If You’re Seeing These Signs, GOD IS TRYING TO SPEAK TO YOU | C.S Lewis 2024

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C.S. Lewis Legends
C.S. Lewis Inspired - Discover 4 powerful signs that the Holy Spirit is trying to speak to you in th...
Video Transcript:
is the holy spirit trying to get your attention I want to give you four signs that the holy spirit is trying to speak to you I want to talk to you about four signs that show that the holy spirit is trying to get through to you in fact he could be trying to communicate something to you right now it's not that we necessarily get abandoned by the Holy Spirit and it's not that the Holy Spirit stops speaking but rather we become so distracted so self-absorbed so immersed in this life that often we ignore the voice
of the precious holy spirit so I want to show you from scripture different ways that the holy spirit will try to get through to you maybe he's trying to speak to you in this season and perhaps you're missing a word from him so listen with faith listen with an open heart and comment right now I'm listening write those two simple words I'm listening and let that be a public prayer of surrender I don't know about you but I don't want to miss anything that the holy spirit is communicating to me I want to be attentive
to the voice of the precious holy spirit so that even when he whispers I can hear him with confidence and Clarity it's not that the Holy Spirit isn't being clear it's that we're not being conscious God can get through to anybody he wants at any time he's Sovereign but as we look throughout scripture we see that generally speaking the holy spirit will try to capture the attention of an individual particularly the believer through these various ways I'm about to share as we become surrendered to the voice of the Holy Spirit as we begin to yield
as we become more attentive to what he is speaking we can recognize those warnings those instructions those points of guidance but then there are those Seasons where we become so disted ra raed by this life so preoccupied with what's going on around us that the holy spirit will have to use certain methods to get a hold of you now again God is Sovereign and I want to emphasize this he could at any moment cause you to have a vision he could at any moment cause a dream he could speak with an audible voice yes he
can do all of those things but I want you to also watch out for these other biblical ways that he will generally speak or try to get your attention now I'm going to give you the first sign that the holy spirit is trying to get through to you and that is the holy spirit won't change his mind consistency often the holy spirit will speak something and then we ignore what the Holy Spirit has spoken in hopes that he'll change his mind Micah 2 7 says oh thou that art named the house of Jacob is the
spirit of the Lord straightened are these his doings do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly here we see this first question that's being asked it's a rhetorical one in other words it's asking does the Holy Spirit change his mind can God be persuaded to do it your way can you negotiate with God can you bargain with God and get him to change direction no my friend when the Holy Spirit speaks to you he speaks a word out of his omniscience he speaks a word out of that perfect Divine wisdom so that
when he speaks it is instruction that you can count on why we would try to get him to change that I don't know recognize please that when the Holy Spirit speaks he speaks for your good ultimately this doesn't mean that he's going to do things exactly how you want them to be done it doesn't mean that he won't challenge us or even speak things to us that inconvenience us or change our plans or even bring heartache and sorrow because sometimes sacrifice brings forth sorrow but on the other side of that sacrifice on the other side
of that step of faith on the other side of that step of obedience is the reward of having listened to God's voice CS Lewis reminds us that there are far far better things ahead than any We Leave Behind even if the present moment seems daunting the Holy Spirit does not change his mind the holy spirit will speak please hear me now the holy spirit will speak and then not speak again until you've obeyed what he's already spoken now I'm not saying that he'll stop trying to place you on the right path because thank God the
holy spirit is more more patient than we are stubborn he's more faithful than we are sinful so I'm not saying that the Holy Spirit abandons you and says well forget it I spoke to them once they didn't obey so now I'm going to move on no of course the holy spirit will work with you and do what he can he won't just leave you alone he is going to do what he can to get your attention what I do mean is that the Holy Spirit isn't going to change his instruction sometimes the holy spirit will
speak to us with Clarity and then we ignore that and hope that it wasn't him we hope maybe that was my emotions or maybe that was just my thought or maybe I don't really need to do that or maybe God changed his mind and now I can do it the way I want to do it but it never quite works out that way when the Holy Spirit speaks an instruction you can't bargain with him you can't negotiate you can't get him to change his mind this is why consistency is one of the signs that the
holy spirit is trying to get through to you in other words that message is consistent there's that speaking to your spirit that you know is coming from the holy spirit it's not in the conscious mind it's not even in the subconscious mind it's not in the emotions but deep within your spirit you know that you know that you know that the Holy Spirit has given you an instruction you'll find that instruction will stay with you consistently even when you go through various different seasons even when you allow a lot of time to pass between when
God speaks and when you go to listen again this is why many Believers struggle with prayer because they know that the moment they go back to the prayer room they're going to hear the same instruction so wanting to avoid what they know God is going to tell them they avoid prayer they keep it superficial praying for their loved ones praying for blessings praying for breakthroughs praying for maybe general direction or favor in certain areas of their life but they'll never allow themselves to fully go to that place of surrender they avoid the deeper places of
prayer simply because they know that's where the holy spirit is dealing with them so so they avoid scripture they avoid Church they avoid prayer or when they do hear a sermon they try to negotiate in their hearts and Minds well maybe God isn't speaking through that preacher perhaps it's just my emotion perhaps it's just this or that maybe it's just the way I'm perceiving it so they avoid the deeper things of God because they know what God is requiring of them they know that just on the other side side of that depth of prayer is
that instruction waiting for them where they last left it some Believers go into the prayer room receive a revelation about their life from God receive that instruction and then having been offended by that instruction or inconvenienced by that instruction they leave the prayer room hoping that the next time they come back that instruction will no longer be there waiting for them but but this time maybe it'll be different or maybe God sees what I desire or maybe God will reason with me or maybe God will change his mind my friend God does not change his
mind is the spirit of the Lord straightened can you persuade the Holy Ghost to change his instruction to you the answer is no the Holy Spirit loves you too much to change the instruction that he gave you CS Lewis captures this perfectly when he says we are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be obeying the holy spirit's instruction is often uncomfortable but it is always for our greater good so we have to recognize that this consistency in the speaking of
the holy spirit this consistency of that instruction is a sign that the holy spirit is trying to get through to you let me balance this especially for those who struggle with what I've termed as religious OCD maybe you're getting ready for the day and you think God wants me to wear a red shirt no God wants me to wear a blue shirt and now you're torn under the power of legalism wondering if I wear the wrong shirt is God going to judge me or maybe you get a random instruction like get out of the car
stop the car get out and stand at that corner and wave your hands back and forth sometimes people get intrusive thoughts that they mistake for the voice of the Holy Spirit and then they think that condemnation is the conviction of the Holy Spirit that's not always the case remember that a consistent clear message from the holy spirit will always align with the word and will never come without accusation let me say that again that clear consistent instruction from the holy spirit will always align with the word and will never come with accusation why because the
devil is the accuser what's the difference between conviction and condemnation well condemnation says you are a mistake conviction says you've made a mistake condemnation pushes you away away from God in fear and shame conviction draws you to God in Repentance and surrender that's the difference between the two we have to be careful to balance this thought but still we must consider the truth that the holy spirit will not change his mind once he has spoken something to you of course there's that prophetic Clause so to speak that we see in scripture where if you obey
God will change his mind about punishment or if you disobey God will change his mind about the blessing but that's not what I'm talking about here I'm talking about a personal instruction that God gives to you through the holy spirit that stays in your spirit and you know it's him but you're ignoring it because you don't like what you've been instructed to do that is the consistency with which the Holy Spirit speaks and it's a sign that he's trying to get through true to you type help me Holy Spirit if this is speaking to you
or challenging you now I want to show you how God will actually use others to try to get through to you and he does use others he uses loved ones God will even use complete strangers to try to get through to you sometimes and this is number two confirmation we're going to read a relatively large portion of scripture here acts chap 10 and I'll read verses 1 and onward stay with me in the scripture in cesaria there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius who was a captain of the Italian regiment he was a devout
God-fearing man as was everyone in his household he gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God one afternoon about 3:00 he had a Vision in which he saw an angel of God coming toward him Cornelius the angel said Cornelius stared at him in Terror what is it sir he asked the Angel and the angel replied your prayers and gifts to the poor have been received by God as an offering now send men to jopa and summon a man named Simon Peter he is staying with Simon a Tanner who lives near the seashore as
soon as the angel was gone Cornelius called two of his household servants and a devout Soldier one of his personal attendant he told them what had happened and sent them off to Jer now watch this the next day as cornelius's Messengers were nearing the town Peter went up on the flat roof to pray it was about noon and he was hungry but while a meal was being prepared he fell into a trance he saw the sky open and something like a large sheet was let down by Four Corners in the sheet were all sorts of
animals reptiles and birds then a voice said to him get up Peter kill and eat them no Lord Peter declared I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean but the voice spoke again do not call something unclean if God God has made it clean the same vision was repeated three times then the sheet was suddenly pulled up to heaven now there's a bigger narrative here this is of course the gospel now coming to the Gentiles but let's take a look at this specific narrative for the point that we're looking
for Peter was very perplexed what could the vision mean just then the men sent by Cornelius found Simon's house standing outside the gate so now the men that Cornelius had sent the angel spoke to Cornelius Cornelius sent these men God spoke to Peter and now there's this coming together standing outside the gate they asked if a man named Simon Peter was staying there meanwhile as Peter was puzzling over the vision the holy spirit said to him three men have come looking for you get up go downstairs and go with them without hesitation don't worry for
I have sent them I thought this was so interesting because we see here one of the great advantages of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit namely that the Holy Spirit coordinates among his faithful Believers so that he's able to speak to Peter here saying go with the men and he was able to speak to Cornelius saying send the men this shows us here that confirmation will come by way of the voice of the Holy Spirit and God will confirm things to you through others this is why listen please we have to be humble enough
to receive correction from others the scripture says submitting yourselves one to another now this doesn't mean that you take criticism and correction from anyone and everyone who comes to you with that criticism and correction for example if I did that I would never have any Identity or any Ministry because I would be constantly changing everything to adjust for the thousands of opinions that come my way so for the most part I ignore 99.9% of opinions but I do make sure that I surround myself with people who are God-fearing grounded in the word and who are
not yes men as you would call them they're able to speak to me with boldness and say this is something that you need to get right this is something that's off this is something that you taught that maybe needs to be tweaked and so we thank God for that kind of accountability but then there are some believers who won't receive from anyone they say things like well all I need is Jesus I don't need anybody to help me or I don't care what anybody else thinks of me even though the scripture tells us that a
good name is better than great riches so we know that God will put people in your life iron sharpens iron you know what happens when iron sharpens iron Sparks begin to fly why because there is this chipping away of self God will put people in your life who can get in your face in fact some of the most valuable relationships you will have are with people you'll have conflict with with that's how you know you have a solid relationship with someone when there can be conflict and then you can still come back around and make
peace God will put those kinds of people in your life and if you're too prideful to take heed to anything that anyone around you is saying you're going to wind up isolated you're going to wind up disconnected and you're going to miss the instructions that the Holy Spirit sends through people who love you CS Lewis wrote pride is spiritual cancer it eats up the very possibility of Love or contentment or even Common Sense Pride can prevent us from receiving the messages that the Holy Spirit sends through others leaving us cut off from God's Guidance the
Lord doesn't mind confirming things for you what about the scripture where Jesus says a wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign well there specifically Jesus is talking to religious leaders who are not asking for a sign out of sincerity they were demanding a sign out of cynicism so it's a mistake to take that one instance in scripture and give it Universal application by saying that we should never ask God for a sign in fact all throughout scripture we see that God was able and willing to give signs and in some instances mult multiple signs to
demonstrate what he was speaking so the holy spirit will give you signs the holy spirit will send you Prophets The Holy Spirit will send you friends the holy spirit will speak to you through your spouse through your friends through your brothers and through your parents now this doesn't mean that every time they speak it's of God because sometimes the enemy can speak through the same people but if you're Discerning and you listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit you'll see it when he begins to confirm these things through others God will send Messengers to
speak to you in fact in this way I believe we can also categorize dreams as signs that God sends trying to get a message through to you so through the word he speaks maybe we don't receive through the word because we're stubborn and we lie to ourselves and say that doesn't apply Li to me then maybe the Holy Spirit speaks directly to our heart but because we've made up our mind already we ignore that instruction we suppress it and we hope it goes away we hope that he changes his mind so he speaks consistently and
when that doesn't work he starts sending confirmation through others this is where please hear me now you have to humble yourself because if if you don't what comes next is a little more harsh first he will speak with consistency then he will speak through confirmation from others that's relationship yes this is after you've ignored the word this is after you've ignored that whisper and you're still kind of debating now granted this is a fine line there's a fine line between waiting for confirmation and being dis obedient I want to make sure this is clear because
I don't want anyone to leave this stream with self- condemnation there's a difference between the believer who's saying I'm not so sure yet if this is God so I need to wait on confirmation versus the one who says I believe this is God but I'm afraid or I don't want to be inconvenienced or I don't want to be embarrassed or I don't want to give too much up and therefore they suppress that instruction and ignore it there's a big difference between those two but there's a thin line between them sometimes we lie to ourselves oh
holy spirit I pray you convict us if this is us sometimes we lie to ourselves and we say we're waiting on confirmation when we know it's the Holy Spirit but we're just standing behind a spiritually sounding excuse we we know God has spoken we know what the holy spirit says and to give ourselves a way of escape to give ourselves relief in our conscience to give ourselves a little less pressure in that area of Disobedience we lie to ourselves and choose to believe ourselves when we say I'm waiting on confirmation that may be true but
you have to test your heart and allow God to test your heart and reveal these things it's possible that you're actually ignoring the voice of the Holy Spirit while telling yourself you're waiting on him I know this because these are problems with the Flesh and these are issues all believers deal with if that's you I want you to let me know in the comment section say you know what I think that's me I think the holy spirit's speaking to me right now again there is that thin line so I don't want you to feel cond
cond demned if you truly are sincerely waiting for confirmation from the Holy Spirit but at the same time I don't want you to have false Comfort by lying to yourself and saying you're actually waiting on confirmation when you already know what he's spoken number three now he begins to weigh heavily upon you okay so here we see the believer God speaks to them through the word they don't receive the the message sometimes we can be real stubborn then the Holy Spirit begins to speak directly to the heart we don't receive the word because sometimes we
can be real stubborn so what he'll do then is speak with consistency that's the first sign many times Believers at that point will say okay this is you God I'm going to go for it if you ignore that consistent voice of the Holy Spirit now he begins to send prophets now he begins to send people now those around you begin to recognize and say hey there's something off here there's something not quite right in your life I'm not talking about strangers or Internet critics or members of your church who just like to talk trash on
everybody that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about people who love you and who have the authority and the right in the place to correct you in these ways God will send those people to you and they'll begin to speak to you here is where you have to be careful because like with Pharaoh if we ignore that the heart becomes harder we ignore that instruction and then we go through this cycle of ignoring the instruction and the Heart becomes harder so God sends more representatives to speak to us and we Harden our heart toward
them don't Harden your heart because once you do that you start this cycle that's very difficult to break then the Holy Spirit has to begin to weigh heavily on you there's number three conviction by the way these don't necessarily flow in chronological order this is not necessarily an exact sequence of events I'm giving you it could happen in any order but these are different ways the holy spirit will try to get your attention conviction now begins to weigh on you you have trouble sleeping at night you have trouble praying because of conviction you have trouble
worshiping because of conviction you have trouble reading the word because of conviction you can't even enjoy fellowship with other believers because that conviction is weighing heavily upon you John 16 8 says and when he comes he will convict the world world of its sin and of God's righteousness and of the coming judgment what is conviction conviction is a deeply held belief in this sense you could say there's maybe legales attached to the word conviction But ultimately it's the Holy Spirit calling our attention to certain things I think that at least in general specific practical application
is that the holy spirit will bring to your attention sin but not not just that he doesn't just show you what you ought not to do he convicts the world of its sin he shows you what you ought to do and of God's righteousness many times when we think of the conviction of the Holy Spirit we just think about Sin we just think about the Holy Spirit saying hey this is wrong and he does do that don't hear what I'm not saying definitely the Holy Spirit Will convict you of sin but he will also convict
you of God's righteousness what does that mean he holds a standard in front of you and says this is what God has called you to so he calls you to higher places to meet a standard not necessarily of perfection but at least of surrender vicariously to what Christ has accomplished and of the coming judgment so in other words he makes you keenly aware of the fact that we're all going to stand in judgment he makes you keenly aware of the fact that you're going to be accountable for your actions he makes you keenly aware of
the fact that you're going to stand before God so he brings forth conviction he convicts the world of sin convicts of God's righteousness and convicts of the coming judgment once you begin to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit I I talked about that thin line line between waiting on God for confirmation and disobeying there's a thin line but a major difference between the two once you ignore that conviction and you know it's the Holy Spirit and you delay anyway now delay has become Disobedience write that in the comment section delay is Disobedience now I'm
not talking again about those who say well I'm waiting for confirmation from God and they're sincere and they actually are waiting for confirmation side note you shouldn't wait for a confirmation if something is perfectly clear in scripture but I'm talking about those specific instructions for our lives things you should do or should not do James 4:17 says this therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin for the sake of his love for you he'll begin to weigh heavily upon you watch this now Psalm 32 veres 1
to5 oh what joy for those whose disobedience is Forgiven whose sin is put out of sight yes what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt whose lives are lived in complete honesty watch this now when I refuse to confess my sin my body wasted away and I groaned all day long day and night your hand of discipline was Heavy upon me my strength evaporated like water in the summer Heat verse 5 is key watch the turnaround now finally I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt
that is so key I said to myself I will confess my Rebellion to the Lord and you forgave me all my guilt is gone so that heavy grief that weight on the conscience that's the conviction of the Holy Spirit and that by the way is a very difficult place to be because I know no individual more miserable than the disobedient believer the one who gets stuck in that place where they know God has spoken something yet they just stubbornly refuse to turn so he'll begin to convict you now consistency he'll speak consistently then he'll bring
confirmation through others then he'll begin to turn up the heat on the fires of conviction finally number four now if you don't respond to that consistent voice if you don't respond when he sends confirmation if you don't respond when he turns up the heat on the fires of conviction God will turn to his last resort and that is chaos now now I don't mean disorder because God is not a god of disorder he's a god of order so when I talk about chaos I'm not talking about chaos from God's perspective I'm saying it can seem
chaotic from our perspective why because this is where God begins to disrupt the things that are not of him you ignore the conviction long enough please hear this believer if you ignore that conviction long enough God will resort to chaos not because he's cruel not because he's mean the scripture is clear that he chastises Those whom he loves we look in Acts 27:9 we had lost a lot of time the weather was becoming dangerous for sea travel because it was so late in the fall and Paul spoke to the ship's officers about it verse 10
men he said I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on shipwreck loss of cargo and danger to our lives as well verse 11 but the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship's Captain and the owner than to Paul they did not heed the voice of the Holy Spirit spoken through Paul the Apostle he saw prophetically what was going to happen and of course many of you know what happens next they do end up being Shipwrecked the same same thing happened to Jonah God said go one way he went the
other and God sent a whirlwind from Heaven to destroy the ship in other words God in the case of Jonah destroyed his means of Disobedience hear me now please that is his mercy on your life people wonder why do the wicked get away with so much it's because God is Not destroying their means of Disobedience why does it seem like when Believers begin to disobey suddenly there's chaos why why is that not always the case for the wicked why does it seem like the wicked Prosper it's because God's hand is not on them in that
way it's his Mercy that destroys your means of Disobedience CS Lewis spoke on this as well stating God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way sometimes chaos the destruction of our own means of rebellion is the most merciful act God can perform think also of the scripture hand them over to Satan 1 Corinthians 55 to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jes Jesus
now here the scripture is not talking about a born-again Believer becoming demonized this is talking about the attacks of the enemy that begin to Humble them God will allow circumstances and Chaos around them that are specifically incited by demonic power God does allow chaos to shake us out of complacency and let me tell you something that might be where you are right now I am not saying that every every time you face chaos that it's a sign that you disobeyed God not even close that's not true why because the rain falls on the just and
the unjust alike The Sun Shines on the just and the unjust alike everybody who's alive on planet Earth today will experience both good and evil in this lifetime they'll experience both blessing of course we're always blessed but I think you understand what I'm saying I'm talking about in terms of our experience our lived experience there will be trials and tragedies and challenges in the life of every single human being because we live in Fallen conditions that's life but then there are those specific conditions that come about as a result of the hand of God trying
to get your attention and maybe he's trying to get your attention today maybe you attempted to click off this video right now or turn off the audio because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit setting in and I'm here to tell you as a messenger of the word of God that you must heed the voice of the Holy Spirit surrender before God sends forth the Whirlwind surrender before God has to shake things up surrender before God has to Chast eyes that is a last resort and I'm telling you this is the holy spirit speaking to
you through God's word not through me through God's word to show you that God will do what is necessary to get your attention so consider me confirmation consider this message confirmation maybe God's pairing it with conviction I don't know as I said it's not necessarily a sequence but he's trying to speak to you now do not stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit do not ignore that lead of the Holy Spirit he is talking to you right now what is he asking you to do what is he asking you to give up is there a
relationship a connection an attitude or a mindset that he's asking you to surrender is there a step of Faith he's been requiring of you and you've been withholding from him simply because of fear and selfishness now the holy spirit is saying move When God Says move act when he speaks respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit today and lift your hands and say Lord I Surrender Lord I'm done running I'm tired of running I'm tired of doing it my way I'm tired of being stubborn Holy Spirit you're so gracious you're so merciful you're so
humble in nature to continue to speak to someone like me who ignores that conviction and I am pleading with you child of God listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit today he is calling out to you in love and in Mercy saying surrender stop fighting the voice of the Holy Spirit you're not going to be able to bargain your way out of this heed the voice of the precious Holy Spirit he's talking to you right now thank you so much for watching if this video touched your heart please give it a thumbs up share
it with someone who needs to hear this message and comment amen down below by doing so you help spread this message to many others who are in need
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