15 Signs That CHANGE IS COMING! Stop Worrying Because God Is At Work! (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Do you need a change in your life? You’ve been desiring this for a long time now. You know God will ...
Video Transcript:
do you need a change in your life you've been Desiring this for a long time now you know God will do it but you need a reassuring confirmation because your faith is growing Weary by the day you need not brood over it God is at work in your life and the change you desire is coming your way I don't know how long you've been waiting for this right now God is about to change your life therefore or sit back as I unveil 15 signs that a change is coming also I will tell you what to
do as you expect this change in your life before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so no one wants to remain in a position for too long as a human you want to experience new environments meet new people and welcome new opportunities but sometimes by change takes a long time to materialize and you become worried this is even worse when you are going through a difficult situation and none of God's promises is forthcoming you keep hoping the next day will end your mystery but it's been years now and nothing has
happened beloved God knows about this that great day is here that as why he still at work in your life Psalms 1214 says indeed He Who Watches Over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep this short verse shows that God will never stop working in your life he hasn't forgotten or given up on you that's an assurance that he will do whatever you desire therefore what are the signs that a change is coming in your life number one you unexperienced major setbacks and failures in life if you've endured years of pain and sorrow rest assured that
change is coming you are going through these arduous situations because he wants to strengthen you for the future perhaps you have failed several times in an Endeavor know that all these happen to move you towards God's purpose usually marking failures isn't a joyous Act however it propels you to become better has your business gone bankrupt you don't need to brood over it this is a sign that something new Will Spring out of that business it looks dead now but that's not true look at the life of the plant when a farmer plants a seed do
you think it begins to germinate immediately no instead the seed goes into the soil oil and dies first if it doesn't it won't grow you can relate this process of dying as a setback that is if things don't go wrong first it won't get better Psalms 305 says weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning you often claim the part that says rejoicing comes in the morning however you must know that the Weeping must precede the Joy Time beloved congratulations if you've wept in the middle of the night why A Change
Is riding towards your Abode the Bible tells the story of jeepa son of Gilead the Bible specifically said that his mother was a harlot right from a young age his brothers drove him out you can say that this his chances in life many see him as nothing until a war broke out in Israel those who had rejected him began to seek his help even though he had experienced a major setback at the beginning of his life God changed his story at the end this is a testimony that you should hold on to I don't know
what they've called you listen you don't have to worry because they will soon celebrate God's faithfulness in your life number two an end comes to the difficulties and challenges in your life life can pose many challenges and difficulties for you these can appear in diverse areas of your life such as health issues Financial constraints or family issues whatever the Cause A change is coming your way when these difficulties end you may not know how however the simple fact that God ended them is a sign that he wants to start something new that will exceed your
expectations Isaiah 4319 says see I am doing a new thing now it Springs up do you not perceive it I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the Wasteland this verse is God's word for your life this will happen because has ended your challenges and stopped your terrible circumstances the woman with the issue of blood had been suffering from this ailment for 12 years she had consulted many Physicians but they could not help her situation her life remained the same she can't dress the way she wants because of her problem but when
she met Christ God ended the shame in her life her life took a new turn she could then walk the way she wanted and dress how she wished what about Naomi a terrible situation hit her and her family in a Strange Land she lost her husband and two sons life became unbearable and she had to return to Israel changing her name from Naomi to Mara but when a change was about to happen in her life God ensured that Ruth followed her and met Boaz in a nutshell Naomi who had lost all had a grandchild to
nurse and care for in her old age that situation in your life will end today and God will change your story The Widow of zarapa also experienced a change in her life she planned to eat her last meal with her son however her life changed when she met Elijah and paid the price of obedience she didn't die of hunger instead she became a Channel of blessing to others you will also experience a miraculous change in your life number three you understand your mistakes and work towards becoming better self-evaluation is the best examination you can ever
have screening your life and identifying places you've aired is a sign that you are ready for newness it means you will learn from your mistakes and become someone better and guess what that's all you need for a change do you love your secret sins or perhaps you love flirting with ladies the day you acknowledge your mistakes is the day new things walk into your life and if you can't identify yours then you need to pray God will reveal it to you once he does that you need to work on it immediately this is a sign
that God wants to do something unique in your life the scripture tells us the story of David right from his youth days he had always loved women an example was when he married Abigail after her husband nabal's death This Love for women didn't end in his life until the day he saw Beba bathing this enticed him and he committed adultery with the woman he didn't stop that but went on to order the death of her husband David didn't see anything wrong until God sent Nathan to confront him with his sins immediately David acknowledged his mistake
which led to a change in his life this tells you that A change is not only about your needs you should also desire a change in your spiritual life David was a man after God's heart God loved him but when he aired he took responsibility his spiritual walk with God encountered a change do you also yearn for a change in your walk with God acknowledge your faults today and let God change you number four you let go of things that give you worry and stress some things and people give you nothing but worry and stress
they disturb your PE pece of mind and you don't know what to do with them whenever they cross your mind you become worried and sad this is is is it the life that God has called you to live you may be thinking about the necessities of life the thought of what to eat might preoccupy your mind how to care for your kids and get them the best in life wearies your mind however the day you let go of these thoughts and let God take care of them is when you begin to experience a change Matthew
6:25 26 says therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothes look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not much more valuable than they this is God's word to you right now he says you shouldn't worry because he has taken over God wants you to walk in faith but if you
refuse to do this you won't see beyond your physical realities or see God move on your behalf but the moment you do this you begin to see God's hands moving on your life make your mind to let go of things that give you stress put your trust in God he will take care of everything number five y feel the urge to change company some people do not align with God's purpose for your life they are Destiny suckers God knows you to come do much with them around you therefore when God wants to change your life
he separates them from you some people are doubters you will never will believe what God has shown you if you walk with them why they quickly point out what could go wrong some are wolves in sheep's clothing you are not aware that they seek your downfall they don't want you to walk into the next level of your life therefore when God begins to separate them from you don't try to hold on to them you need to know that they are not needed in the next season of your life if you try to take them along
they might stop you from shining these people may not necessarily be bad however God wants you to walk with a new company the best friendship story in the scripture was that of David and Jonathan they were so knitted that Jonathan protected David even when he knew that David was the next king of Israel and instead of him but as close as they were Jonathan could not help David in the cave of AD dullum the Bible says that he came to strengthen him but that was all he still had to fight alongside his father Saul this
was simply a sign that David's life was about to change he didn't need Jonathan anymore but the Vagabonds who joined him in the cave the Bible later called them the Mighty Men of David they were the ones he needed at that season of his life thus be Discerning enough to know when to let go of someone in your life no matter how important that's a sign that God wants to change everything about you number six you feel the need to move out of your comfort zone when God wants to change your life he might decide
to change your location this might be because you you can't receive what he has planned for you in that place that place might reduce your efficiency it might even be a dangerous place for you also you feel relaxed and seem no need to move on God doesn't want this for you therefore when you feel the urge to move that's God leading you to a change of life when David killed Goliath Saul Exempted his family from taxes and told him to start living with him in the palace David could have thought that Samuel's word had come
to pass since he's already in the palace he's close to becoming the king however D knew this wasn't his entry into the palace therefore he raised Saul as a fierce opposition until David left his comfort zone this pushed him into the Wilderness where God drilled him and helped him build capacity this season positioned him rightly for the change in his life my question to you is why are you still in your comfort zone why have you chosen to make a home here when God wants you to move on you don't know that you are delaying
God's plan for your life heed to that urge to move on and see God move you to a higher level number for seven you begin to have a new view of Life 1 Corinthians 13 11 says when I was a child I talked like a child I thought like a child I reasoned like a child when I became man I put the ways of childhood behind me this statement shows a transition in Apostle Paul's life when he was a child he spoke like a child he had his mind on childish things however when a change
occurred in his life he put away childish things he began to reason different in a nutshell he had a new view of Life similarly when your perspective about some life situation changes God is preparing you for a change he wants you to act differently you might have been a careless spender in the past you don't care at your financial freedom but when you spend money cautiously and safe you are walking towards Financial Freedom God will use this channel to reign His blessings upon your life you might have trust issues and relationships due to your past
hurts and disappointments but when you begin to see things differently you begin to heal you open yourself to new possibilities and God will change your life this also affects your spiritual life if you have not paid much attention to prayers in the past but now see the need know that God wants to perform a significant can change in your life and draw you close to himself what you need to always remember is not to resist this change let God complete his work in you number eight you become passionate about your life goals God has a
purpose for every man but along the way you might lose sight of this fall for distractions or become tired of it when this happens then and when tries to stop you from achieving your goals he wants to prevent your dreams from becoming a reality when you notice this you must re-energize and passionately Chase your goals refuse to let anything stop you shut off all distractions and open your heart to what God wants to do in your life the more you chase your goals the closer you are to experiencing a CH change if you are not
doing anything God won't bless you you need to practice diligence and be steadfast in pursuing your goals Proverbs 2229 says do you see someone skilled in their work they will serve before Kings they will not serve before officials of low rank this verse is simple if you are diligent you dine with Kings God God will change your status but then being diligent starts with being passionate about your dreams Focus all of your time on them then watch God change your story your Arabi exemplified this attitude he focused all his mind on his craftsmanship chasing it
as if all his life depended on it King hyam appointed him as the head of Solomon's workers while building the Temple you don't need a SE her to know that his life has changed it costs God nothing to change your life however you need to play your part by diligently chasing your goals when you do this the change you desire will come your way number nine deep longing for Change and growth in your life if you don't desire something you can't have it and if you don't desire a change God won't do anything therefore you
need to have a deep longing to see a new thing happen in your life when this happens Gods has no choice but to help you you need to become unsatisfied with your current situation if you are comfortable with your little income God will see no reason for expansion but when you deeply desire to enlarge your Coast go God will arise on your behalf jabz was once satisfied with his life he was a popper until the day he cried to God for help God didn't turn deaf ears to his prayers he enlarged his coast and Jaz
became the most honorable of his Brethren one would wonder why God didn't bless Jaz before he prayed the answer inan him God wanted him to pray he wanted him to ask the Bible says in Matthew 77 that you should ask and you will receive it says you should knock and God would answer beloved are you asking for a change are you not grumbling are you complaining about what you don't have have a deep longing for a change and God will grant you request this was what Hannah did in the scripture she prayed to God God
expressing her deep desire for a change she cried for her child and God granted her desire if you thirst for growth you will also experience a change in your spiritual life David said in Psalm 42 that his soul pants for the Lord As the deer pants for the waterbrook do you have this kind of Desire do you thirst for growth if yes that's a sign find that God will soon perform a great feat in your life you will experience him more than before and have nothing to worry about number 10 an increase in spiritual warfare
the biggest battle of your life will always come before your breakthrough so when you notice that evil forces seem to pay all their attention to you you shouldn't Panic that's a sign that God wants to change your life and they can't just let that cap what do you do you need to increase your spiritual warfare you need to fight against them with all your might this is not the time for you to sleep you need to rise and fight against the devil's plans the Bible says that the weapons of your Warfare are not carnal But
Mighty powerful enough to pull down strongholds that means you are not fighting a physical battle therefore you need to employ the weapons of prayer and the word pray as if all of your life depends on it as you do this God begins to move on your behalf uprooting all obstacles one thing you need to know is that the devil does not want you to engage in spiritual warfare therefore he will always try to stop you he will pose distractions fears and doubts into your heart he will keep weighing down your spirit and preventing you from
pursuing what God has ordained for you you must not give him the chance to Prevail over your life always remember that you can do all things through Christ's help from today make it a habit to pray for at least an hour cry to God to help you fight the Battle of your life and Trust me he will this will open the door to a new dawn in your life number 11 your addictions come to an end if there had been an array of addictions in your life they would all come to an end when a
significant change happens in your life addictions stop God from placing his hands upon your life this means that his power and might cannot come upon you however the day you decide to end it all is when your freedom begins are you struggling with pornography this is not the end of your life God wants to deliver you from that demon what you need to give him now is your heart begin to exchange the inordinate desire for explicit materials with a deep desire to seek him no matter what irrespective of what your addictions might be lay it
before the Lord Lord do all you can to break the devil's chain over your soul this will lead to a massive change in your life and remember the Devi will keep drawing your heart back to your addiction you must keep pleading the blood of Jesus over your life the Bible says that you overcome the evil one by the blood of the lamb and the words of your testimony hold on to this until God perfects his work in your life number 12 doors begin to open for you in unexpected ways you might have been praying and
trusting God for something you expect him to Grant you what you need through a pu the killo channel the truth is that God may decide to act outside your thoughts he can decide to bless you unexpectedly and when this happens then sign that something new has started happening happening in your life there was a time when the arameans camped against Samaria they stood by St City Gate stopping any provision or resources from entering the land famine broke out to the extent that people started eating their children this situation worried the king and all the people
they can't fight their enemies nor are they ready to surrender on a fateful day the king became Furious and and RAC down to Elijah's house he asked God what to do and God told him not to worry as the situation would change the next day the expected change was too simple to be true but unknown to them God was ready to move unexpectedly four lepers decided to visit the arameans camp the famine had eaten them up to the extent that they were ready to surrender their lives to their enemies but as they approached the camp
God made their feet sound like the marching of a mighty Army the arameans heard this and thought the king of Samaria had hired a mighty Army against them thus they fussed their tents and left all sorts of Provisions behind the lepers got there and had the greatest shock of their lives they met an empty camp with much food to eat they started enjoying themselves but at a point they decided to inform the town's people when the king heard what had happened he sent men to confirm the situation upon confirmation the whole town ran down to
the camp this unexpected way ended the famine in the land the samarians experienced a powerful change listen this can also happen in your life God can open and unexpected way in your life that will change the direction of your life for good number 13 God speaks to you through dreams and Visions God will never leave you to walk in the dark whenever he wants to change your life he will give you a glimpse of what will happen to you this will help you know that your terrible situation would not last forever it will help you
remember that God will do what he has said he will do remember the story of Abraham when he had not given birth to Isaac he concluded that his servant would be his Heir in Genesis 15 God appeared to him in the vision he tried to strengthen Abraham but Abraham replied that he still had no child God then told him that his servant would not be his Heir instead a son from his own flesh and blood would be his Heir then God took him outside the house and showed him the sky and the Stars he then
assured him that that's how his descendants would be Father Abraham believed in God and that made him a righteous man he trusted the vision God showed him and he eventually experienced the change when God begins to show you certain things about your life don't doubt it that's an assurance that a change will soon only occur in your life life number 14 an aura of Peace do you feel at peace in the face of tribulations and trials this is a sign that God will soon take you out of that situation and fix you where you should
be when your life is about to change for good God's presence will fill your environment you will experience the peace that passes all understanding you will have nothing to worry about anymore because God would have perfected everything that concerns you ensure that you do all you can to sustain this peace that's because the devil will keep trying to snatch this from you Jesus and his disciples were sailing to the other side of the sea suddenly a fierce storm hit the boat Jesus disciples became scared but surprisingly Jesus was sleeping I need you to pause for
a moment how could Jesus be sleeping the mid a fierce storm this was only possible because he was at peace he knows that as long as he's in the boat God will turn the situation around how did I know he was aware of the storm before his disciples woke him up he didn't show any sign of fear instead he rebuked his disciples for having little faith beloved irrespective of what you may be going through don't doubt that that peace in you it's a potent sign that God will change your situation believe strongly in God relish
his presence very soon you will experience a miracle the last sign that A change is coming your way is that your willingness to Express gratitude increases gratitude can only come from a heart free of worry and anxiety if you are not free from these two things you will find it difficult to thank God therefore let them go today open your mouth and Express gratitude to God that's a sign that he will soon move into your life remember the story of Paul and Silas God didn't come when they were praying instead he moved mysteriously when they
were praising him he visited them mightily by breaking their chains they experience the change that they least expected you can enjoy the same today begin to thank God for what he has done in your life and what he will do God dwells in Praises that means the answers you seek are nowhere else but praise thus as you offer Thanksgiving the change you desire begins to surface beloved beloved all these signs may not appear in your life at once however the basic truth is that they point to God's work in your life they teach you not
to worry about anything because God has cared for them all what should you do as you expect a change in your life you should begin to study the scriptures this will help ground your feet in the Lord you won't walk outside his will because his word will be a light to your feet and a lamp to your path also studying the scriptures gives you access to God's faithfulness in the past you will discover what God did to those who trusted him likewise you will read about the end of those who failed to trust him as
you read the scriptures you can begin to declare their reality in your life claim God's promises and pray deep about them before you know what's happening you are already enjoying God's faithfulness you must study God's word to attack the enemy fiercely while praying when you quote scriptures and prayers you are sending fiery bullets into the enemy's camp this will strengthen your spiritual warfare God is waiting for you in his word make your study practical by jotting God's inspired words in a book he can whisper his promises into your ears again ensure you jot them down
and fix the date God will fulfill his word then you need to wait God expecting the change is similar to the activities of a cook you are hungry and all you want is food but whenever you ask the cook tells you to wait the hunger pangs are there but you still wait until the end of the cooking process similarly When God Says A change is coming it is a journey there are processes before the result the only thing you need to do is wait on God waiting can be tiring but keep waiting the devil will
keep pointing out those ahead of you and trying to let you know that waiting is a waste of time don't believe his lies trust the one who said you should wait the purpose behind the waiting is to bring you completely into his divine plan for you just like when the cook finishes and you relish the meal God finishes the process while you enjoy the result similar to waiting is trusting God's time you should always remember that God works with time irrespective of the signs you might see you must trust his time he says there's a
time for everything under Heaven including your rising and boosting forth of your glory you cannot hasten this otherwise you draw damnation upon yourself as a youth Tru God for your breakthrough don't fall into addictions or engage in Social vices because you want to enjoy quick wealth as a married woman don't engage in adultery all because you want a child learn to trust God's time as a husband and avoid anything that will put your household in trouble if a pregnant woman tries to have a child before the time what happens the child cannot live and that
means the woman had wasted all her time don't let this be your story let God finish the process and hand over your gift to you another important thing to do while waiting for God's time is to live a holy life God will not do anything in your life if you are not holy he doesn't hate you but he hates the sin moreover as long as you sin God isn't your father you are still under the devil's control how can God work in in your life when you are not yet his child but here is an
invitation today God is calling you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light he wants you to step out of a crooked lifestyle and start living for him he is offering you a free ticket to his glory and abundance I beseech you to yield the call today so that you can begin to enjoy all that he has prepared for you 1 Peter 1 15:16 says but just as he who called you is Holy so be holy in all you do for it is written be holy because I am Holy this verse teaches that being holy is
not only about the change you desire it is God's command therefore a holy lifestyle is not a choice it is a command it is when you obey that you enjoy the benefits attached to it are you ready to obey God's commands today the next thing you need to do is trust God and avoid worrying this fact reoccurs throughout the message because it's a key factor in receiving something from the Lord worrying only leads to spiritual weariness a lack of faith is room for the devil to deceive you God wants to see you cheerful but when
he looks and finds you complaining he walks away because you are not in the right mood to receive His blessings instead of worrying practice Thanksgiving when the devil reminds you of your terrible situation give God all the praise you can thank him for where you are and let him know you are ready for the next level of your life as you do this God will rise and answer your prayers you will have nothing to worry about anymore but walk in the newness of life then connect yourself with genuine Believers you might wonder why you need
this company for Spiritual Enlightenment and encouragement as you await God these people will share their various experiences which will strengthen your faith in God lastly you need to pray prayer helps you to connect with God it gives you access to share your heart with him that was what Father Abraham enjoyed he was always praying whenever he prayed God would answer him through vision or signs therefore When you pray there is an assurance that God will answer your prayers he would meet all your needs and wipe your tears away never forget that he's a loving father
he cares for you every day and every time therefore the change you desire is on the way now let us pray almighty God thank you for your word I have received light and wisdom now I don't have to worry anymore because I know the signs of a change coming my way I am sure that you will not neglect me you will walk me into all that you've prepared for my life Lord I confess that I have once left you a path I grew tired and allowed worry to take charge of my soul this made me
search for Alternatives eventually they all failed me I acknowledge you is the only solution to all life's issues you are the answer to every naughty question take your your place in my life I will not stop trusting your guidance Lord I pray that you grant me the willingness and ability to wait on you help me to continue seeking your face as I expect a massive change in my life you helped Hannah please help me today grant me the diligence I need to fulfill my goals as I await your major breakthrough I to to to resilient
and hardworking therefore I pray that you bless the works of my hands father help me to choose my company wisely help me identify those important at the next level of my life cut off doubters from my life separate me from people who do not love me genuinely I don't want any wolf and sheep's clothing connect me with people who who hold my hands as I run towards fulfilling your will for my life Lord I pray that doors begin to open for me in all areas I begin to receive favor from God and Men nothing will
stand as an obstacle in my way God's word will come to reality in my life as you turn the life of jbez around you will turn my life around you will make me more honorable than all my brethren you will keep you in perfect peace Lord I pray that you begin to fight all the battles of My Life The Devil does not want me to enjoy what you have prepared he wants me to fail you however I know that you have already had victory over him therefore I claim this Victory as mine today the devil
will not succeed in snatching my glory I will not my miss the new level of my life I pray that you end all the troubles and challenges of my life stop my days of weeping and let me walk into the season of rejoicing let me experience your peace that passes all understanding as you change my status I pray the enemy will not begin another tribulation in any part of my life help to know you more Lord keep me as the apple of your eyes and shield me from all evil please don't leave me in the
dark concerning your plans for me you reassured Father Abraham please keep reassuring me through my dreams and Visions keep speaking to me through your word that is how my faith can remain rigid in you thank you Jesus because you've answered my prayers in jesus' name I have prayed amen if this video has impacted your life remember to hit the like button also subscribe to this channel for more soul-lifting messages see you in the next one
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