How Many NOOBS to Beat a CS2 PRO TEAM!

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FaZe Esports
Noobs vs Counter-Strike Pros! How many noobs does it take to beat a pro CS2 team? FaZe Clan Counter-...
Video Transcript:
- Hey, FaZe CS team here. Today, we're gonna see how many Noobs it takes to beat us. Let's jump into the server.
(pistol firing) This is my level. This is my level. - Oh my God.
- What? They're rushing ramp! (rifle firing) (karrigan laughs) - What's happening?
- What the (censored)? - What's going on? - [Narrator] We'll be playing two matches.
It starts as a five V five, and every time we win a round, the enemy team will gain an extra Noob. But if we lose one single round, that match is over in the Noobs win. But here's the catch.
The guys think they're only playing against Noobs, but in reality, the players in the second match are all high ranked players, and you'll be surprised how things play out. (upbeat music) Special thanks to refrag. gg for setting us up with a custom server.
- [Eddie] All right, Noobs, let's get ready. They're gonna underestimate you so just (censored) rush. Get in their faces.
They're not gonna expect it. - [NOOB] We are so dead. - Do you wanna lose on the first round?
Just ruin the video? - That'd be good. - Ah, you (censored).
- What happened? - B one. Rush B, rush B, rush B, rush B.
(pistol fires) - [NOOB 1] Why are you stopping, guys? What the (censored). - [NOOB 2] Just go.
You can't stop. Run. (pistol firing) - [Announcer] Counter terrorist win.
- This is my level. This is my level. (rain laughs) First round is not enough.
(bright music) - [NOOB 1] Don't buy, don't buy. Don't buy this round. Don't buy this round.
- [NOOB 2] We should rush again. Yeah. They won't expect it.
- [Eddie] They won't expect two in a row. - Okay, what now? - They're gonna rush A now.
- Let's play for A then. - I listen to broky. I didn't see ramp.
Careful, they B again. (smoke hissing) (pistol firing) - [Broky] Two mid. (rifle firing) - Nice one.
I'm coming to B. (rifle firing) One more B. (rifle firing) - Okay.
(footsteps thumping) (rifle firing) Oh, (censored). - [Broky] Nice one, nice one, nice one, nice one. - [Rain] Take a shot, take a peek.
Nice one. - [NOOB 4] Karrigan didn't do this against Team Spirit. (player laughs) (bright music) - [NOOB 2] All right, guys.
We win now, we win now. - [Eddie] All right, let's get one kill. - [NOOB 1] Let's start small.
Let's start small. - [NOOB 2] Let's go. - Nade.
Nade. He was here. Flash?
All right. They're fighting. They're executing on it.
- [Frozen] One more top. - [Frozen] Keep on it. Keep on it.
(rifle firing) One more. - [Broky] They're not committing properly. One AK - [Ropz] Behind as well - [NOOB 3] Oh, let's go.
Dingle. - [NOOB 2] You got one. - [Eddie] Oh, we got the one.
- [NOOB 4] (censored) How did I hit that, bro? (rifle firing) (rifle fires) - [ropz] It's T spawn. (quirky music) (foot thumps) (rifle clicks) (broky laughs) (rifle firing) - [Announcer] Counter terrorist win.
- (censored) broky, man. - What happened? - You (censored) killed me.
- I was spamming the smoke You didn't say that you were in the smoke. - Okay. (clears throat) (bright music) - [NOOB 2] Let's just take mid, guys.
Let's just take mid. Let's just take mid. Let's just take mid.
Let's just take mid. - [NOOB 5] Mid. Mid is impossible.
There's no way- - [NOOB 4] It's not impossible. Lock in. Believe.
- [NOOB 1] Yeah, lock in. - [NOOB 4] Believe. - Did they window smoke?
(upbeat music) (pistol firing) Oh, one apartment. - [NOOBS] Oh, there we go. See?
I told you. I told you. Now we take mid.
(rifle firing) - [Karrigan] What's happening? - [Rain] They're in mid. Fight mid, guys.
- Guys, you can't lose this now. (rifle firing) - There we go. (rifle firing) One more, one Window.
- [Eddie] Good trade. - [NOOB 2] One's coming short. One's coming short.
Coming short. - [NOOB 7] All right. 2 V 2 - [NOOB 1] We win this two V two surely.
(rifle firing) - Remember. Trust this, trust. Trust.
(rifle firing) - What are you saying, Havard? - Trust. Trust.
- I just heard Havi speak. I didn't understand what words he's saying. (text popping) (graphics dings) - How many are there?
Eight? - It's nine now. - Okay, 10.
Okay. We went from eight to 10 now. - That's it.
We're locking in now. - Lock in, lock in. - One guy is on (censored) A site, bro.
It's a bug. Look at the ramp. Look at it.
(rifle firing) - [NOOB] Flashing. - [NOOB 3] Flashing. (rifle fires) - Ramp more.
(rifle firing) - [Frozen] A and B ramp. (rifle firing) - They're going B. (rifle firing) B aps B aps (rifle firing) - [NOOBS] Nice.
- [Eddie] Oh, nice. Need to kill frozen though. (pistol firing) - [NOOBS] No!
- [NOOB 3] Nice try. - [NOOB 5 Oh, God. - [Eddie] Nice try.
(laughs) - [NOOB 1] All right guys, it's all good. We win this round, all right? We win this round.
- [NOOB 2] Boys, boys, boys. Lock in, boys. (bright music) - [Eddie] Everyone get a smoke.
- [NOOB 2] Everyone get a smoke. Two flashes. Smoke, two flashes.
- [Eddie] Smoke the (censored) out of A site and just win. - [NOOB 10] Rush B then. - [NOOB 2] Don't you dare stop.
You're not allowed to stop. You're not allowed to stop. You're not allowed to stop.
You're not allowed to stop. I'm flashing. - [NOOB 2] Be a man.
- [Ropz] Flashing, David. - Oh, B rush. Many flashes.
- That's a B rush, bro. It's 20 flashes. (laughs) - Finn is blind, bro.
- [NOOB 2] Follow short, follow short. Follow short. Oh, no.
(censored). - Oh, behind you, Finn. What the (censored)?
In kitchen. (rifle firing) - [Ropz] What the (censored)? - [Frozen] They're dead.
Short. Back site. (rifle firing) - [Ropz] Reloading.
There's too many people. I need to reload. (rifle firing) (players groans) - [NOOB 2] It's okay.
We got close, guys. - [NOOB 8] Almost work. We need to do it again, again, again.
- [Announcer] Bomb has been diffused. - [Rain] We're ass. (keyboard clacking) (rain laughs) (text popping) - [Ropz] This is serious, man.
- Watch out. Fake B Rush Its seven people. (rifle firing) - [NOOB 8] Go B, go B, go B.
100% go B, send it. - [Frozen] B, no? All right, B.
All right left mid. (rifle firing) - [NOOB 9] Yeah! - Oh, he didn't die.
(rifle firing) (rifle firing) - [Karrigan] Yeah. (rifle firing) - [NOOB 10 We got this, boys. We got this easy.
- [NOOB 3] No! - [NOOB 9] Dead, dead, dead - [NOOB 11] One Market. - [NOOB 10] We are dead.
[Frozen] Van, Van, Van. (rifle firing) - [Ropz] There's two more, bro. (rifle firing) - [NOOB 11] Oh.
- [NOOB 7] We got three kills - Hey, I missed five bullets, bro of people going so slow through the Window. (frozen laughs) I messed up. I moved.
I moved. That doesn't count. - We're throwing now?
- That doesn't count, guys. (text popping) - [Eddie] Look at this army we got here. - [NOOB 4] You gotta let me knife, broky in mid.
Hold up, hold up. I'm knifing broky in mid. Let me (censored) him up.
Let me (censored) him up, let me (censored) him up. (rifle fires) - [Frozen] One more Island. Island burning.
(rifle firing) - [NOOB 12] No, broky's dead. Someone killed broky. (rifle firing) (rifle firing) - Oh my God.
- On top of the Window. - [Ropz] Oh, this is yikes. - [Announcer] Terrorist win.
- [NOOBS] Ooh. Nice, nice. - [NOOB 12] Guys, we are a new team.
- GG? They only need two rounds? - Guys, we have to do it one more time, they said.
From five. - From five? - [Ropz] Yes.
- Are you serious? - Oh, we have to do it again, guys. - We are playing with different people now.
(bright music) - [Player 1] All right, boys. What do we do? I don't think we need Kevlars because they're gonna shoot heads.
- [Player 2] No (censored) way, we're playing against (censored) FaZe. - [Player 3] We're (censored). - Is the guy from Europe?
With his ping? - Fat Cobra is definitely from Europe, bro. Spinbot up ramp now.
- [Ropz] Top window. P250, bro. - This is serious, bro.
He knows how to buy P250? - [Ropz] He does. Nothing mid.
- [Karrigan] Flash. - [Ropz] He's smoking. - [Karrigan] Oh, Window.
(pistol fires) - Hey they have smokes? (pistol firing) - [Player 1] (censored). Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky, unlucky.
- [Player 4] Oh, boys, that was rough. - They know how to reload and stuff like this. (broky laughs) (text popping) - [Player 6] All right, so it's over for them now.
- [Player 3] I'm buying AK. No Kevlar. - [Player 4] Can we rush B?
- [Player 3] Okay. - [Player 4] Just like insta run it down? (upbeat music) - They miss Window smoke.
They miss Windows. They have no Window smoke. I blocked it.
Hold on there. - [Frozen] I don't think A. Fake, fake, fake.
- [Ropz] Under one. (rifle firing) - [Player 1] I'll peek mid with you. (rifle firing) - [Frozen] Got T spawn.
- 2 B Aps, going TV - [Karrigan] We got T on. (rifle firing) - [Ropz] One rush. - [Player 2] He should be low.
No way. - [Player 3] You killed ropz. - [Player 2] You killed ropz.
No way. (rifle firing) - [Player 4] Oh, man. All right, boys.
We need to play with more like, you know, together. Come on, come on. (text popping) - I'm gonna push mid.
- Go for it. - So what's the plan? We're not sending them anything now or.
. . - We're gonna (censored) destroy them.
- [Player 5] Maybe we just need to rush. Next round just rush. There's no point of playing default.
- [Player 1] Going out, going out. (rifle firing) - [Player 3] What is he doing there? He's short, pushing me.
- [Player 1] They're pushing literally. - [Player 4] Three guys mid. - [Player 3] Oh, boy.
- [Player 2] Oh my goodness. - [Player 6] Oh my God. (rifle clicks) (rifle firing) - [Player 1] They know.
They probably know I'm Palace. They checked everything else, right? (rifle firing) - [Announcer] Counter terrorist win.
- Is this warmup gods or what's happening here? - It's pretty good practice to be honest. (text popping) (players laughing) - [Player 3] Rush B.
- [Player 1] All right, I'm gonna have to eco this one, boys. I'm not looking good in the money department. - [Player 3] Rush B this round.
Does not matter. Just rush. - They're trolling.
bro. They might get everybody in and they're gonna go full tryhard mode. They're pretending to be bots.
I swear to God, they're pretending. - [Player 1] Wait for me. I'm the best spawn.
- [Player 2] Let's go, let's go, let's go. Get in there, boys. - [Player 4] No, I throw my gun.
- [Player 2] Stun flash! - [Player 1] I'm flashing. Go, go, go.
- [Player 2] Two flashes. Get in there. Go, go, go.
- [Broky] Under. Many under. - B rush, I think.
Yeah, B rush, I think. (rifle fires) I'll beat you, guys. (rifle fires) One more B.
(rifle firing) (rifle firing) Fat Cobra (rifle firing) - Ah, B lock in. (rifle firing) - [Rain] It's up to us now. (rifle firing) - [Player 3] No!
- [Player 1] (censored). - [Player 2] You got this, you got this, you got this. Relax.
- I thought it was over, bro. - [Players] Nice! - [Player 1] Let's go.
- [Player 4] Oh, nice one. That was brilliant. - [Player 1] We won!
- Blud is behind me with a (censored) shotgun. - You lost to eight. We lost.
(text popping) - [Player 1] Wait guys, can we all stack A with Zeuses? - [Player 3] Yeah, yeah. - [Player 5] Guys, I will smoke ramp.
I will smoke ramp. And let push through the smoke with the Zeus. - [Player 1] Yeah, yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Just Zeus only, boys. - We're sending broky up. We're sending broky.
Wait, where we're sending broky up. Okay. Smoke CT and then we're running, okay?
- [Player 1] I'm flashing over. I'm flashing over. Zeuses only boys.
They're executing us. Go, go, go! - Flash.
What's happening? (laughs) (rifle firing) - [Player 3] All there, all there, all there. (rifle firing) (karrigan laughs) - [Frozen] What the (censored)?
- This is epic. I was like, who's flashing that early from us? (rifle firing) - What's going on?
- Bro, I have like 40 kills. - I did like thousand damage that round. - [Player 3] I got one.
I got one. - [Player 4] GGS. - [Frozen] GGS, I guess.
- GG everyone. - GG. That's fun.
Thank you, guys. - Guys, I didn't record. So guys, we are finished playing against the Noobs.
I think it took 14 Noobs to actually beat us in the end.
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