Huge ChatGPT Upgrade - Introducing “Canvas”

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Matthew Berman
Here's a breakdown and some testing of ChatGPT's new Canvas feature. Try Vultr by visiting getvultr...
Video Transcript:
just yesterday Chachi PT launched a brand new pretty incredible feature called canvas this feature feels akin to cla's artifacts and it could do a whole bunch of stuff so that's what we're going to go over today the way to think about canvas is a new way to collaborate with chat GPT you type a prompt and instead of it just being in one single chat it opens up this separate window where you can ask chat gbt to edit certain parts of text or code you can ask it to update you can ask it to add comes
a whole bunch of cool stuff so I'm briefly going to tell you about it then we're just going to play around with it so everybody already has access to chat GPT with canvas and what I really like about it is the fact that they didn't say it's coming soon they just released it the day that they announced it so if you click in the drop down here it is GPT 40 with canvas beta and they said for now everybody with a pro or Enterprise account will get access to it and then as soon as it
leaves beta every free user will also get access to it there are two main use cases that canvas looks to help with writing and coding and obviously I definitely want want to test out the coding aspects which we will do right after this one thing I found really interesting is they actually trained GPT 40 to collaborate so this is not just the base GPT 40 model with some code wrapper around it this is actually a different version of GPT 40 that recognizes when it should use canvas so for writing it includes suggesting edits adjusting the
length changing the reading level adding final polish and adding emojis for coding it reviews code it can add logs add comments fix bugs and port to a different language which is pretty cool and as I mentioned GPT 40 was trained to use canvas so to do that they developed these core behaviors triggering the canvas for writing and coding so that's obviously just getting it going generating diverse content types making targeted edits which is super interesting so rather than redoing the entire output every time you can actually just select a certain piece of the content and
it will update that only all right so now I just want to test it out and show you what it's like to use it but before I do that I actually want to speak to something that I think a lot of companies that are built on chat GPT should be nervous about now open aai as a company has always described itself as a platform company they are going to give other developers the tools that they need to build amazing AI applications but if I'm an AI company and I'm seeing this I would be a little
bit nervous and this feels very analogous to what I went through at my previous company so at my previous company we built a lot of our infrastructure on top of a company called twilio twilio provides telepan servic and they were truly a platform company all they did was provide an API until they didn't and we built an entire suest software on top of twilio using SMS and phone calls and other things and then one day twilio started competing with us they started building on top of their own platform and so if you've watched this Channel
at all you know I've talked about platform risk in the past if you build your entire business on top of somebody else's API you are at platform risk if they decide to change their policies increase their price compete directly with you because they saw a really successful business model they will do that there is nothing actually preventing them from doing that and in fact they get all of this incredible data they get to see what all of these companies build on top of their platform and then they can cherry-pick the best ones and recreate it
this is a tried andrue model for platform companies and so now with canvas I'm looking at continue and other AI based idees and they should be nervous right now because this is essentially the first step in the direction to compete with those companies all right so enough of that let me know what you think of platform risk building on top of open AI in the comments All right so we have it GPT 40 with canvas let's just play around with it first of course let's get it to write the snake game now one thing that
canvas doesn't do is execute code and I believe artifacts does do that so that's one thing that it's missing all right so here it is so it popped open a separate little area of the window window and it looks like a code editor we can delete stuff we can add it back easily here's the actual conversation over here but it removed a big part of what would have been there which is the code and place it in the separate window which I love so we have the game Snake we can't execute it plus that's not
the point of this video so I'm not going to do that but let's see rather than these colors so we simply highlight then down in the right corner we have all of the different options so add comments add logs fix bugs port to a different language and code review so instead of doing that I'm just going to highlight it click ask chat GPT and I'm going to say change these colors to something else so it should yep look at that that's really cool so it just changed these colors everything else stayed the same you see
the little editing update right here in the actual chat window and that's it I've updated the colors to new shades for better variation all right so that's how the basics work so what I could also do is highlight p game and ask it to use a different Library which would really change the entire application so use a different library and I love so now it's using turtle and it actually has to change a lot of things in the code and it knew to do that which is fantastic and I love the little animation that it
has where it's just highlighting the code as it's changing it so I've updated the code to use the turtle library inside of pame let me know if you need further modifications all right so that's what that looks like but there's not many comments in this code right now so let's ask it to add comments so first let's ask it to add comments to this set of lines of code right there so I'm simply going to come over here and I'm going to click add comments and actually I was wrong it automatically adds comments to the
entire document which is kind of weird cuz I only highlighted these but now it's adding a ton of comments but let's say we don't like this let's say we don't like python so let's Port it to a different language so I'm going to click port to different language and look we have a slider PHP C++ python keep current JavaScript typescript Java let's do JavaScript so I simply select that and it should rewrite it in JavaScript so easy so it's done now it's in JavaScript now let's try porting it to something like C++ Yep this looks
like C++ all right thanks to the sponsor of this video vulture reap the benefits of the world's largest independent cloud provider when you bring your GPU workloads over to vulture they have the latest Nvidia gpus spanning 32 locations across six continents vulture delivers industry-leading price to Performance and serious accessibility and reliability vulture's Global fully composable Cloud infrastructure moves your applications closer to your users and frees you from vendor lockin allowing you to bring your own networking and database Solutions and if you need to scale Beyond just a single cluster vulture's kubernetes engine allows you to
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I'm going to use up twice and let's see if it's able to catch that so I go over here again and I look for the fix bugs icon I click that and let's see what it says so it's interesting it's actually changing a lot of the code already uh which I don't know why it would have to do that to fix the bugs because there was really only one bug let's see if it's able to fix that one and it did okay the down movement Direction was incorrectly assigned to up now something interesting is as
I mentioned it changed a lot of the code which is not exactly what I wanted but that's fine let's see what happens if we just do fix bug one more time let's see if it just keeps finding bugs and maybe the way it was programmed it will just always find a bug with it yeah so it's definitely changing the code again just a little bit but it is changing it especially down here in the main game Loop it is changing it quite a bit I reviewed the code fix a bug where the game did not
reset properly upon wall Collision okay so it looks like maybe it's thinking uh iterative improvements to the game is the same as a bug fix that's okay all right now let's add some logs first let's just try to add logs to something that I highlight I wonder if it's going to do that nope it's adding logs to everywhere so it doesn't seem like just highlighting the code does anything unless you are using that as GPT feature so it added a bunch of logs now let's see if I can remove the logs now remove the logs
okay yeah so it is removing the logs all right I mean this seems pretty cool I think this is very basic to start with but I like it and it's definitely much better to kind of go through the iteration process of the code here and then paste it into VSS code but honestly this is kind of what continue and other IDE AI coders already do so they still have a long ways to go but it seems clear that they are definitely heading in the direction of competing with AI coding assistant all right now let's try
some creative writing and let's see what it does so I'm going to start a new chat so write me a story about strawberries becoming intelligent intelligence I miswrote that okay so we have a story and just like I expected it should have output a new canvas area of the page so does this story capture the essence of what you imagine let me know if you'd like to make any changes so just like normal we can come in here we could delete stuff we could add remove this is fully editable and just like normal you can
highlight certain areas and do ask chat GPT just like that but we're going to wait on that let's go down to the options we have so suggest adust edits adjust the length reading level add final polish and add emojis so let's first do suggest edits this is really cool okay so it's going to highlight different areas and kind of similar looking to Google Docs it gives you little comments that you can actually accept or decline so here consider adding more Vivid description of the setting to draw the reader in more effectively and create a stronger
atmosphere so let's do that so it should rewrite that part there we go really good let's do it again right here so this says the Nanobots were designed to enhance neural Connections in living organisms and they worked their way into the strawberries nesting in amongst the seeds that dotted their red skin this sentence could benefit from a bit more explanation about why the Nanobots were designed this way okay let's try it all right now it says originally intended for medical research to improve brain function so it gives more background story so that's great so I'm
going to decline these other ones and now let's adjust the length and again we have another slider so I want it to be shorter and it should rewrite the whole thing it's really cool the little subtle animations that they have so here we go much shorter let's see if we go even shorter than that so I'm going to go shortest all right and what happens if we do it again let's find out so I'm going to adjust the length again and go shortest again I wonder if it's going to go shorter or just keep it
at the same length Okay so it did go a little shorter let's try to go shorter again just want to see where the limits of the functionality are yeah so it'll keep actually just shortening it so now let's go longer okay great let's try something else right now I don't know the current reading level but it's going to keep it there let's go to the kindergarden level so it's going to rewrite everything and just use simpler words easier grammar to read Etc so one day special rain fell on some strawberries yeah so this looks very
good now let's change the reading level to graduate school yeah so they're definitely using longer more sophisticated words definitely looks like this would not be possible to read by by a kindergartener so that's really cool now let's go back to a kindergarten level and let's see what happens if we select kindergarten level after selecting kindergarten level so there we go and let's select kindergarten level again yeah it looks about the same so it just kind of roted didn't necessarily make it even more basic and that would make sense so let's go back and let's do
high school level all right there we go now let's add emojis now funny thing about the ad emojis feature it's pretty much useless I mean unless that is exact ly what you're looking for it to do but why would you do that and Sam Alman posted a funny poll on Twitter yesterday is ADD emojis and canvas the best feature open AI has ever shipped yes and yes and so of course the answer is yes so there we go it added emojis now I'm going to say remove the emojis over here o i see a lot
of Errors actually so here's rain just out of nowhere I think I saw a misspelling somewhere in here but I'm not seeing it now so maybe it corrected it and let's go to add final polish now hopefully it corrects this rain at the beginning it did okay good and it added a title now so this is really cool so I've come to adore. comom and I'm going to give it some problems I'm going to have it fix bugs so I'm going to highlight the code that they have I'm going to copy it and the problem
is uninitialized variables and Fields so let's switch back to Canvas and I'm going to say fix bugs in this using canvas I don't know if I actually have to do that we'll see yep okay so it did open it up contact bug fix so let's see it's writing the code out first good and it didn't actually tell me what the bugs were here we go I've addressed a few issues in the original code initialization of done in the complete procedure done was not being explicitly initialized to false null contact definition and get by name initialization
so these seem like what needed to be fixed so I think it did catch this c. name length on line 86 the contacts. complete not initialize let's look yeah the complete procedure I think that fixed it obviously I'm not checking exactly but it seems like it definitely identified it so that's the new feature Chachi PT with canvas looks very cool still very basic but I think if they continue to iterate they're going to be competing with a lot of other AI products built on top of them either way let me know what you think of
canvas let me know what you think of platform risk of being a company built on top of open ai's API and if you enjoyed this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see see you in the next one
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