How to stop overthinking

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overthinking and anxious thoughts can literally ruin your life I used to be a huge overthinker I used to think that this is going to happen this person thinks this about me all these thoughts would go through my head and I would actually manifest those situations even though they were never meant to happen or I would manifest a person being angry at me even though that was never the case in the first place because in my head I had already made that situ situation up when it was never going to happen overthinking can even lead to
such serious consequences I learned how to stop overthinking how to trust life and I'm going to show you guys how you can do the same thing in this video hi guys my name is this and welcome back to my Channel first thing I need you to realize is no one knows you different versions of you exist in everyone's head see someone can look at my videos and think wow that girl saved my life she's amazing another person can look at me and think I hate her she ruined me I completely feel so lost because of
her why because they had a different perception of me when they were listening to me I'm the same person but people have different experiences with me it's the same way with other people like for example imagine your mother right if I ask you right now oh how is your mother you will give me an answer oh she's like this this is whatever right but then I ask your sibling how is your mother maybe they had a completely different experience with her and they have a completely different perception of her but then who is your mother
who is she you don't know I don't know and your sibling doesn't know maybe your mother doesn't even know who she is herself that's why I think it's very foolish to think of like oh why did they do do that I would have never expected them to do that oh why didn't that job hire me I didn't expect that you didn't know them you didn't know that person you had a perception of them in your head but that perception is not them that's your experience with that person that is not that person that is not
that interviewer that job interviewer that wanted to hire you maybe thought Oh I thought they liked me but they in their head had completely different experience with you start to understand that nobody knows you and you don't know anyone we only have perceptions of other people so in that way you won't overthink situations you can accept that Hey listen even though I might have thought I did a great job that other person didn't have a great experience with me and that's okay thing is voice your thoughts in the moment so my sister said this to
me recently she said Liz the one thing that I admire about you the most is the fact that whenever you say something or whenever you think something in the moment you voice it you say it like if something hurt me in the moment I will say it oh I didn't like that I'm I'm not really like I don't make a scene about it I'm also a very chill person I don't get offended easily but if I didn't like something I'll tell you in the moment I didn't like that please don't do that this is also
how resentment gets created and then you become the kind of person you're always angry at like minor things because you didn't voice your opinion when you were mistreated you collected yourself back then so now all those emotions will come up for the like the minimum thing right I the reason why I always voice my thoughts in the moment and what I think is because I cannot afford to let my brain be filled with unnecessary thoughts I need this to be free not only for my job but also just for life and to have a peace
of mind I want to go to bed at night not thinking about these things anymore if I tell you in the moment moment I didn't like that and we can resolve it right then and there I'm happy I don't go to bed with fight anger or res resentment because I cannot afford that you feel triggered by something or offended just say that to the person that offended you or triggered you like hey this is a trigger for me hey this offended me there's nothing wrong in voicing your opinion another thing you can also do is
Journal about it before you go to bed like the situation Journal write it down whatever but make sure that it's out of here onto something else you can even paint do whatever create an art piece something that removes the that makes the emotions and the the thoughts in your head move other thing you need to realize is where is that trigger or fear coming from see overthinking is basically creating situations out of fear situations that might never happen but you are fearful of those situations sometimes people overthink like for example a guy didn't text you
back fast enough right and you start to overthink oh my God he doesn't like me oh my God he he doesn't want me anymore this that you overthink and you create this crazy scene in your head right and you start to self- sabotage yourself where is this coming from most likely you have attachment issues most likely maybe a parent has left your life an early age and shown you that you like there was no commitment towards you so now every single partner you have you're scared that they're going to leave you as well so then
you start to overthink and that's where that fear is coming from and that the the person not replying to you fast enough that's triggering you into that fear into overthinking so when you start overthinking something even if you have a job right and that job didn't hire you why does that trigger you so much why where is that coming from maybe you feel like oh they don't see me they they're not they're not validating me the way the way I wish they would validate me this is making me feel less about myself I want to
feel worthy these are all triggers like look at the base what is behind the the reason that you're overthinking everything other thing is look at facts instead of feelings see when we are overthinking we are acting out of feelings right we're acting out of triggers we're acting out of fear but look at the facts that person probably busy that's why he's not answering you right now he's not going to leave you that's a fact um the that job they didn't hire you because maybe they just found someone better you were just not good enough for
that position does that mean you're not good in enough enough in Life or you will not get a better opportunity no that's also a fact like when those thoughts come up you have to ask yourself okay this thought that I have right now that I feel like they're going to abandon me that I feel like I was not worthy because of that job didn't hire me is that true ask yourself is is this what I'm thinking right now this thought is it true other thing was like every single time U my therapist actually she thought
this to me a thought would come up that was like negative or bad or whatever or even if I saw a negative comment she said Liz imagine it like with like a bubble in your head like a thought coming up like a bubble and you're poking it with a needle immediately when it comes so imagine I saw a bad comment right and it came to my head I started overthinking poke I I do like poke like it's I'm poking it with a needle and and it really helped me overthinking will not change the situation what
if does not exist when you can sit there for hours for days overthinking the situation thinking oh this might happen this might happen whatever but the only thing we have right now is the present moment what is happening right now is this nothing else you being anxious about what might happen in the future is not real you might create those situations because of your fear that's manifesting it or you might actually start looking at Solutions instead of the problem see we have problems every single day right we we had bigger problems that this we had
smaller problems that this but did did you not fix them are you not still here overthinking the situation can only get worse if we allow it to get worse we can just see there is a problem that arises all of my successful friends they do the same thing problem comes we solve it okay how can we solve it how what can we do what are the option bum bum bum bum bum and we look at it you have to especially with if you're big over thinking you have to start thinking quickly in these situations I've
been always in survival mode throughout my childhood so for me this comes very easily and very naturally I'm very good at solving situations under stress don't be afraid to ask for help ask for help when you need help if if there's a situation that arises and you feel like oh my God I don't know what to do call call someone ask someone uh ask someone else to connect you with someone else to help you don't be afraid to ask for help you're not weak you're very strong you're you're reaching out to people and say Hey
listen I can't handle this on my own you know how much courage that takes that is incredibly strong and people will help you people will help you I've been helped so many times by so many people that I'm so grateful for and I could not have been here without those people so don't be shy to ask for help thing is when you're overthinking calm yourself down either go to sleep I've noticed when I start overthinking a lot it's also because I either I didn't have good enough sleep or I'm just very tired right now so
then I start overthinking when I go to sleep all those thoughts go away because sometimes your body just needs rest and that's why it's like overthinking thinking weird thoughts because you're just tired thing is with breathing exercises my my yoga teacher he actually taught me this like when you're breathing we should actually breathe through our stomach so that we relax so when you breathe in your stomach expands and then you breathe out and your stomach goes in again that really relaxes you if you do that a couple of times your body will relax other thing
is yoga and meditation yoga helps immensely with overthinking and calming your body down when I consistently do yoga I'm so so relaxed like it calms your whole nervous system down uh and meditation the same thing just sitting there even for 5 minutes closing your eyes and just realizing that you're right now in the moment that you're present and this is what we have right now will calm you down immensely go out for a walk in nature go watch the sunset go to the beach go play with your pet anything that can relax you in the
moment will help you immensely with overthinking other thing is Life Works itself out for you see I used to be ever since I was young such a big overthinker because I wanted to control life and I want I wanted to control how everything went I knew what I wanted and I was going to get what I wanted but what did I not anticipate was all the things that I first had to go through to get where I want I didn't plan those things but see life did life needed to teach me lessons life also humbled
me in a big way so that now that I am at this stage where I have everything I still have humility I don't look down on people and I don't think that I'm better than anyone and so that's also when I realized all those years overthinking the situation all those years thinking that this is how it should have happened no when I look back at my life it happened exactly the way it was meant to happen exactly the way and and I would have never predicted this way for myself but this was the way I
needed it to come to this point so it's the same way for you you might think why are those things happening right now that's not what I want this is what I want it will never get better blah blah it will but the lessons that you're learning right now are crucial for you you need those lessons you need those lessons and you will only realize that when you come to a state that you get what you want and then you will look back and be like you know what I'm grateful for those lessons I'm grateful
I went through what I went through because I would not be the person that I am today another thing I need you to realize is it was not meant for you stop overthinking why does this not work why did that person leave my life why did I not get this job it was not meant for you you were not supposed to have that thing and you were maybe you were meant to have something much greater but because you cannot let go of why did I not get this thing that other thing that was meant for
you cannot come in way I see Life Is God is always protecting me and whatever is removed from my life or whatever opportunity I didn't get is because God is giving me something bigger this is my mentality and 100% I believe this and every single time my theory has been proved proven right because God has not failed me God has my back and I believe this sometimes when people leave sometimes when you don't get that job it's not meant for you and have peace with that you need to start accepting that people will not like
you some people will not like you some people will dislike you for no reason some people will not give you that job because they don't like you people will discriminate you people will be racist to you people will not accept you as you are but that does not happen have to Define you you don't have to take their perception of you as your reality you are not what they're telling you you are not their version of you start having peace with the fact that not every job is going to like you not every brand whatever
is going to like you because you don't fit their standards they they want to be with someone else and that is also okay the more you start accepting that people will re reject you because that's just humans that's human nature not everyone will like us the more easier life becomes and the more you start thinking No it should be like this oh no I should have this you're thinking in lack why are you thinking in lack do you think because that person walked out of your life God will not provide you with someone else do
you think because you didn't get that job God will not provide you with a better job do we as humans think so small minded why do we think of God as someone so small people are building huge things spaceships uh like even an airplane how do you even build an airplane I don't know how do you build buildings that's that's like insane skyscrapers you think people are capable of doing the craziest stuff but God will not fix your life understand that you're not your failure you know like okay what it didn't work out okay ant
you start that business didn't work out okay ant you were married before for years on end it didn't work out okay a you think you can't do that again you think you can't get better again why do you guys think so small start thinking bigger for yourself you think you were created and put on this Earth to just suffer no I don't believe that I think we were put on this Earth to have the best life possible and I think God is backing us like crazy but you guys never asked ask you guys don't even
ask other people you guys don't even ask God you guys don't ask anyone and then you're like oh why is my life so hard ask ask for the biggest things these people are not special the money and stuff all these things are not special those things come to those who believe in themselves those things come to those who believe in God and believe that God is backing them those are the ones that get it because they're like yeah life is going to be great for me yeah it should be great because I'm alive that should
be your mentality my life should be great because I am alive so let go of trying to be perfect you're trying to be perfect trying to do this perfect this and that you might create something and you think that's perfect in your eyes someone will comment on it and say that's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life once you start understanding that you'll never be perfect because every single person has a different perception of what perfect is that's when you can fully let go of trying to impress or trying to be perfect if
you're waiting to be perfect you'll never get it done because you won't even start cuz nothing is perfect you do it and do it wrong do it badly let people even laugh at you but at least make sure that whatever you're doing you're you're standing behind it that you love it that's the most important thing if you whatever you do you would buy it yourself or you would watch your videos yourself or you think that whatever you're doing is interesting that's when it will sell because you believe in your own product another thing is you
are not their opinion see maybe your parents have told you you're not good enough maybe your teacher maybe uh I don't know who told you you're not good enough your crazy ex um your friends whoever made you feel like you're not good enough you're not their opinion you are not their opinion you don't F that reality for yourself you have to reaffirm to yourself I am the greatest I am so good I'm amazing I'm mesmerizing I will get everything I want you know I grew up in a situation where everything was so bad like I
looked around me everyone was suffering everyone was getting abused and I was like but in my head I was like oh I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I would even listen to motivational videos of that will tell that would tell me I'm going to make it every single day I would go to my shitty job that I hated so much I would go there like at 5:00 a.m. I would walk there um I'll would go there and I would listen to these people screaming these men screaming
at me you're going to make it you're going to be amazing this that I would constantly listen to it and reaffirm it to myself because when you have no hope anymore reaffirming to yourself that everything is going to be okay is actually what makes you feel feel sane in an insane situation last but not least social media is making everyone crazy see listen social media made it so easy for everyone to compare our lives and then you start to overthink your life because you think oh my God they're at this age doing this already and
you can see it and then you're like oh my God I'm too late I can't do it I will not find love because I'm not old or whatever stop stop whatever people are portraying on social media I know many people that have this social media platform that are so unhappy in real life but on their all social medias they look so happy whatever they have everything and in real life it's just not the case stop comparing yourself to other people and whatever those people are going through or what they have you can never take that
away from them that's for them and what you have right now that is for you the only way you make yourself grow is by putting gratitude into your life by being grateful for what you have that's how everything will expand more and more but you just comparing yourself to other people and thinking in lack or being jealous of what they have will never get you what you want the grass is always greener on the other side until we realize that the only grass that matters is our own if it's hard for you just do not
follow these people do not look at these app that you constantly see people having better things than you then walk away from it and literally protect your own peace of mind and otherwise just realize that whatever is meant for you will happen anyways and what is meant for them will also happen have peace with yourself and have peace with life hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys learned something um and yeah I love you guys so much I appreciate you guys so much and I'm really grateful for you thank you so much
for watching I love you guys bye- bye
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