citations for beginners you found some really cool information on the internet and you want to put it in your research project huh sounds great it's always a nice feeling when you find the perfect piece of information to include in your assignment now before you place that information into your project there's something you should know you could get into trouble yep that's right a lot of trouble for taking information from a source and putting it in your research project without sharing where you originally found it it's called plagiarism plagiarism is when you take someone else's information
and try to pass it off as your own so what should you do if you want to include someone else's information in your research project well it's okay to use information from other sources in your assignment in fact it's what you're expected to do all you need to do is share where you originally found the information include what is called a citation in your research project citations are usually found at the end of research projects and they include information about the original Source here are a few items that are included in the citation the name
of the author the title and the date the information was created there are other pieces of information that are included in as well so why do we create citations well it's important to share where you found the information and give credit to the author also if a classmate or teacher wants to look at the website that you used they can use the information found in the citation to locate it themselves and when you include citations in your research project you're showing your teacher that you found great sources that relate to your topic now what's tricky
about citations is that you have to make them look a special way just like There are rules that you need to follow in school and on the bus there are certain rules that you need to follow when putting together a citation here's how a citation would look for a website that I found on Tigers you can see the author title the date the information was added to the website and other pieces of information looks a little weird right well the good news is that you don't need to memorize or figure out how to place the
information in this special format you can use citation websites such as EasyBib to help make your citations quickly and easily let's do a quick wrap up plagiarism is when you take someone else's information and try to pass it off as your own it's okay to use information from other sources in your assignment to prevent plagiarism add citations for those sources citations need to be written in a specific specific way include the name of the author title date it was created and sometimes other pieces of information there are websites like EasyBib that help you create citations
quickly and easily