I think Priority One would be getting the heck out of Dodge that's just me getting away from all those people as fast as possible everybody doing good yes sir make sure you tell somebody if you're not for some reason all you got to do if somebody's passing by just stop moving like don't move chances are they won't see you so we're at Jason's class Jason saer um on three survival dispatch along with JJ here's what 12 of us we need to count right now for safety actually 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 12 so there's 12 of us and the scenario is you've went on a short trip via airplane you didn't check any bags you just had your carry on you're on your way home it's 4:00 a.m. in the morning you hit that red eye you've arrived back let's say you're arriving in Atlanta you're in an Uber cars have stopped on the highway cars are stopped whoever's on the highway is stopped everybody's stopped you notice there's no lights on in the distance there's no street lights on everything stopped it's just everything time has stopped
you realize something something's gone down you need to get home and you only got what you took with you to the airport so what do you do it's early on in the stage it's early people hadn't freaked out quite yet it's time to go but you don't want to be around when they do freak out and and things start you're trying to get home um obviously a straight Line's probably not always the best rout good idea nor the best route and our Electronics don't work and our Electronics don't work so we can't use our phones
so yeah we're going to see what happens 24 hours starting right now as they always say all the all the newbies say y'all don't go nowhere and you go right directly into something else they were throwing commercials or something y'all don't go nowhere right now we're traveling simulation is we're on the highway yep you see we're just you know cruising down the highway cruising down the highway you know trying to get home so uh obviously most of us here are into survival and prepping of some nature right so we will naturally carry some things on
us that obviously would help in this situation quick question for you what are as far as kit goes what do you think maybe the three most important things in my kit are for this scenario number one for me yeah water I water I feel like is probably number one okay what's what would be the second one you need a barri yeah like yeah protection from the elements some sort of shelter number two on my list is going to be this right here a spare pair of socks comfortable shoes you do not take care of your
feet you will be done that is the end of you you will be you will stop moving and then you are where you are and hopefully that's in a good spot what do you think number three is for long longer distance movement map compass where am I okay yeah something calories yeah that that's what I would say so I'm I'm reasonably good at figuring out which Way east and west and south and north is I can kind of ballpark that navigation is super important don't get me wrong we're getting there but number three on my
list is going to be calories because if you're not replacing the electrolytes the salts potassiums the proteins the fats the carbohydrates in your body you're going to Bonk just like we talked about with the socks your feet not working you will be stuck again as for me I've got no knives no guns none of us has any knives we don't have any personal protective outside of swinging our backpack around or whatever to hit something got a blun device I've got my woo belt on which has some things in it which does get through TSA right
so technically I do have a blade got a little ceramic blade scraper scraper technically a scraper I've Got My Wo cash cap on and cash It's always important to have cash use cash we've got our wallets obviously you be traveling with your wallet a feros serium rod and a magnesium rod and a Striker from uh Grim survival in my cash cap Adventure kit in our belts Venture kit in our belts I've got a grill I always keep a grill bottle with me in a Grail I've got a nesting cup that I keep with me bandanas
in my pocket I got my baby wipes bandana got some baby wipes wet wipes socks a pair of extra socks and I got extra shirt extra shirt extra underwear um I got a base Slayer too level one I got a beanie as well I got a beanie keep a beanie with me I'm going bald um my head gets cold yeah you don't want to shine a reflective surface to the enemy I've got a bivvy you got a bivy yeah I always carry a Biv I've got a tarp got a tarp as well a camouflage tarp
plus my Poncho I'm addict I'm addict it to the hammock game so tarp hamic go together I carry them together we did weigh our packs too as well so you had to be 35 or under which should be easy4 by 16 by 10 yeah is your typical carryon Dimensions I'm sitting at about 20 lb I'm at 16 he at 16.8 uh I think saw a couple guys at 10 about that water no water we got to find and Source our water basically if I was sensing that something was Troublesome behind me I would take off
into the woods and I would take a make a big J and I would come back around and I would get behind cover and concealment and then then if whoever was following me kept going no problem but if they follow me in the direction that I went then I know yeah they're up to no good and I need to plan kind of like when you drive around your car and somebody's like this guy telling me I want to make some detours see if he follows and then act accordingly you guys want to hear this that's
very thick vegetation I could tuck off 10 yards over there and no one would see me from here uh James go ahead and walk down towards the creek that way and then when I tell you to just freeze oh he don't need to I can hardly see him yeah he's already disappeared pretty much and he's only not even 20 yards from us probably yeah so he's standing in the open and I can see him cuz I saw him walk there but if you were walking along yeah you know you'd have no clue he's not wearing
camouflage he's just wearing like an Earth Tone kind of greenish shirt right you'd have no ideas there so if I was going to lay low for the night that's a good spot to set up somewhere back there and then you got your water supply you can freshen up and take yourself a cat or a bird bath in there and then move on the next day but if it's midle of the day like it is now I'd be getting water and then then getting it and the best place to carry water is where um but let's
get water watch the steak again like first 24 hours I don't think it's going to be that necessary to like be super stealth mode and you know be that wary maybe maybe not but um all you got to do if somebody's passing by is just stop moving like don't move chances are they won't see you unless they're looking for you unless they're really looking for you still yeah just stand still that's it so we uh took us a little break found us water source everybody got hydrated and filled up any containers that they chose I
guess we're fixing to hit the road again where is it I filled up um nearly a quart of water off of a grap Vine before wow so I find where it goes into the ground which is probably over there somewhere you cut it close to the ground and nothing happens it doesn't happen until you cut it high so think of it like a straw so if I'm holding a straw at a restaurant I put my finger over the straw and I can pull the water out and it doesn't come out until I release my finger
I release that pressure and then the water could come out same deal so if I cut that grap Bine way over there near the ground and then I put it a position it over top of my water ball and then I cut it high the water will start coming out and it's nice fresh clean water it tastes kind of nice tastes it's got a hint of grape in it yeah it's nice and clean and filtered and fresh you can cut them off and just drink them you can right out yeah and the big ones you
don't even have to cut them all the way through you can just hack into them a little bit and they'll do the same thing those real big just make sure it's not poison ivy vine yeah is a good one so this is not poison iy Vine that's great Vine you can usually tell by looking at the bark on them they got kind of a Shaggy Bark a poison ivy vine will cling to a tree it adheres to a tree and it has hairs on it fuzzy hairs very important to not confuse the two hair Vine
is a scary Vine yeah yeah this got hair on the vine don't mess with it don't touch that y fing gandal man yeah old Gandalf got them stick right there all right on the road again feet got a little wet how we doing guys good getting a little sweat going yeah little sweat going so I don't know we're probably 2 miles in little over two yeah little over two so it definitely puts into perspective like you know everybody's like this is my bugout bag this is my this or that and it only 65 lb yeah
they got a 70 lb pack good luck I got a 22 lb pack right now I'm sweating like a pig yeah you already you already feeling it got up and down some hills like can you really carry all that and you always have to kind of anticipate where you're going to be spending the night there's no perfect Camp spot don't pass up a good spot anticipating that there's going to be a better one down the road somewhere chances are there won't be it's going to be worse take advantage of your spots and be kind of
looking out if it was starting to get dark you know and I needed to rest up for the evening start looking for your spot yeah it's actually good advice find a good spot to hunker down might as well go on and hunker down you know time is right during the day when you want to do it cuz you just might not find another good spot the thing people don't realize is that is what you're doing is you're on your way you've got to rest find the best place to rest so you can recharge rebuild and
repair your body take off again yeah unless you're doing the MN Challenge and they really don't care that's different that's different oh God that sucked it's a fun suck but sucked we're talking real world right now yeah yeah I'm going at a pace I want to go I'm not I'm not forced to a 14 15 minute mile an emergency on someone else's part does not constitute one on yours right more good advice now this is a pretty solid spot so if I was walking along this road and I that house can't see me that house
can't see me nothing over there can see me this is a pretty sneaky spot so I'd be like all right cool and I would just duck off into here and because of the thickness of the vegetation I wouldn't have to go more than 20 yards that way and there's no way you'd see me no possible way even if you were looking for me you wouldn't see me 20 yards into the thicket of that that didn't work trying to film and go through the freaking thing at the same time y'all don't go nowhere this would not
be where I'd pick but but for demonstration purposes this wouldn't be a bad spot if there was more vegetation between me and the road but if I got down here nice and low it'd be really difficult for someone to see me just because of the terrain feature that I'm that I'm in when we pick out our camp spots you still got to be careful for Widow makers you still want to stay off of game Trails you still want to not be camping on an ant hill um but this wouldn't be a terrible spot but again
I'd want more vegetation between me and the road so I could be a little bit more discreet again this might be private property all right we don't know who lives here we just need a place to sleep for the night here's the goal you need to be able to see this road you need to be able to see me as I walk down this road but I need to not be able to see you that's the challenge I don't want to be on the ground if I don't have to be I know for me and
JJ we like hammocks we carry hammocks with us everywhere we go everywhere you got a bad back or inj and if you've ever really figured out the hammock game you've realized yeah this is pretty good and I don't know about you JJ but when I'm traveling if there's any downtime and I can find two things I can hook to I'm slinging up my hammock and I'm chilling for a little while by God not to mention things like snakes the creepy crawlies ants sugers ticks whatever on the ground we should talk about this too because that
is a permissive environment correct thing right so the default is to go to the ground yes in a non I need to not be able to see you that's the challenge JJ and I have got our hammocks he is right there see you can't see can't see JJ at all he's got his hammock there and I've got mine over here but what we did instead of being parallel with the road with our shelter we are perpendicular to it because we're hanging from trees we're not loaded to ground so to keep that Vantage Point straight and
it' be harder to see from the road so spin this around obviously it's going to be hard to see with the camera but you can't see it with your eye there's no way cuz you got the trunk of the tree blocking it one and two it's in line with another tree directly away from it and you're hidden you can do it with a hammock you can do it with a hammock yeah living like a pimp yeah so here we go I I think I see a straight line of a poncho if it's a straight line
it's not in irregular shape right it's going to be easier for our eyes to catch it so it's a trade-off like I said if you left it floppy and loose it's not that great of a shelter y um if you make it tight it's a better shelter but it's easier to identify so I'm pretty sure I see it horizontal lines stick out in the woods cuz everything's so vertical yeah there are there are straight vertical lines there's not a lot of straight right cuz like even like as a deer hunter like when I'm looking through
the woods I'm looking for horizontals you know what I mean like the line of their back or whatever so anything horizontal can stick out all right so back at back at base camp I didn't film it because I had to concentrate you can tell like you said that winded and sweaty just did a Four Mile Ruck as fast as we could but right at an hour just under an hour for a couple of guys now we're rehydrating taking a little break and get on to the next thing letting the feet Bree bre then we're going
to do whatever Jason says to do next long as it's not run another four miles long as it's not another Ruck cuz I'm done with that that's tomorrow right overall so far having a blast I just thought about short term okay let's say one maybe two days you got no way to purify your water right you got to move should I drink this and risk it get sick I only got a couple days I could maybe make it before I start crapping my pants maybe maybe not so if you cannot get to the doctor or
the hospital take a py full of whatever antibiotics you have yeah any yeah literally water is so important we should have at least a couple ways to make it safe to drink I like the Grail that's just me I like water purification tablets that I keep in my belt I have enough tablets in my belt to treat 2 and2 gallons of water which is enough in my experience to get me a long ways down the road well here's the caveat to that it takes 4 hours for those tablets to kill kryptos peridium so if that
is a concern you have to wait 4 hours it's 45 minutes EX for yeah crypto Frum I've definitely cheated the uh quite a bit and drank it fast I never got it never got sck but in a spot like this I would dig my way that direction into the hill like parallel to the ground there level with the ground and then I would dig my way down and what that does is it creates a chimney so I would connect this hole to this hole and I'd have about a foot of space in between it and
it creates a chimney so the fire can draft and it's able to breathe and the more it can breathe the less it's going to smoke I want you to get me a fire going I want you to make it as super sneaky and stealthy as you possibly can all right so I got me some dry somewhat dry sticks I got some Smalls and mids here and at the moment I found some fat lighter and I've got my little ceramic blade that was in my belt from woo I'm scraping some fat lighter and yes I got
a lighter you can take a lighter on the plane and I'm going to add a little duct tape for good measure so duct tape will actually burn longer than you think it will let it do a thing here still got a lot of duct tape left it has not burned yet so it's good way to get one going slowly feed it more fuel Incognito fire it's about about 1,700 BTUs I guess yeah buddy to the goal here is to be a stealthy fire so I got one just big enough for a container to sit on
in plenty hot boil water and a little bit of smoke so it should be good cuz I got a real good bed of coals from putting those sticks on the ground first if you got a good bit of coals and you can get some oxygen to them they'll boil water that's a little water boiler right there little water bow boiler what do you think JJ I think it's going to work baby little water boiler yeah yeah hold on a second oh ooh yes you got some more water boiler material the man all right pass the
grade from Jason so snuffed it out let see what other people got going Mission success and can't see like a little stove system there you got you a little stove there well I didn't even put my alcohol stove in it yeah Jesus this is going to also that's like the the windbreaker yeah that's just the the the what you call it the duct work yeah a heating there work good it's bowling good that'll do that'll do she bubbling oh yeah she's bowling sheing might be the sheriff's house yeah so I look at this I'm like
okay it's an old house clearly somebody kind of maintains the place there's stuff stacked up and things and it's not just like completely overgrown with cudu right so now let's say it was bucketing down rain or snowing or whatever you know weather was absolutely horrible that would be real tempting just tuck into an abandoned Place uh but for me if I've got what I need in my pack for example I'm going to dodge it like I not going in there I'm nothing I really recommend if you want to do something like this follow Jason and
pay attention to when he's got things going on as far as training cuz it's really good now we're setting up camp JJ's over here staring at at me he's got his hammock set up right there got mine baby I got mine set up right here Sheriff's getting his set up over there Gabe's over there setting up his shelter can I see anybody else we're all spread out through these Woods see you in the morning in the hot tub in the hot tub feel the fires all right y'all uh almost 11:00 so get hunker down in
here and hopefully get a good night rest and maybe Jason uh doesn't come out here tonight and wake us up make us pack up and start rcking again good night y'all love you man see you Tom [Music] morning off the tree and hit you with the face that would be Co gosh oh he's got the steel shot too now if you could Zing that orange marker on the tree over there that would be amazing I'd give you $100 if you hit that [Music] really oh he's going kneeling good good good tactic all right so if
you have to default to the ground uh were you prepared to do that did you have like a trash bag some kind of barrier I had two uh most all my packs I keep two of the black thick trash bags in the 50 Gall 48 gallons or whatever is um I always keep those