How I made $15 Million with Cold Email (4 Hour Masterclass)

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Lead Gen Jay
I have taken everything that I know about cold email marketing and distilled it down into this free ...
Video Transcript:
all the top players are keeping a secret from you how do you think heroi grew gym launch to $30 million a year and why do you think Salesforce destroyed their competition in the CRM space see they don't talk about this because it's not sexy in fact it's even a little bit taboo the secret to their success is that they've been able to get leads for less than $1 all because they've been able to master cold email see cold email is the reason that I was able to grow my agency otter PR to $600,000 a month
without running a single paid ad and to be honest with you it's not even that hard to do so I decided to create this cold emo Master Class to teach you everything that I know about cold emo and I've sent over 20 million cold emails I've built cold email machines for over a hundred businesses and I've generated millions of dollars all using cold email this video is my gift to all of the entrepreneurs out there that are figuring out how to get leads and how to scale and to everybody that doesn't watch this video good
luck competing against me and the rest of us all right my cold email ninjas grab your coffee I have MineZ this is probably going to be a long Master Class I've spent the last month dumping all of my knowledge about cold email and everything needed to get it right now it ended up being about 18 pages of writing which I turned into the presentation that you're about to see and it's going to give you all of the secrets that I've learned over 12 years and tens of millions of dollars developing cold email systems now it's
totally free for you but I understand this is probably going to be long and if you can't watch it in one sitting save this video come back to it and use the timestamps to jump around to parts that you missed or need to rewatch now without further Ado let's get into the master class why should you listen to me instead of the other gurus on the internet well the main thing is I've actually used cold email to scale a company to $600,000 per month without running any ads this was my primary skill and our primary
generator of leads and that same company won fourth place in the gator 100 which is the top 100 companies to come out of the University of Florida the ivy league of public schools we're on the Inc 5000 as you can see behind me we've won a lot of awards for making a lot of money now I also run a lead generation agency that does seven figures every single year so I build cold email machines for lots of different businesses and I personally have built cold email machines for about a 100 companies I also operate the
cold email Secrets Community with almost 9,000 members this is the biggest cold email community on school and I'm commonly referred to as the number one Authority on cold email including by instantly AI all right do you trust me yet well if you do what you're going to learn in this master class is how to print money and that's essentially what cold email machines do you build the machine you feed it information and it spits out money if you follow what I'm about to teach you so you're going to learn which tools to use and why
and there's no sponsors in this video I'm just going to give you the facts straight up you'll learn how to make cold email work for your offer no matter what your offer is as long as you sell to other businesses I will show you how to make it work and you'll be able to build the machine without spending a fortune on data software mailboxes you're going to save so much money if you follow the step steps in this video and the best part you're going to be able to do this without any technical skills at
all now if you're not already sold on cold email cuz you should be cuz it is the best kept secret in marketing if you master this you will never be broke another day in your life so here's why Cold email is superior to everything else the first thing is reaching your ICP so if you're running Facebook ads you don't know who it's going to deliver that ad to it's probably going to be in front of mostly irrelevant people that can't afford you and don't need your thing cold Emil on the other hand you can hyper
Target the job title industry everything that you want so that your ad or your email is going to the right person every single time second reason why it's awesome is it's super cost-effective there is no way to generate leads and sales cheaper than cold email if you follow what you learn in this video you're going to be generating leads for under a dollar name one other advertising method that you can say that for speaking of advertising number three you're not ryant on paid ads if your ad platform gets shut down on meta or Google bans
you you're going to be just fine nobody has been able to stop cold email and nobody is going to be able to reason number four scalable and predictable you've probably been in a place where you don't have leads you don't have sales calls coming in so it's really hard to scale to build a sales team with cold email you can predictably generate leads and sales calls every single month last but not least there's immediate results with cold email this isn't social media advertising or SEO where you have to pour effort and money in for 6
months and then maybe you'll start getting leads from it cold email happens right away now just cuz cold email is is awesome does not mean you are going to be the right fit for it if you don't sell to other businesses meaning you sell B to C then cold email is probably not going to be for you and you don't need to worry about this video you can leave but if you're an agency owner if you're starting a company a business service and you sell to other businesses you need to watch this video so here's
some examples of companies that cold email works really really well for coaches agencies Business Consultants marketing agencies Business Services if you can Target the business using filters then this will work for you this is going to make you a ton of money now if you sell something low ticket I'm talking like 10 at $20 or you sell B Toc meaning not to business owners then cold email might not be an effective marketing strategy for you and I showed you heroi there again because this is a guy that built a company on cold Outreach he literally
talks about it in his book this is how they built gym launch to $30 million per year it was using cold email if you're watching this and you don't have a business yet and you're trying to think about what to do cold email as a service is one of the fastest ways to launch your company and get it to 10K per month reasons why it's so awesome you actually get to produce a direct Roi for your clients as opposed to video editing or SEO they don't make money right away so it's really hard to justify
paying you if you're making them money it's really easy to ask for money in return your clients become dependent on you for leads and sales this is a really powerful position to be in as a business owner and there's a lot of different models that you can offer this if you're just getting started you can literally offer to go into a business business build them a cold email machine for $10,000 hand it over to them teach them how to use it and then go do the next one you can also offer an agency model so
if you're just getting started two $3,000 per month to actually build this and run it for them on the back end so you can generate leads for them on autopilot and once you get really good you can do a pay per lead model which means they sign a contract saying they'll pay you $500 for every qualified lead under this model the sky is the limit they offer to pay you $500 per lead you book them 10 leads a month boom now you've got $5,000 from that client in a month predictably the reason you don't hear
her MOSI very often talk about cold email is because it's not the sexiest thing on Earth but it works it's boring but it works so what is cold email essentially it's reaching out to people that don't know who you are to offer them your things specifically business owners is where it's really effective and it's been around since the early 90s and some of the biggest companies on Earth that you've probably heard about built their Dynasty using cold email think about Salesforce think about hub think about gym launch for an example that most people know email
is the most widely used form of business communication it is not going anywhere they've been unable to stop it and it is 100% legal now let's get into the meat of this master class but first I wanted to present you with an outline so you'll understand what you're going to be learning here I encourage you to write these down in your notes cuz each step is super important and we have a lot of material to get through so go ahead take a screenshot jot these down you can pause the video but let's get into the
meet and start learning how to build your cold email machine it all starts with the offer if you have the wrong offer nobody's going to Care in fact heroi stressed this in hundred million offers but I actually think he did a diservice to a lot of people with how he presented the solution and his solution at least the way it seems most people interpreted it was you need to create an offer that's so absurd that people have to pay attention and this doesn't necessarily work but we'll get into that in a second the important thing
is you need to create offers that actually get people excited enough to open your cold email and respond to it so I'm going to show you how to do that even for the most boring offers now most people just watch these videos looking for specific tactics and Advanced Techniques I want to encourage you to really understand the fundamentals especially the way that I present them so the first thing is really knowing who you serve cuz you're going to be emailing these people you need to know what their pain points are you need to know what
gets them excited which is number two their wants and their needs so they might not need your thing but they might want something that you can offer something adjacent to your offer so what's shiny what's going to get their attention number three offer something that actually fills these wants and needs sometimes you have an offer or a service or a product that you think people are going to need and want and you present it to them and they don't so if this sounds like you pull your audience and figure out what they actually need or
what is flashy to them what offer would stand out that they would definitely open and definitely buy then you need to make it clear and simple to understand because if you make it too complicated or too long people will jump off now remember they are not looking for you and they probably don't need what you're offering offering especially not right now when you're emailing them once you really understand that it's going to reframe how you present your cold emails to your prospects and it's going to change your results completely your goal isn't to sell them
in this cold Emil it's not to promote at them it's not to Market at them it's to present them with an opportunity and get them to raise their hand and say I'm a good fit and I'm interested even if it's not right now and remember that your goal is not to qualify them they're already pre-qualified you got their email typically because they have a company that's a certain size in a certain location in a certain industry so you already pre-qualified them so don't put them through a big hassle in your cold email all right these
are the offer Killers if your offer resonates with any of the bullet points listed below I'm going to show you exactly how to get past this problem so one your offer is boring when somebody receives it they've seen it a million times it's not something that gets them excited two your offer is hyperco competitive maybe you're offering video editing Services I get like hundreds of these emails per day and I just Spam all of them because it's hyper competitive there's nothing that makes these people stand out number is absurd you don't want to raise Flags
when somebody gets an email from you promising 150% money back or you'll pay them if you can't do it these offers don't work especially not with cold email people will report you as spam if their meter goes off and the fourth offer killer is complex if you sell something that you can't explain to me in less than a few sentences then you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to either explain it better or restructure your offer to make it easier to understand now most people suffer from this disease the
boring and competitive offer disease most people offer something that everybody else is offering which makes it tough to stand out no matter where you're advertising if it's Facebook ads or it's cold email so here's a hack that's going to get you in the door and it's called the foot in the door technique your goal is to find something that's shiny that gets their attention that is related to your core offer so for example if you do SEO Services hyper competitive super boring instead of offering SEO services or helping them rank top 10 in Google instead
figure out what's shiny to them and related to SEO services so for example getting a backlink from Forbes if you can do that predictively and repetitively you can offer that in your first email actually get them the backlink that you promised them and then upsell or cross sell into the core service that you actually want to sell them so here's the game get the door open earn their trust and then sell them your core offer that actually drives most of your money another thing that you can do with a boring or competitive offer is use
lead magnets this is another way to earn their trust and then sell them on your core offer without presenting them with a boring front-end offer so there are some examples of some lead magnets now their lead magnet needs to be good enough that somebody would pay for them ebooks aren't good enough PDFs aren't good enough most of the time templates aren't good enough so really invest time and energy into creating an awesome lead magnet that your target Avatar actually wants so I've got a lot of material in my course about lead magnets but here are
just some of the basics there's different tiers of lead magnets they are not all created equal so tier three lead magnets or the worst ones are things like templates videos case studies white papers they're typically some form of written information that you give them once they opt in again I would advise you not to use tier three lead magnets because they don't really work anymore everyone tries to use lead magnets these are the cheapest and easiest to create especially with AI now everyone can make an ebook everyone can make an AI video or a white
paper tier 2 lead magnets is really where I'm going to push most people this is something like a mini course or a free trial to your software or program or usable data that somebody would actually pay for such as what I give in my lead magnet which is 8 million free leads and if you want that you can check it out down below um that's the lead magnet pictured above you will get access to 8 million leads that I've scraped from Instagram as well as my light version of my cold email course which is kind
of like this but on steroid so definitely head in there and check that out tier one lead magnets so this is going to be a full course or a mini service or a free software and there's a lot of other examples of this but these are really high tier lead magnets that people definitely would pay money for I offer tier one magnets pretty frequently in my advertising as well an example is what you see above I will write your cold email copy 100% free now that is a mini service that people would otherwise pay for
and again if you want to use my lead magnets or see what I do in my marketing cuz that's the best way to learn they're going to be linked down below so go check those out now I wanted to take some time and actually go through some of my lead magnets so you have an example of different types of lead magnets that you can offer and what to do with people once they take you up on that lead magnet all right so here is one of my core lead magnets if you've been following the channel
you've probably seen this before download 8 million leads and full Outreach course and Community $11,000 value and down here you see exactly what they get 8 million leads um access to the community and the course itself with a bunch of social proof so this converts at like 80% so it works really really well and all I ask is name email and phone number now I know my audience pretty well so people on YouTube who are watching this usually are just getting started or they're building a new company so this works really really well now this
is uh a tier three lead magnet because it has a full course and it has usable data which is a tier 2 so it's actually lead magnet stacking uh and once they enter this they go into my follow-up sequence so that I can try and sell them products and get them more involved in my world so that it's one example of a lead magnet works really will and if you have one that works better than others lean into it this is one that I built pretty recently so anyone who sells e-learning products or doesn't have
a nurture sequence this works really really well for this would be an example of a tier 2 lead magnet because it's just templates it's just information that they can copy and paste my AI cold email copywriter this is an example of a tier three took a lot more time to build but I'm able to deliver on this essentially for free this is all built on the back end with a zap automation if you're interested in learning exactly how I built this you can access that in my insiders Community I go into exact detail about what
that looks like so this essentially takes them through a series of questions where I can learn more about them and then deliver them that cold email copy based on copy that I have written in the past all right so what happens when somebody actually takes you up on your lead magnet and Ops in so you give them your link to your lead magnet and called email works really well cool you got their name and email they opted in for your thing now you're able to sell them on your core offer so a couple ways to
sell them on your core offer one retargeting ads so they've been to my landing page now I've pixeled them now I can serve them retargeting ads and as you can see I'm adding them to a Facebook audience and a Google audience here then I have a long series of emails that I've written with different offers different pain points that I'm addressing so that I can escalate them into my insiders program or sell them on some of my other products and just to show you kind of the back end of this funnel see it's converting at
about 70% which is absolutely absurd but once they actually opt in to the funnel I've got a nice video that teaches them how to use what I just provided to them so increasing my trust increasing my credibility and then down here I'm presenting them with a backend offer essentially to build your entire email machine for $1 this a little qualifying form and then it brings you to that sales page uh and I'm also getting them on a call for my lead generation service if they are qualified to do so so as you can see once
you've got them in your system and you're taking them through a funnel you're guiding them to where you want them to be you're sending them emails you're sending retargeting ads now they're in your world because they're interested in your thing because they took me up on that first lead magnet I know that they care about cold email now I can go ahead and sell them other cold email products all right how's that coffee tasting we've got a lot of work left to do we've got cold email copyrighting Secrets coming up next so you understand your
your audience you understand your offer now that you have this basic understanding of what cold email to send what's going to to resonate which is really the hardest part it's the offer it's who am I sending this email to and what message is going to resonate with them what offer do they want and you can use lead magnets for that you can use foot in the door techniques for that what you don't want to do is approach the wrong person with something that's boring competitive or complex because your email is going to be doomed to
fail so when you see people on instantly or my Facebook group or my school Community posting these absurd results with 10% reply rates and just crazy numbers it's typically because they have a really good lead Magnet or they have a really good flit in the door technique and if you're doing this for clients this can be tough to replicate so you really have to enforce lead magnets help them make them or figure out what adjacent offer they have that's going to resonate once you have that answer it's time for cold email copywriting Secrets actually putting
that together and packaging it into an email that's going to get one opened and two responded to call to action taken all right so important to know this is not normal copywriting if you've written ad copy before if you've done landing page copy this is not that cold Emil copyrighting is a very specific science and art and if you follow what you're about to learn you're not going to be able to screw it up so here's the basics your goal is not to sell them it's not to Market to them your goal is to present
them with an offer that's going to identify them as somebody who is a good fit and wants your thing your goal is to have an offer that's so unique and so fun so clever that they can't help but raise their hand and say yeah I'm in also important to know that this is not Google ads writing this is not Facebook ads writing you can't say free you can't say guarantee this is cold email writing if you sound promotional you sound spammy your email is going to go to spam and your email is not going to
convert your goal right now spark interest and then ask them to take action goal number one you have to get both of these things right in order to make your cold emails work so goal one is spark their interest you need to capture their attention which I'm going to show you how to do and what to say you need to Intrigue them and you need to spark their curiosity enough to get them to actually take the the action that you're asking them to take and this can be really tough to do especially if you're in
boring or competitive markets or you're emailing people that are just getting bombarded every day so there's a couple secrets that I'm going to show you that are going to make this much easier so it all starts in the preview text the preview text is that little snippet of email that includes the subject line and the first line of the email now a lot of people don't even open an email they see it they're like this is promotional this is spammy and they'll report you as spam without even opening the thing so you really need to
think critically about about what you're going to put in that preview text what is the first thing that you want your prospect to see that's going to spark curiosity if you don't have good preview text your email definitely will not get opened and if your preview text Sparks too much curiosity and is unrelated to your offer then you're going to get reported as spam and your days are numbered so rule one your preview text should be related to what you're going to say in the email and Rule two it needs to actually spark curiosity in
the recipient you can't give too much away if you're giving that Forbes backlink offer you can't say Forbes backlink in your subject line because it's to related and they're going to see oh this is Spam this is what they're offering and then you don't have a chance you're not going to get opened Instead try using a thought-provoking question in the preview text to really grab their interest so backlink name question mark that could be a really good subject line people are naturally inclined to answer questions when they see a question mark directed at them so
use their name and a question it's in our nature we can't help but open it we can't help but respond to it so say you did an awesome job getting it opened you have a great subject line a great preview text and you're getting 70% open rates your next goal in order to make cold email work is get them to take action and there's a few ways to get them to do that so take action happens in the email body and in the call to action so your goal here is to convince them to do
something your goal is to do it shortly because if you have too many words too many sentences no one wants to expend that brain power on you they're going to spam you or move you to trash you need to use Simple language if you confuse them if you use words or phrases that they don't understand they will not go look them up they will report you a Spam or put you in the trash and then finally in your call to action when you're actually asking them to do something whether that's book a call or reply
yes if interested you need to have very low resistance they don't know who you are if you're asking them to submit a form with 12 questions on it chances are they're not going to do that that is high resistance so here's some good ways to have a low resistance CTA for email one try one of two things the first one is an open-ended question is this something that you're interested in are you in need of this service all they have to do they don't have to think all they have to say is yes I am
no I'm not not a good fit really simple for them really low barrier to action the other thing that I love asking them to do is use a specific trigger word for example on that 8 million leads lead magnet if I'm offering that in email one I might say I'd love to send you 8 million leads and get you into my free course respond 8 million if you want me to send that over now you're taking all the thinking out of it for them all they have to do is type oh 8 million now I'm
going to get this thing once they respond with that trigger word now you can send them whatever you want you can send them attachments videos links so your goal is always to get that reply now a lot of people talk about do I send a cly link do I go for the book or do I go for the reply go for the reply it's a strong signal to the email servers that this is a healthy mailbox a healthy campaign and this is going to protect your campaign in the long run so always go for the
reply and use specific trigger words to get them to do it while we're on the subject of low resistance ctas a meeting is actually High Resistance you're asking them to commit a block of time in the future to somebody that they don't know yet they have to go to cly they have to answer a bunch of questions they have to check their schedule and half the time when that does work they won't show up because they won't remember who you are low resistance ctas use trigger words okay here's some secrets to creating an awesome email
body to convince them to do something one keep your email short no more than five sentences in fact some of the best cold emails that I've ever seen were like two to three sentences really simple really easy to understand you need to write at a sixth grade reading level if your thing is complicated to understand figure out a way to uncomplicate it with cold email simple wins if they can't understand what you're offering in less than 10 seconds they're gone you're in the spam box you're in trash lastly use a low resistance CTA use trigger
words use open-ended questions do not use long forms don't ask them to produce a lengthy response and don't ask them to book a call on the first email or tell you what time is available don't make them check their calendar any friction for them to take action is going to mean that they don't take action another reason somebody might not take action on your cold email even if they are a good fit even if they do want your thing is because they don't trust you you can get around this by establishing credibility and social proof
in that first email but you don't want to come right out and say hey I'm Jay I'm this and Forbes I was just on that you want to be discreet and you want to have humility if people think you're just bragging they're gone you're going to be reported as spam people hate braggadocious humans so here's some ways that you can use social proof in your cold emails one big brands that you've worked with especially if they're in their industry if you're targeting fashion companies and you've worked with some of the biggest names in fashion that
they're guaranteed to know drop those names that you've worked with them it establishes instant credibility and now they will take you a lot more seriously you can use media coverage and awards that you've had in the past in fact we do this a lot we're number one ranked PR Agency on a a lot of different lists we lead with that in email one it builds instant credibility gets them to oh pay attention to this email maybe this is coming from somebody that I should take seriously and respond to and while we're on the topic of
media coverage and awards if you want a free media article or a free award go ahead and comment down in the YouTube comments and say I want an article I want an award and we will send you the link to get that done the last thing you can use as social proof is your social media reach so right now you're coming to them from cold email you don't have a profile they don't know who you are this isn't like sending somebody a DM but if you have 50,000 YouTube subscribers or a million Instagram subscribers say
something in the cold email that relates to that so as you can see in this example my newsletter reaches 35,000 people you can do that same thing with Instagram with YouTube build credibility through the channels that you've already built credibility on all right finally it's time to pitch your offer they need to understand exactly what it is that you're offering and what problem it's going to solve you need to avoid over promising you do not want to use offers that say if I don't make you $100,000 in the next 30 days I will give you
150% of your money back and this goes against what the common narrative is in the marketing Community right now and this is why I think heroi may have screwed this up for a lot of people who have really strong offers because everybody's offering these absurd offers that they can't deliver on so avoid over promising be simple be clear and establish credibility so that people actually believe you an absurd offer with with no credibility will land you in spam lastly with your offer avoid promotional language I know this is an offer and it's free and it's
100% guaranteed but these are words that you cannot use in cold email and I'm going to show you how to identify what those words are in just a second so we kind of touched on this earlier but your call to action should not be a link it shouldn't be anything High friction your goal is to get them to reply without thinking about what they need to reply if they have to think about their response and give you a lengthy response it's a bad call to action decrease the resistance no forums no booking links no long-winded
answers now in this example they actually do something really unique that I wanted to point out we actually use this in a lot of arold emails and this thing is a double CTA so CTA 1 qualifies the prospect are they a good fit for your offer right now then you present the offer and then your main CTA which is CTA 2 in this case is open-ended worth a chat all they have to say as a response to worth a chat is yes or no which is exactly what I was saying you need to make it
as simple as possible and this is a really good example of how they do that let's talk for a little bit about personalization absolutely essential in all of your cold email campaigns you can't launch a successful cold email campaign without good personalization so what does that mean personalization is the variables that you'll place inside of a cold email let's say you have a thousand leads in your campaign and you want to import their first name and their company name into that email these are placeholders that are personalized to them now some important things to note
about personalization is that more is not always better so a lot of new cold emailers will get in the habit of importing as much as they possibly can it'll be like first name company name they'll use their industry they'll use their city and it'll just be so overp personalized that one mistake one thing gone wrong because data is not always accurate it'll ruin the entire cold email campaign and it'll get reported as spam so for example you might have my right email you might have my right first name you may even have my right company
name but my address might not be accurate so if you say that I live in Orlando which I used to and you send me a c email with that Orlando address you lose all credibility and your cold email stops working so one thing you should always use is their first name this is standard practice it's not only good for email reply rates but it's also good for email server deliverability if you don't have a first name in there there's a good chance that it doesn't even make it to that person's inbox and as I kind
of alluded to earlier be very careful with using industry job title location cuz all of these things change a lot and a lot of times they're not formatted in a way that's cold email friendly so for example if you're using PR as my industry and you're trying to import that into a cold email to me it might come out as public relations and Communications which is not a normal conversational way to say PR you're going to lose credibility and I'm not going to reply to that email last note and we'll talk about this in depth
later but be very careful with AI personalization there's a lot of tools out there that make it really easy and convenient to personalize an email with AI or even write an entire email using AI in my experience and I've tried a lot of this stuff it almost never works I'm going to show you how to use AI really elegantly and effectively without blowing your whole cold email campaign all right so what is spin tax spin tax is used to randomly Shuffle words inside of an email so when you're writing your cold email and instantly or
whatever your email platform is you can do it with Spin taxt and it will rotate through the words that you input and theoretically this makes the emails look a little more human to the email servers now in practice this is not true and I've talked to Daniel the founder of wary IO he is the ultimate master of deliverability and he's run every single test I can think of and I asked him this question does spintax help he'd ran the test several times spintax does not help this is not something the email servers are looking at
and in fact in a lot of cases it can hurt you because in a lot of cases one word is superior to the other word and you don't get data on that with the spin text this is not like running a split test so for example say you do the the example that I listed there uh you do spin tax and you're going to rotate through help assist and support now out of those three words which one do you think is going to convert the best my guess would be support so that's the word that
I would choose in my cold email but if it's rotating between the three and assist and help are coming in there that's going to negatively affect my results so if you want to use spin tax go for it I don't think it's going to hurt your campaigns but if you're wondering if it's going to help and if there's something you need to do my answer to you is going to be no especially not right now with the most up-to-date test and today is May 11th 2024 spintax is not necessary and we don't use it in
most of our campaigns all right let's talk briefly about follow-up emails writing the perfect drip sequence because you're not just sending them one email in a cold email campaign you're going to send them multiple and the goal with this drip sequence is one don't annoy them and two hit on different pain points and different offers so you can resonate with the person that you're emailing at some point in your sequence your goal here is to give as much value as you can and keep pumping your yourself up with new social proof and testimonials and keep
giving value you're going to try and strike the right nerve the right cord in that prospect that you're emailing with the different paino that you're alluding to so maybe they don't need help with X but they need help with Y this gives you more opportunities to hit the right note and present them with value with lead magnets that they actually want so there's a couple different structures for these follow-up sequences there's the three email series sequence and then there's the 10 email series sequence and you can obviously fluctuate these numbers doesn't have to be three
doesn't have to be 10 the point of this is short and long so let's talk a little bit about these different sequences and when to use them all right the short sequence I'm going to call this the three email sequence this is for people that want to reach a lot of lot of people with cold email in the shortest amount of time the longer that your sequence is it means that more emails are being dedicated to less people so in these short sequences you're able to reach out to a lot more people basically diversifying your
lead pull a lot more so if you've got a big lead list say you've got a million potential people that you want to reach out to you might want to consider using a shorter email sequence cuz if you want to hit those million people in one year you cannot make that a 12 email sequence because it's going to take you forever you're never going to be able to email everybody so if you have a giant list consider shortening your sequence you can shorten it even all the way down to two and still be really effective
the other types of people who are best for these short sequences is ones that don't have a lot of value don't have a lot of case studies don't have a lot of lead magnets to present and that's because with the longer sequences you can't just be asking the same thing over and over again every few days you will get reported as spam and those don't convert so if you're going to do longer sequences that's when you give more value more lead magnets so if you don't have those yet start with a shorter sequence and make
it longer as you build those things so the second email always a nudge I'm going to show you what that looks like in just a second the nudge is just in case they didn't open that first email or maybe they did and they didn't have time to reply at that moment the second email is a nudge just reinforcing it in that same email thread and email three in this sequence is typically a case study or a testimonial and in this one you can include a link so some people are actually more likely to book with
a link than they are to reply so in this third email I like to give them the option to either reply or here's a link to my cly so you can schedule a meeting if this is what you want or here's my lead magnet so you can use it if this is what you want what you don't want to do is just ask the same thing over and over again you want to diversify your offers you want to diversify the pain points that you're hitting on with the different case studies and testimonials and that's how
you can increase your sequences as well all right the nudge email email 2 and if you're doing a longer sequence you can use this multiple times throughout the sequence nudge meaning it's in the same thread and your goal here is to produce a really short reminder email in case they didn't open it or in case they didn't respond to it so as you can see from the image on the screen the example this actually comes from my seven step email template that I have inside of my Insider program but email 2 it's going to be
in the same thread which means no subject line and this is what I like to to include hey Jay just want want to drop you a quick reminder before we part ways I wanted to double check and see if you are interested in discussing offer did you have any questions nice and open-ended if they say no or yes or send it now you're good now you can go ahead and reply to that email now you've captured that lead with a really simple follow-up email all right extended sequences these are the seven emails the 10 emails
the 12 emails your goal here is to address different pain points with each email so what do I mean by address different pain points say you're selling PR Services which is what we do I'm familiar with it so I'll probably use that as an example a lot some people who want PR have big companies and they're raising money so they need media coverage to increase the value of their company whereas some people who want PR are thought leaders they're experts they're course creators and they want to build credibility for themselves these are very different use
cases so when I'm formulating my sequence I need to know this because I know my customer so in one of the emails I might include a case study from another thought leader and this was his paino and here's how we solved it and here's where we got him covered versus email 4 I might talk about here's a company who worked with us they wanted PR so they can increase the valuation of their company so we got them here and then they sold their company for X Y and Z dollars these are different pain points that
you want to touch on with different testimonials and different case studies you also want to offer some sort of different unique value with each email and this should tie in with the paino and when I'm talking to that expert who might want to build credibility the offer to that expert might be a podcast interview on our on our main podcast Show versus the offer to that Corporation might be a business award in their industry that's guaranteed see these are very different offers for very different people and one might strike a cord with the corporation and
one might strike a cord with the expert but now I have the chance to diversify who I'm emailing and actually get through to the right person at the right time all right we're back took a little break my girlfriend brought me some coconut vanilla coffee so we're caffeinated let's get back in here let me show you an example of what one of these extended SE sequences actually looks like so I'm going to go to a template that I actually wrote if you want access to this template you're going to have to join my insiders is
a lot of other resources just like this inside but I'm going to walk you through it so you don't need to to join all right advanc seven step cold email sequence email one you're always trying to gauge their interest I would prefer you didn't get super fancy with lead magnets and with value in email one keep it short let them know clearly who you are build some social proof and what you do and then open-ended question that's email one email two is going to be that bump email that we discussed uh just like that three-step
email sequence it's going to be similar in the longer email sequence all right now as we're extending this email sequence we're going to have to start giving new value and using new case studies in email 3 through 7 or 3 through 10 12 whatever you want to do all right so email 3 we're going to give an info lead magnet I like to start with some sort of value prop that also boosts my credibility so in my case I'll usually drop a YouTube video that I had done or a webinar that I had done actually
them seeing me teach this establishes my expertise and will increase their likelihood to respond to that email I also like to include different case studies and testimonials that strikes on those different pain points uh email four now a value lead magnet so this is where you start really letting your best fly so if you have a mini service or a full course or something something that you can really offer them of tangible value now is the time to drop it email for is when you're going to start losing people's attention so do everything that you
can to regain their attention and again some sort of social proof someone who you've helped um reinforce your offer and I like to start including my Links at this point as well so here's a link to my calendar here's a link to download something some people just don't want to respond to your email but they will click in book uh so this is where you want to hit those people you should also be throwing bumps in within your sequence so if you're doing a 10 email sequence it's not just all going to be lead magnet
lead magnet 3 through 10 so this is essentially what that is and then email 6 and seven again you're kind of free Fring here but I would follow that essential thought process value lead magnet bump value lead magnet bump each one should have some social proof and some case study worked in there to try and hit on those different cords so if you have a lead magnet 2 maybe this is where you pull your your big guns the stuff that you would actually charge money for for example for us we have a podcast that we
will put people on but if we use that in email one we would flood our podcast it wouldn't be a very good lead magnet so we'll save that until one of the last emails uh so here's the general principle of advanced cold email sequences so I hope this template gives you a better idea of how to actually put together your sequence let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson which is split testing one of the most important things that you can do in your cold email sequence is split testing and if you've never
heard of split testing before you may have heard it as AB testing this is testing different copy different ideas and different audiences a lot of people get confused with split testing and think I'll just change a couple words here I'll change the headline I'll change the subject line and that split testing it's not within cold email there's a few things that you absolutely need to test for the first one is your copy obviously some subject lines will resonate better than others some ctas are going to resonate better than others but there's a bigger principle here
that needs to be tested the first thing is your offer so how I would start testing is start with a really broad audience and with that broad audience I would test different micro offers so different ways to present your offer different lead magnets different value props you don't know what's going to resonate with a cold email audience a cold email audience is not a cold Facebook ad audience or a Google audience it's a very different audience and you need to gather data on that audience first so what I would do start with broad targeting lots
of Industries company sizes 0 through 100 employees start with decision makers because those are probably going to be the people buying from you and then in your first email have 10 different emails all with different offers all those offers should be adjacent so for example for our PR agency it might be a free article it might be a podcast interview it might be an open-ended question do you need help getting featured on TV do you need help getting a book written do you need a billboard figure out what that cold audience is going to respond
to and then once you have that data not only on what offer is resonating the best but but on what industries are resonating the best what company sizes are resonating the best now you can fine- tune your email campaign you'll know what to include in your cold email one you'll know what offer is working the best and you'll know who to Target now just some notes about split testing as you can see from these lines you're going to be getting different data points based on what you're split testing so if you're split testing the entire
email which is the offer you're split testing what you're offering to them you're going to see a change in open rates and reply rates and opportunity rates versus if you're split testing a subject line or the first line of a sentence which you should absolutely do you're probably not going to see a big difference in reply rates but you will see a big difference in open rates because remember the open rate is what somebody's looking at to gauge whether or not they want to open that email the subject line and the first line so make
sure to test those and optimize your open rate if you're trying to optimize for reply rates you should be changing the body of the email the offer to the email and the call to action of that email now remember to also split test audiences so one way to do it is is really broad targeting in one email campaign and then you run that data through chat GPT and figure out what the best audience is another way to do it is to clone the campaign and put what audience in one campaign what audience in another campaign
remember the copy of those email campaigns he offers needs to be identical so you can get good data on which audience is actually resonating the best so I did a podcast with the founder of War me. his name is Daniel he lives in Israel he's an absolute genius and he has run every single test that I had thought of to ask him does this affect open rates and deliverability does that affect open rates and deliverability because having done this for a long time we have these questions and some of these tests can be very cumbersome
to run because you need a lot of data you need to control for all variables but the good news is Daniel has run these tests so I'm just going to give you the answers on what kills your email deliverability and what doesn't so important to note when you're sending a cold email you want want that first email to them before they've responded before you've established communication that first email should be as barebones as simple as you possibly can make it I'm talking about no picture in your signature can be as simple as that to ruin
your deliverability so here are some things that can kill your C email copy try to avoid using images in your cold email copy and one common question is can I use an image in my signature I feel like having my face in there will increase conversions you can test it yourself but the general rule of is no no images all images will negatively affect deliverability two files can I send a lead magnet a PDF attachment or a text document or a Word document or an Excel file in a cold email the answer is no attaching
a file in a cold email overall will land you in spam we recommend that you do not do it and honestly there's not really any reason to ever attach a file in a cold email if you want to send someone a file make them respond first in order to get that file lastly videos and this one is really debated in fact I debate this myself the general consensus is do not send videos now a lot of people as you can see with the example on that screen think that sending AI generated personal videos actually converts
really well it doesn't I run this test myself so has Daniel uh we'll get into this a little bit later in the the Fancy Pants AI section but the general rule of thumb is don't send videos now with that being said I do send videos in the form of YouTube videos later on in the sequence to establish my own credibility and YouTube is a very trustworthy link and those emails typically go through and actually work really well so my advice to you is if you're going to send videos do it via Loom or YouTube or
Vimeo these are trusted websites where when they're scanned by an email server incoming they're going to say oh it's a Vimeo link it's a loom link it's probably safe we can go ahead and deliver that now if you're trying to embed a video or send a video from your website don't do that that's not a trusted link and there's a good chance that the email servers will deny that I also would not recommend sending videos as a first email because it can negatively affect deliverability I would wait until email 3 to 6 all right custom
code now most people don't know that when they enable open tracking when they enable link tracking all of that is custom code that's added to an email that's why a lot of people when they're sending cold emails will turn off all tracking once they have a campaign that is working correctly the more code you have in your email the less of a chance that that email gets delivered without being flagged to spam or popping up with a big danger link on it in your recipient's inbox but there's a lot of forms of custom code for
example embedded videos is custom code you want to avoid that embedded images hyperlinks all of this stuff is custom code and all of it will affect your deliverability now on instantly there is a button to say send as text only and this will get rid of all of the custom code this is something that I would recommend doing especially in email 1 but when you do this make sure to actually preview your email to make sure that any embedded links you included or whatever else you're doing in there that's fancy doesn't get messed up by
that button the next copy killer is including links that have low trust scores so I just mentioned earlier some ways to send videos safely is via YouTube loom Vimeo trusted companies that have been around for a long time and are Main Stays for delivering video service that the email servers will say oh it's YouTube this is not going to be official scheme or a virus now contradict that to sending an opt-in page to your own website and say your website is lead ninjas doet lead ninjas Donnet optin that's the page that you're sharing with them
the company's been around for six months and the email servers are going to scan that website lead gen ninja and they're going to say there's a high probability that this is a fishing scam or is a virus and we don't know what this is this is probably going to be advertising this is going to go in the spam folder so what you don't want to do is share l links in your cold email that could be interpreted as untrustworthy and every domain has a trust score in fact you can go online and check what your
trust score of your domain is be very hesitant to share links with untrustworthy domains because that's a fast way to land your email in the spam box lastly spammy words this is not Google advertising this is not Facebook advertising you're not writing words on your landing page you are writing words that's going to be ran through an email deliverability server and it's going to scan your email for certain trigger words that are going to indicate that this is a sales or cold email you do not want to trigger that filter and I'm going to show
you how to avoid it and what some of those words are but off the top of my head you don't want to use words like price sale 100% free guaranteed any common words that are used by marketers to promote or sell something you're going to want to be very careful about all right now I'm going to share with you some copywriting hacks these are some tools that are going to help you write better cold email copy I recommend running all of the cold emails that you write through the following tools so the first one's actually
one that I developed this is an AI cold email copywriter it's totally free to use I've trained it on hundreds of cold emails that I have written all you have to do is go to the website linked right there leadjen a-cold dmail all you have to do is plug in some information about your business and your offer and it will write your cold email for you now why this works so well is because I've literally written hundreds probably a thousand cold emails for different businesses across different verticals for different audiences and I've trained it
on the intake forms of those businesses and the called emails that I responded to the intake forms with fed it all to chat GPT taught it how to write cold emails and now you can access that yourself so I recommend at least trying this tool to get a baseline again it's totally free there is no sale there mail medeor spam Checker so this is a free tool on mail I'd love to build one of these for myself one day I probably will mail spam Checker and you will just copy and paste your cold
email copy into that spam Checker and it will highlight words that it indicates as spammy urgent Shady over promising so that you can go in and switch those words out for words that don't trigger that thing for example if you want to use the word guarantee really bad maybe you switch it out for promise or you remove a letter from guarantee the name of the game right now is to adjust your email copy so that you can make it through the deliverability spam filters and end up in your recipient's inbox and not their spam the
next tool that I recommend everybody use because everybody this up is Hemingway app most people write like they're talking to somebody in their industry that understands their offer and their promise whereas in most cases the person that you're emailing doesn't have vast knowledge about what it is that you're doing and if you make them take time to try and understand your offer your value prop they're not going to they are going to bounce right off they're going to put you in the trash and Mark you a Spam Hemingway app there's another there's a free version
of this so you can go on there and use it for free you put in your copy and it will highlight words and phrases that are of more than sixth grade reading level so that you can go in and change it and then if you want to pay a few bucks it will also rewrite it for you and if you don't want to pay and you want it to rewrite it for you you can go into Google paste in your copy and say try and rewrite this in a sixth grade reading level just keep prompting
it and it will help but Hemingway app does this better than any tool that I've seen so far all right the next thing that I have to mention while we're talking about cold email copyrighting is the laws around it so unfortunately there is laws that govern cold email we can't just send anything and expect it to be okay with that being said I get questions all the time as to I live in this country is it okay to send cold emails what if I send cold emails to Europe where the laws are different there's a
lot of nuance here and I'm not going to go I'm not a lawyer this isn't legal advice so I'm not going to go too in-depth into this I will say after working with probably over a thousand people who do cold email from all over the world not a single person has had any imp from cold email law I don't know if this is enforced if it is I don't know when or why it is enforced I have sent millions of cold emails throughout my career I did have one scare where a lawyer actually responded to
a cold email that I sent her and she flagged my domain registers she sent the email to everybody including GoDaddy including Google and she cited the law and she was a lawyer she filed an official request and it was a really scary response to get so I freaked out I'm like all right we got to like evaluate this email did we break any laws what are we liable for how much money are we looking at paying and the end of that story is I freaked out I tore our cold email campaigns apart I freaked out
my partner and nothing happened and if a lawyer who specializes in this can get involved notify all the right people and not a single company or person came back to me and said you're doing anything wrong then my guess is you're going to be okay but with that being said there is a law called the can spam act and this act protects the consumer who's receiving cold emails and all you have to do to be in compliance with this law is the two red arrows that you see there the first is include a mailing address
and all of your outbound cold emails and the second is a oneclick unsubscribe link all these things you can add in two seconds and they actually improve your deliverability so you want them anyways the third thing is the obvious and I probably shouldn't have to State it but your cold email cannot be deceptive and it has to be clear that it's a marketing email for example if I'm sending you an email and I'm saying your house is on fire we have your mother hostage that is illegal called email you can be prosecuted for that this
is not what I teach do not do that more of the story if you want to be in compliance with the law have a mailing address and one click unsubscribe of course that is the law in the US the laws vary greatly depending on where you are in the world but again after coaching hundreds maybe thousands of people on cold email deliverability people who have send in cold emails from Australia and Europe not a single person has had any negative consequence from sending cold emails not a fine definitely not an arrest absolutely nothing also get
the question I'm in Australia can I send emails to people in Europe the answer is I I have no idea how do they enforce European laws in Australia if I'm emailing someone in Australia the Australian laws are pretty strict what is the Australian government going to do to me as a cold emailer from the United States the answer is I have no idea if you're a lawyer and you know the answer to this question I would love to know in the comments so please let me know so I know what to tell my people what
I tell my students now is that I've been doing this for over a decade I've worked with close to a thousand cold emailers and not a single person has had a single issue the biggest scare that I've seen was my own and nothing came out of it all right let's gas up before this next chapter we're going to be learning how to find your ideal Avatar and quick note it's probably not what you think it is and this is going to be unrelated to the previous section that we did about who your Target demographic is
and understanding your audience I'm going to show you how to actually find the perfect person to email for a cold email and I'm going to show you why it's probably not who you think it is all right now I want to reinforce that the people your cold emailing don't know who you are and they don't want your cold email and they're not looking for your thing you need to have that in mind just like that person in the picture right now who's trying to sell door-to-door sales and they get their door slammed in their face
you are essentially coming into somebody's home their email and their email mailbox can be a sacred place people like to protect their email mailbox so if you're coming into it you better know whose house you're coming into and you better have an offer that's not going to get the door slammed in your face now this same principles I'm about to talk about apply to just about every form of advertising but they're especially important right here in cold email because you can hyper target the people that you send cold emails to as opposed to Google or
Facebook or social media where it's open to everyone and the right people might find you sometimes and Facebook does a good job once it learns you in cold email you start by picking your exact demographic and delivering emails specifically to them so if you do this wrong you're going to fail that's why this is so important to understand who your cold emailing and how they're going to respond to your cold email so who responds to cold email who typically actually opens these and replies to them there's an old saying in the cold email world if
it's anyone emails you hey bro trying to sell you something the only person who responds to the hey bro email is even Broker Than the person saying hey bro in the cold email so who responds to cold emails well typically it's people that don't receive a lot of marketing emails they're not usually marketed at typically because they don't have a lot of money or they're not in an industry where there's a lot of B2B sales happening other people who don't receive a lot of cold emails is entry to mid-level staff people don't usually Target them
because why would they they don't make any decisions they don't have any buying power so people like to Target CEOs owners decision makers you may also make the Assumption and you be right that people who are newer in business they're Freelancers they only have one to five employees don't get targeted very much because why would they they don't have a lot of money they don't have a lot of spending power lastly industries that are mostly ignor Ed marketing agencies doctors lawyers are not those Industries they get hassled non-stop because they have spending power and there's
a lot of products and offers designed for them but there's a lot of blue ocean Industries industries that don't get targeted a lot because no one knows what the hell to sell them if you're selling B2B what are you going to sell to Farmers unless you have industrial equipment so there's a lot of industries that you can actually create cold emails for that are going to get responded to it a much higher rate than if you're targeting marketing agencies and the picture that I used here I make a lot of money essentially broke people if
you email broke people you're going to get a response the problem is that you can't sell to them accurately so if you're only targeting new companies with one employee or you're targeting People based on off social media scraping or Google Map scraping and they don't have strong businesses you're going to get really high reply rates you're going to get really high open rates but you're probably not going to generate the revenue that you need here's people who respond less and this guy in this Tik Tok video sending a cold email to Elon Musk do you
think Elon Musk is going to respond to your cold email probably not so people who respond less are the people who get emailed a lot more they get desensitized to it I get cold emailed multiple times per day a lot of times I have specific filters set up in my mailbox to look for specific cold email phrases because people try and sell me the same things video editing they try and sell me guest posting access because I'm a PR owner because I'm a YouTuber so I'm a perfect example of this people who respond less CEOs
owners decision makers people who have larger companies we're talking about 50 50 or more staff also get targeted a lot because there's a lot of enterprise software there's a lot of Enterprise offers people really want to sell to big companies because they know they have a large budget they can afford it specific Industries get targeted a lot more and respond a lot less for example agencies doctors these industries get targeted nonstop so they become desensitized to cold emails they see it they don't even open it because they know what it's about especially if it's hyper
competitive so they will delete it I'm going to show you how to get around that in this master class if you think you're clever and you're going to Target only people who just received funding because you have access to Crunch base or something where you get that specific data you're not clever there's hundreds of people already doing it maybe even thousands so if you're looking at frequently targeted lists for example recently funded just got their series A A lot of people do this they know that these people just got a large sum of money invested
into their company so they try and sell them at that point the moral of the story here is you need to get creative if you try and do what everybody else is doing you're not going to be able to stand out so if you try and Target the same person with the same offer that everybody else is using you're not going to win in cold email or in any form of advertising for that matter so you can learn a lot from this master class not just about cold email but anything Facebook ads Google ads if
you're trying to compete in a crowded space with a competitive offer you're probably going to lose knowing your customer and understanding that the ICP that you put in place might not be the same for cold email now your ICP is your ideal customer Avatar this is the person that you think you want to sell to the perfect fit for your offer and in a lot of cases it's not going to be who you think it's going to be so there's a system that I've put into place that's been proven to work really really effectively to
help you determine who in cold email is actually going to open respond and buy from you and again it might not be who you think it is even if you have all of that fancy data in your Google analytics all the fancy data from your previous buyers from your Facebook ads that might not be applicable to your cold email again because you're targeting different you're specifically reaching different people and by the way if you don't have great data on who your ICP is you don't know yet this is an awesome way to find out follow
this framework and I promise you the data that you get from this cold email experiment that I'm going to show you how to set up is going to be invaluable for the remainder of your business it's going to help determine which offers you build how to run your Facebook ads how to configure your landing pages what to write in all of your marketing copies this could be the most valuable thing that you learn yet all right three steps to find your perfect cold email Avatar and by the way if you don't have an avatar this
is how you're going to find your avatar in general the people that you target with all of your marketing all of your advertising follow this step and I promise you you're going to win it's going to make you so much better than all of your competition who has not seen this slide and heard this strategy first thing you're going to do is start with broad targeting of industry and Company size the point here is you don't know which industry is most likely to buy your offer you don't know which industry is going to respond to
your offer because a lot of them might be blue oceans that you're not expecting so instead of just targeting marketing agencies and graphic design agencies and content agencies with your CRM offer open it up to any B2B company that needs a CRM we're talking about legal Offices Medical Offices manufacturing facilities I don't know who needs a CRM neither do you because you don't know those Industries so well imagine if you put 50 Industries on there and you thought you were only starting with five but you open it up you picked all 50 and the five
that were your top performing ones were the ones that you didn't expect boom now you found your blue ocean and now you know who to Target with the remainder of your campaigns you know who to Target with your Facebook ads with the copy on your landing pages you've essentially discovered a new well of business opportunity that is not being utilized with cold email this is the best thing that you can do the best way for you to start with your offer assuming that you have something that can apply broadly across multiple Industries you're going to
run this campaign for several months and you're probably not going to love the results I would recommend running it for at least 3 months send at least 10,000 emails across these different Industries and then download all of your results if you're using my recommended software which we'll go into a little bit later you're going to be able to download which people were the most interested you're going to have a big spreadsheet of interested not interested industry company size job title and all of that's going to be in a nice CSV file that you're going to
upload into GPT for analysis I'll give you the prompt to go ahead and do that to analyze that data and tell you which industries were the most interested which job titles were the most interested which company sizes were the best fit for your offer and then after you have that data now you have the most important piece of information that you will ever have in your business and now you can tighten up your targeting and lean in to that industry to that new ICP all right now let's talk about some basic targeting right now and
as you can see uh with the image on this screen that is a screenshot of Apollo with some of the basic filters that I will use every single time this is what broad targeting looks like so job titles I like to keep it broad decision makers so CEOs owners Founders presidents Coos CMOS I like to keep the location for me in the United States cuz that's who we sell to that's where Kima works really well for us and then as you can see in employee counts I went 1 through 50 because under 50 tends to
respond a lot better to cold emails correction they respond better to cold emails when you're targeting the decision maker you can email companies with 100 200 300 employees just don't Target the CEO because they're not likely to respond instead you should Target the relevant person in the department and try and get that email forwarded get Knocked Up The Chain to the CEO to the decision maker and those deals will typically take a lot longer to execute on but what I really want you to take a good look at right now is industry and keywords there
are 92 Industries selected right now these are all of the B2B industries that I figured that I could sell to accounting and financial services are are the ones visible there are a lot of Industries to choose from so what I want you to do with this basic broad targeting is go through the available Industries and take anyone that you think vaguely would be interested in your offer even if it's a long shot for example military Defense Education systems I don't care if you think they could use your offer check that box and you might be
surprised at what you find now as you get really good at this I want you to start thinking about creative ways to get lists that aren't based on industry or company size because again your assumption might be wrong about who you sell to so instead of broad targeting with the industries there leave the industry blank Target everybody but instead use these new Advanced filters to try and Target based on something else so what are some of these something eles that you can use to Target well the first one's job listings these are companies who are
posting job Wrecks for specific roles so my PR agency let's use for example instead of assuming that I know which Industries really need are or looking for publicists another way that I might approach that is looking for companies that are hiring a publicist or hiring someone for communications or crisis management now I'm opening up to every single industry except maybe PR firms so I'm looking for companies that are hiring publicists or people for communications that aren't PR firms and this could be any industry and any company size now instead of in my cold email saying
hey you interested in PR I can say to these companies hey I saw you're looking for someone to help you with publicist services communication Services instead of hiring someone full-time as a W2 and paying their salary how about bringing us on and we'll handle all of your PR needs for half the price of hiring one publicist so not only does this make you stand out with your offer and your copy but now you're not assuming that you know what industry you're targeting you're actually being smart about it and you're approaching it from a way that
a lot of people are not the second one is fundraising this is one that I briefly touched on earlier but companies who are either looking to raise funds right now meaning they're in a seed round of funding or they just raised funds so a website called crunch base has the most upto-date data on this you can use Apollo and use their fundraising filters they do have them but they're typically really delayed they're not accurate to even the month a lot of times it's delayed by like a year so my recommendation if you're going to use
fundraising is you're going to scrape crunch base for active data what people are doing right now and you're going to Target them using that data point now what I wouldn't do with fundraising is look for companies that just raised and make them an offer everybody does this instead the way that we approach that is companies that are in their first or second round of fundraising they're in the process of it right now we then make them a PR offer and the offer is hey I see you're in the process of your series a did you
know that companies that are featured in Forbes and Tech runch that are raising a series a get valued at 23% more just making these numbers up but this is what we do and it works really well now we make that PR offer coming from a position of power a lot of people don't do this and it's just a unique way that we get in the door and meet them where they are right now cuz we know they have a pain point and that's really the fundamental principle of these targeting hacks is you're finding them when
they have a paino instead of just I think they might be a good customer they might need me these are signals that they have pain points they're raising money they're looking to hire for that position that's them already raising their hand and saying I need help so you want to find them when they're raising their hand and say I need help and deliver them with a solution some other metrics that you can use especially with good databases like a Apollo or Zoom info they're going to have data on companies that are growing or shrinking now
my guess here is that they're using an increasing or decreasing company size in order to apply those metrics and say that guy's growing that guy's shrinking uh or new offices whatever that might be but anyways you can filter by companies that are getting more employees or losing employees you might have an offer that helps them scale you might have an offer that saves the money as they're downscaling these are signals that say I need help and you want to meet them when they're giving those signals whether they're growing whether they're shrinking or whether they're expanding
moving offices all of those signals are available to you in big databases like Apollo there's also other signals that they offer for example recently in the news maybe you have an offer that supplements their recent media coverage you're going to do a press release for them you're going to give them an award whatever that might be recently in the news is another really good targeting hack that you can think about using the last one is arguably the most important also the most temperamental so definitely something to experiment with but has the most promise so targeting
hacks interest based targeting hacks as you can see in that image within Apollo and other highquality B2B databases they're acquiring information more than just the contact info on that person they're actually acquiring what that person is searching for looking for and buying in that moment now the problem with this is the data can be quite delayed so even if the data is delayed by 3 months that could be way too long they could have already found the solution and now you're meeting them too late and it's definitely not going to work but what I recommend
commend you do here is set up a campaign with this interest based targeting you can go into Apollo and filter by these different interests as you can see pictured there and I'm going to show you how to use these filters in just a second and how to get the data for pennies on the dollar but if you sell PR Services you can go into interest based and see companies that are looking for public relations and now it'll give you contacts based on those companies that you can reach out to and say hey I heard from
a friend or I saw online that you guys were interested in hiring a publicist is this still accurate you're still looking for some help we're the number one PR agency in the country and if you hit them at the right time now you're meeting them when they have that pain point and now you are going to win with cold email right as a marketer you need to understand the inverse marketing relationship and this is that the less money somebody has the more likely they are to want to talk to you and this is unfortunate because
the people that you want to sell to are the ones that don't really want to talk to you the ones that want to talk to you are the ones that can't usually afford you so your solution here is to understand this inverse marketing relationship and if you're going to Target for fore 500 CEOs in your cold emails which a lot of people want to do they want to go after I only want decision makers of companies that have at least 100 employees well sorry client we can do that but you need to understand that your
success metrics are going to be a lot different than the guy targeting the companies with less than 10 employees you can still Target the big whales just know your open rates and your reply rates and your opportunity rates are going to be a small fraction of what other guys might be but that can be okay if your offer is worth $100,000 to you and all you need is one client per year from the C email campaign that could make sense but you need to understand that the bigger whales that you reach out to the smaller
your metrics are going to be and the smaller your metrics are the bigger your offer needs to be in order to make up for the amount of cold emails that you're going to need to send to have success moral of the story here is your success metrics need to change based on who you're reaching out to and the value of your offer so rpr offer a client to us is worth about $25,000 so we're able to email a lot of people and spend a lot of money on cold email because all we need is one
client worth $25,000 to justify $25,000 worth of spending so you need to think about what is your offer worth to you if you can only target companies with at least 100 employees and you can only sell to the decision maker then it might make sense to make an offer that's worth at least $22,000 cuz you're not going to get as many opportunities as the client who's reaching out only to small Farmers to sell them something worth $1,000 the metrics are going to be much different but the reward is also much different so the solution here
to this inverse marking relationship is understanding your metrics having a big enough offer to justify smaller metrics and also getting creative finding the blue ocean in coldo because they are still there there's a lot of targeting strategies a lot of them that I just mentioned that not a lot of people are doing so find what those are find the industries that aren't being reached out to find the lists that aren't being targeted with the offer that you are offering this stuff does work but you have to get creative if you try and sell the same
bull that everyone else is selling to the same people that everyone else is selling to and you're complaining that cold email doesn't work well no dummy of course it's not working for you you didn't even try so here's what not to do with cold email and I really want to encourage good cold email practices this can be scummy if you do it the wrong way and it can make the rest of us cold emailers look bad so this is what I do not want you to do Don't Spray don't be a sprayer in prayer don't
shoot a million arrows and hope that one lands you need to hyper Target your cold emails to people that actually want to receive your cold email and then have something good in your cold email what should you not do I could theoretically get the email from just about everybody in America I'm good enough I know all the tools I know how to scrape them I can do it pretty much on autopilot so I could theoretically email everybody I could sell PR services to everybody but the problem is not everybody wants to buy PR service say
they're not a good fit for PR services so if I email everybody in Florida 10 million people looking for PR Services hey you interested in PR you want PR only a fraction of those are going to be business owners and only a small fraction of those are actually going to be a good fit for purchasing PR services so you need to be targeted with your cold emails the examples that I listed on this slide homeowners rich people basically anyone be to see there's a lot of companies that come to me and say hey Jay I
sell insurance or I'm a real estate broker and I need to generate leads can I do it with cold email the answer is kind of sort of but you have to get creative if you sell solar and you're looking to cold email people I recommend finding adjacent businesses that you can partner with and use cold email to build Partnerships don't just cold email every homeowner because b2c cold email and B2B cold email have very different rules and I'll talk about those in just a second but the principle is if you're selling Insurance say you're selling
health insurance B Toc to customers and you're looking for health insurance leads don't email everybody in your local state and ask them if they need health insurance your campaigns will not last this is spraying you can be fined and your cold email campaigns will get blacklisted all the domains are going to get blacklisted and it's all going to be for nothing within like a month B Toc cold email means emailing anybody that doesn't have their company in their domain so J Feldman that's not my real email don't try and email it but because it's
an or or at Yahoo if you're a weirdo that is B Toc the rules are different there is a much lower threshold for spam that you need to hit if you're going to stay unblacklisted so if you're emailing a lot of b2c people so at Gmail and three out of a thousand of those people report you as spam your your domain is automatically going to be blacklisted every mailbox attached to it is going to be blacklisted and you're not going to be able to send cold emails anymore so yes that threshold is low
but what's even worse is because you emailed a thousand homeowners asking to sell solar and half of them live in a condo and don't have don't have a roof all of those people are going to report you as spam so it's really easy to get your domain blacklisted and it can be very hard or timely to come off of a blacklist I'm not going to say that BDC cold email never works in fact we've made it work on several occasions because we've gotten very creative but in general if you can't Target business owners based on
filters or other metrics and you can't sell them a business related offer I recommend not using cold email for that instead you should use cold email to form Partnerships so if you're selling solar roofing instead of emailing people that have a house or in a specific zip code trying to sell them solar roofs instead you should email adjacent Contracting Services anyone involved in Home Building uh real estate agents Brokers these are other businesses that you can Target and say hey I would love to chat about a partnership I've got some ideas is this something you're
willing to discuss and then boom now you've got your foot in the door with other people that know no homeowners and you can work yourself into their world and into their list so cold email can be very effective for Partnerships but not b2c approach b2c through Partnerships and by the way guys if you're interested in learning exactly how I set up these partnership campaigns because we do the same thing for B2B too it's not enough just to cold email businesses and try and sell them services and I can show you how to do that but
it's inside of my insiders course now the question where do you find them now that we understand who to Target what filters to use how do you actually get all those email addresses all of that data for a fraction of the price that it would normally cost without this video the most expensive part about cold email and the reason why most of you will would have failed without this video is because the data can be very expensive if you go and sign up for Apollo right now and try and Export 10,000 contacts it's going to
cost you thousands of dollars so making money on that investment as a beginner is very difficult I'm going to show you a way to get unlimited data for pennies on the dollar so that cold emailing costs you pennies it'll cost you less than a dollar per lead to generate leads you'll only find it here this is not information freely available anywhere else on YouTube now let's have a sip of coffee and jump into the next module all right here we go how to get email lists for pennies on the dollar without this video you will
be spending a lot of money on leads and on emails so I highly recommend watching this whole thing saving the links I'm about to share because I have used just about every service every database and every method of acquiring emails that you can possibly think of and this is going to be my distilled recommendations for what you should do to get unlimited leads for your cold email machine Let's Jump Right In so here's the different places that you can get emails from there's different options some of them have different pros and cons and you don't
necessarily have to just choose one so option number one B2B databases this is the easiest answer it's the one that you can throw money at download emails there are some gold standards and I'll talk about some of those but there's Zoom info which is very expensive but the most up-to-date data and Apollo is essentially my go-to recommendation for most people but I'm going to show you how to use it correctly without breaking the bank number two buying email lists or trading email lists if you go online right now and you search Buy email list buy
business lead list you're going to find hundreds of people trying to sell you really discounted email lists literally Pennies on the dollar almost free I want to encourage you not to do this and I'm going to show you why in just a second option number three is you can scrape them so scraping is using a tool to basically go through social media profiles or Google or Google Maps or yellow pages and download all of the data from there to your own spreadsheet to then put into your cold email campaign and use them this is called
scraping and there's really good ways to do this and really free ways to do this and I'm going to show you how to in this video lastly email finders so there's a lot of Chrome extensions there's a lot of websites that you can go to essentially find anyone's email that you want to email maybe you just met somebody and you really want to sell them on something you can go into these websites search for that person or search for that company that they work for and likely get their email for free all right let's dive
into each of these so you can figure out which one is best for you and how to best use all of these options B2B databases so we're talking about things like Apollo or Zoom info there's a lot of them now and some of them you can get for a lifetime price on app Sumo we're going to be talking about some different ones and what to think about and consider here now this is definitely the easy EST and probably best way to get your emails because the database does the hard work of gathering them cleaning them
categorizing them enriching them and all you have to do is pay them money and now you can apply filters and Export them so most of the thinking and the hard work is already done for you now what I really want to stress here is email accuracy people change jobs all the time people are fired all the time emails change a lot and not just the email the titles change the cities change so if the enich data isn't up to-date and you're using that enriched data to Target somebody so for example you sell services in Florida
and you got my email and I don't live in Florida anymore I live in North Carolina and you email me boom killed your whole campaign and this happens so frequently and people don't take this into account that's why the good databases spend so much money keeping their data up to dat and they've got a lot of humans validating data a lot of AI algorithms constantly scraping it and making sure that it's accurate because the accuracy not just of the email but of everything that goes along with the email is so important that's why subscribing to
some second rate BB database a lot of times will bury your whole cold email campaign and you won't know why you're just going to have no open rates no opportunities and you're not getting the feedback from the people you're emailing so all you know is it's not working and you don't know why it might be because your data sucks so the problem with the good B2B databases like Zoom info is they're not really made for building cold email machines they are designed for appointment setting teams sdrs bdrs who are actually looking at specific individuals at
companies and emailing them onetoone trying to close that deal on a more onetoone personalized basis this is not what I teach what I teach is building cold email machines that make you appointments and sales on autopilot by populating large amounts of data and reaching out to a lot of people in Mass so to do that you need to be able to download large amounts of data so with zoom info or Apollo this can get very expensive because they typically have export limits on most plans that aren't their biggest Enterprise plans which cost thousands of dollars
so I'm going to show you how to get around this and just a second now the other advantage of these B2B databases is the advanced targets that we spoke about in the last module such as interest based targeting job listings that they have available right now they're fundraising all of these Advanced targeting features are typically only going to be available to you in B2B databases now there's other things you can do with scraping for example you can go go into one of the job listing databases the job boards and you can scrape all of the
companies who have certain jobs listed and get their information using different scraping tools you can scrape crunch base and look for companies who are raising money but all this takes a lot of work a lot of thinking and a lot of times the scraping tools also don't do very well or can't get that info so the database the B2B database like Apollo is going to be the fastest and easiest way for you to do that all right now here's some of my B2B database hacks the first one is app Sumo databases that have lifetime deals
so let's go ahead into appsumo right now I'm going to type in B2B lead database and depending on what's available now might not be available by the time you look at this so lead rocks has been on here forever uh my guess is they're probably going to still be on here by the time you get here I actually have a massive subscription to this I think we bought as many codes as we possibly could so that we can export as many leads as we as we wanted to so for one low price of 80 bucks
one time you can use this database and export a ton of data uh basically forever now the thing is with these databases is the cheaper they are the older the data probably is so how I believe that these work is they will scrape all of this data from the top databases like Apollo or Zoom info and they'll put it all into this database and then resell it to for Less now the problem is this isn't a firsthand data source like Apollo so they're not cleaning it themselves they're not validating it themselves so in 6 months
assuming that they're not actively scraping and validating and in real time which they're probably not because it's a lifetime fee there's nothing funding this unless a lot of people keep buying it my guess is they're not keeping this data up to date so it's not going to be as accurate which can kill your campaign but with that being said if you're just getting started and you want a B2B database that doesn't cost an arm and a leg this is something that you can definitely look into is buying one of these appsumo lifetime deal databases like
lead rocks now the other thing that you can do is trusted leads. now trusted leads is not the only website that does this but it is the one that trust because they scrape it fresh every time a lot of websites like this is you'll put in a filter or you'll tell them to scrape certain data for you and they'll send you a list and typically that list is really old and after you clean that list you will realize just how old it is because 80% of it is going to be invalid with trusted leads. I
get the same exact results that I get when I download it straight from Apollo so I know that they're scraping it fresh which is exactly what you want so for this for 10,000 leads exported and handed to to you in a CSV file it's 50 bucks you have to paste your Apollo filter URL up here and they will send you the data so super affordable for 100,000 leads which can last you a long time it's only 450 bucks this is Pennies on the dollar compared to what it would cost if you were to pay them
otherwise and to get an Apollo filter URL it's free you can literally go on right now and sign up for a free account sign up for free put those filters in take that URL put it into trusted leads without ever paying Apollo a dime now this is is not legal advice I don't know the law around buying and selling leads I'm just telling you that these websites exist they are there they're on Google they are publicly available to you you can go ahead and search them I'm not a lawyer if you are caught doing
this reusing data and you get arrested just don't say that I found it on lead genj but if you Google it all of these options are going to be available to you I'm just going to tell you the ones that I've tested and work quite well all right a few notes here about buying email lists because again you can go on Google type in Buy email list for doctors and then buy an email list for like 12 bucks don't be tempted these lists are trash they're old they're cheap they're usually not going to be accurate
it's as if I exported an Apollo list of doctors today and I'm reselling it to you three years later that list is no longer valid you should not even think about emailing that list why shouldn't you email the list well because a lot of them are going to bounce a lot of them are going to be inaccurate with information that is no longer valid so you're going to get reported as spam more your domain is going to end up blacklisted and it's going to kill all of your mailboxes and your entire campaign it is not
worth saving a few bucks and buying an old list and using an old list you should use the newest list possible and if you are going to buy a list or use an older list like my 8 million lead database that's something that was scraped from Instagram probably two years ago a lot of them are personal emails you can still use this list but you have to clean it and clean it good but my recommendation is get the freshest data that you possibly can and yes that is me telling you that my 8 million lead
list might not not be the best option for you obviously it's not the best option for you it's free and I'm reusing it I'm giving it to you that list is if you have absolutely no money and you're just getting started and you want an example of some emails that you can send it to that's what you should use but you should not use it if you're trying to get the most out of your cold email machines now this is a little controversial trading email lists now a lot of people don't talk about this but
I want to tell you a little bit about the pros and the cons of trading an email list cuz this can work quite well and it is not the same as getting an old email list so when you're trading an email list so say I'm a PR agency you're a book publisher and I want all of your leads because if they're interested in writing and Publishing a book good chance is that they need PR that they want PR and vice versa if our guys are wanting PR there's a good chance that they want a book
written so this is similar to interest based targeting you're exchanging email lists with somebody that has an audience that wants something similar or adjacent and actually pulled out their credit card to buy that thing so with that being said it's a pretty good list you've got a pretty good idea of what that person wants they're a buyer they already bought that thing from that person so you know they specifically got it which is data that's really hard to come by so in my opinion that person is worth emailing the problem is this you don't want
to be caught sharing the emails of your customers and your person you're exchanging it with doesn't want to be caught sharing the emails of their customers so what you want to make sure that you don't do is mention that you got your email from that guy and make sure that they don't do that when they email your list now some other tidbits about trading email lists this is actually a really good partnership campaign if you want to run this as a cold email so say your marketing agency does SEO and John's marketing agency does web
design those are really good aligned audiences that would be a great switch you can now email website design agencies and say hey I run an SEO agency how would you like to do a newsletter exchange or an email list swap you'll get a ton of interest from that and you'll be able to trade lots of different email lists trade your email list for lots of different ones and now you've got a giant list of people that have had their websites developed that probably need SEO Services hope that helps give it a shot let me know
how it goes moving on this is tried and true this is one of the oldest and most effective ways getting emails online and emails are everywhere you're going to be shocked how many places have public email addresses Instagram has public email addresses Google Maps most websites have an email address on them all of these are opportun ities for scraping tools to run through all these different platforms and get all the information company name email contact email first name last name City all of this information is typically publicly available and the most common place to scrape
emails from is LinkedIn we're going to talk about the pros and cons of some of these ways to scrape emails and some of the best tools to do it but you should know based on this slide scraping is cheap it's effective it can be slow depending on what you're using and you typically have have to scrape them yourself or work with a scraper but at least you know you're getting firsthand data meaning the data is probably valid it's probably accurate because you're scraping it yourself one of the downsides might be a downside can sometimes be
a pro is that you'll get a lot of personal emails personal emails can actually work really well if it's targeted if you're getting it from LinkedIn and you know that that person went to University of Florida you know that that person now runs an SEO agency and you're selling something to them for their SEO agency it doesn't really matter that it's a personal email and they might even be more likely to open it because it's going to their personal email address a lot of the problems with email scraping for example Instagram scraping is that it's
not enriched sometimes you don't get first and last names as you probably know if you downloaded my 8 million leads list but you do get a lot of other good information that you wouldn't get otherwise for example what's in their bio or how many followers they have this information can be really useful to some people depending on what your offer is for example if you're helping people grow on social media you're trying to reach out to influencers you want to know how many followers they have and you want to know what they have in their
bio before I dive into email scraping I've talked a lot about this 8 million lead sheet um it's going to be linked down in the description of this video but you get access to my 8 million scraped Instagram leads so if you are looking for a free list to start emailing uh this was all scraped from Instagram you'll get access to my private uh lead gen Community it's got almost 9,000 members in there right now and okay let's get back into email scraping scraping social media so this can be really really useful if you're looking
for influencers or scraping LinkedIn looking for businesses there's a lot of really great offers that are out there targeting content creators course creators and it can be really hard to find those types of people by using B2B databases like Apollo there is no filter in Apollo for course creators if you want to find course creators you're going to need to scrape social media and Instagram in most cases especially these days is like a business card so you can scrape specific words in bio for specific business information Med Spa City all of that stuff is in
a bio and typically has their most available email address linked to it and you can scrape that to find local businesses you can use it to scrape influencers and I'm going to give you all of the tools to do so now if you do want to scrape LinkedIn for businesses this can be very very effective and basically free and I'm going to show you how to do that as well and like we talked about earlier you're going to get a lot of personal emails most people have a personal email attached to their Instagram page and
that's okay as long as you're targeting them if you're looking for a course creator and you've got you know JF Feldman in my Instagram page and you're selling me something for my course creation Services then it's okay that it's a personal email because it's relevant to me and I'm going to open it and probably respond to it scraping Google Maps so the picture that you see on the right is a scraping tool called lead sniper works really well it's a onetime fee and you can basically scrape all of Google Maps all of Google search
all of Yellow Pages uh for free once you pay that lifetime fee for the software scraping Google Maps is cheap it's fast you get really good unique data such as their ratings such as their reviews such as their city and you'll typically get their business description as well which you can use to run through Ai and generate a lot of other great information now if you're selling to local businesses or local Services Google Map scrapers might be the best thing that you can use cuz there's basically unlimited data on there any physical business and most
non-physical businesses have a Google Maps so they are available there with all of their most up-to-date data because they're generating traffic from there so it's probably valid and if you're selling something that's related to anything on Google Maps such as their ratings such as their reviews then you can actually use that information to hyper Target people from Google Maps scraping all right here's a couple scraping hacks that I wanted to share with you uh so on appsumo let's go ahead back to appsumo for a second so I'm in appsumo I literally just typed in lead
scraper uh depending on when you go in here and type this you might find something different uh so here's a couple right here Google Map scraper 119 bucks for Life lead scrape $5 bucks for life now these are beta tools so I would recommend just getting the the best in class for this there's another one local scraper uh Ron Yellow Pages scraper there's a ton of these and most of these are a lifetime price to use the tool unlimited so unlike a BB database where you'll have to pay every single month to access that tool
if you use app Sumo you can just pay one price for life and you can scrape as many leads as you want therefore there is no excuse for not launching a cold email machine because at this point leads are free and you don't have to worry about paying for them on an ongoing basis now if you do want to go this scraping route uh lead sniper is in my opinion the best lead scraper available again this is not sponsored by them I've just used a lot of these and this one works unbelievably well it's fast
and you get a ton of data out of it for very little work so what makes lead sniper so good well it just works every time all you have to do is input some very simple variables and it will scrape for you in real time and the data that you get is fast you you get a ton of data from it and the big thing with lead scrapers is a lot of time you just get tiny bits of data at once lead sniper will give you large large data sets so it takes a lot of
the heavy lifting and manual effort out of lead scraping which a lot of times can be prohibitive to people that are running large campaigns you want large data sets now the other thing that you can do is use IG leads. now there's a lot of push back about this platform uh because it's not available in some countries but scraping social media except LinkedIn LinkedIn easy scraping social media can be really difficult especially if you want to scrape something like Instagram or YouTube IG leads lets you scrape just about any social media platform with just a
few simple Search terms and it gives you large data sets and you can scrape basically unlimited people from these different platform so let me just show you IG leads really quickly this is kind of what it looks like on the back end they've built in these scrapers for Facebook Instagram you can scrape by hashtag keyword you can scrape LinkedIn LinkedIn groups Tik Tok Twitter Youtube it is basically all here here and if that's not enough you can also scrape real estate homeowners Market deals um you can scrape B2B contacts from their own B2B database uh
so this is a really powerful platform again not available in some countries and it is not free so the unlimited emails plan is 150 bucks per month uh so it is a monthly fee but this way you can scrape unlimited emails from social media IG leads does not know me lead sniper is not paying me to make this video this is all my recommendations from years of experiment with tools now the next option this is the last one on my little list is email finders so these are the slowest these are for people who really
want to hyper Target specific individuals at specific companies to find individual emails it's basically going to be free there's a lot of great tools out there is the gold standard so if you're not finding hundreds or thousands of emails every single month you can use to find just about anything that you want uh that's a little screenshot from above here they have a lot of more advanced features now to find an email via API if you want to work this into a zapier automation you can find them in bulk you can do
Google Sheets add-ons and there's a lot of other email finding tools as well and if you go into appsumo you'll probably find a ton as well a lot of times these are in Google extensions Chrome extensions so you can scrape it right from a website or a LinkedIn page it's really really easy to do but low efficiency for our purposes building cold email machines that email thousands of people every single day on autopilot email finders are not going to be what you need all right so some quick notes notes Here on lead data is don't
be cheap not all email providers are created equal if you cheap out and you use the cheapest email provider and the cheapest cleaning tool and you get the cheapest data your campaigns are not going to be good your your data is not going to be good if you do this your data is not going to be accurate it's not going to be enriched properly and it's going to negatively affect your whole campaign and it's not going to work and you're going to wonder why and if you email the wrong person or the right person with
the wrong information they will report you as spam you're going to be on a black Black List and your cold email campaign will stop working if your emails bounce you'll be blacklisted your cold email campaigns will stop working you must send a good email to the right person in order for this to work again if one piece one Kink on this cold email machine chain is broken the entire thing doesn't work and you're going to be sitting there sucking on your thumb wondering what the hell happened well you cheaped out and you didn't follow my
instructions on one of these aspects and that's what happened now no matter how much you pay for your lead list whether it's from Zoom info or you bought a 10-year-old list online you still need to clean your list an email cleaning tool will essentially you upload your list and it's going to Ping all of those emails it's going to send them little emails and it's going to see what happened did the email bounce back and say undeliverable did it go through okay and that email and that email res server actually got the email is it
unknown did it not bounce back or did we not get the Ping that it was delivered okay that can happen too so I'm going to show you what tools to use and what all these things mean and then finally what to actually do with with it once you get those results but you need to clean your list this is not optional you need to clean your list I don't care where you get them from before you send an email campaign you need to run your list through one of these cleaning services or use a n
native cleaning service within instantly or your sending tool granted that's going to be a little more expensive I'm going to show you how to do this Dirt Cheap couple final notes Here a clean list is about 60% valid so just know that you're not looking for like a 90% validity even the cleanest lists a lot of the emails will bounce it is hard to keep a List fully clean people change jobs or get fired all the time people change emails all the time and a lot of times these databases are wrong about the emails that
you get a lot of times they will guess at the email and they will guess wrong so no matter what cleaning toal you use expect about a 60% good rate on the results all right understanding the cleaning results and now I'm going to tell you what to do with them so a lot of times people will clean their emails and they'll be like cool I got the results now what the hell do I do with this do I only email the goods what do I do with the risky what does this all even mean so
the screenshot that you see to your right is a tool called million verifier this is what I use they don't know that I exist this isn't a sponsorship million verifier you can buy a million email credits and it's relatively affordable they make it really easy to use they've got good API so I can sync it with everything and they're fast so I can upload a list of 50,000 and have the results back in about 10 minutes now once I upload a list to million verifier they're going to give me a couple different options here they're
going to say these are good these are bad these are risky good means okay that email went through and I got a delivery success notification means it was delivered successfully that's a good email it's valid you can send it there risky is going to be into two buckets there's the catchalls and the unknowns so some email servers you send it to and it just accepts everything you don't know if it bounced you don't know if it was received you just don't know it's either a catchall or an unknown a lot of people will avoid the
riskies I'm going to show you what to do with them so you're not wasting all of this data this is a big portion of your data this risky data this catch all data this is like hello at it is our main email address that's set to accept everything but a lot of times if you email a catch all it can bounce or not get to the person that you want it to so what do you do with that do you email the catchalls the info ATS the hello ATS the support ATS these are all
catchalls and in smaller companies a lot of times these can land in the mailbox of the president or CEO and a lot of times they will get forwarded to that president or CEO in fact in my company this happens all the time we've got our staff monitoring the hello the support and when somebody is pitching us at those emails my staff won't know what to do with it they think it's interesting they send it to me and my co-founder so this can actually work quite well okay lastly the Bad Emails this one bounced back it
didn't get delivered do not send any emails to the bads take these out of your report and one thing I love about million verifier is you can actually customize the way that you download these results so in a lot of email verification systems it'll say okay cool we got it do you want to download the FL report do you want to get the goods the riskies or the bads with million verifier I can say give me the goods and the riskies or give me the goods and the cash alls not the unknowns so million verifier
Works fast you can download custom reports getting exactly what you want and it's super affordable for large large amounts of data all right real quick let me show you app Sumo uh I don't know what's going to be available by the time you get here but Reon verifier has been in here forever it's 80 bucks lifetime you can validate pretty much unlimited emails in here so there's a lot of tools in here that you can use with a lifetime license that will give you access to unlimited verification the problem typically is let's go into this
one for example it's 80 bucks but that only gets you 500 credits per day so if you're trying to upload a list of 10,000 emails you're not going to be able to do that even for Plan Three with 237 it's 2100 credits per day and 360k lifetime credits so you can use these but these don't renew every single month so this would be really good for using it with like zapier or something versus million verifier which is tried and true this is what we use as you can see we're actively using this pretty much every
day and if I come in to buy credits I'll show you exactly what this costs so I can buy 4 million credits for 1,000 bucks and get a th a million free and that is 5 million email verifications for 1,000 bucks that'll last me all year so this is literally my annual verification budget all in $11,000 which is really cheap when it comes to scaling to a very large cold email machine unbelievably affordable works really well works really quickly which is important to us and it looks like we're going to have to renew soon let's
talk about how to use your risky emails this is your unknowns and your catchalls these are typically going to be good emails in most cases because if it bounces they will put that into the bad filter so even though these can bounce sometimes typically they're going to be emails that do not bounce which means they're safe to email and a lot of times this can be like 20 to 30 % of your list in fact I'm looking through my million verifier right now and a lot of them are 35% 26% 25% this is a massive
amount of data a really expensive amount of data that it would otherwise go wasted so I actually do send to these risky emails a lot of people will tell you not to I say do it just do it this way create a separate campaign for this risky data and put the more established mailboxes in there and set it at a lower sending volume because these emails are a little bit riskier to send emails to you want to send less of them per mailbox so create a separate campaign link specific mailboxes to them and then send
that a much lower volume crank the warming up and now any risk that you're incurring you are counteracting by lowering the volume and increasing the warming it'll also give you good information for yourself as to whether or not risky data is good for you whether it's converting because risky data based on industry based on company size is different risky data for example a c C all email for a company with 500,000 employees is different than a support email for a company with five employees so this data is going to perform much differently for you based
on who you're targeting and what your offer is I would recommend breaking it off into a separate campaign specifically for the risky data turning down the sending volume to like 25 emails per day instead of 40 and then running the campaign getting some analytics getting your own information and then scaling it based on that but don't waste this risky data it is too valuable there's too much of it you should be emailing it just be a little bit more careful when you're doing that all right email verification tools I think I jumped the gun but
I already showed you some of these million verifier cheap reliable works really really well and one of the things I hate about the app Sumo tools is that I'll feed it data straight from Apollo that has all of the enriched data we've got the company size we've got the industry the job title and when it spits it back out to me it's just the emails and the validity status it cut out all the enriched stuff and that's after waiting for hours so it's just not worth it to me to use one of these cheap lifetime
deal tools because they don't work nearly as well they're slow and a lot of times they won't process the data in a good enough way million verifier tried and true works really well really affordable the last option which is also the best option is using the native cleaning tools within your software so you can skip the cleaning process all together if you just import all the data into instantly and clean it within instantly the problem here is they're going to charge you a lot more than cleaning it it in in million verifier or in one
of these cleaning tools now the benefit of using instantly cleaning tool is that as it's cleaning it it's also going to cross reference that lead with other leads that have bounced or were risky or something negative happened like a Spam trap for those leads and it's going to remove them from your campaign so in addition to the normal cleaning process that million verifier will use instantly AI will also use other data points because they've emailed everybody the people within their platform have emailed everybody and they have that data they know who not to email they
know who the spam traps are they know who the bounced emails on the riskies are so they will automatically remove those from your campaign in the cleaning process but you'll probably end up paying three or 4X what you would pay using something like million verifier all right now it's one thing to tell you about your different options it's a whole other to tell you what I do in my company so here's the workflow that I would recommend that you use to get clean emails for the lowest possible price so first you should sign up for
free on now as I already said I've got an Enterprise plan we've been with Apollo for like 4 years so we're able to export large amounts of data from them that you probably will not be able to do therefore sign up for a free plan set all your filters I'm going to walk through Apollo with you and how to use their filters appropriately and some recommended filters make sure that you tick the verified box within those filters so you're only getting verified emails then you're going to take the link copy the URL from your
Apollo filters and you're going to paste it into trusted leads and order your data from them they will then scrape the data of your filter URL as if you were to export it from Apollo yourself and then you're going to clean that list in million verifier because it's quick and it's cheap then you're going to import the good and the risky emails into instantly into separate campaigns as we just discussed this is going to save you the most money you're going to get leads for pennies on the dollar you're going to be able to do
it fast super fast and at high export volumes this is the most important thing here you want to build your machine and then essentially forget about it if you're somebody that has the resources and values time go ahead and sign up for an Enterprise plan with Apollo or you can just use instantly lead finder and Export the emails directly from instantly into your campaign and they clean it for you as you do that again this is going to cost you a little bit more but definitely an option worth looking at and while we are on
that option I may as well come into instantly now and show you their lead finder so they have their own database and it's secondhand data but the great thing about instantly secondhand data is that they clean it for you as you're importing and they only charge you for clean leads and remember their cleaning is better than most other cleaning because they're not only looking for bounces they're actually cross referencing all of the backend data that they have on these emails you can go through instant Le filters and do the exact same thing that you would
inside of another lead database but you can export it directly into your campaign without having to clean it and without having to export into a CSV file put that CSV file somewhere else instead you can just use this lead finder you can pay whatever it costs to export the leads this is again you're going to be paying more than if you were to follow my other formula but you're going to be saving a lot of time in the process so the question I pose to you on what to use when you're processing your data is
do you value your time more or your money more at this point if you value your money more then I recommend following the workflow outlined on this slide right now use trusted leads use clean it with million verifier and then put it into instantly to send cold emails if you value your time you can use the instantly lead finder it works really well you can skip a ton of steps and you can set up an evergreen Campaign which is essentially a really smart AI driven campaign so you never have to touch it ever again
and I'm going to show you how to do that in the advanced section in just a minute now I'm going to play a little walkthrough of how to actually use Apollo how to use these filters how to export your leads and then we'll come back and we'll finish this module now coming over to search this is my favorite database by far for search now I'm not allowed to actually bring up anyone's contact information during this YouTube video but I want to walk you through some of the nooks and crannies of their search function that doesn't
exist in any other lead database Apollo is the most advanc thing that I've seen by far and I'm about to show you why now a lot of the stuff that you're going to see here on the le- hand side is probably going to look familiar if you've used any other database the ones that should not look familiar are scores this will score leads based on How likely they are to convert for your business this is done using Ai and different metrics over time in order to use this you can come down here and create scores
so that that you can set different parameters that actually give them the score that's going to work for you so this is going to be based on your business I definitely recommend checking this out and seeing if you can create a score and get Apollo to actually feed you leads that meet your minimum score criteria the next one that's going to be really unique in this search function is going to be news so this will actually tell you based on any of these categories which companies which people have been featured in the news recently why
is this important because if they're getting featured in the news that means they're successful they're active and you can give them a compliment for being recently seen in the news there's a little nugget of information right there and that's one of the techniques that we use to actually get our open rates up to 90% so if I were to click receives award now you can then use that information in your cold email sequence I noticed you just received an award congratulations that person will say wow they actually did some research into our company they know
something about us I wonder what this is all about so anyway that you can personalize your email using any of these metrics is going to be a big deal you can also use news investment so so this is someone getting featured in the media for recently receiving an investment which is something that you can use if you're targeting companies that just received funding just a couple examples here of how this news function can be used and not a lot of other lead databases have this news function all right moving on to the next one that's
very unique to Apollo is signals so these are signals to Apollo that a company or a person is doing something some examples are awarder recognition new client signed up which means they're onboarding new clients new partnership meaning the company just acquired a new partnership office expansion that means the companies growing that's awesome they're cutting costs so maybe you have a service or a product that can help them cut costs if they have a new product or service so if you're a PR agency and you want to help them launch this new product or service merger
acquisition high buying intent recent funding rapid growth open two plus emails in the past week which means they're actually opening emails or new role all of these things are really good signals that you can use to build your campaigns that are going to get you lots of results and here's a couple ways that I'm using these new product or service for my PR agency when when someone launches something they're typically going to need help getting the word out and building some Authority around it that's a really good signal for us I also sometimes run this
open two plus emails in the past week combined with uson decision makers and you're going to get people that are very responsive to those cold emails all right moving on to the next really unique function that Apollo has for searching great leads is buying intent so Apollo actually knows what users are interested in purchasing it does that by scraping information on what a company is searching for from IP address so for example if people in my company are searching for management consulting companies Apollo will know that autor PR is looking for management consultants and it'll
put us in here as a low medium or high intent score for that search for that intent topic and there's a lot of different intent topics that you can choose from and I'll come in here just to show you a few now I was recently doing some lead generation work for a company that does cyber security so all my intent topics are people who are looking for firewall software antivirus software cyber security Consulting but there's a lot of different topics in here that you can choose from hundreds maybe even thousands so wherever it relates to
your business or your offering you can see companies who are searching for exactly what you do or something similar so that you automatically know that they have a need and they have a want for what you have to offer so you're not just blasting cold emails to random strangers you're targeting someone that actually wants what you have to offer okay next I'd like to share something really cool about Apollo you can come into email status and only search by verified emails this will save you a lot of money on cleaning although we still clean our
emails afterwards but this way you don't have to just export a bunch of data start sending to it without knowing that it's actually going to be good data so always search with verified emails only couple other cool functions in the search bar is going to be Technologies so what technologies are your leads actually using so for example if you are a Google ads agency and you help people improve their Google ads you can come into Technologies and see what kind of ads they're running maybe they're doing native ads let's see if they're doing Google Analytics
Google tag manager Google analytics there's a lot of different options here Google AdSense that you can look at to see what similar Technologies are they using maybe they need my software product maybe they need my service to help them with that technology so this is in a few other lead databases this Technologies function but it's really really useful so I definitely recommend testing a couple of campaigns with this Technologies okay next job postings so the way that we use this and the theory here is that if a company is looking for a publicist they're hiring
a publicist then they they probably also might need a PR agency so that's what we look for and this could be useful for recruiting agencies whatnot but if they're looking for someone to help them with marketing then there's a good chance they need someone to help them with ads or content or lead generation so figure out what companies are hiring for and then make a campaign based around that CU they probably need what you have to offer if they're looking to hire someone in that position not a lot of other lead generation databases have this
job postings function so definitely play with it all right I hope this was helpful there's also really Advanced ways here to save contacts to lists so so that you can include or exclude lists on your searches so that you don't end up hitting the same person more than once and as you can see from the top here they've got a total of 267 million contacts to choose from out of those 259 million are new to me and I have 8 million contacts in here save that I can access anytime I want all right now most
people don't use this next part in the lead search but I'm going to show you something cool come down to more filters at the bottom and there's even more things that you can choose from here so some important ones that I like to to look for time and current current role so if somebody's new to a job that might be a good time to prospect for them another cool one is headcount growth so this will show you how fast a company is growing founded year so this is if you're like an ERC company and you
need to Target companies that were founded between X and Y number of years you can actually do that right here and if you're using Apollo as a CRM you can use the engagement activity to help you actually fine-tune your CRM lastly one interesting thing about Apollo is that when you search for data and you basically export that data it will not send it it will not download it automatically atically it will send it here system activity imports and exports so these are all of my recent exports under here CSV exports this is where the data
actually goes so you can download it from here now you need to know where this is or you're going to get very confused one thing that I definitely recommend you set up before you start exporting data and this is if you're using it to export data we mostly use Apollo to get the data out clean it and then import it into instantly but you can use Apollo to never do CSV exports at all you can just keep everything right in here with the instructions that I've just given you but if you are using this to
export like we do you're going to come into CSV export settings and I typically only export contacts so I'm going to edit settings and by default it's going to have a lot of stuff selected that you really don't need which is going to make the files really big long hard to work with so go through these and check only the ones that you need so for example if you use Technologies and you need to export that information you can check that but we don't typically need that we don't need their funding info we don't need
their intent score or their Apollo ID so come in here and edit these settings to make them friendly for you to actually work with that data all right this is where most people get tripped up and after a long break I've got my new coffee cuz this part is going to get a little bit Technical and a little bit boring for some of you the technical setup is where most people get scared because they see words like servers and DNS records and dmark and dkim and they're like oh this is for coders I can't do
this this is too complicated for me in this section I'm going to make this so easy that your grandma who still uses a flip phone with three buttons to call you her husband and 91 one can figure this out with all of the services built for cold emailers this can be really really easy to do but there's also a lot of reasons that you need to be careful of those Services I recommend that if you want to take this seriously you should at least have a basic understanding of how it all works so before I
make it really easy I'm first going to make it really complicated but I'm going to try and make the complex infrastructure as simple to understand as I possibly can so here we are technical setup for dummies let's kick this thing off I'm going to make it so there is zero thinking required literally if you follow these instructions you're going to be good cold email is hard enough as it is and if you make one mistake while building your cold email machine whether it's for yourself or for clients I don't care that one mistake could cost
you your entire campaign and this is the same mistake advertisers make no matter where it is if it's Facebook ads not only does the creative have to be good the targeting needs to be good the landing page need to be good the offer needs to be good it's the same thing with cold email if one kink in the chain is bad the entire thing breaks and it takes a really talented marketer not just to understand what those different links in the chain are but when something's not working which link is it and this stuff's complicated
where I don't want you to make mistakes is in the technical setup in the infrastructure cuz this is the part that if you follow the instructions do 1 2 3 4 5 six then it's not going to you're not going to have any issues you're not going to make any mistakes with the setup the other stuff the offer the targeting the copywriting that stuff's hard that's stuff it takes creativity that stuff takes a lot of testing this does not so I do not want you to make mistakes in the technical setup in the infrastructure I
want you to follow my plans exactly do what I say and you're going to be okay if you want to take a detour because a domain is $2 cheaper there or because that guy said to use these mailboxes you're going to have problems and if you have those problems and you're not an expert you're going to be looking at a campaign with 20% open rates saying ah cold email doesn't work work I knew it and it's because you didn't follow the instructions so my call to action to you right now is make this part easy
don't this up follow my instructions and you're going to be okay if you want to be ignorant like Yoda in this Meme and take advice from nine different people and pick tools because they're cheaper or they're more convenient you're going to end up with a broken campaign and you're not going to know why so follow my instructions and just like my grandma you're going to be able to do this no problem I guarantee this is going to be so easy for you but before I make it very easy I'm going to make it really complicated
but before I make it complicated let me just tell you a little bit uh about this offer that I put together to make it easy for you to set up your whole cold email machine not worry about the infrastructure at all I'll build out the entire thing for you uh configure a domain set up your mailboxes put them in your cold email sending software all for a dollar the reason that I make money with this is because you use my affiliate link to choose your sending software of choice I also believe that if you're able
to get past this technical hurdle and get this set up then you're going to be more likely to dive in and get all the resources that you need to optimize your cold emails even more which means hopefully joining my insiders program so link to this $1 setup offer is going to be in the description with that being said let's make it really complicated understanding how it all works and as you can see on that chart on the right that's not cold email related but I'm about to draw something that looks kind of like that but
I want you not to freak out this is for people who want to have a general understanding of how cold email how email in general works if you have a general understanding of how domains work servers work mailboxes work and they all interact with each other you're going to have a much better understanding of the advice that I give you and also a better understanding of when something goes wrong have to diagnose what that thing is and then fix it all right so to demonstrate this I've got my handy dandy iPad here so I'm going
to go over here and I'm going to start drawing some stuff I really want to encourage you to try and learn this watch this part two times over I promise you it's going to be really helpful for you in the long run and if you're like ah this I don't want to learn the technical stuff make sure to save this and come back to it when you do have problems because when you have problems that's when this becomes very relevant because you're going to need to identify where that problem's coming from and how to fix
it all right here we are with the handy dandy iPad all right so when your cold emailing there's a few things that you need to understand there are servers these are things like Google Microsoft and Amazon AWS servers these are like private servers that you set up forget about and these all have trust you also have domains so these are the age of your domain the rdns is where you purchase your domain so let's just call it GoDaddy for now and the trust of your domain now you also have mailboxes these are the individual mail
boxes name at and these can be built on servers so you buy a domain on GoDaddy and then you can choose where to host that domain and create emails and send them from so mailboxes are sent from servers and to servers I'm going to call private servers AWS because in almost every case any private server company I've worked with uses Amazon web services uh private servers they build them they're brand new they don't have any trust now each of these Kinks has a trust score the the server has a trust score so if you're using
Google or Microsoft you're going to have a high trust score immediately you also get the benefit of Google and Microsoft are most of the emails that you're going to be sending emails to so if your mailboxes are set up with Google and you're sending to Google mailboxes there is a good chance that that email is going to make it through if you are a private server mailbox and you are trying to send to a Microsoft mailbox there is a good chance that you are not going to make it through unless that server and that mailbox
has really high trust now domains are pretty easy uh you want to have a domain that's aged at least 30 days that's why we recommend warming for a month and buying a domain and waiting for a month before sending cold emails that 30-day Mark is what they're really looking for but obviously the older the domain the better it's going to be the rdns don't worry too much about rdns but where you buy your domain from does matter you can save a few bucks getting your domain somewhere like cloudflare or name cheet but we recommend using
GoDaddy because it's tried and true and we've never had any issues with it uh and this will protect you from ending up on blacklists so zooming out here the technical setup with what you use here matters a lot based on what you're sending to so say you have a Google mailbox and you're sending to a Microsoft 365 email you're sending it to somebody that has a Microsoft 365 email there are Microsoft 365 servers that are receiving this email that are acting as the gatekeeper so they're going to see Google Google's trusted so there's a good
chance that that email makes it through they're also going to look at the Domain is that domain okay is that mailbox okay is the content of the email okay it's going to filter for all of those things before it lets that email through its guarded wall now what you want to do to give yourself the best possible chance of getting through that wall is is using Google and Microsoft servers because they're established they're trustworthy and chances are you're sending to one of those servers anyways you're going to want to use an aged domain bought from
GoDaddy and you're going to want to use a mailbox that has been properly warmed which means it's sent a lot of emails back and forth for two weeks or so we're going to talk a lot more about warming in this section so if you have all of these things correct there's a good chance that you make it through this wall now there's one other thing that can stop you from getting through that server wall and that is blacklists so these are third-party services like spam hos and they will set cold email traps so if you
email one of these cold email traps with a cold email they will put your entire domain they'll typically Target the domain on a blacklist so any mailbox sending from that domain will be blacklisted and will not make it through that wall so one of these third party blacklists are checked by Microsoft they'll say Okay are is that domain on a blacklist no cool yes block the whole thing you'll get zero deliverability to that server now there's like 20 of these Blacklist and I'm going to show you how to check if you're on any of them
but it's important to note that if you make it on a blacklist you can get off The Blacklist you just need to stop sending increase warming and then wait typically within 30 days if you follow the right practices you will get off of these blacklists the other thing that you're going to want to check and this is why I recommend using Google workspace to send cold email em is you're going to want to check your spam threshold so Google will tell you how many of your emails which percentage were reported as spam using Google postmaster
it's totally free postmaster go. you put in your domain authenticate it and it will tell you your spam percentage per day if you have too much spam you're going to end up on a blacklist for at least a month and you're going to have to follow the same process but at least now you know why it's because your spam threshold was high which in fact is usually the case to end up on these blacklists the other way to end up on a blacklist or to have poor deliverability is to have a domain that's not
configured correctly so let's move over here this is something that you don't want to up because this is really easy to get right unbelievably easy and I'm going to show you how to set this whole thing up so you never have to worry about it your domain needs a couple of things in order to be considered fully authenticated meaning you're own you own it it's not going to be spoofed no one's going to rip it off you need SP PF records which are email records it's just a code that goes into your DNS and I'm
going to show you how to generate that code put that code in but usually that's done automatically a dmar record and a dkm record now sometimes you need to generate these yourself I'm going to show you how to do that using a free tool in 2 seconds both of these records are used to prove that you own the email and then to protect it from spoofing there's also something called a bimy record which is a little bit harder to get you get this to protect your primary domain usually it's about5 $0000 per year you need
a trademark you should have one of these on your primary domain and there's a couple good reasons for having that one you get a blue check next to your Gmail mailbox and the second reason is deliverability if you have a Bimi record and you're delivering to a Google mailbox there's practically a 100% chance that you make it through all right I hope I didn't scare you with that chart now that you have a basic understanding of how it all works where the DNS records come into play how receiving servers work why you need to configure
it a certain way now let's talk about actually doing it in the simplest way possible now you have a couple different options when it comes to setting up your infrastructure and a lot of people will recommend different things and there are pros and cons to all of these different setups there's Microsoft 365 there's Google there's private servers there's different pricing some are easier than others I'm going to walk through each of these so you can make the decision for yourself and then I will tell you what my recommendation is both for stability for scaling and
for ease of use Microsoft 3 65 or office as it's now often referred to is a really good stable configuration and there is a good use case for using this configuration in fact we use it quite a bit in our cold emails and it's one of the first things I recommend people to do who want to set it up themselves and actually save a bunch of money there's a really good easy way to do it I'm going to show you the workflow to do that in just a second so big reason to go with Microsoft
is so far they've been the most cold email friendly provider Google's been tring trying to fight cold email for a long time they just changed the spam thresholds they're making it harder to set up more mailboxes they've been fighting warming updates Microsoft hasn't done any of those things so the longevity of Microsoft 365 so far is really good that's why I think it's got a good long-term potential but there's a couple issues with it the first is it can be really hard to set up a picture so people can't see your image when you email
them from a Microsoft Office email which is one of the awesome Pros to Google cuz if you have a picture on Google and you email another Google workspace email which is most people and most companies you'll have an image and it actually goes a long way for establishing trust and making you look like a human other Pros to Microsoft Office is for the first year it's the cheapest configuration that there is which is actually shocking because after that first year it's not the cheapest configuration but hopefully you're making enough money after the first year that
the price increase doesn't really matter so just getting started super easy to set up super affordable and you can do it all within GoDaddy with just a few clicks and no technical knowledge and I'm going to show you how to do that in just a second all right let's dive right into it it all starts in good old GoDaddy now the reason that we use GoDaddy is because they have a deal with Microsoft Office 365 where if you purchase a domain here you can get the first year of cold email for $2 per month with
Microsoft Office so I'm going to start from literally step one which is buying a new domain so I'm going to go ahead and do this for one of my entities that I own and one of my own Outreach campaigns all right good news apply stellar . is available we're going to go ahead and make this mine I'm going to follow really normal GoDaddy steps here so none of this is going to look very unique now when you're buying a domain we're going to hit no thanks here keep going it's going to offer me some upsells
now you can take it here I'm going to do no domain protection look at this Microsoft Essentials $1.99 per month and that's for the first year that is a third of the price you'd normally be paying that's $6 but when it does renew it will be the full $6 that's after the entire year so definitely important to note there there we're going to go ahead and keep continuing now you can do this after you've already purchased a domain My Method works best if you do it all at once so I encourage you to follow the
steps that I'm outlining here we're in my cart right now and now it's giving me the option to change the number of users that I want to put on Microsoft 365 Essentials I can crank this number of users up as basically as high as I want while still maintaining that discount so right now I get a Year's worth of emails for $95 for four users if this was in Gmail you were paying full price for Microsoft this would not the price I'm just going to go down to two for now and we're going to change
domain registration to just one year I can make that decision at the end of the year all right let's go ahead and complete checkout 60 bucks and I've got two emails for an entire year all right we're in business we've already purchased the domain now all we have to do is set up those email accounts and GoDaddy makes it super seamless to actually connect those emails to The Domain and set up all those DNS records just like Gmail does basically a one-click DNS setup so let's dive into that right now all right righty so it
was automatically redirected to create those new email accounts now it lets us create multiple or single it also lets you link the domains which is even more powerful this does not let you do this on Google so as you can see I've already got these three linked and I'm not going to link this one because it is a separate entity so I'm going to call them J and J Feldman I'm going to make them both admins first names we're going to set up exactly the same account type Essentials this is basically the license I'm assigning
these licenses and send account info to my master account now it's going to go ahead and create these two emails link domains do not share now let's dive into the technical aspects of this process so a little bit of a navigation thing let's talk about GoDaddy if you click on these we're right now in email and office and right now it's taking me through a checklist of what needs to get done all right J apply this is one of the ones that we just purchased let's go into manage and see what we need to
change here to start things off you'll see if few options and a lot of these are important forwarding we're going to need to set up uh set mail destination we're going to need to set up the DNS we're going to need to set up but the first thing I would say to do just because this takes a while to propagate is come down to account information click on advanced settings down here you'll see SMTP authentication and as you can see here under SMTP authentication it's currently off we need to turn this on so that we
can connect it to our cold email sending tools this is Step number one now let's go in and do some of the more the other things that we need to to talk about we're going to recheck DNS and it's going to say your DNS settings are set up properly awesome so what does that mean it automatically applied the Microsoft Office DNS to The Domain so let's go in there and check just to make sure all right so we came into the domain section if you need need to know how to get there you click on
these little dots come into domains and then manage DNS and as you can see I'm in apply Stellar right now and all of the records for Microsoft Office have already been added this is awesome so now let's go back and see what else needs to get done all right we're back in the email account let's click on forwarding and see where this takes us so J apply let's have this forwarded to right now info@ Stellar which is the main email next you can set up forwarding all you have to do is click here
and you can forward that email to anywhere that you want I suggest a Unified Inbox for whatever you have here so the next option is Google this is another incredible option this is actually what I set most of my mailboxes up with now because I work with a setup service a vendor that's able to do these for $3 per month most people use Google I'm able to use my picture I'm able to not have to go in there and do any of the technical setup myself they do it all for me they build the mailboxes
they import them they put my picture on they set up all the DNS records for the domains it makes it fast easy and cheap to use Google which is one of the most trusted servers on the market one of the reasons not to use Google is if you try and do it yourself it's going to be expensive and it can be really hard to set up a lot of mailboxes at scale by yourself therefore I'm not going to walk you through how to set up a Google mailbox yourself in this video because I just don't
recommend doing that if you're going to use Google which I do recommend Google's awesome you should use a setup service whether it's instant Lees which is $5 per month per mailbox or mine which is $3 per month per mailbox also worth noting that the time of this video and I don't think there's a single other video about this right now here's some of my recent Google mailboxes you can go to add new in instantly and they will do the done for you Google setup for you you can they'll purchase your domains they'll set up your
mailboxes and it's only $5 per month per mailbox now this is a lot more expensive than my setup service but this is really easy to use in instantly now if you do want to use my setup service it's only $3 per month per mailbox with a $5 setup fee per mailbox but that's a onetime fee so it's actually a lot more affordable than instantly and you get to work with my team directly all right now let's talk briefly about private servers there's a lot of companies that have come into the market in the past year
that make it really easy and seamless and they use Ai and algorithms to launch private servers configure them for called email and then set up mailboxes at scale for you so you don't have to do any thinking a couple of these companies are infr maale and male Forge so these are two companies that I've talked about in previous videos the problem with these companies is that they're launching virtual servers usually with AWS these virtual servers don't have any trust they're brand new and they don't belong to Google or Microsoft so when they're sending emails into
those receiving Google and Microsoft servers they don't have any advantage for getting through they're much more likely to be blacklisted and you can not only Blacklist a domain you can Blacklist an entire server which is only really possible if you're using a private server you can't really Blacklist a Google or a Microsoft server you can but there's so many of them and it doesn't matter they'll just use another one private servers can be blacklisted so you can sign up for infr mail launch a thousand mailbox es and the whole server can go down overnight now
with that being said these Services make it really quick and easy to launch mailboxes by domains set up mailboxes in seconds without any thinking once they've built the mailboxes they give you a CSV file with all the information you need to import into instantly or reach inbox or smart lead so you can upload a 100 mailboxes into your instantly with the click of a button the pros is it's super automated it couldn't be any easier to launch cold email mailboxes with these servers now the negative about using services like this is the new servers need
to be warmed a lot more they're highly sensitive the entire thing can be blacklisted if you're a beginner I do not recommend that you use these servers for your cold email with that being said here's an example of how to buy domains and set up mailboxes using infr mail and mail Forge works very similar and on here you can buy domains migrate domains and set up unlimited cold email mailboxes using a private server so I'm going to walk you through the first setup buying a domain domain on infil and setting up that domain all within
infil so as you can see it takes you through these steps this will take a couple of minutes I'm going to walk you through each one first we're going to use AI to generate domains so I'm going to say cold email as my main keyword and I want it to generate three domain names that I can buy all right let's go with cold Emil so I'm going to remove the other two and I'm only just going to buy one for today it's $16 a month this is about the same that you're going to pay
for domains just about anywhere so we're going to go ahead and pay for this domain now now it literally walks you through each step and does everything for you one of the hardest parts about getting into cold email as a beginner was the technical setup was so difficult infr mail has taken this entire setup off of your hands they automate the entire thing and they save you a ton of money now as you can see it's adding all of the DNS records for you so you don't have to worry about dmar or dkim so I'm
going to go ahead and pick the tracking domain platform that I'm using instantly as my primary but right now I'm going to set up on reach inbox it's going to actually set up that tracking domain for me right now it's setting up a DeMark record now the domain is all configured now it's time to set up the mailboxes so I'm going to use AI again to generate those mailboxes I'm going to set up three mailboxes per domain the name obviously J Feldman I'm going to copy and paste that into each one and then the email
ID needs to be different so we're going to use J we're going to use J.F and we're going to use lgj for lead genj and save I'm going to generate the passwords automatically because we never have to log into these mailboxes so honestly it doesn't matter now it is creating those mailboxes for me if you want to use mail forwarding you can set that up right here super easily I like to use the uni box so I'm going to go ahead and Skip set your domain redirect to your primary domain and hit set would you
like to turn on warm-up automatically yes how many warmup emails do you want to start with 10 I configure these manually on my own after I import them anyways so this doesn't really matter to me all right now it's going to spit out a CSV file that I'm going to download so what do you do with this C SV file I'm glad you asked let's come into my reach inbox and show you just how easy it is to import these mailboxes so let's come into drag and drop CSV file I'm going to put that new
one right here and it's going to automatically match all of those fields from the CSV file so let's go ahead and upload these and this is cemil three new mailboxes are connected we're not done but look how easy that was that's absolutely unbelievable so I'm going to select all of the code email emails right now cuz there is one thing that it does not do for you so you need to be sure that you actually do this step let's select the ones that we just uploaded and let's bulk edit them so what it
does not do for you is input the custom tracking domain it will create it for you so it exists but we need to actually come in here and put that custom tracking domain inside of these mailboxes all right so as you can see it's there it's verified and now we are all done these mailboxes are warming now you can come configure these however you you want but there is one other thing that I want to show you within INF for mail so that's pretty insane right you can do that with as many mailboxes as you
want three mailboxes per domain and we're not paying monthly for these mailboxes we're only playing the annual fee for that domain now if you know anything about cold email normally Google mailboxes or Microsoft mailboxes are like six bucks per month per mailbox so that would be $18 per month to run those three mailboxes but now I can do as many domains as I want and create as many mailboxes as I want so really incredible stuff so one thing that a lot of people don't realize is that where you buy your domain actually matters so buying
a domain from GoDaddy is actually more Authority more trust than buying it from outside sources so in this case I just bought a domain from GoDaddy uh I'm not going to walk you through how to buy a domain on GoDaddy because that's easy but I just bought lgj Le so I'm going to import this into infil so you can actually buy your domains in GoDaddy and import them just as easily as what we just did so let's come into domain migration put our domain name in here and it is going to charge me $5
to migrate it it's five bucks one time who cares all right now same thing it's setting up all of the records it's setting up that domain for you so that you don't have to worry about any of the technical setup now with domain migration there is one little thing that you have to do and I'm going to show you how to do it it's going to take a couple of minutes but I do recommend actually purchasing your domains and GoDaddy and then migrating them over it's also 12 bucks to buy it in GoDaddy and then
five to migrate it over over so it ends up being about the same price let's speed through all the steps that you just watched all right now here's the one difference between doing domain migration and buying domains on infomil so as you can see once I reach the end step I get that same file so I'm going to go ahead and download that but the other important thing here is the name servers you are going to have to go into your GoDaddy and replace your current name servers with these so how do you do that
let's come into Go Daddy and then you're going to come into your domain link and you should see this so let's find the domain and you're going to edit DNS records this is really easy to do it takes two seconds so you're going to come into your name servers change name servers I'll use my own name servers and then you're just going to copy and paste the ones that INF for mail gives you into your GoDaddy they're pretty quick and this happens in minutes typically now it says your request is in process this can take
hours so if you see things not working working just wait and try again all right so let's go ahead and upload these into reach inbox again so add new mailboxes are connected remember this is lgj lead now we can go ahead and add that custom tracking domain and we are done how easy was that to set up six mailboxes without spending a single Dollar on the mailboxes all right now that we're on the same page with setting up mailboxes here are some of the specifics that you need to know to do it correctly don't
this up you're going to want to set up three mailboxes per domain so if you have one domain that's Leen and make sure it's a secondary domain you want your domain to be different but similar to your primary domain you're going to create three mailboxes under that domain so 12 bucks for the domain three for each mailbox that's $9 per month per domain if you're using your your own name so for me J it's going to be J J Feldman at j. Feldman at that's three you can do that for all of your different
domains now each mailbox should not send more than 50 cold emails per day now here's where a lot of people get tripped up because you're going to be sending 50 warming emails and 50 regular emails keep the warming on and if you're doing 50 and 50 then it will be 100 per day never go over 50 cold emails per day that is not including warming now what I recommend if you can and if you have the money is start really low start at like 20 Cold emails per day and then cool you're getting good results
scale to 30 getting good results scale to 40 still getting good results stop 50 is the higher limit of what I would recommend so I would recommend having more mailboxes sending less emails each that will give you the best chance of keeping your spam thresholds low and the good longevity for your campaigns what names do you use for your mailbox if you're me and you Google Jay Feldman or lead Jen J there's a lot of stuff there on Google so I'm able to use that as social proof in my cold emails if you don't have
that or if you have a name that triggers suspicion in your cold emails maybe your name's Adolf you might you might want to not use the name Adolf for lots of reasons instead you should reach for a name that inspires trust in the person receiving the email now We've ran lots of tests on this and if you're not going to use a Founder name that has Brand recognition what you should do is use a white girl name something like Sarah or Rachel I don't know why but white girl names just seem to convert better so
that's what I would recommend if you're not using a Founder name all right mailbox forwarding should you forward all of your incoming cold email responses to a single mailbox there's some reasons to argue yes there's some reasons to argue no and I will go through these and then I'm going to give you my recommendation so we actually got into some trouble with our cold email machine because we were doing this we were forwarding all of the responses to all of our cold emails to our primary inbox hello the reason being is because we had
a Bimi record so it had a blue check uh and it was going really well it was just in that mailbox everybody was managing a single mailbox it was really easy to do but then it started causing some problems we got our primary domain on one of these blacklists but we're like why we have a Bimi record how can we end up on a black list and these people are responding they're interested I'm going to tell you exactly why and then I'm going to show you what exactly to do all right this is the reason
that you shouldn't do mailbox forwarding and do what we were doing so you've got your cold email this is the mailbox that you set up to send cold emails and you're sending it to a lead now that lead is either going to not respond and if they are interested they will send a positive response back to that same mailbox and then they've opened up that line of communication now you can send them whatever you want videos code images links once they've opened up that line of communication they've said yes now you can have a conversation
with them here now here's where it becomes a problem you send that same cold email to that lead and they send a positive reply opening up that line of communication and then that reply is forwarded to your central mailbox where you're managing all these replies from now even though they're interested the lead did not open up the line of communication with this email address that line of communication is not open so when you reply to them from that primary mailbox this is a cold email again that line of communication is not open so all of
those same rules here apply to that interested reply that's why this does not work and it can get throttled that's why I don't recommend doing this even if you have really high Trust on this Central mailbox even if you have a Bimi record because if you don't open up that line of communication properly and you're reported as spam you can have a lot of problems with that primary mailbox now there is one other issue that you might run into with mailbox forwarding and this is going to seem like the best option to you it makes
a lot of sense especially if you're a Google user you want to respond to everybody in your Google inbox it feels native but one other thing might occur and this might not occur until later on but let me show you what I experienced in my company there are receiving limits for mailboxes and the receiving limits are absurdly high 60 emails per minute 300 3,600 emails per hour or almost 87,000 emails per day now this seems like a lot of emails you're how could you possibly receive this many emails well let me show you how it's
actually easier than you think and then once you hit these receiving limits all of the emails that you get from that point on will enter some kind of virtual cue that you can't access no matter who you talk to or where you go and that virtual queue may or may not deliver to your emails and you're going to lose a lot of emails if you hit these limits so let me just show you a basic calculation on what hitting these limits actually looks like all right so we're trying to get to 86,000 emails per day
so say you have a th000 mailboxes that's sending 50 warming emails per day that's already 50,000 emails just with warming alone so now let's say you have 100 or 1,500 emails sending 70 emails per day you're getting 70 replies per day so 50 warming plus 20 regular replies you just blew past the limit now I know, 1500 mailboxes seems like a lot but it's really not that many as you start to build and scale and it's probably not going to be an issue for you right away but it became an issue for us as we
saw cold email was working we leaned into it and we scaled up and the whole time all of the mails were forwarding to one primary mailbox so we ended up hitting this limit and throttling all of the email emails that were coming in to our email address this problem took us a long time to solve and we ended up going to solution number two which was not forwarding all of the mails to a single mailbox instead what we are now doing and what I advise you to do for these specific reasons and I wanted to
explain the problem with the mailbox forwarding even though it feels like an awesome solution and the setup services are going to offer mailbox forwarding don't do it and the solution is don't forward the emails it's use the uni box the uni box that's going to be built into to instantly or smart lead or reach inbox so what this uni box does is it actively syncs with all of the different mail boxes that are connected to your email sending platform to identify emails and bring them over to instantly so that you can respond and manage the
emails from there now there's some downsides with that but we're going to talk all about the uni box in that section for right now let's go back into talking about the infrastructure here all right so going back into infrastructure let's talk about buying domains now I already kind of touched on this but please use GoDaddy it's the most trusted domain register it's 12 bucks per domain so it's really not that expensive in fact if you're using mail Forge or in for mail to buy your domains they'll usually charge you around $15 to register that domain
and it won't even be the most trustworthy register so please use GoDaddy it's tried and true your domain should be similar to your primary domain so for example if my company is otter I want to buy domains that are similar to Otter domains like my or get and I'm going to show you how to use the tool seen on your left to identify what those similar domains are that are available now the other important thing to note here is that the names should be clean I'm talking no more than three words
in a domain no hashes no weird symbolism no numbers anything that looks sketchy that looks like a spammy domain is going to be treated as spam now I talked to Daniel with wary about this does. do the hashes have any actual effect on deliverability and the answer is no they don't have an effect directly but they do have an indirect effect for example if I email you from J 295 otter prore and you receive an email from jth domain what are the chances that you're going to treat that as a real company that's
emailing you you're probably not your red flags are going to be waving and your body your mind's going to be screaming this is Spam don't trust it report it as spam don't even reply to it so no the do doesn't really have an effect but it does have an effect on how you interpret that domain the trust that you associate with that domain that's the same reason that one-word domains like acquisition. comom are so powerful because they instill immediate trust and that same principle applies to cold email all right here's some domain hacks you
can use mail to find available domain they built a great tool where you input your primary domain and it will use AI not only to come up with a bunch of secondary domains that are similar to your primary domain but it will also run those through a domain register to show you which ones are available for purchase so that you're not just randomly typing into GoDaddy to see if it's available oh not available let's try the next one that can take a long time this tool is really good for really quickly generating secondary domains
and checking at whether they're available and you can use this for free even if you don't set up your mailboxes through them just sign up for an account and just use their AI domain checking tool now remember age domains are better one thing the servers will look for is when was that domain registered if it was less than a month I would wait before sending cold emails you want to wait at least a month from when your domain was registered to when you actually start sending cold emails with that domain and if you have any
domains that you've been sitting on for a while use them for cold email they'll work a lot better than ones that you just registered I guarantee it you can also try this hack and this hack isn't going to work with male Forge but hear me out people like minimalism and they trust minimalism so instead of otter and I'm thinking of a secondary domain what if it was but instead of adding something I took away I took away the pr and I take away an r or I take away an e so it's just
like it's not a real word but chances are nobody has it people will associate the shorter domain name even if it's not a real word with higher value with higher trust think about how you can misspell things on purpose or remove letters on purpose to instill more trust in that domain name remember the shorter the domain the more trust a is fine doio is fine but those can actually be more expensive so we just stick to avoid hashes it can be really tempting and so instead of otter ot- you can use this
a million ways but it actually decreases the trust of that domain and it will impact your deliverability let me quickly show you how to use mail Forge to find available domain names so once you jump inside of mail Forge you'll see a couple of things here on the left domains and mailboxes this is really the only options that you have purchasing domains and setting up mailboxes how many active domains you have how many mailbox slots you have and how many active mailboxes you have you can also create different workspaces I'm in a brand new one
right now and title them whatever you want so the first thing that you're going to want to do is create new domains now your cold email domain should be similar enough to your primary domain where if somebody sees it coming from you and they go to it and it's forwarded to your actual domain they don't really know the difference so you can also transfer in your domains by contacting them and having those domains transferred in but honestly it's easier just to create them so this creation process is so so easy so they have an AI
function where you can autogenerate domains so say I want to generate 50 domains that are similar to Otter my PR agency this AI tool will actually find similar IL domains close enough to Otter and available have not been purchased yet all right so within about a minute it generated all of these domains that are similar and it will tell me whether or not they are available or not so you don't have to search for your similar domains one by one to see if those domains are available or not now if you want them
all you have to do is add them to your cart and then purchase those domains right here so the domains cost pretty much the same wherever you buy them now for the purpose of this video I'm only going to purchase one domain I found E le J which is available and it's $13 so about the same as every other domain purchaser let's go ahead and save and continue so domain forwarding this is where you actually forward that domain to another domain so in my case my primary domain is leadjen so if somebody gets
an email from at eljen and they put that into the browser it will forward to them here so from here you're just going to have to attach some contact information for the domain every domain register does this they need to know about you so that they can register that domain to you now all you have to do is continue and purchase and voila those domains are going to be set up and they're going to show up in your acquired domains list all right configuring your domains and your DNS records now if you're using a
setup tool like mail Forge or in for Mail they'll typically do this for you if you're using GoDaddy with Microsoft Office they'll typically do a lot of this for you as well if you're using a setup service such as mine or instantly they will also do this for you but you don't want to be reliant on the setup service you want to know how to do this yourself and how to check if it's set up correctly and either way you want to know how to go into your domain DNS records know what you're looking for
create a custom tracking domain in case you ever decide to go from instantly to Smart lead you're going to need a new custom tracking domain so in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to edit your DNS records how to generate a dkm and a dmar record and how to make sure that your domain is configured correctly now easyd is a great free tool that you can use to create Demar records to create dkm records to make sure that your domain has all of the right tracking codes on it and it is
100% free just go to easyd hover over tools and you will see all of the tools available to you to really quickly generate dmar records dkim records and actually scan your domain and make sure all your DNS records are set up correctly in fact instantly does a lot of this for you as well especially with scanning and record checking there's a lot of tools in place to make sure that you don't this up now let me show you how to generate dkm records DeMark records and edit your domain DNS records cuz you're going to
need to know this all right here we are we're going to be using a tool called easyd they make it really simple and free to generate dkim records and DeMark records so that your emails are authenticated and don't go to spam so to use this tool you can go to easy demm hover over platform and then dkim record generator Demar record generator now I'm going to walk through each of these quickly but if you need information on how to do this in detail please refer to my other videos so let's start off with
the domain which domain are we actually doing this for apply [Music] to be sent to monitoring relaxed relaxed leave these as is just pick an email that these are going to go to I'm going to make it so that they don't go pretty much ever and we're going to set this to zero this will basically never send reports and then we're going to generate a record and it's going to give us this Demar record so I'm going to go ahead and copy and now we are coming back to DNS management we're going to add
a new record it's going to be a txt record the name underscore dmark the value is that dmark record that we just generated TTL I always set it half an hour or as low as possible so that it updates quickly now let's go ahead and create a dkim record dkim record generator go ahead and call it S1 I just call it S1 every time generate all right so there's a couple things that you might want to copy here first this S1 domain key let's add a new record this is also going to be a txt
record S1 domain key remember not to copy this apply domains a lot of people will hear that or they'll see see it in their cold email sending tool and be like what the hell is this do I need it how does it apply now a custom tracking domain is a DNS record that you put inside of your domain register and it corresponds to the C email sending tool that you're using so if you're on instantly which I I hope you are you'll create a custom tracking domain specifically pointed at instantly instantly will then be
able to use this custom tracking domain to insert tracking codes on your emails and these tracking codes are used for a few things first one is open analytics red analytics link click analytics it's also used for generating unsubscribed links which is absolutely necessary for cold email now if you don't have a custom tracking domain instantly or whatever platform you're using will use their own tracking domain and this is a problem for a few reasons the main reason that this is a problem is because email servers will recognize this tracking domain as instantly and automatically know
that it's a cold email so if you have your own tracking domain in there incoming mail servers have no idea where this email came from who delivered it because instantly is directly integrating to your Google or your Microsoft and all it's doing is telling Google to send a cold email there instantly is not leaving any Footprints if it was then email servers would be able to quickly identify this is coming from instantly it's a cold email we should block it and you don't want to give mail servers any reason to do that that's why your
custom tracking domain needs to be there so you're not using instantly domain and it doesn't get blocked so it's not up for discussion you need it do not send C emails without a custom tracking domain it will massively decrease your deliverability you need to add a custom tracking domain to each of your domains that you're using for called email now there's a important help section that you can check out here if you don't know how to add a custom tracking domain you'll do this in your DNS records in your domain management it's actually fairly quick
and easy all right so now that you understand how to configure your domains you've made DNS records simple you've know all the tools and how to check them here's what I recommend that you do my recommended setup this is what I do for myself and what I teach my Insider students inside of my program buyer domains on GoDaddy use my setup service to set up your mailboxes it's $5 per domain and $3 per month they're really not going to beat that in terms of price and I'm able to control for all variables meaning I know
the domains are set up correctly I know they're managed correctly and if you need any help my team can help you out with that being said feel free to use instantly service if you want to use theirs it's five bucks per domain they've got great support too or feel free to set it up your yourself using Microsoft Office but if you're weighing the pros and cons you want something that's cheap and fast that way you're able to scale appropriately and setup service is cheap and fast the setup service will also import all of the mailboxes
into instantly for you set up the custom tracking domain and warm them all you have to do is worry about the leads and what you're going to say to them you want to keep this as simple as possible remove any opportunity for your infrastructure to geted up cuz remember the other stuff is the hard stuff the other stuff like the offer the targeting the copywriting that takes creativity that's where you should be up that's where you should be optimizing and continuously getting better where you shouldn't take any risk is the infrastructure pay the setup fee
buy the domains just do it right it's fast it's easy in fact it's never been faster and easier than it is right now now you might be able to save a few bucks using cheaper domain registers using infr mail to set up a 100 mailboxes for $99 per month yeah there are cheaper options but it opens your machine up for a lot of vulnerability and a lot of bad things to happen and these things will happen to you you might not think they will happen to you you might think you're really good and these private
servers are going to work well because you've been warming them for a long time and you're sending good cold emails but I promise you it's going to come back it's going to bite you right in the butt all right quickly again uh this is how the setup service works you go ahead and start a $1 subscription and then on the next page you're going to tell us how many mailboxes you want uh you're going to get charged that setup fee and the mailbox fee uh it's going to be set up using G Suite um all
of the DNS and tracking demands are going to set up be set up for you and we're going to go ahead and install it in instantly by the way guys I don't make any money on that this is literally just to support my students and if too many people start using it I'm probably going to have to change the price so take advantage of it well you can all right taking a big sip of coffee I recommend you do the same stretch it out get comfortable we're getting close to the end here there's a final
couple chapters of this Master Class by the way if you're getting value from this m master class so far please like this video thumbs up I've sat at this desk for a long time making it for you uh so if you do appreciate it and you're getting value from this video give me a thumbs up leave your comment below thanking me it means a lot and send this to somebody in your company or that you do business with that might also find Value and if you want to see more master classes like that long videos
that cover everything I know on a subject please let me know in the comments what you'd like to see a master class on and I might do your idea next all right let's talk about perfect C cold email delivery the cold email sending software setup and configuration now this is where a lot of people will butt heads on the best tool the best configuration and there's really only a couple good options here so up until now a lot of it's been creative freedom what do you offer who do you target what do you write in
your copy a lot of that's not really up for discussion it's really up to you to test and find the thing that works this is fine-tuning things picking the right tool a lot of tools will do the same thing in my opinion you don't want to with your tool now of course I have a favorite tool and I'm going to tell you what my favorite tool is and why no one is sponsoring this video no one knows that I'm making this video no one's paying me to promote one tool or the other this is literally
what I do in my business the tools that I use so even though I have affiliate links and I hope you use them to support me and the channel it helps me make videos like this and release them for free please know that I am not being paid to promote anything that I am talking about in this video which is much different than affiliate links all right so this chapter is really going to bring it all together up until now you've discovered who you're going to be targeting you've gotten all of their email addresses you
have them in a big list and you're ready to reach out you've set up your infrastructure your cold email mailboxes and you're ready to go you've written your seven-step email sequence and you're ready to start sending cold emails now you need to put it all together and you need a tool that's going to support your long-term vision and make it as easy as possible for you to maintain your cold email sequence to scale it and also to interact with all of your leads remember when I said people but heads on software well this is where
I'm going to run through the top tools that I would recommend the biggest names in the game and I'm going to show you why and why not you should choose one or the other Choose Your Weapon again I'm going to reinforce not sponsored none of these people are paying me to make this video or to go one way or the other I have tested all of the top Tools in this industry and probably a hundred of the tools beneath them there's a reason that I put these as the top three and I'm going to tell
you the reasons and which one I recommend with that being said all of these tools are good all of them will work you can use any of these three or probably 10 other ones that have been around for a lot longer that's not the point the point is you need a tool that's right for you I'm going to help you choose that tool not sponsored instantly. a this is my personal favorite this is the one that you see in all my videos CU I'm actually using this one for my own business it's the best in
class right now if you're choosing a cold email software to use today I recommend choosing instantly AI for the reasons that I'm about to go into first the reason why you might not choose instantly AI it can get expensive especially if you want to import large lead lists and let it run on autopilot instantly charges you based on how big your lead list is so if you have a 100,000 leads that you want to import into a campaign it's going to be several $100 per month to use this tool but if you want to start
small and you've only got 5,000 leads that you want to start with it's only going to be $34 to start so it can get expensive as you scale the number of leads and I'm going to show you a workaround so that you can remove leads and add new ones as you scale your machine now things I really like about instantly that I think put it at the very tippy top of this list is one really strong cold email warming so you can sync as many mailboxes as you want and the warming pool is really healthy
again warming is not easy I'm going to talk about warming in just a second but just know that sending tools or warming tools are going to actually be counterproductive to building Trust on the mailbox instead of helping you the going to hurt you instantly does a really good job with their warming and I think that is Paramount to choosing the right sending tool number two and three I'm going to kind of lump together support and bugs instantly has done a really good job building strong support strong strong knowledge bases and fixing all of their bugs
fast instantly almost never has bugs anymore which is more than I can say for some of these other tools but you do not want your cold email sending tool to be bugging out on you it might sound like a simple operation to build one of these tools but it is not mailboxes getting disconnected them not syncing correctly with your mailboxes so you don't know what's in that mailbox what was sent what was received emails delivering with weird code and formats and fonts and colors that don't match there's a lot of weird that can happen with
a cold email sending tool so you might be tempted to reach for a cheap one but just know there's a lot of little places that this can go wrong and up your entire campaign instantly is also doing the best that I've seen at developing and adding new features that feature that I showed you earlier with the Google mailbox setup that's brand new that was released this week they're constantly innovating staying on top of the competition integrating AI in ways that nobody else is so that's why ioint you guys to instantly and if you do want
to use this please use my affiliate link it does support the channel uh and again this is not sponsored but I do use this tool and I would appreciate you using my affiliate link linked below next up is reach inbox new kit on the Block I did a video about them recently cuz they had an awesome lifetime deal uh ton of people bought them I bought a ton of them and I've been using them and watching them develop and talking to their leadership they're new but they're powerful they've imitated a lot of what instantly AI
is doing and they're improving on a lot of it too so some of the features Within Reach inbox actually are better than instantly AI such as their mailbox Management in reach inbox you can export all of your mailboxes at once you can visualize the utilization of the mailboxes when you're adding them to campaigns and as you get into the nitty-gritty you'll really start to see these develop but they're developing fast and they're doing an awesome job and some of their plans for adding AI I think are going to be awesome and they're already doing it
you can write full AI emails they're doing AI personalization they're actively building and they're trying to be the best and they've got a great Dev team but with that being said because they're new the support is a little lacking and they're a little bit buggy in a few areas and there's just a few things that they just haven't figured out that make it a little bit annoying to use as an example if you're trying to reply to somebody in the reach inbox uni box you copy and paste a link so you have to link something
every time manually you can't use Snippets so like predetermined responses that make it really easy to use a uni box their uni box kind of sucks right now now the benefit of reach inbox is that they're super affordable so as opposed to instantly where you have to pay large sums of money for importing lots of leads Within Reach inbox you can do unlimited active leads for $99 per month and that will get you 250,000 monthly email so they are still way under priced compared to instantly so if you want to upload a large lead list
and let this run on autopilot you can do that for $99 per month so this is right now the most costeffective email sending platform by far and just going back to compare that to instantly which is still I believe the best and I think you should use this if you can afford it then you should know that if you want to import large lead lists this one's for 25,000 active leads it's $97 per month if you want a 100,000 active leads you're going to be paying almost $400 per month which can be a lot when
you're just starting out but again if you're just starting and you want to go slowly you can do a thousand active leads for $37 per month and have the best inclass tool so it's super accessible but definitely restrictive if you have large lead lists now let's talk about smart lead this is a solid tool all around and definitely one of the top competitors to instantly right now also relatively new to the game and all around got nothing bad to say about it some really good things to keep in mind with smart lead is if you're
already using clay which is a powerful tool for enriching data for running AI prompts smart lead just directly compatible so if you're already using clay consider using smart lead if you're not using clay there's a much cheaper alternative called data set uh and I would recommend not using clay now with smart lead they offer most of the same things and the same pricing structure as insulin they do a really good job they're not buggy they've got good support uh but I don't believe they're keeping up with instantly terms of functionality so let's go and check
out smart lead quickly and some of their pricing all right smart lead AI so we're looking at something very similar to instantly here their $94 per month plan has 30,000 active leads and it's it's essentially the same business model and the same pricing structure as instantly and if you're just getting started you might want to consider their basic plan it's about double as much uh leads as you can do with instantly but it's just not as powerful and I'm going to show you why now really important guys you can go on appsumo right now and
in fact I will do it with you just to show you how many cheap beta cold email sending tools there are so we're in appsumo and I see two right off the top I see sales blink and I see mistria which is another popular one that's been on here a few times and I also want to note instantly was on appsumo at one point so was reach inbox so it's not to say that these tools aren't great it's to say that these tools aren't great yet even though I bought a lifetime deal to reach inbox
before it was ready it is still not my default cold email sending tool I bought it in hopes and they are they're living up to the reputation that they're going to develop and be just as good and I'll be able to replace instantly which I'm paying thousands of dollars a month for with reach inbox once they get to that point but they are not yet you do not want to around with your cold email sending platform if you choose the wrong one where you try and save money on a tool that's in beta that's one
more kink in the chain one more reason that your cold email machine might not work so my call to action to you is don't cheap out on your cold email tool I would reach first for instantly because it's tried and true I've used it for years now and they just keep improving and getting better and better and they've never given me a reason to switch to a cheaper alternative because they've made me so much money and they continue to innovate and give me reasons to stick around and be excited about the platform all right now
in this section I'm going to walk you through how to actually set it all up integrate everything and use your cold email sending tool and the first thing is mailbox management actually importing your mailboxes into instantly I'm I'm just going to refer to your cold email sending tool as instantly AI I'm going to assume that that's what you're using that's what I recommend but if you're not just substitute instantly for any of these other tools the processes the user interface is going to be relatively the same so all these platforms let you import in bulk
mailboxes from private service these are smtps so for example if you're using infr mail and you're exporting a CSV file with your mailbox you can import that CSV file into instantly if you're using a setup service they will import it for you if you're doing them on Microsoft Office all you have to do is log into your Microsoft Office email using instantly and boom your email address is going to be integrated and you can start warming and sending cold emails now for mailbox management you also want to use this to test your DNS records instantly
is not only going to be able to scan your DNS records and look for anything that's wrong you're also going to be able to test deliverability and get much bigger report reps from instantly now make sure that you're tagging your mailboxes so you know where they're built who made them when they were started you can use different tags to keep track of all your mailboxes so that you have more information about them as you're going through them as you're adding them to campaigns make sure to use these tags it's a new feature and it is
really really helpful lastly make sure that you're checking up on these every day to monitor your mailbox Health you want to make sure that all of your mailboxes are healthy and if they're not you remove them from campaigns and try and figure out what is is wrong all right here's a couple mailbox hacks for you you can set up your signatures in bulk so you don't have to do it in each individual campaign you can do it in the mailbox level and you can do it all at once I'm going to show you how to
do this in just a second but the second hack is that you don't need a custom tracking domain for every single mailbox you don't need a different one I mean now the second hack is that you don't need different custom tracking domains for all of your mailboxes you can use just one so if you're setting these up yourself you can get away with using one single custom tracking Dom Dom and applying it to all of your mailboxes remember the name of the game here is just don't use instantly custom tracking domain it doesn't matter which
one you use but yes if your custom tracking domain gets burned you just replace it with another one as long as that custom tracking domain is healthy you can use it for all of your mailboxes you don't need to make a new one for each of your domains let's talk for a second about mailbox warming if you've never heard about mailbox warming before this is the process of exchanging emails between different mailboxes to boost the authority of those mail boxes they are artificially generated usually AI written emails that are being exchanged automatically within instantly network
of mailboxes so for example I've got 10 mailboxes in my instantly account and you've got 10 mailboxes in your instantly account I'm going to send you emails automatically and you are going to remove them from spam mark them as important and reply to 30% of them and then I'm going to do the same thing for you these are good signals to email deliverability servers that that mailbox is sending good email emails that are getting opened that are being removed from spam so that they should not send those emails to spam when it goes to an
actual recipient now important thing to know is that Google is really good at detecting email warming and they're getting better and better so it's up to companies like instantly to continuously innovate and get better and better at email warming now I'm going to walk you through the settings that you want to use in your email warming but just know this is something that you do need to do to maintain strong sender reputation and reduce the amount of spam that you're getting reported so for example say you're sending a 100 emails per day 60 are warming
and 40 are real cold emails if two of those 40 people report you as spam that's 8% spam threshold that's a ton of emails but if it's two out of 100 now it's only 2% so this is how warming changes the percentages of spam and makes it a lot easier to send cold emails without getting blacklisted another note keep warm-up running always a lot of people will teach you to turn it off once you start sending cold emails never turn it off by turning it off you are increasing the percentage of spam by keeping it
on you're lowering that percentage of spam I'd rather you send 200 emails per day and 150 warming than send 20 Cold emails per day with none warming important to note Google and Microsoft can detect bad warm-up emails and penalize you this is why it's really important to use highquality warming services and high quality sending services this is why I don't recommend using a tool like reach inbox because there's so so new their warming Pool isn't good their warming practices aren't optimized in most cases and this you can apply to just about any new cold email
sending tool use the best-in class if you want to warm now here's a little workaround if you feel like using reach inbox you got a lifetime deal but you want to follow my advice and not warm with them you can get an unlimited plan at instantly upload all your mailboxes there there and warm them in instantly and then send them using reach inbox this is something that you can do it's worth looking into but it adds a layer of complication if you're going to do that I recommend just paying the money and use instantly all
right let's do a quick instantly mailbox walk through for you so you can see what I mean here's my new instantly account that I just made as you can see these tags here these are new They just added this it is super useful so when I come into one of these mailboxes this these are the warm-up settings I want to keep this enabled and here you're just going to be able to monitor your mailbox Health how many warm-ups were received how many were sent how many are in spam uh and if you're having anything bad
go on you'll see it here it'll be red so let's go into my settings this is what I meant by adding the signature at the mailbox level you want to put it in here and you want to tag these as Google so these are Google these are set up by someone named Zan this is where you'll put that custom tracking doain domain in again if you have a setup service they will do this for you so warm-up filter tags are tags that you can use to filter out warmup emails if you're doing the forwarding thing
which I recommend that you do not do now warm warmup settings this is really what I wanted to show you here increase per day you want to do slow warm-up so don't tick this box especially with new mailboxes I like to increase a little bit faster I send about 48 uh warm-up emails per day advanced settings I like to warm up every day especially when I'm just getting started and then I might turn it to weekdays only but for now I turn all the advanced settings on and by the way you need to be upgraded
to their $99 per month or something like that plan in order to use these Advanced warm-up settings and and you can edit these in bulk so if I wanted to add tags to all 42 of these I can come in and bulk edit it's going to show everything blank but it's going to overwrite whatever I put in here so the account signatures the tags if you want to tag everything or put the same account signature on everything you can do this All in bulk and you can add custom tracking domains in bulk whatever you want
but it makes it really easy to set up mailboxes very fast all right now say I want to add a new mailbox you're going to go ahead and click add new this is where the done for you domain setup with instantly is again it's $5 per month mine's three but this I'm sure they do a really nice job uh so here you can connect to new email accounts so it's going to walk you through it step by step in fact um I'll go ahead and play a walkthrough video after this to show you how to
integrate Gmail and office um but what I wanted to show you here is bulk importing through IMAP so office is simple you'll use your username and password that you created for that email address it's going to integrate it automatically nice and easy peasy if you are setting up with infr mail or mail Forge you can import from a CSV here and it will import all of those mailboxes for you automatically now one cool thing that you can do here is make sure that your DNS records are correct so test domain setup it's going to scan
these all to make sure that my setup is correct I'm not missing a dmark or a dkim record anywhere if I am it will show me there's going to be a big red flag somewhere on one of these emails but all the health scores 100 none of these emails are hitting spam these are good health healthy emails there's a few different options here Gmail Office 365 or you can connect other providers using SMTP now depending on which platform you use to set up emails they do a great job of walking you through each step such
as enabling IMAP and then choosing a method to authenticate your email each provider is a little bit different but Office 365 is the easiest it's a username and password and you're in all right now setting up your email campaigns in instantly the first thing you want to do is make sure that you have a good lead list it's ready to go because before you can actually set up the campaign and write the emails in your sequence you're going to need to have that list uploaded the reason for this is that so you can actually use
the variables instantly or whatever you're using isn't going to know what those variables are until you import them so the first thing you're going to do is import your list and then you're going to want to set up that sequence with AB testing as many AB tests as you can possibly come up with for that first campaign you're going to schedule the campaign to be active for at least 5 days per week most cases six and it's only going to be active for a human range of time usually 10 to 11 hours per day the
name of the game here is make it seem human for example you don't send on Sundays you're only sending 50 to 60 emails per day with a gap in between and you only send for 8 to 10 hours per day this is like a human employee you want it to seem like a human employee then you're going to want to configure your options and I'm going to show you how to do that in just a second the other thing I want to walk you through here is how to use subsequences these are extremely powerful and
they are only available in instantly AI I love to use these things because they take all of the manual labor of replying out of cold email I'm going to show you how to set these up but essentially you can put leads into new sequences if they respond in a positive manner or if they use specific trigger words all right so now we're in an old campaign that I tested this one has a subsequence which is why I'm showing it to you okay so the first thing we're going to do is come to campaigns you're going
to come into leads and upload your lead list whether that's a CSV file you can use lead finder to import them automatically or you can use Google sheet I typically just upload via CSV uh and if you follow the instructions earlier you'll know how to get all of these leads for rock bottom prices Pennies on the dollar so you're going to import them and you're going to have all of this data on your leads this brain button AI prompts is unbelievable and I'm going to show you how to use this in the next module but
for now just import your leads so that we can start creating our sequence so you're going to take what you wrote for your cold email copy and you're going to put it here in instantly now one of the things that you can do because I discovered this kind of recently is instead of putting your signature every time right there you can go ahead and add signature and you can do this in every email instead of putting your actual signature in every email saves you some time makes it much easier to replicate so you're going to
set up your sequence all of these are split tests and if you want to add more variants you can do so here just click add variant and then create the variant here and it's going to automatically alternate between these different variables until you get the best result as you can see my step two nudge my step three email and in this one I was trying to reach out to as many people as possible so I only did three steps here but if you wanted to extend it all you have to do is Click add step
and you can add as many steps as you want either as bumps or as new emails Al together and then as many variance as you want and now the reason you need to upload leads first is if I click on this I want to access all of those variables so that I can put them into my sequence and use them in the cold email now another note here really important before you start sending C emails is to actually preview it see how it's going to look when it's delivered and then you can actually check the
deliverability score when I click this button it's going to send a test email and it's going to get information back about that test email about your DeMark records and it's actually going to give you a lot of other information uh about the body of this email the reputation of the domain you get a lot of really good information through this email test do this every time all right so now that you've got your sequence set up the schedule so this is where you'll actually set up that schedule that we were just talking about so again
I like to go Monday through Saturday uh basically business hours 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I think this is the default schedule uh plus or minus that Saturday I like to check that uh but this will allow you to customize when you're sending cold emails and on the time zone that you're sending them you might be targeting only people in California so just make sure that your time zone coordinates with that and you can add different schedules so that you can reuse it scheduling honestly isn't the most most important thing options so this is what
I wanted to show you here this an old campaign a bunch of old emails that's why you see this so here's how you should be configuring your cold email campaigns stop sending on reply always so I always stop on auto reply keep that enabled open tracking I like to enable I also like to enable link tracking especially when you're starting now I know this adds tracking codes to all of your emails which is not the best thing for deliverability but I like this information especially when I'm getting started so when I want to run a
split test with links in it and I want to see which link is getting clicked more based on what's in that split test this needs to be on but once you have a good campaign and you've got good copy and a good offer that's working you can check this delivery optimization box this is going to turn off all tracking codes it's going to disable open tracking and Link tracking it's going to remove all code from the email to maximize deliver ability only do this once you have good information on on your cold emails it is
more important to get data about whether or not you have a good cold email than it is to optimize for delivery this is a really hard question should you just assume that it's going to work and remove all tracking codes to optimize for delivery or should you optimize based on what offer and subject line and first line and CTA are going to work I personally believe based on experience that it's more important for you to test your offer audience subject lines ctas than it is to get this little delivery boost that you will get through
removing the tracking codes I would only check this box when you're absolutely certain that you have the right targeting you have the right message you have the right sequence uh daily limit it will set this automatically based on the sending limits of your mailboxes but you can adjust this to to whatever you want all right in the advanced options this can be pretty important so I like to set 8 to one or 8 to two I don't maximize by New Leads I don't prioritize New Leads I leave that unchecked now if you're somebody that wants
to set it and forget it and you've got a bunch of split tests you can let it auto optimize your split tests based on opens clicks or replies I never use this because it's never as simple as that you're either testing for opens or you're testing for replies and different numbers can mean different things so I like to interpret all of my AB testing manually provider matching is actually really cool so if you've got a bunch of Google work spaces and a bunch of office workspaces in your email accounts this will actually match Outlook to
Outlook or Google to Google to improve deliverability this is why it can be really powerful to have a 100 Googles and 100 outlooks inside of an instantly account so it can actually match them provider to provider and give you the best results if you're emailing multiple people from the same company I like to enable company reply stop but only if you're emailing multiple people from the same company this one is an interesting one there's a lot of debate on whether or not you should insert this unsubscribed Link in the header of your email so let
me show you what this means so you may have seen this before when you see that unsubscribe link right in the header it actually is much better to have that there than somebody clicking on that spam button which a lot of people use as the unsubscribe link so I'm starting to lean more and more to actually using that unsubscribe in header but you can choose whether or not you want to do this I've actually been doing more and more of this because it makes it a more friendly email people like the option to opt out
easily so allow risky emails you never want to send to risky emails if instantly identifies them as risky so keep this off you want bounds protect on and you want to avoid sending two risky emails so those are the settings and configurations for these campaigns let's talk briefly about these subsequences that I just mentioned and this is the reason that I wanted to show you this campaign because it's got a subsequence in it so the first thing that you're going to want to do is name your subsequence and I'll just take you through the process
of doing a new one I know example is spelled wrong so what is going to put people into to this subsequence so if a lead is marked as interested so it does this automatically it can automatically categorize them as interested or you can categorize them yourself and say if they are one put them in a subsequence or if reply contains the following text so this works really well if you're asking them to say a specific trigger word like 8 million or leads then you can have it look for replies that have 8 million or leads
in it and if they say that then they can be entered into this subsequence beautiful thing about this is it will automatically put them here so it happens fast remember speed to lead the faster you can reply to somebody the better chance that you are going to have of getting that conversion now you want to leave this subject line empty so it happens in the same chain the other amazing thing about these subsequences is you can personalize it I can't wait to help company name get these leads so now it seems like you actually took
the time to personalize the reply and you did it quickly and if you're sending an attachment Now's the Time you can put attachments here you can put links here you can put videos in here they're already interested they already opened up that line of communication so here is your chance to deliver on your promise so again subsequences unbelievable they make your job a whole lot easier they automatically put people into this interested campaign so you can send four five six emails after somebody is interested to somebody that has already opened up a line of communication
with you and you can do all of this without any assistance or bdrs or you having to be in your inbox responding to people all right I hope that was helpful let's talk a little bit about campaign analytics how to monitor your campaign analytics what to look for how to check your ab tests how to determine an AB test winner and what happens if your results suddenly drop there's a lot of stuff to get into here so let's jump into campaign analytics so before I do a screen share and walk you through it let's actually
talk about what is High performing campaign and what is not so what you should look for in most cases assuming you're not emailing the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies with an absurd offer a high performing campaign what you should aim for is something that has a 70% open rate a 5% reply rate and a 2% opportunity rate this is a Hoin one it means you've hit the nail on the head you've dialed in on cold email now you're ready to scale now this might be impossible for some people depending on what your offer is depending
on what your targeting is so if these numbers look absurd to you don't worry you're just like a lot of other people who use cold email you don't need these results but you should at least aim for this which is a good performing campaign if you're getting these numbers it's a signal that you're good you can increase the spend increase the mail boxes and you will still probably make money there's a 60% open rate a 2% reply rate and a 1% opportunity rate that means one out of a 100 people that you're emailing are actually
interested in your thing they're not all buyers they're not all call book ERS but their opportunities this is a numbers game so if one out of 100 are interested and you can convert one out of two of those people into a call you're able to scale your cold email campaign and make a lot of money now low performing campaigns This Is 50 or below open rates 1% or below reply rates and a less than 1% opportunity rate now this might still be a high performing campaign if you're only emailing Fortune 500 CEOs with a $100,000
offer this might be a killer analytics for that so don't take these low performing campaign numbers and apply them broadly across every campaign that you're running there's a lot of if ands and butts there's a lot of nuance here if I was getting these results for a $100,000 offer emailing CEOs of Fortune 500 companies I would be ecstatic now campaign analytics are not the only metrics that you need to worry about instantly also gives you data not just on campaigns but on specific mailboxes so I'm going to show you how to look at your mailbox
analytics and what to do based on the results of that so are mailbox analytics important because you might have a 100 mailboxes attached to a specific campaign and some of those mailboxes might be blacklisted they might be reported as spam and that specific mailbox maybe five 10 of them within that campaign are causing a lot of problems so I'm going to show you how to identify which mailboxes are causing the problems and then how to actually fix them now it's important to note here if all of the mailboxes in a campaign are having issues then
it's either a server problem or it's a campaign problem meaning your Tet targeting the wrong people everybody's getting reported as spam and now the all the mailboxes are screwed up whereas if only a couple mailboxes in a campaign are having issues and you have identified them with the strategy that I'm about to show you you'll be able to remove those specific mailboxes from the campaign rewarm them hopefully adjust the campaign and then add them back in once they're ready to go now if you want to see the analytics of a split test you can come
into that individual campaign and you'll see the analytics broken down here this way you can quickly make decisions on what split test is winning and turn off and on the variations to view your overall analytics that that's going to happen in this analytics Tab and you can come down and you can see the analytics on specific campaigns but what I want to show you right now is account analytics now this account analytics tab is going to show you the health of specific mailboxes and it's going to give you a combined score now the score is
just really an algorithm based on opens replies and how many people that it reached out to now the people with a combined score of less than 30 are mailboxes that are having serious serious problems so you can come in here and see okay these mailboxes are underperforming clearly let's turn these off and go back to the drawing board and see if we can figure this out so that's how to check analytics the question is what do you do with this data if you see the mailbox is underperforming what actions should you take please watch this
video to see what to do in that case so you can identify the right problem and use the correct tools and solutions to fix it all right now let's walk you through how to actually perform per these tests and what tools to use okay I have here my instantly account now you could be using any tool on Earth you could be using smartly this could be for your primary domain you could be on active campaign or go high level it doesn't matter the tests will remain the same so the first thing that you're going to
want to do is check the warm-up Health score if you're not warming up your email you need to be I don't care if this is your primary email that you're using just to your warm leads you should still be warming your email I like instantly warming they do a really good job of preserving their warm-up pool they warm up circulation so it's good healthy warming but you can also use something like warmy doio for even more protection okay so as you can see my health scor is all 100 this one's at 94 you're going to
want to run through and check these first just make sure that your health scores are all good the other thing that you're going to want to do is test the domain setup there's a couple ways to do this but instantly makes it very easy this will make sure that all of the emails have MX records SPF dkim and dmark these are those DNS records that are at the Domain level so make sure that those are set up correctly now we can run into a little bit deeper testing now if your emails are ending up in
spam check the analytics on your campaign if you're getting no opportunities no replies or it's all negative then it's probably not a good sign for your deliverability it probably means a lot of people are marking you as spam so that's a good way to tell if you're sending good emails to the right people you can also come into leads and see how many unsubscribed that you're getting how many bounces that you're getting and you really want to keep these numbers like under 5% for unsubscribed and bounces each under 5% so 10% total if you're high
on those numbers chances are you're getting reported as spam the next thing that we're going to do to test let's come into sequences and see how our copy is so like I said you want to avoid using copy that triggers spam detection so anytime you do any copy you should come to this website mail spam Checker and paste your copy in there to see if you're getting a good score now that's obviously a variable you want an overall score of great if you have words that are being flagged here change those words this is
a really simple test that you should do before launching any new campaign now a more in-depth test let's go to this preview function and here instantly allows us to check deliverability score and we can also send test emails and emails actually going to receive it from the mailbox in question so this is where we're going to test the mailbox in question so imagine I'm having issues with J I'm going to go ahead and check the deliverability score it's going to send this email to receiving emails and it's going to generate a report obviously you
want it to be perfect but let's go through and see what is analyzed here so it's going to analyze the SPF records the DNS records it's going to analyze the body for HTML code links and you're going to lose points on all of these things it's going to analyze if you have a dkim record if your dkim is valid all of these things are going to be told to you here but this is not a very in-depth test this is an easy free one but there's something better that I would like you to do so
let's come into preview again and instead of sending to sorry this is sending from this so this is the one that we're testing we're going to send to a different email address here if you are looking for a great free tool to test deliverability come to mail this is free unlimited mail testing I'm going to go ahead and copy this email address I'm going to paste it in here and now I'm going to send test email now mail tester is going to receive it and I can check my test score to see that my
email was received and if there's any big flags on my email so here I got a 9.5 out of 10 that's very good I'm not block listed so this is going to test your email against all of these different block lists some really common ones that you can end up on are spam house host Karma sorbs now these block lists are temporary you typically don't stay on these forever a lot of times it's time based and it's based on how many people are reporting you as spam so if you're in spam this will tell you
if you're on a block list this could likely be why message is safe and well formatted so if you have a lot of risky links other content it will tell you here and you can take action by fixing what it tells you to fix now you can also learn a lot about how to format emails well from what it is testing here no images content is safe short URLs it has a list unsubscribed properly authenticated so it's got all the records set up correctly spam assassin likes me that's great spam assassin is a third party
that assigns scores to these emails this is very very important all right so one of the most powerful tools I'm going to show you for testing is Glock so you can sign up for a free account you'll get two free tests I'm going to go ahead and hit start test I'm going to test all in North America obviously if you're testing in a different country go ahead and do that uh so I'm going to go ahead and create this test now in order to use Glock apps you're going to need to copy this ID
I'm going to test it using my personal mailbox just to show you how it works here and I'm going to put hello there this is a test subject testing 1 2 3 and then let's grab all of these emails that it's going to go to this is the seed list so the seed list is going to include Yahoo it's going to include AOL Gmail Outlook so this way we can see exactly how receiving servers are receiving our emails so once I send that I'm going to go ahead and view report now this can take a
while for the results to generate because all of those different mailboxes receiving servers are going to start receiving it and we're going to start getting analytics on those emails so the message has been sent and now you can see that it has started to receive emails let's give it just a second to process those results all right very interesting results so this is why it's important to see how these work and then rify so I actually got 28% going to spam and eight block lists so these block lists do somewhat matter uh but not always
what really matters here rdns again this is where where the domain was purchased we're going to check domain block list DCM we already verified those now what's important here spam filters we we passed all of these that's great what I like to see is how it's delivering to each individual mailbox so I saw here that they're being blocked by Outlook so what I'm going to do next is send an email a normal email from my mailbox to an Outlook mailbox it could have been that ID code it could have been that it said test but
this is an important note and something to look into is it being blocked by these providers and why quick update to the test so I actually ran that same Glock apps test on jle and it said 0% deliverability to Outlook so I threw it in war me. it's by far the best warm-up tool but not cheap uh and here's what I found for deliverability DNS score 10 out of 10 email deliverability test is 10 out of 10 so 100% are going to Outlook so it was likely the ID within the email copy that it
was getting flagged by Outlook it's a really interesting take and this is why you need to do multiple tests a lot of different things can go wrong and there's a lot of different tools that you can check against one another to try and get to the bottom of it uh so if you are getting inconclusive tests you might want to consider using wary doio especially if it's a primary domain like leaden that one actually freaked me out for a second so I brought it in here and now my nerves are calm okay so now
we've identified what's wrong it's time to apply the solution and fixing deliverability issues is a lot like Dermatology if you don't know anything about medicine here's a little bit about how Dermatology Works sorry Dermatology ists patients will come in with a mysterious rash and the dermatologist job is to figure out what disease is causing the rash so that they can do cultures and biopsies they'll look at it under a microscope and most of the time they'll come up with a name for it they'll call it dis hydratic eczema or something but after all that work
and expertise the treatment is almost always the exact same thing either steroids or fungal cream usually both now I bring this up because no matter what is causing your emails to go to spam the solution is always going to be pretty much the same stop your campaigns and warm up your mailboxes for 2 weeks and then you do the D the D is for deliverability because you're not going to start sending cold emails from that mailbox again until that mailbox has perfect deliverability you're going to run those same tests again every 2 weeks until that
mailbox is healthy now there is a chance that mailboxes will take a long time to recover and when this happens to us we typically create more mailboxes and more domains utilizing different servers to hedge our risk of this happening in the future now it's important when you're checking analytics not to forget clicks remember all of the traffic that you're getting through your cold email campaigns is cold traffic that you would otherwise pay for if you were running a Facebook ads campaign so as you can see in that image if you're running Facebook ads you're going
to have a cost per click and that's typically going to be in the several dollars running most Facebook ads beautiful thing about cold email you can run that same traffic get the same amount of clicks for pennies so if you're using links in email three four five even if you're using them in email 1 remember to look at that as a metric if you're getting a lot of clicks meaning a lot of traffic you're then able to retarget that traffic and convert them those clicks are valuable in fact they're just as valuable as the clicks
that you get from Facebook ads in fact more valuable because all of the people clicking are pre-qualified these are business owners that you're targeting now I do want to add a grain of salt here there's a lot of mailbox servers and scanners they will automatically open all links for example when you email Banks all the banks will Auto open and scan every link that you send them so you might see an 80% link click rate that is not accurate depending on the industry that you're emailing link clicking might be over reported also important to know
that a link click could be a sign of a qualified lead you can set up a zap year automation so that when somebody clicks on a link you can then go and pursue that lead and remember this is site traffic make sure to capture it and make sure to retarget the person who opened that link now instantly AI has several Advanced features that I want to walk you through quickly now these features don't exist in the other two email senders that we talked about they're all working on it but instantly actually works quite well so
I'd like to walk you through how to actually use them starting with AI replies so I'm going to go into detail on the next module about AI replies but let's come into instantly and look at the preferences here instantly has released AI automations that make the unibox management really easy so they can aut automatically suggest replies using AI they automatically tag them as interested if they detect that it's an interested response and using the AI inbox manager you can enable this and it will automatically send replies to your prospects based on the suggested replies that
you have already input inside of your instantly and your previous conversations this is a really powerful tool that does not exist in the other two platforms yet and I say yet because they're likely going to develop it with the way that AI is progressing now in order to use this let's come into an email and go ahead and reply you're going to want to use macros so enabling macros you just have to hit the pound key and these are all macros that we have saved you can create different macros here and it's going to learn
these macros and it's going to suggest certain macros based on the reply that we get now the other Advanced feature that I'd like to show you in instantly is an evergreen campaign now you see this little infinity sign that says this is an evergreen campaign this is setting up a campaign that you no longer ever have to import leads to the only way to set up an evergreen campaign is to use instantly lead finder but I'm going to show you how this works in detail in's lead founder is a great B2B database it's secondhand data
most likely but they're able to clean it as you export it and you're only charged for clean data so I'm going to go ahead and apply a recent search that I've done and it's going to give me a list of people and emails I'm going to go ahead and select the first 1,000 results say I want to put these 1,000 people in into a campaign over the course of several days I can then click add to campaign I can select a Target campaign for this and I can enable Evergreen by enabling Evergreen it's going to
automatically pull new leads from that list and you can determine if it's going to be 50 every single day into this campaign this allows you to no longer have to go get leads import them into a campaign clean your list this will do it automatically so so if you're somebody who values your time and doesn't want to come up with a big complicated workflow for getting leads into a campaign keeping it running or if you're somebody that knows that you're probably not going to check up on this very often and you just want to set
it and forget it and you don't mind paying a couple hundred extra bucks per month to use their lead finder then an evergreen campaign might be one of the best things that you can do and finally the last Advanced feature that I want to show you that I use regularly I absolutely love this and that is AI personalization now if you want to do the same thing in smart lead you're going to have to use clay which is an extra several hundred per month instantly has built this feature right into the platform and they've made
it unbelievably easy to use the best part about this feature is that you can use other people's AI personalization prompts so you don't have to worry about prompting or coming up with it on your own and I'm going to show you how to use this right now so once you upload a lead list this is a lead list that I already have in instantly now this is a campaign that I use to get booked on podcasts this field right here podcast episode title generator with all of these filled in in this was not something that
I imported I created all of these using this AI tool and it has been unbelievably powerful as one of the most successful campaigns that I have ever ran because of that specific fact because it generated custom podcast titles and made it look human made it look like I wrote those emails myself and if you can make the recipient think that there's no way this could have been AI they definitely wrote that themsel that's when you see results explode just like you see right here with 87% opens and 20% replies now I had to turn this
off because it was too successful I was done getting booked on podcast I ended up cancelling a ton that I booked myself on and the reason this was so successful is because of this AI tool so to use it all you have to do is upload your lead list and then click on this brain icon right here that says AI prompts now there's a couple things you need to see here uh the first is the template Hub now there's a couple things I want to point out here the first is template Hub so this is
where you can access everybody else's prompts that made them publicly available as you can see this handsome gentleman right here is number three in the most used list find competitor and then I'm also sitting at number five find paino in the industry these are all publicly available prompts that you can use to run on your own lead lists I should really make more of these prompts because mine are very popular I've got like three of the top 10 anyways you can use other people's prompts to clean up company name generate a unique opener give the
a short compliment find the competitor all of these things you don't have to worry about prompting because somebody else did it just make sure that you run an appropriate test so for example finding a competitor you're going to want the industry and if you don't have the industry you can't use this prompt generate a unique opener let's find the website and generate a test output to see if it works if you value in Innovation and Excellence let's connect I didn't write this template I hate it so make sure that you test the prompt that you're
going to use before you apply it to your entire lead list now if you want to do the smart thing and this is what I recommend doing don't use other people's templates you need to make your own and don't make them publicly available so these are all the ones that I've written within this platform most of these are not publicly available because I don't want people stealing my prompts so podcast episode title generator this is essentially The Prompt that I created to generate these podcast titles and I'm not going to tell you what that prompt
is because I don't want you copying me but you can create a new prompt here write your prompt use chat gbt 4 if possible it is going to be more expensive and then play with this prompt until you get a good output now super important here be as specific as you can in this prompt because if you're not and if it is right four out of five times then one out of five emails is probably going to report you a Spam because that placeholder is going to be inaccurate so you need to test and test
and test and test until you have a perfect prompt now in order to use this you do need to input your open AP API key from open AI you can click here to go to open AI sign up or log in and create that API key now you are going to be charged based on credits if you're looking to save a little bit more money use chat GPT 3.5 because it is much cheaper to use but it won't be as accurate and then boom once you are ready to run that prompt you're going to say
generate for All Leads and it's going to add a column and slowly insert those personalized variables using AI this way you don't have to enrich it in clay or any outside tool or Google Sheets you can now do all of it right inside instantly and it is unbelievably accurate they did a very good job with this now we're going to be discussing how to actually manage your cold leads it's one thing to get your whole cold email campaign set up correctly you're getting good open rates you're getting good reply rates you're getting good opportunities but
what do you do with these people how do you turn them from a cold lead to a warm lead how do you manage all the replies what systems do you have in place that's what we're going to talk about right here and this is super important and often overlooked basic principles to understand here once somebody responds your next email to them is no longer a cold email now you have that open line of communication your goal is now to send them whatever you need to send them to deliver value and get them to take the
next step whether that's a county link a link to your website a video an opt-in page whatever that thing might be you're good to send it to them as long as you're sending it from the mailbox they received the response from if you're doing the forwarding solution and you're responding to everybody from a different email address now you got you got a problem now you have to be a little bit more careful so now you can send them whatever you want you can send them files videos opt-in Pages whatever you need to do to deliver
on the promise and escalate the relationship and remember what I said about unibox versus forwarding do not respond to a cold email reply from a different mailbox if you can help it so reinforcing that now your options for managing those leads are forward everything to one mailbox such as a mailbox in your primary domain like hello which is what we were using and then reply to all of them from there if you're doing this on a small scale this can work quite well especially if you have a really strong authoritative primary mailbox now the
pros here typically you lose less emails if you're doing this on a small scale cuz instantly does try and talk with all these mailboxes but it's not perfect none none of these platforms are perfect with the uni box because they're not perfect instantly doesn't always know when I replied to somebody when somebody replied to me in those mailboxes and it doesn't reflect it right away it's also much easier to keep track of conversations if you're just doing it all in Gmail now the are the ones that we've touched on already if you're responding from a
different mailbox it's a cold email again and you can risk the mailbox that you're sending all of these replies from because it's a cold email they can be at risk of spam and you can end up on a blacklist and you do not want to end up on a blacklist for your primary domain now if you are going to do this if you're already doing it you don't feel like changing you don't want to use the uni box you want to continue to use your primary mailbox your Gmail then I encourage you to use something
like net hunt net hunt turns your inbox into a crl and we actually use this for our inbox as well because we need all of the data that we have on all of the leads coming into our system and not all of our leads are coming in through cold email a lot of them are coming in because they're emailing us directly they're filling out an opt-in form somewhere and hello is where we manage all of them so by using net hunt we can keep track of everybody who's emailing us all of the records who's
assigned to those conversations just makes it really good and collaborative for our team disclaimer here net hunt did sponsor a video from me but not this one I'm including them here for free because it's actually a good product that we do use and this isn't a third party tool where you have to log in somewhere else to interact with your Gmail this just overlays on top of your Gmail to make it really seamless to get all of this data and do different cool stuff with all of this all of your leads trigger zaps put them
into subsequences you can do all of that inside of your gmail through net hunt option two what I want all of you to do without any question is use the uni box when you're responding to cold emails now this can be really frustrating if you have a uni box so right now reach inbox I'm sorry you have a shitty uni box it makes it really inconvenient to talk to people through your uni boox instantly does a really good job there's AI tagging so you know when people are interested you can change the tags it gathers
emails from mail boxes that it doesn't have assigned to anybody so what do I mean by that one of the problems with a uni box is say I email Dave and Dave forwards that email to John at and John replies to that email to the mailbox and it's not being forwarded to my primary mailbox it's just sitting in the mailbox with an unidentified email well instantly we actually put that inside of an other category so that's where all these will go you'll have primary which is are leads that it's identified and you'll have
others which is just a giant list of emails that have come in that are not assigned to anybody these can be warming or these can be emails from other people that are not that have not been matched up so you do want to make sure that you've gone through this others every single day and you can actually assign them attach lead to the correct lead all within instantly so instantly does a good job with Gathering all those emails and helping you get back on track and assign them to the right people whereas some other mailbox
providers might not do that the uni box also has AI responses and I know that you can do Snippets and stuff in Gmail and there's other things that you can use for AI responses but instantly does a really good job of making the Snippets really easy to access it's easy to personalize so not only can you personalize it with their name but company name industry whatever you want you can do it in the Snippets it makes it really easy to use and their AI also does a really good job of finding the right response for
them once it learns your Snippets and learns what you're replying but the best part and the reason you need to use the uni box is you get to reply to an email from the same mailbox that received the email this is a really good thing for the email servers it means you have an open line of communication you can send whatever you want and even if they report you as spam once they've sent you an interested email it doesn't really count against you another reason that you should be using a uni box or should be
using instantly for your cold emails is because of their CRM instantly actually built this CRM to keep track of your cold leads and you should be treating your cold leads just like you do a warm lead or a sale and progressing them through if you have somebody interested they're on the line your goal should be to either get a meeting booked or to get them to opt into something and you should be moving them through the pipeline as they take different steps and it should be a reminder to go follow up with somebody if they're
in this interested Tab and here you can customize what you want the CRM to look like and it will automatically put people into the CRM if you want it to now the cons to using a uni box and there are several one mail can get lost especially if this the two-way sync doesn't happen correctly and people do weird stuff with email sometimes when they do weird stuff things can get lost for example what I shared earlier I emailed John he forwards it to Mary Mary replies instantly it's like who the hell is Mary they put
it in the other box and it just gets buried mail can get lost and it does get lost lastly it can be kind of tough to keep track of conversations and they do the best that they can with marking as interested you can change the tags when you reply when there's threads that are ongoing and you've got a lot of people who are interested and people who are replying and you've talked to for a while it can be tough to keep track the same way that you can in a platform like Gmail so here's my
official recommendation use instantly and use their uni box for managing all of your leads you should enable the AI functions except the auto AI you should not ever let it respond using AI without your input you should use the instantly CRM for your cold leads and you should treat it just like a sales pipeline you should have somebody in there actively moving people through the CRM and going back to the first part of your CRM and seeing if that person didn't respond and following up with them treat it like a real CRM lastly you should
take every step that you can and this is the most important thing about managing your leads one you need to download the mobile app two you need to turn on emails that tell you when somebody replied as interested the name of the game here is speed to lead so here is what I mean here's how to manage this uni box correctly all right so we're here in the uni boox I've already showed you how to do Snippets you can come in here hit reply go ahead set up all of your Snippets here your Macros and
it will start to learn them and move them through but what's really important here is the tags so you can create lab or you can use the ones that come pre-existing now instantly we'll use AI to automatically categorize people as interested not interested wrong person out of office and when you're filtering through leads you can start by going only interested and make sure you're always checking your others box and you can do unread only if you want to filter only by people that you still need to respond to now one thing that you need to
set up is come into your settings come into preferences so down here positive reply notification when some somebody replies to your cold email and they're interested you get a positive reply you need to get back to that person as soon as you possibly can speed to lead and to do that having the mobile app downloaded helps you a lot so you should have your VA team your SDR team your bdr whatever you call them always inside of this mobile app looking for new positive replies you can get back to them as soon as you possibly
can don't blow it with your leads you worked too hard to set up this cold email campaign to get these positive replies coming in it's really important that you have the infrastructure set up up front to get the most out of each lead that replies to you so here's some general rules to follow to get the most and close the most leads rule number one speed to lead download the mobile app turn on those interested replies make sure that you have someone monitoring it as many hours in the day as you possibly can and then
set up those Snippets to make sure that they can quickly choose the right snippet and customize the snippet to that response now with that being said with the Snippets and the VAS you really need to treat each interested reply as a PO potential sale how valuable is that sale to you how valuable is that lead to you how hard did you have to work to get that lead my guess in most cases is pretty hard and pretty valuable at least it is to us so it's not good enough just to use the AI recommendations for
Snippets or just to choose whatever snippet is the best fit at this time what you need to do is treat every reply as a personal reply when somebody says they're interested it's not good enough to choose a snippet you should research their company and say something that implies that you're a real human who took the time to think the name of the game if they think that a real human read and took the time to personally respond to this email the success rate will 51x I almost guarantee it if they think that you sent them
a templated canned reply the chances of them taking action are much lower so when you're replying to interested cold leads actually take the time to personalize it do a little bit of research and make it seem like a human wrote that email some other rules to follow with your replies is be short be concise and have a clear CTA if if you're just answering their questions chances are they're not going to take action based on that answer you need to have a CTA for every single reply whether it's to opt in or to schedule a
call but give them an action for what is next if they say how much does it cost say oh thanks for asking how much it cost I'm glad you're interested here's some information on pricing can I get you on a call with someone from our sales team here's a link to schedule that call and then make sure to follow up just like a sale if you send them that link and they don't book anything or maybe they take the link and do book but you don't know they're in your cold email CRM they're in your
interested pipeline make sure that you're following up on that pipeline until you've confirmed that they've taken the next action if you follow up a week later and say hey did you get a chance to book that call and they say yes I did change their tag to one or meeting booked and it will automatically move them in your pipeline can you tell I'm getting tired we've been recording for hours if you appreciate the effort so far please click the like button I'm going to keep going but please do me a favor and subscribe to the
channel if you're getting value here I'm going to keep doing content like this for you for free but I'm going to need your feedback to keep going the energy we're almost done with the presentation if you're getting value from it please give me a thumbs up let me know thank me in the comments it means a lot it gives me the motivation to keep pouring value back into you guys all right speed to lead enable interested lead emails we just talked about that and adding your staff as VA inside of your instantly accounts what do
I mean by that so you can have a lot of different people inside of your team and a VA inside of your team is able to reply to unibox message and update email account settings so if you have someone in the Philippines someone in South America these are different time zones now they can reply to people at any hours of the day all of them should have VA access all of them should be logged in to the app use the instantly CRM treat it let just like a sale just like you're trying to close somebody
for an actual sale if they're in the interested pipeline follow up with them until you get them to take action we just talked about this so I'm going to go ahead and move forward from this slide so the question I POs to you is how valuable are your leads ours are worth $25,000 per sale so we're able to expend a lot of resources following up with anybody who raised their hand and said I'm interested and even if they reply yes or I'd like more info that's somebody who is a good fit and it's on us
to convert them from they don't know who we are now they do and they might be a good fit they're kind of interested into somebody who booked a call and took the next step with our company so some ways to expend the effort to get more out of them is call them text them and this should be an act ction for your VA for your setting team you can add them on social media ideally LinkedIn is probably the place to add most of the people that you're cold emailing because most of them live on LinkedIn
but see if they have an Instagram see if they have a YouTube or a Twitter add them on the platform where they are the most active and don't just send a canned template response to everyone the name of the game is make them think that there's a human behind there that actually took the time to respond somebody that cares so a common question I get is when do I take someone from instantly and put them into to my main CRM whether that's in go high level or active campaign or whatever you're doing and the answer
varies so I'm going to talk briefly about when that person turns from a cold lead into a warm lead when should you add them to your nurture sequence and start hitting them with your weekly case study emails the answer is not yet even though they said yes even though they want more info I don't want you to put them into your CRM just yet what we do is I wait until they take a specific action now that action might be opting into something so they can get a free article that might be booking a call
with us or filling out an application form any of those actions they get added to our CRM and they get put into a nurture sequence until they take a specific action they should stay in your instantly CRM and not your main CRM if you start throwing all of your cold leads into a CRM just cuz they said yes it's going to annoy them and you're going to have too many people inside of your CRM which uses your primary domain and it's going to start to put that domain at risk all right y'all ready to finish
this thing I got a fresh cup of tea this guy is the my girlfriend just made this for me hopefully uh this wakes me up all right we are on our final module AI personalization and tactics I lied there's one after this we're closing in at the Finish Line these last two modules are going to be short and quick and a lot of fun AI personalization and tactics we're going to go over some of the Fancy Pants stuff that is out there now some of the strategies that people are using to make emails seem more
personalized than they actually are now warning about this section I've tried most of the things that I'm going to talk about tested most of these things and I've talked to a lot of the top experts just because something didn't work for me or that guy doesn't mean it won't work for you none of these things that I'm going to mention right now are going to be rules these are guidelines so with that being said people are not stupid this is the principle that I want you to start with if your thought process is I'm going
to use this AI tool to take a picture of that guy and put his face there or to take a screenshot of the background of his website and make a loom video and send that as a cold email so he thinks I was going going over his website people aren't stupid these Fancy Pants AI tools have are really good in theory and they actually worked like a year and a half ago when they came out now people know the difference they know when they're being lied to they know when they're being duped and that is
what this is It's you intentionally duping them with an AI photo or an AI video or in a lot of cases AI first lines and personalization if somebody thinks they're being duped they're being lied to your chances of getting replied to in a positive way go down the toilet so just run the test yourself if you were to receive that email would you think it was from a human if the answer is no then don't use it because it's not going to help and that is why in my experience AI personalization AI images AI videos
have a lower success rate than emails that don't use fancy AI tools and personalization because it's okay to send somebody a cold email to try and sell something what's not okay is trying to get someone to believe that it's personalized to them when in fact it was an AI generated photo or video that's reason number one reason number two is that adding photos or videos to email one can actually hurt your deliverability so one you're increasing the chance that somebody thinks you're lying to them and two it's hurting your deliverability as well so that's why
my general recommendation is don't do it just stick to the fundamentals and write good cold emails with good offers to the right people as you can see on this image on the screen this is an example of an AI generated Loom video probably with a thumbnail that is a picture of this guy holding the sign with their name written on it now this is clearly an AI generated video and thumbnail and everybody knows exactly what it is for that reason it doesn't work because once somebody thinks they're being lied to or duped your chances of
selling them anything or establishing trust go out the window now we know we talked about AI personalization in the last chapter but I want to just reinforce it here there's good AI personalization and there's bad AI personal iation if you're somebody who's a target for cold emails like I am then I'm sure you've received some bad ones some AI generated first lines or cold emails or templates that you can tell right away was generated by Ai and there's some common ones that you're going to want to avoid company compliments don't work personal compliments don't work
people can tell that they're AI generated and you usually can't get enough detail from them to give a specific enough compliment and actually want to backtrack and not tell you that compliments don't work generalized compliments don't work if you're going to use AI to personalize a first sentence or a subject line and make sure that it's specific to them if you're going to generate a compliment actually have some information about them to generate a compliment about so that they know once they receive it wow this email must have been written for me it must have
been developed by a human because that information is not publicly available so what do I mean I have a podcast mentors Collective maybe you scraped the last episode of my podcast and transcribed it or got the notes from it and you gave me a specific compliment related to that podcast episode now it's not generalized now you're saying something specific to me that makes me think holy they must have listened to that episode and written a compliment about it they must have really enjoyed it now if they're trying to get booked on that podcast I'll almost
guarantee to open that email and respond to it so if you're going to use compliments or you're going to use first lines make sure that you're being specific to something about that person or something about that company other things that you shouldn't do everyone's LinkedIn has their college attached to it so people tend to like to say hey go Gators love UF Jay I'd love to sell you this thing don't use anything related to college don't use anything related to City because everybody knows it's publicly accessible and people who get cold emailed a lot are
used to these cold emails it won't work on me so it definitely won't work on the other business owner and that's actually a really good motto for writing your cold emails would it work on you if not it's probably not a good cold email run it through your own own bull test and see if it's something you would respond to if it's not you probably shouldn't be sending it to anybody else so picture there you will see the AI prompts from instantly the publicly accessible prompts you probably should not be using one because a lot
of other people are using them and two because they're not original they are not talking about something very specific if they were they wouldn't be publicly available because most people don't have access to that level of information now there are some exceptions like my find compe prompt seen right there that one can actually be very effective and I'll show you how this is minimalist AI personalization your goal isn't to use AI to write an entire sentence you can use AI to find one or two words and these one or two words are going to get
the attention of your prospect usually in the subject line or the first line of your email that's why generating the competitor's name is so powerful for this example you'll try and find a competitor that's in the same industry and in the same city ideally so good chance that person that company knows who their competitor is and is likely to open the email because it is personalized to them you can then import that competitor as a variable into the subject line or the first sentence of that email and watch your open rates Skyrocket now I want
to encourage you not just to use my prompt because clearly millions of people are using that same prompt instead think about what you can generate on your own that you can make in a private template that's going to generate one to two words for that company in question that could only be applied to them that's going to get their attention competitors just one example I have a lot of these that I don't share publicly only in my Insider Community these prompts use minimalism AI to get people to open the emails pay attention and convert if
you want access to those make sure that you join my insiders program that's just one resource among many others that really work well all right fancy usually loses if your campaigns aren't doing well it's most likely your offer your copy or your targeting it is almost never because it's missing fancy AI or fancy personalization this stuff can be the icing on the cake but using your competitor in a subject line is not going to make or break the campaign it's going to help the open rates but it's not going to be the difference between whether
it makes money or whether it doesn't that is going to come back to your offer your copy and your targeting couldn't think of a good image to find but that wrestler says it all it's the same in every sport fundamentals win championships it's the same thing with marketing fundamentals win championships you try and get too fancy and you don't have fundamentals you're going to lose all right see that was quick last chapter here scaling your cold email machine how do you get from zero mailboxes to 1,000 mailboxes what does that progression look like how do
you start how do you scale so here's my recommendation for launching your cold email machine start with 10 domains with three mailboxes per domain so that is 30 mailboxes with the ability to send about 1,000 emails per day this is a really good starting point it won't cost you very much money if you do this with my $1 program this is literally zero setup fee all you have to pay for is $3 per mailbox that's 90 bucks per month to operate the mailboxes and then you're going to test it with this configuration until you are
profitable so here's the startup costs associated instantly is 34 bucks a month your 10 domains are going to be $120 to purchase your 30 mailboxes are going to be $90 per month and your data is essentially going to be free why is your data free because you have the option to scrape it with one of these unlimited tools you have the options to to go find it you can use my 8 million lead database and if you want me to send you all of LinkedIn data already scraped I'm not going to give it to you
here you're going to have to join my insiders program and then send me an email and that way data will be essentially free forever phase two once you have a profitable cold email machine you've been able to make a single sale from your initial setup it's time to mini scale what I recommend is going to 30 domains with 90 mailboxes this will give you the ability to send about 3,500 emails per day you will need to increase your level of subscription to instantly so now you're going to be paying about $367 every month with everything
included now think about how many people you're reaching out to per day for $367 per month there is no other form of advertising that lets you do this as fast as you can do this all you have to do to get to the next step here is make $367 in one month for us that's one sales call all you have to do is book a single sales call emailing 3,500 people per day if you don't think that you can do that you've gone absolutely Bonkers there is no easier way to scale a marketing system than
this finally full scale so now that you've proven that cold email works for you you're able to generate sales calls you maybe made a sale or two you're getting people opted into your list it's time to fully scale your system 100 domains 300 mailboxes sending 12,000 emails per day and all you have to do is make $1,200 per month name one other form of advertising whether it be Facebook ads Google ads any form of social media advertising SEO that cost you $12 $100 per month to operate to reach 12,000 people per day there is nothing
else there is a reason that cold Emil is the greatest marketing and Outreach system on Earth there's a reason that it's the best kept secret for people like hosi and Salesforce to get to their level to start being able to afford to use other forms of advertising if it wasn't for cold email my agency never would have been able to scale to the point where we now had extra marketing budget left over to invest in paid ads to invest in Google ads to invest in SEO all of this was because cold email got us there
if you can generate leads for less money than your competitor you're able to spend more on experimental marketing you're able to spend more on your service on getting referrals so it all starts with cold email if you enjoyed this master class and you want to thank me for taking the time to do this I'm about to fall asleep like this video subscribe to my channel and please join my insiders program where that I can go into all of the nuances and give you the tactics that I cannot share to the masses because they will stop
working if you are building a Leen agency if you are brand new and you don't have an offer yet I will tell you how to launch a lead gen offer and scale it within 30 days and get to 10K if you're running a B2B operation like an agency or a business service or a coaching program and you need to generate leads for your own company my insiders program will get you there I 100% guarantee it it's not just the learning and the tactics it's the resources that I give you as well the coaching the templates
the lead data the services that you can use my team to do it is designed to help you get to the next level and there's three different programs starting and scaling your lead gen agency starting from zero building your lead genen offer and building cold email machines for your active business no matter which of these buckets you fallen please join the program it is designed for you I will take you along your custom path to make sure that you get the results that you need and I will meet you where you are in your journey
and if you're not ready to do that yet join my free program it is going to be linked down below where you can download my 8 million leads and get free access to the course and Community with over 9,000 members in it thank you I'm going to go to sleep
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