[Music] tonight we want to talk about the process of change how many of you want to have a change in some area of your life okay well I need to back up and ask another question first how many of you want to change yourself you know usually we have to change before our circumstances change did you know that did you know that usually we have to change and many times God's using our circumstances to drive us to him to finally get open enough to let him do what he wants to do in our lives I
think before we will really let God take over we have to come to the end of ourselves and that takes a while because we're pretty strong and some of us it takes longer than others because we we want to do it we've got good ideas even for God Amen well now God you could do this have you ever done that well God you could do this like he really needs Our advice that's pretty silly right but the word change means to transform to change the nature the function or the condition of are to convert now
you know new believer are often called new converts because if any man be in Christ he is changed something wonderfully amazing happens to him on the inside he doesn't look any different if he was overweight he's still overweight if he was bald he's still bald he doesn't look any different and most of the time day one doesn't act that much different he might be a little happier and have a little more peace and but we still see some of the same issues well if we're new creatures how and why do we still act in old
ways it's so simple when we see it it's just because what God has done in Us by his grace and mercy totally is a gift to us that we receive only by faith there's nothing that God does for us at the new birth that we can ever earn or deserve now I had an idea when I was studying for this this is a converter and if you ever travel out of the country you know how important these are because if I don't have one of these when I go out of the country and I would
take my flat iron and plug it into the wall it would fry it so we're going to pretend like the power in the wall is God now if I would just go in my own condition and try to plug into god without going through Christ God's holiness and my unholiness would have a collision and we literally could not survive in the presence of God so Christ becomes our converter and he's plugged into God because he did everything just right and then we come and we plug into him and then through him we can communicate with
God but only through him amen I'm not going out of the country here in a couple of weeks without my box full of converters and I want to encourage you to always stay plugged into your converter which is Jesus Christ because through him you can go to God know that you're righteous through him in his name you can come and pray and ask for anything because the good news is is whatever we're not Jesus is in our place I even I don't think that we can even pray one perfect prayer we we probably can't even
pray a prayer that God could receive an answer if we didn't go in the name of Jesus but when we go in the name of Jesus whatever I didn't say right jesus takes it and fixes it up before it's presented to the father and then it just sounds like this perfect prayer that he's all happy to answer stay plugged in the worst thing in the world you can do is get unplugged sometimes when you start running out of power you need to just go do what you would do to your battery plug in for a
while If any man be in Christ he's a new creature when he's converted he becomes a new creature on the inside let's look at 1 John 3 verse 9 no one born or begotten of God deliberately knowingly and habitually practices sin now it doesn't say he can't sin it doesn't even say that he doesn't sin it says that he does not deliberately knowingly habitually practice sin in other words anyone who's born of God if you're truly born again there's got to be some kind of change amen and there should be continual change as we go
along the path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter every day we are are changed into his image from glory to glory we're in a process of being changed and God is not upset that we have not arrived none of us have arrived the Apostle Paul said I have not arrived but one thing I do I press on in Christ you don't have to be mad at yourself or feel guilty and condemned because you're not fully completely what you ought to be yet matter of fact the more guilt and condemnation you drag around with you
the less likely you are to keep changing focusing on what's wrong with you just redoubles the strength of that problem why does he not deliberately knowing and habitually practice sin because God's nature abides in him everybody say God's nature is in me God's nature is in me go I want you just think about this a minute say I'm God's house God's house now just close your little peepers there for a minute and say this and think about it God lives in Me God lives in me woo think about [Music] it now that's what it means
to be a Christian it doesn't mean are you a Christian oh yeah I go to church I mean there's so much to this than just a Sunday morning 45 minute trip to church where we can't hardly wait to get out that is not fullon Christianity amen you are the home of God and everywhere you go and everywhere I go we are supposed to represent him the Bible says that we are God's personal representatives and that he is making his appeal to the world through us [Music] so we need more than a bumper sticker we need
good fruit and all the fruit of the spirit is in you at the new birth it's all there when you receive Christ you also receive the Holy Spirit Father Son and Holy Spirit lives in you God lives in two places his throne in heaven but he also lives in his house here on Earth which is us he lives in US individually and collectively as a body and just think about this where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of you we are not just a bunch of people gathered
here tonight hearing a good speaker wow God's nature abides in us and I love the Amplified Bible it's kind of blunt like I am and it says God's nature abides in him his principle of Life the Divine sperm remains permanently within him and he cannot practice sinning doesn't say he doesn't sin but he cannot practice sinning because he is born and begotten of God now why can you not just go ahead and be just a full on sinner now I mean if you're truly born again I'm not just talking about you said a sinner's prayer
and nothing changed I'm talking about you threw yourself on the mercy of God you admitted that you were a sinner you asked Christ to come into your life and you really are working with the Holy Spirit toward positive change in your life you've not arrived you've still got lots of issues you still got lots of baggage but if you really look back although you're not where you need to be thank God you're not where you used to [Applause] be now let me say something to you that it's important be more excited about how far you've
come than you are discouraged about how far you have to go I'm going to say that again be more excited about how far you've come than you are discouraged about how far you have to go if you listen to the Holy Spirit he'll remind you of how far you've come what all he's done in your life but if you listen to the devil all you're ever going to hear is well you're not you're not you're not you're you're not you're not it's interesting there's not one scripture that tells me what I'm not all I see
in the Bible is I am I am I am I am I am I am loved I am the righteousness of God I am free I am redeemed I am Sanctified I am justified I am a child of God I am loved so when you hear everything you're not remember that's the devil and what you could do is thank him you should say thank you for reminding me what a mess I am and how good God is to put up with me turn the tables back on him and he'll be sorry that he ever messed
with you this scripture is so good the Divine sperm okay so that means for all intent and purposes we are pregnant with godliness the Divine seed the sperm of God has been planted in the womb of our spirits and just as a baby grows we grow spiritually and become Christlike in all of our Behavior Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father and it wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get to the point where we could say if you've seen me you've seen Jesus I'm not ready to say that yet but I'm
growing Paul said follow me as I follow Christ I don't even have the nerve to do that hey just watch me if you do whatever I do you're going to be in good shape because I'm following Christ I mean they made some bold statements that literally if we said things like that people would think we were Heretics amen it's so important for people to know who they are in Christ how much they're loved and what you have in you in you it hasn't all shown up on the outside yet but it's making its way there
just like you plant seed in the ground and if you water it and you keep the weeds away from it it will grow now the only other thing that can can cause it not to grow is if the ground is no good but when we're PL in the ground of God the ground is always good amen and he's planted himself in US individually and collectively as a body and we're growing growing growing growing growing growing growing now usually before growing comes some kind of chastisement I'll go tell them usually before growing some comes some kind
of chastisement or we see in the word you know that we need to change it's like I told you this morning I said to my friend Penny have you ever had a problem with pride she said not till you started teaching on it so guess what you may find out tonight that you've got some problems you didn't know you had I had all kinds of problems I didn't know I had I thought everybody else had a problem I kept praying for Dave to change and God told me Dave wasn't the problem I didn't get it
I thought well if he's not the problem who is there's only me and him it can't be you know we never think that it's us and I think real spiritual maturity is to be able to receive the conviction of the Holy Spirit and not let it condemn you oh boy another thing wrong with me now we need to get to the point where we say thank you God that you love me enough that you're not going to leave me alone ignorant and blind to my mess I want to know the truth so the truth can
make me free we're all in a process of change God supplies us with everything that we need for total transformation which is another word for change he restores us he brings us back to an original state he puts us back in a position that he intended us to have well for Satan ever got involved in man's business God wants to restore man to the original plan that he had for him in the garden and a lot of that plan was fellowshipping with him spending good time with God having an awareness that he's with you all
the time and that he cares about every single thing that concerns you I'm going to tell you something sometimes God just likes to show out and let you know that he cares about things that you wouldn't even begin to think that he would care about I had a really cute and unique thing happened just last week sometimes I get some unique things sent to me me at the office and you know people are just so sweet and many times even though what they want to give doesn't make any sense to me it's what they had
to give and so I've learned to receive graciously and if it's not something for me then I'll pass it on to somebody else so somebody sent me an $85 gift certificate to the Tractor Supply Store [Applause] now if you're watching my TV or if you happen to be here don't be offended this turns out really good but honestly I didn't have a clue what I was going to and I looked and I thought now why would somebody send me me you [Applause] know but I know people give what they have to give and God sees
that just as precious seed as anything else well I don't like to waste anything that anybody gives and so I had it on my counter and I'm kind of moving it around for about a month thinking what am I going to do with that I don't know what I'm I do with that I asked my daughter if she wanted it she said I don't go to the Tractor Supply store so I'd move it around a little bit more and so one day last week I think it was last Monday I was working out with my
trainer and uh I do that three days a week and uh in the midst of my workout he said yeah when I leave here today I got to go pick up a part from the tractor supply store I said wow ow wait a minute wait a minute have I got a gift for you now here's the thing that was funny his part cost $856 and I tell you what now he he's a Believer and me and him both it's like can you believe that God cared enough about that woman's gift to make sure it got
used properly about this guy who could have paid for his part it's not about whether he can pay for it or not it's just like we were just like kind of a like two little kids really tickled that God cared about his tractor part come on give God a [Applause] praise intimacy with God is so wonderful isn't it to know that he's your best friend ain't that cool I'll never leave you nor forsake you bring it to me and I'll take care of it he doesn't want us to be under something all the time he
wants us to know that we're the head and not the tail above and not beneath and that we have authority and power you have power so stop acting like a weakling stop saying I can't I can't I can't I can't and say through Christ I can I can I can I can he doesn't want us to be under pressure under stress under attack I'm sure you run into people how are you today well I'm under attack how are you today I'm under pressure well you know what the Lord spoke to me one time if you'd
stay on the attack you wouldn't be under attack all the time and we need to live with an attitude of knowing who we are in Christ and who we belong to not a belligerent attitude but inste of going in get those shoulders back hold your head up amen amen know that you have the power of God on the inside of you the nature of God is on the inside of you and you're changing every day being molded Into His Image through the power of Christ amen now we all want to be changed but we don't
all want to change think about it if I say to everybody in here do you want to be changed oh yes but see we what we want is we don't want to be transformed we want to be translated we want to just be here and then all of a sudden be there oh God change me and w Superman in the phone box we changed well it doesn't work that way you're going to find out about transformation and the little process that's a little messy change is a sign that we're alive it's a sign that we're
growing we're born for change we get bored with sameness listen I'm content but I am not satisfied to the point where I never want to see any change change is refreshing we even just change some of the way that we're doing some of the media presentation in the meeting some of we just stuck in a different place just to shake it up a little bit here's a statement that I want you to get a hold of change can be initially frightening but eventually refreshing come on now change can be initially frightening but eventually refreshing here's
a good example I got to the point in the ministry where I felt like I just couldn't work as hard as I was and in particular I really needed to get rid of a lot of the office work and just really give myself to the spiritual part of the work that God has called me to do writing and teaching and preaching and studying and praying and things like that and not you know hiring and managing several hundred people and doing all the correcting and all the stuff that goes on with running an office and so
our son Dan was working for us and we really felt like that he would be right to be put in the position of CEO but he's he's kind of like me when he takes over he takes over and uh so he started wanting to make changes and he was making changes and I was like didn't want to change anything so you see a lot of times we want to get rid of pressure but we don't want to give up anything or we want to give somebody a job to do but no Authority come on did
you hear me we want to give them a workload but no Authority you can't create something that I don't like and so it took a while for me to get from being upset and frightened to being refreshed now I love it I've worked through it and now I don't have to be there day in and day out I don't have to be in a 4-day meeting about what kind of computer program we're going to get next there's so many things now that I don't have to do that somebody else is more highly anointed to do
than I am but I'm telling you in the beginning it was scary to let some of it go well we're going to do something a little bit different tonight we've asked for some of your questions and so we're going to sit up here and have a little interview and I'm going to try to answer some of the questions that you've asked and I don't know what they are so you got to pray for me that I know the answers well we we are really happy to have a lot of really great questions tonight and these
all came from you right here in Columbia South Carolina so be listening for your question and normally we will ask for a particular topic we didn't do that tonight so these are ask anything you want oh thank you so she's always ready she's always ready some of these are a little bit more personal you want to start with a little more personal one sure okay what she going to say we got her right okay this from Angie right here in Columbia and she says do you find it sometimes difficult to take your own [Laughter] advice
Dave is yelling back there he's got answers well first of all I'm wonder if Angie's following me around and knows something that I don't know but you know I I I obviously do sometimes you know and what's really really really annoying is when I'm having a hard time and somebody reminds me of what I preached somebody being behind me back here and uh I remember one time I was going through something really tough and I'm oh God what do you what do you want me to do God what do you want me to do and
so clearly I heard him say just do what you tell somebody else to do if they came to you with this situation so I do feel that it's very important for me not to preach something that I'm not willing to do and so although I do struggle like everybody else does hopefully and prayerfully I come back around to in the end doing what I know is right yeah it can be a project sometimes Jalisa asks was there a moment in your life where you felt God's love for you even though you didn't love yourself and
you decided that you had to make a change yes in 1976 in the month of February already being a Christian I was going to work one morning and I really just cried out to God something is wrong something's missing and uh it's too long of a story to get into but that day God really touched my life in a special way and one of the things that I really felt I felt like I was drunk on the love of God for about 3 weeks just literally um and you know when God pours his love into
you then you begin to love more and I mean I was even in love with weeds I remember driving past a field Full Of Weeds I'm thinking oh God made those weeds they're just so and I'd like to tell you that I stayed that way the rest of my life but pretty soon the holy spirit said grow up time now we can't do it on feelings yeah all right Heather from Anor South South Carolina wants to know um I've been diagnosed with panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder I continue to ask God why he's allowed
this and I haven't seemed to have gotten a response I'm asking for healing but I want to know is there anything that you could say that might help well first of all I think that there's always a root to anxiety and stress it can be as simple as different neurotransmitters and hormones being out of balance in your body but it can also be as serious ious as something in a person's past that's hidden that needs to be dealt with one thing I do firmly believe if you ask God sometimes we just want God to heal
us and what we need to do is ask him what's the root of my problem amen um because to be honest if he heals us and we've still got the poisonous root inside of us it's just going to pop up somewhere else obviously stress is a huge ordeal today you know as far as God allowing or not allowing yes we know God is Sovereign he can do anything he wants to and sometimes things take longer than we want them to the enemy is the source of all of our problems but God has his own reasons
for why some things take longer than they do and you know a great example is when I was being sexually abused by my dad I prayed for God to get me out of the situation I prayed d ently and he didn't get me out but he gave me the strength to go through and it's that very thing now that I'm using to really help a lot of people so this is one question that we we received from multiple people and it says what advice do you have for believers as a response to what's going on
with racial tension and law enforcement okay well um first of all we're all one in Christ [Applause] and and you know I I think you'll hear my heart when I say this before we're black are white were God's children and um I think we know that strife and hatred and revenge and war that that's that's from the Devil the devil is the one who instigates that kind of stuff and so obviously we want to pray we definitely want to see Justice not black Justice or white justice but God's justice in every situation amen and I
know there's been a lot of terrible things happened in the past but we all still have to take the same advice that in order to go on and live a good life we must let go of the things that are behind and press together toward the future that God has for us and I think that the number one thing that we need to do in addition to praying for truth to come out and for justice is we really need to walk in love that's our job as Christians is to walk in love with everybody it's
a great answer that's really good and and it's such a good encouragement for us one final question and this is something I'm having fun can we can ask more if you want this is something that I know that you get asked a lot but I believe that it's because it's just such a vital issue for so many people but they are asking how do you balance Ministry parenting and work okay well or another question no here's here's the truth I think that for any body to stay balanced in Life or to keep their priorities straight
I don't think it's something you do one time and then it's always right after that I think you're always straightening them out you're always readjusting we have a tendency as people to just swing from out of balance to out of balance to out of balance to out of balance because that's the way the flesh is and it balance is very important and obviously my walk with God comes before anything but my family comes before my Ministry now have I had to give anything up has my family had to sacrifice anything for me to do this
absolutely 100% I'm a good mother but I'm not a normal mother I'm a good wife but I'm not a normal wife no comment but see that's part of our problem today we think everybody needs to fit in one box and they don't need to so really I believe when God calls somebody that if they'll receive it there's an anointing on everybody I marveled at how Dave can sit down there and listen to me tell the same stories and say same thing over over and over over I mean I could not do what he does and
he just says that's my call that's what I'm called to do so I'm anointed to talk and he's anointed to listen [Applause] [Music] so I'm going to ask you a question tonight did you come here to change or just to see what I look like in real [Applause] life first we change we get tested a little bit oh God's got some good stuff ready for you but he's going to check you out first to see how you act without it to see if you can be happy with just him and not the stuff Deuteronomy chapter
8 and you shall earnestly remember all the way which the Lord your God LED you these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble you to prove you to know what was in your mind and heart whether you would keep his Commandments or not so you see God kept them in difficult place because he was working some things out of them and he was proving them and testing them to see if they would still worship him and keep his Commandments even in hard times if we will not worship God in the wilderness we W won't worship
him on the Mountaintop and he humbled you and he allowed you to hunger and he fed you with Mana which you did not know nor did your fathers know that he might make make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God bread is stuff so we could just put in there man does not live by his things and by his stuff that's not where his real life is at but man lives by the word of God I
hope and pray and I've been praying about this for a lot of years if I ever don't have this ministry anymore and I'm not doing what I'm doing I hope to God that I can still be just as happy and still know that I'm just as valuable to God as his child as I am as his preacher look at me and let me tell you something you are more than what you do and when you know that then you're free to do anything you can wash a toilet and be happy you can be on the
platform and be happy as long as you know that you're in the place that God has for you you can be happy you don't have to be in a public position to be happy you're just happy in Christ I want to say it again you are more than what you do we're not human doings we're human beings your clothing did not get old nor did your feet swell these 40 years I like that because they never got any new clothes but God anointed the ones they had so they didn't wear out how many of you've
been wearing the same four or five outfits so long you about ready to scream this little boy down here's got his hand he must be all of six or seven know also that in your minds and hearts that as a man disciplines and instructs his son so the Lord disciplines and instructs you so you shall keep the Commandments of the Lord your God to walk in his ways and reverently to fear him now here it comes for the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land a land of Brooks of water of fountains
and springs flowing forth in valleys and hills of Wheat and barley and Vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive trees and honey and I know that's not what we're after but just put other words in there a land in which you shall eat food without shortage and lack nothing in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose Hills you can dig copper but here it comes and when you have eaten and are full then you shall bless the Lord your God for all the good land which he has given
you and beware that you do not forget the Lord your God but not keeping his Commandments his precepts and his statutes which I command you this day so here it is we're desperate oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God and God tests you he doesn't give you everything you want for a while then he brings you into a land where you've got all the good stuff things are perking up you got the promotion you got married you got your kids you got the new house and now he's saying you better not forget
me you know people wouldn't be so desperate all the time if they would act like they're desperate all the time anyway because really we are desperate for God God I don't care what I own I've got to have you I need you Deuteronomy 8 is so important to me because I went through that not only as an individual but in this ministry I had a big vision and things stayed Little so long I thought that I would just pull out every hair that I had when you have a big vision and and nothing is happening
it's tough it's hard when you see the promises of God and you just know that that's what God has for you but it's just not happening it's challenging but those are good times and we need to not throw those times away the Bible says in Ephesians 2:10 that we are recreated in Christ born again and predestined to do good work Works which God has planned ahead of time taking P that he prepared that we should walk in them living the good life that he pre-arranged and made ready so it's like here's this good life that
God has pre-arranged and made ready but he said there's a path that I've got laid out for you to get there and along this path is where God is changing us and teaching us and training us how to behave and the more of that we walk in the more all the good stuff is going to fall on us seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you you know I didn't always do meetings in arenas oh man I did meetings in every kind of little
banquet room that you can imagine where we'd have to go in and clean up the floors and the place would smell like fried chicken from the banquet the night before I've done meetings in hotel ballrooms where the ceiling tiles were falling down and the rain was coming in through the ceiling and somebody would come in from the hotel while I was trying to preach and stick a ladder up in the ceiling and climb up on the ladder the first TV show that I did we had one camera a low ceiling in a real small room
and I had what amounted to a blue shower curtain behind me and God anointed it and it worked and I think a lot of times s God doesn't want us to give us a bunch of stuff to support us because he wants us to know that it's he that lifts us up God is the one that lifts up us promotion doesn't come from man real promotion comes from God Amen metamorphous it's another word for transformation or change 2 Corinthians 3:18 says we are changed and transformed into his image and that word changed there or transformed
is the word metamorphosis all of us as with unveiled face because we continue to behold in the word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are constantly being doesn't say it gets done one time and never happens again we are constantly being changed into his very own image God is changing us that word means to undergo a complete change which under the power of God will find expression in character and conduct so I love that God has done something wonderful in us he's made a deposit in us he's put the seed
of all kinds of good things in every single one of you if you're born again you are God's home God's spirit lives in you his nature lives in you his seed is in you and God is working in your life and what you need to do is yield and [Music] cooperate and then gradually that seed makes its way through the ground of your soul and eventually gets on here where it can be seen in your character and your conduct we don't get to act like everybody else we don't get to be hateful with the slow
clerk come on I know I used to do it I'd have my big Jesus rhinestone pin on my coat poor new girl at the register ran out of tape or there wasn't some prices on items and I was wanting to get home to be [Applause] spiritual Jesus Jesus big thing and I remember I had a fuchsia coat so it's I thought that made me spiritual I mean how dumb can we get and still [Applause] breathe you will know them by their fruit not by their bumper sticker and their Christian jewelry and their CD player and
all that stuff you know and so I got to point where I would pray when I went to the grocery store now God lead me to the line where there's a clerk that knows what she's doing and just as sure as I'm standing here i' get in another one of those lines it took me a while but I finally got it God's doing this on purpose because he wants me to get to the point where I can stand here and be patient and be kind and nice to her and just tell her don't worry about
it hey we're all new at something sometime just it's good now during change when God is dealing with us and working in us and working on us emotions are very undependable during those times that's not a good time to make a serious decision you know even if you move to a new area across state to a new area and you've left all your friends behind you got to be careful even about the decisions you make during times like that because change is something we need and want but it's not always easy am for one thing
we want change because we're not fully satisfied with what we've got we want something new but we don't want to give this up because whatever we're going to have we don't know what that is yet and the thing about God that is so aggravatingly interesting is that he won't show us what the next thing is normally until we let go of this thing and take a chance on having nothing that's what it means to fully depend on God Amen he told Abraham pack up your tent and go to the place that I will show you
after you start moving well show me and I'll go no go and I'll show you well show me and I'll go no go and I'll show you the cater caterpillar is a fuzzy little worm that crawls around the ground in the dirt and it's known to be a pest it devours the plants where the food grows that we need to eat but the caterpillar caterpillar goes through a metamorphous it goes to a transformation I mean this really is one of the greatest miracles in God's nature that we see that caterpillar that crawled around in the
dirt becomes the most beautiful lightweight fluttering butterfly no two of them alike just beauty beauty beauty but let's talk about how they get from worm to Butterfly cuz you know most of us are worms that are becoming butterflies God called Jacob a worm I'm just saying the caterpillar after a period of time begins to mol or to shed their skin and this occurs several times the believer must shed many things during transformation they spin a button of silk that adhered to a twig a leaf or a branch or some other solid support our solid support
is Christ we need to always dwell in him and abide in him he becomes our support and our strength for everything that we go through they cling to this button and they Mt or they shed that skin for the very last time the old caterpillar skin peels off and a naked poopa called a c Salis appears some spin cocoons others burrow into the ground but the thing that I've noticed is whatever it is that's going to happen to that worm to make it a butterfly it takes place in private that's why it's PR near useless
to say to people you just won't believe what I'm going through and they say what I don't know how many of you right now are really going through something but you could not put words to it and explain it all right there we go you're on the branch in the Cocoon it's happening have you been looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer there a focus verse for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for
your everyday life devotional at Joy meyer.org 365 dvo the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meer get your YouTube exclusive
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limited time YouTube offer won't last long go to joy.org pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of Peace [Music] the Mind actually is the battlefield that's where we win or lose the war with Satan he said all he gets to say rest of the day is mine you start asking God to heal you and he will restore he the God of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on God [Music]