Dear Brothers, the. The clock is ticking. The end is approaching.
With each passing year, more and more signs of Jesus' return or signs of Jesus' return become clearer and clearer. The world you live in today is not the same world as it was 20, 30 years ago. It feels like we're living on another planet.
Political, social, economic, military, and ideological changes make our generation unrecognizable. Wars, pestilences, famines, ideologies, sexual perversion, death, violence. Man is losing his natural features and becoming a monster.
Society is founded on blindness, hatred, greed, lies. This is all a mark of the end times. One day this will all end.
Jesus will return. But the return of Jesus marks another event: the judgment of all men. This world is going to be judged by the Lord.
Every individual on the face of the earth will be judged. Then his end draws near and he brings with him an event which is judgment. Then the world is in a hurry, because it is under judgment.
God will judge your father, your father, the wicked. God will judge your mother. God will judge your husband, your children.
They will be accountable to God. If they are wicked, their end draws near. Then the judgment of his neighbors, his master, his employees, who do not know Jesus, is also approaching.
And they will be condemned to hell. It's the first text I've read. Matthew 28 speaks of the Great Commission.
God gives a mission to the disciples, commissions them something that the preaching of the gospel is world evangelization. Therefore, go and preach the gospel, make disciples of all nations, because this is the only way to deliver these men from the judgment of the last judgment, the judgment of God. Therefore, we have to hurry up to fulfill the task of the Great Commission.
That world is lost. There is no point in aspiring to the next elections. This is insignificant by the insignificant social condition, the rise or fall of the insignificant dollar.
How is the market? Insignificant? Everything is converging to a fact, to an act.
The final act of the play. The consummation of the century, The end of the world. Silly to worry about these things.
Worry about that which is eternal: your soul, the soul of those around you. And they can only be saved if they hear the gospel and the only medicine they need. The gospel knows what validates your preaching, his testimony.
What validates your words is your faith and your obedience to God is your fear and your love. This leads the sinner to be embarrassed. So, when you invite someone to church, when you open the Bible and preach the gospel, the guy says for me to go, gee, I'm going to listen to you, gee, I'm going to the service with you because you want to be a nice guy.
He is the only one who does not lie. Here at the firm, you are the only one who does not make immoral jokes. If it's a guy who at lunchtime goes to the table and reads the Bible, you're a guy who doesn't speak ill of the boss, you're a different guy.
I'm going to your church or your church. Testimony now there are people who, on the contrary, go to church and tell you about the Gospel. You are straight, naughty, liar.
I'm going to your church, no. Acts Four 33. With great power, the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
In all of them Gaius was abundant grace. You will convince men with your preaching and with your testimony, even if they are blind, even if you despise this testimony, your testimony will convince them. Your testimony will convert you.
Your testimony will open your eyes, my brother, I'm telling you even alone, don't give up. One day they will all be standing there at the door of the church waiting for the service to start before entering. Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up.
He will be there. When they come to hear the preaching, they will need to believe. This is how it is saved.
He needed to believe in order to be healed of leprosy. Sin is the sinner. When he comes, you bring the Church that he hears.
What does the preaching of the Word and preaching have to produce? Faith. When you bring them to church, when they're at the door, when the service starts, they're going to come in and the preaching will sound normal.
They listened. They can believe and believe it. They believed.
They believed. And what happens? Believe.
Faith has its effects. This points to regeneration. The sinner comes eaten, putrefied, comes stinking of iniquity and scoundrel, liar, wicked, a shield.
He hears the preaching of the gospel. He believes. He is transformed.
All leprosy, all filth, all wickedness is removed, and his soul is cleansed as of a child. Regeneration. Those who have an encounter with Jesus do not return home in the same way.
Whoever has an encounter with Jesus comes drunk, returns home without alcohol, comes drugged, returns home without addiction, comes dirty, lacks, clean. Is there anyone like that here tonight? You got here as a leper.
Dirty. Filthy. Believe Believe in Jesus, believe in the gospel.
Believe in this word that Christ can forgive all your sins today, that Christ can cleanse you today is not tomorrow after lunch It's today. Just believe, just believe, Just believe. I came like Naaman, I'm listening to the prophet.
You just have to believe. Read that again. And his flesh became like the flesh of a child and it was clean.
That is the mighty gospel. I'll tell you what prevents you from being saved today or not. You are the one who is saved.
It is not your faith. It is the sovereign will of God. Because if God calls you sovereignly, today, today, you will be a piece of death for life.
Today your heart opens in Christ and you will enter never to leave. Today the scales fall off, the leprosy is cleansed today. Just you just say Here I am, You want me to make you.
I want to see how part of me said I just want to see, I just want to believe, I just want to be saved. Faith is a surrender. Surrender, don't question, don't calculate.
It's not math. Deliver and shoot. Throw yourself, say I'm yours, Save me, save me, save me, Save me.
Someone who is drowning in a dam is not doing calculations. Just scream Save me, Just go me. If you are aware that you are dying, say Save me!
Close your eyes. Close your eyes.