Efeitos Cardíacos Surpreendentes da Maconha!

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O Seu Cardiologista - Dr. Mozar Suzigan
Neste vídeo, exploramos os efeitos da maconha no risco cardíaco. Discutimos como o uso da maconha po...
Video Transcript:
smoking marijuana can increase the risk of heart attack marijuana can make the heart dilate What marijuana can do to our cardiac system and our blood vessels marijuana is the most consumed illicit substance in Brazil and around 1.5 million Brazilians use it marijuana every day according to the survey by thread Cruz and what is the danger of this the use of marijuana is associated with an increased risk of heart disease such as heart attack for example Oh but what about the use of CBD CBD has been extensively studied and is showing fact benefit for various health
conditions such as epilepsy pain control reduction of nausea after chemotherapy among other cases but you cannot confuse the regulated use of CBD which is one of the substances present in marijuana Americans use marijuana at least once once a month and more than 2 million adults in the United States who already have heart disease prefer to use marijuana. These statistics highlight the importance of people being aware of the potential risk of marijuana in the development of cerebral heart disease, especially in younger patients who use marijuana more Marijuana Marijuana has more than 100 active compounds and the
main ones are cannab oil and THC and our body recognizes these substances through receptors, which are cb1, cb2 for example, which work like a lock key, so when the patient smokes marijuana these substances fall in the bloodstream and they will act as a key activating these receptors that are distributed throughout the body in the heart in the blood vessels in the nervous system in the brain in the muscle cells in the liver in the defense cells so when someone is smoking Marijuana We will have present in that patient's blood, several substances acting on various cells
in our body and specifically speaking of the cardiac system, how it will act, scientific evidence actually suggests an association between the use of marijuana and the risk of serious heart problems such as heart attack, stroke, thrombosis thrombosis in the legs thrombosis in the lung and arrhythmias But why does this happen as I told you we have receptors that are locks in various organs of our body this is not different in the heart muscle in the blood vessels of the heart marijuana it will be toxic to these cells of the heart and these blood vessels, this
will promote inflammation of these arteries, it will increase the formation of fatty plaque, it will activate cells that form clots, it will make the wings more closed, guys, so to summarize these several words that I said to you, this here means an increase in the patient's risk of having a heart attack, developing higher blood pressure, having tachycardias, having a faster heart, this will all create an environment conducive to the patient's heart, having a heart attack, having a heart attack, I want to remind you that a lot of People mix marijuana with tobacco, for example, this
increases the risk of those who are smoking marijuana even more and I'll detail it here for you by showing several studies Look how interesting this analysis of more than 370,000 patients who had a heart attack showed a 32% increase in hospitalizations for heart attack in patients who used marijuana and a 66% increase in the mortality of these patients, another study worth more than 133,000 frequent marijuana users found that they had an 88% greater chance of heart attack or atherosclerosis disease obstruction in the heart arteries and an 81% greater chance of stroke other studies also show
an association between the use of marijuana and complications after a heart attack or after a catheterization an analysis of more than 113,000 patients who had a stent inserted after a heart attack showed that those who used marijuana had a higher risk of bleeding and having a stroke during the catheterization procedure and I highlight here for you that the studies are clear in showing a dose response relationship, which means the worse the risk and the greater the chance of having the personal risk, I will take the opportunity to ask for your kindness If you subscribe here
to my channel, leave a like if you are you liking this video Activate the PR bell for new videos every week I post a video about health about cardiology I really want to help you protect yourselves because education and health changes people's lives please subscribe here to the channel leave a like is me it helps a lot on YouTube continuing This study here with almost 40,000 patients that was presented at the 2023 American Cardiology Congress demonstrated that daily marijuana users had a 34% higher risk of having coronary disease, which is what causes heart attacks, the
arteries of the heart This other study with 3400 patients performed cardiac resonance imaging on marijuana users and showed that those who used marijuana frequently had more dilation of the heart muscle, the muscle was dilated and functioned worse, this same study in addition to showing the dilation of the heart muscle and those who used marijuana frequently showed that these patients had three times the risk of having a stroke compared to those who did not use marijuana. This other study evaluated patients who had had a stroke and were between 18 and 44 years old, that is, very
young people, and showed that patients who used marijuana over 10 times per month were 300% more likely to have a stroke compared to those who did not use Another very important point that makes doctors very concerned about those who use marijuana is the relationship between the substances in marijuana and other medications, so there are drug interactions which This means that some medicines can either lose the effect on the patient or increase the effect, this can increase the risk of side effects or stop helping the patient because the medicine is not working and these pharmacological interactions
between these marijuana substances and the medicines because example to control pressure controlling rhythm can be very dangerous for a patient who needs to protect themselves with these medicines so in summary personal use of marijuana different from what many people think does bring risk to health many people say oh but marijuana is safer marijuana It is a natural drug, it is important for us to understand that marijuana, in addition to other issues such as mixing with tobacco, mixing with other drugs or mixing with alcohol or other issues that involve the lifestyle of those who may smoke
marijuana every day, many times, they are sedentary patients who are not very concerned about a balanced diet, in short, we have a direct effect of marijuana substances on our body, as I told you, so we have to actually, as doctors, ask patients if they use marijuana, we You have to advise that the use of marijuana It can indeed be harmful, many people think it doesn't cause a problem, but unfortunately what studies show is that it increases heart risk, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and serious problems in younger patients, especially Guys, I hope that
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