise Enterprise 800 bucks but what else what's something that's astronomical but it's what it does is ridiculous
I would say I can't give you all the specifics on how it works but the cell sellbrite which is how they you know some phones are dumped they're very expensive like dumped for all the data that's on them and they're used usually for criminals and traffickers and pedophiles celebrite uh is a very celebrite or cite celebrite that one right there yeah celebrate and how how much would that be they range I think from 20 to 50 I don't know I don't want to give you a false number so something some wild number got it hey
guys my name is Ryan Montgomery also known as zero day I'm proud to be part of the app man if you have any questions regarding child safety cyber security or even any of the gadgets that you see me use all over the Internet feel free to reach out I'd be happy to help you with any any questions or concerns you may have stay safe so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
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