I've spent more than $100 million on Facebook ads over the past 11 years working with more than 2,000 clients in just about every industry you can think of and in this video I'm going to walk you through the entire process of creating a Facebook ad campaign and an Instagram ad campaign from scratch if you've never run a Facebook ad before or if you have but you're not 100% sure that you set up everything correctly this is the exact video that you need it's going to walk you through every single step and setting you need to
get right so before we get into the really interesting part and start putting the ads together start creating the campaign we first need to put the structure in place the correct structure in place it is really important uh not the most interesting part but is really important doesn't take very long I'm going to show you exactly how to do it so the right structure is to First create a meta business manager account which is sort of like the umbrella thing that holds all the other meta asset don't worry this will make more sense as we
go through so within your meta business manager account you have things like your ad account your Facebook page your Instagram profile all that sort of stuff now you create a meta business manager account by coming through to this page here which is business. facebook.com/ overview you do need to be logged into your Facebook profile to go through and do this by the way so make sure that you are obviously on the browser that you're using and following along um with this in and then you want to go ahead and click on create an account now
unfortunately I can't go ahead and do this and show you the steps because we already have lot of meta business manager accounts we work with hundreds of clients at any one time um and we certainly don't need another meta business manager account so I don't want to go through and and create another one but you just click on create an account and it's very straightforward very uh easy to go through you just are going to need to provide meta with a little bit of information about your business just go through and uh provide that and
then you'll very quickly come through that just takes a few seconds one or two minutes at the most and then you will come through and be taken to your meta business Suite which looks something like this now yours are going to look a bit little bit different because obviously it's dependent on you know your Facebook page and Instagram profile and things like that but don't don't worry about that and within metab Business Week there's all sorts of really interesting things you can do so you can see we've got inbox over here there you can manage
comments on your ads uh on both Facebook and Instagram just like one central location instead of having to find the various um ads and reply or delete comments that you don't want on there you've got lead Center so if you're generating leads via instant forms again we'll talk about more about that later on um you can come in and grab that information you can see insights all sorts of great stuff within meta business Suite but that's not the focus of this video because we're not going to actually create the ad campaigns from within metab business
Suite you can you have some functionality to be able to do that to be able to create ads you can literally see a create ad button there but it's not the best place to do it I'll get to that um in a second first we need to finish setting up the structure so what I want you to do is go ahead and click on settings down here in the uh left hand side now it's from within this settings section that we can add in those things that I mentioned things like your your Facebook page Instagram
um profile all all that sort of stuff so I'm going to quickly show you how to do the most important things we're not going to cover Absolut everything in here I'm going to cover the things that you need to do right now to get the structure in place so let's start with pages so underneath accounts we can go ahead and click on pages again your um setting section is going to look different cuz like I said we've got hundreds of accounts hundreds of pages in here um don't worry about that the important thing is just
to to follow along with this left hand side stuff and for now come into Pages now what you want to do you can see this blue button on the top right here is we want to go ahead and click add and this is how you add a Facebook page into your business manager account so you can do is you can either add an existing Facebook page so if you already got a Facebook page that's yours you want to go ahead and click on this and then simply grab the URL or you can even just enter
in the um Facebook page name pop that in there um click next and then what will happen is admins of that Facebook page hopefully that's you will be notified you then just approve the request via that notification and boom the ownership of that Facebook page is transferred from you into this meta business manager account well worth doing it might not seem necessary at this point but trust me the more you advertise the more you realize um that it's really helpful that way you can give other people access you can get issues resolved if you ever
get a page like um restricted or any sort of issues like that within a meta business manager account so much easier to get it resolved um so yeah so just go ahead and pop that in there and then transfer over there are a few other options I'll quickly touch on so instead of moving over transferring ownership of an existing page you can just request access to a page so this is where you don't want to change ownership ship it's owned by another business manager account usually but you do want to get access to it so
for example as an agency where we're running ads for our um clients we do this all the time because we need access to their Pages um in order to be able to run ads from their Facebook pages okay um so again you can just click on this enter the same thing and then they will be um an admin of that page will be able to then approve that request you can also just create a new Facebook page if you don't have one um already okay so that's that's pages Add accounts is next um if you've
run any sort of Facebook or Instagram ad before you even just boosted a post from within the app for example um you will already have an ad account so if you do that then you want to go ahead and move your ad account over to business manager account uh much in the same way so you click on this ad button and you go ahead and say claim an existing ad account this second option here or again you can request access to an ad account if you're doing this for a client for example or you can
just go ahead and create a new ad account if you have not run any AD before you probably don't have an ad account in which case you want to go ahead and click on create a new ad account again the process of going through that is fairly straightforward meth is going to ask some information ask you to add in things like billing information um um and um then your ad account will be set up and in your business manager which is what we really want so that's Pages that's ad accounts and then we've also got
Instagram accounts like you can see there are other things here but they're less important Instagram accounts a little bit different you can go ahead and click on um the Plus add um to move an Instagram account into a business manager account you've got to agree and then you've got to claim Instagram account where Instagram will um get you to log in and then you're able to go ahead and add it in again I'm not going to go through the process because we've already got Pages Add accounts and all that but you can see exactly how
this works so those are the most important things the assets to add in here your page your ad account your Instagram account but you also want one thing I want to touch on here that you can um do that's really valuable as well is people okay so you can go ahead into this section people up here under users and click invite people and then in this section here if you get the email address from someone that's associated with their Facebook profile their Facebook account you enter that in there you um invite them into your business
manager they receive a notification they can accept the request and and then they're in by the way people can be um in multiple business manager accounts it's not like an exclusive thing so so don't worry about that but this is really useful if you've got multiple people on your team or you want external people to be work on you know your Instagram your Facebook whatever as an agency we use that all the time because we need to get our clients assets the pages ad accounts Instagram accounts and other stuff added into our business manager we
then need to be able to assign various people from within our team to certain accounts and things along those lines and then once you've added someone in here the way you give them access spe to specific assets is let's say you come into Pages for example you can see here we've got assign people so you can go ahead and click assign people and then from the list you select you depending on how many you have you select whoever it is that you want to have access um so I would I can for example select myself
benath I can choose what access to this page that the Ben Heath person within this business manager should have so I can give full control um or you can go through the various options and decide I want to have ads access or content but not other stuff and go through you also want to do this with yourself by the way so once you've got your page ad account Instagram profile added in to your business manager and you want to make sure you add yourself in and then give yourself access to the various assets um so
even if it's just you managing things you still want to go through and do this process and like I said if you uh want to be able to add in other people we do this as an agency all the time because we have 40 plus staff members we have somewh like 400 ad accounts um at any one time within our business manager um so we've got lots of different ad accounts being added to different people to do different work on client accounts things like that then you can go in and do it um this way
okay that's all we need to get set up within um our business site within the settings section within there now we can go ahead and create the ad campaign the exciting part right so the best place to do that is within ads manager you get there by clicking on all tools and I've got ads manager up here in recently used otherwise it's going to be down uh beneath advertise but if you click on ads manager you'll come through to your ad account overview and we've just gone straight into an example ad account that I have
created for um demonstration purposes and it's much better to create your Facebook and Instagram ads from within ads managers where you get the most functionality it's the most user friendly even though there are other options like boosting post or you can do stuff directly within um meta business Suite ads manager is the place to be and if you're going to go on after this video and watch other videos of mine and see examples of me doing specific things you'll often see that I'm doing that from within ads manager well actually I'm nearly always doing it
from within ads manager by the way when I talked earlier about grabbing your ad account ID in order to move an ad account into your business manager or request access to an ad account within your business manager the account ID is right up here you can see we've got example ad account and then there's the you know the number you just grab that and that's what you use okay so this is the account overview ads manager The View that people are most familiar with and where you're going to operate out of most is in campaign
so if you go ahead and click on campaigns and you see something like this and if you've run Facebook and Instagram ads before or you've watched other content on Facebook Instagram advertising you've probably seen something that looks quite a lot like this so we don't have any campaigns in here because this is an example ad account I use it for demonstration purposes but yours is probably going to look something like this maybe you've got some stuff in here if you've already run run campaigns so let's go ahead and get started with the campaign creation process
first thing to understand is that within a campaign there are sort of three layers and you can see these up here you've got campaigns you've got ad sets and then you've got ads and the three layers work as in the following ones are within the previous ones if that makes sense so within a campaign you can have one or multiple adsets and within each ad set you can have one or multiple ads and we're going to go through each one of these three um in order starting with the campaign so if I go ahead and
click on this plus green create button um and we've got this campaign creation window okay not going to there there's a bunch of things by the way that I'm not going to talk about not going to cover because as a Facebook and Instagram advertising beginner you don't want to get bogged down with all the details there's lots of advanced stuff that you can absolutely get to later on I'm all about let's get a campaign set up that is good that has a realistic chance of delivering fantastic results for business of getting leads of getting sales
but let's try and keep it simple at this stage we can always add complexity later on so not going to worry about collaborative ads as an example so the first thing I want to talk about in here is buying type if I click on this little arrow we've got auction or we've got reservation Now the default is auction and that's what I'd recommend the majority of uh advertisers go with certainly beginners so auction is exactly what it sounds like it's how the majority of the price face and Instagram advertising is set so you are competing
against all the other advertisers for people's attention for those ad slots for those for those Impressions right and it the price is set by an auction so how much you pay per thousand Impressions one of the common metrics used when it comes to to Facebook ads is going to be determined by how many other advertisers are also trying to reach the people that you're trying to advertise to uh what's the demand there and and that's how how things typically work reservation on the other hand is where you can book a certain price um over a
period of time and you're not subject to the Natural fluctuations of of what I just described and the market conditions and how many advertisers are looking to advertise and things like that now that might sound great because you think okay well surely that way I could guarantee a lower price for an extended time period and that's true but in order to facilitate that meta may need to put your ads in front of people that aren't as likely to buy your products and services they're not as good prospects in order for you to guarantee that lower
price that you're looking for so whilst reservation might seem great it's rarely the right way to go and certainly not something I'd recommend uh a lot of beginner advertisers to use because it can be quite complicated yes you may pay more to put your ads in front of people in the auction but your ads are almost certainly going to be put in front of people that are much more likely to take the action you want them to take whether that's purchase become a lead whatever it is okay so just go with auction then we've got
The Campaign objective section now this is one of the single most important settings in any Facebook ad campaign you really need to make sure that you get this right because it determines how meta optimizes your ad campaign and that might sound like something fairly trivial it is not at all if you tell mattera that you want a certain outcome meta is going to optimize your campaign for that outcome and that optimization process is very very powerful so let's say for example you tell meta that you want to sell products via your website okay meta can
see as you generate sales and they have the the data being generated they can see okay people are more likely to purchase in the morning as opposed to the afternoon they're more likely to purchase on a Saturday instead of a a Thursday uh people who are 43 are more likely to purchase than people who are 36 people who are interested in these two things are more likely to purchase people who live in this postc code are more likely to purchase there's all these various elements The Meta these data points The Meta can use and they
go okay based on our data we can see the people like this are taking this action therefore we'll put this Advertiser ads in front of people that are very similar to the people that are already taking this action if you optimize for something that you don't really want explain more about that in a second then meta will optimize for that but does that mean you're going to get the outcome does that mean you're going to get leads does that mean you're going to get sales no so let's go through the options awareness meta is going
to put your ads in front of people who are most likely to remember them so businesses that typically use this are going to be very large companies that aren't necessarily looking to directly generate a sale from that advertising they're after brand awareness they're after being top of mind they often have large budgets not something I'd recommend beginners mess with I do have something called an omnipresent content strategy there's a bit more of advanced strategy you might want to the uses awareness that you might want to experiment with um later on I'll include a link in
the video description to that but as a beginner no it's not what we're going to touch next we've got traffic now a lot of advertisers particularly beginners use traffic because they think think okay I'll send a lot of people to my website and with traffic that's what meta will do they will put your ads in front of people who are most likely to click on your ads and you think great I'll get lots of people to my website I'll therefore get lots of leads loads of people are going to buy but meta is very good
if you select traffic at finding people that click not necessarily at finding people that are going to take those next steps I know that sounds strange but trust me it absolutely happens then we've got engagement so this is things like uh shares comments uh reactions so if you choose this campaign objective meta is going to put you put your ads in front of people that are most likely to engage and that's going to be a combination of some people engage with ads way more than others like they are just far more likely to leave a
comment far more likely to to share it to leave a reaction of some sort um and then there's obviously also a subsection of that which are people who are likely to engage with um ads within your space like within your Niche their interested in your industry engagement can also refer to things like video views by the way and other engagement on the ad um as well not something I typically recommend uh beginners use can be used um and there are various strategies that use it but not something I'd recommend you start with then next we've
got leads now leads is one of the two campaign objectives that I would actually recommend beginner Facebook and Instagram advertisers use the other one is sales I'm going to talk about these two um together because uh because basically you want to decide as a beginner do I want to use leads or do I want to use sales now the reason why you want to go with either one of these is because this is what really matters to your business right this is what makes your campaigns either successful or not either profitable or not it's did
we generate leads that we converted into customers or did we just go ahead and sell stuff um it's nice to have views on your videos it's nice to have comments it's nice to send a load of people to your website but really this is the stuff that matters and I know I'm sort of going on and on about this but it's really important I really want to emphasize um this point here so how do you choose between leads or sales if if those are the only two you should be going for at this stage basically
can people come through and check out and purchase directly so can they click through your website and make a purchase if you got like a Shopify store for example absolutely they can um in which case go with sales if not if there's like an intermediary step before someone actually buys then you want to go with lead so for example for my Facebook and Instagram advertising agency someone's not going to come through and directly purchase our services we don't have the functionality for that and not people would do that anyway they're going to want a phone
call first so they come through to website they book in a free call therefore we're generating leads and you can generate leads via your website you can keep people on Facebook and Instagram and generate leads via instant forms you could send people to Whatsapp or messenger and generate leads um there all sorts of different options and uh even with sales it's not just strictly coming through to your website making a purchase you can also do um that through Messenger and things along those lines but those are the two campaign objectives you want to use now
you might be thinking okay for meta to be able to optimize for these leads or for these sales how does meta know who purchases via my website like how do they know who go through to my website and inquires and becomes a lead well in order for meta to have that information you need to set up the meta pixel okay very very important this is relatively straightforward to do um and it basically allows meta to track the actions that people take once they come through to your website and that's how they can work out people
aged 43 are more likely to buy Than People aged 36 because we sent 10 43 year olds and 10 36 year olds and more of the 43 year olds bought and all those tiny little data points that meta can use to optimize your campaigns and get you the best results possible which is why the campaign objective is so important so you need to get the metap pixel um installed I've actually created a video shows exactly how to do that I'll include a link in the video description below you can go through and um go ahead
and get that setup and it goes to all the details depending on what you're looking to use and then just finally app promotion um is fairly obvious if you're advertising an app either to get in stores or to get people to make sort of inapp purchases then you can go ahead and use um app promotion instead there are scenarios I want to quickly mention where you have to use traffic you can't use leads you can't use sales and that's typically when you are running ads to a destination where you can't actually track whether or not
someone purchased so there are some Advent based websites where you're selling tickets to things where you can't for example install the metapixelatron sending people to you know third party websites where you where they might purchase your products but not your website um then you might go ahead and need to use traffic instead of leads or sales but I would strong strongly recommend you use leads or sales I'm going to go ahead and use leads because the example as I go through this and process is going to be an ad campaign advertising our Facebook ad Services
um I'm use that as an example walking through the process and we would use leads for that but what I'm about to show you from this point on could absolutely apply to sales as well right so then we go ahead and click continue now this next point is also really really important So Meta interestingly here has defaulted to manual they won't always and there's a good chance within your ad account you will see a default of tailored leads campaign instead so there are tailored campaigns and there are manual campaigns now most people are going to
go with the tailored campaign and met has worded it that way on purpose to encourage people to do so and it sounds good right tailored sounds better the manual the issue with tailored campaigns is that basically what it is is reduced functionality so you don't have as many targeting options you don't have as many options to do various things you have less control as an Advertiser now that is good if you don't know what you're doing because a lot of advertisers will actually mess things up because they'll use the wrong settings they will enter in
information targeting options that makes Their audience too small like they'll mess things up um and they'd be better off just going with tailored campaigns and just letting meta work it out for them but because you're going through this video and you are taking the time to educate yourself and you know what you're doing I would recommend going with lead with manual campaigns and we typically use uh manual campaigns for our clients there are times where we will use tailored campaigns and we be very clear it's not something I wouldn't recommend um on the sales side
of things you're advertising an e-commerce business they referred to as Advantage Plus shopping campaigns currently um it's another type of tailored campaign um and we do use them all the time and they can be very very effective it's relying on meta's AI and meta's optimization process to automate a lot of things and work a lot of things out for us advertisers but I do think that for beginners you're going to get a better understanding of Facebook advertising if you create manual campaigns to start with and then look to incorporate um ASC Advantage Plus shopping campaigns
or tailored lead campaigns later on and I'm going to walk you through the steps and show you exactly how you can set up a manual campaign the right way so you don't need to worry about messing things up just wanted to quickly talk about that so I'm definitely going to use a manual leads campaign to go through um this process so I'm going to go ahead and click continue okay so right at the top we've got campaign name I would just call this something that allows you to understand what the campaign is for once you've
got a lot of campaigns it's useful when you're reviewing the data to be able to like oh yeah that's my campaign for that thing and that's my campaign for that thing I'm advertising so for example we could have we could call this done for you uh Facebook ads cuz this is what the campaign is done for for you Facebook ads um Services um and we'll just leave it at that for now okay right don't worry about the rules that's not something you need to worry about this point special ad categories do need to very quickly
mention that if your ads are running within an industry that falls within a special ad category you need to declare it okay so you can see the categories down here if I just uh click in we can see that the options here are Financial products and services employment housing social issues or politics if your ads fall within one of those or are related to one of those then go ahead and tick it you can tick multiple categories um if you're unsure you're like well our ads are kind of financial related like we're not we're not
you know we're not selling loans or credit cards but we are selling something with a finance offer go ahead and select it it's better to be safe here rather than sorry because if you don't select a special ad category and your ads are deemed to be within a special ad category that can get whole ad account disabled or at least uh temporarily uh restricted so better to go ahead and select once you do select a special ad category let's say for example you're advertising something related to housing that will reduce some of the functionality some
of the targeting options and things like that later on which is not ideal but those are the rules meth is our platform they make the rules we just sort of have to go along with it um I'm afraid most advertisers though you won't fall within a special ad category therefore you can just leave that section blank okay so we've already talked about uh the campaign details in terms of buying type and the campaign objective and we're not going to worry about the extra options we've got this thing down here called Advantage campaign budget so what
that basically allows you to do is that you know how I said within a campaign you can have multiple adsets well typically you would set the budget at the adset level so you'd be like I want to spend $100 a day on this adset you know $10 a day on this adset $1,000 a day on this adset whatever you can have whatever budget you want we'll talk about that um later on um but Advantage campaign budget C izes that budget at the campaign level and then distributes budget to the various adsets according to Performance um
something that used to be much more important when we used to have campaigns with lots of different adsets running we rarely do that now we have simpler structures so you can leave that off not a problem at all and then when it comes to AB testing um not something I'd recommend you worry about as a beginner just before we click on to the next section I just want to quickly show this option here so you see more options underneath the campaign details and you can set a campaign spending limit if you would like so you
can click edit you can click add a campaign spending limit I think this is sometimes good for beginners who are a little bit afraid of oh what if something goes wrong and I accidentally spend you know thousands of dollars that I just don't have like is there anything I can do to avoid that yes you can just set a campaign spending limit and pop in whatever you're comfortable with just remember that you've done that and your ads will switch off when you hit that campaign spending limit I've seen some people not realize why they're ads
aren't running um and it's because they've hit their their campaign spending limit not something I'm going to do when we are running campaigns um for our own stuff or for our clients like we're around ad accounts all the time so I don't need to worry about that but I just wanted to quickly mention in case that might put a few people's minds at ease as we go through then we jump to the adset level okay and then likewise we can give our adset a name um this would typically be so for example if we're advertising
our done for you Services we might have different adsets based on different locations so for example we you know we work with clients all over the world but we might have an adet that is uh US and Canada based right and we might have a different one for advertising in the UK we might have different ones you know for for other places um so we might start with that sort of name and I'll adjust the name as we go through and add in various information basically you want to call the adset a name based on
how you've set up the adset so we'll do it at the end right then we get to this conversion location section so this is a leads campaign where do we want people to become leads so the default here is instant forms so that's where you click on an ad and instead of being taken to a website or anything external you are just presented with a a form and you can create this form um and you can you can let mea know what questions you want to ask I want to ask for their name their phone
number their email address their physical address I want to I want to pre-qualify these leads so I want to ask other questions like what's their budget or you know what's their time frame or these are going to vary depending depending on your business right most businesses at this point are still sending people to their website instead so I'm going to go go ahead and select that option but you can use instant forms I have videos on how to set up instant form based campaigns and the forms themselves I'll include links in the video description below
um so you can go ahead and check that out but yeah I'm going to go ahead and use website because that's where we would typically generate leads um and it's fairly self spatry there are other options things like messenger Instagram WhatsApp uh for most people I would recommend beginners I'd recommend sticking with uh either website if your website's great and can convert well or just go with instant forms the really easy option uh yes you absolutely can generate leads via messenger Instagram I know that you know we don't do that as much typically in countries
like the UK us but there are other parts of the world where that's far more common to do a lot more business via WhatsApp for example so you can select these options um but it can just be a little bit more difficult in terms of tracking and setting up setting up the campaigns and the tracking capabilities to be able to get that really important data to be able to know who's becoming an actual client who's actually becoming a lead whereas VI inst form it's super easy it's all on platform VI your website you just install
the pixel and you're good to go so I'm going to go with website then we get down to this performance goal section so this is the other part that's incredibly important in relation to campaign objective so once we select our campaign objective as leads we can still um mess things up if we go ahead and use the wrong performance goal so you can see the default here is maximized number of conversions absolutely what we want we want as many leads as possible go out and get us that meta use your really powerful AI to go
ahead and get us as many leads as possible um we can't select here maximize value of conversions but if you are using um a sales campaign in particular it's often quite important to maximize value of conversions as opposed to number of convergence it might be PR a little bit differently with a sales campaign you might see maximize Rass return on ad spend instead and what that basically means is that when people come through to say your e-commerce store and they purchase you know some people are going to purchase $20 worth of stuff some people are
going to purchase $200 worth of stuff if you go with maximized value of conversions or Maxim return on ad spend what meta is going to do is they're going to value that $200 customer more than the $20 customer so they're going to spend more of your budget trying to get higher value customers now when we're generating leads for our done for you Services of course we have differing values of customers but we're only tracking up to the point where they become a lead not where they then go on to become an eventual customer you can
track when someone becomes a customer but that's quite Advanced and not something I want to worry about I want you to worry about as a beginner um so at the point at which someone becomes a lead All Leads are worth the same because we just don't know what they're worth whereas obviously at the point someone purchases you know exactly what they're worth that data can be fed back to meta and meta can go oh okay yeah when we advertise to people in their 20s they only spend $30 but when we adverti people in their 50s
they spend more like $80 let's put more ads to people in their in their 50s we we'll get um better results okay so if you can go with maximize value conversions maximize return on ad spend um if not maximize number conversions is fine but what you absolutely can't do please do not do is go with any of these other goals if you go ahead and select maximized number of Link kicks for example that's going to function just like a traffic campaign and then you miss out on the optimization that we've talked about that's really important
if you go with maximized daily unique reach or maximize number of Impressions those are going to function similarly to awareness um campaigns so yeah don't select those don't mess it up maximize number of conversions for this one is absolutely fine okay then we've got our data sets remember I talked about get the pixel setup so we've got example ad accounts pixel there's a pixel for this specific ad account and then we go ahead and select the conversion event that we want people that we want uh meta to optimize for you can see this isn't set
up properly we haven't got any active events because this is just an example um ad account but we would go ahead and select lead it's going to say this inactive this example ad account it's not actually set up on a website um but you if you once you've got this set up and you've been through that pixel setup video this will all be set up and you'll be absolutely fine now what this is saying the matter now is look I want you to get as many conversions as possible I want you to use this pixel
it's on my website and I want you to optimize for the lead conversion event you could obviously have different conversion events because you might have some ad campaigns that are optimizing for leads other AD campaigns that are optimizing for webinar registrations if you run a webinar other AD campaigns that are optimizing for email newsletter signups if you've got an email newsletter other campaigns that are optimizing for direct purchases um that they're optimizing for salees so lots of different options that's fine you can go ahead and and um select the right conversion event for this campaign
then we've got the cost per result goal not something to worry about for now um I've got videos on that if you want more information basically don't worry about that don't worry about showing more options do not worry about Dynamic creative these are more advanced things I don't want to this video is already going to be long already going to feel complicated to beginners um even though I'm trying to make it as simple as possible so just not something that we need to worry about for now then we get to budget and schedule so there
are two different types of budget option we've got daily budget and we've got lifetime budget the default is daily budget and that's what i' recommend that most advertisers use the problem with lifetime budgets is you'll see once I select a lifetime budget you get an automatic start date and an end date campaigns typically run for a fixed time period and that means that you need to create new campaigns if you want to continue advertising so if you go with daily budget it you can run a campaign for as long as it continues to produce results
and we've had campaigns that have literally run for clients for years like four five years at this point yes we're going to change the ads within the campaigns otherwise we'd run into ad fatigue and all things like that but the campaign itself is going to run and run and run and that's really important because remember what we talked about in terms of meta AI optimization systems improving your results well having all that data within one campaign is really beneficial if you use daily budget you can keep running for as long as you like uh you
can adjust budgets you can scale you have the maximum amount of flexibility okay so I'm going to switch back to daily budget now how much should you spend this is one of the most common questions that I get asked um from Facebook ads beginners and I think they often want like an answer so meta's just defaulted 20 per day here um the answer that I give that I think is is is the right one is when you're getting started you want to spend an amount that you can afford to lose so you you don't want
to put yourself or your business in any sort of financial difficulty if the campaign doesn't work out because you're brand new to this there's a reasonable chance that the ad campaign won't work hopefully it will when you go through this you've got a much better chance but it might be that your offer is not quite right you know something about the ad creative didn't quite land and you just need to try again and you know you if you keep trying again and again like eventually you definitely get there uh but it but in the beginning
it might not work out straight away but you don't want to spend so little that you don't care about it like if your business turns over $10 million a year and you start an ad campaign with $10 a day it's like you even going to bother to check it like there needs to be that emotional investment so there's usually a sweet spot where it's like we could afford to lose this but it might sting a little um so that's what I recommend you go in that's going to massively vary depending on your business right like
if your business turns over $100 million a year like that number is going to be way way bigger than if you're a solo preneur and you know you're turning over 30 grand a year and it you you know what I mean so that's going to very massively I'm just going to leave it as the default for now but just just be aware of that um I wouldn't typically recommend setting a an end date um I would like to think that you're going to once you got this campaign live you're going to be in your ads
manager you're going to be checking on it you're going to be adding in um ads you're going to be pausing I'll talk about optimization later on you're going to be pausing under performers you're not just going to sort of set it and forget it if you think you might set an end date just in case but we very rarely um do okay uh budget scheduling again more of an advanced thing not something that I want you to worry about now then we get into this targeting section down here which is really really interesting so targeting
is now split by default in a manual campaign into audience controls and Advantage Plus audience now if you've run Facebook ads before but haven't in a while this is going to look quite different to what you're used to what you're probably used to is this option here switch to original audience options now I wouldn't recommend you do that but you can do it now the way this works the reason why targeting is now split into these two sections is that any targeting criteria that we give meta in this audience control section those are hard boundaries
as in don't go beyond what we've told you to Target here meta Advantage Plus audience on the other hand that section is suggestions so you're saying to meta look the people that like my stuff that I think are my potential customers they are interested in this but you know what meta if you found with all your data that there are other people who aren't technically interested in that that might also buy might also become a leader go ahead have at it advertise and I really like this combo this use of Advantage Plus audience in a
manual campaign because I think it gives you the best of both worlds it gives you the flexibility of meta's really smart machine learning processes to get you the best results and they can optimize the campaigns and they have the flexibility to Target lots of different people as as many as is within your Target location uh in most cases but you also are able to give meta inputs to help speed up that optimization process cuz if they going to advertise to the whole country particularly with a new ad account well sometimes that's going to be difficult
for me to work it out because there's just so many different options for them to test so you can give some Direction with the suggestions and be like look this is what we're you know we're advertising this here like these are the types of people to go after but you have all these um all this flexibility so I I I think it works really well it's the best of both worlds okay so let's go ahead and click into see more options so actually no before that let's let's tackle locations so we've got audience control here
we've got locations uh it's just default defaulted to the United Kingdom because that's obviously where I'm based um but we can go ahead and change that like I said this adset might be for example an adset that we run um in the US and in Canada and we might have a different ad set for that versus different locations so maybe we want to take the UK out you know different time zones we different language maybe we'll operate in a different adset okay so we could go ahead and add in add that in you can of
course advertise locally if that's what your business does instead so let's say for example uh you were based in a town in England called Oxford um I can go ahead and select Oxford delete those out and you can see here with the map the the default here is Oxford plus 25 mil maybe that's too far maybe you want to reduce that down to you know oh we're just going to go with 16 miles or you can go ahead and select no actually just the current city only so these things what you select here is going
to be very dependent on your business because if you are a national or international business you can obviously advertise to the whole country multiple countries that's absolutely fine if you are a local business you have to make an assessment of okay we're a gym we're a restaurant how far are people willing to travel to visit us okay we think about this far um or we're a a plumber an electrician how far am I willing to travel to a customer's property to to work on them so and you can you can adjust these things and and
go about it um like that either with the radius current city Only um all that sort of thing now one thing I would recommend is that you don't want to artificially constrain your location so let's say for example you are a UK based business I don't like the idea that someone goes well you know London's the wealthiest part of the UK we think most of our customers are going to come from London therefore we're only going to Target London if that's the case Target the whole of UK now this does assume you can serve the
whole of UK right like you sell a product or a service that you can serve throughout the country like you know don't don't make your Target location broader than the people you can actually serve but if you can serve the whole UK don't do this don't just go ahead and Target London or any other specific location um better off letting meta work it out in that case I would rather you go ahead and select the United Kingdom and then you let meta work it out and they might put 80% of your ads in London because
you might be right about most of your customers going to come from London but they might put the other 20% in front of people that are really good prospects they just happen to be in other locations um and and that's one of the benefits that you have with going with a leads or a sales objective is that meta can find those people that you would otherwise Miss if you were just specifically targeting your best possible prospects they have that that flexibility okay so that's location you can go with uh the option that best suits your
business I obviously talked through that quite a bit there right I'm going to go ahead and select the United States and Canada because that's what we're going to do within this adet then we've got minimum age this only goes up to a certain amount uh only goes up to 25 from 18 this is really designed so that you don't advertise to anyone um that's too young like legally to be able to buy a certain product or something within that country obviously different countries have different age requirements and different restrictions around different products and services okay
um but you can can go ahead and put in a minimum age then we've got this exclude custom audience section not going to worry about that until I get into custom audiences in the Advantage Plus audience section um I will quickly come back up and mention that cuz that's uh that will make more sense then and then we've got languages so the default here is all languages most businesses that's going to be fine but there are certain times where you want to be more specific um let's say for example you are advertising in Canada but
um you only work maybe you only speak French right and you only work with French speaking Canadians therefore you can specify French and there's obviously lots of countries that have multiple languages and maybe you can only serve certain customers that speak certain languages um and therefore you can go ahead and enter those in I'm I'm just going to leave it as all languages um because that's what we would typically do okay then we get down into the Advantage Plus audience section so remember these up here are hard boundaries like we selected Us in Canada minimum
age 18 meta will not advertise to people younger than that or uh outside of those countries in Advantage Plus audience we also have things like um I'll get to custom audience a second we also have things like age gender but these are suggestions so we could say look I think my customers are most likely going to be oh this is for our done free services right so I think they're most likely going to be age 30 uh I didn't quite select that properly let me try that again age 30 to well honestly 65 plus but
we might say the core is age 30 to 55 for people for business owners or marketing managers um that are going to use our Facebook and Instagram advertising Services okay so we can enter that in but remember these These are suggestions So Meta can choose to go with people younger or older as well but that gives meta some Direction so that's what I recommend you do you want to keep this relatively broad like don't be too specific here anything less than like a 10 year age range 15 year on bit like that's a bit too
specific um but but entering some suggestions here uh and then like I was agendas unless you are very heavily skewed one way or the other I just go with all um and that's like certainly what what we do but if you were say like look you know our products are sold 80% male or 80% female like you can go ahead and be more specific and then we've got this detailed tar marketing section so here I don't want you to overthink it you basically want to add in things that are related to your products and services
that you think describe um the people that would be interested in purchasing your products and services so we're advertising our done for you Facebook advertising Services right so we might add in things like social media marketing people who are interested in social media marketing now this I'm glad this came up actually so we've got social media marketing here but look we've got over the right we've got job typ now do we want to advertise to people that have a job title related to social media marketing well we might if we're looking to work with larger
companies where it might be a social media marketing manager looking to hire an agency but I imagine most people that are have a job title of social media marketing they're actually the ones doing the work and therefore they're not going to hire our agency right but we could find people and here we've got employers uh but we what we really want here is people interested so look social media marketing um interest and that's going to include lots of business owners um entrepreneurs people that are interested in this that may well become customers of ours so
we're going to go ahead and select social media marketing as an interest you can add in a bunch here so for example we could add in like I know some of these options right uh we could add in like Facebook page admins or more specifically for us business page admins so these are admins of Facebook pages that are for businesses that would be a good option for us for obvious reasons uh and you can go through so what I recommend you do is don't overthink this add in a handful of options that just seem relevant
just sort of Common Sense test you can type in things so you know let's say you were selling uh football boots right you'd add in things like football and you add in maybe more specifically football boots that's not going to come up but you might add in some of the various Brands related to football boots and you can go through and type things in or you can literally browse through the categories so you can browse through demographics interest and they've got all the subcategories and it's worth taking a little bit of time to work these
out but remember these are suggestions not hard boundar So Meta has the ability to go and be more flexible okay so once you've added those in next thing I want to talk about here is custom audiences so custom audiences are a few different types of custom audiences um the way the easiest way to understand custom audiences broadly is they are warm audiences so they're people that have interacted with your business before this could be people that are on your email list this could be people that are have previously bought from you existing customers cust this
could be people that have watched videos of yours on Instagram or follow you on Facebook or have submitted a lead form or any one of these number of things for beginners I'd recommend that you don't worry about custom audiences yet that is absolutely something that you want to add in later on but not something you need to do right now and honestly most beginners won't have much in the way of warm audiences anyway they won't have much custom audiences because you know you're getting started so you're not going to have tens of thousands hundreds of
thousands millions of Instagram video viewers right because you know you're just getting started with your advertising most likely um so you're not missing out on much by not including them yet but as your warm audiences grow this becomes more and more significant and more and more important and the people that have interacted with your business before visited your website on your email list interacted engaged on meta on Facebook or Instagram um there're some of your best prospects they're some of the people that are most likely to purchase or become a lead because they've already demonstrated
a very clear interest in whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you uh you have to offer so definitely something to to to do at some point but not right now I'll include a link in the video description below to another video that shows you exactly how to set up all the custom audiences uh which ones you should use and when and and all that sort of thing also it's worth pointing out that because we're using Advantage Plus audience here and these targeting suggestions are suggestions not hard constraints meta is pretty
good at finding people within your warm audience anyway like that's how as part of a tailored campaign or as part of an Advantage Plus shopping campaign where you have much more limited targeting criteria met is still able to find people in your warm audience to retarget because you know they put ads in front of people and the ones that engage the most they put ads in front of those more again and again um they basically find your your warm audiences to some extent anyway definitely something to add in not right now and just quickly to
to sort of round it off this exclude these custom audiences from up in the audience control section why would you want to use that that's for a scenario where let's say you're going to run a big new sale or a discount on an offer but um you don't want your previous customers who perhaps didn't get to take advantage of that discount that price to see that ad because they might be annoyed about it so that's where you would uh um exclude create a customer audience of those people and exclude those people part of customer audiences
are also lookalike audiences so that's where you take an existing group of people uh let say people who have visited your website or previous customers and you say to meta create an audience of people that are very similar to this group of people same age demographic same interest same behaviors online all that sort of stuff again can be a very powerful option not something I want you to worry about at this point I have other videos on local like audiences that you can go ahead and and check out okay so that is targeting now we
scroll down to placements now you can see the default here is Advantage Plus placements which means all placements and just to quickly explain what placements are placements are the various locations on Facebook Instagram and W Network um and messenger where your ads can be shown so if I just click in it'll make a bit more sense if I click edit on this and Advan placements which is what's recommended is just go with the lot if we click into manual placements we can then see that there is various options so you've got these four platforms Facebook
Instagram Audience Network and messenger and then within that we have subcategories right so perhaps you want to advertise you know uh in the Facebook and Instagram feeds like in the various feed options but you don't want to advertise on stories and reals so you can deselect stories and reals as an example or you get more specific and say you know I want to advertise Instagram stories but not Facebook Stories or you know I only want to I want to get rid of the Audience Network I only want to advertise on Instagram and not Facebook um
you can do all sorts of various things because we have selected the leads campaign objective or the sales campaign objective depending on your business I would recommend that you go with Advantage Plus placements and the reason why is that because meta knows what we want they know we want a lead they know we want a sale and they know what that looks like in terms of we've set it up so they have the tracking capabilities to know when that outcome has been achieved meta is going to put your ads on the placements that are most
likely to get you what it is that you want that thing that lead or that sale that might mean that most of your ads are put on the feed stories and Reals in fact that's what it will mean but perhaps someone clicked through an ad went through sh to your website now they're in Marketplace or they're on the Audience Network and meta is like oh we can get this person over the line because they've already engaged they just didn't quite purchase last time let's put an ad in front of them so giving meta that flexibility
uh is really good if you have to use one of the other campaign objectives so you have to use um traffic for example because you can't track the end lead say they're going to a third party platform of some some some uh sort then you do want to select manual placements and my recommendation would normally be to get rid of Audience Network and sort of limit yourself to feed stories and reals for the most parts and get rid of the various um other options if you're in that scenario right uh but most advertisers that's not
going to be the case and you can go with Advantage Plus audience without a problem okay that's the adset level done let's jump over to the ad level oh no one thing we didn't do at the adset level we didn't um label it right so I said that we were going to name it what we're targeting here so we're targeting US and Canada in the sessions 30 to 55 and we've gone with business page admin social media marketing so what we might do is come up here and say uh 30 to 55 we could do
uh business page admins and then social media marketing something like that you can come up with your own nameing conventions I just think it's useful for me to demonstrate this because when we're then glancing through potentially lots of different adsets if we wanted to test different setups or lots of different campaign we can just really quickly and easily see um what it is that we're advertising so just something worth doing and we might shorten these D you know anyway now let's jump over to the ad section name I'm going to do at the end like
I did with the ad set partnership ad don't worry about that great feature something you may want to use later on I have videos on them not something you need to worry about right now then we go to Identity to just make sure basically that you've got the right Facebook page and the right Instagram account selected if you haven't already you might want to follow me on both Facebook and Instagram those are you know my uh how you find me um just in case you've added in multiple just make sure you got the right ones
select obviously we've got tons and tons but worth doing I've seen people accidentally run ads for one business from like page for a different business not good right then we've got ad set up you can either create ad um you can use existing post um creative Hub mockup is not something to worry about right now use existing post would be like if you've got a Instagram post that's performed really well maybe it's got lots of social proof and you're like let's just run that as an ad it's not something usually recommend because the format of
that post isn't necessarily going to be welld designed for an ad um and meta will allow you to make some customizations to try and improve it but you want for example your ad to have the core elements of an ad like a very obvious call to action button and a headline and be able to click through and take action so I don't usually recommend that but something you can do I'm going to go ahead and click create ad then we're going to go with um manual upload you can see we've got stuff here talking about
advantage plus catalog ads again a great feature not something to worry about as a beginner that's more of an advanced thing so don't worry about that for now then we choose our ad format so I'm going to go ahead and use single image or video here usually what I'd recommend uh Carousel in particular I do like you can use that as an ad format to make to experiment with that's where you'll have like multiple cards so you'll have like multiple images each with its own headline and people can click through for example like different products
a great ad format something we use a lot but just a little bit more complicated and I think let's keep things simple let's get your first campaign out there um and you can always look to add things more complicated in later on as you get for more familiar and you're dealing with one Advanced element as opposed to try to take on 17 Advanced elements all at once um so okay so we got uh format single image of video multi- Advertiser ad you can leave that on or turn it off it's I don't think it's going
to make a huge amount of difference either way to be perfectly honest and then we get to setup creative so I'm going to go ahead and click on setup creative here and I'm going to create an image ad for demonstration purposes typically would recommend advertisers start with images yes videos can produce better results not always by the way um but they're a lot more difficult to create so in terms of reducing that barrier to entry and getting started at the beginning I'm going to go ahead and select image ad then you'll see this creative setup
window um now the first part of this actually I think is quite confusing and it's not something I think you need to mess with as a beginner Advertiser so you can enter in here like a source URL where meta can grab information from so for example you can put your website here and the meta is going to find a bunch of site links um so site links would be someone could click on on an ad but go specifically to a destination like uh they could go through to your testimonials page or through to your reviews
page or they could go straight to Future contact page or straight through to your um how it works page whatever your site link setup are um not something I'd recommend you set up as as a beginner the Improvement in results is there from using this but it's not worth the added complication at this point you can see here meta's got based on our experience you can reduce your cost per result by up to 4.5% um so it's not a big needle mover yet add that in later on and I have other videos about that so
we're just going to skip that and go ahead um with next this section we obviously need to uh add things in so this is text this is the add copy that we're going to add in so we've got primary text and where text appears is going to look different depending on the placement option we'll talk about we I'll show you that in the preview in a second but typically if you think about like a Facebook feed ad you've got your primary text above the image of the video then you got the image of the video
youve got the headline uh beneath it um we got some some various options here so I'm just going to go ahead and grab some primary text and headlines um to pop in because remember this we're going to be advertising as an example my done for you Facebook advertising services so we've got ad copy we've got ads that are running for this right now so I'll quickly uh grab those so I've just added in some ad copy and quickly talk through it um I don't want you to spend too long on this and over complicate it
um yes ad copy does make a difference to your result it is something that you want to optimize over time uh but again these are things that can be added to and you can test new options and get more familiar with it I think get get that first up campaign up and live um is is really important but here for example we've got here as the ad copy short and sweet which is how I'd like you to start would you like my specialist agency to create manage and optimize your ad campaigns for you you can
find out about our services and book a free 30-minute stratch session with us here now this ad is typically being put in front of people that already know who I am um they've followed me on other social platforms or they've seen lots of ads on Facebook and Instagram so we don't need to quite include as much information as we might do with other types of ads um in terms of the primary text but short and Suite is often the way to go we've got a call to action we've got a a question at the beginning
uh it's obvious what it is that we're advertising taking a few boxes I have other videos on more detailed ad copy by the way if you want to check that out just want to give an example one thing that is interesting we've entered in this primary text option meta has generated a number of different um other options for primary text that's AI generated based on on what we've input um and we can add up to five different text options you see primary text one of five so I could for example uh look at one of
these you know tired of struggling with the ey campaigns let us help book a free Strat session with our specialist agency and get the results you deserve I could be like boom okay let's go ahead and add that in and that would be another one of our primary text you do need to read through these quite carefully some will be good some won't um so go through these and just select the ones that you think will work well uh maybe you take one you sort of um tweak it slightly and then you go ahead and
and use a variation of it yourself but yeah but using the text variations is typically a good idea if you just want to go with the one primex start not a problem at all but you can add up to five adding in a few particularly the AI generated ones absolutely fine then we scroll down to headlines so I have entered this headline free strategy session pretty straightforward we're advertising I done fore Services let's start with a free call with a free strategy session to work out what it is that you want how we might be
able to help that's the offer here uh meta AI has come up with a couple of options I can click generate more and it'll come up with some more elevate your ad campaigns elevate your advertising game I don't think that's great so for example this is an example that I don't think is very good elevate your advertising game because I'm offering a done for you service here like we'll run your ads someone doesn't need their ad game to get better we're going to do it for them elevate your advertising game sounds like it's like an
education it's like a course or a or a coaching program and that's not what I'm advertising here we do have those both of those we have Coach program and of course um but we wouldn't use that for this specific offer so when it comes to the AI generated text options yes have a look yes you can use some um but just you've got the context that the AI can't have um around whether that's actually good for your offer or not and again you can add in other headline options and look to uh to to add
it up to five but one absolutely fine if in doubt one clear direct very clear what the introductory offer is like this free stratch session is a good way to go um description we create manage and optimize your ad campaigns we create manage and optimize ad campaigns for our clients again you can add up to five uh met hasn't automatically generated any here uh but you can add in other descriptions then we've got the call to action button so if you're familiar with what Facebook ads look like I'll show you in a second we've got
the call to action button and here there are a number of options you just want to select the one that most accurately describes what it is that you're offering um and depending on your campaign objective you select you will see different options here as well by the way so don't think oh hang on there's none these apply I think learn more for an offer like this makes complete sense people were like oh okay yeah Ben's agency dude done for services right um that's interesting yeah maybe I should just hand over my ads I I'll get
better results okay in that mindset what what do they want to do at that point they want to learn more okay I'll click through I'll book this free session I'll find out what it is they do and how they can help and what they charge and all that sort of stuff by the way if all this seems really complicated and you would just like my agency to do all this for you to run your ads create them optimize um will almost certainly get you much better results than if you manage it yourself um you can
book a call and obviously inquire there is a link in the video description below uh click on that and come through and um hopefully get a chance to work together um okay so I'm going to go ahead and click next that's our text now we need to go ahead and add media so I'm actually going to go ahead and upload an image um for one the ones that we're actually running um you can't see it right now but I've just got it selected I'm going to go ahead and click next and then when it gets
added automatically into uh the various ad formats that we might want to use so you can kind of see what this looks like um I'll talk a bit more about the image when we get into the preview um in a second but I just wanted to go through the three categories So Meta there's lots of different placement options as you saw when we went through that section but meta sort of grouped them into three categories um with these first two being by far the most important so You' got feeds in stream ads for videos and
reals um and we've got the original here The Meta recommends roughly Square 1:1 ratio um sometimes slightly taller um and then you've got stories reals which is obviously typically going to be a vertical format so I can go ahead and select 916 on that but you can see look it cuts off some of the text it cuts off some of the most important information on this image that's not right so we probably go with the original met is going to make that top and bottom look better by the way than just a gray Block they'll
use um what's called standard enhancements which we'll get to in a second to make that look better um what we would typically do I won't do it here and I don't think it's necessary for you as a beginner but what we would typically do is we would create a square version that will look great on the feeds and then we would create a vertical version a different format like our edit our designers would do that that would look better on stories and reals I'm not going to add that in here not something that you strictly
need to do it's sort of an optional extra but it will get you better results than something I should mention and we would normally do that and then we've got right column here um which is like a sort of more landscape type format um if if we select original meod gets a little bit angry with us it'll be automatically cropped if we go with recommended stuff's cut off um again we would we would replace that with a different image and you can see we've got replace replace obviously looks fine there and we would put in
different options but I'm not going to go ahead and do that um here like I said it is not typically necessary if you if you're just going to create the one format square is probably the best way to go okay then we've got another AI tool as part of the ad creation process and this is where is going to use AI to create versions of our images so you can see that we've got different we've got a couple options here you can select uh backgrounds only so you can see that this is a business advertis
in this bag and then they AI put this background in create variation we've got AI for full images so you can see that the original creative is like a plant and then meta's gone ahead and made more plants similar things with water being poured in um if you advertising typically e-commerce products with relatively simple images of of a of your product this often Works quite well if you're advertising something like what I demonstrated which is a service with a lot more text this does not work like this is not what I would typically recommend uh
you can have a play around with it so you can select full images and then select generate images and you know meta is going to um take a bit of time and then generate some images and you can obviously then choose to either use them or not depending on on whether you think it's appropriate just like with the text AI tools you absolutely you have to go through these and like don't just go oh okay it's AI generated let's go ahead and and tick it and use it a lot of them won't work well so
like I like I said for the type of business that I'm advertising here particularly because me being in the image is really important and we're putting them in front of warm audiences these images are terrible because they're not me so it's not so it's definitely not going to work so like we can't use these hopefully that's pretty obvious right um these wouldn't perform anywhere near as well so I'm going to click Skip and continue for some businesses like e-commerce bus products um they can work much better okay but I'm not going to add those in
for sure okay now we've got into optimize like the enhancement section um and one what you see here in terms of the options for Creative enhancements will depend on the type of AD creative you've used so here 3D animation that's taking an image and making it animated like this look like making it move it says it's not compatible with this image which makes sense because the type of image it is with text and things like that so can't do it with an e-commerce uh product style image going to work much better same with IM image
animation similar setup you can see the examples um you can see here see four more active enhancements um again the ones that will show for you will depend on what you upload because there are lots different enhancements but these ones have those two aren't turned on these two have been turned on by default I can choose to turn them off so we got add overlays so this is is going to be the preview says it's not available but this is going to be overlays over the top of the image if they want to add in
text for a lot of images that's fine I would actually probably go and turn this off for this image particular because it's already very text Heavy uh we got visual touchups uh this is just sort of making it look better in different places so you can see here look they've changed the aspect ratio a little bit that's no longer Square they've sort of zoomed in and elongated if I have it so this is what they're going to do and make it look like on the reals and Storage remember I said it wouldn't just look like
gray at the bottom top the AI is going to make it look better and they've put a black top and bottom on it you can see what it looks like there on reals I'm quite happy to leave that on most of the time music add some music to the image yeah no issue with that um you can be selective and go through and change the music and work out okay hang on what song do we want to do um always remember this is what's going to be put in front of your audience so if it's
not appropriate you can turn it off but provided the music fits with the offer I'm normally quite happy to to leave that on like I said you can click change music and and change it and then we've got text improvements now what that allows meta to do if you have it turned on is to take your headline your primary text your description and sort of move them around and they go oh actually we think this primary text would work better as a description and we think this primary text would better as the headline I think
as beginners if you've got fairly basic copy in all scenarios and it's quite um they are quite into changeable it's fine to leave that on most of the time we are going to turn that off as an agency because we're looking to take people through a journey we've really thought about these headlines these primary texts and do we want people do we want me ability to move those around usually not like I said remember this is what's being being shown um to people again the options you see here will depend on your creative you have
to go through each one like I just did and decide which you want to use and which not to it's not as simple as saying yes or no all the time um and then there are some that you might want to use but you might want to adjust like music for example um you want to be like does that work for my uh particular ad creator because if it's got the wrong feel and tone that's not going to help okay then we go ahead and click done now what we can do here is we can
turn on this ad preview and we can see what this ad looks like in various placements so for example on the Facebook feed we've got our primary text up here we that's what our ad image looks like we've got our headline we've got our description in there and we've got our learn more um call to action button um so I just want to quickly talk through this image cuz we've got something really quite simple here we have much more complicated ad creative there's like we've got videos that are skits between like me and another version
of me and it's all edited together and I'm sure you've seen the sort of thing I'm talking about um as as content online um but I wanted to demonstrate a simple example because I don't want this to seem really intimidating the ad creative the ad creative is after the offer itself the single most important part of your ad but that doesn't mean it needs to be really complicated so this is an ad for our done for you Facebook advertising services like we discussed and what have we got it's a bit small but hopefully you can
still um see it so we on this image we've got our trust pilot thing at the top to because we've got I don't know like 150 plus uh reviews with like a 4.7 trust pilot rating which by the way for a marketing agency is like unheard of that's incredibly High to get 4.7 on I think it maybe even maybe even more than 200 viws I don't know exactly but 150 200 viws something like that so it's absolutely fantastic we'll have that in there the most sought after Facebook Ad Agency in the UK as like a
headline within the image itself really clear and obvious it's got a picture of me it's not just a picture of me it's a picture of me speaking up uh talking on stage at a conference so there's a lot of credibility there um there's also going to be the recognition from people that know me these ads are mostly going to be put in front of our war audiences CU I have you know a couple million people in warm audiences at this stage generated Millions for our clients across multiple Industries led by one of the most trusted
ad gurus in Industry benhe really simple couple of benefits Associated some credibility indicators and then we've got start scaling now as the button people can click through very simple image that has worked well like literally not can work well this has been running as an ad and has um worked well and you can create something similar what that looks like for your business will have to vary depending on what it is that you offer but you can create very uh simple ads like that and they can work very well just to let you know right
and then we can scroll down you can see by the way we've got you know the primary text that we entered and and the headlines and descriptions that's all been added in here and then we can go ahead and edit these so like we went through like the creative creation process put in the ad together but we can also come and edit them from within here call to action button we can change uh we already talked about Advantage Plus creative um and then we've got the destination so obviously you want to make sure that you
are sending people um to the place that you want them to be sent and I cannot tell you how many ads I've seen where people get this wrong so just double check this is actually taking people to the right place so for example I can come here this is a page for our done for you Services um and I can jump back in and add that in and make absolutely make sure that we are sending people to the right location then beneath the website URL we've got display link so sometimes like the link to the
website just doesn't really make any sense in terms of the words and you want to display something different if you want to you can enter that in and you see on the ad here where we've got the display link as just my website that will replace it with something else I'm very happy for it to just stay as my website but sometimes you want to you want to change it uh browser add-ons not something I'd recommend you mess around with as a beginner something you can play around with you can look to get calls directly
um but yeah more complicated than you need to worry about as a beginner I want to simplify it there's already enough elements to uh to worry about same is going to apply to uh instant experiences and same is going to apply to Facebook um events unless of course the whole point of this is for you to run and add to an event that you have on your Facebook page in which case you're going to have to go through that but um yeah I don't want to include that um here and then we've got languages you
can see here it says add your own translations or automatically translate your ad to each more people in more Lang languages that may or may not be important to you depending on where it is you're advertising so you can turn that on and like I said add in your own translations or or let meta AI have a stab at it again you're going to have to monitor those things tracking you just want to double check that you've got your pixel all set up so this like has we set things up and I've talked about watching
the other video on how to set up a pixel you then want to make sure that this ad specifically yeah it's using this pixel we've got the adset setup to be optimizing for that conversion event that we want So Meta knows what's going on they know what we want to track um and we can use meta systems to get the best results possible don't worry about app events URL parameters can help increase tracking that is an advanced thing I would not recommend that you uh mess with because like I said it can get pretty complicated
so now that we've created this ad we can go ahead and give it a name and again you want the name to just be something quite descriptive so that when you've got multiple ads in the future you can easily see it so we could have uh BH for me uh black and white image heavy text something like that just so I know okay yeah it's that one when you're going through and and analyzing um the results now the only thing you need to do to get this ad live is to go ahead and click publish
down here on the right hand side now once you click publish met is going to take a bit of time to review the ad it's not going to be done by a person it's going to be do done by their automatic systems um just to make sure it doesn't violate any of the advertiser policies um that takes a varying amount of time depending on your ad account and whether ads have you know been through and and been approved um previously but it shouldn't be too long with a with atively new ad account probably uh going
to be live within half an hour or so um sometimes it can take longer don't worry if that's the case also if your ad does get flagged for violating one of the advertiser policies uh meta should give you some information around that you can adjust the ad and try again you should be able to or you could appeal decision if you think it's been incorrectly flagged um for violating um advertis policies but yet you go ahead and click publish and then you can get the ad live few things I want to mention now we've been
through that process the first is going to be around campaign structure so here we've just created one campaign one ad set one ad um you can start with that structure I think that's absolutely fine you are most likely going to want to add in other things later on um particularly if you have different offers and things like that so I'll include a link in the description to another video that shows you all about campaign structure ad account structure and and things like that how many campaigns how many adsets all that um good information um another
thing to note is that once you've got this ad live you're going to want to assess the results analyze the results that are coming through and know how to actually optimize that campaign because optimization over time can make a really big difference so again another video All About optimization Link in the uh video description and of course in this video the ad that I've created as an example is a fairly basic one doesn't mean that it can't produce results but to get the best possible results at some point you're going to want to create more
sophisticated ads more engaging ads uh often video ads ads that are going to grab your audience's attention better they're going to help convince them to click help convince them to become a lead help convince them uh to make that purchase so I strong recommend that you check out this video next in it I demonstrate my favorite Facebook ad creative strategy I walk you through one that we use all the time that can deliver absolutely fantastic results is something that can be done uh by beginners so after you've been through this and you you've set this
up and you feel like up and running on your Facebook ads Journey this is what I check out next