Jesus nunca fez um milagre, ele é o milagre – EQM Leandro F Alves | Experiência de Quase Morte | NDE

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Welcome to the channel "After all, what are we?" Watch now the second part of Leandro's interview in which he continues to tell us about his experiences and also answers our many questions. You'll love it. If you haven't watched the first part, no problem, just access the link available for you up here and also in the video description go check out the first part and come back here to close with a flourish it's really worth it you'll love it at that moment it started to get dark it got dark and I already heard the medical team
calling me waking me up I I was already quite tired, right? I woke up a little clumsy but I was able to walk, so I was very nauseous, probably due to the anesthesia, I felt very bad on the first day and when I left I asked my wife so she was outside waiting, I asked. It took a while, she said. It took longer than I expected, it took more than an hour, the doctor came here to talk to me because they had to remove more tissue than was scheduled, I said, what did I say, I
knew, right? It was very painful, the first few days I didn't sleep because I had a drain, that whole thing, right? Very annoying but it went very well, I didn't have any problems at all, it just took longer than I thought, I know it was a lot of pain, but in the end I recovered well, I went back to work quickly with two weeks and life went on, I forgot about it, I remembered it from time to time, but life went on, I didn't think about it anymore, what I was planning to do, until on
October 6, 2023, I had a very busy day, I remember. That day I was agitated I was uncomfortable I was nervous working but very uncomfortable and we went to sleep when I blacked out I slept I dreamed This was a different dream from the others because I saw myself in all the others I saw myself normal in this one it seemed like I had the The feeling I have is that I looked at my hand and it was younger, my hand was younger, don't worry, there weren't any of these stains, since I have them, they
were gone, but I was in a club, you know, those kind of clubs in a country town, but it was very big, green grass, everything was very big, I passed by a I parked, I was in a car, I parked, I was alone, I got out of the car, I saw the parking lot, a lot of cars, I went through a turnstile, ah, those normal mechanics and there were a lot of people there in front, guys, some stalls and music electronic music playing I said I remember it exactly I said I don't even like the
type of music I'm doing here, right? It was fine until I saw it I heard a noise in the sky, a very loud noise, I looked, there were planes, about six or five planes passing by, those propeller planes passing by and parachutists jumped, I said what a parachute show I'm doing in this place, until I started to hear gunshots, people falling everywhere, a generalized despair, I said, my God, right? What is this here, people running and such? a couple next to me they didn't see me but it was I remember seeing very young people, you
know, a very uncomfortable, very strange scene and then I saw that happening I went back to get the car, right, I went back to the square I went through the turnstile a lot of people trying to get through in a row and when I went to leave with the car it was no longer possible because the cars blocked it. Then until I saw some of the people who were descending in parachutes, two of them came to my side and then I said enough, I don't want it anymore, I don't want it. But being here, I
closed my eyes tightly, I woke up scared in bed, suddenly, I looked at my cell phone, it was 3:22 in the morning, I said, it's a nightmare, right ? My wife goes to take a shower, I take my cell phone there to see the news, right? I always open the websites to see what's happening in Brazil. When I open the website on October 7th, I see that deplorable news, right, there in the East? medium and I said, oh my God, right, what a situation I was in, I remembered the dream, I said, I wonder if
I opened my cell phone in the early hours of the morning, I didn't see it, right, I was a little scared, I said, well, that must have been it, I must have opened it, I read Just the main news So I went, I took a shower, I had coffee, we went to work, we worked together and there was only talk about that when it was in the afternoon, Carlos, I remember it well, I went to open the website again and I saw the details of the paratroopers that until then had not been published when I
read it, then I felt bad, I was the one, we work inside houses I went to the bathroom I got emotional I said one I'm not religious but I said an improvised prayer there for whoever was there because I was there it's strange to say that the issue of the parachutists was what caught my attention the most because I I remember the scene to this day when I remember it, it makes me uncomfortable, anyway, I don't know what I was doing there, I don't know, I don't, I didn't tell anyone about it at the time
because everyone wants to take away their slice of the moment, right? So today I feel more comfortable talking about it because it's no longer news to anyone, it's no longer something that's in the media so much and from then on the difference I see is that I don't know if it was because of the training I went through Through this experience, the dreams I have today, most of them I have decision-making power, I have reasoning, I can define some things I want to do or not do, this catches my attention a lot, which didn't happen
before and after our initial conversation, I had a lot of very funny even this was positive I discovered that somewhere somewhere it's crazy to say this I have a property I have a house that I go there sometimes and I always saw it in these reports Oh a little house I think I'm an ostentatious spirit because the house is wonderful, it's huge and the yard is something that if the yard is liquid it's water the yard is made only of water clean running water is water and in the room here on the right side of
the house I have a room it's a room very small, very tight, in the four corners of the room there is a little room with very small drawers, little drawers on this side and on the other on each side of the 90 angle, there are little drawers and I keep some things, some envelopes in these little drawers and I also take them out that I I know what it's for there at the time but when I wake up I don't know anymore but I know that these little drawers are important where I keep and take
out envelopes that have some contents that I know what they're for But I don't remember and My experience was this is That's not it, I don't, I personally don't consider it an EQM because my life didn't have it, I don't know, you understand, you scholar, I don't, I'm just curious, my life wasn't at risk, but that was the experience, I won't even include that part that you don't. consider ekm because it's clearly an ekm you know it's clearly an ekm ah the difference that I noticed is that for example I don't know how but you
know when you're in an image control you change the camera angle and it appears on the monitor I could change the angles in my vision, I could see from here, I could see myself from behind, but at any angle I turned my camera, let's say, he remained with his back to me, I didn't see his face at any time, even though If I tried to put my vision in front of him, somehow he had his back turned, I saw the image here, but he had his back turned, I don't know if he turned, but he
had his back turned to me, I never managed to see his face or know what name never but he was a man to begin with I wanted to understand a little better where your conversation with him took place it was always in the same place you said it you said there was grass that you were on a rock he told you to sit on a rock that it resembled a waterfall and everything else there was this tree this tree had some meaning I don't know it was just a tree Oh I don't remember seeing an
animal I don't remember seeing any other vegetation besides this Grass tree if the tree had fruit I don't know it was just There wasn't a tree No, I don't remember that, I remember there was no wind movement, nothing was still, it wasn't hot or cold, it was pleasant, no, I didn't have those perceptions But you felt the touch of the stone, you felt it, you felt the touch when I went when I went to sit hey, I have a habit of holding my thigh like this and sitting down, I could feel the touch of my
body, the clothes I was wearing were the same clothes I wore to the hospital, I remember the clothes, eh, but I don't, those are the memories that I have you via your arm you via your leg you via your body no no no no it wasn't that one dream image that we have that slightly distorted image was like this, I'm looking at myself here I'm seeing myself here you said that you could see from different positions you chose your point of view it was something very automatic I could it was as if my vision was
a camera and I could turn my vision, always towards the environment I was in, but all because my curiosity was trying to see his face because he didn't turn towards me at any time when I changed his forward angle, I don't know how he remained with his back to me, I saw myself facing him, looking at him and him facing away, that is, through this camera you saw him with his back turned with you facing the camera. Theoretically he was facing front to you, yes, if at the time when I passed the camera from behind
he was there, I was only seeing with the camera, I couldn't hear in the same way, you didn't have double vision, no, you didn't have double vision of your body and this external vision There wasn't one and I didn't need it either with me the change of angle was very automatic it was very intuitive but he remained with his back to me and always what you saw in the background was the grass yes the horizon orange an orange oh it's not that orange Late afternoon with sunset it wasn't that it was really orange oc it
was orange eeo the grass just the top with the grass that's it temperature I don't know how to tell you it was pleasant I didn't feel cold or hot it was I probably didn't pay attention because I didn't I felt you said that at a certain moment you felt that he started speaking as if it were through your mouth, in fact I spoke all the time and you heard what he said as if it came through supposed ears I believe so at the time I didn't think but but the Sometimes when I thought I realized
that he could know what I was thinking but I spoke with my mouth well now let's start from the beginning of your story you talked about the situation in which you found yourself much older next to the your wife and you watched your son grow up, this gives the impression that time is something very different from what we think it is because you saw yourself there in front of it. Possibly this scene from the Future had the function of telling you something that was going to happen to you and that you were long before what
that future represented, yes, how do you understand? Today, time here, I don't understand, time is something that I can't understand, as you go, time passes, we get older let's say like this, I don't know if you've noticed that it seems like I think this is even an object of study, I don't think this is an object of study, that when you're younger it seems like time drags on and now it seems like time goes by faster, no. I know if it's people's perception of time that changes, but every day, the years now seem to fly
by more than before, so I really don't know, I don't know if this had a purpose in transmitting something to me, the only thing I associate with today is my son's arrival , right, but it's something that I don't know how to explain. up front very up front and you recognized yourself so the meaning of this is consistent with what is said in some reports that there is access to the future and the past even though you are in that present as if present, past and future were one thing It's just difficult for us to
understand this, but this has already been said several times, I personally believe that this is how everything is connected in this matter of time, otherwise it would even be difficult for us to understand how someone can talk about something, how You could have seen what was going to happen on October 7th a day earlier , right? Ah, it would be absolutely impossible to understand these things. It's also worth reporting this issue of your son saying Thank you for accepting to be my father, but not me, I don't know how to explain it. My impression is
that the feeling I have, if I believe I have already told you, is that we have known each other for a long time, there is no explanation and some reports talk about the person choosing their family or being presented with that person the possibility of family is I don't see I don't I don't know why he would choose me I think he had better options But if so, I am very grateful to him, I can only say that Yes, we are really very united, now going to your near-death experience, the anesthetist was arriving with the
mask at the time, you were already asleep. had left or was on the way and you heard a voice Leandro yes twice called me twice it's interesting the first time I hear this type of question because like if you ok wake up here now the person always reports of or is going to a place or is already in place but where it needs to be woken up in place thinking about it now I imagine it was because the other reports I've heard from your work and others I've always seen of perhaps more dangerous situations more
limits than mine I think that mine was very under control so maybe that was it, I don't know, right? That's my assumption and I can't share your assumption I feel that anything can happen in any situation, it's true, it's true, this tree catches my attention because several times in reports also a single tree appears on the horizon there was no other tree just this one and it was a common tree a medium tree I don't remember any fruit it wasn't a different color a common one like that it wasn't exuberant an ordinary tree but just
one this being was always standing, always standing, this sky, which was orange, had the sun, there was no sun, there was no cloud, it was one, there was no variation in color tone, it was just an orange in the sky, that's all, it was just orange, you couldn't see the shadow of nothing no no I didn't see Carlos I don't know how to tell you I don't know if there was a shadow there was a moment when the initial scare passed my attention was so focused on what He was saying that I didn't see you
when you woke up in response to Leandro's call You woke up as if you were here, what do you mean, the sensation of the existence of eyes, of control, control of your desire, is, it was, as if it were you, you had just been transported to another place, it was me, I was lying on the floor waking up, right, there wasn't that thing about do. of consciousness immediately expanding, no, it wasn't me, I was normal, I was on the floor. I only got up taking into account that he told you that you were going to
spend 12 years there, that makes you think that this experience was programmed, it was caused so that this knowledge would be awakened in you I never thought about it that way but now that you said yes it could have been because the deadline was very stipulated now I don't know if and so what catches my attention then it's already a more practical thing what caught my attention since the beginning is that this surgery happened very quickly, she should have waited 4 to 5 years and it was very quick, why this was anticipated, I don't know,
but thinking about it now, maybe it was programmed even because of what happened up front, right , many people talk about when We are here, there is a veil of oblivion, ahem, at the same time, things were passed on to you, several technical things later, he even spoke for a moral issue that I keep thinking, will it be that before the veil of oblivion, this so-called veil of oblivion is placed on you, will it be that you already knew these things and they were placed for your knowledge here as if it were despite the veil
of oblivion you need to know this here I don't know if I already knew what I know is that they made absurd sense When I was there and it was very easy for me to understand very complicated concepts, physics, chemistry, disciplines that I don't even know how to specify to you what they are, I was able to understand them with incredible ease and when I come back I've already heard this expression V warming up I wonder if it's because maybe I don't even have the physical capacity to understand how to store so much information, but
sometimes I wonder if this information isn't stored somewhere out there and sometimes we just don't access it, I don't know. It's my idea, but if he told you this and he also said that you'll need it and that in time you'll know how to use it, yes, then I'm wondering if it's like OK, you're here, somehow this was said to you. you don't remember this you can't even understand what was just said to you yes but in a specific situation you will know how to use it in a magical way it seems I don't know
if I have I used it when I was in that very unpleasant experience there that to this day I wonder why I was put there that I didn't do anything I don't see I don't see why I went there but I don't know if I used it there or if I I'm still going to do that so if when you talk about making use of it here it makes me think but why would you need to use it? taught to you, I hope that nothing else happens, but what I realize is that maybe I will
use what I was taught Carlos São In the questions in the dreams that I had subsequent to this, that nowadays I always dreamed a lot, always in my head, always I was very active in my dream, but the issue of being able to make decisions is, first of all, it's really cool, it's a totally different experience, maybe I'll use what I learned there for that, I can't tell you , but making real decisions while you're dreaming is very good, it's interesting because I 've been taking it lately I've been doing it when you dream I
don't know if it's like that with everyone I'm saying My private experience seems like it's a script Sometimes we even do things that you would never do while awake, you would never do in your day by day and you do it and nowadays when I'm dreaming and I come across these things that I don't want to do I choose not to do it and I don't do that thing that I find interesting and that didn't happen before Many people say that in what they call of lucid dreaming You have mastery over dreams, yes, but would
it be just that or something else? Is today's dream that you have different compared to the dream before the eem that you had? I can tell you now without thinking too much about it. The issue is that this is the issue of decision making now if there is anything else I don't know how to tell you what was taught to you at first it was technical issues that relate to physical chemistry we already have the amic correia de Santos that in the interview whose title is everything is mathematics, she was told that everything is mathematics
it is as if emotion were translatable into mathematics that I can also think about vibration everything is vibration Oh that's in my head but I keep thinking why did everything go through I don't know that for you, I'll go, I'll go further, I've always been, but I had more affinity with exact sciences than human sciences. So I remember while I was there, I saw a lot of exact sciences, I saw a lot of things on this subject, but I saw so many subjects of disciplines that exist here from areas of knowledge that exist here that
I have never seen here on earth when I saw them I know I had to hire other areas of knowledge while I was there that I don't even know how to define I don't even know how to explain I have vague memories of subjects that I don't even know what they are about but that I understood while he was there, can you risk talking a little about these vague memories ? I don't have it, I don't have it, like me, I've seen some reports from people who say they saw colors that don't exist here, it's
something more or less like that, they're subjects that I don't even know how to define, what I saw, but what I did, I know that It made sense to me because I remember my surprise when I remembered, when I remembered, I didn't forgive, when I knew and how this knowledge came to you, you saw it, you saw equations, you saw it, no, he spoke and I understood, no, I didn't see it. The time I was there I didn't see any image, no image, no projection, I think it's more or less like this, it's as if
I were talking to you now about circular movement, rectilinear movement So you and I speak the concept and you understand in your mind how it works, it was just like that, I didn't see any projection and you never had the feeling that you already knew what it was just being remembered, it's not like it was new, but you had the capacity to understand exactly something new, but something that was understandable to me, something new. that I already had an affinity with that subject and when you asked why all this he just told you that you
will need it and that you will know how to use it Yes, today you have some kind of idea about what it would be for you to need, I have the idea that What I did was that when I wanted to get out of that image that I was seeing, I managed to do it, so maybe I used that but it doesn't go beyond that, I don't even because I don't think about it much, no, I do, I try to live life more the way I do. You can't worry about it, but the reference I
have is that at that moment, to get out of that situation, I used what I knew. To get out, I had already seen enough. No, because I had, I had a lot of control when I left, in fact, when I saw those two approaching, I knew I wasn't going to be harmed, I was sure that it wouldn't affect me, but I think the terror was so The fear was so great that I decided to end it. I even regret that I should have waited to see what was going to happen, but that scene made me
want to get out of Ali. It's interesting that he said 12 years, yes, I keep thinking about the number 12, which some Reports have already talked about the meaning of 12 of 12 months of 12 Guardians of 12 and so many things, does it make any sense to you that number 12 had never thought about it, but it doesn't make sense, what it does to me is the amount of despite time supposedly not passing I didn't see the passage of time but I imagine it was due to the amount of topics discussed but I never
never never did this this Association had never done If you were to think about time you would say how much time passed there your feeling today in your memory 5 minutes, no more than that, 5 minutes is difficult, Carlos, because I think we mark time by what you see, the day changes, the light, the temperature, when there isn't, when there isn't, there's no factor for you to orient yourself, I don't think you understand but for me, it took about 5 minutes, it was very quick, it was much faster than our conversation, I can't get out
of my head that you were called into a situation in which you started to learn a lot of things, technical things that you will know how to use when you go necessary and at the same time we know that the planet is in a situation that I call an impasse various types of impasse climate impasse impasse ah of exhaustion of the planet some political impasses do you see any relationship between your experience and this moment we are living in relationship direct, no, but what I think is that really the situation in which things go, sometimes
I, I, I went to school all my life, so all the analogies I make are in relation to teaching, I would say that the people are close to a final recovery is what I can tell you or you try hard and pass Diano let's say even if it's average But do your part or you'll be held back you studied biology you like exact sciences you received a lot of teaching about this ay Correa doesn't have this ah this focus on exact sciences like you do, she is also a teacher and she had many classes on
mathematics where she saw the equations and she has no idea what she learned, she keeps thinking, could it be she uses it at night sometimes she has the feeling that yes I ask if you have a feeling that at night you use it on another level that you learned sensation no that's for sure sure because often Oh I go through dreams in which I understand things that are happening there and it's funny that when I wake up immediately when I wake up I understand but a few minutes later until a few seconds everything goes away
but I understand I realized that when I'm dreaming I sometimes not just at night a nap that I take here I'm always active I talk about it I'm much more active when I'm sleeping than when I'm awake I'm much more productive because I'm always doing something I'm using it I'm understanding what 's happening to me when I'm sleeping but when I wake up, no, I don't know anymore, but I use it, I do some things that I don't know how to do here, in other words, It's as if you exist in layers, the layer of
you that is here, it doesn't understand, but when you're sleeping another type of layer another layer comes into action and this layer makes use of what you learned there, yes I just think it's interesting that And these layers, as you said, they work differently but it's still me It's the same personality, nothing changes, nothing, nothing, even some trivial thoughts that I have here, I have there, but there I have the impression that I have more knowledge than here, so maybe this knowledge passed on to you was intended for your work while sleeping. It's possible, I
just don't like separating houses, I see a lot of people separating, separating very strongly here and there, I don't believe it, I think it's even the name of a movie, but I think everything happens at the same time, both here and there, I don't do that. separation of the me here and the me there and do you remember anything you did there, some scenario, could someone talk a little about this sometimes? I remember teaching there but I don't remember what but teaching in the classroom In class, there is a full class, students older than I
was a high school teacher, older students that are older than I was But I remember this I remember this sometimes I imagine I don't know if I can say that's for sure but if I have a profession on the other side it's the classroom that's for sure and there where I don't know I don't know I think that LS I often think that there is here maybe it changes a frequency you're a physicist You understand frequency more than I do a frequency that changes a density that changes I don't know I don't know how to
tell you because this one that we say I believe there are infinities there and you would be in all these infinities there I don't know I don't know tell you maybe but I don't know how to tell you when you were in that dream teaching there you felt as much you as you feel in our conversation I didn't feel at home I wasn't that thing another personality wasn't me I myself is the same thing same thing hurt there, here it makes more sense So you think that what you learned was to be used there maybe
I had never thought of it that way but now it's something that I've had since I was little, I've never been afraid of anyone who dies, never never It scared me because I believe and I have this feeling that when you die we're going to talk like that when you leave this body you remain the same person you were. I don't have that idea that even if you become a nightmare or a saint, I don't believe that you you remain the same but no it doesn't make sense if I will suddenly get better when I
die What is the meaning of the experiences I go through here so I believe that people remain the same exactly the same you had this intuition since you were a child since you were a child since you were a child I I had some very strong intuitions, for example, I don't know if it's relevant, but I say that I was born without religious faith, I'm not an atheist, I'm sure it's redundancy, but an absolute certainty that God is the Creator God, not the God sitting on the throne writing down what I don't know whether it's
right or wrong, but that the Creator God exists, I've been certain of this since I understand people, but at the same time, I was born into a Catholic family, I did all the dogmas, everything was cute, but I never had religious faith. I never, it's not something I don't want, which I think is beautiful to say, I've never never felt faith, this preached faith, I've never felt it and I still don't feel it to this day, but we're so complex that I go to mass here, I feel good. I feel good in church I have
memories of my time as a child with my parents I like going to mass but I don't have that fervent faith I don't I never have I've never had three questions that you asked that he always answered in a vague way you asked what was his name he asked me what do you want to call me you asked people are you on earth he asked what difference does it make exactly he asked me in a tone of irony it wasn't a very calm tone no like what difference does it make man it was like that
it's almost as if we here on earth were thinking we were the last one, the last cookie in the package, it was the feeling that I was ashamed at the time, it was the feeling I had when I asked if there was life, he told me, do you think I know everything just to you look up and think he's handsome, so I was very embarrassed at the time, it's interesting to think that he had a good sense of humor, he had a good sense of humor and that's something that makes me wonder if I didn't
know him either because all the people I met I have more affinity with people with more prelate humor more more acid more ironic then and it was the way I treated my students my whole life with which I treat my son with which my son treats me also that he also returns the type of treatment that I give him without disrespect he he He's very respectful, he's a Lord, he's very polite with people, but he has this more acidic sense of humor, so I get closer to people like that, I mean, he was vague, he
was intelligent in his answers, but he didn't give any hints, anything, nothing, no hints. I didn't even want any advice I wanted confirmation I wanted certainty about things he taught you a lot of techniques but in other aspects he left you completely in the vacuum Yes I believe it's because we don't I don't know Carlos I think things are not given kisses to us, I think that, I think that as much growth as everything, everything has to be on your own, everything you want has to be because of your effort, I think that, he didn't
give me anything, no confirmation of anything, but he made it clear that things exist in multiple dimensions yes yes in fact he said that yes you can try to talk a little more about it I've tried slowly about it I've tried to reflect on it and what I what I believe I don't know if this planet that we know, it physically exists in several other dimensions or if it alone houses several dimensions, I don't know how to tell you that, as if it were, for example, a radio receiver that has several stations, theoretically working at
the same time, but depending on where you focus the its vibration you will hear one station or another I don't know if there are several radios each receiving only one station or if it is one radio only receiving several stations I prefer to believe one for the idea of ​​saving resources that is one radio only receiving several Seasons for me makes more sense by economy even by city some questions that are historical in interviews and when you felt connected as if you were part of everything you were seeing around you I don't know if I
felt connected I didn't have that perception but for me it was very natural, it was a very quick acceptance that I was there and that everything was fine, I accepted it very quickly but I don't know if I attribute it to my lack of religiosity, I don't get worried about these things when I I'm going to die where I'm going that never worried me that doesn't worry me and the certainty that I have that there is something beyond here so when I woke up I saw that let's say let's simplify that I saw that I
was on another plane I I didn't think it was something out of this world, I accepted it with a certain naturalness. I was just worried about the time he told me he was going to stay there and I did the math. Well, I'm 43, I'm going to stay here, 12, I'm going to leave at 55, I'm in a coma. I just made this calculation but it wasn't something that shocked me, it scared me, it didn't make me nervous at first, then I was very calm, you intuited that when you died, you would simply continue But
you were partly surprised by what happened, yes, at the time I When I was there I saw that orange sky, my biggest image is the orange sky, that orange sky and I told me that I was going to stay there that long when I realized that I wasn't in the operating room I was surprised but I wasn't I panicked, I was even scared at first, but I didn't panic, I didn't, my God, no, it's not good today, you're certainly not afraid of dying, but what would you say to those who are afraid of dying? I'm
going to do one addendum here I'm not afraid of dying but I'm afraid of the way I'm going to die, that's what I'm afraid of, for example, I do everything possible and impossible not to get on a plane, I'm terrified of flying, fear for me is the most difficult I'm afraid of getting sick due to the suffering of the disease I recently accompanied a client of ours who was a little old man, he had cancer and died, we saw him dying little by little It made me feel bad, not because he died, I know he
wasn't there anymore, but you see the whole process of degeneration that he entered into I found it sad but what I can say to those who are afraid of dying is our fear of death, not of the process but of the afterlife event, I attribute a lot to religion, which is bombing, we are Bombarded with these concepts of right and wrong heaven hell since birth and based on my personal experience I say to those who are afraid of dying this does not exist for me from what I have seen from what I have experienced this
does not exist so what I can say is that where do I go when I dying, my idea is that for me to know how I will be after death, I just need to look at how I am before death, the life you lead here, the company you keep, the type of life you earn bread, the type not your profession But the things you do that are supposedly right and wrong here you will have the same type of behavior there so now if you are afraid of the end it's over here AC it's over here
it's over everything, no, because MS Car would be even easier, right? more practical so don't be afraid of death itself the event of death you don't need to be afraid it's much more natural than you think it is I think it's much more natural because I slept and woke up only now what me It's the way I'm going that's scary, I didn't want it to be like that, you know, like the ones I'm afraid of, you didn't feel judged by an external force, no, on the contrary, I even felt that the universe doesn't care for
me it was this perception that I had indifferently You just said that you even said in a joking way the universe doesn't care about me but somehow you felt like you were also the universe Without a doubt I feel that way here when we are I live, I have this one, for example, it's a lot of days that we work, we work in a place facing the Pacific Ocean in a place called Pacific here in California, there's no way I can be there and not stop for a minute to just watch to the sea there
is no way you feel that what you are there is part of that there or I don't know how to explain it properly but I feel I feel part of the whole while I'm here have you ever heard animals talking to you or nature talking to you not in pal but I already felt it, I already felt it, speaking no, not with words, but their energy, I already felt it when when we lived in Brazil, we lived in a kind of farm, I had a lot of dogs, we had 11, we had 11 dogs, of
which only one It was bought for a defense breed, the rest I picked up on the street, a dirt road and you can feel it there, their communication is visual and behavioral, but they communicate with us and each one has a different personality, so I've felt this, it's often said about transition. planetary or did you talk about dimensions if you talk about the Fifth Dimension these concepts were somehow present in your experience or after them the planetary transition itself I don't believe so but the issue of dimensions yes that's it I'm sure Carlos I think
I think that things are so natural It's because there are times when we , like you said, there are times when human beings think they are very special. students at school don't have just one class just one class There are several and that's why you can ask any Teacher there are good classes there are bad classes the good classes progress the bad classes stay and I think that today we have a more average class for bad than good unfortunately Leandro at a certain point you entered what you called moral review after teaching all that technical
part I would like you to please detail what happened in your experience and how Jesus entered this part of moral review step step by step due to the importance that this may have for so many people who will listen to our conversation, it wasn't like that we divided it, it was a timeline but it wasn't so sectorizing that at some point he started talking about Grand, let's say great masters that the humanity had I learned about some that I had never even heard of I heard about others that I had a vague notion of and
when it came to talking about Jesus I liked it because it is always a topic that I like to talk about, sorry to debate, but at the same time I have a lot of reservations about the Jesus that we know and it was at that moment when we started that I remember I don't know if we talked more about Jesus or if I remember more about him but that's how it started the conversation seeing others hearing about other teachers we had and Next, can you continue telling us in detail, when he talked about Jesus, I
asked about miracles, I said it because my concern, in my smallness, let's say it wasn't at that moment, it wasn't what he had conveyed, it was hitting the key. of miracles because I never believed that he walked on water I don't want to argue but I personally never believed in these Miracles that's when he told me no that he never performed Miracles And then I remember to do it like this, you know, no, not to celebrate, I said, I'm right, okay? I thought , right? that he who exists to govern everything he didn't have to
perform a miracle he just had to ask and he was answered I don't know if he asks when he says he asked if he asks God if he asks for water if he asks for food be multiplied and I found it very interesting that he said that he doesn't order that he asks, a guy like that doesn't need to ask but he still asks and is answered Maybe a lesson in humility, I don't know, right? What's the difference between what was said about him and what was said about him ? what was said about other
masters They were all more or less on the same frequency and the same intensity of action I found it interesting that he didn't tell me he just told me this I don't think he would even touch on this subject of Miracles and none of the other masters he said who was right and who was wrong he debated the moral part only then what I what I conclude is that everyone is more or less I don't say today that Jesus is more important than Buddha I say that everyone is more or less on the same path
and everyone has that relevance there, the same tempo, even because there is no judgment, Carlos, there is no one, there is no one saying Carlos is right, Leandro is right, there is no such thing, so it is difficult to define this, it is as if this need to list it was very much here on earth, it's just ours, it's ours and most of the time I realize that it's more important for me to say that so and so is the definitive master, it's more to rub it in the face of the person who believes in
a different deity, I see that it's more for this because in practice while they are there working together we are here fighting with each other because of them so it doesn't make sense something very interesting that you also said about who Who was God can you detail us The question was who was God did you imagine God as a person Some talk as if it were a source as if it were everything because who even the name of the channel is what we are because the concept of being a person I question what it means
to be a person and you but you asked who it was God, I think I asked automatically, but the idea that God is a personality never dawned on me, I believe that God is an intelligence, not an intelligence that creates, but how he creates it, I don't know how to say, but I asked, I think it was Even in the poor language we have, it's logical that I won't understand but I had to ask in that situation, there was no way I couldn't ask because I think everyone has asked this question and we conclude that
there isn't any, I don't think so. that we don't even have the structure to be able to understand who or what God is, but that he is out there, he is now, it doesn't even shock me, the idea of ​​human beings who claim to know the essence of God, that has always bothered me very much. I don't think we're going to get to that point then he talked about Carlos Uhum that was a conversation like I I almost didn't tell you this part I almost avoided it because I was embarrassed at the time I'm embarrassed
now because it's very generic the only thing that It made me more comfortable and then you can edit it, right? If I say something stupid, what made me feel more at ease was the part where he says the personal part that touches you in what he says, because we don't knows everything so sometimes I think he gave me this information so I could pass it on to you too because the part he says that and things would be that you don't blame yourself, it would be different if you knew back when you took your decision
that serves For everyone, this for me is not proof of anything, it's useful for anyone, that's why I'm going to edit it exactly because I think it's useful for everyone, but tell me how you got there, Carlos would be me today, do you think so, yes, today? Today I think that this information he gave about Carlos was more useful for me than for you, more for me to find you than for you, rather than to convince you because on several occasions for a long time, like me, I'm not like I'm always working, I don't watch
YouTube, I listen, I just listen and I fell onto your channel by parachute, it's a subject that I like but I don't know . your channel and whether you said Carlos or not, I did n't even care about Corrinha. I didn't really like your tone of voice. I thought it was very, very good to hear, but when there was a specific episode, Carlos said, oops, he installed it like that, I said, now wait, wait. So wait, then I paused and then I went to watch the video and said oh, is that him? I started back
there and what made you think it would be me when when I saw yours when I heard your name I went to the description that I clicked on the video that seems to have a description there and that I saw that we can see in the description of the video that or I don't know if it was a girl who narrates who said later at the end of the video that we could get in touch I said to you, oh, could it be that it started to become clearer to me, but it took time, it
wasn't a quick thing, it took time, okay, but it was a rational thing. Yes, it was thought of as a result of the sequence of Coincidences, I said because despite being name, your name is the same as mine, it's common, it's a name that isn't difficult, it's easy to find But I only knew one Carlos, just one, I said, by exclusion, it's easy, I even sent a message to another Carlos, my friend, but there are more We haven't spoken in 10 years, he didn't respond, I sent it on Facebook, he didn't respond, I thought or
he didn't see it. I also didn't tell him everything, right? you say that kindly you say that it makes more sense to you than to me it doesn't make much sense to me that's good good good to know and I thank you for that you don't even have to thank Carlos I thank you for having the patience to listen to me let's go stop tearing silk for each other and let's move on it's better about time the side here is part of the side there is this sentence yours or is it his is it mine
no this sentence is mine this has to do with an interconnection between everything between all the dimensions, everything is connected, this is a perception that you have a perception of mine Uhmm, he spoke about this, no, directly, but often I see some reports in which I don't, I personally disagree, I think a lot of people, not just from your channel, from several other books that I've read, from people who pay much more attention to the side over there, let's say, than the side here, as the side here is also part of the side there, I
think we're on the same train in just different carriages but I think it's the same train so I don't see much point in it but it's my perception now he says something that I don't mean I'm surprised by the feeling I have that I don't understand ah many times Who died feel more missed than those who stayed I also found it strange and it continues to be strange I still don't understand I don't know if we have it here I don't know I don't know maybe what I get What I imagine is that you're not
sure that these people are there they bring less anguish than the person who is there is sure that we are here, that's all I can think about, that's all my father says. In 2014, I don't see him, I can't see him or I don't know if he's somewhere I believe so but I'm not sure he's somewhere but maybe the fact that he knows I 'm here makes him miss him more than me that's what I can think about it at a certain point you asked why the uncertainty Why the mystery and It was explained in
a loving way deep down even if it was calling us cowards In fact he knows what we are, right Yes yes I have the impression I had the impression that he was once human and not today Is it more or did he stay too long here I had the impression that he knows us very well but at the same time he is not that far away from us I had that impression Especially when he talked about the steps so talking about you at night teaching classes do you have any idea who your students are at
that dream I have no idea Carlos because I've had dreams teaching classes, both good dreams and lucid dreams and nightmares, so it's difficult to define, what do you mean, nightmares In what situation would that be Ah, a dream that I was in, it wasn't just once, a dream in which I'm in such bad schools that I feel bad that I feel like I'm dying to get out of there so I define it as a nightmare but nothing nothing it's just that but you were teaching anyway you were I don't attribute the whole dream to aa
perception this extrasensory perception not every dream no I think some are just a relief of the mind even they are trivial but some are the strongest I say there is something more but some I think are just a common dream well I don't know what Whether it's a common dream, we usually attribute this to a capacity of the brain, as if the brain had a life of its own and was able to make us dream. I confess that all of this is very uncertain for me. I ask about the big house that you mentioned, tell
me a little more about it In what situation did you see this big house the first time I went there it was after this My experience and I already knew that the house was mine I don't know how that is but it is very big it is a type of construction that I really like It's all made of wood I really like old houses with old furniture I like old things and they are I was hoping that when I went to something, let's say spiritual, it would be more modest, right ? It's big, it's very
spacious, I don't know if you've come into contact with those old country farm houses, even though they were tall like that and the floor was made of wood and you walked and heard it walking down there, it's in that style, it's very big Yes, but I 've never seen it with wooden walls, it's all made of wood, I think it's another time, I go back to the bias here, it's very common for houses made entirely of wood, so for me it's not new anymore, and how beautiful I think it is, maybe I have one That's
where I wanted to go. In this way, I don't know, I'm stretching my imagination But you go to that house. In what situations, I don't know. I wake up there, just like you go to teach at night. Sometimes you also see yourself at night in that house. Yes, there are people there. I don't know who they are, I know them while I'm there, but here I don't remember who these people are, I don't know who they are, but the house, the house is mine, the yard is something that I don't, the only way I have
to define the backyard when you leave the house it's as if the ground It's all running water there's no soil just water but it's shallow water it hits my knee and I really like it there I don't know why but I really like this water and it has several rooms it's a house two floors, it's very spacious, very wide, and there's this room with the little drawers, which is the room that I think is most important in the house, but I don't know why And you have other houses around, no, I don't remember, I didn't
see those other people that you saw were inside your house inside the house inside the house and when you were there living whatever night in the dream you felt as present as you are here in this conversation of ours, yes I felt absolutely comfortable and at home I felt literally at home and dominating the own existence and its desires and decisions as much as here I remember that when the last time I was there I still thought like this I was walking through the living room of the house and I thought like let me see
my little drawers and I went there I went down and it's in the bedroom go down a staircase and turn to the right of whoever is facing the house turn to the right and I went to check the drawers but it was my decision and you could even think that there is reality and here is the dream I don't know if I like to think that there is the real and here is the Imaginary I don't know but you could then think that they are realities equivalent in importance That means now I know that when
I am there it is a reality when I am here it is one and There It's another, they're realities, they're redundancy, but they're realities, they're really there now, I don't know where you are, here, do you remember the one there, did you remember? Never every time I'm there I don't think about it, it's selfish of me to say that but every time I don't think about the reality of that Will I think next time I'll pay attention to that I don't know Then you tell me experience somehow you look at this planet and at people
in a different way I try not to look with as much judgment as I used to look at some people like me as I did before This has changed in me I still judge I won't be a hypocrite in saying that I don't judge I judge I have some prejudices But every day that passes I have worked to reduce it Based on what I learned from what I heard there every report every interview we talk about many things I like to ask the person being interviewed leave a Final Message What does she think is most
important to say to the people who are listening, what is your final message? My message is simple and live without too much worry about the after Oh, don't be afraid of what will happen to you and as a message The end is if you want to know what will become of you when you leave, just look at what you are here, my message is that when you are there on the other side, you will be the same person, you will have similar experiences, you will have a similar life structure so don't be afraid vi Live
without fear Live without worrying about what will become of you what will become of you there is what you are here message is just this if you liked it please subscribe on our channel make comments share with your friends ring the bell so you always know when a new video arrives and if you have any questions or have been through an ekm and would like to share your story with the world please write to us meil is After all, what are we this is a new frontier of human knowledge let's cross it together
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