in this video I'm going to show you how to unfuck your brain and clean your life up so you can get rich quick and become a millionaire as fast as possible I did this at 18 years old and became a millionaire 3 years later at 21 so let's get into it I'm going to clean this mess up slightly the first thing you need to understand is something called cognitive loading so cognitive loading is a term used to describe how much load your cognition has to process now I want you to start to think about your
brain and your mind in the same way that we think about a computer now a computer has RAM and it basically has dedicated memory and and RAM for those of you who don't know what what Ram means is it's basically the component of the computer that is dedicated to processing information that comes into the computer verbatim right and so for example if you have 8 GB of RAM in your computer then you can run lots of different programs at the same time but there will come a point where if you run if try and run
too much through the computer the ram that you have won't be able to handle it and the computer will start slowing down it will start overheating and so this is why if you have a laptop and you suddenly open 100 tabs 300 and then like five games and that your computer will just slow down and the reason this happens is because the load of the computer is more than the computer can handle and so your brain works in exactly the same way and we call this cognitive loading you need to imagine that there's a component
of your brain whil perhaps it's not physical that basically is responsible for processing ing load and load is basically information and so in your life as you go through your existence you're going to have uh sensory inputs and experiences and you're going to basically take on a lot of information and your brain is responsible for digesting that information but just like a computer if you give it too much load things will start to get slow and things will start to slow down and this is how you burn out this is why you get tired this
is why you can't get out of bed in the morning and why you can't think properly if you're if you're trying to solve a problem in business or in life and you can't even just think and you can't even like comprehend it it's probably because you've got so much load when you try and solve a problem in your life if you've got high cognitive load it's similar to running loads of programs on a PC that can't handle them and then trying to load another program the PC just won't do it it will just like it
will shut down it will overheat and it won't work and so what we need to learn to do is we need to learn to reduce your cognitive load and this is an incredibly powerful thing that you can do as an entrepreneur and so the first rule that I have for reducing cognitive load is finishing things and this is an incredibly powerful way to think so whenever I do anything I have to finish it because think about this for a second if this represents a task going from you know 0 to one one would be total
completion zero is you haven't even started yet what a lot of people do with their life is whenever they try and complete a task and I'm talking like a task I'm talking like watching a movie watching a YouTube video listening to a song reading a book what they usually do is they get like you know a quarter of the way or halfway through it and then they cut the task off but your brain doesn't like this your brain likes things to be completed and finished it likes the neat tidy bucket that is completion and so
what happens is when you have like when you can only read like 10 pages of a book or watch 3 minutes of a YouTube video or watch like half of a movie what happens is your brain starts stacking up all of these things that are unfinished and it will remember them and it will load them like this and your brain craves completion and so what this means is like if you if you get halfway through a video series on Netflix and then you start another one and then get halfway through that one like now your
brain's trying to like it wants to know the ending it needs to know the ending because if it doesn't it's going to put it's going to put like important cogn cognitive power into trying to figure out what the ending will be and you might not know this and you might not recognize this consciously but unconsciously your mental Ram is dedicated to running programs that haven't yet been completed and so one thing that you need to learn to do is finish things so I have a rule in my life for example where I will always finish
what I start whether it's a meal whether it's a YouTube video whether it's a movie whether it's a book I will not start something new until I finish the thing previously to it now this isn't a binary rule that necessarily applies constantly if I get 15 minutes into a movie and the movie just completely sucks or if I start a YouTube video um and then like you know a minute in it's complete clickbait and it's completely irrelevant then I won't finish it but like a lot of the time if I'm on YouTube and I'm watching
YouTube videos if I click on a video I have a rule that it has to be finished because if it's not finished then I'm adding to this load and you know eventually your brain will clear the load like after like you know 2 months of not of of of not watching a series or finishing it your brain will just forget and it will just Fade Into The Ether of your memory but in the short term every time you don't finish something you loading you're stacking you're stacking you're stacking to the point where your brain basically
just overheats and so most people you know like think about yourself in the last like you know week how many podcast episodes did you start but not finish how many books did you start but not finish how many YouTube videos did you start but not finish how many movies did you start but not finish how many conversations did you start by not finish how many games did you start by not finish how like all all of these things that you start and get to this point but don't see through to the end your brain in
the short term is being loaded to try and figure out how to finish those things or trying to figure out the answers if they were completed and so this is one of the main reasons as to why your life is just a complete mess is because you haven't got enough RAM or processing power to allocate and dedicate to the things that matter because your brain's so concerned with all these things that you've left open so imagine every time way to see this is it's like a loop every time you start something you open a loop
and you need to learn to close the loop because here you open and here it's open but you need to learn to close it every movie every book every series like for example I'll watch if I watch a Netflix series which I don't do that often like I will not start another series until I finish the one I'm watching now because I know that like it's bad enough that my brain has to comprehend you know one fictional narrative and start trying to problem solve for all these characters if I give it another like now it's
in it just gets confused the brain loves single mind focus and so you must learn to do this now another way that you can reduce your cognitive load in addition to um in addition to basically just finishing things is to avoid switching avoid switch so switching is kind of what what it says it is but switching is basically when you're multitasking now it's been scientifically proven that the the brain physically mentally cannot multitask at least for men I know women say they can do it and God knows I ever never going to understand them so
maybe women can multitask but I know that most of my audience is male so dudes boys men BLS Brothers we can't do it so there's no point in trying women are these majestical creatures that somehow know how to do it I my mom can do it we can't all right and we just got to accept that so switching is basically when you're trying let's say that you've got one two and three tasks now what your brain's going to try and do if you're doing three things at once so let's say that you're trying to have
a conversation whilst texting whilst also finding out the directions so let's say that you're you're driving right so you're driving the car but you're also texting at the same time and you're trying to figure out the direction you're supposed to be going like the way that your brain works is it can only do one thing at a time and so what it will do is whilst it might be possible to simultaneously feel like you're doing all three of these things what the brain is doing is it's it's rapidly switching between these tasks and this is
the exact same way that a computer operates with ram is it will like it will run each program like Sim like one little frame at a time and so the reason that switching is bad is because it completely exhausts your brain because burnout is is an interesting thing because like youd think that just work and work and work and work is a thing that burns you out but the thing that takes the energy is switching tasks and so let's say that you know you've got three tasks that you're working on simultaneously you know conscious things
that you're trying to problem solve or work on like what happens is each of these things are going to take energy you know energy energy and energy but the problem is every time you have to switch between tasks or switch between different things switching also takes energy and if you're doing more than one thing at once then every time you switch and every time your brain has to flick between these things energy is being expended and so it's very easy to get lots of work done with single minded Focus if you're just doing one thing
for a long long time it's not that exhausting the exhausting thing comes from having to switch between these things and so look at your I invite you to do a little audit of of what you're doing right now so you're watching this video but maybe you've got your phone on your desk or maybe you've got notifications on or maybe you maybe you've got the the radio or the news on or maybe you're also eating at the same time as watching this like all of these things that you do you have to switch between because when
you're looking down at your plate to cut into the food and put it in your mouth before you chew that's you switching you're changing between things and it getss incredibly exhausting the problem is is we don't notice this and until you when you stop switching as soon as you stop switching and doing this multitasking thing you realize like how much energy you actually have because if you're watching this video and you look down to eat your food and then you come back up like your brains just had to switch and whilst you were cutting the
food and paying attention to that you weren't really listening to what I was saying and so then you have to go back to the video and switching is is terrible for your brain and it's incredibly demanding it costs a lot of calories cost a lot it's very expensive in terms of you know energy and so another thing that you know contributes to this cognitive loading problem and another reason your your mind is such a mess is because it's so used to like chopping and changing and it's extremely expensive so you want to avoid doing it
now the exception to this is like listening to music so like you can go like there are things that you can do that don't require conscious effort like for example walking I'm not saying that you can't go on the phone whilst you're walking or listening to music or chewing or swallowing like there are or breathing you we if we had to switch between breathing imagine how exhausting that would be every time you want to breathe you now you're conscious of your breathing sorry about that you know so it gets pretty interesting so what this means
is that this kind of feeds on to the third point of of cognitive loading which is single mindedness so what you want to learn to do in other words is focus because when you can learn to just focus on one thing at a time you become ruthlessly incredibly efficient at that one thing that you're focused on like for example if I'm playing chess with a friend I'm not trying to engage them in conversation at the same time if I'm watching um if I'm eating my food I'm just eating my food I'm not watching like a
a movie or something at the same time if I'm recording a YouTube video I'm not like my phone's on airplane mode I'm not talking to anyone I'm not thinking about anything else you know so it's really important that you learn single-minded Focus as this sort of like it needs to become basically like a way of life and so for example um this should manifest everywhere so like you know when I'm on my laptop and I'm working on my laptop I want one tab at a time I want one window at a time like if I'm
on a zoom meeting and I'm taking calls everything else on my laptop is closed except from zoom and all of my attentions on one thing and this is how you get really really good at stuff and this is also how nothing gets past you because if I'm doing one I recently did one-on ones with my team I manage about 25 people now and you know the weekend it's just passed I sat down with all of them on zoom and did one-on ones and it's incredible how much like you can learn about people and how much
you can pick up on when the only thing you're focused on is them and so don't switch single-minded Focus everywhere now the fourth thing to reducing your cognitive load which is incredibly important is Task stickiness this is a huge one so a lot of people have these things called to-do lists where you know you want to do something and you need to do something and so what you do is you put it on a list and a lot of people's to-do lists they massively fill up and they get big and big and big the problem
is is every time you become aware of a task and you don't do it you now have this sort of open loop in your mind where your part of your brain and part of your processing power is now dedicated to the completion of that task and it's impossible for this to not be the case and so if you're the kind of person that likes to rack up a massive Todo list before doing it you're massively increasing your cognitive load now I'm not saying that you should drop everything you have right now to go and do
the immediate thing you need to do but small little tasks that don't require any time at all should be done with immediate effect provided they don't break the focus of the thing you're working on and so for example um last week I had to call AMX because we use an AMX card to run our ads and I wanted to transfer some points some AMX points to my Emirates account so I could have points on my flights and you know this thing was like a task and I had to call AMX and I had to you
know have them transfer the points or connect my account and when whenever you have a task that you need to do what you can recognize is that there's a dedicated amount of time that that task is going to take in this case it was going to take literally 3 4 minutes like I know that the MX heline if you have a business card that spends a significant amount of money like which we do you just you just call them and then bang like we spend like 200 Grand a month on the card so when when
you call there's no Q so all I had to do was call up pass security and then tell them my emirat account number and that was it I'm the I'm in the kind of mind with this with this because I understand this fortive loading if I know I need to do that task it will be done immediately now a lot of the time when I'm working I'm in a deep focused state where I'm working on one thing but you know then I'll open Slack on at lunch or whatever or you know if I'm if I'm
checking my messages there'll be like a request or a task and if I can get that task done in under 5 minutes I'll almost always get it done as soon as it comes up provided it doesn't come up when I'm in the middle of something deep and focused but usually nothing comes up when you're in the middle of something deep and focused because no there's no information available to you like I'm recording this YouTube video now there might be three messages on slack asking me to find an invoice or something but I'm not aware of
that which means that it hasn't entered my cognitive load so the point I'm making here is you don't want tasks to stick to you now if the task requires an elongated period of time like like it's going to take like 30 minutes or an hour then you schedule it and you put it in your calendar and you know you you let your brain sort of almost close the loop by scheduling when you're going to do it for example I have a um I what I call my Saturday productivity inventory which is the most pretentious term
possible for for this um but what I do every Saturday is as I go through the through the week if there's a task that takes more than five minutes or 10 minutes um I put it on a list and it gets done on Saturday um like an example of this could be um if I have to go through and like review the data for Facebook ads for the week or something but anything else that can be done in under 5 minutes I just get done on the day immediately because what I don't want to do
is start stacking up this massive to-do list and then when I actually have to come and do something that is important I cannot because you know so much of my processing power and RAM has been dedicated to you know this this stack I can give you another example um recently I was talking to someone um who wanted to know what what book to read and what book to focus on and um I was at dinner and they were asking like what's the best book on philosophy and I was like okay well you should read discourses
by epic teers and so what they did is they pulled out their phone and they wrote on their to-do list order you know epic tas's discourses and I was like why did you do that and they were like oh because it's I'll just I'll do it tomorrow I was like mate like do it now like that's the kind of thing that you can you can open up Amazon the app and you can type the the time in which it would take you to put it on a to-do list it can be done and and so
this is like once you once you have this thing that you have to do like all the book now it's like until you've done that you've opened a loop which means that part of your cognition is dedicated to closing that Loop and it's it's this it's this death by thousand cut stuff like you want to be able to get things done and do them now and just get it out of the way you know like for example if someone asked me for a testimonial video and I think they deserve one done not no because it
takes 60 seconds like I see this where I've asked people for testimonials for our business before for and they're like oh yeah I'll do it tomorrow I'm like brother you can pick up your camera your phone right now get it done in 30 seconds send it ship it done like you want to get into the habit of treating these little tasks like the game Hot Potato you know when someone throw maybe you've never been thrown a hot potato before I've never been thrown a hot potato before unfortunately but you know that game Hot Potato where
like you're holding it and you throw it to the next person that's how you want to treat small tasks is as soon as they come in and land in your peripheral Bang like you bat them away you're like some sort of like athlete with a what do they what the hell baseball guy baseball guy baseball bat guys where as soon as a task comes in you smash it out the park and it's gone and it's done and you're just going ping ping ping ping ping you're just trying to get rid of things get rid of
things get rid of things like if you know that you need to order someone a Christmas present and you know what to get them then don't put it on a to-do list to say order Christmas present for person just go on Amazon and order it like you want to get into the habit of just getting things done because trust me the second you become a away you need to do something and you don't this thing just Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks okay you don't want to take it too extreme because you still need to learn
to focus and you don't want your days to just be this ball of chaos where you're just doing you know small little tasks but it's pretty damn important so the next thing that you can do or the next thing that you need to become aware of as to why your life might be a mess and why things are so chaotic for you is drama now drama is incredibly incredibly expensive in terms of um in terms of of our attentive ability in terms of our cognition because what we're doing here with cleaning up your life is
basically trying to fix your brain and fix your mind so that you can actually have energy and something left over to actually deal with the The Human Condition and and the suffering that you face and so drama is T it taxes your attention it taxes your cognition basically and so in drama is quite a seductive thing and by seductive I don't mean like you know like Casanova but it's seductive the fact that it makes you feel good like when you're when you're watching like the news or some YouTube drama or like you're watching like a
TV series as a drama you you're very you become very engaged in it you become incredibly encapsulated by this thing and what it does is it it hooks you in and it keeps you coming back for more and so what you want to learn to do is you want to learn to show absolutely no interest in you know modern day drama like for example like recently we had the Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson fight and to me it makes no sense that there's human beings on this planet that actually worry about that and think about
that and talk about that and it's like what the hell like you know you've you've only got so much time and energy in your life do you really want to dedicate it towards talking about two dudes fighting like is that something that like unless that's your job and your job is to commentate or you're trying to sell tickets like why on Earth do you care and it's the same thing with politics and all this stuff and so you know drama it comes up in in a few different ways one we have oh um one we
have the news two we have politics three we have YouTube four we have social media and then five we have we have friends SL people these are very dangerous things so if you're watching the news all you're doing is you're just consuming dramatic you know um emotionally charged material and what youve got to understand is that like you your brain can only deal with what you've given it and so if you're constantly watching the news and you're constantly watching bad news about war and Corruption and evil then you're kind of encapsulated by this negative drama
and it's really really hard because becoming successful and building a successful career or a successful business or getting your life together is a very dramatic Affair it's not easy to do and so if during your working hours you're facing all the drama of trying to fix your life and then you come home and you're consuming drama then suddenly your entire life becomes dramatic and that's impossible to deal with you need to be able to in your downtime when you're not working and dealing with the drama of work to be able to just disengage like if
you if you have a comple if you have a really complex life in your working life and then you come home to more complexity and more chaos then your brain doesn't get a break and you know it's also way more exciting to watch the drama from these things and from the drama of your own life and so if you're watching the news cut it out and yes this also means Twitter so if you're on Twitter and you're scrolling through Twitter basically you're just scrolling through drama and it makes it really really bloody hard to focus
and get any work done because once again it's the same thing when there's drama we open a loop like we open like if if if it's kind of like oh you know Trump said this about Biden Biden's due to speak about it at 4 p.m. today well now part of your cognition and cognitive load is dedicated to this bloody Loop that doesn't even move the needle for your life in any way shape or form there's nothing you can do about it it's just like and then you start talking about it and Chaos so get rid
of the news and then you might be like oh but then I don't know what's going on and that's a good thing because the problem with your life right now is you know about everything that's going on and you don't need to know what's going on because you know in life we have um we have the internal with ourselves you know and then we have the external which is the world and the external is where all of the drama lies you know with the politics and what's going on with the Mr Beast Scandal and you
know who's saying what about someone in the village like everyone's attention is so focused heavily on the external that they have nothing left to give to the internal which is basically themselves and so they're so consumed with you know all of this crap that's happening in in their peripheral and in their environment around them that they forget to give themselves in their life any attention and so if that's you you need to stop doing that now the next thing that is incredibly dramatic is politics and obviously we've just come out the back of a US
election like I don't know about you guys but if I start following politics especially close to an election time or a re-election time or an impeachment or something I cannot work like I get so drawn into this stuff that I can't work and this is the same thing with identity Politics as well so you know if you on your lunch break start scrolling through like lgbtq arguments then like it's dramatic like it's this it's this thing that's just like you know so attention grabbing and oh yeah what is a woman and and yeah you can
have your political stances and whatever that's fine like I don't care I'm not going to judge you for for what you believe in or what you think is right or true because I don't care because my focus and my attention is on my work and my clients not on defining pronouns or any of this stuff and obviously yes I have opinions about these things that we're not going to get into because I don't want to get into politics because this is the thing is it starts to seep into everything you know like you see this
with other YouTubers and I've seen this a lot recently with um with people in this sort of self-improvement space and business YouTube space is their political ideologies start to spill over into their content and they start like getting all political and and crap and then like this drama thing like it will engulf your life and before you know it you can destroy your business and personal brand so stop looking at it it doesn't matter which party gets in it doesn't matter who wins the election because there's nothing you can do about it the main goal
with politics is just get as rich as you can so if you don't like the current political state of your country you can move and can afford to move simple as that the third thing is YouTube now this is more of a personal problem for me because um you know I used to spend lots and lots of time watching YouTube and the thing with YouTube is on YouTube we have characters right and a character is like someone it's kind of like the scape of YouTube is kind of like if you watch drama channels or you're
you're you're on this sort of thing it's kind of like you watch a reality TV show and so like KSI logo Paul Mr Beast rice gum you know Jake Paul like these guys are characters and the YouTube scene this online sort of scene it like it's it's it's it genuinely is like a unfolding reality TV show in real time so you've got characters like Joe Rogan you've got characters like Andrew Tate you've got characters like Dana White you've got characters like Elon Musk and what happens is this can get real bloody dramatic and you know
like with there's a bunch of stuff about like the Mr Beast scandal recently and everyone's talking about it and like oh what's Mr Beast done like you've got to realize that none of this matters to you the only thing that matters to you is figuring out what you want and then figuring out how to get it and watching a whole bunch of drama about someone who's done a recent crypto pump and dump is not going to in any way shape or form move you towards your goal it's going to do the opposite these are things
that sap your energy and sap your attention so stop paying attention every time you get drawn in by a coffee coffeezilla video or you know Andrew Tate exposed like why do you care like act actually like bring your like let's think about this for a second here why do you care it doesn't have any resemblance it's just because you've become so familiar with the characters and you've got these weird parasocial relationships and you want to watch it unfold like I get recommended these videos like in my recommended section and I'm like that's a trap that's
a drama trap that's going to just suck me in and keep me there for like a day and then I'm going to open this Loop and wonder what happens next and like this is how you stay poor and fail you know there's a quote from from the Roman Empire um that says give them bread and games and they will never revolt and this is basically a political strategy to keep the massive people um engaged in something other than political Affairs and what that means is that if you feed them and give them bread which is
obviously we have um and games or it was the actual quote is bread and circus but bread and games basically it's drama if you entertain them and if you keep them you know entertained then they're not going to worry about the moves that you're making politically and the military thing like not that the government is out to get you but the point I'm making is all of these are games they're all these little dramatic games and you know they suck you in and they suck you dry which I shouldn't have said out loud now that
I it sounds a bit weird you know what I mean okay the next thing is social media get rid of it if you're scrolling through Facebook all you're going to do is see you know 45-year-old women arguing about whether seed oils are good for you or not why do you care you don't know why you care it's just dramatic you're just watching this little conflict unfold and you want to see who wins and you want to see who loses and you want to see who's making good points and who isn't but more importantly usually what
you're trying to do with drama is just reconfirm what you already believe to be true which is just stupid like if you if you're scrolling through like Instagram and then someone's been cancelled and you're like oh why are they being like what the [ __ ] why do we care about this stuff it doesn't matter the only thing that matters is your goal your life and fixing things up so stop it and then the last one which is really really huge is your friends or people around you so I have a general rule of thumb
in my life in my relationships um both romantic and personal that if anyone anyone dares to try and bring any drama into my immediate sensory experience I cut them off I'm not joking like I had a friend a while ago who messaged me like cuz one of like a mutual friend of ours was like being mean to her and stuff and I was like I don't want to know about this because before I know it then I'm on like a you know three-hour binge like what's going on let me read the messages it's like this
is just like a little tiff between two friends like I don't need to get involved the more people they get involved in drama the more dramatic it becomes and the worst of everybody is and so all of my friends and family and um anyone that I date like if I'm dating a girl and she starts bringing up all this drama like I had this a while ago like a year ago I was seeing this person and they kept on trying to create drama and they were trying to play this like game and I was like
I'm not seeing you anymore I'm not having it she was like what do you mean like I was just I was only like trying to have some fun and I was like you know like I'll tell you the story um maybe maybe I shouldn't but like she was basically going to like some concert and we were going to go on a date and she was like I'm going to a concert and I was like oh she was like like I've got to go to a concert instead cuz and it was someone it was it was
an act that she wanted to see for like a long long time it was Ed sharan and she I knew how much she wanted to see Ed sharan so I was like oh have fun like we'll reschedule the date no stress and then she messaged back saying like oh yeah like by the way like the guy that's taking me um like is is a bit strange and I was like why have you told me that and she was like well you know I just wanted you to know and I was like I've been seeing you
for like 3 months why are you telling me a guy is taking you to a concert and she's like oh no he's just a friend and I was like done gum and I literally didn't here again cuz it's drama like people love like people with no life love to create drama because they want to feel something and live something and not that she didn't have a life she was she was kind of a nice girl but like she had this little habit of creating this drama and stuff and I've had friends in the past as
well who have done the same thing and I am [ __ ] ruthless with this cut gone goodbye get out of my life do not bring your bloody [ __ ] into my immediate sensory experience because all I want to do is work and focus on the company there are exception to this if if your parents break up and get divorced it's a little bit dramatic and you should probably pay attention and and help them and care about that if your sister or your brother is being bullied and it's dramatic you should probably tend to
that and take care of that but a lot of exceptions can be made here but you know for the for the most part you want to cut dramatic people out of your life and you know get rid of them I give you another example um I was on a date with a girl and she um um the the the waiter brought out the wrong dessert so she ordered this dessert and then the waiter brought out like a cheesecake instead of like a chocolate mousse or I can't remember what the hell it was and she kicked
off she went off at this waiter and I was like drama goodbye not seeing you again because it's a pattern of behavior and like you know it is just basically a call for attention which is what drama is and so we don't want it we want to get rid of it and so that's another thing you can do to basically fix this mess of your life but you're so Tangled Up in everybody else's mess that you've forgot to untangle your own so maybe you shouldn't do that so I'm going to see what I got next
on my phone here for you um so the next thing number three is rules so one thing that I've always tried to do in my life is clearly Define my values and my principles and the rules that I want to live by um and so one example of of one of these rules is for me to pursue what is Meaningful not what is expedient and this is actually um a rule from Jordan Peterson's Book 12 rules for life and what that basically means is you want to pursue what like is is hard and meaningful as
opposed to what's immediate immediately pleasurable but what you want to learn to do is you want to learn to set some principles and a principle is basically a guideline for Behavior so I have principles for my personal life and I have principles for my business and so everyone in my company um is aware of these principles and they know specifically what these principles are like for example the first principle we have in the company is client worship and then product first and then we have like high standards as a principle moving fast as a principle
Simplicity radical transparency like all these different guidelines for Behavior so when I'm running my business um if I'm talking to one of my employees and I can tell they're holding back important information I'm like this is not radical transparency you're not following the rules you know or for example one of our um principles is absolute ruthlessness you know stopping at nothing to win and so if I'm reviewing like a sales call from one of our sales reps which fortunately enough I don't I don't do anymore we have a sales manager who's [ __ ] brilliant
at that instead of me but like if I'm seeing like work that is not absolutely ruthless then I can call it out because the rules have been set and so this is why games make sense because imagine a game of football with no rules it's kind of the same way as having a life with no princip principles it's everything is subject to chaos and before you know it you've got people bringing Garden Spades onto the football pitch and just taking out people's ankles just to win the game and that's basically what happens little look into
my childhood that you didn't need there right but you know this is what happens when you're not principled is you want to set a clear defined set of values and systems like for example one value that I have in my personal life is to always delay gratification and what this means is I'm not interested in finding immediate sensory pleasure in the moment I want to delay gratification and sacrifice today for a better tomorrow um another one of my principles is single-minded focus kind of what I talked about earlier another principle is no drama right and
so you want to create and actually list the rules that you want to live by um so aside from the ones that I've already shared with you um the first one is growth so if I'm doing something like one of the rules I have for my behavior is by doing this do I in some way shape or form grow and you know develop um the next one is pain so like and I don't this is a kind of a weird one to explain but like if I'm doing something that is painful usually it means I'm
doing the right thing and so I try to seek and find pain wherever I possibly can whether that's sitting down and talking to a camera for 2 hours without a break or you know sitting in the sauna for an extra 5 minutes I'm always trying to build my pain tolerance and basically develop and grow um what another example I can give you here um um communication and love is another one so like if I'm doing something like particularly in my work I want to make sure that I'm always working on something that I love another
one would be value another one would be help so like never being afraid to ask for help another one as well is having trying to never have an ego another one would be stoicism you know like it takes it takes a while to learn your values and to learn what what matters to you um another one would be speed so I'm always trying to do things quickly another thing is calm and relaxing like you know I'm always trying to be loose and relaxed and calm whilst I'm you know going about my Endeavors and stuff like
that um you know so like communication for example like I'm always going to be honest and open and I always want to have as much open dialogue and communication with the people that I'm dealing with as much as I can um so yeah just a just a few examples the list goes on but I won't get too personal but you need to have rules because you know life is a game and a game must have rules otherwise it's not a game like the rules create the game if you know what I mean so the fourth
thing that we're going to talk about is routine so if you don't have a routine then your life is probably going to be a state of chaos and by routine I basically mean having like a set of actions and behaviors that are um organized in a linear chain that recur okay and so your routine is basically what you do every day and it revolves around time and so you know let's I can walk you through my routine and I'll walk you through how it works and why so I wake up at 8:00 a.m. and then
I basically usually get to work at 8:15 a.m. and then I usually break at 1300 this is this is verbatim right um lunch and then like 1330 is usually the gym and then like 1500 his work and then like you know around like what is this probably like yeah around like 8:00 p.m. um Food Plus chill and then usually buy like 2300 I'm asleep so this is kind of my routine right now so you need to be able to map out your routine and when you map out your routine you start with the end and
the Finish because you need to figure out how much you'll sleeping so I sleep for anywhere between like 8 to 9 hours a night depending on what I'm working on and then really my days are very simple I do three things I eat there's four things I do I eat I work I exercise and I relax and so my my day I don't have this crazy routine where I'm sitting in front of a um infrared machine and then journaling and then meditating and and all this stuff I don't do I used to do all of
that and then like logging my data and stuff I don't all I do is I wake up I work for four or 5 hours I break up I I go for lunch I I go to the gym and I work out and then I come back then I work for like another 3 four five 6 7 eight I work for another like 5 six hours and then I sleep and so I work typically 10 to 12 hours a day and if I'm not working I'm either exercising eating or relaxing and you know this is Monday
to Friday on Saturday I I do a little bit less work and then I usually hang out with friends and stuff and so what you want to do is you want to Define your routine and what I can actually show you here is my Google Calendar um and this will really help you sort of drill the point home um because what you can see if I just pull this up here is what my calendar looks like so this actually is a little outdated you can sort of see that there so what I've done if I
just bring that in what I've done is this recurs every single month right so I have the same thing that happens every single week and every single month and this allows me to basically just organize my time and organize my mind and the reason that you want to have a routine in the reason that you want to have sort of time consistency across the variables of your behavior is because of these bad boys hormones so your hormones are basically um like things that are produced by your body um that determine lots of things lots of
biological functions in your body and so some examples of hormones are adrenaline cortisol testosterone uh estrogen hopefully you don't have too much of that um estrogen testosterone cortisol melatonin so you know there's there's lots of them and I'm not smart enough to remember more than five so what happens is when you do the same thing every day at the same time your body starts to develop a clock and what that means is your body starts to become consistent and so for example if you start going to bed at the same time every day and you
start switching off the lights and trying to relax at the same time every day then your body will start producing melatonin at the same time every day and if you go if you wake up at the same time every day to an alarm or whatever then your body will know when to spike cortisol and if your body knows that it's going to receive food at 1 p.m. then it will start producing gin um which is basically a hunger hormone and there le lethin le letin there's some hormones that determine hunger and what that means is
you're going to get hungry at the same time every day you're going to get tired at the same time every day you're going to get energy at the same time every day and your life suddenly becomes biologically consistent you're going to go to the bathroom at the same time every day we're going to you know be able to focus at the same time every day and this just basically like part of cleaning up mess is just finding consistency in Behavior and the only real way to find consistency in your behavior is to First find it
in your body because your behavior is a manifestation of your biological function and so what I like to do is have a routine because this allows me to cycle these things so if my body knows which it does that we're going to be doing a pretty brutal workout at between 1 and you know 1 and 2: p.m. every day then it knows when to spike the hormones associated with that and it knows that it can expect loud music at this time and this is an incredibly calming and relaxing thing because it allows your central nervous
system to start to you know recognize patterns and calm itself down and pick itself up when it needs to I I also have everything scheduled so like I I get a um 90minut deep tissue sports massage every week and that happens exactly the same time on exactly the same day um if I decide to go out and drink or party with friends it will happen at the same time on the same day although that's very irregular but like if I have like a cheat Meal which I actually I haven't eaten carbs now for like a
year but like if I'm if I'm on like you know your body just knows when to expect stuff and when your body knows to expect stuff it knows to react and it just makes your life way less up and down and way less chaotic and so what you want to do is you want to basically list out your ideal routine and you know what you want to do and when and you want to be very granular with it like everything I have my routine schedule down to when I shower and when I read and you
know when I if if I need to call people when I call people and you know I have my meetings happening at the same time just you just there this consistence consistency is just it's a weapon right so let's see what I've got next on my on my notes of Truth on my phone um ah yes this is a big one so probably should have started with this one to be fair but this is your goal so the the big question is like what do you want because the way that you clean up all this
mess and bring Clarity is by defining something so if you're if you're a person who has lots of energy and lots of ambition and you you're conscientious in so far as that you know you want to be successful you want to work and stuff that energy needs to be channeled somewhere because if it's not being channeled into a goal like let's say that this this here represents your goal right um and then and then this is all of your energy right this is all of this ambitious potential and conscientious spirit that you've got that exists
inside of you for whatever reason if like this needs to be channeled into the goal because if it's not then what's going to happen is this energy is going to register as anxiety because the problem with energy both you know physically and psychologically is that energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transferred or processed and what that means is that if this energy that you've got this sort of you know thing inside of you that just wants to work and be successful if it's not being put into something this will just you'll
just feel anxious like I've had this before in my life when I was in my late teenage years where I didn't really know what I wanted I hadn't to find a goal and what that meant is all of my striving and all of this every all this ambition didn't have a place to go and so it just sat latent and it just would it would just kept bubbling up and getting and I was just chaos it was just complete chaos and so if you're a person right now who has lots of anxiety for not really
any reason it might be because psychologically you're in this state of Crisis where you've got so much like leftover potential that isn't being put into something and that just it's registering as fear and Terror Because deep down you know hey I need to do something with this because otherwise it's going to die right so you need to Define what you want and you need to define a goal and you know I'm not just talking about like 10K a month or a specific amount of money you want to make because that's that's a good place to
start but I'm talking about getting really clear and really specific on what you want your life to look like so I'm talking about like you know what sort of partner do you want where do you want to live what do you want to drive what sort of business do you want to run who do you want to be how do you want to talk how do you want to dress you know what you're looking to do is and I know it's a bit cringey is you're looking to create a vision board where you know you've
got your life dialed in and you've almost predicted the future and before you say oh it's just hippie [ __ ] it works I did it and it actually literally Works um because the thing is if you don't know what you want and if you don't know where you're going then how on Earth can you possibly know what to do like the way that you figure out what to do and what to work on and what to do today is by mapping that against what you want because if you have no goal and you have
no clue of what your vision is and where you want to go of your life then what how the hell can you know what to do it would be like going into an airport with with with no ticket and just going up to some random checking desk and just buying some random ticket and getting on a plane you're going to end up somewhere completely random and then you're probably you're going to land in like GH and be like why the hell am I in Ghana I don't want to be in Ghana you know shout out
to Ghana I've never been um probably never will go but you know you need to know where you're headed because if you don't then well of course your life's a mess now the easiest way to clear this goal and sorry to clear out this mess is just simply by defining what you want because then everything else starts to make sense and this is called optimization where once you know what you want this is basically you know we can see this in a pretty simple way so we have cause and we have effect and so your
goal is basically an effect which is basically something that happens as a result of something else happening right and so once you know what you want all you have to do is Define what's going to cause it to happen and start doing that and then you'll be successful so if your goal is to be um like let's say that your your life is a mess in so far as that you don't know what you want physically like in terms of your health but then you define your goal as I want to be 80 kg and
9% body fat and that becomes your goal and now suddenly you've cleaned up this little pocket of Chaos in your life and now you know what you want in that regard well if you know you want to be you know 80 kilos and 9% body fat then what you can start to do is you can start to play around with the numbers you can start to manipulate your calories and your Macros and your workout schedule and your sleep and your recovery and you can start to actually make educated proper projection based decisions based on what
you want and so it's very important that we Define this it's very important that not only we Define it but believe that it's possible cuz a lot of people say they want to make 10K a month but then they they don't actually believe that they can do it and they don't actually believe that it's possible and like a goal without the um con without the concept of possibility is nothing but a dream and dreams don't change Behavior right and that's a really important thing to remember so when you're defining your goal make it as tangible
as you can and make it as Vivid as you can and then actually think you can do it because like if if your goal if you're 27 years old and your goal is to be the the the greatest heavyweight boxer in the world but you weigh 60 kilos right now it's not possible it's not possible and even though it might be goal and your dream you need to be a little bit more realistic than that because like you're going to set that goal and then you're not going to unconsciously you're not going to bother to
even try because you don't think it's possible right so pretty important that you you have these realistic goals now the sixth thing is really important is your [Music] environment now your environment is going to do one of two things it's either going to support or it's going to destroy so this is if this represents you this represents your environment so you are a system and what that means is as a system you have inputs and you have outputs and all systems exist in an inside of an environment and so as a human being with a
goal you know what you want and you know what you need to do to get what you want but your environment is either going to support or destroy the facilitation of the accomplishment of your goal and so like if you're trying to lose weight and you're goal is to get to 80 kg 9% body fat but your environment is full of fast foods and people who are fat then you're probably going to fail like your environment is a better indicator of your behavior than anything else so for example I have been on Carnival on the
Carnival diet for nearly a year like nine N9 or 10 months now and I yeah I've had a couple of like lapses here and there like you know I've been a holiday a couple of cheap meals but I can I can confidently say that 99% of my meals have been nothing but red me and that is a very very difficult thing to do but it's been quite easy for me and the reason for it being quite easy is because I control my environment so for example I will not go to a restaurant whether it's on
a date or with family or friends I will not go to a restaurant that does not serve steaks I will not buy food for my house that does not is not Stakes like we had Halloween recently um and so like my business partner and I were're in this little um we're in the we're on the palm so there's a bunch of kids and like family houses and stuff so we bought loads of chocolates for the kids for trickle treating much to our um absolute dismay no one came trick or treating we had like a pumpkin
and everything it was it was actually quite sad and tragic to be honest um but no one came trickle treating and so you know we're left over with this big bag of chocolates and you better know that those chocolates got thrown in the bin like I'm not keeping a bag of chocolates in my house because they're going to be in my environment and my goal is to be healthy and consistent with my my diet and my health and my training and like the second that something come enters my environment that can [ __ ] with
that I'll just kick it out and remove it so there's lots of things that happen in your environment like the people that you hang around and stuff like that and like one thing that I like to do and one thing that I want to do is read a lot and I read usually in the afternoon and in the evening when I'm relaxing I'll read for like an hour or two usually like history books and so my environment is littered with books because this way like I'm more likely to pick up a book and read it
because it's just there and so what you want to do is you want to do an audit of your environment and you want to look at you know basically the everything your environment is is an accumulation an aggregate of every physical thing or digital thing that you come into contact with that your senses come into contact with so your kitchen your bedroom your hallway your your phone your iPad your laptop like you have your digital and you have your physical environment and what you want to learn to do is become aware of what's in your
environment and then audit what is in your environment right so for example if you have like a Xbox in your bedroom if your goal is to get to 10K a month and build a business I can tell you right now that playing that thing is going to destroy your chances as opposed to support your chances and so what you want to do is list everything that you come into contact with and I mean everything down to a lampshade you're going to find it's either neutral which means it has no sway whatsoever like a like a
pillow probably not going to have any impact on on your ability to achieve 10K a month but it's either going to be neutral it's going to support or destroy your goal is to get rid of the things that will destroy your goal and you know will destroy your ability to accomplish a goal and Implement things and put things into your environment that will support your goal things that are neutral you can just basically leave now the easiest way to do this is to move now I understand that you might not have this luxury yet but
the the fastest way to change your environment and therefore your life because your life really is a product of your environment is to move so I've noticed this where like if I'm if I go back to my parents house for Christmas where I grew up my family home within a week I've broken all of my good habits I'm eating crisps I'm staying up till 3:00 in the morning I'm playing on my old Xbox like because I've got so many triggers associated with that thing it's to be fair it's not as bad now I'm I'm a
lot more rigid with it and and it doesn't get me as as much now but like I see the impact of environment when I go home because I'm like you know suddenly like the snack cupboard is there and like you know this is there and then my games are there and it's just like and then before you know it and then all your friends all your old friends in the pubs there and then before you know it you're like you're this the same person you were before um so it's very important that you move when
you can so if you live with your parents or you live in an environment where you're doing all these bad behaviors it's because you've got these triggers and you've got bad things and so the the biggest progress I've made is moving out or moving to a new location and resetting my environment and in doing so you can sort of reset your identity and your behaviors and so this is another really important thing that you need to do in order to clean your life up is clean your environment up and this is the same thing with
like like you don't want mess in your environment you want a nice tidy clean thing like if I show you I won't bother with that but like on my laptop for example like I never have any like my desktop isn't chaotic my room's always tidy my bed's always made my office is always clean my fridge is immaculate like all of my environments both digital both digital and physical are Immaculate there's no mess I have no notifications that push to my phone I have no chaos on my laptop there's there's nothing there that could be considered
mess everything is neat and put away and organized and tidy and what that means is that my brain is as well because if your brain is constantly like looking at mess and trying to like it's optimizing to clean things up um that could be a projection of my orderly brain but it's very hard to clean up mess in your mind when your environment is a total mess you know how can you possibly clean up your life if you can't even make your bed you know what I mean so next thing on the list is a
big big big big big big big one which is diet and this is very straightforward this comes down to the idea of garbage in garbage out so I'm not telling you that you need to go on Carnival or keto I'm not telling you what you should and shouldn't eat I'm not here to you know push some dietary ideological substructure of my Persona onto your Consciousness I have no interest in doing that but I can tell you that this thing is pretty bloody important um it's not about what you eat it's about what you don't eat
the leverage in diet comes from removing things not adding things so people think that like they're in this it's it's hilarious like people are in this really unhealthy place and they keep getting sick and they're tired so they start taking supplements and they add something it's like no no no no no no no if you want to improve your life and your diet you don't add stuff you remove things right and so I can tell you a story along this lines so about a year ago or 18 months ago when I when I moved to
Dubai I would get routinely sick um my immunity was shot and basically in pieces I would get um like my eye would get infected my ear would get infected if I got a cut anywhere on my body it would get infected I would get the flu and I had a cold for like 6 months like my immune system was just completely ruined and I was exhausted I was tired constantly I couldn't focus I still got the work done and I still did what I had to do but I couldn't work out consistently my sleep would
ruined like my health was just in the gutter it was just bad so I had a doctor come out and the same doctor treated me every time so she patched me up she's like okay you got cut on your hand antibiotics you've got an ear infection antibiotics and it started getting to the point where I'd been like three or four courses of antibiotics quite strong antibiotics back to back then I had the flu I also had tonsilitus and then my doctor was like right we're going to fix this we're going to find out what the
hell is going on because I'm sick of just giving you these antibiotics and you're needing more and so we did some blood tests and she tested my immunity everything came back completely clear and completely fine except from one metric my immune metric right obviously my immune metric but like there was a metric inside of my immunity called immunoglobulin which is a measure of a I think it's a hormone or something in the blood I'm not I don't know this that well but it's something in your blood that measures your immune response to food in tolerances
right and so my immunog glob the average healthy human has an immunoglobulin level of about 100 so my doctor said and my immunoglobulin level was 990 and what that meant is that my immune system was working 10 times harder to process food intolerances than the average healthy human and the funny fun thing is is the average healthy human isn't very healthy so even that metric is probably quite skewed right so we did some more blood tests to find out if what it was that I was eating that was causing these problems so we did some
Bloods and it turned out that like a ton of the foods I was eating were my body didn't like them was intolerant like I was eating cuz I was trying to bulk and I'd come off of this like ridiculous bulk as well although you wouldn't tell um I was eating like a packet of almonds a day I was eating like six eggs a day I was drinking like milk I was eating bread and like I was intolerant to all of those things so what my doctor did is she was like right you need you need
to do an Elimination Diet and remove as much as you can that's when I started looking into the carnival diet and I haven't been sick for 10 months like it worked for me right I'm not saying it'll work for you but but this is the point that I learned with diet is like you don't they just don't eat crap because you are a biological structure you are like you literally are what you eat because the only way that your cells can regenerate and that your body can grow is by the fuel and the energy that
you give it and if you give it bad energy and bad fuel your body is going to turn out quite bad like think about that for a second everything about your physical being and every calorie you've ever burned has come from what you've eaten so you know that phrase you are what you eat it is literally true because what your body does is you eat you digest you absorb nutrients and then those nutrients are converted into resources that your body can use to grow and so everything about you has come from what you've eaten you
are an aggregate of every meal you've ever had right and so if you're eating crap food and bad food then your life is going to be crap there's no other way and you know the reason that this is important is because of something called your Vegas nerve I think it's the Vagas nerve once again I'm not biologically you know I'm a little biologically inept when it comes to this stuff but I can kind of help and so the Vagas nerve is basically a nerve ending that connects your gut to your brain and so let me
just draw this and sort of give you an example so here's your brain in all of its Glory the brain [Music] stem okay and then let's just say that this down here is is your gut right and so what basically happens in your body if my biological knowledge serves me and I might be slightly wrong but you can get the premise and apply it right is your brain and your gut are connected by this sort of um neurological um Central Highway that is called the vagus nerve and so what this means is that if there's
something wrong with your gut you're going to basically have something wrong with your brain and so this is why you get brain fog and this is why you get anxiety and this is why you get depression and no one tells you this so let me explain so when you um this is your mouth you know and then this is your stomach and it feeds it into here if you eat crap food and you eat bad stuff and that enters then what's going to happen is your gut is going to leak and this is called leaky
gut syndrome and is literally what it says on the tin which is where your stomach basically starts like you get little holes in your stomach and the toxins that your body's trying to break down from all this crap leak into your bloodstream and then you get this thing called inflammation which is basically where like your body is trying to like deal with all this crap that you've you've you've you've you've given it and so if your gut is [ __ ] which most people's guts are then your brain is [ __ ] and so the
thing that communicates this fuckness is the vagus nerve and so like if you've ever you know when you eat like a sandwich or you eat like you drink like like a massive sugary drink or you eat like a burger or a pizza and then you you've got to go and sit in a dark room for like an hour or like you have that post lunch slump where you're just sort of like tired and stuff like what that is is that's your body being inflamed by what you're consuming and so your vagus nerve communicates that from
your gut to your brain like hey brain um look mate we're dealing with a bit of an emergency down here I need you to just sort of shut off a little bit like all that energy that you consume that you know I know that you're pretty good brain I know you consume 25% of the calories that we have but I just need you to tell the body that we just kind of have to stop for like an hour or two just so we can deal with this little emergency that we got going on down here
so if you wouldn't mind just like having the person if you wouldn't mind having Charlie operate it 40 to 20% of his potential for like you know the rest of the day so we can deal with this absolute monstrosity that he's just given us that' be great cheers brain that's the basically that's the email that your gut sends to your brain through the Vegas nerve when you eat crap food and the problem is is most people just don't stop eating crap food if you do this once every like two weeks 3 weeks then it's fine
because you don't really notice it as much but if you if you're constantly eating crap then your gut is just going to be totally ruined and this was what had happened to me is I'd eaten I wasn't eating crap per se but like I'd gone on like this this bulk before I moved to Dubai like you know this would have been two years ago now whatever and like I would I did like a dirty bulk like I I just ate I was eating pizzas Burgers like and I did it for like a good month like
just constant constant [ __ ] just trying to like cuz I was kind of bored and I didn't have much work to do so I just bulked bad mistake and so after that after like this month of just consuming anything that my my impulses granted me like thick shakes and burgers every day I was eating like 6,000 calories a day of Just Junk right after that my body was like right mate [ __ ] off as it rightfully should and then I developed all these intolerances cuz my body just had to sort of like deal
with this and so yeah I got these tests done and it turns out that I was intolerant to like 70% of the foods I was eating and so what I did like what most people do at this point is then they look to add things so I see this a lot with people who have like completely ruined like gut microbiomes and like they're their entire guts a mess and they they're all foggy and they're all anxious cuz their guts ruined and then what they do is like they they're like oh I'm just going to take
um I'm going to take like some some um probiotics and I'm going to I'm going to have some like bone broth and that's going to fix it it's like that's like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg like fixing this is not about adding things it's not about taking supplements it's about removing the thing that's causing the problem okay and you know if you've ever been sat there you know you might have this where like you're just chilling you'll just sat there like reading your emails or working and then suddenly this massive like impending doom
overcomes you or like you have this massive wave of anxiety or this sudden thought that something terrible was going to happen like you know where like your your mood steady and then like it's steady and then suddenly it spikes up or it spikes down like you know you come you you're really happy and then like your mood swings down to being really sad if if you just have random ways of anxiety or depression coming over you it's because of what you're eating and so you know what you want to learn to do is I'm not
telling you to do Carnival I'm not telling you what you should and shouldn't eat I'm telling you to like first of all don't eat any sugar don't eat any sweetener because your body still thinks it's sugar and it sugar is the same insulin response don't eat anything artificial don't eat any dairy don't need any gluten um and don't need anything processed you know and this if you're wondering what this leaves is over with it's single ingredients oh single ingredient Foods so you don't have to go as Extreme as only eating beef like I have um
cut everything out just do it's called an Elimination Diet like just eat like sweet potatoes rice vegetables meat and then plants and even then like I don't eat plants or any of the carbs I just do beef and it's changed my life in a way that I I can't even possibly do justice in the short period of time I've got for this video um this is my life just completely changed my anyway whatever the hell right so the diet thing is important if your guts ruined then your brain will be ruined and then your business
will be ruined and then your life will be ruined and like chaos in chaos out if you're putting in this like chaotic substance into your brain into your into your body which is what sugar is which is what like all these like just these like just the junk food like actually think about it like we're not designed to eat that like the body's evolved to consume these single ingredient raw foods you know like just like potatoes or like sweet potatoes or like fruit or whatever even that nowadays is all like engineered and stuff but like
at least like think about it for a second like what's your body supposed to run off of like it's kind of like imagine that you um it's giving okay giving your body junk food and expecting it to perform and run properly would be like taking a car that runs on petrol and giving it diesel so you've got these two fuel sources right for for cars and petrol cars and petrol engines are built to process ingest and like consume petrol and diesel engines are built to do that with diesel but if you give diesel to a
petrol car or petrol to a diesel car then the car won't run and the car will just stop it will just go and then it like the engine will just give way and you have to get someone to hold like like process it and stuff that's what you that's what you're do when you eat crap food that you'll just eating what is not biologically processible and of course you know when you do that you're going know you're run into into problems so the next thing is um information so when you have your goal and when
you have what you want to achieve with your goal um you need to seek information that you can apply to help you accomplish this but the problem is is we either get um I wrote this down on my phone here which I can just refer to real quick because it will help you out um yeah okay so we are either in a state of paralysis or starvation so here's the thing people have a habit of either paralyzing theel with too much information or starving thems with not enough so when you're um when you're working and
you're trying to become successful whether you're building a company or trying to get fit and healthy or have a good relationship we do things in two stages okay so stage one and stage two so stage one and these by the way they're split equally but they shouldn't be equal stage one is the information gathering stage so this is where you're seeking the information to find out what you should do so if you want to get to 10K a month then you need to find out what sort of business you want to start or what sort
of skill set you need to acquire you need to find out all these things stay two is do it okay and so what we need to do is very becoming successful is very straightforward find out what you need to know to become successful and then go and do it and you know by doing then we receive more information and this sort of feedback and we we get this feedback loop of success but the problem that most people have is they Jam themselves to either side of this equation so either and it's usually on this side
that people get jammed so either they try and they try and get too much information and they spend their entire life on YouTube and in books like trying to gather information gather information and they don't do anything or they don't bother getting any information and they just do both of these are wrong you need to learn to do both you need to learn to become someone that can ruthlessly and precisely find the right information consume it digest it and then act on it but also someone that can like as soon as you know what you
need to do and you have the information suddenly you you shut everything off you don't watch another YouTube video you don't read another book until you need to learn the next thing and so this is either paralysis or starvation and these are the two states of um the two deadly states of informative death basically where you either have too much information and you're paralyzed analysis paralysis right you're Paralyzed by the information or you don't have enough information and you're just working and working and working this is kind of the whole work smart work hard thing
if if you're just doing all the time then you're not smart because you're not working on the right thing but if you're just learning all the time then you're not working anything you're not doing anything and so you know this exists in a state of um there there's two states that we can you know think about here where we have um convergent because there's how do you fix this right so we have something called convergence and then we have something called Divergence so a convergent state or a convergent person is someone who likes to hone
in on something a Divergent person is someone who likes to expand and look for options and so if you're in a state of paralysis where you've got too much information and you've got you're just constantly learning constantly learning then you need to learn your you're being Divergent okay where you're you're going out and you're seeking new things and you're trying to find new things and gather as much information you're like a squirrel in the summer like burying these nuts of information in case you need them for a rainy day um that's fine to a certain
point but eventually it will paralyze you and so what you need to learn to do is converge which is basically where where like if this is if this is the point then you need to converge onto one thing or you need to learn to basically in other words just focus and find the thing that matters and converge your attention down onto the and compress your attention onto this thing Divergence is where you haven't got enough information and the problem is you know you're starved of information you don't know what you should do so what you
do instead is you start looking outwards externally for the information and so your life and becoming successful is basically about gathering information and acting it out but to do that you need to exist in this cycle where you know one minute you're you're Divergent and you're looking for what to do and you're learning and you're learning and you're learning but the second that you've learned what you need to learn or you found out what you need to do then you Converge on that one thing and do it and then once it's done then you need
to diverge again to find out you know what do I need to do next and then converge and you just and you're going between this state of what do I need found it Focus what do I need found it focus and that's how you become successful if you trap yourself on either side of these coins your life will be a mess you know right now the reason you're probably not successful is because you're either starved of the information you need or because you're Paralyzed by too much information both are deadly both are bad but when
you marry them together it works it's kind of like those marriages that somehow work when you take a like this God forsaken Broken Man and this God forsaken broken woman and by some miracle by putting them together the some of the pass is greater than the whole and they get along very rare but you know it can happen and that's a very terrible example to bring the point home number nine bloated social life so another thing this kind of comes back in with the drama thing that I was talking about here um but there's there's
a couple of sort of deadly success sins you know that you don't want to do um like for example um trying to please people so if you a lot of people are what we know as people Pleasers um where they don't want to upset anyone they don't want to cause any RI they don't want to stress anyone out like for example if part of cleaning up your life is telling your friends you don't want to drink with them anymore but you're a people pleaser then you're not going to want to tell them because you want
to please them and you don't want them to be upset with you you need to be accepting of the fact that in order to clean up your life part of the mess are the people around you and it's as simple as that now the other thing that's very important here is understanding that when it comes to friendships less is more and I think everyone sort of learns this because you know in like high school and in college and stuff like we collect friends and it's all about being as popular as you can but as you
become an adult you actually kind of almost want less friends like you know you value the the small internet you value less connections um than you do more connections at least that's how I see it maybe I'm wrong but you that's how I see it and so less is more and so what you you want to learn to do is if you've got like you know let's just say that you've got loads of friends you know tons and tons and tons of friends loads of people here you know like I'm sorry but like some of
these people are just not going to be good for you and some of them are just going to have to go and I'm not telling you you should hire a hitman and kill them but you'll find that like by cutting down your Social Circle and by removing the people that let's be honest you don't even want to be friends with them you're just friends with them because you kind of always have been and you don't even know why you're friends with them anymore you just kind of are but you know this is delicate because there's
friends of mine that I've had for like you know nearly 10 years now that I still consider to be my closest friends from college girls and guys alike I've got a lot of them but people that you are really close and and talk to every day like some people just have these massive bloated Social Circles and then like you know then suddenly their identity is all tied up with these people and then like they want to step away from the Social Circle to do their own thing but the Social Circle ostracizes them and like judges
them so they get brought back into the Social Circle the whole point is this I don't want you to engineer your Social Circle to remove people that's not my point my point is that you want to define a goal and what you want start moving towards it and by moving towards this you're going to move away from certain people in your life and you're going to have to be willing to accept that and you can't please everyone now the other Danger is girls girls SL Partners actually let's just put partners because I think we get
some women watching this shout out to the girls watching this so I used to have a habit shamefully of of being a little bit of a like bad boy I don't say that with any level of Pride trust me but I used to have this habit of of trying to date multiple people and you know be all like you know sort of like oh yeah Sigma red pill like I've all these like girls it is the it is such a waste of time and attention and energy um you want to talk to one person at
a time because the problem is is once you start talking to more than one person God forbid like two or three people or four people at once of being there it it just doesn't it doesn't work like if you're talking to like you know and I'm not talking about having multiple girlfriends I'm just talking about people that you're dating or people that you're talking to before that relationship stage like when you're talking to multiple people like this is like full-time job like this is like a whole thing because you've got to like you've got to
you know take them out and see them and then you've got to talk to them and you've got to call them and this is like a whole thing like one real easy way to make sure that your life is a total mess is to spend all your time and energy on these frivolous shallow relationships that mean nothing and are going nowhere so the easiest thing that I found is just to stop doing it and just to have like one thing in the same way that you know you only want to have one business and you
only want to have like one thing that you focus on it's the same thing is true with your romantic life and your partners and you don't want to be this person that like I mean maybe you do but I tried it I tried this sort of Macho you know Sigma like oh Tesla I date all I do is just like go on new dates every week I did it for like you know like a good year and don't get me wrong it can be fun but it sucks and then you end up in this state
where you're like oh this actually just is miserable and lonely but more importantly than that like it costs so much it it's very taxing on your energy and your time um and then you get all this drama and just don't bother so you want to look at your Social Circle and your social life and ask yourself is this bloated and by bloated I basically mean is it bigger than it needs to be and the chances is chances are is on on one of those two fronts whether it's your friendship group or um your romantic life
it probably is and you probably you know want to stop doing that so the next thing that might be interfering with you cleaning up this mess is your CNS and this is your central nervous system so your central nervous system is kind of what it says it is it's basically your nervous system right so your nervous system is this um structure in your body that basically is like your brain stem and your spine or your spinal cord and it basically regulates and keeps an eye on um stress kind of is a good way to put
it and so a lot of people they have very [ __ ] up central nervous systems right and there's a lot of things that contribute to this and the idea of having a [ __ ] up central nervous system is basically having a nervous system that is under too much pressure and strain and so you want to imagine a nervous system in in this kind of way where it's like if you've got like um well it's basically like you can you can put it under pressure and it will crack if you're not careful and so
if you ever feel like tired and lethargic and foggy usually it can be because of what you're eating but if you're sleeping right and you're eating right and you're still getting sort of like tired and anxious and foggy it's because your central nervous system is being pushed way too far and so there's a few things that contribute to this um like overtraining loud music over stimulation you know Etc so every time that there's a stimul stimulation in your environment your central nervous system will register and process it so imagine that your central nervous system is
is to is to a external stimulant what your gut is to food and what that means is your central nervous system has to digest and process the stimulants from your environment and so for example if you um if you watch a um YouTube sh right and you scroll through that piece of content your central nervous system is responsible for digesting that breaking it down pushing out the waist and then resetting right and so here's here the thing with your central nervous system a lot of guys who want to become successful have this this this this
this ball of conscientiousness inside of them and not only does it seep into work and business but it also seeps into the gym and training and the problem is we have a conflict here because a lot of people overtrain and so every time that you work out and you you work out to failure with intensity and I've done this before where like you know I'm trying to like push myself and punish myself like who's going to carry the boats is this the power of my bloodline [ __ ] you know maybe you've seen that meme
like you want to push yourself push yourself push yourself to failure and you want to almost punish yourself in the gym the problem with that is whilst the sentiment of it might be productive is you overtrain and so when you push your body too far physically through the gym like you know through like heavy weights or compound movements your central nervous system basically gets completely fried like it's it like you there's only so much training that your body can take before it will just shut down and so I used to go through this sort of
phase where like I would just overtrain and then I wouldn't be able to go to the gym for like a month and then I'd like then I'd be fresh and I'd overtrain again like I went through this cycle of like overtraining or not the other problem is like if you're overtraining then you can't really focus and work because your central nervous system is just so screwed so you need to learn that in the gym you might have to just sacrifice some gains and also like it's not you're not going to make many gains and be
productive if every single set is push to complete failure like I know that I'm not a bodybuilding coach and I'm not trying to give you bodybuilding advice I mean far from it right I'm definitely not one of those but I can tell you that as someone who's tried to you know become Mr Olympia whilst building a business metaphorically speaking right overtraining is very detrimental and it will make your life a complete mess because your central nervous system like just can't deal with all of the pressure that you're putting putting under now the other thing that
really messes with your central nervous system are extreme stimulant like for example loud music or drugs or alcohol loud music is a big one because a lot of people listen to do this without paying any attention to it they don't think it's bad if you put headphones in and you listen to some really loud like hardcore music for like an hour it's extremely taxing on your CNS like it it your central nervous system determines basically how stressed you are or how relaxed you are and so the state of your stress levels or relaxation levels are
you know they they they come out of this machine basically and so if you're delivering this central nervous system like if you're feeding it extreme stimuli then it's going to be stressed it it just do it doesn't make there's no other way that it can happen if you scroll through Tik Tok and you doom scroll for 3 hours and you give it these extreme stimuli then you're going to over stimulate it and it's going to register a stress stress is basically an emotional response to the processing of too much stimuli and so a lot of
people are drastically drastically drastically over stimulated where they're constantly scrolling they're constantly listening they're constantly like you know even if they're just like driving and listening to music like there's always like if there's always always always stimulation coming into your into your senses your CNS is just working overdrive it's kind of like a computer once again the example I gave you earlier it's like a computer that you just never turn off like it's you just you just it will just break like you're just going to it's just going to destroy itself and so the easiest
way to reduce over stimulation is to reduce the amount of stimulation that exists and so this helps to you know listen to quieter or more relaxed music or my favorite thing is to read so if I'm trying to relax and wind down I'm not like scrolling through Tik Tok I'm just like reading and usually just with like some ambient calm music or like no no just the sound of the air conditioning and like it's dark the same thing is true with like um light so I can give you a real time example that you have
experienced before with the with the central nervous system problem you know when you walk into like a shop sh or uh like an office or like a dentist or like a doctor and they have those really horrible like bright overhead LED lights you know those white lights you know you can get like supermarkets or grocery stores and stuff and then you walk out of that room and you're like what like what the hell like you're like wired like you're you're you're actually sort of like stressed like that's your central nervous system trying to process you
know this this thing if you have lights in your home you should use incandescent light bulbs not LED light bulbs LEDs are fine if you're using like the red tone but if you're using like bright like pink or white or blue LEDs like they just completely fry your central nervous system it's the same thing like I've got this light for YouTube videos that um this big light that projects on and like I knew this was going to be a long recording this is like a 2hour video so I've turned that light off I know that
it might make the viewing um the viewing thing cuz there's not as much light on the Whiteboard but this like professional grade lighting like looking at that for like 2 hours I was like it just fries your brain so this is some real time [ __ ] that you can see from the CNS is try and walk in try and stare into like some white LEDs for like 30 seconds and you're you're going to be like what like what the hell you you you know as you start bugging out and stuff like that um that's
a sign that your CNS is like working over time and so yeah this kind of comes from everything the same thing is true with your CNS if you um if with with the overtraining thing the pain thing like too much stress so the ways that you there's a few ways that I found to fix your central nervous system and basically help you relax um and I can share them with you now so the first one is meditation now earlier on I said I don't meditate it was kind of a lie um I do actually meditate
quite regularly but in the terms of my macro routine you don't need to worry about it right um meditation so I'm talking like literally no sound no music just sitting there and just going and then just focusing on your breath like pause the video right now and just take a deep breath go on do it okay so now that you've done that you should just suddenly feel a little bit more relaxed the central nervous system does not need much attention like 10 deep breaths can reset you for a good hour you know so meditation is
a wonderful way to um fix your central nervous system ground yourself bring yourself back the second thing is light cardio so basically walking right um the third thing and I actually had my doctor send me this so I can share this with you um let me just find out what this is called yeah here we go okay so it's magnesium and I've be taking this for a while and it does work magnesium uh but then it's like a specific type magnesium L thron Nate you do that before bed so this is like a supplement you
can take and I'm not a fan of supplements this is the only supplement I take with the exception of vitamin D if I'm not getting sunshine this is literally the only supplement I take um but magnesium lonate or just magnesium tablets in this form um they really help with your nervous system and your CNS and I I didn't really buy it but then I started taking them and like I found that my recovery was way faster and like they they really helped um the other thing you can do is SAA and then you've got cold
exposure cold plunge and then massage these are the this is my sort of protocol for my managing my central nervous system because I get I can get real stress like if I'm working on stuff and I've got deadlines and I'm managing a team of like 30 people and I've got ads to record and products to build and videos to make and people to manage and finances to do and like it it gets real stressful like your CNS can get really overloaded even though I'm very good with like my light my stimulation like all these things
like I don't know how most people focus I don't know how most people live like I I have this [ __ ] on Lock and even then I still get overwhelmed and I still I don't know how most normal people function without this Stu so meditation every day little bit of mindfulness just focusing on your breath it just recenters your mind and basically what meditation is is it's forced um it it forces you to remove all stimulants for like 20 minutes 10 20 minutes a day is all you need um the other thing and I'll
do this is my extreme sort of thing is nothing and I'll explain that in a second this is a huge one um I'll explain in a second this is big second thing is light cardio so one form of exercise that won't tax your nervous system is cardio so I I walk every day um like when after I finish work in the evening I'll go for like a 30 60 Minute walk usually um this this supplement is pretty helpful sauner so once again you're not saering to the point where you're like you're like dried out like
a like a prune but saering coal plunge so I'll do like a 15 to 20 minute Cal plunge once a week which is incredibly helpful for my CNS and I'll s a couple of times a week as well and then massage I get this deep tissue um sports massage for 90 minutes once a week these are the things that I do on a weekly or daily or habitual basis to make sure that my central nervous system is being properly tendered to so that it's not interfering because if you don't take care of like your CNS
is kind of like a baby like if you don't take care of it it's just going to scream and scream and scream and scream and it's going to completely exhaust you and then it's going to force you to basically not be able to do anything and give then you'll have to give all of your attention to it and that's when you end up in bed for three days straight just watching YouTube because you can't even think straight because it's so Fred now the seventh thing which is awesome which i' i' I've got into the habit
of doing really for for quite a long time is nothing so nothing is kind of what you what it says it is this is where if I feel um if I feel over stimulated or like my brain is sort of working over time and my CNS is working over time I will do nothing and what this basically entails is sitting in a dark room and staring at at a wall or taking like not necessarily a nap but just lying down and staring at the ceiling and I will sometimes do this for like up to an
hour and basically what happens when you do this is is it's amazing it's like miraculous because when you do nothing and when you just sit and you stare at a wall or you stare at a ceiling and you just like your brain starts processing and what this does is because you're not receiving any new stimulants you know you're not listening to music when doing nothing you're not talking to people you're not checking your phone you're not eating you're not listening to anything you're not touching anything like you know you you block out all stimulation basically
right and it's not it's not like you're meditating and trying to focus on your breath like you truly are doing nothing you're just you're just staring up at a wall but then what happens when you do nothing is it gives your central nervous system the allocated time to process all of the stimulation it's kind of like in the same way where like if you eat a massive meal you will have to go and lie down and and you can't move because your body just needs to process it right the same thing is true with the
CNS like you need to learn to be able to just sit and do nothing and decompress and I like to do this whenever I can whenever I got the opportunity so if I'm in the taxi on the way to the gym I'm just sat in the back doing nothing just looking out the window if I'm on a plane a short a short a short whole flight I'll do nothing if I'm if I'm eating food I'll try and do nothing like it's it's a hack because it allows CNS will just become like you just process you'll
just sit there and then you'll just start thinking and you'll just your brain will just start problem solving and thinking and you'll feel your body start to relax and then like after like you know a period of an hour or two you'll be bored enough to then want to go and start exploring new stimuli incredible strategy it's as simple as that you just don't do anything um for like a certain period of time cuz often like you know to take a step two steps forward you have to take a step backwards and I found that
to be you know pretty damn useful so number 11 is your digital life so your Digital Life is is pretty important because you know you probably spend just as much if not more time in digital reality than you do physical reality now and that basically means like you know what is the digital reality well it's basically experiencing stimulation to a screen as opposed to a natural manifestation of of of nature right it's kind of poetic way to put it right so you have your Digital Life and this is basically your screens right so you have
your your phone and then you have um your laptop and for all intense purposes that's a phone and that's a laptop right and so what you need to learn to do is optimize these things in the same way that you would you would optimize your existing environment because you know if you are um if if you are a recovering alcoholic and you have a drinks cabinet in your house full of alcohol then you're going to relapse in the same way that if you're trying to get rid of pornography um but on your phone you've got
your top five videos bookmarked then you're going to relapse right so you need to learn to optimize your digital life in order to basically do this so the first thing is you know to remove things um for example on my laptop um in fact what I'll do right now is I'll I'll actually attach a screenshot of what I what my desktop looks like so you can see right and I'll touch a screenshot my laptop has nothing like it has it has Google Chrome it has slack and that's pretty much it there's nothing else I can
do on my laptop except from do those two things at least available to click if that makes sense the same thing is true with my with my actual physical phone that I've got here so on my phone here I've got settings I've got Uber I've got um some banking apps I've got the camera I've got WhatsApp like there really ain't much to see on my phone I don't have any social media and more importantly I don't have notifications on for anything I have I've I've operated without notifications for 3 years for WhatsApp for iMessage no
one like the only time that I can be disturbed is when I want to be disturbed right if someone wants to call me they can on like slack and stuff like I have notifications so if someone really needs to get hold of me they can get hold of me but the people that I care about right I don't sleep with my phone in my room um things like that and so you want to optimize your digital life like just delete the apps delete social media remove it I know you're addicted to it and I know
you think you need it but trust me you don't it's terrible it's like a cancer like feeds on your life and you know removing social media and deleting social media did wonders for my business in my life it made me nearly $30 million so if that's not worth doing it for I don't know what is really um yeah the notifications thing like like chances are you're watching this video and you've received notifications and it's distracted you from something that's actually trying to change your life so you know just get rid of it that's really what
I've got to say on the Digital Life thing it's nothing that we haven't kind of already covered um yeah so pretty much just get rid of it all like just make it real simple keep it real clean and you know that way you have more time energy so the final thing that we're going to talk about the last sort of point in cleaning up your life isn't something that is particularly obvious and it's having one to two mentors Max so this kind of comes back into the theme that we talked about earlier of of information
overload and being too Divergent with with seeking information the thing is is when you're learning how to become successful the easiest way to do that is to find someone that has done what you want to do and pay very close attention to every word that they say because you know they're going to give you information on how they've done it this is how I became successful and the the the real problem is is you can be like what I would call over mentored and over Mentor is basically where you you have too many mentors you
have too many people that you watch you have too many people that you learn from and what this does is it confuses you because here's the thing about success is if this is Success if this star here oh my goodness me that looks like a that looks like a deformed um problem but we won't get into that just say that this represents success as a star right there are many different paths that we can find to to get to this success there's lots of different ways to skin a cap there's loads of different ways to
do it and so the problem with this is this could be Mentor number one and this is how Mentor number one did it this could be how Mentor number two did it Mentor number three this is how mental number four got there you know five and six and so the problem with having more than one or mentors is you get these conflicting messages where Mentor number one says I got the success this way but Mentor number six did it this way and this could just be a financial outcome like millionaire there are probably tens of
thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ways to become a millionaire okay and the last thing you want to do is learn 10 or 20 different paths because then like you're never going to take just the whole point is the one common denominator of all of these different paths and all these different people is they took one path and that's the thing with having one or two mentors so when you're looking at like what you want you need to figure out who you want to learn from because maybe right now you're watching like a whole
bunch of different YouTubers maybe you've got like five or six people that you watch regularly and the content you watch regularly and the problem with that is we and I'm saying we because I'm one of those guys potentially for you is we're going to give you conflicting advice and different and we're going to tell you different things the truth is that neither of us are right or wrong it's just that like there's different paths to take and you just want to follow One path so I really have only ever had two mentors um the first
Mentor that I had was a guy called Allen who was my boss for my apprenticeship when I was 19 years old and my second Mentor was Sam ovens in fact all of this stuff most of this stuff I learned directly from Sam ovens so thank you Sam but I didn't listen to anybody else except from Sam once I started my business and I'm at the point now where his teachings have got me to eight figures which is kind of where he got with his business where he got to like 20 30 mil a year and
I'm at that point now where everything that I've learned from him has probably compound another 6 months will get me to where he was and so you want to find a mentor and then the only time that you find a new Mentor is when your achievements level or supersede that of the person that you've learned from um otherwise you're going to get all confused and lost and certain mentors have lots of information available like if you want to make me or pick me and I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't if you want to
make me your one or one of your two mentors I've got like 300 videos on this channel and I've documented my journey from starting a business all the way to 10 million a year and I've made videos every single week about what I'm learning as I go through the through the way so each Mentor that you pick can have an incredibly like deep wealth of knowledge but the important thing is you just pick one or two I like to just have one but like this is the thing is like you can still read books and
stuff and you can still like engage in like conversations with other people like in terms of actual active mentorship with who you go to for a single source of Truth like a religion almost um you should you should pick carefully and you don't want to have six mentors because they're all going to tell you different stuff and they're all right but you know because they're all on different paths it gets confusing so yeah that's how to clean up your life go and do it bye