[Music] foreign [Music] we're going to start with is Christianity this section is Christianity a copy of ancient Egyptian or comedic religion and we will start this time with a 20-minute clock with um Dr Bantu all right welcome back everybody um so uh so yeah as to uh the second question um is visrat a copy of ancient Egyptian or cometic religion uh there's there's really two points that I want to make about this and I'll just show some uh some examples to kind of um to kind of explain this right I noticed we had the same
picture um and so uh so uh we also have the picture of the uh the uh conversion of the temple uh of failai uh to a Christian imagery and um and and the point that I want to make with that is why I show that is that there's two simple points I want to make in response to this question um number one is that ancient Egyptian practitioners of traditional religion and nasrawi alike did not see their faith as the same or an imitation of one another but they both had a very clear sense that these
religions were different that were fundamentally distinct there was there was there was nobody saying that this is an imitation or a copy that's number one and that's what the picture's meant to describe like otherwise why would Coptic Christians want to carve out crosses and not see traditional symbols unless they saw it as a different faith that they want to disassociate themselves from not copy the second point I want to make is that the question itself actually betrays a certain modern myopia and what I mean by that is that to ask the question is is is
bisrod a copy of comet is an inherently modern question that especially when talking about in an ancient context is actually an inappropriate question to ask it's not the right way to think about it people in the ancient world did not think in these terms people in the ancient world did not think in terms of hey you guys are copying us that seems similar to what we're doing and therefore it's inferior or therefore it's a copy people didn't talk like that they didn't think like that that's an invention a modern invented idea that finds no resonance
in the ancient world that's about two points and I'm going to show you some evidence of that first of all um and we were talking about violence right this is where I'm gonna flesh that out a little bit more but I want to make a point that I that that I'm not sure was clear uh I said it already but I'm going to say it again uh because I I'm concerned it might not have been clear the question that we were asked first is is bisrat a white man's religion we were not asked is bisrod
immune to violence is kemetic religion of immune to violence is any religion immune to violence is there zero evidence of violence being done by those who claim to be nazrawi that was not the question the question is is this religion from the white man that was the question so let's stay on point and actually focus on that question and the answer again as I've shown you is no because there were examples of nazrawi completely outside of the Roman Empire and even inside of it that we're resisting the Roman Empire but there was definitely violence but
that's not what we're asking that's not what we're talking about and that's not even what we're talking about now now we're talking about is it a copy and so what I want to show you to show that no it's not a copy no one in the in the ancient context thought that way this is an example from a Coptic Egyptian nazrawi Theologian named shenuta of a tree and this is his Monastery uh and it was a place where shanuta would give public sermons where Egyptians predominantly nasrawi but also practitioners of traditional religion as well would
be present and in this public mixed setting addresses a particular practitioner of traditional Egyptian religion named gesius gesius was a wealthy landowner an Egyptian who lived in the city of pantopolis which was which was close to a tree and close to sohog where shenouda's Monastery was and he is publicly addressing gesius and talking about the differences between their religions he says the one whom I found in the temple of a tree and this would be a traditional uh Egyptian temple so Christians did not stamp it out because it was still going on are you are
y'all hearing that like Christians did not eradicate traditional Egyptian religion I don't think y'all I don't think y'all understand it like Christians did not eradicate Egyptian religion it was still going on and we see that from 5th Century sources right here that Shenouda is addressing a a traditional practitioner of traditional religion and there's still a temple Egyptians are still going to it and they're still praying to and they're still praying and sacrificing and practicing the traditional religion it's still going on he says the one whom I found in the temple of a tree worshiping Satan
and pouring out Libations to him and shenutus polemically and that means like you know kind of argumentatively equating traditional Egyptian gods with Satan he's saying he poured out uh Satan and poured out Libations to him he scattered roses Peach branches but a Bunches of great leaves and other fragrant plants in that place that defiled one he's talking about gaseous now immediately spattered him being Jesus when I advise him to believe in Jesus and he blasphemely said that the great Deeds that the Lord of all Jesus did did apollonius of Tiana and Plato did as well
so what gesius is saying right now as shenuta is trying to convince him to become a Christian is guess he's basically saying I don't really I'm good on Jesus because I prefer apollonius of Tayana and Plato to Jesus so I'm good I kind of like my my own religion and this kind of demonstrates what I'm talking about how people in the ancient world thought deities were often localized to particular Nations particular cities and and they were often low and they were often associated with particular uh elements of nature or different things they might want like
you know uh kind of incantations or prayers for healing or for uh for or or for fertility or for crop scoring all these different things right and also they were often mixed and often associated with other gods from other places and this happened in Egypt as well as everywhere else in the ancient world and so Christianity is not only not a copy of Egyptian religion it is actually quite distinct not only from Egyptian religion but also from all ancient religion and here's the other thing notice that gaseous who's an Egyptian he Associates himself with not
with not with uh traditional Egyptian gods but with Plato so at a time where Egyptians who had been colonized by the ptolemes already for several centuries even before the time of bisra had already begun to associate and blend together Roman gods with Egyptian gods and began to Patron different Roman and Egyptian religion but notice here that it's shenuta who writes in the Egyptian language and actually Embraces a at a traditional unique form of Christianity local to Egypt that was oppressed by the Roman Empire so there is a distinction when we talk about bisrat if we're
talking about the perverted oppressing Roman version of it or the version of it that grew in Egypt which I've already said which itself has issues with violence but one thing it cannot be accused of is being an extension of the white man or the Roman Empire because it was oppressed by the Roman Empire not only before constantly but after Constantine as well from Aryan leaders like constantius and from calcedonian this was the the doc the Council of calcium in 451 where the Roman Church decided that Jesus is one person with two Natures one who processes
two physics this the Egyptian Church did not believe in it did not make sense to their Egyptian context they were saying Jesus is one person and one nature they rejected this Doctrine and they were vehemently oppressed by the Roman Empire so this idea that the Roman Empire and the Egyptian Church were together is completely unsubstantiated in sources they were actually at odds with each other the Roman Empire sent in soldiers and Priests together to go in and enforce Roman Christianity in Egyptian monasteries and killed Egyptian Christian monks and priests so they were at odds with
each other and at a time when Egyptians who were nazrawi were actually resisting the Roman Empire Egyptians who practiced traditional religion were actually imbibing the white man's platonic philosophy here's another example again of demonstrating this point I'm trying to make about why it's not the right way to think about it to think this is copying that that was actually what ancient folk loved to do not copy but complement the idea of copy again is a modern idea and it's not respected by any Scholarship today whatever their faith is this is a rejected idea it was
understood in the ancient world to combine different religions if different deities work for you if they can bring the result you want then yeah pray to them pray to them this is an example of a seventh century healing charm that was inscribed on a particular seal where the name of Jesus and Horus are invoked together side by side this particular person who's a practitioner of Egyptian religion not a nazrawi invokes the name of Horus and Jesus together and he says Jesus horse speaking to Jesus horse and he invinced that he has he has this traditional
story about Horus and Isis creating a a falcon to you know to heal someone from sickness and it's just a healing a general healing seal Jesus Horus the son of Isis went upon a mountain in order to rest he performed his music set his Nets and captured a falcon a wild Pelican he cut it without a knife cooked it without fire and ate it without salt on it he had pain and the area around his navel hurt him and he wept with loud weeping saying today I am bringing my mother Isis to me I want
a demon this is Horus Jesus asking for a demon now that's Robbie folks ain't cool with that they were never afraid this um I want a demon so that I may send him to my mother Isis the spirit went out went upon the mountain to heliopolis and found his mother Isis wearing an Iron crown and soaking a copper oven Isis said to him even if you did not find me and did not find my name the true name that the sun bears to the west and the moon bears to the East and that is borne
by the six propitiatory stars under the sun you would summon the 300 vessels that are around the navel let every sickness and every difficulty and every pain that is in the belly of in then I think the translator was unsure about the name of this particular person uh the child of Ian stop at this moment let every sickness stop at this moment I am the one who calls the Lord Jesus is the one who grants healing so again notice the the complete Association here from an Egyptian traditional religious practitioner or what people sometimes call Pagan
I don't want to use that word I don't want to be offensive but what other people would call pagans notice the complete understanding that actually Jesus and Horus can go together it sounds kind of similar to to the traditional Egyptian folks so we can pray to Jesus and hordes at the same time there wasn't this sense in which we don't want Jesus because he's a copy of Horus actually they said that sounds similar to Horus so we're going to pray to both of them so that's what this is what I'm this is an example of
what I'm showing that this idea of it copying is a modern idea that has been inserted into the ancient world Egyptian deities had interaction with other cultures and they merged and mingled and and and and and had and were influenced by and influence other religions this was a part of the ancient world this is why during the ptolemaic dynasty going forward notice that the Egyptian Christians nazrawi were persecuted by the Roman Emperor but Egyptian traditional religious practitioners were not think about that practitioners of a traditional Egyptian religion during the Roman Colonial period were not persecuted
by the Roman Empire but the Christians were why is that because traditionally Egyptian religion is actually a lot more similar to Roman religion than Christianity is Christianity is actually the more unique one when Roman and when Rome colonized Egypt it's like oh yeah you guys been praying to Isis well we pray to the therapists let's just kind of put those together they're kind of similar so we can pray therapists and Isis at the same time but who was really getting on people's nerves where the nazrawi in the Roman Empire and the Egyptian Empire and the
Persian Empire and in China and in India all of which were saying we worship no God but Jesus that is the more unique posture to take in the ancient world to say that our religion is the only right one and we refuse to render worship to no other God but Jesus is very rare in the ancient world very rare with the pot with the only exception uh predominantly of Judaism and that's why Jewish people were hated as well because they they said there is only one God and Romans did not like that and to Egyptians
that didn't make sense because this is actually if if nasrawi would have presented Christianity the bisrat like this they probably would have been okay with it because like yeah you could believe in Horus and Jesus but the Nazareth predominantly where this is a very rare exception most traditional most uh contemporaneous evidence from this time period shows that the majority of nasrawi were against this kind of thing and again like I said in the first point vehemently distinguish themselves from traditional religion in ways like this again the practices like we read in shenuta and also in
this homily attributed to athanasius where it says some of them talking about uh again his word not mine pagans uh some of them have Bluetooth their children in polluted water and water from the arena from the theater and moreover they pour all over themselves water and incantations spoken over it and they break their clay pots claiming it repels the evil eye some tie amulets on their children handcrafted by men those men who provide a place for the dwelling of demons While others anoint themselves with oil that is evil and incantations and such things that they
tie on their heads and necks again notice the differentiation also again remember when I said I'm gonna show you evidence that violence was happening in both directions here is evidence for that this is from a Syriac text not a Roman text but by a Syriac nazrawi historian who also in the fifth century was being persecuted by the Roman Emperor and had very negative opinions about the Roman Christianity so again there's a distinction and a difference you have to be clear what you're talking about when you talk about Christianity because as I said it before but
I just think I need to say it again I am not here today defending Roman Christianity I am not here defending crusading Christianity I am not here defending slave Castle Building colonizing Christianity that takes Native Americans from their home in Mission schools and that tries to build borders and separates people that from their families that is not the Christianity that I am a part of that's not what I'm defending here today I am talking about the this rat that has been among black and brown and yellow people from the beginning that wasn't perfect that had
issues itself but it wasn't from the white man again that's what we're talking about and it wasn't a copy nobody thought like that um and also uh there was violence going both ways so this story tells about a particular name a a person an Egyptian young man who was a student in a traditional religious school that again was a a mixture of Roman and Egyptian religion notice again that in the fifth century really during all eight antiquity Egyptians who still prayed to the traditional gods were actually a lot more whitewashed than the Christians were again
peralius is a student in a grammatical School in Alexandria in Egypt that's mixing together traditional Egyptian religion with Roman religion learning platonic grammarian rhetorical skill and he becomes a Christian and this enrages the other Egyptians and they beat him up Egyptians who still practice traditional religion beat this young man who wanted who chose to leave the Egyptian religion and become a nazrawi that he got beat up so now's wrong with yes do we have things that we need to admit that we've done black black and brown and ancient and modern yes but folks who practice
traditional Egyptian religion back then also have things that they need to speak about so this talks about his conversion it says I walked up actually I'm gonna I don't wanna I don't want to go over again so I'm gonna skip this one that's the main point I want to bring out of this again is that you added a traditional Egyptian person who practiced an Egyptian young man who practiced traditional religion but that was very mixed up with Roman religion and then he left that became it became a nazrati and he was savagely beat by other
Egyptians because they didn't like it another example of this poconius this is one this is one of the first uh people who invented monasticism something that Europeans later stole by Benedict and in Irish and Scottish and English monasteries they got that from Egypt and one of the first monastic communities was started by Poconos who wasn't Egyptian he was born and raised in Thebes which was at a time the capital of ancient pharonic Egypt he was born and raised in traditional Egyptian religion and also get this point picomius was born in the late 200s and this
text shows us that he became a Christian a nazrawi at a very young age as a child so that means that around the year 300 when pacomius was a young man and he was a nazrawi and he had chosen freely to reject his traditional religion that his parents raised him in at that time period what was happening in the Roman Empire of which Egypt was a colony Christians were being killed by Diocletian this is before Constantine emperor Diocletian enacted the worst persecution almost of any in the whole Roman Empire and was massacring Christians so at
a time again this is the opposite of the claim that this came from the white man this came from the Roman Empire to the contrary pecomius and Egyptian born and raised in the traditional Egyptian Capital born and raised in traditional Egyptian religion he would have been safer as I already have showed you it was cool to be a traditional Egyptian religion traditional Roman whatever played all different gods what was not cool at this time was being a nazrawi that can cost your life that was what was more unique and yet picomius heard the word of
God and he believed in the bisrat and he began to follow Yeshua of Nazareth and this shows again the distinction between bisra and Egyptian Christianity he says as a child picomius uh two uh parents took him with them somewhere along on the river the Nile to sacrifice to those creatures that are in the water so apparently this this author the Christians uh the Nazareth in this time period are perceiving of this as something that Egyptian traditional folks do when those creatures raised their eyes in the water they saw the boy took fright and fled away
then the one who was presiding over the sacrifice shouted chased the enemy of the Gods out of here so that they will cease to be angry with us for because of him they do not come up at once his parents reproached him why are the gods angry with you the boy signed after God and went away home another day they brought him with them to the temple where they were going to offer a sacrifice after the sacrifice they gave him a drink of wine they had poured out for the demons but at once he vomited
out vigorously and his parents were distressed us about him because their gods were hostile to him this is the picture we get of contemporary sources that bisrod was not a copy it was very distinct and that that was actually unique and that Egyptian traditional religion was more romanized I I need to say something here I have followed this brother very clearly and very intentionally and I think that some of what he may be doing here is intentionally deceptive he is merging periods of time that should not be merged he started to talk about Diocletian massacring
Christians and said well how could that be an example of how Rome is controlling Christianity he's not telling you that that happens before Rome decides to control Christianity he knows this you don't don't let him flim-flam you family regardless of the tradition you belong to you should be ignored against that is not that that is what is not true he knows this he's talked to you very eloquently about Constantine Diocletian is when before or after what say that I'm gonna let you say it I'm gonna let you go and talk okay I wonder why because
he's before he is giving you Donald Trump with a Native American hat dress because he knows you haven't done the scholarship he's done dear brother Dr Bantu I have I'm sitting here listening to you knowing that what you're saying is deceptive by the way you have given us lots of great slides with citations on them the thing I'm confused about is it sounds sometimes like your citations actually support my argument not yours he shows you that someone is using heru and Jesus and saying oh these are similar one is thousands of years earlier So to
that practitioner something sounded similar and then he says he says that people in the ancient world do not actually say I'm going somewhere family I'm going right into my presentation but I have to inoculate you against some of what you've heard one of the things that is happening here is that he's making claims no citations by the way he just says in the ancient world people actually didn't say you're copying us I'm sure I heard the brother talk about Saint Augustine he knows this quote don't be disingenuous that which is known as the Christian religion
existed among the ancient amongst the Ancients and never did not exist from the beginning of the human race until the time when Christ came in the flesh at which time the True Religion which already existed began to be called Christianity he is actually saying yeah the thing that we're saying about Jesus y'all already been doing he knows this this is someone he would call an African church father that's what he's doing that's being disingenuous at least acknowledge the contradictions in what you what you are actually studying and then what about this one Justin Martyr another
important Church Father when we say that Jesus Christ was Christ was produced without sexual Union was crucified and died and rose again and ascended to heaven we propound nothing new or different from what you believe regarding those who you call the sons of Jupiter for when we say that Dionysus arose again and ascended to Heaven is it not evidence the devil has imitated the prophecy yes they do recognize They're copying something this dude is actually saying guess what the devil has a tie just was coming so he went thousands of years before to seed you
so you wouldn't believe in Jesus they certainly understand They're copying something he knows these let's be really clear about something here the Christian tradition is not a carbon copy of the cometic tradition on that point we will agree in fact what we see is a tradition that is filtered stolen then filtered through the social mores of another group of people it's not exactly the same if it was exactly the same we wouldn't have been having this debate that's a foolish argument to make and if you thought I was gonna stand here and follow that red
herring then I guess you're disappointed I'm going to talk to you about misogyny in the Bible that's one of the things that makes it makes it anti-afric a and so clearly this is not a carbon copy of the cometic tradition clearly and so I want you to understand that what we have to do here is we have to actually put things in historical context and we have to actually explain that half of his side he's saying I didn't show a lot of citations by the way you have to look at the screen you can't just
sit there because often I speak in the citations on the screen but let me say to you I don't need to put any help because you're just giving them to me so I don't need to thank you really I mean how could you say you selling heru and Jesus and then he even talks about someone who is worshiping a tree and says that's the comedic tradition in the temple of Altria what Temple is that he said that I I guess some of you who don't know would just assume he was correct maybe he doesn't realize
that that doesn't make sense I hope he does as a practitioner and a historian who has practiced and studied practiced for 30 years and studied for longer I'm going to tell you I don't even know what he's referring to there and then he gives you someone who got beat up one dude got beat up that's proof of violence really what kind of violence are you looking for I hope you understand that that does not equate I had a lot to talk about here y'all to this now this woman by the way he says they just
uh what do you say he they um converted the space once again if so if you came here on Sunday and we converted your church and Dr Mason was missing you wouldn't say well I guess we'll just be comedic today how does he describe this as a bloodless transition take a look at this woman here her name is hypatia say hey patient with me now hypatia is likely a biracial woman I don't have time to go into that and she was practicing a tradition that was closely linked to the Roman and Roman Greek and comedic
tradition there are many similarities there you're correct about that and one of the reasons why they're similarities is because the Greeks and the Romans took from chemet and so then Christianity in is influenced directly by Kemet and then indirectly by the mystery Traditions that's how Christianity is cobbled together from other people's traditions and that's why the folks that you were hearing had to try to explain it away so he's saying that Christianity is very different from those Traditions true because they say that their savior is a literal person that's the difference I don't believe a
dude with a bird head is going to visit me tomorrow I don't but you may believe that a guy with holes in his hands would I don't mean that to be disrespectful I'm trying to help you understand one of the differences so let's look at hypatia hypatious was a was a mathematician an astronomer and a practitioner of traditions that were much closely to uh linked to the ancient traditions when the Christians told her to stop and she refused they took her from the temple teaching space stoned her and then carved the the skin and her
flesh off her bones with seashells and paraded her remains in the street that's how Egypt converts why is he continuing to make this sound like it's bloodless he knows the story of hypatia look at his face yeah so why is he why is he doing that stop it why are you doing that you don't have to do that to do to to win this section because I'ma call you on it every day all day is the tradition of Chemin the original form yes but just as if you have a copy of a copy of a
copy it loses its Clarity and focus just as it becomes filtered through the traditions of other nations and other peoples it loses its Clarity and focus so carbon copy no but copy yes the pope knows that yeah that's why he's actually paying homage to a black Madonna that's why you see these all over and I know that you're going to say I know he's going to say that's Rome that has nothing to do with me I want you to hear this again because he's ignoring it the way that this tradition gets into Africa particularly in
the countries he's talking about is that Rome conquers Egypt and then they weren't able to conquer Nubia but then an Ethiopian man is transitioned by his tutor I didn't say that he I didn't imply an inappropriate relationship I wouldn't I did not do that someone in an audience said that I didn't say that I'm just saying if you sent your child to school if and if you send your child to school and someone came back and said I'm a member of Nation of Islam now some of y'all would be like oh hell you know hell
no you know what I'm saying I'm saying it's inappropriate for an adult to do that to a child I'm not saying anything else occurred I have no proof of that and then that man actually transitions his country and conquers Nubia to create another Christian uh Nation Rome to Egypt Egypt to Ethiopia Ethiopia to Nubia that's what happened all day long you can't pretend that didn't happen and he even suggested I didn't do a citation I'll do that later this is the original Austin Herald how can you see that and not recognize that you are seeing
a copy and in fact I do not have the time to go through all of the similarities and myths but very quickly I'm gonna run through this so quickly y'all some of y'all will catch it some of you watch the video now look you're going to see archetypes for Jesus within the stories of heru and the stories of Asar it's not in one place because remember it's not a carbon copy but a copy nonetheless that's what occurs so we see um heru as the the son of God you know very well that he's the son
of assar right do you know this okay if I have to give you a citation for that you're not equipped to hear this conversation does that make sense that is just evident and known he also was born of a virgin and displayed in a crib outside of temples citation the Egyptians have concentrated up to this day the childbirth of a virgin and the Nativity of her son who was exposed in crib to the Adoration of the people this is from the past the chronicle Pascal from actually the sixth Century CE itation so that you should
understand that people understood that that was happening in comedic temples in fact heru is usually born on December 25th here's another citation every year the temples of Horrors presented to worshipers in midwinter on or about December 25th a Scenic model of the birth of Horus the Roman writer macrobius adds to the that the young God was a symbol for The Rebirth of the Sun at that date the whole year the whole world by the year one A.D was familiar with the Egyptian statues of pictures of Isis and her Divine main Horus In Her Arms that's
Joseph McCabe from the story of religious conspiracy uh controversy he's Herald his birth is heralded by Three Kings you should know that one of the things that happens before this date is that the three stars align and point to another star the three kings follow a star in the east that is when you know when this will actually occur that is you've heard that story you just didn't know that they took it from you African you can't just take it back the same way they gave it to you you don't think that they messed with
it in 2000 years you can't just take it back the same way don't just wrap your Bible and can't take loss it doesn't work that way by the way heru is the one who spits on wounds which will heal that's in the coffin text spell 1113. he's raised by a surrogate father he's known as the King of Kings take a look at this Stella here do you see this you should this is in the Metropolitan Museum not far from where we are right now but you're actually going to see that every King had their name
incised in this this is usually called a cerex a surrek with me and on top is heru because heru is the king of kings that is what you are seeing by the way if you need a citation for that you have to get a bus ticket um he died and was resurrected we see her dying and resurrecting this is not far from here go look at what is generally called the meternix delay I don't have time to go through it extensively but understand that OST was traveling with her babe looking for spaces to live and
she was told that she wrote she was routinely told there's no room here I know you thought you heard that story I'm telling you the original and then what happens she acts actually finds that hero was killed by his uncle and so she calls to the heavens speaks words into his ear and he is Resurrected that's just one of the Sacred resurrections we see victory over death I'm not gonna even go into Asar right now but that is called the meter next Stella okay I don't I don't have time to go through all of this
but I want you to understand that if we clearly look at Mary really quickly understand that she is known as the mother of God mutanter moot inter and for that all you have to do is look at the first chapter of the regular gear known as The Book of the Dead it's all throughout the book giving you a citation would be like reading John in the telephone book it's all throughout there she is mutant her she gives birth to A Savior by a virgin Birth by the way did you know that OST and her sister
were the Beloved ones the word for beloved doubly beloved in the cometic language is Mary they were there were two marries at the resurrection of Asar this is a copy family a poor copy the things that you hear and that you love are actually the echo of something that you're African for parents gave you in many ways we are the same but it's time to round off the edges go back to the source return to the original that's it and if you did that you could still say you're Christian I Would by the way there
would be almost no difference between us I'm not saying you can't be a Christian I'm saying you can't be the Christian you've been that's what I'm saying because as long as you do that you continue to pay homage and give power to other people by the way you should know you know that Easter actually moves right you know that right it's not on the same day every year why does it move it's the first Sunday after the equinox that's what happens so you have to understand we're talking about a solar deity and if you want
to say that this actually happened at the very least you need to tell your church that not to change the date but they're people who know this story family and they are trying to keep it from you well I am here to tell you the truth I am here to make sure that you hear this story whether you're able to uh entirely um uh receive it at this point that's fine that's fine when if we talk briefly about Asar briefly about Asar because you're going to see most of the connections in the story of ostasaur
and her rule you obviously you know that Assad was resurrected I hope you know that I hope you know that he was also a deity of bread and wine I hope you know no you probably don't know that take a look at this this device is actually in most comedic tombs what they would do is have a plate of of soil that looked like this the Asar and they put wheat in it and let it grow in the Tomb they would close it that's why it looks like it has grass on it you ever been
to the health food store and saw wheatgrass something very similar I could show you images of a Tsar having actually um the uh the the grain grow to his nose I don't have the time to do that by the way he actually described he actually says that the comedic tradition was very close to the Greek and Roman Traditions yeah that's just because they stole it earlier this is the one thing I'll leave you with this is actually Herodotus describing um their tradition he says milampos was the one that talked the Greeks the name of Dionysus
it was from him that the Greeks learned to Bear the phallus in honor of Dionysus I will not say that what is done in Egypt in connection with the God and what is done among the Greeks originated independently for they would then be of a Hellenic character and not recently introduced I want you to understand that Kemet your African nation why are you running from it your African nation actually influence the world that's what happened and so if we want to be able to be powerful we have to return to these stories once more peace
all right all right thank you very much brother Jabari um so just uh just a rebuttal uh just a lot of a lot of really great uh great great statements you're making a lot of which I agree with and um just wanted to in the rebuttal address a few things and clarify a few things um so again one of the one of the things that uh that that has been said is again that I am ignoring uh that there was African uh nazrawi violence I think I've said numerous times today that there was nazrawi African
violence and uh but I'll say it again I'll say it again right now uh there were people like azanda and like king silco of kush who also accepted the beer sat and also inscribed a an inscription that talks about his new belief in God and uh and you know also this is the first witness of Biersack coming into cush and who also is Conquering people so izana conquered people in around Aksum and also in Kush and so did cushite Kings cush-eyed kings were censored in merway and they also conquered nomadic African people who lived apart
from the Nile and they were often called blimmies by Nubian sources and also Vega so again this was already happening and there's evidence of that you can look up the silco inscription it talks about cushite violence happening even before the time of bersat when cushites were still practicing traditional cushite religion Right But continuing on also into the time of beersat entering into cush and Ethiopia there was there was violence so I've never said that this was a a bloodless entry of beersat into these African civilizations um what I'm saying today is that that's not the
totality of the story well number one what I'm saying because it's being brought up quickly is that there was examples of that where where uh Christians enacted violence and there were examples like in Egypt and other places where Christians were enacted upon with violence by people practitioner of traditional religion so there was violence going on in different directions right not only a young student being beat by Egyptian practitioners but also Egyptians being killed by the Roman Empire because of their faith in Christ perpetual and Felicity who were North African Christian women who were put to
death by the Roman Empire for their faith so this was happening in different directions but again I'm addressing that but also I want to point out again that violence in early religion is not the topic of today so we need to make sure not to continue to get off topic because the question being presented is is bear sat a white man's religion and up to this point is it a copy of comedic religion and again what we've already talked so again another problem that's been pointed out or that's been uh not addressed or taken account
of is again what I mentioned the homily of formencius which is an ancient is manuscript in an electable landiana that specifically indicates that King Azana was not a child being raised so again the story of izana being a child being taught beersat by a person from Lebanon is actually from Roman sources so when we repeat the story of izana being taught Christianity by an outsider as a child we are actually repeating the Roman story but this is not the African story if we look at African sources like this homily attributed to fermentius which was written
in git is an African language that's inherently Christian predominantly Christian texts they're they themselves in their own story talk about how izana was an adult so again this is not being taken account of and also uh in some of the in some of the um evidence that was presented uh where we talk about Justin Martyr and Augustine who are referencing the parallels or the connections that they are drawing in their theology with traditional Roman religion uh and also with beer sap again what I'd like to propose is that uh there there may not be a
full understanding that I was attempting to lay out from a nazrawi perspective of how we view the relationship between our faith and our culture ancestral culture and our traditions and so when Justin Martyr or Augustine and most and these again these are early Roman theologians but when most of these nazrawi theologians talked about the correlations they and again as I've demonstrated they and also practitioners of traditional Egyptian religion or traditional Roman religion would not have seen that as a copy in fact what they were doing was they were attempting to demonstrate the connections between the
bear sat and also traditional religion but not to say that it's a copy but again from a nazrati perspective Jesus is the Fulfillment of various things so from a nazrati perspective if you see it from our perspective we when there are Connections in Egyptian religion to uh to nasrawi theology or the nazrawi scriptures from our perspective that is a that is the commonality that is the we believe that God's presence is everywhere and is imprinted upon all people so when and if there are commonalities just like Justin Martyr and Clement of Alexandria and early early
theologians all over the early Christian World saw this as God revealing himself to people pointing them towards Yeshua and so this was not seen as uh this would have not been seen as a copy but eusebius talks about this as the preparation for the gospel and this is something that that many of us believe in that that God is drawing himself to all people through these different uh through these different commonalities and also I just wanted to point out uh a couple of things that were mentioned that were put out as commonalities between uh comedic
and burst out religion uh just wanted to point out that there's nothing in the Bible that says that there were three Magi or people from the Persian Empire that came to visit Jesus that's a tradition that was actually invented by white people by European Christians but that's not something that was ever that's not in the Bible doesn't say that there was three just pointing that out also there was a mention of the another commonality that was put forth I just want to respond to there was a mention that the title of the king of kings
again as an alleged copy or or uh commonality this is a title that was used all over the ancient world not only in not only in beer set not only in cometic religion and so therefore it can't be seen to be an imitation or a copy because this was the title of the Shaun Shah the Lord of lords in the Persian Empire as well and again many of these commonalities can also be seen uh in other religions and the point at the point that I've already made again is that early religion people in the ancient
world would often borrow from one another and this didn't only have yes uh commit Egypt did very much influence other other places but it was also influenced itself and that there were other gods and goddesses that were patronized that were worshiped in Comet even not only before the time of Yeshua but also even before the time of Roman influence in Egypt now again the point that's first first of all I just want to back up before I finish that point and remind you again that when the seleucia when the when the ptolema may show up
in Egypt and begin to colonize Egypt practitioners traditional religion begin to deeply syncretize and blend their faith with Roman gods and and they begin to give way Egypt practitioners of Egyptian religion the people that are being put forth as as as your ancestors are actually people who sold out to Egyptian traditional religion and instead of and one of the quotes I didn't have time to show you was from shenuta of a trip also there was a there was a a comment about you not knowing what a trip is I would just suggest look it up
it's a town in Egypt that today is called sohog um but shenuta of a tree which is in Upper Egypt close to the Nile near pantopolis uh he also when he's con when he's uh arguing against gaseous he talks about gesias worshiping Kronos and also quotes gaseous himself who says he worships Kronos which is a Greek god that shenuta then attributes or Associates with Pepe so gaseous and other Egyptian folk were worshiping Pepe an Egyptian god and Kronos interchangeably and the same thing was happening for example with the Canaanite goddess anat anat was a goddess
that was not from Egypt but she was actually from the Syrian or Canaanite area but there were many uh syrians and Canaanites who lived in Egypt and established a community called his ghost and they created a temple there that's that's still around and there are inscriptions and there are hieroglyphic worship to anat and she's even mentioned in the very text that talks about Horus and Isis which is the contest between Horus and Seth a foreign God and not is mentioned so just a few rebuttals thank you thank you wonderful um let me say that he
is by the way I'm enjoying this foreign you might not hear the other debates let me just call him and we're gonna but anyway um let me say that he did say that violence is not the topic for today it's whether the Christian tradition actually is a white man's religion and the reason why I brought up violence is because what I'm trying to say is yes there were Christians in Africa in very early stages but what I'm saying is is that those Traditions were forced on them that is what I'm saying that's why the violence
is key he's making it sound like they just said Pastor Mason's not here I guess we commit it today Pastor Mason's not here I guess we're gonna we're Muslim now it doesn't work that way people were killed violence was was actually visited upon several communities and if you understand what was happening in that manner then you understand that yes you're going to see a Roman hand remember this this direction Rome to Egypt by the way when I say Egypt you have to understand Egypt had 3 000 years of Mastery before this happened sometimes people even
say to me well why would fall so easily if we were so great every civilization Falls that is just the rule of History no civilization lasts forever Kemet was in its Majesty for three millennia so then understand that what we are actually talking about is something a little different we're talking about the end of the period Rome Greece Rome to Egypt right Egypt to Ethiopia Ethiopia to Nubia that's how Christianity takes hold on the continent by the way with all of this wonderful description of these followers on the continent it's interesting that most of the
followers on the continent today are still looking at a white jesus so I you know I listen let me say something I've I'm impassioned by the description of Christianity that he is giving I would even donate to his church but that is not Christianity he is creating rendering carving something new he even gave it his own name nobody calls it that so I want you to understand that if he's going to do that I'm gonna support him I may not agree with everything he's saying I'm going to support him if you are all in agreement
with him I will support you let's just just not make it seem like it's the same thing that happened 2 000 years ago and we rock together all day long I mean it's that simple by the way I know that we earlier on our good brother said that the Bible was the word of God he said a few things you cheered I expected that that's that's really really good but I want you to understand that as we talk about the Bible as the word of God and I hate to show you something from Wikipedia I
really do I was not actually able to get access to the internet in the first round so what I'm gonna read is what the scholar says does that make sense well if you don't get it then you don't get it but I want you to understand something you will see listen [Music] carefully you will see that there are sections of the Bible that come from kemetic text and one of the best examples is in the book of amenamope going into proverbs that's what you're seeing and I want you to understand that um when you look
at the majority position it says a major factor in determining a direction of influence is the date in which an envelope was comprised at one time in the first Millennia BCE was put forward as a likely date for the comment um the compositions of a menomone you're going to actually see so many similarities between the men of mope and the Book of Proverbs that it makes many people uncomfortable just read it these are some of the sections for example the Proverbs begins incline thine ear and hear the words of the of the wise it's hard
to read it there and apply thy heart to the doctrine a minimal begins give thine ear and hear what I say and apply thy heart to comprehend on and on and on and on and on you must understand that a minimope is the origin of a large segment of the Book of Proverbs so are we saying that Kemet is the original and Christianity is a copy not a carbon copy but a copy not a carbon copy but a copy and this is a really important thing for you to unders us to understand our brother says
that preparation for the that eusebius calls those other people that had similar Traditions preparation for the gospel that's another euphemism for actually murdering destroying and taking over civilizations I will not allow you to use euphemisms they were prepared for the gospel it sounds similar it sounds similar because you stole it and then said yours was a literal story which people had problems with that's why it sounds similar preparation you stole it let's acknowledge that and move forward I also want us to understand that as I say our brother is describing is actually describing here we
go you can see that he's talking about a wonderful version of Christianity that inspires us I'm inspired by it but if he's going to actually do that he's gonna have to do some heavy editing first let's just talk about misogyny in the Bible you should know that women in the Bible actually should Adorn themselves in modest apparel and shame-facedness with sobriety not braided here boy did they say braided here by the way decisions that have braids in here you have to leave you have to leave or gold or pearls or costly array let the woman
learn in Silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man you have to understand that this is what's happening here um and for Adam was first form then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceased was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing what does that mean it means listen women sisters your pains your menstrual pains your childbirth pains are payment because you followed the snake this has to be some heavy editing one of the reasons why the Christian tradition is
not a direct copy of the cometic tradition is its problem with women you have to acknowledge it you have to acknowledge it and what about if a woman is actually on her marital bed and her husband sees that she is not a virgin first of all the Bible says that he can hate her and then if the parents cannot prove that she was a virgin that means have the cloth with her blood on it then she could be taken to her father's door and stoned to death because she sought to play the in her father's
house that is exact I'm not saying your text says and so I want you to understand that many of these things hap are in the Bible by the way I'm sometimes told well Jesus came forward and said let ye who was without sin cast the first stone that is corrective I must admit however do you not give your members the whole text how about you just give them the New Testament we don't follow the old anymore that had some messed up stuff in it you give the whole thing I even ask people if that is
incorrect are you saying that Moses who actually spoke that by his tongue in Deuteronomy is Moses wrong people start scratching tell me Moses is wrong and maybe we can actually agree on something so that is something that does not happen by the way did you know that women's vows to God can be nullified by their husbands or their fathers did you know that so there are so many oh and let's even talk about a damsel who is actually raped by a man if they are found out by the way it's very interesting that it says
if they're found out because if they're not found out then I guess it's no harm no foul I don't know but if they are found out then the man has to do what pay her father 50 shekels and make him his wife sisters in here are you comfortable with being married to your sexual to your rapist is that okay that's in the text let's stop pretending that there's this new wonderful ancient African tradition because I bet you're still reading this if you are still reading it you cannot make that claim and this is also why
I will agree with you that the the tradition that comes to you is not a carbon copy because we don't see that in the comedic tradition we see great homage for women every God has a goddess and instead I see three two dudes and a bird mostly giving making creation I have to speak plainly here Africans wake up it is time for you to return the sword to the source and return to the Forefront of civilization you will not be able to do that as long as you are ensconced in someone else's tradition the person
that is seeking to subjugate you by the way let's say something very clear about this misogyny issue if any of you have had a black mother or black sister or a black wife you think that you could do this to when you run the world for thousands of years you don't you're not easily subjugated so what I'm saying to you is is that we have to return to that and allow our sisters to be either our equals or even above us thank you