how to make a killer etsy listing (for the 2024 algorithm)

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Simply Shawna
Are you looking to create killer listings that explode sales in your Etsy shop? It all boils down t...
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this is how to make a killer listing to blowup sales in your Etsy Shop watch closely because this is what six figure Etsy sellers already know and consistently do while your next design could be the one that opens the floodgates of sales into your Etsy shop if you are not doing these things all of your efforts on Etsy could be wasted but what makes a killer listing what do these successful Etsy sellers know that you don't the best listings follow four simple steps and this video will walk you through them all some might argue the
first is by far the most important yet it is often overlooked or thrown together you might have the most interesting most creative most beautiful design in the whole world but if no one finds it no one can actually buy it which is why step one is to nail your title and your tags it is all too often we come up with a design idea head to our design app put our design together download the design with our transparent background slap it on a mockup photo upload our mockup photo into our new listing on Etsy and
think oh yeah I need to put my title and tags together and then slap something together and hit publish no matter how hard we work on our listings if we don't get our title and tags right the right customer might never see it it will be lost on page 80 of search results no matter how good your design is or how hard we work on it how much time we took to put it on the perfect mockup the right people just might not ever see it The Floodgate Of sales won't open and it will leave
us feeling frustrated and invisible so take the time to craft a well researched block of SEO I usually do this before I start designing I kind of think of my title and tags as the main idea of my paragraph I craft them first and then I think of my design designs as all the supporting sentences in that paragraph after I do the SEO research SEO stands for search engine optimization and it's just a fancy way to refer to your title and your tags your listing's SEO has one purpose and one purpose only and that is
to connect your ideal customer with your listing the ideal customer here is the customer who those designs are going to resonate with finalizing your title and tags may take you an hour or two especially if you are new at this but it is worth getting right and you will get faster at it keep in mind when putting your SEO together that customers often do two searches a broad search like gift for best friend the customer will see lots of ideas and search results after typing something like that in and they'll start to like some options
better than others they get more specific with their searches as they get closer to their buying decision and maybe next they put funny candle for Best Friend's graduation notice now how we have an event graduation added in to their search as well as a product idea of candle I like to capitalize on some broad search terms like gift for her I often place things like this down in my tags and of course we really want to save lots and lots of space of our SEO for more specific keywords and phrases too you want the phrases
you use to be a really good match for your product and your design and super duper relevant to what you are actually selling the first few words of your actual title are the most impactful and I personally don't like to put something broad here I like to go really specific like in this example best friend gift custom photo collage you will want to do research so you know you are using Search terms in your title and in your tags that customers are actually typing into the Etsy search bar I like to use a plug-in called
everb to do my SEO research I will leave a link to them down below they do have a free version that you could start with to see if you like it using everb allows me to find the best performing listings quickly so I can study them gives me information about those listings so I can determine how successful they are that way I know which listings I really want to pay attention to as I'm studying which keywords to put in my own listing and I can also see what tags are being used and get an idea
of search volume for each of those tags all using everb search volume just means how many people are coming into Etsy each month on average and typing that specific keyphrase into the search bar our block of SEO is worth getting right because if the right customers can't find us in search results they can't buy our products once you have a block of SEO that you are 90% confident will connect the right customer with your designs it is time to move on to one of the most crucial parts of your listing no scratch that in my
opinion it isn't one of the most crucial parts it is the most crucial part and I do have some proof to support that big claim that I just made and we'll loop back to that in just a minute this most crucial piece is the design itself after thousands of designs I have found that my winning designs follow a twostep Formula First the designs use elements that are already trending on Etsy they are present in lots of bestsellers sometimes in the niche that you're working in or just in other niches this includes popular Graphics popular color
palettes popular fonts and even popular design layouts let's look at an example a quick search of bestseller Mama shirts yields a bunch of designs that have elements like Mama written large and easily read with a scroll font on top of Mama that scroll font often offers personalization for the kiddos names another element present in many of these bestsellers is the established year so the Year Mom became a mom yet another element of many of them was the distressed font present in three of these examples and then take another look at the two with the muted
color palettes yet another popular element well the first step in our two-step winning design formula is to identify and use popular elements that are already trending the second step is to use them in a new and Innovative way we do not want to recreate what is already there but instead we want to add something new and valuable to the market let's take a look at that design that is not a bestseller if we were this seller we might think about doing a another version of this up hitting that popular design layout with those popular design
colors maybe we use Mama done up real big with praying in cursive through the middle and place the custom names underneath and then maybe we do it up again with the same design layout in mind that big word with a cursive word laid on top but this time instead of making the word Mama really big we make praying the really big big word and the word mama in cursive through the middle we are taking this popular design concept and niching it down specifically for a mom who prays notice we are also trying this up in
the popular muted color palette we could then do up another version playing with the element of adding the established year and going back to our step of SEO we already talked about in this video we would do well to add specifically search engine optimization phrases about being a gift for a new mom especially to this version with the established year on it now notice the similar color palettes being used in these bestsellers maybe we do our design up all over again with this color palette in mind or perhaps a font more similar to these without
a compelling design you will not get customers clicking into your listing I will say that again without a compelling design you will not get customers clicking into your listing they will scroll right by you no matter how great your title and your tags are leaving your listing with a low quality score you will stay stuck buried in search results and your Etsy Shop will not blow up with sales I mentioned I had proof that the design is the most important piece of this puzzle I have conducted many split testing experiments in my Etsy shop where
I take the same design and I list it twice when you split Tesla listing you list it twice but each time you list it you change only one thing and one thing only it might be your main mockup photo or your block of SEO or maybe even your pricing strategy I've run all of those tests in my shop I'll leave video link down below to the results I got I found particularly intriguing results when I did Regular profit pricing versus Break Even pricing where you price a product at right around your break even price to
just cover the Fulfillment you do this for just the first couple of sales in hopes of getting some quick traction on that listing since people can pick it up for a cheap price before raising up to your regular profit pricing of course because eventually you need to make money on that listing but what was so interesting about all my split testing tests was that the designs that were winners were winners in both versions of the listing in both the a version and the B version now one version of that design usually had much bigger results
than the other but it was so eye-opening and so intriguing to see that both listings would get traction and I'll show you this example here the one on the left was released at regular profit pricing it didn't do too shabby while the one on the right was released at cheap Break Even pricing after around the 15th sale on that listing I had it cranked up all the way to my regular profit pricing but it had already rocketed on to its fast growth the results are seven times better than the listing that was released with regular
pricing but the design has done well in both listing the losers were losers in both the A and B test also getting zero or extremely low sales like one two or three it is my opinion that the design is your most important step so you want to make sure you learn how to craft designs with the best chance of being desirable by your customers I will leave a playlist linked down below where I break how to do this down for you I have spent so much creative energy and time just kind of thinking through it
and how to best help you make the best designs possible so that you could understand how to be Innovative and not just recreate what's already out there I dumped all of that love into that playlist so you might want to check it out now that you have the perfect block of SEO and a design that is based on Research you are much more likely to get your listing clicked on we are creating a killer listing we can think of those clicks like little hugs in the Etsy algorithm for our listing actually speaking of clicks and
hugs now would be a great time to go down and Boop the like button if you are finding this video helpful and to give the Subscribe button a little hug if you'd like to see me pop up in your YouTube feed from time to time the third step in creating our killer listing that's going to blow up our Etsy shop with so many sales is to make sure our photos or our mockups are eye-catching one your listing's first photo is the image displayed in search results and it is vital when it comes to inspiring Shoppers
to click and increase your conversion rate the the first photo should clearly show the item that's for sale and be eye-catching enough that buyers want to take another look a closer look you can either go with a trending color that you see being used over and over again so you knew people in that Niche are enjoying the designs on that color like these Summer shirts the first page of results had a lots of black white and sand colored options so I would consider putting my designs on those colors also or you could try to disrupt
the pattern that the customer sees in search results thereby grabbing their attention and stopping their scrolling by testing out another color you believe would work well in your Niche like these sellers did in the summer Niche with purple you will also want to use all 10 of your photo slots that's how many you get well the first photo is what Shoppers see in search results and should be the one that you are most intentional with using all 10 photos gives buyers more information about your item and may increase your conversion rate that's because each additional
image you add gives Shoppers more information about your product how big it is what colors are available how it's used or what it will look like with different outfits or in different situations step four in creating our killer listing that's going to blow up our Etsy shops with sales is going to be taking a look at our pricing strategy Shoppers compare prices when looking at search results so your listing price can also affect whether or not a buyer is clicking into your listing and ultimately whether they convert into a sale consider using some of etsy's
discounting tools you can run sales you can send thank you and abandoned cart coupons you might also try that at Cost pricing strategy I mentioned earlier or offer one item from your drop-down menu at a discounted price so that your listing shows up with a competitive customer facing price Etsy pulls the cheapest item to show to the customer and search results you might also try charging separate for shipping as this will get the price your customer sees and search results down a bit cheaper as they won't see the shipping cost until they click into your
listing and are ready to make that purchase I know this may seem like a lot of work to put in for one little listing and it may feel really hard so if there is anything you should take away for how to make a killer listing so that it can grab sales in your Etsy Shop is one craft a well researched block of SEO two use our two-step formula to create winning designs first identify trending elements and then use them in a new and Innovative way three use eye catching listing photos four employ a great pricing
strategy if it's helpful you can even download this visual as a reference for each listing you create I will put the link for it down below take the time to get these things right and you will see better results and in the meantime learn to just love the process this whole Etsy thing it is hard there are going to be designs we pour our hearts and souls into that just never make sales there are going to be times that we threw a design together and for some reason that doesn't make sense to us someone buys
it and then it gets picked up by the algorithm it's enough to drive you crazy but if you are crazy enough to stick with it you don't have to wait for some arbitrary sales number to count yourself successful you are already a success right now the sales H they'll come later it is honestly just a matter of consistent work over time earlier I mentioned that I found particularly intriguing results when I did Regular profit pricing for versus Break Even pricing watch this video next if you want to know what those results were but of course
not until after that tip from Tucker Tucker take it away [Music]
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