The Question that changed my life as an introvert... forever.

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Why not you? If you’ve ever found yourself feeling stuck, doubting your potential, or comparing you...
Video Transcript:
I'm 23 an introvert living independently and let's say I'm starting to realize many many things and here's the one question that changed my life forever let's talk for a second shall we just you and me I need to ask you the same question and I want you to really think about it why not you yeah I know that's a heavy question and maybe it's not the first time you've heard it but I need you to really sit with it for a minute let's be real here how many times have you looked around and thought that
could never be me when you see someone out there doing the thing you've always wanted to do sound familiar you see people chasing their dreams taking those big leaps and here you are standing on the sidelines thinking good for them but I'm not ready that's not my life or maybe you say they got lucky it's different for them I don't have the same opportunities and without even realizing it you've built this story in your head that somehow they deserve it more but here's what I'm going to ask again why not you seriously why do you
think that why are you holding yourself back I get it I really do you've got reasons we all do you tell yourself I don't have enough experience yet or I'm not confident enough to go for that or maybe it's more like I just don't know the right people or have the right connections I mean whatever it is the reason reasons are endless you know how I know that because you've been telling them to yourself for years but here's something I need you to hear and really let it sink in no one feels fully ready you
think all those people you admire had it all figured out when they started nope they were just as unsure as you are right now they weren't 100% confident and they definitely didn't have all the answers so what's the difference they started anyway they moved forward with all the doubts all the fear all the what ifs because here's the truth they didn't wait for confidence they created it and that that only happens when you take the first step action creates Readiness not the other way around you don't wait until you feel like you've got it all
together you just move and the rest follows I know that sounds scary I know you're thinking yeah but it's not that easy for me and hey you're right it's not easy if it were easy everyone would be out here living their dream life right but let's get real for a second what's the alternative sitting back watching everyone else go for it and telling yourself maybe someday but let me ask you something what if someday never comes what if you keep waiting and waiting and suddenly years have gone by and you're still stuck in the same
place that would suck wouldn't it so let me ask again why not you I know what you're thinking you're probably afraid of failing right maybe you're scared of looking like a fool or even worse scared that people will judge you yeah that fear of failure it's real I won't sugarcoat it but here's the thing failure isn't the worst thing that can happen you know what's worse not even trying let me tell you something that not enough people talk about everyone fails every single person those people you admire they' failed and probably more times than you
think but here's the thing about failure it's just part of the process every time you fail you learn you get stronger you figure things out so failure it's not the enemy here it's just a stepping stone now I know there's another big fear lurking in the back of your mind what will people think am I right you're scared of being judged of people whispering behind your back saying who does she think she is or he's not cut out for this but let me hit you with the truth most people aren't even thinking about you I
know that sounds harsh but it's true people are so wrapped up in their own lives their own struggles that they don't have time to sit around judging your every move and the ones who do the ones who have something negative to say they're probably not out there chasing their dreams either so why are you letting their opinions stop you why are you giving them that power look I know you've probably convinced yourself that you're just waiting for the right time man I know that excuse well I'll start when I have more money or once things
calm down at work or after I finish this busy season but you and I both know something don't we there is no perfect time it doesn't exist life life doesn't slow down there will always be something in the way always so waiting for the perfect time is just another way to stay stuck you want to know the truth this is the right time right now in the middle of whatever chaos you're dealing with this is when you take the leap because if you keep waiting for things to be perfect you'll be waiting forever so let
me ask again why not you why not take the leap why not be the one who goes for it even when it feels messy or uncertain why not take that risk you're not going to get handed the perfect moment the perfect opportunity you have to create it for yourself I know that's scary I know but here's the thing the most incredible things happen on the other side of fear and honestly you've been holding yourself back for way too long you've been telling yourself the same old story replaying the same doubts over and over but it's
time to flip the script it's time to ask yourself the question you've been avoiding why not me why not be the person who steps up why not be the one who finally goes for it because seriously what's stopping you here's the truth you have something to offer that no one else does your unique voice your perspective your talents those are things the world needs and you you deserve to see what's possible when you stop asking what if and start asking why not so I'm going to leave you with this stop waiting stop letting fear make
the decisions the world needs what you bring to the table and you deserve to go after it now go out there and show them exactly what you're made of
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