O mito da Caverna (Alegoria Da Caverna) de Platão - Resumo animado

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Você conhece O Mito Da Caverna (Alegoria Da Caverna) de Platão? Neste resumo animado explico isso de...
Video Transcript:
and Plato's myth of the cave is a metaphor that makes us reflect on various aspects of Human Reason in this video I bring a narrative about this myth and also talk a little about its meaning So if we go there with me and there folks Alright my name is Paulo and everyone is very welcome here to Jesus Estrada today a little different content here on the channel talking about philosophy and the chosen theme was the cave allegory or myth of the cave of the great philosopher Plato the video is divided into two parts in the
first I'll narrate the allegory and in the second explain a little of its meanings So I need you to stay with me until the end of the video to understand it right there, okay so come on the myth of the cave or allegory of the cave is a story narrated by Plato in his book The Republic bringing a dialogue between Glaucon and Socrates and inviting us to make several reflections on human knowledge but we will address this later on. end of the video imagine a cave separated from the outside world by a high wall whose
entrance allows the passage of the outer Light now imagine that inside this cave live some human beings that generation after generation live there Chained unable to move their head to the entrance and move around being always forced to look only at the back wall without ever having seen the outside world or the sunlight now imagine that the top of the wall a light coming from the outside caused by a fire and illuminates the interior of the cave causing all things that happen outside are projected in there like shadows outside people talking and carrying on their
shoulders figures of men women and animals these people these objects cast shadows inside the cave the prisoners in turn judge that these shadows are external things themselves or be the living beings that live outside the cave on a certain day one of the prisoners out of curiosity decides to run away yuck me opening with the instrument manages to break the chain and escape the cave when he arrives outside at the first moment he is totally blinded by the sun's light because his eyes were only used to the cave's darkness but little by little he gets
used to that light and starts to seeing the world normally immediately he realizes that everything he had come into contact with from inside the cave was just an illusion it was just shadows not reflecting the true reality of the outside world realizing it He Decides to return to the cave to alert his fellows to the true reality of the outer world But this return will not be easy For He will need to get used to the darkness again Which is much more difficult than getting used to them In addition to alerting the other people who
live in the cave about the true reality of the world exterior he will be discredited and will even run the risk of being killed by those people who did not leave the cave so b This is the myth of Plato's cave as you could see It is very full of metaphors So this second part and I'll explain to you what it means but before that if you're enjoying video give that moral leave a like there because it helps a lot if you subscribe to the channel if you like the content and leave the comment there
Saying what you liked and also what you didn't like why I don't answer all followed them also on our social networks because the content there is also very nice I'm sure that you'll like it so let's go at the end of the video inside this allegory the cave according to Plato is the world where we live the ray of light that casts shadows on the wall is a reflection of true light ie ideas true knowledge philosophy already prisoners obviously it's us human beings the shadows are all the things we take common sense as true Or
in other words all the mistaken knowledge that we've acquired a course of life through Through the Senses the instrument used to break the chains is the dialectic or ideas the knowledge the exchange of ideas The Search for the truth the curious boy who escapes is the philosopher and the return cave It's Di is basically the myth of the cave is a Metaphor created by Plato trying to explain the condition of ignorance in which human beings live imprisoned by the senses and prejudices that prevent us from knowing the truth so tell me in the comments What
did you think Beauty if you liked it if you didn't like it leave a like there also to strengthen that this helps a lot before closing I need to say that a good part of the narrative brought by me In this video was taken from a text by the great Brazilian philosopher it is called Marilena chauí I'm leaving the link here in the description of this and all the other references I used to make this video here all the time it was worth it until the next one
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