if you decide to be rich today who going to stop you who if you decide you want to be rich all you got to do is start if I was to quit rapping and I say I want to go to the NBA I would be in the NBA no you wouldn't yes no you would yes I would no you wouldn't why would you think you could make it to the NBA cuz I think I can do anything we all should think that we're great there's no reason for you to not think that you're great if
you don't think you're great ask yourself why why don't you think the highest of yourself you see this guy here staring back at you yeah it's your toughest opponent every time you get into the ring that's who you're going against I believe that in boxing and I do believe that in life I should always be a step ahead because I'm thinking differently because I'm thinking about myself making myself better puts me in a position to make others better is first of all you'll never have a feeling of self-esteem and self-worth you'll never feel wonderful about
yourself until you know that you are good at what you're doing if you do not love your work enough to want to be the best at it get out of it the way you would get out of a burning house do not stay at a job that you do not love because is is the high road to failure dissatisfaction frustration and unhappiness in life finish would you started finish would you start it okay I know it's getting tough you tired it feels impossible it's getting harder but finish what you started don't forget why you even
started in the first place but you must finish what you started everybody said you wouldn't finish everybody counted you out don't you dare prove them right here finish with you started don't give up on yourself you can do it okay when we were kids my mom hung a poster over our bed it had a picture of a Bumblebee and under the picture the caption read according to all aerodynamic laws the Bumblebee cannot fly because its body weight is not in the right proportion to its wingspan but ignoring these laws the bee flies anyway anyhow life
is hard okay fellas life is hard it's always been hard from the beginning and it will always be hard Bible says man's days are few and full of trouble the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back go God I could have been great a blade does not become strong it does not become tempered until it's been through the fire several times and this is just your
first or second time to the fire and there's a lot of hammer work that has to take place and then you're going to have to go back in the Forge again and it's hot and it melts you down and you're uncomfortable and then life is going to pull you out and it's going to put you on the Anvil and it's going to hammer on you some more and you're going to say what am I done yet am I soared for the ages you're not done yet and don't look for what you are supposed to be
fully completely polished sharpened edged tempered at 26 or 36 at 46 you've got a lot more Forge time left you've got a lot more Hammer blows left and it takes time but if you will patiently embrace the process then by the time you get up in years you can be a man that you're proud of you get up every day you're entitled to nothing nobody owes you nothing you could have talent but if you don't have discipline and you don't execute you don't Focus what do you get nothing if you're complacent and not paying attention
to detail what does that get you nothing nothing is acceptable but your best in the Far East they have something that's called the Chinese bamboo tree the Chinese bamboo tree takes 5 years to grow they have to water and fertilize the ground where it is every day and it doesn't break through the ground until the fifth year but once it breaks through the ground within 5 weeks it grows 90 ft tall now the question is does it grow 90 ft tall in 5 weeks or 5 years the answer is obvious it grows 90 ft tall
in 5 years because at any time that person stopped watering and nurturing and fertilizing that dream that bamboo tree would have died in the ground how long have you been working on your dream and you have nothing to show this is all you got to show people going to do that to you and some people ladies and gentlemen they stop because they don't see instant results it doesn't happen quickly they stop oh no no no no you got to keep on Watering your dream and when it began to happen they stopped laughing we didn't know
how you're going to make payroll during those times when you fail and and and things didn't work out they were they were nowhere to be found but you know what I discovered when you working at your dream somebody said the heart of the battle the sweeter the victory oh sweet to you it's good to you why see when you when it's hard and there's a struggle see what you become in the process is more important than the dream that's far more important the kind of person you become the character that you build the courage that
you develop the faith that you're manifesting oh it's it's it's something that you get up in the morning you look yourself in the mirror you're a different kind of person you walk with a different kind of spirit people know that you know what life is that you have Embrace Life you knew it was hard but you did it hard which means to have a vision and even though the vision is in the air or the sky then build a foundation under your dreams and when you see men and women who rise from poverty and obscurity
to fame and Renown you invariably see someone who had a vision of what they could be and have and do that was far beyond what they were every one of us has had an experience at one time when we were small we had a vision of being growing up and having our own cars and As We Grew Older we had a vision of having our own homes and our own families and As We Grew Older we had a vision of traveling and going to Europe we fulfill all our Visions the wonderful thing is this is
that we always tend to achieve our goals the problem is that our goals are set so low that even when we do achieve them they don't turn us on they don't fill us with enthusiasm so Dream Big Dreams if you like and focus on results not activities this is the key be clear about the results that you're trying to accomplish this is one of the keys of Peak Performance by the way all Peak performers are result oriented all losers ERS or Underachievers tend to be activity oriented and in activity orientation what they do is they
work very very hard sometimes they work frantically sometimes they work longer hours than you do but they lose sight of the results Ben Trio the Strategic thinker said very worst thing in the world is to do very efficiently what need not be done at all there is no faith and no courage and no sacrifice in doing what is expedient what do you say to those viewers that don't pursue their dreams and are locked in their careers because they're too afraid to take risks well you should be afraid of taking risks and pursuing something meaningful but
you should be more afraid of staying where you are if it's making you miserable it's like the first thing you want to do is dispense with the idea that you get to have any any permanent security outside of your ability to contend and adapt it's the same issue with children it's like you're paying a price by sitting there being miserable you might say well the devil I know is better than the one I don't it's like don't be so sure of that the clock is ticking and if you're miserable in your job now and you
change nothing in 5 years you'll be much more miserable and you'll be a lot older if you look at the greats in anything that uh in any Walk of Life the greats do things when they don't always want to and that's the separation for me that's what I found because I can sure as hell tell you that there were days where I hated my coach there were days where we got fights we got in arguments we couldn't stand what we were doing but you know I think that was that was just really how we worked
like he was somebody who was so perfect for me that if if if I ever would have swam for anybody else I never would have had the chance to do what I did because he challenged me in ways and forced my mind to think differently you know for me as a kid growing up I was I'm I'm huge into music and music is a big part of my life and um I'm a huge Biggy Smalls fan and and he wrote a song called the sky is a limit and as a kid growing up I believe
that I believe that whatever I put my mind to and if I was willing to make sacrifices and I was dedicated that I could achieve absolutely anything and you still do I still do so you listen to me and you listen well are you behind on your credit card bills good pick up the phone and start dialing is your landlord ready to evict you good pick up the phone and start dialing I want you to deal with your problems I said it before and I'll say it again life moves pretty fast you don't stop and
look around once in a while you could miss it Dr Carter had a tear in his eye I could tell he felt for me and he said son I'm sorry to say you're not going to box again and I looked at him I said no Dr K you're wrong I am going to box again I said you don't understand what kind of man I am dreams are something you have to believe in I almost gave up on mine to all of you out there please keep your dreams [Music] alive there's several days I don't want
to do I procrastinate like a mother this is one of those days man I put my shoes and my socks and my shorts on every day woke up this morning and just stared at him didn't want to do [ __ ] didn't know why I was doing this a lot of times we forget just how bad ass we are so what I do and I've done for so many years I write down this is just about threeyear book but I've been writing down for years 23 Mile week 20 20 18 16 all by myself training
alone all this I write down here to remind me of the work I put into the craft that is myself we have to always remember our purpose will always be there I have nothing in front of me right now no race no nothing but the purpose is myself your mind has to be stronger than your feelings on those bad days when you think that you're alone you just might be cuz you know why no one else wants to do it should you be the mother that always gets it done don't half ass it don't have
ass it I mean think about it if you're going to do something you've chosen to do something whatever it is easy hard if you give it your all and you don't have asset win lose draw get what you want don't get what you want whatever the outcome is if you don't have asset at least you're not going to have to wonder oh would the outcome have been different what if I did give it my own and boy wondering that is what keeps us up at night if you have to ask how to get motivated to
go to the gym you don't need to be going to the gym you don't want it enough when you're sick and tired of looking and feeling like you'll show up mother I'll see you there cuz you're going to look in the mirror and you're going to be like [ __ ] that you're going to want to be in the gym Never Say Never because limits like fears are often Just an Illusion if you're going to try go all the way otherwise don't even start if you're going to try go all the way this could mean
losing girlfriends wives relatives jobs and maybe your mind go all the way it can mean not eating for 3 or 4 days it can mean freezing at a park bench it can mean jail it can mean derision mockery isolation isolation is the gift all the others are a test of your endurance how much you really want to do it and you'll do it despite rejection and the worst odds and it will be better than anything you could imagine if you're going to try go all the way there's no other feeling like that you'll be alone
with the gods and the nights will flame with fire do it do it all the way all the way it's the only good fight there is you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough or warm enough in here I'm going show up but the candle's getting smaller we're all
going to die one day yeah it's true so we live like that live like you could die tomorrow you know go for it your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you whether it's 3: in the morning or 3:00 in the afternoon let's work out and never looking back helps to ensure we don't look to the Past for our greatest hour you got to be moving somewhere with a vision you can get there belief in that if you can do that and you want to
sacrifice a few hours of sleep or sacrifice a little bit of those days when you're feeling weak and you're tired you suck it up and push through it I swear that's the harsh part once you get over that first that step and go through that devil in that doorway man just opens up possibilities it's just uh it's a better life man and you're in charge of it Legends aren't defined by their successes they're defined by how they bounce back from their failures and don't be afraid to dream big um you know the saying is that
if your dreams don't scare you to death they're not big enough your dream needs to be bigger than you are right now someone ask you a question you try to say the right answer your entire life is a test and when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school and high school question on test day so your entire life become this test I ain't trying to say the right answer I am just doing what I feel my mama said trying is failing there is no ifs WS coulds shoulds it just is and we just
are why would you not go for it why would you not take a chance you know at one point in time you got to take a chance on you but never stop fighting no matter what anyone says no matter how they try to compromise you compromise your vision if it's in your gut if it's in your soul there's nothing there's no worldly possessions that should come between you and your expression but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel [Music] disappointment so what do you do with your life how do you make
the most of it why go to DET ter if you're not going there to try and win there's really no point being going um that's attitude I've had my entire life and that's attitude I will always have um as I always explain to my dad second sucks and third's even worse that's just a feeling but on tour that's not too bad sometimes though that's not too bad but I've I want to win that's just my nature I always felt like I could do anything that's the main thing people are controlled by thoughts their perception of
themselves they're slow slowed down by their perception of themselves if you're taught you can't do anything you won't do anything I was taught I could do everything at one point in time you got to take a chance on you if you can get a mental image of the person you would most like to become begin now to act as that person would act in everything you do gradually imperceptibly you will actually become that person just decide not to be a loser anymore live your life like there's a documentary crew following you around and you are
analyzing your own behavior do what you would want to do so that your kids one day would look back at it and and and see that documentary and look on it with pride like wow my dad was a bad mother he really did what he had to do courage is the key to life itself there are a lot of people who are born in situations where say well I just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to people who say well I I would like to have done so and so and
so so you could have done it so well I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day some of y'all don't want it that's why you ain't got it excuses sound best to the person that's making them [Music] up life is not easy it is not don't try to make it that way life's not fair never was it isn't now and it won't ever be do not fall into the Trap the entitlement trap a feeling like you're a victim you are not get over it and get on with it and yes most
things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get them work hard be somebody be something more than what you see in the mirror let the world be your mirror don't let them judge you because the mirror can't judge you you judge what you see in the Mir whenever someone said to me it can't be done I heard it can be done when they said no I heard yes and when they said it's impossible I heard it is possible I'm a strong believer what Nelson Mandela said that everything is always impossible until someone does
it well I'm going to be the one I said to myself I'm going to do it and I'm going to show it to them maybe it has never been done before that's perfectly fine with me but I'm going to do it I don't care what you're going to do but go out there and make something of yourself for God's sake be an honest person and work and get to the top of whatever it is that you want to get to the top of you know and stand up for yourself like a respectable human being and
be a bit of a light on the world instead of a blight everyone is jealous of what you've got no one is jealous of how you got it people see the trophies but not the training ground everybody everybody wants the view but no one wants to climb the discipline is the most difficult thing not only in the sports but in the life but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra it's no other way I'm sorry but here's the fact all of you have
extraordinary capabilities all of you you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish what an inspiring day the day you can bring yourself to decide resolve says I will two of the most powerful words in the language Benjamin Disraeli said nothing can resist a human will that will stake its existence on its purpose shortly put I'll do it or die leave no stone unturned get better every single day and if I live that way
then over time you know I'd have something that was beautiful but that was my philosophy it seems like a pretty simple one but you know if you live your life to just get better every single day you do that for 20 years I mean what do you have you're born with a gift if not that then you get good at something along the way and and what you're good at you don't take for granted you don't betray it you have to lose your fear of failure failure is a part of the process people who never
fail never try nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it the work is going to come before the belief which means you're going to have to work for a long fing time by yourself with no applause with no award words with nobody telling you good job and then once you start to build something and people start to see the momentum and they start to see the result and you start doing some things then you're going to get a little belief
and then what's going to happen is you're going to believe and then what's going to happen you're going to go do a little bit more work and a little bit more work results are going to come more more people are going to believe nobody fuing believes in you because you haven't done anything yet time and effort you build a stronger human you build a stronger body you build a stronger mind you build accomplishment and will and momentum and then you look back and you go hey man I'm not washing tables anymore when you ain't got
and there's nothing going on to have faith then is so different and that's just real at the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self disipline you know some something as simple as food and eating is not about your your body as much as it is about your mind it's getting command of your mind to be be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest this is why I say stay hard because when you aren't given the gifts the only thing you can do in life is stay hard and I know
people cannot stand me they can't stand this talk this is all you can do there's no magic pill or a magic potion all you can do is outwork the that God created or woman in you and what that looks like is unfun that's why I said do not do a documentary on me because people will not see the truth they will see what they want to see is I don't want to live like that good good and you will live exactly the way you live now questioning who you are wondering what is possible wondering what
you are capable of doing that's how that looks or you can be me which am I happy I don't know never really thought about it don't really care about it cuz all I really cared about was I looked in that mirror I saw a piece you're always going to need to push yourself you're always going to need to parent yourself so what is the net advice on this what what is the bottom line the bottom line is no one's coming no one no one's coming to push no one's coming to tell you to turn the
TV off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job that you've always dreamt about nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you most men live lives of quiet desperation it's one of my favorite quotes ever because it's true and I've been that guy my God you just you're just in this world where you just can't wait to just run away our minds are like in garage if you open a garage it's all cluttered up it's all
up you can't put your car in there but if you organize that garage and you put everything in this rightful spot you can pull that car in there you can put two cars in there you can put bikes in there and that's like with the Mind people talk about discipline and determination and you know repetitions and all this consistency why people fall off the wagon so often is because their mind is full of [ __ ] but before you can ever reach anything you have to believe it you don't just mistakenly become great at something
and my personal question to you is why not you you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you
against you out there the pain of discipline or the pain of regret uh go for the discipline because it weighs ounces uh the regret weighs tons because it can accumulate one thing important is that we all have these moments these moments in time that either make you or break you that can determine the rest of your life the rest of your life can be determined by one simple decision 19 years ago 300 lb I was spraying for [ __ ] course I made the decision to try to be a Navy SEAL my whole goal was
to go on this path every day after work and to run a mile to mile and a half this rock was about the5 Mark in my run this rock was a moment that should have broken me I got 0.5 into it I weigh 297 lbs i s on this rock and had a decision to make I wanted to quit I wanted to give up there wasn't some inspirational quote there wasn't some it wasn't nothing it was me myself and it was freezing out here I had to make a decision decision I make was to get
up and keep on going that one moment changed the rest of my life if you can see it here and you have the the courage enough to speak it it will happen a lot of times people believe in certain things but they keep to themselves they don't put it out there you truly believe in it if you become vocal with it you are creating that law of attraction and it will become reality the heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold but unmade decisions the reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make
and you're not making them so develop a sense of urgency get the reputation as the person who does things fast develop a reputation for Speed and dependability and your future will just open up in front of you imagine if you own a company and you had two people in the company and both of them were reasonably well talented both of them were doing reasonably well except one person had a sense of urgency and did things fast and every time you give them something to do they took it and they ran with it like a ball
player catching a fumble and running for the goal line the other person got to it after lunch or maybe next Monday or no rush week's almost over Thursday afternoon so on which one would you give additional responsibility to which one would you promote which one would you spend money training which one would you send to places where you needed help it's always the person with a sense of urgency heroes and villains always have the same backstory pain the difference is what they choose to do about it villain says the world heard me I'll Hur it
back the hero says the world hurt me I'm not going to let it hurt anybody else Heroes use pain vill are used by it like to thank my mom up here who who never picked me up when I fell she taught me how to get up when I was knocked down I thank my uncle for always being there for me I think all you out here who fought in these wars you have no idea how big of a deal this is to me I was not always this strong guy you see um I went through
a lot of hard times in my life to get here today all I wanted to be was an uncommon man in my whole life I was not that much worse than that I read stories about men like you doc who had the courage to jump on grenades and stuff like that I walked in the recruiter's office and he looked at me and he said you're fat and you're black I said I want to be a Navy SEAL I didn't know there only been 35 African-American Navy Seals at that time in over 70 years um he
said I basically had to lose 106 lbs in less than 3 months because of my age I was getting too old I came back 3 months later 106 lbs lighter went through three hell weeks that is where I met Marcus ATR Danny Deets Michael Murphy another metal of VOR winner I went through hell week with all these guys real heroes I am not a hero I served with real heroes I had the most respect I can possibly muster up for all of you in this room I know what it takes to be a combat Soldier
and I used to look for courage I thought courage was a man who won the Medal of Honor but courage is a man who's willing to put those boots on every single day of his life to go out there and fight for this country where nobody even knows what the hell they're doing or where the hell they're at you do for the man beside you you can't be comfortable with yourself if you don't know who you're is and you can't know who yourself is if you don't stop looking at how everybody around you is uh
and start looking at what makes you comfortable and What Makes You uniquely you there's roughly close to I guess about 8 billion people on this planet uh but there's only one you would you stand out in the crowd not in a bad way uh what makes you you doesn't need to something that's immoral uh or obnoxious or uh or uncomfortable uh but just uniquely you 400 trillion to one when you understand that math how can't you live your life that's how rare it is to be a human being and what are you waiting for like
you've been given this ridiculous triple Miracle like you're literally more likely to win the lotto 10 times in your life than actually have a life so like ask you my friends with this one life you're going to sit on your couch and dwell you're going to be upset about some shortcoming you're going to be upset about that thing that happened last week that you up I'm asking you I'm promising you please take this swing make this at bat I am so tired of people stopping because their Uncle critiqued them or their mom made fun of
them along the way or their girlfriend doesn't think that they can do it you've got one at bat 400 trillion to one please do something about it we are living through the greatest era to be alive ever yes there's stuff I got news for you there's always stuff but when you take control of your at back when you put it all on yourself when it's your fault and your wins when you own it that's when it starts happening so please please squeeze the out of your one life there comes aing day where push comes a
shelf we being mediocre being like average and [ __ ] just burn that sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it cuz there too muching pain and commitment you were scared you going to fail you were scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it
until something hits you get fired or some body else gets success remind you what you could have been and then theing spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even it gets knocked you just keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet you got a choice You Got Talent you got a chance and I wanton to hear about your environment what your mama didn't give you in the white man won't give you no
shot you got a chance use it while you're still alive it's hard when you're young to wake up in the offseason at 6:00 a.m. to go train and work out knowing that all your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes it's hard when you're on your way to practice we down with all your gear and it's 90° out and all the other kids are at the pool or at the beach and your body is already completely exhausted from workouts in two days it's hard to throw catch block and tackle and hit kids when they're way
bigger and way more developed in you only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained but know when you have to show up again the next day for the just the chance to try again but understand this life is hard driven human beings are going to always feel like they're behind they're going to always feel like they're not doing good enough they're going to always feel like they're not far enough they're going to always feel like you're losing look winning this is how it feels 90% of the time you're going to feel like
you're getting your balls kicked in all right 8% of the time you're going to be confused and you're frustrated 2% of the time you actually win and those moments come and go and then you're back in the 90% And that's the reality of a Winner's life Joo what do you think about when you don't feel like getting after it Rome wasn't built in a day we all know that everyone hears that but Rome also didn't fall apart overnight either it took hundreds of years for Rome to reach its peak but it also took time hundreds
of years for Rome to Decay and fall apart and that is representative of life because you don't achieve worthwhile goals quickly or easily they take time they take struggle they take Relentless Pursuit day in and day out that's what it takes but also things don't usually fall apart quickly either at least at first it did it's it's a slow process a little slip here little setback over there a little wearing down of discipline and will over time that's the thing success and failure are generally slow processes either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them
[Music] down and that's why I say you've got to pay attention you have to watch you have to watch every single second because those seconds they turn into minutes then minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and days turn in to years and so that second that second that just went by that counted and so did that second and so did that one and in those precious seconds you were either building or you were decaying you were either gaining ground or you were losing ground in that second and in every second every second
counts so make every second count at some point everything's going to go south on you everything's going to go south and you're going to say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work that's all it is you just begin you do the math you solve one problem then you solve the next one and then the next and if you solve enough problems you get to come home