Earn $1,000 In Passive Income DOING NOTHING! *WORLDWIDE* (Make Money Online)

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BEST Way To Make $1,000 in 60 Min For FREE 👉 https://youtu.be/Jko7MDeAzzo Earn $1,000 In Passive ...
Video Transcript:
no facebook no youtube no social media required whatsoever today i will be going over a strategy that will allow you to earn hundreds of dollars on complete autopilot with ease anyone can do this from anywhere in the world even if you've never made a dime online at all up to this point now just before i show you everything if you like this type of content and you'd like to see more then support my channel by giving this video a thumbs up below and so you don't miss out on any future videos to come click on
that red subscribe button and turn on the notifications and you'll get notified whenever i upload a new video with all that said let's now jump straight into the tutorial so i can show you everything okay so today guys i will be showing you how to make money with affiliate marketing using several different platforms from which you can choose from and as you have heard this doesn't involve social media whatsoever and i will show you a traffic source that will literally allow you to reach thousands of people with ease with that said the main two platforms
i recommend for finding affiliate offers are clickbank.com and digistore24.com whichever one you pick won't matter whatsoever as they are both affiliate marketplaces that will allow you to promote a variety of different products in varying niches and so both would allow you to get paid now i personally would recommend digistore24 and i will be going along with digistore24 as well in this video simply because clickbank isn't available everywhere around the globe and this is a worldwide available strategy as i promised you but once again if you prefer clickbank and it's available in your country you can
go along with it most definitely anyways what you need to do when you first come onto one of these two websites is create an account to do so on digistore24 just click on register now in the upper right corner or you can click on start now it's free to sign up either way what you now need to do is select affiliate here since we'll be working as affiliates obviously enter in your username email address password select your gender right here enter in your first and last names since you most likely won't have a company you
will leave this field blank enter in your address phone number and then tick this box here signaling you agree to their privacy policy and finally just click on register for free now to finish the process i will now go along and log into my account and i'll show you what you'll come across when you do and what you need to do from there okay so this is how everything looks once you create your brand new account you will be able to see your revenue right here which for the time being will be zero of course
but that'll change real soon now to access the marketplace and see what offers there are for you to promote you just need to click on marketplace here and then on all offers on the affiliate marketplace it's on this very page where you will find what you want to promote and digistore24 has an array of different categories and niches for you to choose from it has products relating to animals and pets bedding systems business and investment computer and internet and so on and guys that isn't the best part about digistore24 the best part is that they
offer you insane commissions most of the time they're at a minimum of 50 percent but can go up to as much as 90 so you can make a ton of money from a very small amount of people as you can see from these products right here this product has a commission of 85 percent and a price of 180 dollars as is seen below and right here you can see that for just a single sale i'll be earning over a hundred bucks so as i said this pays off big time and this product is not the
exception whatsoever in any case for the sake of this video guys i will be going for a product in the weight loss niche to grab your affiliate link for a specific product all you got to do is click on promote now right here and i've done just that with this particular product and all i need to do now is just click here to copy the link and we will now be moving over to the second platform in this video that platform is called plr pl plr as some of you may know stands for product label
rights and on this site you can find free plr articles as you can see up here and i know you might be confused as to what articles have to do with this but it will all make sense soon i promise anyways plr articles are basically articles with which you can do anything as a scene right here can it be used as web content yes can it be given away or sold yes can you put your name on it as the author yes so as you can see you can literally do anything with these articles and
as you can see up here there are over 100 000 of them to choose from in varying niches you can see on the right hand side here what niches this website offers you you've got articles on affiliate marketing american history astronomy and so on there are just so many for you to choose from now what category you will want to open depends on the type of product you picked on either digistore24 or clickbank if your product is for example in the sports niche you will want to find articles relating to sports if it's a business
product you will want to find articles relating to business and so on as you know my product is in the weight loss category and so that's precisely what i opened up when you open your desired category not only will you now come across articles that you can use whenever and however you want to without fear of copyright problems but they actually rated them for you so you can choose and pick ones that are the best i'll just use this highest rated one as an example what you now need to do is copy the article itself
and the title and paste both into any editing program in my case it's microsoft word as you can see and when you paste the article in your desired software you'll now want to add your affiliate link somewhere in there and since i'm in the weight loss niche i wrote best products for losing weight and so when someone reads this not only will they get information on how to lose weight but they will also be able to access the product you are promoting and if they do buy it as you've seen you stand to literally gain
over 100 bucks most of the time in any case when you paste your article in here what you now need to do is save it to your pc and you will want to move on to the third and final platform for today the one that will actually get you traffic to your link the platform in question is called slideshare.net on this platform you can share articles on various different topics and as you can see the most popular articles literally got millions of views and if you come over to a site called similarweb.com you will be
able to see that over 130 million people visited this site in the past month alone so it's a crazy popular website and that can only be good for us because it means thousands of people at the very least will be able to see our article on here once we publish it and here's the best part the website doesn't require you to have any skills in article writing or whatever you can literally be someone who's never written an article in your entire life but you'll still be able to publish it on here speaking of in order
to publish your article you'll need an account first to create one just click on sign up right here and you will then want to head over to linkedin and create an account on there when finished you will click on login and log on to your new account once you do you will now want to click on upload here then upload the file that you saved previously enter the title description select the category set this to public add a few tags and click on publish and that's literally all it takes and you can do this guys
for varying products in varying niches on multiple platforms so you can promote several products from clickbank and digistore24 for example and thousands of people will be able to see them and some of them will click on that affiliate link and we'll buy the products and as you've seen you don't need too many people to do so in order to make a lot of money all of which will be made in passive income you just have to do this once and you can do whatever you want to from there while making money in the process anyways
this is it for today's video guys as always if you liked it and you're enjoying my content then be sure to give this video a thumbs up below to support my channel and in case you don't want to miss out on any future videos just like this one click on that red subscribe button and turn on the notifications and you'll be notified whenever a new video pops up as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you soon
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