One can of Chickpeas WILL Change how you Think about Protein Bars

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Video Transcript:
I love doing my one can of chickpea videos they are always a lot of fun to me and today I'm actually going to be doing one can of chickpeas and one can of black beans two separate recipes uh see we are in the middle of our hurricane prep for Hurricane milon it's going to be directly hitting us tomorrow as I'm filming this and I wanted to get just a few things ready and one of the things that I like to get ready is protein bars I'm going to make 16 protein bars eight each chocolate protein
bars peanut butter protein bars and they're going to be made with beans first one we're going to make is the black bean protein bars both of these are going to be made similar but also different so stick through for both recipes because even though it might seem like it might just be a different Bean with a different flavoring it's not first one we need a can of black beans for both of these I'm going to drain and save the liquid so the liquid in all beans is known as aquafaba and we're just going to be
using a little bit of this liquid we don't need all of it and I'm going to rinse the black beans off we do want to rinse these off now I'll be I was originally inspired to do this because I love the sweet red bean paste that comes in a lot of like Asian desserts I I love that sweetened red bean paste so I thought I was like oh man sweetened black beans or sweetened chickpeas would be really good and then come to find out I look it up and tons of people do this already so
this isn't like a new thing so I'm going to be using oldfashioned rolled oats I'm going to start with one cup and we will just pulse these not really into a flower but just pulse them into smaller bits there there we go I think that looks pretty good now at this point I'm just going to add my one can of black beans and about a/2 cup of dates which comes to about four hitted mad dates now I do want to press just to make sure that they are pitted you never know sometimes there is a
little pit that's left it's happen to me now I am going to mix this together to get the protein we are going to be using some protein powder I am just using vanilla protein powder this is a plant-based protein powder Four Scoops is going to get us about 60 g of protein in total now we also need a/4 cup of 100% cacao powdered cocoa and this guy is going to get a/4 cup of maple syrup this is where we need the aquafaba we have about a half of a cup of aquafaba I'm going to add
half of this and we'll pulse that together to add the other half here and this dough ball is exactly what we're looking for perfect okay awesome that's exciting going to take one of these bread pans and I'm going to line it with some parchment paper and then we will just scoop this in now I have all of the nutrition facts figured out for these I will let you know in the end just for fun I'm actually going to top this with some uh vegan chocolate chips that I have I'm going to preheat the oven you
know I'm going to bake both of these I'm going to preheat the oven for about 350° get everything cleaned out before I start the next one the chickpea version but for right now let me tell you about today's sponsor so if you've been on the channel for a bit you have heard me me talk about my issues with coffee I drink way too much of it that leads to crashes anxiety I get the Jitters it's not great and that's why I want to tell you about Peak Su goddess matcha Peak matcha contains caffeine and El
thionine which is a calming ingredient that gives me sustained energy without the Jitters the caffeine crashes or anxiety and it's really good like really good this is ceremonial grade organic matcha that has been quadruple toxin screened for pesticides heavy metals toxic molds and radioactive isotopes it's creamy delicious and Sun godas matcha contains ecgc which has been known to firm and brighten skin along with the slow release caffeine and catchin which supports lipid metabolism and helps curb cravings and with the pre-measured pouches it makes it easy to stay on a consistent routine you can dissolve it
in hot or cold water I like it either way I personally I do hot a lot of the times in the morning and right now it's like 5:30 I just made a cold drink so gang peak's Sun Goddess matcha is the best matcha for performance and energy get up to 15% off plus a rechargeable frother and cup when you visit Peak saach Peak thanks for sponsoring today's video and for making the best matcha I've ever had the Hurricane's getting crazy okay we're back now the microphone wasn't turned on so I have to voice this
over for just a few minutes eventually I'll realize and turned my microphone on so for the time being you're just going to deal with voiceover Mark so at this point we're going to be making our chickpea peanut butter protein bars now these come out really good all we're going to do is drain the chickpeas we we don't need to wash those off we do want to save the aquafaba we're going to start with one cup of the oats pulse them down same thing as before add the chickpeas the entire can and for the sweetener on
this one I'm going to be using allulose it's one of my new favorite sweeteners allulose is a naturally occurring sugar that's found in figs molasses and raisin uh but commercial allulose is actually made by converting fructose into allulose it's been studied quite a bit and it's actually been found to not only not be bad for you but there has been some health properties to it I'm going to be using a/4 cup here and at this point I realized my microphone was off and I turned it back on okay this audio is back what a bummer
what a bummer on that mistake there well we're just going to do our best we're going to add four scoops of protein powder this is vanilla protein powder but if you get a different flavor you know like chocolate protein powder for the chocolate version that would be really good now this stuff is awesome love this stuff peanut butter powder we're going to be using a half2 cup of peanut butter powder which the cool thing about peanut butter powder is you get the flavor of peanut butter without the fat of peanut butter I mean this is
7 g of protein per 2 tablespoons so 14 28 g of protein right there and then in this one just I mean God I just love love love love peanut butter we're going to add in a/4 cup of peanut butter now we have about h a cup of the aquafaba let's add maybe a half a cup right off the bat add a little bit more of that Aqua Faba there we go we're coming together I think this might be together my mixer is actually smoking yeah I think that's good good consistency tastes good okay I'm
going to do the same thing here and start packing this thing up I have both of our chocolate and peanut butter I just tried some of these chocolate chips and um I didn't read the package they're unsweetened chocolate chips so they taste horrible just horrible for both of these I'm going to sprinkle them with just a little bit of salt just to kind of help some of the flavor come out and for this one I have this you know just the brown cane sugar just natural sugar hopefully that will dampen some of the unsweetened bitterness
of that chocolate I'm going to toss both of these in the oven for about 20 minutes okay so these look good I'm going to cut them up I'm going to throw them in the eight portions they came out exactly what I wanted now the black bean chocolate bars comes out to 218 calories 14 g of protein 1 and 1/ 12 gram of fat and 32 G of carbohydrates so it's pretty good you could realistically cut one of these in half if you just wanted like a snack not like a meal give it yourself about 7
gr of protein and about half of those carbohydrates the peanut butter ones these bricks right here these things are solid these are heavy this would be like a meal to eat 225 calories 18 1 12 g of protein I mean you cannot be beat that 8 G of fat 17 G of carbohydrates these are awesome so let's bring Monica in I'm a little concerned about this dark chocolate being unsweetened chocolate these might be a little bit bitter but we'll see what you think I say just because we probably I don't know if you want to
eat a whole one of these I figured we'll save these for the hurricane yeah bit Yeah well but if it's delicious I might eat the whole one well don't say that because then oh what I'm not always going to say it's like then if you don't eat a whole one on camera people are going to be like they're gross look at she only ate a bite you know like M this is great right mhm it's like peanut butter fudge kind of mhm but I don't know go ahead and describe it I mean I wouldn't have
known it was chickpeas no and yeah it just tastes like peanut butter fudge like a peanut butter bar like a cakey cakier peanut butter fudge yeah I was going to say almost like a bread bar but it's cakier than bread so yeah it's like a cakey like a peanut butter cake it could be sweeter but it doesn't need to be sweeter if you just want itet so again I am worried about these might be a little bitter here we go let's see cheers this is delicious no it didn't come out bitter at all actually wow
and this just tastes like a chocolate bar like a cakey chocolate bar like I would have no idea these were chickpeas if you didn't tell me these aren't chickpeas oh what is this black beans I have no idea this was a bean yeah I know it's a dark chocolate but it's not bitter and it is sweet to me like I don't know that it needs to be sweeter all in all I think these are great one can of chickpeas will change the way way you think about protein in Black be look at that you see
those guns do that again look at that wow you go baby okay I know you did let's go get ready for the storm okay oh baby I don't know if I was recording no
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