BEWARE, THEY'RE NO LONGER HIDING - The Leader of the New World Is About to Be Revealed!

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imagine a father going to work one day and being told we can't pay you unless you have the mark of the beast imagine a mother who's just given birth being told you can't pay for your baby's formula milk unless you've got the mark in this video I want to show you that there will be more people that will accept the mark of the beast than those who reject it Everyone likes to think that if they were given the choice to pledge allegiance to the Antichrist or to reject him and lose their life a lot of
people are biased in their thinking and assume they would refuse the mark of the beast but what happens when the Antichrist comes up with a system whereby you can't own a house without the mark you can't go to the supermarket and buy anything unless you've got the mark you can't travel in a car or on public transport without the mark this is when people will feel the pressure to pledge allegiance to the man of sin Revelation 13: 16-17 it also forced all people Great and Small rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark
on their right hands or on their foreheads so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark which is the name of the Beast or the number of its name five things you need to know about the mark of the beast number one Allegiance when the Antichrist is revealed to the world he will enforce a system a law where you need to take some type of Mark in order to participate in society there is one school of thought that suggests the following in order for us to really understand what the Mark is
and what it means there is a need to look back in history it is thought that at one time Rome ordered all its citizens to pledge their allegiance to it and this would be their political allegiance and also religious Allegiance as you pledged Allegiance this meant you accepted and submitted to Roman law including the religious laws of that time for you to pledge allegiance it meant you were pledging your loyalty to Rome now with this thought the mark of the beast will be a case of people pledging allegiance to the Antichrist people will take the
mark of the beast because at that time it will most likely be inforced by law although the message will be that you need the mark to buy or sell you will in fact be pledging Your Allegiance to the Antichrist and here's the proof Revelation 14:9 to10 says a third Angel followed them and said in a loud voice if anyone worships the Beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand they too will drink the wine of God's Fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath
they will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the Holy Angels and of the Lamb those who have the mark have submitted to the Antichrist and therefore rejected God which in turn results in those individuals feeling the full force of God's Wrath number two the mark no one knows exactly what form the mark of the beast will be however many speculate that it could come in the form of a small digital chip or something called an RFID radio frequency identification tag both of these options can quite easily be planted Under the Skin Revelation
13:6 to17 says he required everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that Mark which was either the name of the Beast or the number representing his name this scripture indicates that the Antichrist will establish some kind of world economic system and when you look at the advancing of Technology digital currencies artificial intelligence and the increasing globalization of the world's markets a one world monetary system or currency is the most likely way
that we will see the Antichrist and force his Reign because after all he cannot control the buying and selling of the entire world until there is a universal mechanism number three the persecution Christians are warned that difficult times will come when the Antichrist comes into Power he will give you two choices worship him or lose your life Revelation 13:15 says he was granted power to give breath to the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be
killed if you do not worship the Beast according to the Bible you will lose your life so effectively Christianity will be outlawed any believer or anyone who refuses to bow to the Antichrist will face persecution Revelation 2:10 says do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer indeed the devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested and you will have tribulation 10 days be faithful until death and I will give you the Crown of Life the pressure to bow down to the Antichrist will be
intense families will be torn apart as loved ones choose to take the mark and turn away from God and think about it if you take the mark you lose your soul you essentially reject God but if you don't take the mark you will be persecuted you will be unable to buy or sell just imagine the difficult position that some Believers will be in for some this will mean you can't put food on the table for your family so now you have to contend with hunger and starvation for others you cannot work you cannot receive an
income and therefore un able to pay for your home and mortgage and perhaps this forces you into hiding these are just hypothetical scenarios but I just want to paint a picture that shows just how difficult things will be for believers during the time of the Antichrist number four great evil in those days the world will see a great evil like never before here are some of the things you will see during the reign of the Antichrist Matthew 24:1 15-16 says then therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing
in the Holy Place whoever reads let him understand then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains an Abomination is something that causes disgust or hatred it's a great sin commonly worthy of death and desolation is a state of complete emptiness or destruction now when Jesus said this he was in fact warning us that someone or perhaps some event that people detested would stand in the temple someday when that horror occurred residents of Judea should seek cover without delay furthermore there will be widespread idolatry on the earth there will be people in this
world who will worship and idolize the Antichrist because he will suffer what the Bible calls a fatal wound but miraculously recover in addition to this the Antichrist will openly blaspheme against God he will openly speak speak against Jesus Christ and seek to insult the name of the Lord and when it comes to the hearts of people 2 Timothy 3 tells us that people will be corrupt and fall away from God people that have a form of godliness but they won't have the power of God working in their lives when you read 2 Timothy 3 and
go through the list of how people in society will be the Bible tells you that people will be lovers of self meaning that people will be narcissistic and self-focused and so from this you can see that there will be great evil in the last days especially once the Antichrist is in power the fifth and final thing you need to know is that when the Antichrist is revealed the end is near and the Glorious second coming of Jesus Christ is closer than ever the Antichrist will be revealed as the tribulation period Begins the tribulation period will
be the final s years of human history this period in time will be split into two the tribulation period which lasts 3 and 1/2 years and then the Great Tribulation period which lasts 3 and 1/2 years as well this 7-year period will be the reign of the Antichrist however it all ends in the battle of Armageddon the Bible tells us demonic spirits will gather all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon John then tells us the scenes he saw in Revelation 19 then I saw heaven opened and a white
horse was standing there its rider was named f faithful and true for he judges fairly and wages a righteous War his eyes were like flames of fire and on his head were many crowns a name was written on him that no one understood except himself he wore a robe dipped in Blood and his title was the word of God the armies of Heaven dressed in the finest of pure white linen followed him on white horses from his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the Nations he will rule them with an iron rod he
will release the fierce wrath of God the almighty like juice flowing from a wine press on his robe and his thigh was written this title king of all kings and Lord of all Lords this will be the triumphant return of Jesus Christ and when he returns he will bring judgment against all of the wickedness in the world the White Horse that Jesus rides on symbolically depicts the holy and pure power that Jesus has to overcome evil with good when Jesus returns he will not be alone he will have the armies of heaven with him and
this will be made up of angels led by Archangel Michael and the Saints he first came to Earth as the Lamb of God and sacrificed himself on the cross so that we would be saved but when he returns he will return as the king of kings and Lord of lords when Jesus returns he will crush the Antichrist and all of his followers he will crush every demonic spirit and thing that stands in opposition to him the Bible tells us in Revelation 19: 19-21 then I saw the Beast and the kings of the world and their
armies gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his Army and the Beast was captured and with him the false prophet who did Mighty miracles on behalf of the Beast Miracles that deceived all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue both the Beast and his false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery Lake of burning sulfur their entire Army was killed by the sharp sword that came from the mouth of the one riding the White Horse and the vultures all gorg themselves on the dead bodies
but before we dive in any further I want to begin by reminding you of two Bible verses that underpin everything I'm going to say today the first is Matthew 7:13-14 which says enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it note how the Bible says many enter through the broad Road meaning the majority will choose the broad Road in the second Bible verse
is Matthew 7: 21-23 which says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my Father in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness note how the Bible says many once again meaning the majority will say Lord Lord but Jesus will respond saying I
never knew you depart from me so twice in the Bible we are told that the majority will either choose evil or end up in Eternal damnation and so with this understanding let's talk about the mark of the beast according to the Bible there will come a time when the Antichrist will establish a global regime that will enforce a system whereby everyone small or great the rich and the poor the free men and the slaves everyone will be given a mark on their right hand or on their feet forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and without
this Mark on your forehead or right hand no one will be able to buy or sell this Mark will be the name of the Beast or the number of its name we don't know whether the Mark will be a physical chip that can be implanted just under the skin we don't know whether it's something digital we don't know whether the Mark will be a barcode that people will have to accept but what we do know is that a lot of people will certainly accept the mark and the simple reason for this is that the Antichrist
will make it so difficult to live life without the mark imagine these scenarios all of the major institutions in the world Banks and hospitals for example imagine if they say that you need the mark in order to pay your medical bills or to perform any banking transactions imagine if you are told that you can only make your mortgage payments your rent payments if you have the mark what would you do just imagine the pressure for you to do your household shopping to buy food or to get any of the necessities of life before you can
buy anything you'll have to display a specific Mark so that the people that do not submit to the Antichrist will in a certain sense be isolated and cut off from the necessities of life the majority of people will find these pressures to be too great and they will sell their souls to the devil now here are a couple of theories as to how the Antichrist will spread his message deception one school of thought is that there will be a seismic economic crash that will totally destroy the world's Financial systems this is the stage that will
allow the Antichrist to take center stage and appear to have all of the answers one of those answers will be his mark this is where Revelation 13: 16-17 comes in which tells us that everyone small small and great rich and poor free and slave will be given a mark and no one can buy or sell anything without that Mark it is likely that the Antichrist will get the masses to accept this Mark by telling them that this new world system of global finance will be necessary for society to function safely and efficiently but this is
a lie because you effectively have no choice it is a dictatorship the messaging will be good deep down there is no choice there is no alternative it's comply or suffer the second theory is enforced Allegiance we all know that the Antichrist opposes Jesus Christ he hates the things of God and so for any believers who were rejecting the mark they will be persecuted they will be mistreated Daniel 7:25 says he shall speak pompous words against the most high shall p persecute the Saints of the most high and shall intend to change times and law then
the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time when the Antichrist is in power persecution against Christians will be at an all-time high I believe he will actively hunt Christians he will be on a mission to persecute anyone who would dare deny his Mark and hold on to the faith of Jesus Christ and the Bible paints a very Vivid picture of just how severe the persecution will be because Revelation 20:4 says and I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I
saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the Beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years there is a price to pay for those who refuse the mark of the beast and for many people that price will simply be too great for them and they will choose the mark of the beast all so that they can go back to the comfort
of their daily lives and so here are some key takeaways for you regarding the Antichrist he is a man that will have deceptive Charisma imagine a charismatic leader who captivates crowds with eloquence and charm on the surface but make no mistake about it he is driven and motivated by a devilish and demonic force in 1 John 2:18 the Apostle John speaks of antichrists who come with deception just as charismatic leaders can sway public opinion the Antichrist will likely possess a magnetic charm making him appealing to many just look at some of the worst dictators the
world has ever seen history has shown us leaders who through Charisma and charm gained immense influence and led people down destructive paths secondly when you are talking about the Antichrist you are talking about the spirit of deception think of a master Illusionist who can make the impossible seem real in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 Paul warns of the antichrist's counterfeit miracles signs and wonders used to deceive just as illusionists create convincing Illusions the anti Christ will use deception on a grand scale including signs and wonders to mislead people magicians and illusionists can create astonishing Feats that appear
Supernatural much like the deceptive signs and wonders associated with the Antichrist thirdly the Antichrist will be just what his name says Antichrist he will be in serious aggressive opposition to Jesus Christ the term Antichrist signifies one who opposes Christ in 1 John 2:22 it is written who is the liar it is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ such a person is the Antichrist denying the father and the son the Antichrist will actively oppose and deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ but my final point is that the Antichrist will be ultimately defeated imagine a conqueror
who was eventually defeated and overthrown in Revelation 19:20 we read of the antichrist's ultimate fate but the Beast was captured and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf with these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image the Antichrist may have a season of apparent success but his ultimate Destiny is defeat and judgment the Devil is a threat but Jesus Christ is Almighty and has already defeated Satan the Antichrist may have some power on this Earth but Jesus Christ is all
powerful he holds all power on heaven and on Earth evil may appear to be everywhere but the Holy Spirit Will Empower you wherever you are greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world if you and I can only keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ if we can only keep our hearts saturated with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our minds fixed on the word of God if we can only do this then it doesn't matter what the enemy does or how much power he has in this world because
in the Lord you can overcome every arrow sent by the enemy with God on your side you and I have nothing to fear while the world may choose to follow the Beast of the world or be led by the spirit of antichrist those who remain in Jesus Christ being led by the spirit of Truth those are the people who will be saved for a moment I would like to delve into the prophetic words of the Book of Revelation and explore the imagery it presents concerning the rule of the Antichrist as Believers it is crucial that
we understand these teachings to guard ourselves against deception and remain steadfast in our faith in Revelation 13: 11 to12 we encounter a vivid description of the antichrist's rise to power it speaks of a beast rising from the earth having horns like a lamb but speaking like a dragon this figurative language symbolizes the deceptive nature of the Antichrist at first glance the appearance may seem harmless resembling a gentle lamb however the words that proceed from its mouth are filled with venomous Spirit of the Dragon Satan himself one of the ways the Antichrist will exert control is
through the establishment of a one world religion the world will be deceived and in some cases forced to Bow Down and Worship the Antichrist as if he were a savior Additionally the scriptures indicate that the Antichrist will establish a one world monetary system this system will impose its Authority upon all rich and poor Great and Small regardless of their social status or wealth it will require a mark on the right hand or forehead without which no one can buy or sell this Mark will be a symbol of allegiance to the antichrist's Reign a sign of
one's submission to his authority this is a sobering thought the One World monetary system represents the antichrist's desire to control every aspect of human life even our basic needs but let us be encouraged for God has warned us of these events in advance he has given us his word to equip us with discernment and wisdom God's word has told us this so that we would always be found living in the truth that is in the Bible because when you know the truth and the light that is in the word of God you cannot be deceived
by the Antichrist or the spirit of the Antichrist which according to the Bible is already in operation in this world today and so we must stand firm in our faith refusing to compromise our devotion to Christ even if it means facing hardships and persecution we need to be vigilant and Discerning 1 John 4: 3-4 says but if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus that person is not from God such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is
already here but you belong to God my dear children you have already won a victory over those people because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world the spirit of the Antichrist is is already here in this world it's a spirit that lies and deceives which is why you see that in this day and age the world calls evil good and good evil this is the spirit of antichrist in operation but let me remind you that we have the truth on our side let us cling to Jesus
the true Lamb of God who gave his life for our salvation by immersing ourselves in his word and prayer we will be fortified IED against the deceptions of the Antichrist may we remain faithful Until the End knowing that our ultimate Victory lies In Christ Alone the Bible is calling us to wake up the Lord wants us to wake up to the fact that there is a heaven and a hell there is a day of judgment if someone is driving down the road and they they doze off or their attention wanders they could very well miss
some of the road signs telling them where to go well God has given us his children many signs to watch out for the word of God is filled with signs to let us know that time is wrapping up this world will not last forever and that's good news I don't know about you but Heaven from what I've read about heaven it seems to be the better place No More Tears no more sorrow only joy only peace oh to be in the presence of the Lord for all of eternity to be far away from the sickness
and disease of this world to be done with natural disasters and Devastation Hebrews 3:12 says see to it brothers and sisters that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God this is a serious warning because Paul is telling us that we need to see to it that none of us have a wicked and unbelieving heart a heart which refuses to trust and rely on the Lord a heart that turns away from the Living God and let me show you just why unbelief is so crippling to a Christian in
Matthew 13 when Jesus was coming to his hometown he began teaching the people in the synagogue and verse 58 says now he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief think about that Jesus didn't do any Miracles because of unbel belief Jesus didn't perform any Mighty works because of unbelief and so my friends you see why Paul warns us against having an unbelieving heart when you have a heart filled with unbelief you deny God's power you deny God's glory you deny the Lord of all that he is so be warned people of
God see to it that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God now for this next warning I have to give you a little bit of context before I go on any further the children of Israel were LED out of captivity and slavery they saw incredible miracles from God they saw the Red Sea was parted the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light they were fed by Mana from heaven
but despite seeing God's strong hand the children of Israel rebelled murmured and complained against God and so Paul in the New Testament warns us in Hebrews 3:1 15-1 17 as has just been said today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion who were they who heard and rebel were they not all those Moses LED out of Egypt and with whom was he angry for 40 years was it not with those who sinned whose bodies perished in the wilderness the warning here is that we should not Harden
our hearts don't be cold and insensitive to the voice of God in the in the midst of all the chaos and confusion of this world the voice of God is still calling out to us the spirit of the Lord is knocking on our hearts a hardened heart means insensitivity towards God's Beauty And Glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of God but thankfully in his mercy God has offered to change our hearts God can change our hearts the third warning I believe we should be aware of can be found in
Hebrews 2 verse1 says therefore we must give the more Earnest heed to the things we have heard lest we drift away now I believe that the Amplified translation explains this verse further as it says for this reason that is because of God's final revelation in his son Jesus and because of Jesus's superiority to the angels we must pay much closer attention than ever to the things that we have heard so that we do not in a way drift away from truth in essence what the Bible is telling us here is that we should be careful
not to drift away from the truth that is Jesus Christ we should be careful not to slip away from the truth of the gospel because in this world you will encounter people who give you their own watered down version of The Gospel people who will preach a gospel that will require no repentance no commitment no denying of self but instead a gospel that tickles the ears it sounds good makes you feel good but has no power to transform you or challenge you this is what we should be careful about let's not drift away from the
truth of the Gospel the real Gospel of Jesus Christ will Challenge and convict you it will lead to a change in your sinful habits and cause you to repent and we should do just that Saints we should repent and turn away from sin [Music]
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