this is an 18 million dollar invisible house and everything on the outside just bounces the light back out fully reflective so we're looking for a house that doesn't exist they call it the invisible house we're out here like crazy people driving in the middle of nowhere Alex says that this is where all the UFO people like come together to discuss every year I believe it I'll look there's someone here let's talk to him hey we're looking for the aliens they told us there's like an invisible house around here you know what it is invisible house
yeah that's back in the mountains over there but they don't really like having people going out there in that area all right man thank you so much thank you they know they know something man they know something we don't I feel like we're driving to area 51. I think this might be the wrong place because uh our secret code isn't working all right well there's another gate let's try this one [Music] oh [Music] we're in okay wait I see something in the distance wow look at that I think that is it [Applause] there she is
wow holy crap [Music] that looks like an alien house man all right let's go inside I think you can walk this way look at that we got little alien turds I think we're in the right place this is an 18 million dollar invisible house in the middle of a Californian desert 220 feet long and everything on the outside just bounces the light back out fully reflective the house is owned by the Hollywood producer of American Psycho when we go inside you'll see why check this out foreign [Music] remember what I said about the American Psycho
producer check out how like cold and clean everything is even the grit on the ceiling Cold Steel very Immaculate the place has three bedrooms let's head over that way I'll show you the first one huge glass door all right bedroom number one they call this the pool Suite you got the bed on top of this kind of stone platform and all the lights you see at this house are bespoke specifically for the place we have the bathroom again Cold Steel shower like it would be perfect for a certain kind of movie you know just in
the shower there's no curtain but I love this little vertical light it's cool because the mirror is horizontal like this and then you have the light that's vertical this house actually took seven years to build and they said that the owners were very very specific they wanted everything to be perfect all right let's keep going this way [Music] all the furniture in this place is also bespoke just for the house and you can actually rent this place on Airbnb for three thousand dollars a night on average give or take sometimes depending on High season it
can go as high as five thousand dollars a night first little chilling area bespoke sofas couches these light strips that you see all of that can change color you have a little pad which will let you change the color despite this enormous pool the living room doesn't get humid because it has a bunch of AC units on the ceiling so you got like one two three four five six so it's constantly cleaning the air yeah these are super cool huh like little glass rocks everything about this place like feels alien you know you see it
from the outside looks alien a little cool furniture huge Lounge area I mean these sofas are a huge man you can fit like what 20 people here this is a great comfortable too behind you you got a rolling TV so you can pretty much put it wherever you want you can go to the pool watch TV pretty cool all right this space has something really cool check out this kitchen you have an island but if you want to make a salad you're going to have to use some beakers like a little science experiment you know
like if you want some olive oil put into your salad you start mixing things up from the outside looks like you're cooking up something uh something different not necessarily salads I think this is super cool before I show you the master bedroom I'm going to show you the boulder Suite it's this way again glass door slide this down and check it out the boulder Suite [Music] it's pretty cool huh again Stone platform very comfortable bed and then you have these kind of like round touches in this room so you have the round mirror right there
little round drawing and what I love about this room is you have like a glass house shower you know like a glass case it reminds me of like a kind of like a Barbie doll like kind of shower this is a bathroom and it's pretty cool that every single bedroom in this place is ensuite so you can just go to the bathroom without having to like kind of go into the main living area all right time for the master bedroom you guys see this huge frame that lets the house hang 55 feet beyond the last
pillar so right now we're floating below US Air that's pretty cool this is your invisible houses master bedroom what do you guys think you have a bespoke Italian tub right here floating on an island it just looks immaculate right you have the little floating sinks as well also on an island very modern check this out now this time instead of like a marble platform what you get is a bed floating on glass that's pretty cool all right and speaking of glass take a look at this this is pretty cool all right ready bam you got
a glass guitar how freaking sick is this but on top of that this guitar belonged to the lead guitarist from Aerosmith when he was on tour he actually played this thing on tour gave it to the producer producer put it in this house that is freaking awesome I'm so scared of like dropping it or something I'm gonna put it back in this little case but yeah if you rent this place you get the guitar too that's a lot of trust on guests now before I show you the icing on the cake I want to show
you this this is the shower again that kind of cold steel super tall step back a little bit make sure you get that little shot you ready [Music] all right how awesome is this look at that man that is awesome now this house also has 90 acres of land everything that you see from the view is pretty much yours if you guys want to book this Airbnb you can check it out in the description below we have a link for it make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and we'll see you guys
next time [Music]