(1-4) Boy Was Bullied But Awakens His Evasion Instinct & Become OP! | Manhwa Recap

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Manhwa Recap: The outcast of his well-known swordsman family is Do Kyunwoo. Even he is unable to cat...
Video Transcript:
Our Story begins with one of the Bad Endings from that game where the girl is no simple vainus in a world that fell into despair she wanted to destroy it all the world's mid-level boss The Witch of Calamity yon hanu in the scenario where they fail to kill her every being in the world will cease to exist leading to the bad ending on a sunny ordinary spring day a new semester was beginning in a fifth grade elementary Class the teacher announced the arrival of a new student that mundane everyday life crumbled all too soon our
protagonist noticed that their new classmate had an insanely faint blue color a round rabbit tail and long rabbit ears held high on her head the kid then introduced herself as yon hanell that day after observing his new classmate and hearing her share her Hobbies reading listening to music and dramas he remembered his past life however there was no reason for him to dwell on Nostalgia since standing in front of him was someone with a more mature voice than before when she expressed her hope for them to get along he remembered the witch stating that such
a rotten world is better off disappearing this made him certain that the witch of calamity who brought the world to an end was in front of him the midlevel boss yon hanel he was so certain that he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to and thought that they were doomed Brave Hearts is a game that our protagonist used to enjoy in his past life it was about a boy dreaming of becoming the best hunter the fighting Spirits Apprentice Kang hanol this school action RPG game set 200 years after a cataclysm features monsters and hunters
in a world where science and Magic coexist to become a hunter our protagonist enrolls in June gang Academy located an education town and encounters multiple scenarios until that point it resembled a stereotypical youth school life plot but the story wasn't all that bright because the game had as many as 44 endings most of which were World collapse scenarios Braveheart had one more significant problem it featured a soft-hearted and cowardly swordsman character who could never fully demonstrate his abilities completely useless and annoying he would flee during battles an innocent boy who doesn't know how to hate
and even when bullet he remained a frustrating crybaby who never thought fought to defend himself the bane of the protagonist's party that character is our protagonist the rabbit of the Divine sword Arts Duke hun will our protagonist wonders why he has to be such a problematic character if he was reincarnated as if that weren't enough he ended up in the same class as that dangerous character he cries under his desk thinking that no matter how hard he tries it is beyond his abilities suddenly their teacher called him which shocked him tearing he looks at yon
hanel who was standing shyly he knows that hanel who became the witch of Calamity in the game was a character who seemed to Bear the suffering of the whole world abandoned by her parents at Birth ridiculed and regarded as an isore Sheed not an ounce of affection from others leading to a lonely and weary life all of it happened due to a Mona disaster and being born with mutated DNA she was an a he remembered hearing that an A's appearance and DNA do not match their parents but he was convinced that abandoning hanel was too
cruel helping him understand why hanel became the witch of Calamity however he knows he can't sit by and let the world's downfall happen he thinks the easiest solution would be to eliminate hanel before she becomes a Calamity but he doesn't want to resort to that making him wonder if there is any other way he then gets an idea his teacher then tells him to choose a classmate he wants to sit next to and do so if they agree this directive makes him think that he must change Han's way of thinking as he walks towards her
he remembers that Han's unfortunate circumstances and environment led her to resent the world however if it was now a time when the game story hasn't begun his actions could potentially change the future he knows that among the villains of the game yon hanel possesses the ability to destroy the world he greets her and she looks at him confusedly while he is busy thinking that he will help hanel not to be pessimistic about the world he then asks her if he can sit next to her thinking that if it progresses and he brings her to his
side he can reinforce his strength she is confused and stuttering asks if he is talking to her he knows there are 5 years left until the start of the game story so before enrolling in the academy he has decided to become friends with yon hanu by guiding her to the right path he hopes to turn her from a Calamity into a blessing he grabs the chair next to her and sits down smilingly telling her that she will be his partner from today onwards and that she should take care of him he then introduces himself to
her as du kinu and that's how kinu became the childhood friend of the mid-level boss when their classes ended he stared at her as she picked up her bag wondering how he could get closer to her she asked him if he could stop looking at her to which he apologized embarrassed wondering if he had stared at her for too long as she walked away he once again stared at her thinking he should stop overthinking and just directly ask her to come to his house however he then noticed her small tail and when she stuttering called
him he jumped a little in shock and asked what it was she walked closer to him and he asked what was wrong but instead she questioned why he was sitting next to her he replied that it was because he wanted to be friends with her she was stunned upon hearing his answer and shily asked why he wanted to be friends with her he responded that he just wanted to be friends asking what else it could be noticing that her ears popped up she stuttering expressed confusion about why he wanted to be friends with someone like
her especially since he was from a famous swordsmanship family he silently stared at hanul who seemed sad then remembering something he happily shouted Mong shill to her telling her that she was as cute as a rabbit he once had and that he really liked rabbits she resembled one of them she shook upon hearing this and with a flushed face shouted that she was not a rabbit she then ran to the door making him wonder if his comment had upset her but he immediately apologized before she exited the door she stopped and stuttering told him that
she would see him tomorrow she then ran away leaving him relieved that she wasn't angry with him a moment later as he walked down the street he couldn't believe that he had entered the world of the game he wondered why he couldn't see his status window if the world was still a game he then checked behind him and shouted status window suddenly the system popped up in front of him and he decided to take a closer look he was then surprised to see that Duke hu's abilities were quite impressive for his young age with physical
strength at 37 muscle strength at 34 endurance at 32 agility at 43 MAA at 30 and luck at 25 convinced that his abilities were actually quite good he wondered why kununu was constantly bullied with such capabilities but he acknowledged that it was a fresh start far superior to his previous life a moment later he arrived at his mansion and upon entering shouted I'm home the lady of the house greeted him along with the maid and asked how school was in if everything was okay he was stunned to see the lady but rushed to hug her
she asked worriedly what was wrong he knew knew that he was not living his past life nor should he think he was living in a game so he decided he should fully Embrace his life as duke hell he then told the lady it was nothing and that he just felt grateful to have her she advised him that if something happened he should tell her and instructed him to wash up and that she would prepare a snack before he headed to the sword Training Academy he replied okay and ran to his room walking upstairs knowing that
he needed to embrace his role as duke huno what he needed most right now was to master the beast king style a sword technique that represented a prestigious swords ship family like his like a lion reigning over all the beasts this technique was focused at the tip of the sword and was also the technique that made kumu the greatest swordsman he then called for mongel his male rabbit getting closer he took the rabbit out of its cage noticing that mongel resembled hanu he thought to himself that he should completely Master the beast king style a
moment later in the training room he noticed there were few people around and realized he was early he knew that these sword trainings operated in several cities and people outside the family learned conventional swordsmanship not the beast king style which was why so many attended the training academy he wondered why everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the same direction there he saw Duan the DU family sord deity known as Lightning flower two years his senior and the most promising Prodigy among all the current due family children in the game Shian is a
student at Jun gang Academy who becomes the strongest swordsman after graduation and a strong Ally of Duke Hun he pondered why Shian was there but realized that being a sword training academy of the due family it wasn't unusual for her to be present he hung up his shirt knowing they would soon see each other often and decided to focus on practicing the beast king style he grabbed the training sword and began positioning himself he swung his sword and executed the beast king Style's first form counting each repetition until he reached 10 he paused wondering if
Shion would be impressed by his practice enjoying the sweat and fun of the exercise when he suddenly heard someone asking who is that one kid derisively inquired what was wrong with him while another teasingly asked if a rabbit was now practicing too he then saw Wu junong who was eating questioning if it was really the rabbit Wu yunong asking why he was there so early and wonged on questioning whether he could use his skills in a real fight and betting that he couldn't catch even one rabbit he knew these three identical triplets were the extra
characters called the Cerberus in the game and they were the kids who bullied him spurred on by his cousin dsu's influence frustrated by their presence he realized it was the first time he couldn't focus due to their teasing one of the triplets pressed him on why he wasn't responding he understood that their taunts weren't the only reason he couldn't concentrate he was also angry at himself for allowing The Bullying he remembered everything that happened to kumu in his past life and questioned why he had never fought back against their harassment the triplets had once hurt
him telling him that the head of the due family must be ashamed of him that he was a disgrace to the family and that they felt sorry for his parents this memory reminded him that he hated hurting people dongdong mockingly asked what the point of swinging his sword was he also suggested they should become his sparring partners with yunong teasingly offering their help knowing the human body is not weak at all kinu told them they should Spar lightly as if it were a real game a moment later the other kids were in shock when he
executed his beast king style technique the charging stance and struck jdong in the stomach jumong was thrown back and dongdong worried called out to him noting that his nose was bleeding yunong stuttering asked what was wrong with him dizzy jumong told his brothers that he couldn't see well angrily he questioned jumong if he expected to be the end he then urged them to quickly pick up his swords and stand up dongdong who was checking on his brother remarked that kununu was quite weird while yunong was horrified telling his brothers that kununu had changed he reassured
them not to exaggerate and to stand up because people don't die from that much kununu then reminded them that he who had been hit by them in the past could assert this yunong shouted asking why he was doing this to them and if he was crazy yunong then reminded him that they had powerful backing and questioned if he thought he'd let this slide hunu coly asked if they they were referring to his cousin duu and if they thought suu would protect them the triplets were shocked when they heard this and remembered a Time on the
street when they shouted about becoming hunters and suu told them that the fees for Hunter education were too high and realistically speaking it was unreasonable junong mentioned that they heard talents are sponsored and dongdong excitedly asked if that meant the fees would be free suu had asked them if they wanted to get sponsored to which they all agreed sumu then told them that he would handle it and that it was nothing difficult however he noted that they were in the same school as kununu which meant they would see kununu often kununu then told the triplets
that he had just been letting himself get bullet before and it also seemed they had forgotten that he was part of the due family too which meant it was easy for him to remove them from his family's sponsoring list if he chose to he then asked them if they really thought that sumu was the only one who could do it the triplets were horrified wondering how things had turned out this way suddenly their teacher called them punks and demanded to know what they were doing and how many times he needed to tell them not to
spar without permission the teacher then told told him that even if he was not a model member of the DU family he shouldn't be fighting but kinu simply pointed to the triplets and replied that they started at first this left the teacher confused but Kimu asked if he was expected to just stay still and endure their bullying when he was a do just as much as they were the teacher then asked the triplets if they really had been picking on cun initially stunned they glanced away to think and then all admitted that they had started
it confirming that kinu was right they had cursed at him and kinu was not at fault this left the teacher looking at them confused confusedly while kununu feeling refreshed from the admission thought to himself that he should have stood up for himself earlier the next day he arrived at school and walked into the classroom wondering if he had arrived too early he then looked to his side and saw hanel alone deeply engrossed in her book he stared at her for a moment and greeted her she shyly covered her face with the book and greeted him
back he then sat next to her determined to try his best to befriend hanel that day he commented that she was early every day and always reading books then asked if she really liked reading that much she replied yes and asked him if he liked reading too he responded that he was not really into books but more into web novels which confused her when she asked why he joined the book club he replied that it was because she had signed up she said she understood but then shily asked him to repeat what he said he
playfully asked if she read web novels too she stuttering admitted yes but explained that she didn't have much pocket money so she could only read the free ones remembering that she lived in an orphanage he decided to change the topic to avoid offending her and asked what drama she liked she replied that she enjoyed the drama luxury house and asked him how he knew she liked dramas he reminded her that she had mentioned it during her introduction surprised that he remembered she wondered why he was talking to her and if it was because he didn't
have any friends either she suspected that kununu was only fascinated because she was an A and feared that he too would eventually lose interest seeing her become downcast at the thought he noticed her ears and wondered if she would mind if he asked to touch them he then realized she really resembled mongel and got an idea he asked her if she wanted to to see a video of mongel and when she asked if that was his rabbit he told her he had taken a cute video of mongel the day before she expressed interest in seeing
it and he showed her the video explaining that when rabbits are in a good mood they jump around excitedly in what is called a binky she was amazed to see it and commented on how cute mongell was he noticed her rabbit ears stand up again so he asked her if she wanted to come to his house to see mongell she immediately replied yes but then hesitated when she realized what she had agreed to he then raised his little finger as a promise and suggested they play at his house after school his face turned red as
tomatoes and she thought she should refuse because she didn't want to relive past negative experiences but after school she was amazed and surprised when she saw his house remarking that it was like the one in luxury house the drama she watched hu's mother then came out and asked hanel if she was hu's friend welcoming her warmly hunu greeted his mother happily while hanel was in shock remembering how her old friend's parents had told them not to play with ANS and warned her not to just befriend anyone kyu's mother told hanel that it was the first
time kumu had brought a friend over and expressed how happy she was encouraging her to have fun kumu then asked his mother if she could make them te oaki to which his mother happily agreed he grabbed Han's hand and urged her to come in quickly despite knowing that kyu's Curiosity might not last Handel still didn't want to let go of his hand inside she was shocked to see that his house was incredibly spacious they then ate T oaki together and played with mongel which made her very happy hours later kyu's father came home announced cheerfully
that he was back hu's mother mentioned that he was a bit late today and kununu greeted his father who acknowledged his tardiness and asked why Eun was rolling on the floor crying earlier upset that she wanted to see her rabbit sister too hunu explained that his friend had come over today but Yun wasn't home which is why she was upset tumu then approached his father and asked if they could Spar after dinner his father was initially surprised but then excitedly said he had been wondering when he'd get to play with him especially now that he
was in fifth grade Hu expressed his desire to see how much he had improved and also to experience actual combat his father taken aback asked if he really meant actual combat to which Kimu replied yes and added that he'd like to face some real monsters a moment later his father asked him why he suddenly wanted to spar and told him that he didn't need to be impatient because it was not yet his time to face the real thing his father also inquired about his motivations hunu looked at his hand knowing that in 5 years he
would enter the due family sword Academy headquarters and inevitably face crisis while solving various incidents alongside the protagonist Kang handil for this he needed a good grasp of actual combat he was sure that the other kids in the due family had already gained their combat experience and he was far behind them so he knew he needed to catch up now when he didn't answer his father looked at him and asked if it was because of the incident at the sword Training Academy just now his father then seriously told him that he heard about the fight
at the Academy and that the kid he fought was seriously injured however he reassured kinu that he had done nothing wrong shocked upon hearing this kinu saw that his father seemed more interested in the truth than in scolding him but he knew that he would never fight without reason he then replied that he had been taught from a young age that the sword from the Divine swordsmanship of the D family was meant to protect and save people and he had taken that lesson to heart he believed that he wouldn't have this notion if he hadn't
reflected on his past life and the lessons from it and thinking about the future had changed his mindset he then asked his father if he shouldn't be able to protect himself and how someone who can't protect themselves could protect others his father asked if that was the reason he fought to which he confidently replied yes and explained that he could protect not only himself but others as well and for that he needed to face real monsters his father smiled upon hearing his answer and told him that he was not wrong and his reasoning was completely
valid his father then patted his head and told him that he had changed a lot he asked his father if he would help him to which his father replied that he would but there was a condition he asked his father what it was his father pointed the training sword at him and told him to prove that he had developed veled enough skill to face a real monster his father then said he wouldn't use mana and wouldn't move more than five steps so he should feel free to pounce he asked his father about using the beast
king style and his father replied that he would only use the basics to which he responded that he understood he hesitated about the conditions set by his father but was glad that his father told him not to hesitate to use the sword if necessary his father then teasingly told him to attack and he decided to do exactly as his father instructed he exhaled to calm himself and positioned his his training sword he then swung his sword at his father who easily blocked it without moving causing him to be thrown off balance a little but he
managed to land perfectly he then bent his knees jumped high and launched another attack on his father but his father blocked it again his father then pushed him slightly away and told him that it wasn't going to work but he immediately launched his sword without going down and swung at his father who jumped away to dodge it when he saw his father just land he knew it was the right time so he immediately launched an attack again but his father blocked it as his father began to speak telling him that he was going to use
it he struck his father on the side without letting his father finish his words his father looked at his side seeing that he had managed to hit him his father then jumped away holding his side in pain and called him a brat telling him that he had allowed the hit but that it was really hard exhausted he asked his father if he could acknowledge his ability but his father just told him that he had really grown up and didn't even hesitate to hit his own father he laughed and asked if he passed to which his
father shouted air atively of course calling him a rude rap the next morning his father told his mother that they would be leaving and would probably return home before dinner his mother worriedly asked if he was sure about sending kinu there questioning if kinu was too young and if it wasn't too early for him while Yun shouted that she wanted to go too he and his father were both stunned upon hearing his mother and sister his father then told his mother that he thought it would be fine to which he agreed his mother then told
him to be careful and not to overdo it to which he replied affirmatively telling his mother not to to worry because he would be back later they entered the car and his father asked him if he was ready suggesting they head to the clan Academy to which he replied affirmatively his father then started driving he remembered that according to the game settings the world had become dramatically unstable since the time of the Calamity change heavily influencing the world this instability began as monsters started pouring out from the distorted Dimension leading to a dungeon being transformed
on the other side in that process when the distorted dimensions of different worlds meet a gate is created he knew that if this phenomenon wasn't resolved in time the world inside the gate would explode and Scatter into reality an outbreak is a phenomenon where the world in the gate explodes and scatters out it differs from Dungeons and if they fail to conquer it within the time limit it will significantly impact the ending he knew that to reach the desired ending they also needed to pay attention to the gate erosion rate which was necessary for character
growth as well his thoughts were interrupted when his father told him that they should grab the key first after arriving he asked his father where the gate was and his father replied that it was kept in the warehouse he knew that once they cleared a gate they obtained a gate key with which they could clear it again a feature created by the game developers for players who wanted to reclear the gate he pondered whether this setting was still in function after his reincarnation a moment later his father stopped the car and told him that they
had arrived they got out and his father introduced him to his workplace the regulus clan the regulus clan was established during the catastrophe by the first head of the DU family it now has several branches across the country country access to the Dungeon gates and monster habitats managed by the government normally requires a hunter's certificate he knows that since he doesn't possess a certificate yet he shouldn't be able to enter the gate however his father who is the branch manager is greeted warmly by the employees making his situation within the clan unique he thinks he
doesn't need to adhere Strictly To those restrictions and with his father's help can just go through the gate that is kept by the clan suddenly he heard someone shout excitedly and a hand grabbed him a lady then hugged him asking if he was their manager's son while the other employees surrounded him glad that he looked all innocent a good thing he didn't take after his father one employee began to pinch his cheeks telling him how cute he was and that they wanted to hug him with all their might a moment later he was showered with
kisses by the employee Hunters when the lady asked his father if he intended to enter the gate with his son leaving him wondering if all the hunters were so affectionate the lady then tells his father that they shall access Room 2 is planned and his father tells him that they should go however he is confused when he sees sees the key and asks his father why the key he just received is white he remembers that the gates levels of difficulty are differentiated by seven different key colors starting from the easiest level white followed by gray
yellow green red blue and the most difficult black his father tells him that white will be challenging enough for him to which he replies that he understands but truthfully he wants to attempt the gray level his father then opens the gate and tells him that they should go in he then saw another gate inside and his father explained that it was an artificial gate and that if he inserted the key obtained by clearing a dungeon there the gate would open he was amazed to see it and remembered that they could upkeep a large Clan thanks
to the maintenance costs realizing how powerful his family was his father then called him over seriously to tell him that they were going to enter the gate now and asked if he was sure he was ready his father advised him to think it through again because once they were in there they could not leave until they had cleared the dungeon he silently looked at his father for a moment and confidently replied that he had given it enough thought already his father father smiled worriedly at him but before inserting the key he asked his father if
he would intervene if he was unable to clear it his father replied that even if he failed he would have his back so he shouldn't overdo it and make him get scolded by his mother his father then inserted the key and activated the gate the gate slowly opened and as he entered he saw crystals everywhere shining brightly he looked around in amazement it was his first time entering a gate and then the system popped up showing him that he had entered the white level's pink Crystal Cave and his mission was to eliminate 50 goblins ranked
0.1 as he read the system he wondered if the conditions for clearing were simple because it was a white level gate and asked where the Goblins might be suddenly he heard a sound behind him quickly drew his sword and positioned himself while holding the real sword knowing it was dangerous and he should be cautious he then waited staying on guard so he wouldn't be taken by surprise he was then surprised to see his father in front with the goblins tied up he ran to his father and asked if he had captured all the Goblins his
father replied that they were all there he counted the goblins and confirmed there were 15 in total he calmed himself down and told his father he was ready his father said they should begin then and since he couldn't handle them all at once they should start with one his father walked towards the smallest Goblin telling him it might be the weakest of the group but he shouldn't be careless and must stay alert but before his father could finish his sentence the goblin freed itself in Anger surprising his father a little the goblin then rushed at
him while he asked his father if he was referring to the fact that they are Fierce to which his father agreed and REM minded him not to forget it he knew that he possessed Knowledge from games but as a member of the Divine swordsmanship du family he also held knowledge about monsters and he thought these creatures must have understood that their only chance to survive was to fight him the goblin then grabbed a sharp Crystal making him realize it was desperate enough to use a crystal as a weapon and he knew he had to be
cautious because a small mistake could be disastrous he then bent down thinking that since it was an actual fight he should put in his everything he then activated his beast king style basic technique fifth form piercing stance and thrust his sword at the Goblin's head he pierced his sword into its head and the Goblin kneeled on the ground the goblin then lay on the ground dead causing his father to sigh in relief he tightly grasped his sword and proudly declared that one was down for now as a party member of the main character Kang Hol
dukunu has one restriction there is a feature called gift in the game and among the passive skills that Define the character Duke hu's gift is evasion Instinct at first glance it seems like a useful ability his father then released Le two goblins and as they faced him he contemplated that evasion instinct is literally the ability to move one's body instinctively to avoid attacks when sensing a life-threatening crisis while it appeared to be a useful ability for Duke hunu who wields a sword his fearful and fragile character often leads him to disobey commands causing the gift
to be rejected due to this gift players generally did not include dukunu in their party unless it was unavoidable the evasion Instinct also caused kununu to defy player commands leading to frustration however there is an event in the story that triggers kyu's Awakening later in the narrative kumu gains control over his gift after the Awakening a character who awakens late becomes a remarkably strong morale booster and later kumu demonstrates his overwhelming ability to defeat enemies by avoiding most of their attacks he remembers that it was said raising kumu well could make the later part of
the game easier but he knows it is still a long way off and if he does nothing but wait it'll be too late so he couldn't just sit still and wait the Goblins growled at him in anger and he stared back at them knowing he needed to advance his Awakening he knew it might be impossible if it was just a game but for him it was reality he then remembered that when he played the game he didn't find any situation that triggered the Awakening in the later part of the story so he thought it must
not be hard to awaken early he then jumped closer to the goblins and swung his sword determined to push himself to the Limit later many goblins lay dead on the ground but he told his father to release the next one his father suggested they take a rest but he replied that if it was only to that extent he was fine his father sighed and said that if he insisted they should face all of them while the last four goblins stared at him in Anger his father then released them all and the Goblins rushed at him
but they all jumped behind him catching him off guard he looked around wondering if it was a diversion tactic and noticed that two of the Goblins were above him but he couldn't locate the other two suddenly he felt something approaching from behind he let his body react for a moment and his gift evasion Instinct swiftly moved him to the side then some something from behind tried to hit him but he avoided it and it struck the crystal in front instead he was stunned in horror when he realized that his body had moved without his conscious
will indicating that his gift had activated knowing that the evasion Instinct had sensed the crisis he resolved to trust that instinct he then positioned his feet ready to deal with the goblins first thanks to his gift he managed to spot where the four goblins were hiding and swore he wouldn't fall for their trick again one of the Goblins threw another Crystal from behind but he reassured himself it was fine since his evasion in in inct was activated he dodged the crystal shocking the goblin who threw it he then jumped using the crystal to reach one
of the Goblins trying to hit him with arrows he slashed the Goblin in half with his beast king style basic second form attack stance but was surprised when he looked behind and saw the Goblins waiting for him at his intended landing spot with a sharp Crystal he then compressed and rotated the Mana within his body loading the Mana that emerged from his heart into his sword now wrapped by Mana he swung his sword with his beast king style first form lion Crush cut and success F slashed the two goblins waiting for his Landing he then
safely landed on the ground and asked if only one was left shouting that he'd go straight for it however his father told him there was no need to rush and asked what if he got hurt but he replied that it was okay because he believed he could handle it his father warned him to be careful since it was the last one and he should be more cautious he agreed and headed toward the last goblin a moment later his father silently watched him deciding to trust in his son while observing the piles of dead goblins he
had slain he was catching his breath when his father called out to him the system then displayed that he had cleared the gate and that an exit gate would be generated where the gate key would appear it also warned that the gate would close in 24 hours then a bright circle of light appeared above them and within it was the key the key then landed in his palm and he saw that it was the same white key they had used he clenched his teeth and cursed inwardly his father laughingly asked what was with his face
and if he didn't believe that he had cleared the gate he just called to his father who responded with a smile and pride but he merely asked his father if there were any other Gates he then realized that he couldn't use the dungeon for practice until the cool down was over as the gate closed the power inside it was depleted but he knew that the gate would become active again after replenishing its Mana this made him wonder what he should do next since he hadn't awakened his gift yet his thoughts were interrupted when his father
sangun told him that he was very surprised and had thought he would stop after four goblins but in the end he managed to defeat five of them easily sangun then shook him while proudly asking whose son are you and told him that there was nothing left to do there so they should clean up and go home sangun headed to the exit and asked for the key but he hesitantly called out to sangjun and asked if there was any other gate leaving sangun looking at him confused he explained that he felt like he was about to
awaken his gift and it would be a Pity to go back just like that he asked sangun if they shouldn't try clearing another gate if there was enough time left sangun asked him if he just said he seemed to have awakened to which he replied yes and suggested that they should do something more challenging he told sangun that he thinks they'll be okay to enter a great grade gate and that he can now handle two rank monsters sangam looking serious reminded him that his mother Gaia would be furious if she knew he allowed such a
thing nonetheless he insisted that everyone will die eventually prompting sangun to question if he really was his son sangun then acknowledged his desire to push himself but warned that fighting a two- rank monster was too much for him at the moment however if it was a white grade gate it would be fine he asked sangun if that was really what he thought and sangun paused to think before agreeing he told him that as a Swordsman he understood what he meant but if he became too ambiguous he wouldn't achieve anything which made him happy he thanked
his father but sangun just reminded him that he would step in whenever he was in danger they then headed to the white grade gate and he realized that not all white grade Gates were the same sangun warned him that it was going to be tough and that he had brought support just in case pointing to the man who greeted them he knew that the support consisted of dungeons specialized magic supporting Hunters who typically used healing or Buffs to assist Hunters sangun warned him to be cautious as monsters might rush them immediately after entering the dungeon
sangun then asked if he was ready to go to which he confidently replied yes they then entered the gate and the system notified him that he had entered the white grade gate pink Crystal Cave and his mission was to subjugate 15 monster goblins of one rank he looked around and realized it was the same world where he had fought earlier he was wondering where the monsters were when he felt something approaching and managed to dodge it just in time horrified he wondered what had just happened but then the system alerted him that numerous monsters had
appeared four normal goblins seven swordsman goblins three Archer goblins and one Mage Goblin he noticed that there were 15 goblins but these weren ordinary goblins they had specific roles that drove him crazy he knew his evasion Instinct was activated and his gift controlled his body he also knew that if he didn't want to die he should run away the man told sangun that it might be hard for kinu and asked if he really left him alone sangun didn't answer knowing that kumu had changed recently in the past he was easily startled by small things but
lately he seemed different and sangjun was convinced that he was Stronger now and it was not a bad change sangjun knew that kumu had grown up to be a kind-hearted kid but he didn't fit the fierce competition in the Divine swordsman due family due to his kind-hearted nature he always hesitated to hurt others even if it put himself in danger sangun thought of how his son smiled happily when he received his first sword and how he would cry happily whenever he held a sword sangun then sadly looked at his hand thinking about how many of
kyu's peers mocked him by calling him a rabbit when whenever he heard that he wanted to step in but couldn't he wondered why kununu had changed when he became a fifth grader ja had told him that the change was because he liked someone in his class but sangun suspected there must be another reason sangun recalled that while he was contemplating kinu situation someone from The Sword Training Academy had contacted him the man introduced himself as kununu swordsmanship teacher after hearing the teacher complaints sangun asked if kumu had been fighting with other kids under the pretext
of sparring asserting that his son wouldn't engage in such Behavior without a reason the teacher hesitated guessing that kununu hadn't told his father because of how he might react and then revealed that kununu had been bullied sangun knowing his son would not harm other kids without cause scolded the teacher in Anger the teacher tried to dismiss the behavior as typical playful rough housing that he too had often engaged in he asked sangun if it wasn't natural for children of that age to get absorbed in their own strength and play around sangun Furious questioned if this
meant that kinu had been bullied by other kids so far and if the teacher was joking about such a serious matter sangun was overwhelmed with anger at the thought of someone from the Divine swordsman du family receiving such treatment at the sword Training Academy he then demanded to know if someone had instructed the teacher to keep silent about the bullying and who they were the teacher reluctantly disclosed the identity and sangun realized that kununu had suffered such humiliation because he didn't hold much power within their family sangun figured out that it was du banjan his
third older brother behind this he called bumjin to confront him about the bullying but bumjin dismissively said they were just playing he sarcastically apologized to sangjun and promised to tell his son suu to apologize and not to repeat his actions still bumjin added that sangjun must have had a hard time due to his cowardly personality provoking sangjun to question whether bumjin considered this an apology bumjin retorted asking sang Jun what more he should do reflecting on the situation sang Jun realized that while he felt powerless he was just enduring it alone so when kumu expressed
his desire to experience real Combat sangun felt proud of him and wasad glad that his son had decided not to endure the bullying any longer after kinu cleared the first dungeon and retrieved the key sangun noticed that he performed better than expected although sangun had worried that his son might panic and Rush he saw that kinu could handle the situation calmly and adeptly sangun smiled acknowledging that his child had been a prodigy since a long time ago however as he watched wly from above he remembered that kununu was still only 12 years old and needed
to grow calmly suddenly sangan's concern deepened when he saw kinu get injured in the arm causing sangun to clench his teeth at the thought that his misjudgment had put his son in danger the man next to sangun asked if it wasn't the right time to intervene noting that kinu seemed to have run out of energy and that the monster might catch him however kinu remained calm facing the goblins and challenging them to come at him sangun knew that stepping in would disappoint his son but acknowledged that kununu was quite skilled for his age and decided
to Simply encourage him sangun then called out to a man named honchel instructing him to prepare the protection shield magic to which hongchul responded responded that it might be needed at any moment sangun then detailed his plan the moment the goblin attacked kinu they would charge in all at once he would take out the Mage Goblin first while honchel was to use the protection shield magic as kinu dodged the Archer Goblin however sangun was stunned to see kyu's rigid movements indicative of fear yet he wondered if his perception was clouded by his own apprehension as
he positioned himself sangjun was shocked to witness kinu slashing the Goblins in front of him with his beast king style fourth form lion needle recursion attack before this kumu was running away aware of the danger because the Goblins coordinated so well that there was no opening for an attack however he knew he couldn't keep fleeing or he would remain the same fearful cuno positioning himself with his sword he thought the beast king style first form should work but was annoyed by kyu's instinctive gift of evasion his body avoided the goblin attack involuntarily and the persistent
voice in his head kept interfering warning him of death if he stayed it told him that if he died there all his efforts would have been wasted and that fleeing was his only respit he noticed this voice restricted his actions and made his body move against his will when the voice urged him to flee he tried to command his gift to stop running and to listen to him he wondered if this was how the real kumu felt before his Awakening noticing his body torn between will and Instinct feeling as if it would rip into two
pieces as one of the sword wielding goblins lunged at him the voice screamed at him to dodge but instead he swung his sword forward shouting back at the voice that he must not avoid it after killing the goblin he realized he could resist the evasion Instinct and that there might be enough distance between them now unaware of the Archer Goblin behind him when the goblin released an arrow it struck him in the shoulder leaving him bewildered by the sudden attack goblins then appeared in front of him walking closer and causing him to tremble with fear
he walked backward not realizing the danger back against the crystal behind him he knew a mistake now could be fatal peeking back and seeing a dead end he shouted in fear tearfully he looked at the Goblin in front of him realizing he might truly die and needed to escape yet wondering where to run when all paths were blocked was this the price of defying his gift he thought he would die at this rate and the voice repeatedly told him he didn't want to die clutching his sword tightly he lamented that if he had known it
would turn out this way he would have preferred to remain unaware of his past life he pondered the difference between his struggles then and now knowing he had been blessed with a good life as a Divine swordsman of the DU family and a comrade of Kang hangel he wondered why he had to be reborn as duke Hun he then saw himself reflected in the crystal crying like a child this made him wonder if the person in the reflection shoulders hunched trembling with fear and shedding tears was truly him he felt anger upon seeing his reflection
and realized that he absolutely must not recall his past life for no reason if he hadn't he'd probably be living aimlessly with a face showing such despair he told himself that he didn't want to live like that and had been pushing himself to the limit to overcome his weaknesses and become strong hean clenched his teeth wondering how he could forget his conviction and shrivel up like a coward he resolved not to die in such a way away nor did he want to run away so he told the voice in his head that they should overcome
that fear and move on The Voice in his head urged him to run away but he planted his foot firmly on the ground ignoring the voice that told him not to proceed he then released a blue Thunderbolt telling the voice that he must fight for his life a notification then appeared showing him that he had acquired the skill Instinct control level one which allowed him to control his instincts at will he began to slash at the head of the goblin in front of him causing the other goblins to look at him in confusion he then
charged towards them slashing as he went and noticed that unlike before his body could move freely feeling as if electricity was surging within him when the Archer Goblin was about to shoot him again he rushed toward it slashing while dodging the arrow he felt Unstoppable sangjun who was watching wondered what he had just seen he was sure kinu had been full of fear just a minute ago but now kinu had regained his composure punal asked sangun what had just happened and sangun replied that it was his son's doing however hongchul clarified that he wasn't asking
about that he was curious how cun fought so well when the protective shield they had prepared to use against the Mage Goblin wasn't even required honchel then asked sangen if all members of the DW family were like kinu but sangun could only reply that he wasn't sure either sangun noticed that kinu could predict where the attacks would come from and even managed to avoid them making sangjun guess that he had managed to overcome the crisis and wondered if kununu had now awakened in disbelief sangjun asked aloud if it was Kino's gift sangun then thought that
to reach an Awakening kinu must have pushed Beyond his limits while being being determined to change and that his determination was truly extraordinary however his thoughts were interrupted when hongchul called out to him sangun turned to see hongcho and was shocked to see kumu use his beast king style first form lion Crush cut to kill a goblin sangun asked if the Thunder emanating from kumu was the Blue Thunder and was stunned when he saw it in amazement hongchul told sangjun that the Divine swordsmanship of the D family was really impressive and asked if it indeed
was the famous Blue Thunder however sangun didn't answer still in disbelief at what he had witnessed and wondered if it was even possible for a kid to master the Blue Thunder technique and how one could become that strong in such a short amount of time staring at kununu sangun thought it was impossible he then asked if kinu really had awakened when hongchul noticed a system notification announcing that they had cleared the gate hongcho told sangin it was a clearance notification and sangin just sighed still unable to believe what was happening exhausted kununu lay on the
ground and said he was tired to death suddenly the system popped up in front of him showing that he had put pushed his body to the limit so his physical strength muscle strength and Agility stats had all risen by one however hunu thought his stats should have increase during the fight with the goblins not now he knew that Brave Hearts was a game where physical strength stats don't increase with leveling up and that the only way to do it would be through training or sparring in the academy which was a tricky part of the game
yet he thought it had been easy considering that bravehearts aims for replayability where existing data could be transferred to the next playthrough he realized it was impossible now that it was not not a game hunu thought about what he should do next gain tons of experience and become stronger sangun then sweetly called to him and approached asking if he was alive unaware that one of the Dead goblins was releasing something shiny from its body he responded to sangun admitting that he thought he overdid it because he couldn't move at all sangun told him that it
was expected after moving like that expressing his shock at kumu triggering the Blue Thunder and speculating that kinu might be the youngest ever to do so surprised to hear this kinu asked sangun if he had really performed the Blue Thunder the Blue Thunder is a phenomenon that occurs when using the signature sword technique of divine swordsmanship the beast king style where the friction between the man and the atmosphere creates a blue current proper posture and speed the extent of power applied to the sword and correct activation of the Mona circuit are all necessary it's a
phenomenon that only appears when various elements are perfectly harmonized kumu then remembered feeling something burst out from him and realized it was the Blue Thunder he told sangun that he wasn't sure if he could do it again and couldn't really remember sangun reassured him not to worry because having experienced it once his body would remember and with continuous training he would be able to do it again sangun then praised him for doing a great job but Kimu just stared at sangjun and asked where hongcho was sangun replied that hongcho was working shortly after hongchul arrived
happily holding something he told kumu that he had really been through a lot and thanks to him they were able to obtain magic Stones while hongcho was busy praising him for his Blue Thunder he noticed shiny things on the goblin so so he grabbed one and shouted to sangun that there was something there sangun told him that he was lucky because he had found a lost Stone and explained that a lost Stone contains a Providence and can be used as material like a Magic Stone hu remembered that in the game magic Stones were used as
currency or for artifacts but law Stones could be converted into stats making him wonder what kind of law Stone it was and if he should examine it the system then showed him that it was the lowest grade agility Lost Stone which enhances the user's ability increases agility by one and is effective for users with an agility below 60 he thought it was not bad and he'd like to have it honchel asked sangun what if the law Stone resonated with kinu and if they should give it to him sangun told HCHO that he was still good
at navigating those social Waters and thanked him sangun then suggested that they should check if the law Stones resonate so Kimu should try infusing it with Mana he then put mana on it knowing that it was bound to resonate with him and sangun excitedly told him that it was responding which meant it was his honchel then told sangun that he was suddenly craving some beef making sangun shake his head and sigh in silence Monday morning arrived and he was in the room feeling his whole body ache ever since the day after the actual combat he
had suffered from terrible body AES and Ja angrily asked sangjun why he ended up like this he was lying on his desk realizing only now that the recoil from using the evasion Instinct was severe so he decided to really try to avoid doing it again H will then arrived in their classroom and worriedly asked him why he was like this and if he was hurt he greeted her good morning and told her he was a bit sick over theek weekend and had a severe body ache she worriedly asked him how it happened if he had
taken any medicine and if he was okay now he replied that he had an actual combat session over the weekend and she asked him if he meant fighting with monsters if it was okay for them to do so at their age and if it wasn't dangerous he replied that he was from the due family so all his cousins his age had done it and he was the only one who hadn't yet she told him that she had some bandages and ointment in her bag but he told her it was okay because the wounds had healed
and asked her why she carried those around she then replied that she used to get hurt often though not so much these days he looked at her and thought that it must be from all the bullying she had experienced she then got closer to him and told him she would do it he told her that his wounds had healed and asked her why she bothered but she just shouted at him to just listen to her and give her his arm after putting bandages on his face she told him it was all done and he shockingly
asked her if it was a bandage but she just told him to stay still because it would make it heal faster he showed her his medicine while telling her that he was really okay and it was all healed so if she really wanted to help she could remind him to take his medicine at lunch she stared at him in silence for a moment and put a bandage on his arm while telling him that he should let her know if there was more she could do to help him and since he really looked like he was
in pain she would listen to anything just for today he tells her that if that was what she said then he asks her if he can touch her ears leaving her shocked and causing her to stuttering ask what he just said he apologizes to her and tells her it was just a joke realizing that it might have been too much and that he seemed kind of bold she thinks for a moment that then grabs his hand and shouting agrees to his request she puts his hand on her head while warning him to just touch her
ears quickly not to linger for too long and to tell her if it doesn't cheer him up he stuttering replies okay and touches her ears amazed at how soft and fluffy they are he then enjoys touching them without realizing that he has been doing it for too long she then jumps away and shouts at him to stop saying it should be enough to cheer him up she was red as a tomato wondering why it felt so good to have her ears touched and if it was because Kimu was used to raising rabbits she then realized
that she almost got completely lost in the sensation while he was caressing her ear and felt embarrassed about it but seeing how much he enjoyed it she guessed that she should let him do it every once in a while she then jumped a little surprised when he looked at her making her wonder if he had read her thoughts he thanked her and told her that he felt energized now he then asks her what she thinks about them becoming Hunters together she was shocked by his sudden suggestion and asked him if it doesn't cost a lot
of money he replied that he thought she had all the qualities needed to be a hunter and could tell by looking at her that she came from a noble family she tells him that he is saying weird things again but he tells her that he has his reasons he then begins to explain to her that first she is a demium which means she is physically Superior to others second the Mana she unconsciously emits feels very dense suggesting there is a high chance she is good at handling magic she tells him that she has never released
mana and he can't believe that a witch of Calamity can't handle magic so he tells her that every living thing unconsciously emits mana and he can sense it because he knows how to handle it she asks him if he really means it and he nods confidently she then looks at her hand wondering if she could really become a hunter in the future she knows that when she turns 19 she will have to leave the orphanage it would be great if she got adopted but she understands that as a demium it is unlikely and becoming a
hunter could lead to a successful life with high earnings however she also doubts whether she can fight monsters given her fragility he sigh and tells her there's no need to worry he promises her that she can do it and that he'll be right by her side so she shouldn't worry because he'll take care of her her eyes light up when she hears this and seeing him confidently tell her that if she became a hunter she would be hunting with him and that he believed in her so she should believe in herself too she shyly wonders
what Kimu sees in her to be so confident and while it feels weird it truly makes her feel like she can do anything she then stuttering only asks him if he will take responsibility he grabs her hand telling her that it is settled and they should attend the same middle school and then enroll in the High School Academy together she shyly asks him if he really means that they should do it together which he confirms and tells her that they should start by joining a sword Academy to build up their strength she Panic asks him
if he means she should enroll in a sword Academy and reminds him that she doesn't have the money to enroll in such a place but he simply asks her why she should pay when it is run by their family and tells her that she can attend for free confused she asks him why he is being so nice to her when she doesn't have much to offer him he replies that he is hoping to benefit from her success later on making her ask him what he means by that he tells her that someday when she becomes
a famous Hunter maybe he'll gain some benefits from it and if he has to give a reason that's it nothing more she stares at him in surprise for a moment and eventually smiles she then laughingly asks him what he really means and tells him that he is really weird but the truth is she is really grateful to him she then asks him if it means that she'll be learning how to use a sword too but he replies no and tells her that she needs to focus on physical training confused she asks him why he responds
that she should learn magic because she seems to have a talent for it and tells her that it would be better if she had a teacher after that their training continued steadily once their school ended they would focus on learning basic swordsmanship or strengthening their endurance at cunu Family Dojo on days when they didn't go to the dojo they would train together at kyu's home though he often felt like hanel was coming over for dinner rather than training he thought that the purpose seemed reversed but it was good to have some motivation however since he
was also a beginner with magic he realized he needed a new teacher and wondered where he could find such a person he then remembered the witch of colors hongo who in the game was mainly an instructor teaching Elemental Magic to Academy students he speculated that at that point she was likely wandering across the country known as The Witch of five colors he leaned back in his chair thinking he'd asked sangun to put out some feelers but guessed he could do nothing but wait hopeful they would meet soon enough suddenly someone asked him what he was
so deep and thought about and he realized he hadn't even noticed sangjun was there which made him shout in Surprise and tell sangun that he really scared him sangun laughingly asked what he was thinking about so deeply that he hadn't noticed him coming in and he replied that he was just wondering when he would get to meet the person he had asked him about a while back sangun told him not to be impatient and that they had gotten in touch today which excited him sangun then informed him that they agreed to visit in a month
however if they were not satisfied with his skills they wouldn't teach him he told sangun he was prepared for that possibility but if he was not talented there was nothing he could do yet he was confident that wouldn't happen because even though he was unsure about himself there was no doubt honga would show interest in hand Talent sangun then mentioned that there was also some bad news which piqued his curiosity as he noticed his father's concerned expression sangun then revealed that although it had only been a short while since they began it was the same
thing every year and next week was parents day so they needed to visit the main family sangun then asked if he was okay with it but he countered by asking if suu was coming too sangun confirmed yes and told him that if he didn't want to go he would go alone he knows that duu is the one who incited the triplets to bully Kino he then asked sang Jim what was next and just as sangun was about to explain sangun noticed his attitude and asked him what he was thinking about he just creepily smiled thinking
that his cousin's presence was enough reason for him to go to their main Family House May's family month during the weekend on parents day after a late lunch they all headed to the main household of the Shinji am duu sangun told him to keep an eye on his little sister Yun to ensure she doesn't cause any trouble and reminded Yun not to try climbing the Lion's statue like she did last year she excitedly replied yes and and he affirmed that he would watch her sangjun then cautioned him not to stir things up and pleaded with
him not to do so but he merely asked sangun when he had ever done so sangun admitted he hadn't but his recent actions had made him a bit nervous he reassured sangun not to worry but thought to himself that it couldn't be helped they were always kept on edge at every family gathering this is why Gaia and their father become sensitive and worry each time there is a gathering like this considering that nothing good had ever happened at these family gatherings he wasn't surprised he knew this time would be no different but he felt compelled
to go to the main family house because he needed to acquire courage no matter what the day before heading to the main family house kununu was training with hanel and Yun he reflected on his progress acknowledging that although he had learned to control his instincts it was not enough he refused to be swayed by that damned evasion Instinct again he realized he needed a skill that could properly control it and there was one that fit the bill courage a skill that resists the power emitted by others he knew there would be times when powerful beings
emitted pressure by releasing their Aura and killing intent to intimidate their opponents when exposed to such pressure players stats would decrease often leading to defeat and battle courage not only allows them to resist it but also increases their concentration and evasion rate during life-threatening moments he knew he had to learn the skill courage without question because it was the Perfect combo when paired with his evasion Instinct and Instinct control which was ideal for combat against jwo he'd like to learn it before heading to the academy but he wondered where he could acquire it he also
knows there is a problem because the conditions to acquire courage are quite Troublesome the in-game requirements are as follows first the character trying to acquire courage must form a party with only one companion who is stronger than themselves second after meeting the first condition the character must face an opponent who emits pressure without any external assistance although the stronger companion Kang hanel for example shouldn't intervene in the battle until courage is acquired this is not an absolute requirement remember in the game Handel is the protagonist so excluding him from the party isn't an option he
knows that courage can be obtained with a certain probability by dodging the opponent's attack and the chances of acquiring it increase if the opponent is strong making it quite difficult to obtain he thinks it would be easier to obtain it while he is still relatively weak similar to when he mastered Instinct control however the problem is he doesn't know where to find a strong opponent who emits pressure and he knows that facing such a foe alone could be disastrous he then starts to think of someone who could emit pressure without killing him a strong person
who wouldn't kill him he then thinks of someone perfect for the description and smiles knowing that there is someone like that at the Shinji de a moment later they arrive at Shinji do and they both get out of the car people line up on their side respectfully and greet them politely sangen asks the butler how he has been and how his brothers are to which the butler replies that currently except for D wujin's family everyone else has gathered he asks the butler if his eldest brother hasn't arrived yet but the butler simply tells him that
he'll show them to their room G asks the butler about the family elders and the butler replies that they are in the library having a chat sangun tells them that it was as expected and asks them what they want to do now he replies that staying in the room would be boring so they should go to the training ground instead which Eun agrees to and tell sangun that she'll go too sangun then tells them that he'll see them later and warns them not to play too rough with the others there sangun then tells him that
he is counting on him and he replies that he won't stir trouble as long as they don't provoke him he then asks Yun if they should head out and Yun excitedly replies yes they head to the raining ground and Yun excitedly points out that the doll is moving he tells her that it was probably something made in yunong Mana she asks him what yon Mana is and he explains that it is one of the 10 great houses like their Shinji Dojo Yun comments that 10 is way too many and he looks around noticing that the
training dummies they used at the high school academy are present even now he knows that something exclusive was installed at the Shinji Dojo which is not accessible to the general public and guesses that it might be because of their shared background in prestigious family Yun then excitedly points to the training tiles and tells him that they also look fun to which he agrees she rushes to them while shouting that she wants to try them too just as he is about to tell her to be careful someone behind him asks if he isn't too late and
what kept him he turns around and sees duu teasingly asking how he has been and if he didn't get lost on his way there he just stares at suu in silence then suu bends down to Yun and asks how she has been but she can't answer out of fear he tells sumu that he hasn't been okay because of him he then bends down to face suu asking him how he has been and if he hasn't been okay because he'd be happy if that were the case which makes suu angrily ask him what he just said
he then pulls Yun away from suu telling suu that unfortunately he hadn't been doing well thanks to a certain someone he's not sure what he did or how he managed it but he thinks he handled them well suu was infuriated and wondered how dare he say that suu then swore that he really disliked kinu because he still vividly remembered incidents from their childhood as a child suu was being scold by his father du bunun who asked him why he couldn't do a simple thing properly and why he didn't have even half his potential despite being
his son in tears suu tried to call out to his father in a stuttering voice but bumjin just shouted at him that he had seen how his grandfather was impressed by kinu bumjin then told suu that if he wanted to remain his son he should try everything to surpass Duke kinu suu was in pain when he thought that it was always kinu and no one cared about him then one day suu was bleeding and kinu panicked upon seeing it while he was bus bus wondering what kumu had just done that caused his nose bleed kumu
worried told him that his nose was bleeding and asked what they should do but he didn't answer because he was busy wondering if he had lost to kinu again hunu then rushed outside shouting to him that he would help but he just glared at kinu hating him and angry that he was losing to kumu every time he then hit Kimu from behind thinking that he should be the winner kumu was slammed to the floor and suu shouted that he had won calling out to his father bumjin to tell him that he had done it hunu
confused called out to suu but suu just said that he had beaten the genius of the Divine swordsmanship of the DU family suu then continuously beat kungu while laughing and asking him if it wasn't so easy to win against him now and why he didn't respond kungu in tears and shaking told suu to stop but suu continued attacking kununu since the day he knocked kununu down the situation had turned around for him the kids begin to whisper that everyone thought kununu was a genius when he was young but it turned out that he just became
an Ordinary Boy hearing this suu smiles thinking that kununu was foolish and he should have taken action earlier later suu mocks kununu asking how he can fail to kill even a single rabbit and questioning if he is out of his mind Kimu shouts at suu not to speak like that but suu taunts him further asking what Kimu would do if he kept talking whether he wanted to fight sunu then challenges kinu to a fight declaring he'll knock him down like last time instilling fear in kinu suu tells Kimu that if he isn't going to fight
then he should just hop like a rabbit at that moment suu realizes is that kinu is extremely afraid of hurting others and doesn't fit in a martial arts family sunu then grabs Yun wondering if kununu will run away again thinking he can't even fight back suu then confronts kinu asking if he can face him properly now suggesting they set aside time for a duel and warning him that he won't go easy on him thinking kinu will refuse and tremble however kinu surprises him by asking if they should do it and if they should get on
with it now leaving suu stunned in shock and disbelief on the other hand in the parents room ja covers her nose because of the cigarette smell sangun worriedly asks her if she is okay she asks why he is concerned and he replies that he was just asking because she dislikes family gatherings she explains that being looked down upon as a commoner isn't something that just happened overnight and hearing about how he married into a prestigious family without even being qualified has been exhausting however she says she's fine as long as it doesn't affect their family
he thanks her and shields her with his power telling her that it should block the smell of cigarettes she thanks him for his thoughtfulness telling him he is the best however they are startled when someone speaks from behind them and they turn to sidu banjan the third son of the Divine swordsman of the DU family and du suu's father bumjin tells them it's been a while now and that this is their first meeting since what happened to kinu he mentions that they only discussed it over the phone but he thinks it would be better to
talk face to face he tells suu not to bother Kimu anymore which makes Gaia confusedly ask him to clarify bumjin then teasingly asks what if kungu ends up traumatized because of suu and notes that it would be a big problem he that if they need to go to the hospital because of the incident he should let him know because he'll introduce them to a good psychiatrist and apologize for suu's Behavior jaia worriedly asks if kununu is getting bullet and what bumjin means by his comments surprisingly he slaps bum jun's hand away bum Jun taken aack
asks if he really just did that but he simply questions what bumjin meant by his earlier remarks apologizes and tells bumjin to instruct suu to speak directly to kinu and not to interfere in their Affairs since it is a matter for the kids to resolve themselves bum Jen angrily asks if he's sure he won't regret rejecting his help and if he's confident he can handle it all by himself suddenly a man calls out to bum Jun and panic shouting that suu and Kimu are fighting bum Jun Smiles upon hearing this and teasingly remarks that it
turned out as he expected bumjin also mentions that he guessed it was better to let them resolve it themselves as he suggested and because kinu is a member of the Divine swordsman of the due family kinu needs to maintain his reputation they might be able to see their fight if they go now bumjin then teasing asks what he thinks about it and asks everyone if they want to watch the fight with him the drunken parents excitedly agree bungon then tells everyone that they should hurry to see the fight and teasingly shouts that they can't let
anything bad happen to their dear kununu sangun simply asks bumjin if he meant something bad happening to kununu and if he thought kununu was that weak bumjin starts walking away while telling him to just steal himself and wait at the training ground because they should not settle their emotions during the kid's fight sangun slaps his face in frustration but he thinks it is a good opportunity and that it would be best if kinu could beat sunu then jaia calls him and asks if it means suu has been bullying kinu smiling she tells him that she
never heard about it before but assumes he must know the details and questions why he didn't tell her earlier stuttering he tells her that he was going to tell her but just then a loud slap can be heard in the room a moment later they arrive at the training ground in a rush with sangun sporting a huge slap Mark and wounds on his face he asks a man what happened to the kids and the man replies that they are still fighting jaia then spots them and points them out suddenly sumu jumps at him with his
lion iron Whip and Gia Wordly shouts for him to be careful he immediately positions his training sword and blocks it with his beast king style defense second form lion iron shield sumu continues to attack arrogantly telling him that he knows he will use the technique and that the only way to win against the second form is by using a third or fourth form suu also tells him that he has read him like a book so he won't be able to surpass him but he simply asks suu what he is talking about he then kicks suu
in the stomach and suu is surprised that he just attacked him with a normal kick suu then falls to the floor and he teasingly tells him that he was slow meanwhile in the main building of the Shinji Dojo an old man finished showering and stood up feeling refreshed men approached Su Wang duek the head of the Shinji on dojo to report that his banquet would start soon and that they were ready to assist him with his preparations suang mentioned that it had been some time since everyone had gathered and asked if he was correct in
thinking that nothing Troublesome had occurred recently one of the men replied that there had been no significant issues to concern him though his two sons had argued a bit when Su Wang inquired about which Sons they were referring to the man named bum Jan and sangjun Su Wang then clarified asking if they meant sangjun the one who knows his place the man explained that the issue seemed to center around his grandchildren suang asked if it involved The Bullying incident and remarked that even sangun couldn't stay silent when it came to his own children he then
inquired further about what had happened and the man replied that susumu and kumu had started sparring around that time which allowed the young masters to resolve the issue themselves suang noted that sangun must be embarrassed again but the man informed him that kumu had been the one to suggest sparring first Su Wang expressed surprise remembering kinu as a timid and fragile child the man confirmed it was indeed kununu adding that he had boldly proposed the idea to suu Su Wang asked if he could still catch them if he went now but the man replied that
quite some time had passed since it started and it might already be over by the time he arrived nevertheless Su Wang quickly removed his towel remarking that he could guess the outcome but still wondered what kinu was thinking and what had inspired him to challenge suu to a sparring match he then dressed swiftly and excitedly told his men that he would go check it out immediately he ordered them to prepare his things meanwhile at the training ground hu's parents and the other adults were shocked when he easily defeated suu hunu thought it was nothing special
and then noticed that his Instinct control level had increased to level two he hadn't planned to end it so quickly and wondered if he should request another round when suu woke up considering all the time suu had annoyed him despite being the same age and often compared within the Shinji on dojo he tried to maintain a good relationship as cousins but it seems suu must have truly resented him he also knows that suu's bullying persists causing him to sink into self-loathing 5 years later he enrolls in the academy where hanel is studying although he is
still dominated by suu hanel rescues him subsequently Handel defeats suu who emerges as a formidable boss and then recruits him as an ally essentially SU actions inadvertently provide the opportunity for hanol and kununu to become friends despite knowing everything kununu realizes he cannot continue to tolerate suu's bullying he acknowledges that the Dynamics have shifted from the old game storyline and vows to change refusing to remain a victim any longer when suu still doesn't get up kinu sternly tells him to wake up and shakes him with his training sword admonishing him not to think the confrontation
is over he angrily accuses suu of feigning unconsciousness and warns him that he has barely started to pay him for all the suffering he has caused grabbing suu by the collar he shouts asking if suu can hear him but then notices a wet yellow stain spreading from suu's shorts which disgusts him his parents call out to him worriedly suddenly bumjin laughingly shouts that the sparring might already be over and there's nothing to see bumjin Praises kinu advising him not to dwell too much on the defeat but is shocked when he sees suu collapsed and having
wet himself in fear enraged bumjin pushes Kimu away shouting demanding to know what he did to leave suu and such a state and how dare he treat his son that way sangjun Furious confronts bum Jun asking what he thinks he's doing to kinu and if he's lost his mind sangun then loudly reminds bumjin that he was the one who insisted they not interfere regardless of the sparring's outcome and questions if bumjin remembers that bumjin retorts shouting for sangun to step aside and questioning his authority to speak to him in such a manner in shock from
seeing his father and bum Jan arguing sangjun asserts that just because bumjin is his brother doesn't give him the right to do whatever he pleas pleases shouting that he was there and it was a fair match but bumjin dismisses sangjun's words as biased while he was overhearing his father and Uncle arguing he sighed recognizing the chaos and asked his mother if he should intervene before things escalated further he pointed out that Yun was present and suggested they should stop the fight but he was taken aback when his aunt shouted accusing his mother of calling her
son a thug his mother retorted explaining that the sparring had ended and bum Jun had struck the boy unnecessarily which indeed made him a thug during this heat of Exchange his little sister jumped in to help their mother by biting his aunt leaving her shocked and thinking that his mother was intimidating he stood stunned observing the unfolding drama around him and pondered frustratingly over how he could possibly stop them suddenly a voice boomed out demanding to know what everyone was doing at that moment the system alerted him that he was exposed to pressure reducing all
his stats by 10% everyone paused to look at the source of the voice and he instantly recognized it he remembered that in the game while Academy city was the main setting and other elements weren't detailed the strongest individuals including the most revered Swordsmen at the Shinji am Dojo were sometimes mentioned one such individual was Su Wang duik the master who ruled over all Swordsmen Su Wang declared the scene a complete mess and bered them asking if this was how members of a prestigious family behaved he expressed his embarrassment at the spectacle and sarcastically noted how
commendable it was for brothers to fight turning to his sons Su Wang demanded to know what was happening bumjin tried to blame kinu but Su Wang cut him off stating he hadn't asked for his input he walked closer preferring to hear from the person directly involved making him nervously wonder why his grandfather would single him out suang then addressed him directly asking for an accurate account of the events he didn't answer immediately overwhelmed by fear facing his grandfather felt like confronting a mountain shaking possibly from the pressure exerted by the head of Shinji om Dojo
he stuttered out that he had initiated the sparring and won suang noticed his discomfort and released his Aura which seemed to lift the heavy atmosphere suang then asked him directly if it was true that he had challenged sumu to a sparring match and won he replied affirmatively and confidently told suang that he had defeated suu suang inquired about the details of the victory asking if he had used any unfair tactics he explained that suu had lost his balance after receiving a kick allowing him to strike suu on the back of the head which knocked him
out he assured suang that if he sought accounts from the other Spectators he would receive more detailed information although he admitted internally that his explanation might seem incomplete but he prioritized honesty Su Wang then questioned why he had touched sumu after he had passed out he responded that he was concerned something might be wrong with suu who wasn't responding and he tried to wake him he admitted albeit silently to himself that part of his action was driven by frustration from being bullied a detail he chose not to disclose he explained that this was the reason
he slapped suo Su Wang smiled and acknowledged his explanation then laughed loudly commenting on how interesting the situation was suu's Mother asked Su Wang if he was really going to accept kyu's story and bumjin suggested they hear their side of the story Su Wang asserted that the matter appeared to be resolved among those involved in the sparring and suggested they should leave it at that leaving suu's parents shocked suang then declared that they needed to recognize what was apparent and questioned whether they should consult their son suu which confused them suu clenched his teeth and
when Su Wang asked him if he had been conscious for a while which suu confirmed everyone was surprised to learn he hadn't been unconscious suang commanded suu to tell the truth questioning if he believed kumu had used unfair tactics to win sumu denied any Foul Play admitting kununu had beaten him fairly which made it clear that suu couldn't lie in front of his grandfather Su Wang then addressed suu's parents pointing out that their son had acknowledged the truth and asked if they were still going to be stubborn both parents apologized suang addressed everyone seriously insisting
that the matter should not be brought up again as it was settled he then walked away thanking everyone for coming and mentioning that it was almost time for the banquet suggesting they continue their conversations there as suang approached the door everyone respectfully told him they would see him at the banquet before exiting Su Wang paused looked back and told Kimu that after the banquet he would evaluate his skills in a trial match noting that he was looking forward to it afterward suu and his parents left in embarrassment hunu touching his back in pain pondered over
his grandfather's words but felt relieved that at least the matter was settled however he was suddenly startled by someone seriously calling his name when he turned he saw his mother with a smile asking if they could talk for a bit moments later in their room jaia asked him if he understood what he had done wrong to which he replied affirmatively ja then pressed him to specify his mistake he admitted that the spar with suu had unnecessarily involved his father and her while sangun and Eun watched in fear ja questioned him sternly if that was truly
all he thought he had done wrong her cold tone making him fearful that she was Furious he remembered similar scoldings from her in his previous life where she would say that if hadn't been born her life wouldn't have been ruined these harsh words were typically spoken when she was drinking in her worst moments she would throw objects at him powerless in these situations he could only wait for her to regain her senses at which point she would Embrace him and weep he was uncertain whether her apologies were due to guilt or simply A Rush of
emotions but he always comforted her he occasionally resented her for this but having no one else to rely on he could only offer her comfort and hope she wouldn't leave him his Hope was dashed whenever she promised to make a lot of money and return for him before leaving again at 10 years old despite her sweet words he recognized the harsh reality but chose to believe her to preserve peace as a result he lived recklessly accepting it as the natural outcome of his life though he didn't dwell on it often he sometimes thought about the
person who had abandoned him even in his current life ja then asks him if he truly does not understand what he did wrong he apologizes guessing that perhaps this place isn't so different after all G reaches out pressing him on what he did wrong but he remains silent contemplating how he could possibly ask for her forgiveness he closes his eyes wondering if his current mother would be appeased if he allowed her to hit him as his previous life's mother did or if he should apologize for being born however he is taken aback when Gia suddenly
hugs him tightly and reassures him that there's no need for such thoughts expressing her upset because he hadn't told her about the bullying he endured from suu she then apologizes to him gently patting his head regretting that she was unaware of his struggles and acknowledging how hard it must have been for him J am EMB braces him again tearfully apologizing which makes him wonder why he was so fearful when his past and present lives are so different he realizes he had always suffered in silence not considering the Deep wounds it left on his parents' Hearts
he hugs his mother back apologizing for not confiding in her sooner and Promises to be more open in the future Yun also in tears tells ja that he shouldn't cry ja responds that she isn't crying and invites her daughter to join in the hug assuring her that she will protect her Yun then hugs Gia and him together exclaiming that she will protect protect her mother sangen approaches seeking a hug too but jaia stares at him with anger leading him to question why she can forgive her son so easily but not him ja tells sangun that
until he understands there can be no forgiveness for him while his father tries to sooe his mother his phone rings he checks it to find a text from hanel announcing she made it to the top of the mountain he sigh with a smile and laughs out loud drawing curious glances from his parents and little sister thrilled by the prospect of living his life a new suddenly someone knocks on their door announcing that the bank will start soon and offers to help them get ready and guide them to the hall meanwhile in another Villa a man
informs the family that it's almost time for the banquet so they should prepare a woman asks her daughter if she is ready for the evaluation match to which she unconfident replies that she is a moment later at the sacred sword DST banquet he sat at their table sensing the essence of a sacred family with a 200-year-old legacy as he reflected on the Family's size calculating the seven direct lineage members and The Wider branches he realized their total numbered around 48 people suddenly he overheard someone comment disdainfully that they always acted all high and mighty but
should now look at themselves confused he turned and saw people chiding bum jun's family noting the awkwardness they must have felt preparing to come there and suggesting they could only blame themselves he understood that the earlier incident had opened the door for others to criticize them and he despised the thought that if he had lost the duel his family would be the ones facing such disgrace suddenly a sharp sound cut through the murmur as someone slammed a cane in to the floor demanding silence and announcing that it was commendable to see more attendees that year
suang then addressed the Gathering suggesting that since everyone was probably hungry they should begin with the meal and officially start the banquet as the waiters distributed the food he pondered the reason their family had surpassed other noble families after a great upheaval the world had experienced a collapse and during such Dark Times Humanity had longed for protectors for a sanctuary noble families Desiring to maintain and enhance their power created sanctuaries centered Ed around a singular ideology the hunters they produced helped Humanity saave off Extinction but since they were challenging to train and always in short
supply each Hunter bore tremendous responsibility consequently rewards and power followed naturally this focus on consistently producing strong humans was crucial for ensuring the security of humanity as a result the 10 families including the sacred sword family inevitably gained significant influence which explained why they had so many grandmothers and felt the need to cultivate strong Talent to solidify their positions he knew his father was the son of the fourth grandmother who had passed away and among his siblings his father was the fifth he then observed Su Wang encouraging a child to keep moving forward making him
think about how busy Su Wang must be caring for all those family members suang then addressed the Gathering announcing that the eldest lineage had been taken care of and it was time to focus on the second one he called Shian forward and asked her if she was responsible for the Thunderclap to which she replied affirmatively the adults reacted with shock finding it impossible that Shan merely a middle schooler could cause such a phenomenon they questioned how she could have achieved it he noticed the adults disbelief but when Su Wang demanded silence they stuttered their apologies
making him think that such Feats were typical for his sister Shian suang then commended shiam predicting that if she continued practicing the Thunderclap at this pace she would be the youngest after the second family had to master it he expressed his hope that she would grow into a leader surpassing even him she unconfident responded that she would do her best he was impressed by her ability to endure Su Wang's imposing presence noting her composure was indeed remarkable she glanced at him causing him to look away in a sudden Panic wondering why she was looking at
him suang noticed his reaction and commented that shion's growth reminded him of recent news about a certain two-faced Rascal he wondered if Su Wang was referring to the Demonic Dueler SEO Jang Jin known to live in the same generation as his grandfather and considered an external Hunter he also knew Jang Jinn was Handel's Mentor having recognized Tal's potential as a hunter excited he thought there was no way he'd miss any developments as Jang Jinn was a character featured in The Game's prologue he recalled that the Demonic Dueler was drawn to hanel while the latter was
training behind the orphanage and had offered to take him as a disciple that was how hanel became his disciple once hanil turned 17 he declared his intention to honor his master's reputation and not tarnish it as he descended from the mountains to enter jum gang Academy marking the end of the prologue he mused that Handel was probably undergoing rigorous training at the moment and expressed a desire to see him however unlike with hanil he realized that interacting with Handel could potentially alter the story line suddenly a man appeared shocked and asked Su Wang if it
was true that the Demonic Dueler CIO Jang Jin had taken on a disciple Su Wang calmly confirmed it adding that he had heard the disciple was 12 years old that year he recalled the disciple's name was Kang hanal taken from an orphanage 2 years ago suang noted that since Jang Jin never liked being tied down to any family it made sense he would choose a child with no connections as his disciple the man queried whether their family members would end up competing with Jong Jin's disciple Su Wang affirmed this revealing that Jang Jin had expressed
interest in seeing whose disciple was Stronger his or one from their family suang dismissed it as a childish and obvious provocation but admitted they couldn't just ignore it he voiced his high expectations for those who would compete against Jong Jin's disciples urging them to demonstrate their family's undeniable strength she uncalm assured Su Wang that she would meet his expectations and and other children stuttering echoed her commitment following them he also shouted his determination to meet the expectations amazed that the Demonic Dueler had been challenging every major family understanding now how Handel had garnered so much
attention from the noble houses upon his enrollment a kid then slammed the table and sumu stuttering proclaimed that he would not just meet the expectations but exceed them as his father had taught him sumu proudly shared that his father always said that even when a lion hunts a single rabbit it must give its all inspired by his father's words he vowed to exert his full effort in battle regardless of the opponent he smiled upon hearing suu's words thinking how suu had been thoroughly defeated by hanol bringing disgrace to their family suddenly Su Wang asked him
what he found so amusing startling him in suu Su Wang inquired why he was laughing and urged him to share the joke with everyone caught off guard and horrified he hesitated for a moment his parents were shocked and his father tried to explain to Su Wang that kinu was merely in a good mood because of something he had eaten however Su Wang persisted insisting that he wanted to hear the explanation directly from him asking again why exactly he was laughing sweating with nervousness and unsure of how to respond he stood up and addressed Su Wang
he admitted that he had indeed laughed because of what sumu had said but clarified that he wasn't mocking the words themselves suu looked shocked by the admission prompting Su Wang to question what exactly he meant he posed the question to Su Wang asking if a huge lion would really go all out to catch a single rabbit and noted that it seemed odd to him because if a lion needs to exert maximum effort to catch one rabbit it suggests the lion might be in trouble if that was the case then the lion was arguably done for
he explained that The Confident way suu had said it was what had made him laugh and then he apologized for any misunderstanding suddenly Su Wang burst into loud laughter proclaiming that it was quite an unusual perspective he mused that if the king of beasts has to go all out for just one rabbit it probably does suggest that the Lion's life is on the brink he told him that he would ponder over his words seeing them as a proverb that served as a reminder to always reflect on oneself and ensure they were not getting weaker he
reassured suang that he was still in great shape and thanked him for his understanding thinking to himself that he had somehow earned his grandfather's approval and decided to just roll with it despite receiving serious glares from suu and his parents Su Wang then complimented him on his sharpness and expressed high expectations for him which left him somewhat confused then Su Wang seemed to recall that he had something important to announce to everyone urging them to listen carefully he announced that today's evaluation match would be held inside a gate catching everyone off guard she une echoed
in disbelief asking if he truly meant a gate sangen expressed concern reminding Su Wang that there were still children among them and another adult questioned the gate's difficulty level suang responded that for the descendants of the sacred sword family white Gates should be a breeze revealing that the gate for the evaluation match would be of the yellow grade which is the third level after the feast they all headed to the yellow gate he surveyed the imposing structure doubting whether they were truly prepared for the challenge it represented and wondered if they should proceed suang then
checked if everyone was present or if they were still waiting for more people he placed the key in the gate and issued a last call for anyone who might have changed their mind about joining the evaluation match when no one responded Su Wang declared that they would open the gate as he turned the key a strong bright light and a gust of wind burst forth he shielded his face from the intense wind while sangun protectively held Yun from behind as the wind subsided he saw what lay inside the gate the system notification confirmed his entry
into the great Jungle of the chief 4 suang announced that the evaluation was starting now and the system displayed the instructions for their strategy starting with descending a cliff they were to follow the gates notifications break through the jungle and reach a lake at the center pointing to it Su Wang explained that a rank three monster the chief lived in the lake and rarely emerged from the water he cautioned that while they might want to hunted they shouldn't attempt underwater combat with their current skill levels much to the adults relief he too felt reled believed
knowing that they weren't even high Academy students yet and recognizing that fighting underwater would be overly ambitious suang further reassured them by explaining that the hunters had weakened the chief and sealed its ability to dive leaving it barely able to stand at the water's edge the adults cheered relieved by this news suang then questioned if this setup should make the task relatively easy for them but he remained silent skeptical about the true difficulty of their mission he noticed that it wasn't just the chief they had to worry about the considerable distance to the lake also
posed a challenge prompting him to consider the stamina they would expend reaching their target he realized that despite the assurances the challenge ahead was no easy feet and the difficulty was quite formidable Su wank noticing his pensive silence reassured everyone that there was no need for undue worry since Hunters had already called most of the dangerous monsters and they were well prepared with the necessary equipment a man handed Su Wang something that surprised him a screen choker that allowed realtime observation and a device known as a gate watch which could monitor their mana and pulse
Su Wang explained that these artifacts were critical for safety if they encountered any trouble the devices would help locate them instantly allowing Hunters to dispatch assistance promptly he recalled seeing similar devices at the Academy suang instructed them to wear these artifacts at all times during the evaluation match and to handle them with care to avoid damage he further explained that the match would last 3 hours and they should set their timers upon activation sangun assisted him in putting on his device suang also mentioned that the participant who contributed most significantly to defeating the chief would
receive a gate key which they must hand over to a nearby Hunter before leaving the area after equipping their gate watches Su Wang ordered them to line up at the edge of the cliff ja expressed her concerns advising him not to push himself too hard and to stay safe sangun warned him against overconfidence due to his skills he assured his parents that he would be cautious and return soon Su Wang observing their interactions chuckled about how well everyone was getting along noting that it was nice to receive his grandfather's attention something he felt was rare
before while suu looked on with a scowl when suang signaled the start of the evaluation match a man raised a gun and at the sound of the shop all the kids surged forward down the cliff the system displayed a countdown indicating 3 hours remaining until completion while other kids panicked some shouting about their fear and wanting to quit asking how they were supposed to descend he gripped the Rope firmly reassuring himself he reminded himself that there was no need for fear his instincts would guide his movements and help him avoid danger he landed on a
small Stone and leaped again channeling Mana into his legs to absorb the shock of the Fall once safely on the forest floor a notification instructed him to break through the jungle and make his way to the chief's Lake knowing that time was of the essence he quickly set off through the dense undergrowth suddenly he narrowly avoided an attack that whistled past his leg turning he found himself facing seven pocket Apes ranked 01 he eyed the Apes suspecting they were the culprits that had launched the attack by throwing objects observing the group he noted that although
numerous they weren't particularly formidable adversaries as one of the Apes hurled a stone at him he effortlessly dodged understanding that once they exhausted their supply of projectiles they were merely aggressive primates with his heightened evasion instincts dodging them proved manageable he prepared his sword anticipating their next move once they ran out of ammunition they would likely attempt to flee and he preferred not to exhaust himself in a Chase opting instead for a Counterattack when the stone was about to hit him he managed to hit it back hitting the pocket ape the situation escalated when an
ape aggressively threw a rock directly at him calmly positioning his sword he taunted them questioning their aim with a swift movement he struck the stone with his sword hurling it back at the attacker the stone hit its Mark causing the ape to collapse to the ground he couldn't help but grin declaring it a home run which left the remaining Apes staring in horror moments later a loud crash echoed Through the Jungle signaling that he had successfully neutralized the threat while he was pleased to have handled the situation he realized with concern that he was running
dangerously low on both stamina and Mana furthermore the lake was still a considerable distance away and he had already spent 30 minutes of his allotted time he continued walking through the jungle questioning whether they really had a chance against the chief as he pondered his foot struck something on the ground looking down he discovered a Vitality fruit in the grasp of a fallen pocket ape known for its restorative properties the fruit was favored by pocket apes and used in potion making capable of restoring 50 Health points upon consumption he picked it up recalling that such
fruit fruits were commonly found around pocket Apes from his past life he also remembered a blue variant of the fruit a smile spread across his face as he formulated a plan to survive the jungle's perils meanwhile back at the cliff where the parents and other adults were observing the competition Gia overheard one of the mothers anxiously asking her husband if he thought their son might be dead the husband reassured her that their son had likely used his Mana just in time which might have left him a bit dizzy but he would be all right the
woman expressed concern that even though the monsters were weaken roaming and Pac still posed a significant danger nearby bum Jen inquired to Su Wang about suu's performance Su Wang noted that while suu's execution of the white mask movement was smooth some actions were unnecessary yet he was handling them wisely bumjin proudly exclaimed that it had only been a short while since they began training suu but he was learning quickly he suggested that suu's loss in the duel was due to Kimu letting his guard down a comment that left sangan and Ja silently fuming suddenly The
Spectators witnessed chian executing the fifth form of the king of beasts attack style Lion's Blitz a four strike combo that impressed everyone including xian's parents bungan pointed out to Su Wang that sumu was not backing down either Su Wang acknowledged that Shan's skills had notably improved recognizing the Thunderclap but he expressed concern about how much mana and stamina the kids were using especially considering the upcoming battle with the chief bumjin assured Su Wang that sumu would manage fine to which Su Wang responded that they would see in due time just then a loud noise erupted
from the jungle drawing everyone's attention they saw kinu skillfully throwing an ape into the air and dispatching more Apes with remarkable agility suang puzzled asked what kinu was doing sangan and GA both visibly anxious responded that kumu was simply taking the evaluation match very seriously on the ground he ate the Vitality fruit and confidently remarked that the challenge was proving to be easier than expected as sangun watched his son with a mix of confusion and admiration GA observed worriedly however bum Jun laughed dismissively claiming he couldn't believe it in suggesting Kimu had just come to
play around he urged everyone to watch their diligent suu instead which irritated sangjun and jaia suang interjected asking bumjin if he had failed to notice that kinu was not only avoiding all the monster attacks but also effectively counterattacking he pointed out that all of kyu's counterattacks landed perfectly demonstrating sharp intuition bumjin rorted that kununu wasn't taking things seriously and criticized him for recklessly picking and consuming unknown fruits he even questioned say 's methods of upbringing which infuriated sangjun suang then asked bum Jan whether his eyes were merely decorative or if he was having trouble with
his brain questioning if he really didn't recognize the fruit kumu had eaten upon closer inspection bumjin realized it was the fruit of endurance suang with a smile noted that kyu's confident consumption of the fruit indicated that sangun must have taught him well however sangjun corrected him stating he had never taught kinu about the fruits it was all kinu is doing suang then gestured towards the screen questioning if not sangjun then who could have taught him they then saw kinu find and eat the fruit of energy Su Wang commented that kinu seemed to understand the pocket
Apes well and appeared like a pro hunter Adept at adapting in difficult situations sangen agreed though he knew he wasn't the one who had taught kumu about these fruits meanwhile after defeating a swarm of Apes kumu confirmed his predictions about the various fruits he discovered the fruit of energy which had a dense texture and tasted somewhat like syrupy fever medicine the system notified him that it restored 50 mono when consumed feeling revitalized and noticing the lake was now closed he was pleased that he had recovered his stamina with the fruits kumu then realized he had
gathered quite a few fruits and wondered how to carry them not wanting to leave them behind for someone else to take he noticed a pouch on a collapsed ape and had a brilliant idea a moment later he put the fruits into the pocket Apes for pouch a miscellaneous item that can store other objects but can only be used in Dungeons and requires a Mona stone for continued use knowing it might also be considered loot but that such an opportunity wouldn't come twice he acted quickly he then plunged his sword into the ground and wrote instructions
to give the ape Pockets Mona Stones afterward he leapt onto a tree reasoning that if the Apes had Mono Stones their bodies would be sustained allowing them to continue using the pouch deciding to run to the lake he jumped from tree to tree aware that the time spent collecting fruit meant he had to compensate by using his Mana suddenly he felt something approaching and blocked an object thrown at him by an ape surprised that they were attempting to catch him he then attacked them swiftly knowing that subdued doing their leader was essential to save time
and energy after landing on the ground he noticed the muddy terrain he looked around observing that the trees were shorter than before and the leaves wider and noted The increased humidity confirming the environmental change he remembered that in the game a change in the environment typically meant a change in the monsters that appeared soon after he spotted a monster in front of him and realized they were MOS a relatively strong species frustratingly there were four of them and it was the only shortcut to the lake fighting there would be a challenge as the human environment
increased the monaro's speed and while the mucus from their mouths wasn't particularly strong it posed a paralysis risk he decided to look for an antidote first and recalled hearing about one near the monero's habitat telling himself to be cautious until he found it he soon emerged from the bushes frustrated from his aimless search suddenly a bright light caught his attention and he was excited when he finally found the antidote he was seeking growing as expected around the monero's habitat he picked the antidote pondering whether his continual encounters with monster ERS were fortunate he then realized
he hadn't invested any stats in his luck deciding to consume the antidote immediately the system notified him that he had consumed mud herb rot which increased his immunity by 11% for 30 minutes and informed him that repeated consumption would boost his immunity by 15% he was disgusted when he ate the antidote but then he heard someone shouting for something to go away surprised he heard the voice again declare that if they could only move properly they would all be dead he peaked behind the tree curious about who had encountered the monster and and saw that
it was rutle KIRO ranked two he watched as rutle KIRO threw poison at the person and understood the danger they were in he also knew that no matter how weak the poison was they could only fight back if all their abilities were over 50 he then wondered if the person had been paralyzed noting their awkward movements he pondered what he should do and thought that if the situation became too dangerous a hunter would save them and he didn't have any reason to help his competitors however he was shocked to see moneros attacking the person too
which was extremely dangerous so he decided to help he looked around for a high place and spotted a nearby Cliff he immediately jumped onto it knowing that the monsters hadn't noticed him yet and seized the moment he then leaped from the cliff and headed toward the monsters who all looked up confused he attacked them with his beast king style attack seven form highfall which sent the monsters flying in different directions leaving them dazed and collapsed he sheathed his sword and approached the person to ask if they were okay and if they were hurt anywhere reaching
out to help them up to his surprise he saw that it was suu who in shock asked if he was Duke hunu he too was stunned into stone shock he couldn't believe it was suu and wondered why he had saved the brat suu then shouted that even if he hadn't come he could have handled it by himself and accused him of stealing his prey he told suu that if that was the case he was sorry suu responded that if he was truly sorry he should offer something as compensation pissed he thought suu was the worst
person ever and wondered what nonsense suu was spouting suddenly the system appeared and showed that mono rank one had appeared suu shouting asked why there was a monster again and he calmly asked if one monster was left suu still shouting demanded to know what he was doing and why he didn't handle them properly making him snap in anger and singly tell suu that it couldn't be helped he then sweetly told suu that he had left the monster for him so he could handle it alone and now he wouldn't interrupt his deadly blow he then ran
away telling suu he'd see him in class making suu panic and Shout for him to wait but he just ran off leaving sumu with the monster glaring at him meanwhile on the cliff the adults heard suu cursing at kungu and shouting at mro not to come near him which made his father bum Jun angry the other adults teasingly asked how a lion could get kicked out by a toad bumjin then shouted to Su Wang that they needed to seize kinu and punish him right away because leaving suu who was injured was against the way of
divine swordsmanship of the DU family however Su Wang just asked sangun what he thought about it sangun replied that he thought it was something that commonly happens in competitions and he was sure the kids were well aware that Hunters were waiting in case of emergencies so he thought they were just playing around bumjin furiously asked sangun if he was kidding him right now but sangun simply replied that even if kinu hadn't come to help suu could have handled it by himself and asked bum Jan if he was wrong leaving bum Jan unable to answer suang
then put his hand on sangjun's shoulder telling bumjin that sangjun was right and that they couldn't stop the evaluation match and scold the child because of it sangun then mentioned that kumu would appreciate it if he heard about this while bum Jun was fuming in Anger suang then looked at the system thinking that the matter was really interesting and if his eyes weren't mistaken it must be blue thunder around cunu suang knew it was deep in the forest so many people wouldn't notice but he was sure it was Blue Thunder making him wonder how kununu
could do it back in the jungle he was catching his breath in a tree wondering if the jungle was coming to an end because he noticed changes in the surroundings again he then felt a refreshing Breeze and was surprised to see a lake very close by when he looked up the system then indicated that he had reached the next stage and his mission was to subjugate the spirit Monster in the Lake he was relieved to have arrived safely and noticed that there were about five of them including him but also saw that everyone seemed inexperienced
in underwater combat he then noticed someone in the middle of the lake making him wonder who it was on closer inspection it was Duan he noticed that she was really fast but he was puzzled by her heading towards a seemingly empty area his horror grew when he spotted the spirit Monster and noticed its poor condition making him wonder if the hunters had drained its energy earlier and if Shion could take it down with her current momentum the chief four monster screamed in anger and called for reinforcements making him realize that Shian would be in danger
Shion jumped away but winced in pain when she realized her light couldn't move he rushed towards the lake realizing the gravity of the situation and noticed by Shan's strange movements that she was also paralyzed he looked at his sword wondering if he could face the spirit Monster alone with Shion in such a condition he knew that with his gift he could Dodge all their attacks but it would quickly deplete his stamina and Mana he then looked at his other cousins and thought he should cooperate with Shan's acquaintances but wondered if they would listen to him
he then grabbed a fruit from his fur pocket decided to stock up on stamina and began formulating a plan he then realized something as he looked at the fruit thinking it might be possible on the other hand shien felt unable to move her shoulder in her left leg making her wonder if it was a paralysis effect she knew that in her body's current state she couldn't approach any closer the monsters then jumped towards her making her wonder if retreating was her only option forcing herself to stand she reminded herself of how far she had come
she then exhaled to calm herself down and dash towards the monsters she threw water at the monsters which blinded them and swung her sword using her beast king style sixth form lion Riot dance easily slashing them in half she then looked behind her to attack the other monsters but just as she was about to strike she couldn't move her body the monsters leapt at her while she wondered why she felt so paralyzed attacking them was difficult with her injured hand making her realize she was in danger suddenly she heard him telling her that he'd attack
on the right and she should take the left she immediately looked to her left and attacked the monster on her side noticing her body moved at the command of his voice she then looked at the person who had commanded her because she moved exactly as he had said she was then surprised to see that it was Duke hunu the rabbit he walked closer to her while respectfully calling her and asked if she could cooperate with him she asked him if by cooperate he meant working together to which he replied affirmatively he wondered aloud if it
was because she had turned 14 that she looked quite young as he remembered her differently she then suggested that they should not talk there and move somewhere else to discuss further meanwhile on the cliff the adults noticed that everyone was having a hard time they observed that even though the chief monster was weakened it still seemed overwhelming for the kids especially since they lacked experience in fighting on the surface of the water the adults also pointed out that the presence of so many monsters made it hard to even approach the chief suang noticed the dropping
morale of the kids and then duu Jan the eldest son of the Sacred word family told Su Wang that the children seemed to be in poor condition and suggested that they should lower the difficulty Wu Jan explained that it wasn't that the kids were weak but given their current state adjusting the situation seemed wise which the other parents agreed with Su Wang thought for a moment considering that maybe it was too much for them given their ages with the oldest being 17 they had done quite well however he was concerned about jugio Jang Jin knowing
that if hanol was the disciple of Jang Jin Hol was bound to be an even more formidable opponent suang really didn't want to see his grandchildren lose to that Rascal's disciple but he thought he might have overes estimated Jong Jin wujan then urged him to consider lowering the difficulty and Su Wang agreed that perhaps it was for the best just as suang was about to agree to lower the difficulty of the evaluation match he paused when he heard someone suggest that they should work together he saw kununu telling everyone that they should stick with him
Su Wang smiled upon hearing this and told the adults that the kids seemed to have something in mind so they should wait and see what they plan to do hu's cousins asked him what he meant by cooperation and although they acknowledged that Shian had the skills and they could accept following her lead they wondered why they should trust kinu with it they agreed that cooperation was the right thing to do but helping him get close to the chief didn't sit right with them they then asked him why he was acting so cocky when he was
so young and if he thought that just because he had beaten suu they would see him in a different light they acknowledged that they did see him differently but it didn't mean he could be their equal which made him feel distracted and pissed because they were as stubborn as ever however he was surprised when Shen told everyone that she agreed with kinu because indeed she couldn't f face them alone and kununu had something they needed he hadn't expected Shion to side with him and thought it was a good thing he had given her the Vitality
fruit earlier their cousins asked her why and turned to him to ask what exactly he had with him he smiled upon hearing this and threw the fruits and healing items in front of them he then told them that he wasn't asking them to help him for free if they cooperated with him he would give them those healing items he then asked them if they wouldn't all like a boost one of his cousins asked him how he planned to fight the chief but he simply retorted asking who would if not him he then challenged them to
look at themselves and asked if any of them had the strength to keep going he also pointed out that they were all thinking that if only they had more stamina more Mana or weren't paralyzed they could have performed better which left everyone shocked he then gave them the fruits and told them to take those to regain their strength and show the adults watching them that they were not an embarrassment He also mentioned that there wasn't much time left and they couldn't just end on a weak note therefore they should stick with him and work together
the system then showed them that they only had 52 minutes to complete the mission he was checking cheing the system thinking that everyone was a bit recovered when someone shouted his name when he looked back he saw suu and couldn't believe that suu was still alive he smiled at him making suu angrily ask him what was with his annoying expression but he just offered the fruit to suu and asked if he wanted to cooperate too suu snatched the fruit from him making him annoyed but he thought that even though he really didn't like it the
more allies he had the better he then called everyone to listen and asked if he was right that they had recovered a bit he then stared at them seriously and told them that they should let him explain the plan after that he told Shion that she would cover the chief's right side and he would take the left she replied that she got it but asked if she had to be on the right side he explained that it was because she was stronger than him knowing that the chief's left arm was severed and not as well
defended which is why it was better for her to keep the right arm in check he then told everyone that it was time to begin and the system issued a warning that they had encountered the chief ranked three along with 17 bosses ranked one they all rushed towards the chief and he instructed saaku to take command of the minions explaining that he and Shian needed to focus on the chief and couldn't assist him seak W acknowledge the command saying he understood and would provide support from behind he then directed the others to separate to the
left and right emphasizing that their priority was to clear a path on the other hand he told Shion that they should move out and then they ran to their respective sides the chief screamed in anger and furiously denounced them as mere humans it then charged up power in its hand while challenging their audacity to confront the ruler of the lake the chief created a sharp weapon for from water and shouting at them declared it would eliminate all of them calling them pathetic humans it then launched the weapon in Shan's Direction catching her by surprise fortunately
she jumped away in time to dodge it she then activated her beast king offensive style third form and slashed the chief with her lion iron split technique when she landed back in the water kumu rushed behind the chief and upon reaching the other side he activated his beast king offensive style first form and attacked the chief with his Lion's Fury technique but the chief dodged it both were surprised that it dodged his attack the chief then glared at them angrily and they noticed its tails moving realizing that it seamlessly switched between attack and defense making
it difficult for them to approach nonetheless they both rushed at it again knowing they had the advantage and that there was no need to hurry they continuously attacked the chief together without pausing and a few minutes later the chief was catching its breath clearly exhausted he nodded at Xiang signaling that it was their chance because the chief was getting weaker and she nodded back in agreement they both dashed toward it and used their Beast King offensive style second form the lionclaw marked technique to attack it together he asked her if she managed to cut it
and she replied that it was a shallow cut he commented that its hide was darn tough but she corrected him stating it was not hide but scale he replied that it was the same thing he then smiled noticing that the wound from the Lion's claw Mark was healing slowly and bleeding heavily signaling that they just needed to hold out and rank three would be theirs suddenly the chief attacked him with its tail which he dodged while Shion shouted to him not to let his guard down down the chief glared at them calling them damn rats
and remarked that if her arm were still intact they wouldn't stand a chance it then swung its tail in his Direction while shouting that she'd tear him apart first but before it could strike him she unsl slashed it from behind and taunted it asking where it was looking since she was cautious just a moment ago the chief screamed in pain and shouted that she wouldn't die like this the chief then slammed her tail on the lake declaring that even if she died she would drag them all with her he managed to use his beast king
defensive style third form Lion's barrier to protect himself they both ran toward the chief to attack again suang noticed how well kinu and Shian were coordinated and laughingly remarked that he now understood why kinu could defeat suu bujan in Anger wondered how kinu could fight at a level similar to Shian suddenly someone pointed to the system shouting for everyone to look at it and they were all surprised to see she unactivated her blue thunder suang proudly declared that the signs were already there and it had finally happened but his attention snapped back to the system
when someone stuttering urged everyone to look again they then saw kununu trying to calm his breathing correct his posture and Achieve complete Unity with his sword he maximized his senses and perfected the activation of his Mona circuit gaining an acute understanding of everything around him the adults were in shock and could scarcely believe what they were witnessing even Su Wang was stunned when he saw kumu trigger the Blue Thunder as well recognizing the threat the chief knew it had to dodge as kinu and chion activated their beast king offensive style fifth form in a panic
the chief realized realized it needed to evade their attacks but when they both struck with their lion Onslaught technique the chief saw the lion appear larger than herself together they defeated the chief with their special technique the notification then showed everyone that they had cleared the gate and a gate exit would be created around the gate key Su Wang and the others sat in silent disbelief until Su Wang broke the Silence with a laugh saying it wasn't just one turning back to the system Su Wang remarked that all this time he thought kununu was just
a mere rabbit but it turned out kinu was a lion cub instead when he saw the notification he was relieved that it was finally over she unpraised him for his excellent performance and he returned the compliment he remembered that in the game achieving certain Feats or receiving particular evaluations from people could earn him titles but he was surprised to receive two titles simultaneously one of them was lion cub and the pronunciation in Korean humorously resembled cursing making him wonder about the nature of the title however he was pleased to see that the adults who were
watching had changed their opinion of him and he even received recognition from his grandfather he knew it had been a long time since anyone had shown interest in him who had previously failed to even catch a measly Rabbit and his grandfather had distanced himself from him the notification then asked him if he would like to replace the title rabbit with lion cub he pondered whether it was a title that boosted the effect of the beast king Style by 10% but he realized that changing it would mean he could no longer use rabbit the symbol of
Duke hun additionally he knew that replacing it with his luck stat of 25 would significantly drop his evasion rate which was was crucial since most of his combat style leveraged his evasion Instinct he couldn't afford to lose this so he stared at the notification realizing there was no other choice after all nothing could compare to a rabbit as he was about to click no busy thinking that lion cub is better used when he needs extra strength or at family gatherings she unasked him if he was looking at the message that the gate had been cleared
he tried to say he was but she shook her head and told him that he seemed to have been staring into space for quite a while he acknowledged her observation and admitted he was reviewing the message they received from clearing the gate noting that he could only see the effects of the titles she expressed her understanding and suggested he take the key she explained that it was the gate key and it had fallen to her after they took down the boss monster he remarked that it meant the gate recognized her as the one who contributed
the most and asked her why she was offering it to him she replied that if he hadn't suggested they team up they wouldn't have been able to clear the gate she confessed that she didn't know what the gate thought but she believed differently which was why she was giving him the key she then smiled thanking and telling him that it was all because of him he accepted the key stunned and bashful suddenly someone appeared behind them causing both to turn around the man congratulated them on clearing the gate and he noticed that the man was
wearing regulus Clan attire indicating he was a hunter serving their family the man then informed them that if they handed over the gate key he would deliver it to the family head remembering that it was agreed to hand over the gate key to a nearby Hunter after clearing the gate he gave the key to the man the man confirmed receipt of the gate key and mentioned he would also report that Shan and he had played key roles in the gates clearance he then asked the man about the dead body of the chief four the man
explained that as they knew loot obtained from the evaluation battles was usually owned by the family however in this case it seemed wise to make an inquiry to their Master Su wank the man relayed the inquiry to Su Wang who responded that the spoils belonged to the winner the man relayed that Su Wang had approved and that ownership of the loot belonged to the party who defeated the monster he excitedly replied that it was great and they would take the boss's loot he told Shion that since she also fought they could share but she declined
surprising him he asked her if she really meant it and she affirmed telling him that he could have it gratefully he thanked her and approached the dead Chief 4 asserting that he would keep it he knew there was no way he would leave the boss's body floating around there especially since the boss was ranked three he then found the Crystal and as expected the Magic Stone was of high quality because it was from a rank three boss but then he noticed more shiny objects in the water he quickly picked them up and was shocked to
find that it was an intermediate physical ability ility Magic Stone upon absorption he received one bonus point that could only be used to enhance physical stats if they were under 80 he was in shock realizing the Rarity of finding a magic stone that allowed him to choose which stat to enhance especially since it was of intermediate level deciding to save it for when it was most needed since physical stats above 70 are difficult to improve he told Shen that he really owed her one she appeared confused at first but then mentioned that magic Stones were
extremely rare and suggested they have it appraised outside which he agreed to she then congratulated him on being able to use the Blue Thunder admitting she meant to say it earlier but had forgotten he thanked her and told her that she was also impressive he shyly smiled and suggested that they should head back as well upon their return Su Wang happily and proudly praised everyone for doing a great job especially mentioning Shian and him for their impressive skills he also told them that they had broken the record set by the second family head while they
were being treated making him wonder if it was his triggering of the Blue Thunder that had Su Wang looking so pleased today suang then put his hand on his head and patted them both advising them not to become complacent but to continue striving humbly and tirelessly initially surprised he smiled warmly feeling gratified to be acknowledged by su wank the notification then once again asked him if he would like to replace the tidle rabbit with lion cub he looked at the yes option thinking it might be an opportunity he should seize and considered asking Su Wang
for a favor he then approached Su Wang stating he had a request Su Wang intrigued urged him to speak up he boldly asked asked Su Wang for permission to enter the treasury of the Divine sword do family which left Su Wang surprised and asking if he had indeed mentioned the treasury a moment later as they followed Su Wang he turned around remembering he had said it was okay if they wanted him to guide them there but he wondered why everyone was following sangun then praised him for his performance and mentioned that he had watched from
the cliff affirming that he seemed to have mastered the Blue Thunder however sangun then seriously inquired how he knew about the fruits with G looking at him angrily sangun cautioned him that while while it was okay to know what he was eating he should be careful about consuming anything without checking as some plants and animals that appear similar in the gate can be entirely different ja then asked somewhat angrily what he would do if he ate something harmful and got sick or poisoned while Yun excitedly expressed her desire to try some fruit too he simply
replied yes unable to admit his ability to sense things he noticed Shan watching The Exchange and asked her what was wrong she commented that he seemed to get along well with his family to which he asked if it wasn't the same for her she responded that they were just so so making him guess that her Newfound openness with him stemmed from their fighting together suang then announced that they had arrived and explained that most of the treasures kept at the main house were connected to the history of the Divine swordsmith family and represented the Clan's
Heritage he noted that throughout history only a few people besides the head of the family had been permitted to enter the treasury Su Wang then opened the door telling them that they would now be among those few they entered the treasury both Amazed by the ambience despite the sparse collection of treasures she asked him if he wanted to take a closer look to which he enthusiastically agreed as he surveyed the room he noted the generous condition allowing them to take any one item suitable for their level The Elixir Thunder known for significantly enhancing lightning related
abilities was tempting but he pondered the Rarity of this opportunity to access the family Treasury and decided not to choose a treasure that could be found elsewhere his gaze then fell on the blue gate key making him wonder if it was the same blue gate key that Kang hanol had acquired in the game known for its Rarity even there she pointed towards the front indicating there was another room in the back walking closer she suggested they check it out he followed noting their efficient use of space as they entered the back room both were shocked
to see a lot of Swords with a shining sword in the middle catching their attention he recognized it as the sword of the beast king symbolizing the right to lead the Divine swordsmith family each sword displayed was of high rank he pointed to a sword on the ground identifying it as the Beast Missi sword a one-handed weapon perfectly suited for Shian he recalled from the game that Shion had once possessed it guessing this was where she obtained it observing her enamored with the sword he remembered hearing that one could instinctively recognize a weapon that suited
them just by looking at it wondering if Shian felt a connection to this sword he picked it up mentioning how converting Mana into Beast droplet seemed like a good match with her blue thunder and it was a sword that anyone who practiced the beast king style would find appealing she looked at him sadly and asked if he was going to choose it he replied no explaining that unlike her his mono capacity was limited and the Beast Miss sword didn't seem like a good match for him he also felt he couldn't take what was destined for
Shian handing it to her he told her he actually thought the Beast Miss sword would suit her better she accepted it with a smile telling him she really liked it he teased that the name lightning flower didn't seem fitting for shion's response and told her if she was grateful she needed to take care of it and if the academy City or his family needed help she should assist she agreed promising that as long as it was within her capabilities she would help him any time he asked if it was a promise and she she confirmed
it was she then inquired about his own choice offering to search for a sword together he declined saying he had already found his choice walking towards it he grasped the sword confident he had found the right one for him he was surprised by the sensation he felt when he picked up the sword making him wonder if Shion had experienced the same it felt as though only the sword and he existed in that world he pondered whether the sword was calling to him or if he was the one drawn to it slowly he drew the sword
from its sheath certain that it was the only one meant for him the azure sword the system then displayed that the Azure sword was a one-handed weapon favored by duom mjin the second head of the Divine swordsmith family forged by quenching the Horn of the Thunder Beast for 100 days it was unique in the world and known to test its Master its effects included a bonus of plus three to health and Agility and when equipped it transformed into a reverse edge sword additionally all skills named beast king style increased by one level when this sword
was equipped elevating the Mastery of the beast king style potentially rivaling the Beast Miss sword most importantly its reverse edged mode symbolized dukunu vulnerability he mused that he wasn't upholding the same pacifist values as duumu from the game but he preferred not to kill unless absolutely necessary he chuckled slightly unnerved knowing that the Azure sword would allow him to handle adversaries without lethal Force yet he was aware that he must be careful not to strike any vital spots accidentally he then informed Shion that they had made their choices and should leave to which she agreed
mentioning that everyone was waiting outside as they exited the treasure treasury Su Wang noticed that they had chosen the Beast Miss Sword and the Azure sword both excellent selections he handed the swords back to them with a rem reminder that both were favored by the family's second head and should be treated with care they both thanked Su Wang for his trust and guidance holding his new sword he called out to Su Wang expressing his Joy at having a new sword and seeing him after so long curious he asked if Su Wang could teach him some
of his sword techniques the request left the other adults in shock and horror suang however was pleased and asked if he wanted lessons from his grandfather he confirmed that he had never shared his sword skills with him before but agreed stating there was nothing he wouldn't do for his grandchild's Enlightenment given the late hour and the exhausting day at the gate Su Wang suggested they start the lessons the next morning grateful he bowed and thank Su Wang smiling at the prospect of gaining new courage from this experience the next morning he noticed that everyone had
gathered to observe his sparring match he saw his family cheering for him from the sidelines which reminded him of his father's earlier words Sue makes everyone have a hard time during The Spar so they won't dare to ask for a second round he asked his father if he had ever sparred with his grandfather his father replied that he never competed with a losing battle but had tried and lost sangun then told him that he was the first grandchild ever to ask Su Wang for sparring Su Wang asked if he had warmed up well to which
he replied affirmatively saying he was ready suang told him he would give him the first move and more if he wanted although he knew he would lose the fight gaining experience at this level was his goal he confidently pointed his sword at Su Wang and declared that he wanted to fight the strongest Swordsmen and awaken his own potential he explained that this was why he asked to spar with the strongest Swordsmen in their country Su Wang stunned advised him not to speak hastily reminding him that he was only one of many strong people out there
suang appeared embarrassed by the compliment Su Wang then asked if he was saying that by facing his sword technique he aimed to raise his threshold for facing strong Swordsmen he replied affirmatively but clarified that his goal was to train to endure Su Wang's pressure and gain courage suang told him that his perspective resonated with him and that it was How the Lion of the Divine swordsman of the due family should act suang then raised his wooden sword and told him to show him in the world his sword skills as suang released his strong Aura he
assured him that he wouldn't go all out in the fight and urged him to show his best swordsmanship he couldn't move Paralyzed by fear when he felt the strong Aura the system continuously showed that his stats had decreased by 80% he couldn't believe the pressure was so overwhelming Su Wang asked him where he was looking and told him to just fight Su Wang then told him that if this were a real battle he would have lost his life already and that he needed to face his fears he felt his evasion Instinct responding to Su Wang's
aora realizing just how afraid he was Su Wang then told him he would start the attack with a swift strike Su Wang hit him and threw him across the arena his parents were shocked but he managed to compose himself enough to avoid slamming into the wall though he let go of his sword and hit the floor hard he knew he couldn't stay down like this but he also realized that Su Wang was beyond human capability when he looked up he saw the adults staring at him their expressions seemingly telling him he should have known his
place he felt their silent judgment if he was just going to lose like this he shouldn't have proposed The Spar he should have taken Su Wang's offer for the first move seriously he had talked big to look impressive but ended up trembling before Su wank they expected too much because of the rumors about him but he felt like nothing more than a rabbit not a lion meanwhile Su Wang observed him thinking that he had expected to push him into the wall instead he had deflected Su Wang sword cut and dodged to evade the attack likely
shouting to ease the shock suang knew that this was how he had dealt with the attack as a 12-year-old and that his response was impressive watching him struggle to stand up Su Wang laughed and said he was both a scary kid and a cute lion at the same time Su Wang then approached him suggesting they go another round since he seemed to still have energy he noted that since he had evaded the attack earlier he likely wasn't hurt seriously and any injury would be minor he knew he couldn't take the same attack again and wasn't
confident in his ability to avoid it a second time as his evasive Instinct had saved him the first time he still hadn't gained the courage he needed leaving him to wonder what to do next suddenly a system notification popped up above him showing he had acquired a new skill courage level one he sighed in relief and shouted that it was good Su Wang puzzled asked what was so good he replied that he didn't think he would Spar again and thank Su Wang for teaching him a moment later after sang Jun finished sparring with Su Wang
Su Wang laughed and told sangun that his skills weren't Rusty s tun replied that it was because his body was used to working in the training Hall every day meanwhile he was watching them from behind apologizing to everyone because he couldn't believe they all had to participate in The Spar because of him he wondered what they were doing as he noticed that after his grandfather Su Wang said something in the middle of The Spar his father sangjun's movements changed Yun hugged sangun and told him she was rooting for him to win ja then told sangun
that she didn't expect him to wield his sword so fiercely he then asked sangun what actually happened between him and Su Wang which made sangun confused sangun told him it was nothing and not something a kid like him should know suggesting they just watched The Spar this made him silently think and stare at his father they then watched as Su Wang defeated the last adult and shouted that it was now his grandchildren's turn however Su Wang easily defeated Shion and the other kids without any effort shocking him next was suu who was shaking in fear
before the fight even began still suu managed to tell suang that he was looking forward to The Spar suang told suu to receive his attack then swung his wooden sword at suu sending him flying and bleeding tunu meanwhile pointed his camera atsu getting beaten up and captured the moment later in the car he was laughing while looking at the picture of suu on his phone thinking that suu flying because of su Wang's attack was hilarious despite the tough experience he knew that those two days had really benefited him especially since he gained the courage skill
satisfied he just wanted to go back home the night came and at their house he was sleeping next to his sword Eun was sleeping with her Teddy bear and jaia was sleeping alone in the bed because sangun was on the Terrace deep in thought he was pondering Su Wang's question about whether he could handle and protect the kid with his current Powers sangun then remembered suang telling him that kumu seemed to have decided to let go of his weakness and strive to become the best however kinu still didn't want to fight his brother and only
got beaten by them sangun knew that to protect kinu he must take risks looking at his family sangun thought that he needed to grow stronger to protect them the next day Shian asked kununu how his school and told him to spar with her next attaching a smiling Kitty sticker he couldn't believe that she unused such a sticker making him wonder if she really wanted to spar with him he replied okay and asked if she was all right and if she was hurt anywhere she immediately replied thanking him for worrying about her she then told him
that she thinks she'll get better over time and asked how he was and if he was okay she sent a worried Cat sticker which he found hard to get used to and wondered why Shen felt like a cat to him someone then asked him who he was messaging he saw that it was hanel and replied that he was messaging his cousin she asked if he was the one who sent the video to her but he clarified that it wasn't sumu and that this time he was texting his cousin this surprised her and she asked if
his sister was pretty he thought for a moment and replied that he thought she was quite pretty he agreed with himself knowing that in that game most characters were pretty like yon hanell she told him it was good for him to have a close pretty cousin and turned away telling him he didn't need a friend like her and should mind his business with his pretty cousin this confused him and he wondered if hanu was upset because he complimented another girl is pretty he smiled and told her that she was pretty too which shocked her and
made her blush he repeated that she was pretty especially her ears she continuously HIIT him insisting she wasn't pretty to which he replied that he understood and wouldn't say it again she explained that it wasn't what she meant as he was being beaten he wondered what he should do but felt a weight lift off his shoulders hanel then thought that he didn't get along with his cousins but it turned out he was on good terms with some of them he then grabbed something from the floor making her look at him in confusion he handed her
something long and said it was a gift for her she asked what it was and he replied that it was a sword he brought from his house since he remembered she wanted to learn swordsmanship he told her that if she was going to learn it was better to start with a good sword one better than those at the sword Training Academy she asked if it was really for her and he confirmed it was her sword she shyly thanked him saying she was always the one receiving gifts from him but she'd make good use of it
their classmates overheard and rushed over asking if they could see and touch the sword too hanel hugged her sword while their classmates chatted excitedly with her he guessed the sword was something amazing to them as they didn't have any connection with a hunter he saw their classmates asking hanel if she wanted to become a hunter too and if she attended the sword Training Academy which made her happy seeing her finally talking with their classmates made him smile a moment later when the school bell rang he grabbed his book from under his table and asked hanel
what the first period was she replied that it was a moral and etiquette subject he asked why they needed to learn that at school when he already considered himself a moral person but she told him he didn't seem like one to her she then noticed an envelope on the floor and pointed it out saying something had fallen he saw it was a letter with hearts and wondered who put it there noticing there was no name on it hanel started panicking beside him he looked at her and was about to ask but stopped when he saw
her sweating in horror she stuttering asked what he just said so he asked if she knew anything about the letter she stuttering replied that she didn't he told her he didn't think there was anyone who would send him a letter but she remained silent horrified by the hearts on the letter when he opened it to check she panicked even more he then read the letter which said someone would be waiting for him on the rooftop after school to tell him something important hanil remembered their classmates asking if they thought something had changed about kununu the
girls had said that kununu used to be timid but now he looked cool mature and was a hunter from the renowned Divine swordsmanship due family making him really popular she was about to tell him something about the letter when he suddenly said he knew what it was and guessed it must be a dual letter which shocked her to her core after class hanel walked out of the school her ears down in sadness she remembered kumu thinking the letter was a dual letter and wondered how he could think that when it clearly looked like a love
letter to her with all those heart stickers she told him to forget about it thinking he got it because he was famous these days which confused him he thanked her and she worriedly wondered if Kimu would still want to play with her after realizing how popular he was she just wanted to continue playing with him she then remembered Kimu telling her that he thought he should go somewhere after school and asking if he could borrow her sword because he had something else to do she thought it was a confession and knew k would believed he
would never be popular or receive a confession but she worried what if kumu didn't refuse because he wasn't thinking clearly what if he accepted the confession and started dating someone the thought stopped her in her tracks and she feared she wouldn't be able to play with kinu anymore she sobbed in sadness because she didn't want that to happen then her mood lifted when she considered the possibility that cun's interpretation of the letter as a dual letter could be true she asked herself why she didn't think of that earlier what if it really was a duel
what if kununu enemy was more than one person she decided to go and help kinu thinking it could be more dangerous than she initially thought and that she needed to keep updated on the situation she turned around and ran back to the school convincing herself that she wasn't spying but was just worried about him meanwhile kununu arrived at the rooftop and looked around noticing that no one had arrived yet he closed his eyes and used his detection sense skill spotting three people hiding behind the vent he thought they were the ones who wrote the letter
then he saw a girl with rabbit ears and realized it was hanel he wondered why she was there when she had already told him to forget about the letter he decided to leave hanil alone for now because he needed to handle the others first he shouted at the three people to come out because he knew they were there the three students began pointing at each other trying to decide who should come out first but no one wanted to he took out hanel sword glad he had brought it as he needed to handle the situation he
then threatened to slash the water tank if they didn't come out quickly one of them panicked and came out stuttering and pleading with him not to attack the triplets then revealed themselves making him shocked and asking what they were were doing there he sighed and asked the triplets if suu had asked them to bully him again but the triplets immediately replied that it wasn't the case and that he should put the sword away he asked if they were planning to retaliate but jumong assured him they weren't and it wasn't anything like that the triplets then
bowed and begged him to help them offering to do anything in return he wondered what these cunning brats were up to now considering they had been deceitful from the start jumong stuttering called his name and begged him to be their sponsor which stunned him in confusion he asked what they meant meanwhile Han will Peak from the door he asked the triplets if they meant they were being abandoned by duu he realized that after he had dealt with the triplets their communication with suu had become less frequent finally yesterday suu declared he would no longer sponsor
them and took measures to prevent them from attending the sword Training Academy effectively casting them out of his favor he knew this hadn't happened in the game and thought there weren't many stories of him being Bullet by the triplets but he understood that suu was disappointed still he thought the punishment was too harsh so now the triplet who always bothered him were here with their heads hung low he then thought that because they lost to him they wanted to become his subordinates which he didn't want however the triplets didn't stop begging him making him pissed
he wondered if after failing to get suu to sponsor them they now wanted to ask him instead he asked them why they sent the letter and asked him to meet them on the rooftop jum Nong replied that they thought he'd ignore them if they didn't he then asked why they didn't write a name in the letter Jun Nong explained that they thought it would be a waste and believ that if he saw their names he'd just ignore it he then commented that the handwriting was quite pretty dongdong replied that their handwriting was hard to read
so they had asked someone with the best handwriting to write it jum Nong then mentioned that although they didn't explicitly write their names they gave him a hint with gold silver and bronze heart stickers the triplets then begged him to accept their hearts which stunned both him and hanu who was peing in shock he wondered what was going on and thought that he shouldn't let the story deviate too much to avoid a butterfly effect moreover he had personal grudges against the triplets so he really didn't want to get entangled with them however it saddened him
to see them like this knowing he wasn't a bad person he told the triplets to stand up and that he'd help them but they needed to listen to him first the triplets immediately agreed and sweetly said they would be his subordinates to which he replied that it wasn't necessary he convinced himself that having more people on his side was better and told the triplets he'd talked to his father to let them attend the sword Training Academy again however he warned that if he found out they were spies for suu he wouldn't forgive them and would
make them regret it the triplets swore they weren't spies and pledged their loyalty to him he then waved them goodbye after the triplets left he looked back and asked hanu what she was doing there and why she didn't come out she stuttering replied that she didn't mean to spy on him and explain that she was just doing what he told her as Hunters they should be prepared even for the worst she had come to help if needed or to report to the teacher if a fight broke out he smiled and told her that she was
worrying about him and thanked her for it to which she shyly responded that it wasn't the case he then said he had finished his business and suggested they should go a moment later he was back home and Gaia welcomed him back sangun told him that the woman he had been looking for would come to their house that weekend and that he could bring hanel too he asked sangun who he was talking about but then realized it and sangun clarified that honga would be coming the next morning hanel arrived at their house and greeted G with
a cheerful good morning GA excitedly told hanel that she made it and that it must have been hard to get up early on a weekend meanwhile he was welcoming her in Handel stuttering replied that it wasn't hard at all and that she was really thankful for the invitation GA told them to wait inside since Hina had said she would arrive soon and they both agreed he took handle's bag and saw her happily rush to monel his rabbit he guessed he needed to be careful not to mess things up since hanel was there today he asked
her if she wasn't excited to meet Ena but she asked why she should be excited he explained that the person coming to visit was The Wizard Hong yina she asked if yina was someone famous and he replied that she was a great wizard called The Witch of five colors he then asked if she knew about Elemental Magic and she replied yes explaining that it was a type of magic where Mana is converted into its natural element and given a specific attribute all Elemental Magic is derived from Seven fundamental elements with light and darkness being special
elements and water fire wind Earth and lightning being common ones normally even if one devotes their entire life they can only learn one element with affinity but there is one person who has mastered all seven elements The Witch of seven colors Hong yina he knew that currently yina was the witch of five colors because she hadn't yet resolved the conflict between the light and darkness elements he then told hanel that Ena was the only one who could handle five elements which surprised her she asked if it was possible and said that Ena must be incredible
she then worriedly asked if someone like Ena would accept her to which he confidently replied yes and explained that Ena would recognize her talents a moment later yina arrived and asked if he was the one who invited her she then told him that if he was from the Divine swordsmanship of the due family he should focus only on practicing with swords yet he was being greedy by trying to learn magic H also remarked that he had just started learning swordsmanship and now wanted to learn magic and even had his friend join him she asked if
he thought it was Child's Play While hanel stuttering said hello to Ena he knew that Ena was usually cynical toward people without talent but he guessed that maybe because Ena was in the mood to wander around she got annoyed by the sudden Interruption Ena told him that she had no choice but to come because it was a request from someone in the due family but as she said before on the phone if he didn't have talent she'd leave he knew youa might act like this now but she would definitely change her tune once she saw
Han's ability he then told Ena they should check their talents now which she agreed to remembering she had heard kinu was timid because she thought he had no talent in swordsmanship she assumed he chose to learn magic which made her dislike him yina then took out an artifact and explained that she would assess the amount of Mana in their bodies their Mana resistance Mana adaptability Mana application Mana control and other necessary aspects for handling Mana all of this would be done using the artifact she created called called the magic animal hat they both realized that
Ena was subtly showing off her ability though her naming sense was awful Ena then explained that the Hat was very simple to use once they put their hands inside it would be activated and analyze their magic creating an animal that suited their magic if they didn't know how to handle their Mana the hat would automatically draw out the Mana from their bodies when they put their hand in and stirred it the light would Clump together and then change into the animal that matched them best yina then stirred her mana and it exploded like fireworks slowly
the Mana formed into an animal finally transforming into a bird Ena explained that the bird matched her magic and the bigger the animal the more Mana there was in the person's body Additionally the more realistic the animal looked the higher the monor concentration application and efficiency they possessed which amazed both of them Ena then called hanel to go first surprising hanel however he thought it was better for hanel to go first because although he couldn't guarantee anything he was sure she had a lot of Mana inside her body Ena looked at hanel thinking they were
only 12-year-old kids and wondering how much Mana they could even possess she imagined hanil might create a rabbit that resembled her hanil then stirred her Mana as Ena instructed and her Mana floated in the air surprising her it then made a huge explosion and changed into a massive animal stunning everyone with a clear huge elephant he was shocked knowing hanel had a large amount of Mana but never expecting it to be such a gigantic animal he shouted to yina to get rid of it but yina responded that she couldn't because only the Caster could dismiss
the animal created with the artifact he told yina to find another solution but then the elephant threw a dumbbell at him making him shout in shock as the elephant rampaged he asked yina if there was another way yina replied that if handle couldn't handle it right now they should wait until the Mana dispersed on its own she explained that the only way to make that happen was by diverting the Caster's Focus or knocking them out which would deactivate the Mana in their body he thought for a moment and called out to hanu who was stunned
in fear he grabbed her and held her to his chest which made her blush he told her to close her eyes and listen to his heart beat he instructed her to focus fully on the sound of his heartbeat and start counting numbers as the Mona elephant screamed and raised its feet to step on them hanel closed her eyes and followed his instructions focusing on his heartbeat and Counting when hanil calmed down the Mana connecting to the elephant snapped causing the elephant to disappear he tightly grabbed hanel in relief expressing how relieved he was he then
asked her if she was okay but she just whispered 175 Ena approached them and told hanel that she had the talent to become a great wizard believing it was worth teaching her the way way of magic placing her hand on Han's shoulder yina asked if her name was indeed hanuel and if she wanted to be her disciple later after he recounted everything to his father his father asked if it was true that Han's magic test revealed a large elephant as her magical creature he replied affirmatively adding that yaa had said the elephant's size represented the
immense Mana within Han's body and its black color indicated the element of darkness in her magic yina also mentioned that Wizards rarely Master the element of Darkness sangun couldn't believe that even a witch of five color wanted to take hanel as a disciple remarking that it meant hul's future was very promising he then seriously asked his father if it would be possible for the Divine swordsmanship of the due family to sponsor hanuel sangun realized his son's goal was to sponsor hanel making him laugh awkwardly in response sangun then told him that if hanel became the
witch's disciple and with his endorsement hanel could receive support from their Family Foundation however they needed to ask the witch of five colors how far she would support hanu his father explained that when a hunter formally takes on a disciple it means they intend to provide all kinds of support if Hong decided to fully support hanu their family would only need to support Han's early development his father assured him not to worry as they could still support hanuel in their own way he understood but wondered what if Hina didn't want to get involved with their
family nevertheless he was relieved because he could ensure hanel had the resources and opportunities to prevent her from becoming a dark witch giving her a supportive environment to thrive as a wizard still he knew he needed to work hard to prevent hanel from becoming a mid-level boss sangun then asked if he heard correctly that he also decided to learn magic he replied yes explaining that he wanted to learn magic to assist his swordsmanship his mother excitedly asked if it meant he also showed yina his potential and what animal he manifested his little sister excitedly asked
to what animal appeared from his magic he felt awkward as his family eagerly awaited his answer before this yina asked him if they should see what animal his magic manifests calling him the kid of divine swordsmanship of the dof family he then gathered his mana on his palm letting it flow into the air it exploded and transformed into a beast form shocking everyone when they saw it was a lion with a rabbit's face yet he only told his family that he manifested a white lion his father was excited because it wasn't just a lion but
one with white fur sangun then proudly asked if there would be a great wizard in their family to which gy replied that she didn't know but acknowledged her son's Talent Yun excitedly asked him to let her know when he would learn magic again making him laugh awkwardly but glad he had an Ain for the Light Element magic he remembered yina saying that although he didn't have a lot of Mana in his body it was balanced and sufficient to support his swordsmanship despite their laughter at the peculiar manifestation yina decided to teach him as well thinking
it would be helpful for her research given his affinity for light magic and its decent quality although frustrated by the rabbit head's reminder of his past weakness he vowed to learn magic diligently and use it to enhance his strength as they began learning magic from The Witch of five colors time flew by unnoticed and 12 12 years quickly passed sangan told them that the results would be announced in a week but it was already confirmed that he would be the subl lord of the regulus clan jaia congratulated her husband on finally becoming subl Lord and
Yun excitedly congratulated her father too he was shocked and asked his father if he really became the subl Lord wondering how it happened and if it was because of him he remembered that in the game his father chose not to compete with his brothers for the patriarch position content with being the branch manager and protecting his family but now his father had become the subl Lord he then stared at his father who sweetly told his mother that it was all thanks to her and thanked her for everything he asked his father if he was really
okay with fighting against his brothers his father proudly replied that now he didn't need to worry about making many accidents in the future shocking him he told his father he wouldn't commit to making accidents but his father just asked who will know he then looked at his family celebrating wondering what his father thought of him and if he saw him as a troublemaker despite everything he was glad something good was was happening although unsure of his father's goals he resolved to support him as much as he could if his father wanted to become the head
of the family he then congratulated his father as time flew by and the seasons passed little by little they changed hanel asked him why he was practicing so hard making him stop swinging his wooden sword he replied that it was because he wanted to become even stronger hanel told him he was already strong and asked if that wasn't enough for him she reminded him that since sh unle for du Academy in the other City he had been the strongest among their relatives under 16 but he insisted that it still wasn't enough he wanted to be
even stronger than he was now four years had passed since kinu recalled the memories of his past life four years could be long or short and during this time he devoted himself solely to training he knew he had only one year left until the main story began although he believed he could handle the challenges at do Academy with his current skills he didn't think he could always return to a safe point it was no longer a game where he could start over again once he died it would be over he knew he couldn't stop there
canel then asked him how strong he wanted to become while he was practicing he replied that he didn't know but maybe strong enough to prevent the end of the world hanel annoyed told him to stopped joking around but he replied that he was serious he then asked himself who the strongest person he knew was remembering someone he told hanel that he wanted to become even stronger than his grandfather Su wank she asked if he met the beast king of the Divine swordsman of the DW family to which he replied yes adding that he wanted to
become strong enough to defeat him she understood that he wanted to become stronger than any existence and told him it was quite an impressive goal he asked her if he was right in saying they should always aim high and told her there was no rule saying it was impossible she agreed and told him she'd be rooting for him from the sidelines so that he could become stronger than the beast king he was taken aback by her words but thank her and asked her to keep her promise wanting her to always stand by him the truth
was he couldn't save the world alone to prevent the end in countless destruction he needed to become as strong as Kang hanol and his companions he needed a lot of help even from a Villain Like hanu but this time she was his most powerful companion and he really needed her help one year later hanel pointed ahead and told him to look her face lit up with an excited smile he was amazed to see that they were near the city they had finally arrived at Academy City she marveled at the man-made Island calling it incredible he
agreed saying it was his first time seeing it too he smiled thinking about how hard he had trained over the past 5 years his physical strength endurance and Agility had increased significantly and though his Mana growth was modest his efficiency had great improved however his overall stat growth had slowed down since surpassing the 50o mark he believed that training at Academy City would allow him to proceed with the story well Academy city was not only an educational institution but also an artificial Island designed to train excellent Hunters he remembered that in the game it was
described as a lawless Zone with 25 administrative regions each operating independently with complete autonomy in the game prologue there was a scene where Kang handil traveled to Academy City by boat and at that time he had really wanted to experience it firsthand he was excited knowing that since Kang Haniel got in through a special admission program he wouldn't see him at the exam venue although this was a Pity he knew they would meet soon hanel then excitedly pointed out how pretty The View was and noted that the color of the sea had changed she mentioned
hearing it was due to the different environment there he thought the more important thing was getting to ride the boat with hanu as she had always wanted to hanel asked if she was right that they could see the sea because Academy city was an artificial Island he asked her why and she replied that she had never seen the ocean in person only in videos or pictures she had seen a picture of Academy City floating on the sea before and thought it was so pretty she really wanted to see the scenery while on a boat he
then asked her how it felt to have her wish granted seeing the sea and riding a boat now that they were there she was surprised and asked how he could remember that he replied that of course he remembered asking how he could forget her wish she grew shy and fell silent staring at him suddenly they heard people vomiting looking back they saw the triplets vomiting and complaining that they should have used used a wargate or at least a plane considering they had enough money he stared at the triplets not knowing they would get C6 so
easily later the boat captain announced to everyone that they would arrive at Academy City shortly and wished the best of luck to all the examinees a minute later they disembarked and arrived at Academy City he and hanel were amazed to see the city up close the triplet stumbled off the boat shaking and dizzy collapsing on the ground and stuttering saying they were relieved to finally get off hanel asked if she should have cast a magic spell to help with their seasickness the triplets shouted in unison that if such a spell existed she should have said
so earlier he told them that if they wanted to become Hunters they should be able to overcome seasickness the triplets glared at him angrily hean asked hanel if she had the pamphlet and if he could see it which she handed to him as they started to look around he confirmed that they were heading to Golden River Academy in area 23 she replied yes and informed him that they were currently in area 19 she then asked where they needed to go suddenly someone pointed to the side and told them to go that way if they wanted
to reach area 23 they turned and saw a lady waving and asking if they were also going to Golden River Academy for the exams apologizing in advance if they were not he told the lady that she was right and asked if she was applying there too he was glad to see her knowing she was the self-proclaimed introvert of Kang Handel's party go yunai despite her claim yunai had a cheerful and gentle personality and good social skills making her well known at Golden Academy she often asked how she could be an extrovert when she didn't have
many friends and insisted she was an introvert earning her the nickname the affectionate deceiver with her unique ability to get along with everyone she acted as an informant for Kang hanal who was often unaware of the circumstances around him since yunai had approached him first he decided to take the opportunity to get to know her better he shook her hand and introduced himself which she reciprocated suggesting that if they met again during the exam they should greet each other and compete honorably rather than trying to keep each other apart he thought that if yunai were
an animal she would be like a friendly cute puppy and among players she was named the Welsh Corgi yunai then asked hanel for her name mentioning she had been glancing at her since they were on the boat because her hair was so beautiful she asked if Han's hair color was natural or dyed hanel shy hid behind him making him realize her shyness hanel then whispered to him to do something because it was hard for her to be that bright and active he told her to just do what she did with him but she explained that
she had gotten closer to him over time whereas this was her first time meeting yunai he then imagined a corgi trying to be friends with a timid rabbit and decided to help he told yunai that her name was yon hanuel and apologized explaining that hanel was a bit shy suddenly A lady called out to yunai who then told him that she thought they were looking for her she rushed over saying she had to go and regretting that they couldn't talk longer but assured them they'd see each other later he was now certain yunai was an
extrovert considering she had as many friends as his entire family he waved goodbye and then asked Tel if they should go too to which she agreed immediately the triplets insisted they should all go together they then boarded a bus heading to area 23 each occupied with their own business he looked outside and saw holes in the sky knowing they were Gates he thought there must be even more gates in the sky above Academy City and if they didn't clear those Gates the erosion rate would increase leading to a certain Doom ending he snapped out of
his thoughts and swore he wouldn't let that happen a moment later they arrived at the golden River Academy Entrance Test room a man with scars on his face tried to speak sweetly informing them that before they could issue the test cards they needed to fill out the pledge he added that if they had a last will they could give it to him which only made him seem more creepy one of the students ran away crying shouting that he just wanted to go home the man replied sure and said he would accept the students withdrawal hanel
asked why someone was running away from the test and he explained that he had heard there were quite a few cases where students felt the fear of death the moment they submitted the pledge she told him the pledge stated that they must take responsibility for any mishaps and not expect any help during disasters calamities or Terror incidents during the exam meaning the academy was not responsible for any deaths during the exam he told her not to worry because they wouldn't die and they should believe in their skills he then noticed someone and wondered if it
was due suo realizing suu was the same age as him he guessed that suu must be taking the exam that year too he figured they'd have different exam sites since they were both planning to get into the same Academy so he decided to wait and see the man announced that students who had received the test card should not be late for the briefing session that would be held in room 102 of the auditorium as they walked away hanel mentioned that the test card was shaped like a a badge but would be distributed a week before
the exam he corrected her explaining that the test would start now with a basic skills assessment followed by the Practical test a week later she realized that being late could be a big problem and he agreed noting that the annual qualification exam was very famous they then entered the auditorium unsure of what awaited them next once everyone settled the professor addressed them stating that some might already know but the test had already begun they had received their test cards which displayed their test number and simply said golden river to take the Practical test they needed
to get their test number by answering a question to check their basic skills the professor explained that there were a total of 30 questions and the test card changed color based on their answers gray yellow green red and black according to the color change they would receive extra points but it was their choice to answer or not their test number would be determined based on this test the professor then informed them that once their test number was confirmed it would appear on the test list and they could find their test location the test card also
o measured their vital signs to monitor their physical condition and prepare for any emergencies when they solved the first question and their test number appeared they should tap the test card to their heart if their test card was removed from their body for more than an hour they would be disqualified so they should keep it on them at all times the professor wrapped up the explanation urging them to prove their qualifications with all their abilities and wishing them the best of luck the triplets then excitedly approached him asking what they should do next and if
they were doing it together since they thought they could cooperate he told them they should do it separately and while they initially agreed they were shocked upon realizing his answer and asked him why the Twins then shouted to everyone to form teams prompting the students to start asking each other to cooperate he explained to the triplets that there was no point in cooperating if they were to cooperate it would be like two of them solving two questions showing a lack of confidence in solving the problems on their own and being unable to keep their test
badges safe he asked them if they weren't confident to which the triplet stuttering but proudly replied that they were confident he then explained that they had to solve as many problems as possible within a week to get the extra points however relying on accommodations would waste their time so they should take care of it on their own he asked if he was right in thinking they could do it even if they were not around the triplets shaken but Resolute agreed and told him they would see him on the day of the exam he then told
hanell they should head to their accommodation too and she agreed as they walked she asked if they shouldn't be separating as well to which he replied that their accommodations were close and if she was okay with it they could go around together she shyly agreed a moment later handle screamed in shock and he was shocked too when they realized due to a computer error they had been assigned the same room the receptionist bowed apologizing and admitting it was a mistake he asked if they could get an additional room and if any rooms were left but
the receptionist replied that due to the influx of test takers there were no rooms available he agreed knowing every place was fully booked the receptionist then offered to refund their accommodation fees and provide complimentary Hotel services along with a coupon for 24 commercial facil facilities he asked hanel what she thought and if she was okay with it but she was still in shock and Confused the receptionist then informed them that the room they booked had space for an additional bed and they could replace the existing bed with two single ones hanu shyly and loudly agreed
insisting they separate the beds when the room was ready they headed there and saw that it was spacious he remarked that it was fortunate they had two separate beds while hanel whispered repeatedly that she was going to lose her mind she asked how two grown adults could share a room for a whole week expressing repeat reply that she would go crazy hanel also asked what if something happened wondering if it was like some drama but then disagreed with herself knowing even dramas aren't like this he reassured her that they were still not adults and would
only become legal adults once they got into the academy seeing her Panic he sighed and told her that if she couldn't handle it and hated the idea he would sleep somewhere else go to the sauna or stay with the triplets this surprised her she quickly told him to wait explaining that she didn't really hate it which confused him then she slammed a pillow into his face shouting that she didn't know and rushed to the bathroom declaring she was going to take a shower peeking out she shouted that if he peaked he would be dead and
slammed the door he replied that he wouldn't peek and couldn't believe she threw the pillow with Mana he smiled shyly deciding to not dwell on it too much he knew that if he acted shy handle would be more embarrassed so he decided to pretend not to be he realized that as an Academy student there would be many times when he'd share a room with a girl so he needed to stay composed and focus on solving the problems ahead he then opened the golden River Academy badge which shattered into pieces he looked at it and noticed
it was a simple puzzle he wondered if he just needed to solve it but believed it couldn't be that easy noticing that several pieces looked similar without major differences he realized it was a double puzzle on the surface it seemed simple but inside there were many circuits he began to put the puzzle together knowing it required both Visual and Mana perspectives to solve in just a minute he successfully assembled the pieces into a diamond-shaped crystal he smiled knowing the first two problems were solved the badge then displayed his number 1532 white canu who had just
come out of the bathroom asked if he had solved the problem and congratulated him he thanked her and stood up telling her he would take a shower now she asked if he needed to shower within an hour since he had his exam number now as he walked he tripped on his bag and fell colliding with her they were both shocked when they found their faces closed together in a very awkward position he was horrified and hanel was completely shocked she become flustered hit him and shouted for him to get lost the next morning they were
in the canteen he was thinking about how hanil had been very shy since yesterday's incident she had been ignoring him and he couldn't sleep because it was really noisy at night when residual Mana unconsciously released by humans mixes with ambient pure Mana it creates dimensional Rifts that allow monsters to emerge people with significantly more Mana than ordinary humans gather and unconsciously release residual Mana in large quantities which stimulates the ambient mana and Academy City naturally this leads to an increase in dimensional Rifts causing him to lose L sleep at night disturbed by the presence and
sounds of monsters as he ate he thought that security wasn't the problem it meant he would constantly hear the monst sounds every day from now on when he looked at hanel she was eating quickly and he noticed she was still angry he thought that eating something delicious might calm her down but he was wrong he then told her that they should act separately which surprised her she asked him why and he replied that solving the problems together wouldn't work he asked her if there wasn't a problem that should show individual skills too she angrily reminded
him that he had asked her to go with him but he told her that TimeWise it might be better to act separately he suggested they should eat together and asked her what she thought she agreed and said they should decide based on the situation later for lunch and eat dinner together he then asked her if they should solve the problem now and activated his badge the system showed them something and he noticed that the white dots were arranged in a regular shape making him wonder what to do with those dots she told him that she
thought it was a matter of Mona Vision again and he said it was similar to the one yesterday he then looked closely at the system and asked her if she had a pen which she did and she gave it to him he remembered that in the game players solve puzzles using various characters which made them feel as if they were really inside the game when he wrote The Last Word he figured out that the code was where the footsteps of Heroes gather the founder of the most precious gem Lies Beneath the unchanging glory canel and
kumu decided to move separately to the locations hinted at by their respective Braille codes hann's clue was the oldest place where gemstones gather since gemstones referred to the students of golden River Academy the place they gathered was likely the brilliant coffee inside the academy hu's clue was more abstract but as a hardcore fan of the bravehearts game he immediately knew where to go the first phrase led him to the Hall of Fame he looked around remembering the second phrase the most precious gem is subjective he concluded that the tester meant a diamond which referred to
the founder of golden River Academy he thought about the Founder's unchanging Glory symbolized by a bronze statue he realized the footsteps clue meant he needed to find a statue with feet looking at the feet of the statue he saw a diamond stamp smiling he reached for it the diamond lit up and the system began to check his test ticket the system confirmed the check was successful changing his color from white to Blue he realized what he had to do and wondered if he should continue to the next test he proceeded to clear more tests earning
silver yellow and green badges when he cleared another test the system showed he had completed 24 red and 25 blue badge questions the next day he stretched and told hanel that the past 5 days had gone smoothly which agreed with stretching her hand as well then she looked ahead and asked if there seemed to be more hyenas around which he confirmed he then changed his current title from rabbit to lion cub and suggested they hunt some hyenas for a snack the qualifications exam not only tested the examinees problem solving ability but also required them to
have a completed exam ticket by the day of the Practical exam they ran quickly as students chased after them until the day of the Practical exam test tickets weren't processed so the owner of a test ticket wouldn't be registered yet this meant it was possible to take someone else's test ticket making an implicit Criterion of the exam the ability to keep their ticket safe the men saw them enter an alley and shouted to others that it was a dead end he knew that every year there were those who tried to steal test tickets because they
couldn't solve the problems themselves and others who made money by accepting requests to steal someone else's test ticket the people chasing them looked around the deadend alley wondering if they had disappeared he then asked them who they were looking for knowing he needed to deal with those hyenas targeting his test ticket the pursuers shouted that he was alone and outnumbered demanding he hand over the test ticket he just stared at them they were shocked when someone jumped in front of them grabbing a device and then hanil slammed her hammer on the ground causing a loud
impact she asked if they were looking for her the men in the front fell to the ground from the impact and shouted that they were messing with the wrong people he took out his Azure sword and asked if they really thought they could handle them despite their numbers they were shocked when his sword began releasing electricity and realized he was from the due family's Divine swordsman he told told them it was too late he then activated his beast king style 7th form and slashed them with his Lion's Rampage skill telling them they should know who
they were targeting before picking a fight in just a minute the students were collapsed and writhing in pain on the ground he asked hanel if she could take their test tickets and she replied yes using wind Elemental Magic to grab them she told the down students that if they were prepared to steal from others they must also be prepared to be stolen from he ordered them to observe the consequences of their actions as the stolen tickets floated in the air he then grabbed grabbed his sword and used his beast king style 12 form attack lion
soaring to slash the tickets into pieces the students watched in despair as their tickets fell in pieces asking what they should do he congratulated them on failing before they even took the real test telling them they had no talent for being Hunters he hoped they found a better path in the future while hanel stared at him in completely horrified thinking he was a demon after that the day of the Practical exam arrived and the system confirmed their tickets his badge number was 1532 and hanel was 5784 with both having black badges at level 30 he
confidently asked tanel if they should head to the exam location as the system announced it a moment later they were walking around when he mentioned that due to the large number of participants the first practical test would be held at various locations each quite spacious she expressed her concern about getting lost but noted that the directions were clearly marked they soon arrived at the retreat center and he asked if it was their test location as they walked closer he noticed the large crowd P will immediately hid behind him when the students stared at them he
told her not to be scared and asked what she was afraid of to which she replied that it wasn't about fear but that they should be careful he noticed the intense gazes directed at them wondering if it was because of their test tickets they walked past the students who were Amazed by their black Badges and speculated that they must be from noble families one student recognized hanu and asked if she was the witch of seven colors disciple another man replied that it was his first time hearing about it but his friend chastised him saying that
if he wanted to become a hunter he should address her properly he knew that Hong had become more famous after being called The Witch of seven colors and that starting that year she would be an instructor at the Academy hanel had also gained Fame hanell hiding behind him stuttered that she was so embarrassed he reassured her that there was nothing to be embarrassed about and encouraged her to enjoy the attention suggesting she might become more famous than him suddenly he heard one of the students ask who the guy beside her was noting that he also
had a black test ticket he was shocked that no one recognized him a lady asked if he wasn't the Divine swordsman of the due family and mentioned that many people said they came together a man replied that he expected as much from a Divine swordmaster of the due family making him feel proud however his confidence disappeared when someone called him the rabbit of the Divine sword of the due family the lady told her friend that it was a famous story that he couldn't even catch a single rabbit and that she had heard it from someone
at her sword Training Academy the man confirmed this making him realize it was a well-known story about him but he became Lively again when he heard the man ask if the rabbit story was just in the past because nowadays he was called the lion cub the lady asked what a cub was and the man replied lion cub the lady wondered if the man was mocking him and asked if kununu was really a lion cub the man confirmed it making the lady comment that it was Tamer than she thought while other students whispered about them he
was pissed and wondered how he should stop those rumors should he Channel Mana into his fist and attack them with a beast king style move blast them with magic beat them with a sword or use the reverse sword mode hanell panicked and shouted for him to to calm down and stop he then heard someone calling him from the side and saw the triplets waving at him telling him they were in the same test location he noticed they had read tickets indicating they must have put in quite some effort yunai then excitedly told them they were
also at the same test location and asked if they remembered her he saw that she had a green ticket which wasn't bad and wondered if she had already talked to the triplets they walked closer to them and he replied to yunai that he remembered her name she excitedly replied yes and told them she also remembered he was kinu and the lady behind him was was hanu yumai then mentioned that both of them were Mega famous and that she was surprised by what people were saying a moment ago she then remarked that he was one of
the 10 renowned families making him realize there was someone else from the 10 families there yumai pointed to a kid nearby saying that the man in the black uniform was from the righteous young family yumai asked if he knew the man mentioning that he had been watching him since earlier kinu replied that he didn't know the man and that it was his first time seeing him yumai assumed he knew everything but he clarified it was just a rumor the truth was kumu knew the man was from the righteous young family and a direct descendant Young
hering Who was a member of Kang hani's party he wondered why Herring was approaching him Herring looks at him with an intense gaze and asked if he was Duke kumu from the Divine swordsman of the DU family and if he could solve all those problems indicating he was quite strong Herring stared at him but then smiled and introduced himself tumu thought Herring was really cool and that if it weren't for Kang hanol Herring might have been the main character he told Herring that he also had a black test ticket so he was sure he was
capable of as well Herring said that with perseverance and determination he could achieve anything and suggested they have a sparring match if they got the chance hunu agreed saying they would do it if an opportunity arose hunu couldn't believe Herring was suggesting a sparring match as a greeting he knew that becoming sparring friends with herring would be a big deal and that Herring would probably constantly chase him to spar so he thought it best to leave the task of becoming sparring friends with herring to Kang handol the professor then announced that from that moment onward
anyone entering the examination Hall would be disqualified suddenly another professor walked in with senior students and ordered them to bring in the card of Cubes the senior students struggled to carry one of the small cubes making him wonder what the device was he noticed that although the size seemed reduced the mass was maintained suggesting it had multiple functions including weapons it was a bit funny to see the struggle the senior students glared at them warning that anyone who laughed would be remembered and dealt with after school admission suddenly the man next to him couldn't stop
his laughter the professor immediately stared at the student student in Anger releasing a strong Aura toward him the student collapsed and the professor declared that anyone who fainted while trying to become a student of golden River Academy must have underestimated their standards he ordered the senior students to move the disqualified student aside which they did carrying the student away like a dead body he wondered if Shian was involved too as the president of the student council she wouldn't just be watching from the monitor box he remembered her telling him that she was busy with the
Handover from the former student council president before the inauguration as part of the student council she was also assisting with the Practical exams that year he thought Shan might be watching closely as an evaluator knowing that the aura of the student council president was quite intimidating this likely meant many would be disqualified on that side too the professor then told them that he was going to run the device now and they should back up which shocked him when the small cubes were at a safe distance they began to grow larger and larger until they cracked
into pieces everyone was shocked when each Cube revealed huge doors with numbers on them well guys that's the end of the video If you like this video comment part five in the comment section also subscribe to the channel hit the bell and like the video thank you for watching and see you next time again
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