Angels say Someone is INVESTIGATING you And you're not AWARE They PLAN to...| Angels say|Angel says|

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Jesus Powerful Devotional
#ManifestMiracles #AngelNumbers #jesus Angels say Someone is INVESTIGATING you And you're not AWARE...
Video Transcript:
beloved one your guardian angels have a very urgent message for you today and they want you to come closer and listen what they are about to whisper into your ears this is because of the weight of this message concerning your life listening Until the End will help you to know why it is important for you to take precautions especially this time they insist that that you don't skip any part of this video so you can capture everything contained in this message they are about to deliver to you today they want to reveal to you something
that never crosses your mind they say there is someone out there who secretly spies on you and you don't have any clue that they make traps to destroy your life once and for all this is the reason that brought your guardian Angels today in such a hurry they say no weapon shall prosper against you because God promises to protect you from all the snares of your enemies they are going to be scattered in different directions although they are summoned against you in one way he will make their place not to be seen before you and
you will emerge Victorious affirm these words by by typing 111 and curses will turn into blessings and pain into joy in Jesus mighty name in this life you are surrounded with people who dislike your progress in life it may be caused by jealousy or just because they hate you these kinds of people always celebrate your pain and hardships they are not up to any good at all so they plan evil against you and it pleases their hearts to see you fail in life they love to see you broke and any progress you make in life
go to waste this visitation of your guardian angels today is the Genesis of a brand new chapter in your life prosperity and progress in everything you do in Jesus mighty name your guardian angels have come with good news for you today they say the days of Terror are over in every area of your life because from today onwards they have put a shield of protection on you and whosoever tries to harm you will never prosper in the mighty name of Jesus stay and listen till the end so you can capture everything in a broader scope
of this message delivered to you specifically by your guardian angels your guardian angels are encouraged ing you to fear not and they want you to remain still and let Heaven defend you they say don't pay attention to their discouragement instead keep on moving towards your destination because your heavenly father is moving you all the way these are people who tear your heart into pieces but this time around they shall never succeed because your dad in heaven is backing you up they shall no longer see you begging for anything because you are about to be accommodated
with plenty and surplus listen carefully to these Divine words from your guardian angels they warn you to stay away from these types of people but they insist on forgiveness and to live the rest to God so he can fight for you those who bless you will be blessed unlike those who cast curses before you God will turn them into blessings if you believe these words of God to be true type amen isolating yourself from them will not only make you breath but it will help you to concentrate and plan better for your future there is
no way for them to win over you this round because God has made you millions of times stronger than the them they will come to you so that they can ruin your life but from today it will be like someone punching the rock with a bare hand you shall never break instead they are the ones who will hurt themselves if you are not a prophit match then there is no need for them to compete with you because you are more powerful they get the reason to test you they know EX exactly The Surge carried within
you that they can't stand a chance and they know exactly surely you shall win over them but still they try their last cards to ruin your plans and God now intervenes and encourages you by this word fear not because he moves when you move and stops when you camp and with his Pillar of Fire he will lead and guide you through filling you with Divine wisdom the knowledge from above when they take you to their committees for judgment never trouble yourself on what you are going to say your father will put words into your mouth
and they shall never be able to convict you if you believe these words from your heavenly father are meant just for you type amen and comment 1111 to affirm these words from your guardian angels you are very special and unique before your heavenly father he loves you dearly and he will protect you at any cost before we continue please subscribe to join this community your guardian angels want you to know that you are more powerful than you can imagine if you know something you carry then you will no longer be afraid of anything that's why
they have come to you today to reveal everything you are among the few elects of God who God himself picked you up to be a blessing to many they want you to remember that your success is the key to open doors for those people who in One Way or Another depend on you your failure has a great impact towards their lives no knowing that will help you to try even more to make your dreams and their dreams come true it is very important to work hard and believe what you are doing putting God first in
your every plan is a secret towards your achievements in life when you realize who you are and the number of those behind you who depends on you then you will keep on fighting and never give up there they are the ones who give you the reason to stand firm your family relatives community and those who need you to be their pillar and God has chosen you like how he chose Moses and Joseph so stand firm at your post and never accept defeat ask God to dispatch to you your guardian angels so they can protect guide
and lead you to the right path and covering you up from all those who plan evil things against you and always remember to focus on your own plans even if they discourage you not all of those around you have good intentions about you some are jealous of you so you need to be extra careful in case you allow yourself to be weak facing them then they will succeed over you and ruin everything that your father in Heaven is bestowed upon your life they can be people who are very dear to you but don't worry because
your guardian angels will expose them before your own eyes and they will give you some indicators to identify them examples of these individuals are those who always crash anything positive you share with them or ask for the advice from them they always crash you down when you seek their opinion another group of people are those who keep their things private knowing that they can benefit you whenever they discover something that will be profitable to you they keep it for themselves so you cannot benefit from it there are also those people who never appreciate you in
any achievement you make you can see their reaction when when you share with them your achievements the worse than all are those who spread lies or gossip about you with others and when you are together they pretend to love you they are the source of conflicts and misunderstandings they make your closest friends walk away from you because of the wrong information they feed them for that reason your guardian angels are warning you to stay away from these kinds of people because they are up to no good in your life they want you to be calm
like a dove but clever like a serpent by allowing peace to Prevail while attending all these matters they say you are surrounded with the community of people with varieties of behavior so attend them with much care while avoiding frictions but remember God is is always offering you a shield of protection put God first in all your plans also pray so all what you have been working for can manifest in your life in Jesus mighty name leave your thumbs up and share this Divine message with many see you tomorrow in my next video and God bless
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