How To Stay Focused on Long-Term Goals (Every. Single. Day!)

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Amy Landino
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want to know the one thing that separates successful people from everyone else they review their goals three times a day today I'm sharing my proven system for not only coming up with what my goals will be but how to stay focused on them so I'm motivated and making progress every single day by the way this is a process I've already taught my inner circle clients shout out to you guys if you're interested in learning more about coaching with me send me the word coach in a text to the phone number down below all right whenever
I make plans I like to go to the good morning good life planner because all the planning Vibes and I'm just going to flip to the back here where we've got lots of lovely Blank Space get my bookmark out of the way all right so pretty simple we're going to just start with five lines 1 2 3 four five then we're going to do four lines across 1 2 3 four this is a slightly abbreviated custom new yeary version all right so just number to five at the top our very first step is a long-term
vision and so we need five to thrive so we're going to write here five to thrive so you want to think big here if this means that you have you know your your dream home we could put that here uh you could also say I want to be uh five time best-selling author put that there just think in terms of where am I in my mind if I have had a life well- lived what is true about me and what are those five things that make me thrive in this life that's what's going in this
row here okay so we've got some pretty big Visions here this would be wonderful if we were to be able to say it someday so those are our five to thrive when you have a long-term Vision no matter what it is and everyone's is going to be different you have a destination that you are driving toward so every day it doesn't feel like it's just like well blowing with the wind over here in order to have a successful year you need to have a vision at play and then you can have a successful month and
a successful week and a successful day because you see where you're headed this is going to change why because we are humans and we grow and we evolve and it is okay if this does not look the same in 5 years but if you are intentional today because you did this that's all that matters you have to do things in order to figure out if something is the right fit for you so don't get so hard on yourself about making 30 dear decisions right now let's just get the ball rolling so when you have your
five to thrive The Next Step that we need is 10 to win we need a win list so based on our long-term goals okay your 25 to 30s here we need the one-year goals and that's what's going to be intend to win so so for each item let's come up with two things that we're going to do in a year's time that's going to help us work toward that Vision so for your dream home let's just say this year uh we want to save $110,000 toward your down payment and dream home we're also going to
tour you know a minimum of 15 homes you know it's tough these days in real estate you got to get out there you got to check it out so you're not really taking it seriously if you're not walking in the door anywhere and trying to figure out what you want in a dream home so we've got those two for thriving item number one now for bestselling author oh well have you written a book before might be a good place to start if you've never written a book and you intend to be a five-time bestselling author
someday then I suggest you get to writing so maybe this year we're going to Define book number one and start writing at least 100 pages okay set a goal who cares if you hit it imagine imagine if you were going to have zero Pages because you didn't write down a 100 but you got to 50 that's the whole thing here next let's see seven figure entrepreneur we're going to look at the bottom line and don't fix what's not broken if you're making money how can you make more what you're doing okay so we have two
Milestones that we're going to hit this year in order to get closer to our five to thrive speaking of turning Big Dreams into achievable Milestones let's talk about one of the most meaningful long-term goals many of you have shared with me earning your college degree if this is part of your long-term Vision the sponsor of this segment of the video is helping ambitious professionals like you turn this goal into a reality and that's our friends at University of Phoenix so you know how we just broke down your one-year milestones well University of Phoenix uses a
similar strategy breaking down your degree into manageable 5 to six we courses that are possible with a busy schedule since most classes are available online this is exactly the kind of strategic planning that we've been talking about instead of being overwhelmed by a full class load and everything else you got going on you can focus on one challenge at a time University of Phoenix understands that consistency and focused effort is key to achieving big goals there are 24/7 classroom access means you can maintain your current commitments while still making daily progress towards your degree and
with 17 start dates throughout the year you don't have to wait for the perfect time because as you and I both know the perfect time is now finishing your degree can feel like a massive mountain to climb but University of Phoenix is the perfect place for you to go to break it down into achievable steps just like we do here at Amy TV discover what your future could hold by finishing your degree with University of Phoenix find out more details with the link in the description down below now I'm going to throw you a curveball
this is actually a slight change in how I am doing this training today because I think you're thinking yeah I could do that that would be great if I did all of that sounds good I could do that in a year's time I'm going to challenge you to choose between three and five of these 10 items for your 12 week year that's right instead of I could do these things in a year's time no problem I'm going to ask you to choose at least three things I think three is a good number five is a
little high five is high because these are big things I want you to pick three things that you agree you could have done in a year's time and I want you to force yourself to achieve the 12we year and get it done in a quarter if you haven't seen my videos on 12we year you've got to check it out this has been a game changer for me I just did my assessment of all the 12we year goals that I hit in 2024 and of the things that I thought would take a year it's insane what
I was able to do in much less time this gives you a ton of focus so for instance maybe there's something you could do in the next 12 weeks that would help you to save that $10,000 so we're going to put save 10K we're going to we're going to reach for that one quick that would be massive that would be a huge quick win that would give you momentum and make you feel amazing save 10 G's okay next we are going to Define book one and our final choice for 12we year is going to be
increase current pricing so we can immediately make a difference to the bottom line so now you've got a lot of things here that you might still work on for the year but I want you to now challenge yourself for 12 week year for three of those items now this is where it gets really juicy okay for your next step we need to talk about the victory protocol the victory protocol is critical and when I say critical I mean critical doing this is so fun we love to sit down we love to make a little exercise
and make some plans and write all the Big Dreams that we have down and then it's time to do the work and we get a little hung up and that's okay we need need to know how we are motivated how are you motivated I would like to ask you what is something fun and cool and great and interesting and beautiful maybe a little expensive what's something that you want right now that if you saw it and you had the cash for it that's going to be critical here if it costs money if you saw it
and you were like I deserve that what's that thing I know something's popping into your head right now some ladies might be thinking of a nice handbag they've wanted for 5 years maybe there's a a pair of shoes maybe you're thinking of a car ooh oh I know you're thinking of the color right now whatever it is something that is aligned with your 12we year goals I want you to choose what the reward will be if you make those things happen so I'll give you an example for saving $110,000 if I were to make ground
on my down payment money do you know what would get me really really excited about having money and savings that I can't do anything about maybe I also put a little bit aside for a nice piece of furniture that's going to go in my new house I may not have my new house yet but I might have a piece of furniture picked out that will definitely look nice no matter where I live that's how I mean I know I know what I like I know what I like so if I reach this goal of saving
$10,000 for my dream home then I'm going to be able to buy an antique furniture item listen if it doesn't get you going don't write this but I get excited about that I get to go shopping for my dream home because I just made it a little bit more of a reality that's a great reward for me I need the victory protocol so that every single day when I am being asked to do this crazy hard thing that is saving money for something that doesn't exist yet I'm going to get something to just make me
taste it a little bit more all right Define book number one what's a reward that we could have there something it's this one's a little bit smaller it could be very big for you if you have never been an author before this is a little bit smaller for me but if it's big for you then how do you create the relatable thing that you are going to reward yourself with maybe you decide once you define what your book is going to be that you're going to let yourself take a day trip somewhere super inspiring maybe
maybe you get to start looking for a beautiful Airbnb that you would want to rent in order to be able to go there and write your book that's a cool idea or you just go somewhere super inspiring and enjoy the day and just bask in the glory that is I'm about to become an author I know what I'm going to say how exciting so we're going to book a day trip somewhere finally increasing the pricing on your offers so many of you my clients included have a hard time with this I'm not going to raise
my prices because I already have a hard enough time getting business okay you have a hard enough time getting business but you're not making enough money and you feel really crappy about your business time to raise your prices especially if you have some demand so increase those prices and let's say as soon as you convert new customers to those new prices then you reward yourself and your reward here could be something for you it could be something for your team it could be an organization win right so let's say we get a a bonus and
you decide what that bonus amount would be don't go spending all your new profit but you know we got to get people excited now this is key your Victory protocol happen WIS is cleared you're good to go once you've reached your goal so it's really important that your 12we year has a very definitive due date on it let's say you're going to start your 12we year at the top of the year January 1st for 2025 your last day of the 12we year would be Wednesday March 26th so if that's you you're going to start on
1 2025 if you're watching this in real time so your 12we years would be due March 26th 2025 once you get to March 26th if you go back and you say there's $10,000 in my savings I have a literal book defined I've even started to outline it so I have a clear idea and I increased my pricing to whatever this was supposed to be if on that date these things are true then whatever you defined for your victory protocol you make happen and you don't have to feel bad about it this is the thing we
have such a hard time celebrating our wins our small wins this could be so big for you if it is then you should celebrate it give yourself a way to celebrate it that is what is so important in the victory protocol there's some other things that we talk about in Inner Circle as it pertains to this what I call the Visionary blueprint and that is standards we have power standards and we also have a resource chest and that is some other things that you can think about about how you're going to achieve these things what
are the resources I'm going to pull from what are the standards that I need to make happen every day this is very very important we can think it all has to do with getting the work done most of the time it's about showing up as the version of you that you're supposed to be so that you're thriving so these are some things we go into more detail in in my coaching program but just something so simple like this what's the vision what could you do in a year's time to get closer to it and then
stop kidding yourself that you have 12 months get it done in 12 weeks and make it matter to you every day three times a day I review what my 12we year goals are and I know what Vision they are tied to because as soon as I see save $10,000 I see I'm saving for that dream home right or as soon as I see I need to Define for me it's book number four I need to Define book number four because someday I'm going to be a five time bestselling author I see the vision right next
to my goal I keep them very close so that when I'm reviewing it I'm not just thinking in the weeds I'm thinking as myself many years from now so when I'm looking at this three times a day I see where I'm going right now I see where I'm going in the long run and I see what I get from my hard work in the very near future put that due date right next to everything review it three times a day and you will be just like the successful people you look up to even sooner than
you think
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